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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

If Paul had a nickel for every time that happened to him, he'd have no nickels, because modern coinage is functionally worthless compared to its face value and Orange Lantern abhors that.

But it'd still be odd it's happened twice.
If I had a nickel for every comment like this that was made this chapter, I'd have two nickels. It isn't a lot, but I don't think anyone needs any more nickels.
You know, I'm starting to get a little suspicious of New Kara. She only showed up after all the action was done.

"Paul?" New Kara descends into the underground level, looking around as she tries to spot me. "Something happened with-. What happened to you? Why is Other Kara tied up like that?"

She seems to know whatever she needs to know, because she just does.

"Don't worry! Kryptonite doesn't work on kryptonians from parallel universes! I'll go and throw this into the sun right away!"

Silver Age Kara knows about Superman and Earth because she was briefed in flight, but how would she know the effect of kryptonite on parallel universe kryptonians when the SI (who has more experience with parallel universes) isn't so sure.

We know that there's somebody around who is really powerful for is arranging for all these supergirls to "coincidentally" appear. If this person wanted to insert themselves into the action, showing up in the guise of New Kara would be an interesting way to do it. Powerful enough to interfere when you want, and if you don't want to then just fake a case of Silver Age Brain.
You know, I'm starting to get a little suspicious of New Kara. She only showed up after all the action was done.

Kara 16 did give a reason for why that.

"I'm sort of hoping that New Kara is going to hear us."

"I don't think that's going to happen. This section has a separate environmental filter and sound dampening system. She could probably hear if she made an effort, but I think she'd stop trying if she heard me talking about fucking you

Silver Age Kara knows about Superman and Earth because she was briefed in flight, but how would she know the effect of kryptonite on parallel universe kryptonians when the SI (who has more experience with parallel universes) isn't so sure.

She's from a Silver Age universe.

It wouldn't be surprising if Kryptonian scientists from there could have observed alternate universe Kryptonians and discovered that piece of information.
"Don't worry! Kryptonite doesn't work on kryptonians from parallel universes! I'll go and throw this into the sun right away!"

wait it doesnt. i remember vaermina making a stink that zoat missed this exact detail in a previous arc.

Do you remember the conclusion from that discussion, though? The resolution was that there are degrees of similarity and that OL's ring AI was able to work out the necessary local variant.
You know, I'm starting to get a little suspicious of New Kara. She only showed up after all the action was done.
If Silver Age Kara wanted to kill or otherwise harm Paragon, and Zoat has her with the actual Silver Age Kryptonian abilities, there's nothing Paragon could do to stop her.

So really there would be no point in going about things in a deceptive manner.
If Paul had a nickel for every time that happened to him, he'd have no nickels, because modern coinage is functionally worthless compared to its face value and Orange Lantern abhors that.

But it'd still be odd it's happened twice.

He already coped with that issue. You are years out of date apparently.
That's.... Very suspicious, borderline outside context knowledge.
Let's hope she's right.
You want to know what's suspicious: she was calling herself Supergirl straight out of her pod.
That's not a name that should be intuitive to someone who came straight from Krypton.

We all accepted it because that's how it worked in the comics, but in a more-examined setting where people have reasons to do things she probably has some prior exposure to earth culture to make her name herself that.
You want to know what's suspicious: she was calling herself Supergirl straight out of her pod.
That's not a name that should be intuitive to someone who came straight from Krypton.

We all accepted it because that's how it worked in the comics, but in a more-examined setting where people have reasons to do things she probably has some prior exposure to earth culture to make her name herself that.
She also knew what Nazis were and immediately wanted to be a superhero even though that's exclusively an Earth thing.
You want to know what's suspicious: she was calling herself Supergirl straight out of her pod.
That's not a name that should be intuitive to someone who came straight from Krypton.

We all accepted it because that's how it worked in the comics, but in a more-examined setting where people have reasons to do things she probably has some prior exposure to earth culture to make her name herself that.

That one isn't all that crazy actually.

