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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Wait didnt the whole Crisis on Infinite Pauls cause the downstream to now operate as a branching deal instead of erasing? So there is nothing to fix.
Or some obsessive supervillain-in-waiting (cough Brainiac cough) decides things should be changed back to the 'proper' way time is 'supposed' to operate, destroying all the other new alternate timelines so there is only the one true and proper timeline he can keep his self appointed watch over.
Oh lord.
Parallel timeline Legions?
Is that Superboy Prime's music i hear?
Funky because it's not clear what the Superman YJ canon re the Legion is but the Parallel timelines and adult Supes throws it to Legion of Three Worlds adjace.
(But hey, you never know which Legion will show.)
13th September 2012
06:53 GMT -5

"I'm not letting the Reach win."

"Okay, I thought you'd say that, but hear me out. If-."
Nope! Face it Dana, once OL is set on a course, nothing can deflect him from it short of divine intervention. And sometimes not even that. Now, if you can convince him he's wrong, though, then maybe you have a chance of him reconsidering.

"I've spoken to Abra Kadabra. At length. I know what happens already. Or-"

She shifts awkwardly.
Admittedly, Abra's timeline may or may not have similarities with the Legion timeline. But... 64th century is a bit further off than the 30th. Heck, the 30th century is closer to the modern day than it is to Abra's time...

"-I know what would have happened except for my intervention. The Reach conquer Earth, take away metahumans for their metaweapon breeding programs and then eventually abandon the place once Larfleeze decides to eat them. Civilisations the Reach created go their own ways before eventually joining back up as the United Planets."

"Kadab-? Wait, which one was he?"
That's a good possible explanation of the history of the United Planets. Then again, at least one suggests that many of the 'alien' races are technically former human colonies that adapted to their planets in strange ways.

"The Flash villain? Pretends to be a magician? Turned him into a wooden puppet one time? I think he actually comes from further in the future than the Legion does."

"So… You know."
Yes, history can take some long jumps when you look at it that way. As one Overly Sarcastic Productions video about Egypt put it: "Cleopatra lived closer to spaceflight than she did to the building of the pyramids." That's crazy!

"So I know." I shrug. "Larfleeze has been disarmed and is undergoing therapy. Qward is in turmoil. The Orange Lantern Corps, the Darkstars and Legion are making inroads into Reach controlled space. Events cannot happen in this timeline as they did in the one the… Legion appear to have come from."

I give her an exaggerated shrug.
Yes, kind of awkward. Two organisations named 'Legion' involving a Dox... This is why the 'modern' L.E.G.I.O.N is usually written as an acronym...

"Sorry? Hard luck? This isn't something that can be fixed by Saturn Girl showing no respect for the sanctity of the consciousnesses of those around her. I've changed a lot of peoples' lives, yours not least amongst them."

He has a point. Some incarnations of the lady herself do have... minimal concerns about messing with people's heads. Even more so than YJ-Canon M'Gann. Joy of writers who don't think about what it actually means to have a totally telepathic culture...

"No personal slight intended, but honestly, you're probably pretty close to being least amongst them. I mean, you missed the Sheeda invasion and I was in at the death on that one."

"Oh. Well. Ah, okay. I guess I… I guess they thought I could talk you into… I don't know, easing off or something. But I guess we're, like… Really far beyond that."
On the other hand, he did prevent her from going all 'crazy stalker' on Superman. Something which, if Kal-El knew about it, he would be very glad for...

"Yes. Though as I understand it, the changes won't eliminate their present but rather create an alternate past where their history still happened so there's really nothing to worry about. So how long are you here for?"

"Whow whow whow." She shakes her head. "I'm still not over you changing time."
Especially the cavalier way he just says it. Like he took a walk to the local shop to get the daily paper...

"Well it wasn't me personally. It was the combined effort of Time Trapper me, a giant tuning fork, a few hundred mes from parallel universes and a few hundred Jades. I'm sure at least one dated Mopey Arrow."

"And you've checked nothing got… I don't know, broken?"
Given that the current Time Trapper probably has no reason to want to be helpful? How could he check?

