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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Dana Dearden being back is awesome because she was one of the dark horses for the Paul bowl back when this fic was in SB and it had only a little more than a million words.

Dana is more age appropriate than most and her little deranged yandere girlfriend stick make her awesome as a plot facilitator.

Anyways, I am happy with this development and want to see where this is going, certainly I hope she is here to stay.
Ah, the putrid odor of Nu52.

I didn't actually know that he worked for the Rot in the n52, just thought that was one of his stories of how he became a zombie, or a story where he was empowered by it due to being an undead creature, which makes sense, but not the exact year where it happened.

Though one origin story apparently had him being a failed plant elemental or something like that.
I didn't actually know that he worked for the Rot in the n52, just thought that was one of his stories of how he became a zombie, or a story where he was empowered by it due to being an undead creature, which makes sense, but not the exact year where it happened.

Though one origin story apparently had him being a failed plant elemental or something like that.

He doesn't, he's apparently back to being a plant since in Superman and the Authority Lois blasted an Ultra-humanite possessed Grundy with white kryptonite.

On Earth-2 he was an avatar of the Grey. Decomposition comes from bacteria and fungi, so the Grey causes things to rot, so the Grey being the equivalent of the Rot makes sense.
You didn't know about Fallout: Equestria?
I got into MLP late and never had much interest in bleak games\stories like Fallout. At most I've read a Wormfic with Disquord finding a hole in reality when Queen Administrator was doing the Trigger Event and mixed in some essence of the Mane 6 into QA knowing the result would help improve the world and please his Fluttershy. But that's about it. Most of my reading time is taken up with SV SB and a bit here in QQ. I know FiMfiction exists but I haven't really touched that site. I used to be in RoyalRoadL alot till I got pulled into SB SV stories.
Future Tense (part 2)
13th September 2012
06:49 GMT -5

"I'm… Sorry, but while you're a perfectly pleasant woman I'm currently seeing-."

"Jade Crock."

"In the interests of her not shivving you, Jade Nguyen."

She nods. "Mother's maiden name. That makes sense. But… you see, she's not meant to be dating you."

"According to whom?"

She considers me for a moment.


"Oh!" I smile, shaking my head. "No, we fixed that."

"You fix-. What?"

"Time, we fixed time. You're talking about the timeline where she dates Speedy, aren't you?"

"Ahh. Yes? You..?" She frowns. "You know about that?"

"Had a run-in with a parallel timeline version of me who was also the Time Trapper, along with Krona the Guardian."

Her eyes widen slightly. "You met the Time Trapper-? You're the Time Trapper?"

"A version of me from a timeline where Vandal Savage went back in time and tried to take over China became the Time Trapper after his timeline was erased. But I.. don't… Think…"

I frown. Wait a moment…

"Where-? Where did you disappear to? I… Don't-. I… Saw you outside the Hall of Justice back in October last.. year. Why can't I remember what happened?"

She winces.

"You weren't supposed to remember that?"

"What do you mean, 'I wasn't supposed to remember that'? I've got perfect recall. I check my memories for degradation and alteration regularly. How-?"

Ring, restore my memories.

Unable to comply. No memory fragments relating to those events detected.

"You weren't supposed to remember that because it kinda-. For you? It didn't happen. There's these… Superheroes. From the future. They were trying to make sure no one messed around with time, and… They wanted to talk to you and some guy called N-"

"Nylor Truggs."

"-ylor-. Yeah. And then they… Kinda made it so that the bit of time where they talked to you didn't happen for you."

"And who are 'they', exactly?"

"I'm… Not supposed to tell-."

"The Legion of Superheroes."

Her eyes widen.

"How did you know that?!"

"Thank you for confirming, but-"

She gapes.

"-I remember seeing a durlan a little while before. Not a lot of durlans in this region of space. Combined with the knowledge that we were talking about time travellers, the Legion were the obvious culprits."

She flops back in her seat.

"And you've been in the future for… A while. You look-. Not 'old', but… More mature."

"This is what I get-. You know what the media's like in the future?"


"Stale. Political interviews are like they were back in the thirties. The journalists ask the least offensive questions they can, and the politicians don't give answers that mean anything. And I got used to that and I didn't prepare for this."

"So did you graduate? In the future, I mean?"

"I didn't bother. When I saw what passed for reportage I just grabbed a camera and started filming. I'm the Legion's PR rep."

"You didn't join the Legion your-? Ah."

"'Ah' what?"

"I scanned you. You're not a metahuman but there's no obvious reason for you to have antique coins with you, especially not in that-" I take out a runestone and wave it at her, causing it to shine brilliantly. "-costume. Magic?"