In the classic comics Jor-El was able to use a supercomputer to see what Big Blue's future would be like, and he chose Earth just because it was the one suitable planet he could find where Kal would actually be happy (at least in one version of the mainline Silver Age universe, you know how comics can get with reinventing a hero's backstory), and Kara-1 could have just seen a part of that prediction and known that he would call himself Superman.

Still more than a bit suspicious, but that could easily be what Zoat (and maybe even the original author of the comic he took the line from) is going for here.
You want to know what's suspicious: she was calling herself Supergirl straight out of her pod.
That's not a name that should be intuitive to someone who came straight from Krypton.

We all accepted it because that's how it worked in the comics, but in a more-examined setting where people have reasons to do things she probably has some prior exposure to earth culture to make her name herself that.

She also knew what Nazis were and immediately wanted to be a superhero even though that's exclusively an Earth thing.

That one isn't all that crazy actually.

In the classic comics Jor-El was able to use a supercomputer to see what Big Blue's future would be like, and he chose Earth just because it was the one suitable planet he could find where Kal would actually be happy (at least in one version of the mainline Silver Age universe, you know how comics can get with reinventing a hero's backstory), and Kara-1 could have just seen a part of that prediction and known that he would call himself Superman.

Still more than a bit suspicious, but that could easily be what Zoat (and maybe even the original author of the comic he took the line from) is going for here.

It was mentioned that Kara saw videos from Earth, which may have included her cousin and other Earth things, like hippies, Nazis etc., and that's how she knows these things.
It was mentioned that Kara saw videos from Earth, which may have included her cousin and other Earth things, like hippies, Nazis etc., and that's how she knows these things.

She saw how earth was before Krypton exploded, so in her parallel she likely saw world War II era earth. That still doesn't mean she calling herself super girl isn't weird as fuck...

Could be ambush bug level shenanigans or Super Boy Prime being pissed because of the changes mandated/time trapper did means the constantly spawning alternative realities means he will never run out of realities to shatter during his temper tantrum.
Yes, but they wouldn't do much about the coins since both the coins and the thing they were affecting would be inside the chains. Otherwise they'd have chained up Nabu and laughed as the helmet just fell off.
Do antimagic chains in your story not work on actual magicians?
What with their magic and themselves being inside the chains.

Because normally you'd think anti-magic chains would work be suppressing magic of whatever is chained up.
Or even just suppressing magic in their immediate vicinity in general, and them being shaped like chains, manacles, or other bondage gear is just to keep someone in the area of effect from casting them away. And also letting them do double duty restraining their non magical physique as well.

Your 'doesn't work on stuff inside empowering stuff inside' just sounds dumb.
You should have gone with a 'no limits fallacy' where just because some suppressive magic item has a suppressive effect, doesn't mean it is strong enough to arbitrarily suppress anything. With the magic of Fates helmet stronger the the suppressive of most any anti-magic chains.

And also, that OL did in fact have Fate chained up in chains at one point, and it seems to have worked.
And instead of trying to remove the helmet then, removed the chains when Wonder Woman ordered him to.

To be honest it's Vaermina, whose almost always wrong, almost always accusing Zoat of doing something that breaks his own canon, and whose takes have been repeatedly off base. It's safe to say you can ignore whatever they have to say on a given subject when it comes to WTR YJ.
Unfortunate counterpoint.
By accusing Zoat of every thing they can think of under the sun, and then turning over rock to search for more things to throw at him, they are mathneticially guaranteed to be right some of the time, if only due the the sheer volume of complaints they make. Even if each individual gripe only has 0.005 (0.5%) chance of being valid, the fact they make on average at least two complaints per daily story post makes being right at least a couple times rather unsurprising.

Telling the valid complaints from the spurious ones can be difficult because of the terrible signal : noise ratio, but that doesn't mean they are always wrong.
That might be something that's unique to New Kara. In the comics, pre-Crisis Kara's powers were different from post-Crisis Linda's powers and even post-Crisis Superman's powers.