"How would I do that? I can't return to Vanishing Point… Okay, I probably could; we've still got the time sphere in secure holding somewhere. Hopefully disassembled. But even if I got there I wouldn't know what I was looking at."

She stares at me for a moment. Then she cautiously stands.
Feeling like you've had a bit of a wasted trip, dear? Don't worry, that's a common sensation amongst those who have to deal with OL...

"I… Should get going."

"But I want to get a all-Supergirl group photograph!"
She would stand out a bit by being the only non-blonde amongst them... Unless Cir-El shows up too.

"I should get going because this is way too crazy for me." She starts walking back towards the door, trips on her own feet and catches herself with her flying ability. "This is too crazy for me, and-"

She pulls the door open.
Then again, do you have a way to let the Legion know you're finished? Or are you just going to have to sit on the roof till they turn up? The latter is probably just going to make things more awkward.

"-I need to check with someone-."


The apartment's defensive shields flash into turquoise existence, a single grey bullet suspended in the air just in front of Dana's face.
:confused: ...Well, that's not good.

"Agh! Oh, it's just a-"

I create a construct wall in front of her and construct-lasso her aside as the bullet bores its way though cruiser-grade shields and punches a crater in my construct!
Honey, please! There are bullets, and then there are bullets. This is definitely more than a lump of lead or steel.


Angle of fire… No, can't see anyone there. Nothing on visual perception, nothing on scan, nothing on empathic vision. Being in the middle of Gotham we're not exactly short on points that overlook the front door. Check cameras… No, they're designed for observing immediate surroundings rather than sniper perches.
And given the sheer power of the shot, there's no guarantee that the shooter would even need conventional line-of-sight. Whether they're shooting from beyond visual range, or from another time period...

Ring, analysis of the bullet?

Projectile entirely disintegrated. Novel energy field observed but did not last long enough for analysis.
Bugger. On the one hand, if they try another shot, he might be able to get something. On the other hand, that would mean letting them try.

"Did you make any enemies in the future?"

"Ah… Yeah?"
Quite a few, I suspect, both from the Legion's rogue's gallery, and her mundane identity... She sounded like quite the radical newshound, so I doubt she made many friends amongst the elite...

"Do any of them have access to time machines? Other than Persuader."

"I mean, Time Trapper? Ah… I don't think.. anyone else does?"
Not being a Legion fan, I can't think of any major ones.

"There's probably a new Time Trapper now, so I can't vouch for their behaviour. Did you recognise the projectile?"

"No. I'm mean, I'm.. bulletproof. I've been shot by railguns and lasers and plasma before. There's no way that would have hurt me." She turns to look at me. "Right?"
Nothing is truly bullet-proof, Dana. There's always something that can break anything.

"That shield would stop any Earth-produced projectile weapon, including my crumbler rounds. There are truly indestructible things, but I imagine that you're merely very tough."

I run a quick check on the shield emitters… Yes, they're fine. I then close the door, putting a new layer of armour between us and any attackers.
Well, guess she's stuck for now. Hope the guest room is made up.

"Is it generally known that you're not kryptonian?"

"Ah-. Kind of. People just assume that I'm part-kryptonian."
For what it's worth, I'm sure there are lots of part-kryptonians in the era, most notably descendants of Kal-El. Presumably none of them do the super-hero thing, though...

"That bullet wasn't kryptonite. I'm not sure what it was. Do you have a contact in this era?"

"… No..?"
Ah, you do have some way to call the Legion, then. Or at least some pre-arranged way to make contact. An e-mail address, perhaps, that they can check via time-travel?

"Contact them and let them know."

"How do you know they weren't here for you?"
If they were here for OL, they probably wouldn't have used a bullet. Or at least, not one that a force-field or construct could stop so easily.

"They didn't take a shot at me. I was visible when I opened the door to let you in."

"So was I. I had my back to where that came from."
...Good point. If they'd wanted her dead, they could have shot her then... Unless they wanted her to talk to OL first. Argh, time-travel!

"I don't spend much time here and I teleport everywhere. I hardly ever use the front door. Who knows that the Legion is worried about changes to the timeline?"