"I really wasn't ready. What was that about three other Supergirls?"

"Well, I found Kara Zor-El in an asteroid-"

"That shouldn't have happened yet."

"-and Linda Danvers got possessed by an angel, and Angelika Kant appeared from a parallel Earth where the National Socialists won World War Two using Kryptonian weapons. So while I'd find it hilarious-"

"She's a Nazi?! You've got a Nazi Supergirl?!"

"National Socialist. It was this whole thing, because it turns out that 'Nazi' is an abbreviation-. It doesn't matter. She uses 'Overgirl', because you can translate 'über' as 'super' or 'over' and having another Supergirl would be confusing."

"But Nazi?!"

"And Plastic Man used to be a gangster and if you knew as much as I do about Thanagarian culture you'd be concerned about Hawkwoman and Hawkman as well. People can change and learn and… All of the genocide was complete before she was even born, and… She's working to better herself."

"Yeah… Okay, I get it. That wasn't meant to happen either, but I guess it's too late to worry about that now."

"The wonderful thing about time travel is that it's-"

"Never too late." / "-never too late."

I give her a mild frown. "I thought that the Legion didn't allow people without innate abilities to join them?"

"Noo, but they know, like, nothing about magic and I just didn't tell them where my powers come from."

"Brainiac Five should have worked it out by now."

"This whole time travel thing has got him totally obsessed. He locked himself in his room. Cosmic Boy's been running the Legion for two years because of that."

"Huh. So, other than warning me about 'altering the timeline', what are you here for? Moving back full time?"

"They kinda want me to 'fix' the timeline?"

"How are they defining 'fix'?"

"That's…" She looks away awkwardly. "What do you know about the Reach?"
Last edited:
A give her a mild frown. "I thought that the Legion didn't allow people without innate abilities join them?"

"Noo, but they know, like, nothing about magic and I just didn't tell them where my powers come from."
Why doesn't the legion allow people without powers? They must have records of Batman.
don't give answers that mean anything.

That's basically true for politicians of any ear, not just the future.

"She's a Nazi?! You've got a Nazi Supergirl?!"

"National Socialist

Just say Nazi, you pedantic bastard.

And Plastic Man used to be a gangster

Don't think Nazi and gangster are on the same level on the evil scale.

and if you knew as much as I do about Thanagarian culture you'd be concerned about Hawkwoman and Hawkman as well.

Their government is apparently fascist and imperialistic.

and… She working to better herself."


'I give'

innate abilities join them?"

'to join'

"I thought that the Legion didn't allow people without innate abilities join them?"

Now I'm remembering that Karate Kid episode.

Noo, but they know, like, nothing about magic and I just didn't tell them where my powers come from."

I thought Brainiac 5 would have at least performed a scan to see what she is.

They kinda want me to 'fix' the timeline?"

"How are they defining 'fix'?"

Did anyone get the feeling that by fix she meant getting rid of the thing that's changing the timeline, and by getting rid I mean kill and by the thing I meant Paul.

That's…" She looks away awkwardly. "What do you know about the Reach?"

Ohh boy, I'm getting the feeling that she's going to tell him that the Reach needs to come to Earth.
Why doesn't the legion allow people without powers? They must have records of Batman.

Not sure but it's possible that they think it's too dangerous.

They may have records of Batman however they could be incomplete or fragmented so they don't know his full capabilities.

They may also think that while Batman may have been a great superhero during his time, he may not do so good against the threats of their time, what with aliens being more common on Earth and ordinary criminals using weapons like energy guns or something like that.

They let Karate Kid join, but the guy was a master of virtually every martial art in the known universe and was probably more skilled at fighting than Batman, plus on occasion he seemed to have some Iron Fist like powers.

So while it may be possible for them to accept a non-powered member, the level of skill they would need to have is extremely difficult to reach.
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13th September 2012
06:49 GMT -5

"I'm… Sorry, but while you're a perfectly pleasant woman I'm currently seeing-."

"Jade Crock."

"In the interests of her not shivving you, Jade Nguyen."
Yeah, being reminded of her relation to Sportsmaster would probably make her a bit testy. Thankfully, she's not here to have heard you say that. Now, care to actually explain why you're here, Dana?

She nods. "Mother's maiden name. That makes sense. But… you see, she's not meant to be dating you."

"According to whom?"
Haha, evidently the Legion hasn't caught up with the tweaks to the timeline. Presumably they're operating off the canon 'Young Justice' history. Which must suck hard.

She considers me for a moment.


"Oh!" I smile, shaking my head. "No, we fixed that."
The benefits of being an SI who's not in the Book of Destiny. I shudder to imagine the sheer number of alternate timelines his actions have spawned since the crossover rejiggered Time's rules.