Pre Crisis Kara had different powers than Pre Crisis Clark as well.

Remember Clark had 'half' his powers sucked away from him by Quarmer the Sand Superman, when the entire arc was finished Superman was officially half as powerful as he had been (the birth of the Bronze Age)

Granted following writers started ignoring this depowering, but it was the official editorial policy that Supes was at half power. There wasn't a Sand Supergirl, so she was officially more powerful.
Future Tense (part 19)
13th September 2012
10:11 GMT -5

I look at the place where Nylor Truggs used to be.

"Kara, please explain to me where Nylor Truggs is?"



"He was sitting there, then 'poof', there was a cloud, and when it vanished he was gone."

"Kara, your visual enhancements-."

"Super vision!"

"If you had supervision, today would be rather different. Could you see what happened inside the cloud?"

She nods. "'P-'."

"Don't say 'poof'."

"But that's what happennnnned!"

"Am I to understand that you were unable to see through the smoke?"

"Yeah, it was really weird. I've been able to see through almost everything since I got hey!" She suddenly frowns. "What do you mean, 'if I had supervision'?"

I glance over to where Lantern Stewart is loading Demon Supergirl into a S.T.A.R. Labs metahuman ambulance. She hasn't woken up yet, though her wounds are less horrendous.

"I've been to parallel universes before. I didn't have any problem with the kryptonians not being compatible with my kryptonite samples."

She keeps frowning. "What do you mean, 'problem'? Kryptonite is super nasty."

"Fighting kryptonians is also s-. A rather difficult prospect, and not every parallel has someone as… Well-meaning as Kal-El Sixteen. And sometimes they have a Kal-El who is mind controlled. Or who isn't in possession of all the facts. And if it's necessary to fight Superman, I'd rather have something I know will turn off their powers without causing lasting harm rather than-."

"Turn him into a super ant?" She nods. "I understand."

"Given what happened to Kara, I was thinking more along the lines of 'turn him evil'. Kara, you didn't know that our kryptonite didn't affect you."

"Did too!"

"How? Did you at some point test samples of kryptonite on samples of your tissue?"

"N… No?"

"Are-?" I can barely believe that I'm about to say this. "Are you asking me or telling me?"

"I'm… Telling, but it's kryptonite."

"No, Kara. You just told me that kryptonite from one parallel doesn't work on kryptonians from another. That means that either kryptonians from one parallel are different to kryptonians from another, or kryptonite is. Which means that what I call 'kryptonite' and what you call 'kryptonite' might well be completely different crystals."

"Well…" She looks at the ground, swinging her right leg backwards and forwards. "But I didn't have any problem."

"Can you see through yourself?"

She frowns, this time in confusion rather than irritation. "Huh?"

"Kryptonite is still radioactive, even if it doesn't have any exotic effect on you. Can you examine yourself in sufficient detail that you know for a fact that it hasn't done something to you?"

Her eyes widen. "Have I got super-cancer?!"

"I don't know. I can't scan your interior. I wouldn't have thought so; kryptonite radiation is only weakly penetrative. But I don't know so, so please, a little more caution in future where no one's life is on the line?"

She nods. "Okay."

"Thank you. I don't suppose that you can hear Truggs, can you?"

She shakes her head. "I don't think he'd pick up the phone again."

"Not without hands, no."

"You know what I mean. That's something we can only do once."

"Yeah. And we still don't know why you're all here."

Angelika looks around from guarding Old Kara, frowning as she does so. "We don't know that? I thought that it was Nylor Truggs using the Hero Dial."

"The H-Dial alters the user to give them powers useful to their situation. Can you think of a situation where 'summon Supergirl' would be the simplest solution?"

"I cannot think of a situation where 'turn into a vacuum cleaner person' would be the simplest solution. It happened anyway." She shrugs. "I guess a power that lets you summon Supergirls is the simplest solution when you really need a Supergirl."