"I… Ah. Think I need to call this in. Can..? I stay here for a little while?"

"Sure. But I need to grab some people to start our investigation."
Oooh, calling in the Team? Or perhaps making arrangements to get Rip Hunter's attention?

Well, then. We have a mystery to be solved! Let's hope things don't get too confusing, though, given the involvement of at least one time-traveller. Too early yet to be placing bets on who's responsible, though. Far too many people with a narc on for OL, assuming he was the target. Let's just hope they don't escalate in order to complete their objective... Because OL can do that too.
Oh lord.
Parallel timeline Legions?
Is that Superboy Prime's music i hear?
Funky because it's not clear what the Superman YJ canon re the Legion is but the Parallel timelines and adult Supes throws it to Legion of Three Worlds adjace.
(But hey, you never know which Legion will show.)

In DC Universe: Legacies, multiple versions of the Legion of Superheroes shows up at the exact same time.

At least 6, maybe as many as 16.
Giff? What or who is that?

Giff or Gifford is a character from the super hero webcomic magellan. He is a displaced adventurer from another world/plane. He's short, green, has odd posture, webbed ears, and massively fluffy red hair.

He got stranded on earth and ended up in super hero school.

During an interlude sequence he was shown in a class with the other non-terran students and asked if any of them had super powers, as in powers above and beyond what was an expected aspect of their training or biology among their own species/people. For example he himself is considered to be very fast, agile, and strong ON EARTH, but among his people he is not notably physically supernatural. Nobody in the class could make a solid claim.

It's kind of something that stuck with me.

Let's look at some leaguers shall we? A combined list of the JL cartoon era and the YJ early league.

Superman - Baseline Kryptonian
Batman - Baseline Human
Shayera/The guy whose name I can't remember - Baseline Thanagarians
Gardner/Raynor/John - Baseline Humans
Flash - Metahuman
Aquaman - Atlantean Human
Zatana - Bloodline Magician
?Nabu/Kent Nelson - Lich/Baseline human with magic training?
Green Arrow - Baseline Human
Red Tornado - Early-Mid Model Red Series elemental robot
Wonder Woman - Hellenic Demigoddess
J'onn J'onzz - Baseline Green martian

Flash is the only one here who could be said to have an actual super power. Zatana and Aquaman could make a claim, but both of them come from fairly stable lines with a specific power/power set. Less super powers and more early stage speciation at that point.

Even if the LoSH grandfathers in Martians, kryptonians, demidivinities, morrow-bots, atlanteans, and Liches, there's still a good chunk of the founding members of the justice league that couldn't get in, including lanterns.

EDIT: Forgot one

Black Canary - Meta human

Ok that doubles the number of actual super powers... not sure if that helps or hurts my case.
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Nope! Face it Dana, once OL is set on a course, nothing can deflect him from it short of divine intervention. And sometimes not even that. Now, if you can convince him he's wrong, though, then maybe you have a chance of him reconsidering.

And even if she has evidence that he's wrong he's still not likely to reconsider or think he's wrong.

That's a good possible explanation of the history of the United Planets. Then again, at least one suggests that many of the 'alien' races are technically former human colonies that adapted to their planets in strange ways.


Basically aside from adapting to their environments some of the people genetically engineered themselves to be different for either survival reasons or to distinguish themselves from humans.

For example, a group of Native Americans left Earth to preserve their culture and later altered themselves to have wings and the ability to survive in the vacuum of space.

And my theory for why the Reach needed to exist was that various species come together to stop them and in the process form the United Planets, not that they did it after Larfleeze destroyed the Reach.

On the other hand, he did prevent her from going all 'crazy stalker' on Superman. Something which, if Kal-El knew about it, he would be very glad for...

The poor guy already has one crazy stalker he doesn't need another one.

Even though Dana is not even a fraction of crazy that Luthor is.

For gods sake, the guy essentially had a rape baby.

For what it's worth, I'm sure there are lots of part-kryptonians in the era, most notably descendants of Kal-El. Presumably none of them do the super-hero thing, though...

However they may do it much, much further in the future.