"You fix-. What?"

"Time, we fixed time. You're talking about the timeline where she dates Speedy, aren't you?"
And to be fair, this timeline is kind of an improvement over that, really.

"Ahh. Yes? You..?" She frowns. "You know about that?"

"Had a run-in with a parallel timeline version of me who was also the Time Trapper, along with Krona the Guardian."
As covered starting here. I'm not surprised the legion hasn't been keeping up. That may be an entirely different version, given the shenanigans involved with the Legion's histories. And yes, at least three different versions once crossed over. One of the highlights of Final Crisis, really.

Her eyes widen slightly. "You met the Time Trapper-? You're the Time Trapper?"

"A version of me from a timeline where Vandal Savage went back in time and tried to take over China became the Time Trapper after his timeline was erased. But I.. don't… Think…"
Ooh, that's the trailing off of something remembering something. :D

I frown. Wait a moment…

"Where-? Where did you disappear to? I… Don't-. I… Saw you outside the Hall of Justice back in October last.. year. Why can't I remember what happened?"
Time travel fuckery, that's what. Almost as annoying as trying to depict Coil's powers in Worm.

She winces.

"You weren't supposed to remember that?"
Heh. 'Weren't Supposed To' gets said about and to OL a lot.

"What do you mean, 'I wasn't supposed to remember that'? I've got perfect recall. I check my memories for degradation and alteration regularly. How-?"

Ring, restore my memories.

Unable to comply. No memory fragments relating to those events detected.
Ha, even the Ring sounds confused. Time Travel, man, not even once. :cool:

"You weren't supposed to remember that because it kinda-. For you? It didn't happen. There's these… Superheroes. From the future. They were trying to make sure no one messed around with time, and… They wanted to talk to you and some guy called N-"

"Nylor Truggs."
What has he been up to since then? :confused: I honestly can't remember... Which, given the topic at hand, is amusing...

"-ylor-. Yeah. And then they… Kinda made it so that the bit of time where they talked to you didn't happen for you."

"And who are 'they', exactly?"
Give you three guesses, and it'll be a safe bet all three are correct.

"I'm… Not supposed to tell-."

"The Legion of Superheroes."
Bluff check: Too high for you!

Her eyes widen.

"How did you know that?!"

"Thank you for confirming, but-"
Honestly, it was them or any of Rip Hunter's groups. There are thankfully few groups who dick about with time as much as they do.

She gapes.

"-I remember seeing a durlan a little while before. Not a lot of durlans in this region of space. Combined with the knowledge that we were talking about time travellers, the Legion were the obvious culprits."
Which was Reep Daggle, Chameleon Boy. Hence OL's realisation.

She flops back in her seat.

"And you've been in the future for… A while. You look-. Not 'old', but… More mature."
Good catch, OL. Looks like you really have learned tact.

"This is what I get-. You know what the media's like in the future?"


"Stale. Political interviews are like they were back in the thirties. The journalists ask the least offensive questions they can, and the politicians don't give answers that mean anything. And I got used to that and I didn't prepare for this."
Given the nature of the culture, I would believe it. :rolleyes:

"So did you graduate? In the future, I mean?"

"I didn't bother. When I saw what passed for reportage I just grabbed a camera and started filming. I'm the Legion's PR rep."
Heh. I wonder if she gets as many headaches over Legion activities as Hinon does over OL's? :oops: ...Probably not, that would be beyond human limits...

"You didn't join the Legion your-? Ah."

"'Ah' what?"

"I scanned you. You're not a metahuman but there's no obvious reason for you to have antique coins with you, especially not in that-" I take out a runestone and wave it at her, causing it to shine brilliantly. "-costume. Magic?"
What's so bad about it? Sure, it's a little 90's... But hey, future fashion loves its' figure-hugging outfits.

"I really wasn't ready. What was that about three other Supergirls?"

"Well, I found Kara Zor-El in an asteroid-"

"That shouldn't have happened yet."
...Given she nearly died as it was, I don't see how rescuing her is a bad thing.

"-and Linda Danvers got possessed by an angel, and Angelika Kant appeared from a parallel Earth where the National Socialists won World War Two using kryptonian weapons. So while I'd find it hilarious-"

"She's a Nazi?! You've got a Nazi Supergirl?!"
Reformed Nazi, thank you. She's trying. Still amazed Overmann hasn't managed to track her down yet.

"National Socialist. It was this whole thing, because it turns out that 'Nazi' is an abbreviation-. It doesn't matter. She uses 'Overgirl', because you can translate 'über' as 'super' or 'over' and having another Supergirl would be confusing."