"No. I mean, the escape thing looks like it happened when Noriel turned off Dana's H-Dial transformation, so I assume that he just modified the Dial with an escape clause. But he didn't even have the Dial when Noriel merged with Linda."

Angelika looks thoughtful. "But it was before I arrived, yes?"


"And it was before Noriel formally took on the Supergirl name?"

"Yes." I nod. "But we have no idea when demon Supergirl arrived, and... It shouldn't work. We've had planeshift barriers up for longer than that-."

"Unless the H-Dial is sufficiently cleverer than us. It did not stop me, and it did not stop Krona."

"Yeah." I sigh. "Well, we've got the Dial, and we can study it. We can look at everything Truggs had here. And we can probably get rid of any members of the Legion still in this era."

Kara nods, looking concerned.

"Is demon-me going to be okay?"

"I'll call Ambrose Bierce. He's had experience in helping people who've been touched by demon magic. We can use gold kryptonite to remove her resilience and fix her teeth-"

"Unless she's from a parallel universe where it doesn't work."

"-and-. Yes." I look around, pick up some of her tooth remnants and expose them to gold kryptonite radiation. Try to crush-. Yes. "It works, so that will handle the physical problem. She can recover psychologically. I'm more worried about Kara. I… Don't know how long black kryptonite lasts."
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I look at the place where Nylor Truggs used to be

Crap, looks like Chojin was right.

Kara, please explain to me where Nylor Truggs is?"



"He was sitting there, then 'poof', there was a cloud, and when it vanished he was gone."

Looks like Circe was there.

Older comics were weird as hell.

Kara, you didn't know that out kryptonite didn't affect you."

'that our'

you can hear Truggs, can you?"

She shakes her head. "I don't think he'd pick up the phone again."

"Not without hands, no."

Hey, that's your fault, orange boy.

I'm more worried about Kara. I… Don't know how long black kryptonite lasts."

Really hoping it isn't permanent.

One crazy, murderous Kara is enough.
13th September 2012
10:11 GMT -5

I look at the place where Nylor Truggs used to be.

"Kara, please explain to me where Nylor Truggs is?"
:mad: Oh, pick up that phone, I effing called it! I'm guessing one of the Light's wizards collected him.Though how they knew he was in trouble... Does the facility have any internal surveillance? Damn, why didn't OL think to check for that? He could find a backtrace to another Light safehouse...

And no, I don't think they're quoting the British/Australian slang for homosexual. Definitely a scry-and-summon gig. Circe, I bet.

"He was sitting there, then 'poof', there was a cloud, and when it vanished he was gone."

"Kara, your visual enhancements-."
Or, you know, super-speed? She could have grabbed him the second she realised the teleportation was forming... But no, she let him get away because that's how it works, isn't it? :rolleyes: You know, the bad guy slips away in the confusion, or disappears into a deathtrap or deep hole... Heck, the Joker pulled it in one of his earliest appearances.

"Super vision!"

"If you had supervision, today would be rather different. Could you see what happened inside the cloud."
:cool: Ooh, burn. Glad to see OL's not in such a bad mood he can't quip.

She nods. "'P-'."

"Don't say 'poof'."
Yeah, some folks would find it kind of offensive. Though honestly, they'd also find you adorable.

"But that's what happennnnned!"

"Am I to understand that you were unable to see through the smoke?"
Man, she has never felt more of a kid than this point. :D I can just hear that plaintive whine.

"Yeah, it was really weird. I've been able to see through almost everything since I got hey!" She suddenly frowns. "What do you mean, 'if I had supervision'?"

I glance over to where Lantern Stewart is loading Demon Supergirl into a S.T.A.R. Labs metahuman ambulance. She hasn't woken up yet, though her wounds are less horrendous.
...For someone potentially faster than thought, she's kind of slow on picking things up, huh? Guess that's why she didn't think to grab Truggs... And at least that poor Supergirl will be getting some help.

"I've been to parallel universes before. I didn't have any problem with the kryptonians not being compatible with my kryptonite samples."