Oooh, calling in the Team? Or perhaps making arrangements to get Rip Hunter's attention?

At least we may finally see what's going to happen to him.

Let's hope things don't get too confusing, though, given the involvement of at least one time-traveller.

Do you know nothing of time travel stories?

They always get confusing!
Mr Zoat, I just had a Fridge Moment (and funnily enough a literal one at that): given the whole Time Trapper mess, shouldn't she have either returned to the Legion's past instead of this timeline's past, or when she goes to communicate with the future do so with this timeline's future rather than the Legion's future?

Don't try to figure the time travel part, you'll just give yourself a headache.

And it's possible that someone or something removed the changes Paul made.
Superman - Baseline Kryptonian
Batman - Baseline Human
Shayera/The guy whose name I can't remember - Baseline Thanagarians
Gardner/Raynor/John - Baseline Humans
Flash - Metahuman
Aquaman - Atlantean Human
Zatana - Bloodline Magician
?Nabu/Kent Nelson - Lich/Baseline human with magic training?
Green Arrow - Baseline Human
Red Tornado - Early-Mid Model Red Series elemental robot
Wonder Woman - Hellenic Demigoddess
J'onn J'onzz - Baseline Green martian

Flash is the only one here who could be said to have an actual super power. Zatana and Aquaman could make a claim, but both of them come from fairly stable lines with a specific power/power set. Less super powers and more early stage speciation at that point.

Even if the LoSH grandfathers in Martians, kryptonians, demidivinities, morrow-bots, atlanteans, and Liches, there's still a good chunk of the founding members of the justice league that couldn't get in, including lanterns.

EDIT: Forgot one

Black Canary - Meta human

Ok that doubles the number of actual super powers... not sure if that helps or hurts my case.

You're mistaken.

Aquaman has super-atlantean powers. His marine telepathy is not a standard Atlantean ability but something he inherited. You never noticed that Kaldur doesn't have marine telepathy?

Or maybe you thought YJ nerfed that power away. It didn't, although according to word of god it's been nerfed to only be usable with marine animals, not all sea life.
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Don't try to figure the time travel part, you'll just give yourself a headache.

And it's possible that someone or something removed the changes Paul made.
First of all that's quitter talk! :p

Secondly it is not a matter of time travel but a part of internal consistency of what Mr Zoat has written.

And thirdly someone removing the changes Time travel Paul has made is the stupid kind of asspull I would expect from the hacks at DC and Marvel, not an actually competent writer like Mr Zoat, given that it would make everything that happened in an entire story arc (and a large one at that) moot.
Mr Zoat, I just had a Fridge Moment (and funnily enough a literal one at that): given the whole Time Trapper mess, shouldn't she have either returned to the Legion's past instead of this timeline's past, or when she goes to communicate with the future do so with this timeline's future rather than the Legion's future?
Brainiac 5 already developed temporal shielding. The SI had a part of his timeline deleted, while Dana kept it. He lost that time as a result of the Legion's activity, not Time Trapper's.
Or some obsessive supervillain-in-waiting (cough Brainiac cough) decides things should be changed back to the 'proper' way time is 'supposed' to operate, destroying all the other new alternate timelines so there is only the one true and proper timeline he can keep his self appointed watch over.
So Brainiac creates the TVA?
Overly Sarcastic Productions video about Egypt put it: "Cleopatra lived closer to spaceflight than she did to the building of the pyramids." That's crazy!
I watch their videos! Which vid was that?
Batman - Baseline Human
Peak Human thank you very much. https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdY5pdfD/
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You're mistaken.

Aquaman has super-atlantean powers. His marine telepathy is not a standard Atlantean ability but something he inherited. You never noticed that Kaldur doesn't have marine telepathy?

Or maybe you thought YJ nerfed that power away. It didn't, although according to word of god it's been nerfed to only be usable with marine animals, not all sea life.
What, was he talking to seaweed before? Having chats with coral?
"Is it generally known that you're not kryptonian?"

"Ah-. Kind of. People just assume that I'm part-kryptonian."