"But Nazi?!
You seem stuck on the 'Nazi' thing. Really, it isn't that bad, she tries not to be racist.

"And Plastic Man used to be a gangster and if you knew as much as I do about Thanagarian culture you'd be concerned about Hawkwoman and Hawkman as well. People can change and learn and… All of the genocide was complete before she was even born, and… She working to better herself."

"Yeah… Okay, I get it. That wasn't meant to happen either, but I guess it's too late to worry about that now."
Such is the outcome of dicking about with time.

"The wonderful thing about time travel is that it's-"

"Never too late." / "-never too late."
:D Heh. Didn't need a time machine to see that one coming.

A give her a mild frown. "I thought that the Legion didn't allow people without innate abilities join them?"

"Noo, but they know, like, nothing about magic and I just didn't tell them where my powers come from."
True. Magic is even rarer in the Thirtieth Century than it is in the Twentieth. Though at least one member has been a mage...

"Brainiac Five should have worked it out by now."

"This whole time travel thing has got him totally obsessed. He locked himself in his room. Cosmic Boy's been running the Legion for two years because of that."
Well, good to see obsessiveness runs in the Dox line... :confused: No, wait, that's bad.

"Huh. So, other than warning me about 'altering the timeline', what are you here for? Moving back full time?"

"They kinda want me to 'fix' the timeline?"
All by yourself? I find that improbable.

"How are they defining 'fix'?"

"That's…" She looks away awkwardly. "What do you know about the Reach?"
o_O ...Wow, the Legion really did not bother doing research, did they? Unless this is their research.

Oh, boy. I hope those coins give her mental fortitude, because her mind is about to be blown wide open. Still, it's going to be interesting to see where this is headed, exactly. So much for 'a few days off' for OL, though, because this promises to get messy. Tomorrow should be entertaining, whatever happens.
If she says that the reach are 'supposed' to conquer earth, and that without that then the future doesn't exist... then i'm sorry but the future kind of has to go.

The idea of the future as something that already exists and should be protected is pretty stupid anyway.
People in the present should do everything they can to better their own futures, and if that means that some already-existing figure has to get retconned out of existance, then... too bad, so sad.
Why doesn't the legion allow people without powers? They must have records of Batman.
As far as I remember, it was due to one of their early members dying due to their equipment failing. That was what resulted in Storm Boy failing his audition.
That's basically true for politicians of any ear, not just the future.
Yes, but sometimes this happens.
'I give'
'to join'
Thank you, corrected.
Now I'm remembering that Karate Kid episode.
The wiki has it spelled Legion of Super-Heroes. Should it always say that, or will you be going with your way of spelling it instead?
The SI doesn't know that. I'll try to remember to have other characters parse it in that way.
What has he been up to since then? :confused: I honestly can't remember... Which, given the topic at hand, is amusing...
Making a metahuman army using the Hero Dial.

o_O ...Wow, the Legion really did not bother doing research, did they? Unless this is their research
Why do I feel like Paul is going to have to tell them what he did at Vanishing Point, which will probably blow their minds?

Karate Kid becoming a member of the LSH featured as an episode in the Legion of Super Heroes tv series.
"That's…" She looks away awkwardly. "What do you know about the Reach?"
When you're enjoying a nice salad, and you want that cool summer taste...

Pour yourself a little Reach.

Pepperidge farm still makes their galactic Invaders the old fashioned way, not relying on newfangled preservatives and given that old timey flavor...

So when you're hungerin, and could use a little flavor for your little greens...

Why not try Reach?

Remember the flavor, remember Reach!
What has he been up to since then? :confused: I honestly can't remember... Which, given the topic at hand, is amusing...

Last we saw of him he got the HERO Dial, or at least a copy of it.

He was with Circe and told her he'd be trying to experiment with it to see how it works.

. I wonder if she gets as many headaches over Legion activities as Hinon does over OL's

At least they're bound to be more exciting than the news of their time.

Given she nearly died as it was, I don't see how rescuing her is a bad thing.

And if he didn't rescue her then they'd be dealing with a Supergirl that has what is essentially a Nazi robot in her brain.

Granted other people may not have been stupid enough to use a Nazi robot for her brain, like the Renegade did.

You seem stuck on the 'Nazi' thing. Really, it isn't that bad, she tries not to be racist.

It really is that bad.

True. Magic is even rarer in the Thirtieth Century than it is in the Twentieth. Though at least one member has been a mage...

And Mordru tends to be one of their enemies.

Wow, the Legion really did not bother doing research, did they? Unless this is their research.

This is Paul they're dealing with, even if they did extensive research it would mean nothing since his chaotic nature will just change it.

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