She keeps frowning. "What do you mean, 'problem'? Kryptonite is super nasty."
...Maybe it worked on them because they were from related parallels? But Kara-1 is apparently the Pre-Crisis version, with different mechanics for Kryptonite...

"Fighting kryptonians is also s-. A rather difficult prospect, and not every parallel has someone as… Well meaning as Kal-El Sixteen. And sometimes they have a Kal-El who is mind controlled. Or who isn't in possession of all the facts. And if it's necessary to fight Superman, I'd rather have something I know will turn off their powers without causing lasting harm rather than-."

"Turn him into a super ant?" She nods. "I understand."
And that is not the weirdest transformation Red Kryptonite caused. 'Lost invulnerability over one side of his body'? :confused: What even...

"Given what happened to Kara, I was thinking more along the lines of 'turn him evil'. Kara, you didn't know that out kryptonite didn't affect you."

"Did too!"
Did not. OL can keep this up all day, Kara. He doesn't even have to be the one talking.

"How? Did you at some point test samples of kryptonite on samples of your tissue?"

"N… No?"
To be fair, if she really is the original sixties Supergirl, that sort of thing would have been really advanced science for the time. At least, using cloned samples of tissue...

"Are-?" I can barely believe that I'm about to say this. "Are you asking me or telling me?"

"I'm… Telling, but it's kryptonite."
Ah, simple reasoning for a simpler age.

"No, Kara. You just told me that kryptonite from one parallel doesn't work on kryptonians from another. That means that either kryptonians from one parallel are different to kryptonians from another, or kryptonite is. Which means that what I call 'kryptonite' and what you call 'kryptonite' might well be completely different crystals."

"Well…" She looks at the ground, swinging her right leg backwards and forwards. "But I didn't have any problem."
Yet. Who knows what reaction this world's isotopes might have. It might not do anything exotic to you, except affect you the same way it does humans... Indeed, in one or two continuities, Krypton is basically Future Earth and Jor-El's rocket travelled through time, and Kryptonians were super-advanced humans after a million years of genetic enhancements.

"Can you see through yourself?"

She frowns, this time in confusion rather than irritation. "Huh?"
I mean... Does Superman x-ray himself all that often?

"Kryptonite is still radioactive, even if it doesn't have any exotic effect on you. Can you examine yourself in sufficient detail that you know for a fact that it hasn't done something to you?"

Her eyes widen. "Have I got super-cancer?!"
I mean, it's not like there's not ways to fix that, even if a tumour does something weird. And yes, that has happened in the comics. Another time, the Atom led a team inside Superman's body to destroy a super-cancer tumour...

"I don't know. I can't scan your interior. I wouldn't have thought so; kryptonite radiation is only weakly penetrative. But I don't know so, so please, a little more caution in future where no one's life is on the line?"

She nods. "Okay."
Be glad no-one died. More than one hero has learned a hard lesson that way.

"Thank you. I don't suppose that you can hear Truggs, can you?"

She shakes her head. "I don't think he'd pick up the phone again."
Yeah, I think he's learned his lesson about talking to OL on the phone... I.E. Don't.

"Not without hands, no."

"You know what I mean. That's something we can only do once."
Oh, she gets that, but not things like 'don't handle radioactive crystals bare-handed'? It's like she's selectively genre-savvy... And it's the wrong genre.

"Yeah. And we still don't know why you're all here."

Angelika looks around from guarding Old Kara, frowning as she does so. "We don't know that? I thought that it was Nylor Truggs using the Hero Dial."
...Why? What possible reason could he have for doing this?

"The H-Dial alters the user to give them powers useful to their situation. Can you think of a situation where 'summon Supergirl' would be the simplest solution?"

"I cannot think of a situation where 'turn into a vacuum cleaner person' would be the simplest solution. It happened anyway." She shrugs. "I guess a power that lets you summon Supergirls is the simplest solution when you really need a Supergirl."
Unfortunately, I doubt Truggs would ever want a Supergirl. At least, not in any way she'd go along with. :oops:

"No. I mean, the escape thing looks like it happened when Noriel turned off Dana's H-Dial transformation, so I assume that he just modified the Dial with an escape clause. But he didn't even have the Dial when Noriel merged with Linda."