"That bullet wasn't kryptonite. I'm not sure what it was. Do you have a contact in this era?"
Huh. In the Legion-era, I think the assumption would be she was part Daxamite (like Mon-el), not part Kryptonian, which would make sense for a lead bullet (that somehow survived being imbued with that much force). Except if the would-be assassin knew about the Legion's habit of importing Super teens from the past, and knew she was from the past, then they might actually assume part-Kryptonian. Either way this is Dana herself saying her view of what people think she is, so it's fine. Just stuck out to me, because of the Daxamite vulnerability to lead.

There are way too many Legion rogues for me to guess who this was. It doesn't stick out as immediately obvious the way Persuader's axe would, for example. Though, there's a chance the bullet failing, getting Dana to stay with OL longer and getting OL to involve the Team, was exactly the goal, because of whatever that causes or averts... Which starts to sound like something Reverse Flash would do (time travel? Check. Throwing a chunk of lead fast enough to cause those effects without being itself vaporized by the speed? "LOL speed force go brrr")
Phew, I finally made it through the back log of chapters to get caught up.

Loving the story, Zoat. I look forward to see where you take it.

For whatever reason this story reminded me of this page from Manly Guys Doing Manly Things:

Now, at the risk of our most benevolent lord and saviour banning me, I must remind him of this image that I saw on the TvTropes page.
Phew, I finally made it through the back log of chapters to get caught up.

Loving the story, Zoat. I look forward to see where you take it.

For whatever reason this story reminded me of this page from Manly Guys Doing Manly Things:

I don't remember this particular panel. What happened to my memory? Did the worms in my brain eat them?

I'm excited to see where you're taking this assassination plot mister Zoat.

Compared to you guys my knowledge of DC comics is slim and starving. Hopefully osmosis learning through fanfiction can help me.
Doesn't the Team/League already have Rip Hunter and the guy who pretended he was Rip in custody with both time spheres when the team investigated the possibility of Per Degaton's forces were stockpiling weapons/resources in order to conquer the future?

It started when the mutilated remains of a bunch of demon jizz users were found. And in order to avoid captured or their plans being discovered the sites' self-destruct functions were activated and melt into goo by plasma.

If we're going to see more time travelers I imagine a version of Impulse coming back in time because he learned that the Legion came back in time to make the Canon event happen, while the original Impulse came from a terrible future this version came from a happier future and possibly learned from future Paul to be proactive when it comes to being a superhero. It becomes a whole gambit of time traveling heroes and villains trying to mold the 'past' the best they can while Paul, whose an out of context problem, is constantly making things more difficult because he technically doesn't exist in their history so they aren't ready to deal with him.

We haven't heard from Truggs in a long time since the HERO Dial episode so it wouldn't be too crazy if he read up on the LoSH and decided they're just as bad as the Justice League, and with Dana here to 'fix' things and undo all of his and Paul's work, he decides to do both of them a favor and have her killed. Maybe the new Time Trapper is a version of Truggs who's plans went extremely of the rails, or maybe they went just right, and he's trying to create the necessary amount of conflict on Earth to prepare the planet for not only the Reach but others alien threats as well.
We haven't heard from Truggs in a long time since the HERO Dial episode so it wouldn't be too crazy if he read up on the LoSH and decided they're just as bad as the Justice League, and with Dana here to 'fix' things and undo all of his and Paul's work, he decides to do both of them a favor and have her killed

This might actually be plausible.

When Paul first met the Legion, Truggs was also there and he seemed to know who they were, so yeah, this could be him trying to stop what he perceives as a threat.
Huh. In the Legion-era, I think the assumption would be she was part Daxamite (like Mon-el), not part Kryptonian, which would make sense for a lead bullet (that somehow survived being imbued with that much force). Except if the would-be assassin knew about the Legion's habit of importing Super teens from the past, and knew she was from the past, then they might actually assume part-Kryptonian. Either way this is Dana herself saying her view of what people think she is, so it's fine. Just stuck out to me, because of the Daxamite vulnerability to lead.
They'd think 'Kryptonian' because Superman and Supergirl are huge cultural touchstones for them. And a lead bullet wouldn't do a thing to the shields the SI is using.

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