Angelika looks thoughtful. "But it was before I arrived, yes?"
I mean, the Noriel thing was partly OL's fault anyway. He was the one who shanked her with the Sword of the Fallen...


"And it was before Noriel formally took on the Supergirl name?"
You're still seeing a link that probably isn't there.

"Yes." I nod. "But we have no idea when demon Supergirl arrived, and... It shouldn't work. We've had planeshift barriers up for longer than that-."

"Unless the H-Dial is sufficiently cleverer than us. It did not stop me, and it did not stop Krona."
...True, the dial is kind of stupid powerful. Given at least one version steals powers and forms from supers in alternate realities...

"Yeah." I sign. "Well, we've got the Dial, and we can study it. We can look at everything Truggs had here. And we can probably get rid of any members of the Legion still in this era."

Kara nods, looking concerned.

"Is demon-me going to be okay?"
She's not you, Kara. She's more likely a post-crisis Supergirl.

"I'll call Ambrose Bierce. He's had experience in helping people who've been touched by demon magic. We can use gold kryptonite to remove her resilience and fix her teeth-"

"Unless she's from a parallel universe where it doesn't work."

"-and-. Yes." I look around, pick up some of her tooth remnants and expose them to gold kryptonite radiation. Try to crush-. Yes. "It works, so that will handle the physical problem. She can recover psychologically. I'm more worried about Kara. I… Don't know how long black kryptonite lasts."
Worst case, keep her confined under Red Sunlight until she detoxes?

Well, this has been a day, I suppose. We can but hope that Kara-16 flushes the Black-K radiation out of her system sooner rather than later. Otherwise, Kal-El might be a little upset about things. Surely the Lor-Zod Har-zod program can help on that front? And they still don't know where these Supergirls are all coming from. And OL still needs to track down the other Legionnaires... :p So much for a few days off.
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:mad: Oh, pick up that phone, I effing called it! I'm guessing one of the Light's wizards collected him.Though how they knew he was in trouble... Does the facility have any internal surveillance? Damn, why didn't OL think to check for that? He could find a backtrace to another Light safehouse

It was probably Circe, since we've seen her with him.

Or, you know, super-speed? She could have grabbed him the second she realised the teleportation was forming... But no, she let him get away because that's how it works, isn't it? :rolleyes:

Unless the spell would have prevented something like that, or by the time she realized what happened it was too late.

Yeah, some folks would find it kind of offensive

And Paul may honestly be one, since he's bi.

And that is not the weirdest transformation Red Kryptonite caused. 'Lost invulnerability over one side of his body'? :confused: What even...

Hey, that's far from weird.

Radiation can cause nerve damage and weaken parts of the body, so that's one of the saner changes.

Yet. Who knows what reaction this world's isotopes might have. It might not do anything exotic to you, except affect you the same way it does humans... Indeed, in one or two continuities, Krypton is basically Future Earth and Jor-El's rocket travelled through time, and Kryptonians were super-advanced humans after a million years of genetic enhancements

The Red Son universe, to anyone who doesn't know what universe he's referring to.

Yeah, I think he's learned his lesson about talking to OL on the phone... I.E. Don't.

This may be difficult for him to do, since he loves gloating.

Why? What possible reason could he have for doing this?

To gain access to Kryptonians to study.

Surely the Lor-Zod program can help on that front?

I think you mean Har-Zod, since aside from Jor-El, he's the only other Kryptonian AI.
Santa is real in this continuity, right?
Santa knows where all the naughty people are. He can take you to Truggs.

That may not be such a good idea.

Santa in DC isn't always a nice guy.

There was an omake where Constantine didn't want to tell Zatanna what happened with him, so it's safe to assume that he's either dead, or isn't such a good guy.

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