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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Once again you twist and warp a setting so that the SI can 'prove' how wise and correct they are.
Let's look at the canon chaarcters who went to the School. Twilight, who left a neurotic mess. Sunset, who went on to turn herself into a demon and try to take over the country with an army of brainwashed teenagers. Sunburst, unemployed shut-in. Moondancer, also neurotic mess. And while Twilight's other friends don't look crazy, despite in theory being the brightest stars of their generation they contributed nothing to any of the nation's problems in the series.
Let's look at the canon chaarcters who went to the School. Twilight, who left a neurotic mess. Sunset, who went on to turn herself into a demon and try to take over the country with an army of brainwashed teenagers. Sunburst, unemployed shut-in. Moondancer, also neurotic mess. And while Twilight's other friends don't look crazy, despite in theory being the brightest stars of their generation they contributed nothing to any of the nation's problems in the series.
Not significantly divergent from the baseline.

Massive threats? Starlight Glimmer. Star Swirl and or Stygian.
Maladjusted jerks? Hooffields and McColts. Lightning Dust.
Anti-social shut-ins? Fluttershy. All but 1 of the Kirin.

Equestria, or rather the parts of Equestria that get screen time, is full of nutters who need the mane cast to come along and problem solve at them. Such is the nature of the show.
A worldbuilder can take the view that the nutters are the interesting bit and the rest functions fine. Or they can do as you have and take the nutters to be representative. That in itself isn't bad, as it can be an interesting thing to explore. Except here we aren't exploring it. It is just yet another excuse for Grayven to trot in and tell the MLP cast that they are Doing It Wrong. Again.
A bit of a delay, but that thing on Lady Zand's appearance . . . I took a look at one of the comics she appeared in and damn if it wasn't confusing as hell. Funnily enough it was in one of the older Young Justice comics, but I swear her skin tone changes from panel to panel. Sometimes she looks pale enough to be a ginger, sometimes she looks like she could be black, and sometimes she looks like her complexion is Mediterranean or maybe Spaniard.

But I did find this as an apparently more recent image.

On a side note Zoat, I was thinking about 90s comics. Namely Milestone Comics from the 90s before the DC merger when the Dakotaverse was still a separate setting.

What would you do with a Orange Lantern Paul appearing over that Earth with Icon and Rocket and Static and the Blood Syndicate and all that? Try and network with Hardware and front him resources to try and take on Edwin Alva?

Please be as specific as you like.
What would you do with a Orange Lantern Paul appearing over that Earth with Icon and Rocket and Static and the Blood Syndicate and all that? Try and network with Hardware and front him resources to try and take on Edwin Alva?

There is a version that works with, or at least is occasionally hired by, the Shadow Cabinet, who i think showed up in the Dakotaverse.
There is a version that works with, or at least is occasionally hired by, the Shadow Cabinet, who i think showed up in the Dakotaverse.
That was the Red Lantern Paul who was in the Teen Titans universe who got Blackfire pregnant I think.that was after the Milestone DC merger. I was asking about a hypothetical Paul in a Milestone Comics universe pre DC takeover.
Not significantly divergent from the baseline.

Massive threats? Starlight Glimmer. Star Swirl and or Stygian.
Maladjusted jerks? Hooffields and McColts. Lightning Dust.
Anti-social shut-ins? Fluttershy. All but 1 of the Kirin.
And none of those were educated in a government institution specifically intended to prevent those results.
Was this intentional or did you mean affected?

That's singular. "alumni" (or "alumnae" if they're all female but the school is nominally coed...)

The end
Thank you, corrected.
And today, in Young Justice related things that Zoat is probably going to ignore because it contradicts what he already wrote;

Vandal Savage is Arion's grandfather.

Vandal Savage is also responsible for the sinking of Atlantis.

His reasoning is pure supervillain. After Arion(and later Vandal helping) established a continent spanning magitech society, Vandal wanted to sink the capital.

Arion: "Okay but why though?"

Vandal: "So that the survivors will activate their powers and be able to live underwater and thereafter conquer the seas!"

Arion: "Grandpa, no. We are not doing that. What we are doing is making an appointment tomorrow to get you some medication because you very clearly need it."
Klarion: "Sink the city? Pfft, watch this!"

Klarion: *sinks the continent(possibly backed by all the Lords of Chaos)*

Vandal: "A few more casualties than I wanted, but it'll do."

Skip forward to modern times, Child is here to kill Klarion and replace him as the Lords of Chaos have had enough of him working with Savage. She's also being funneled power from all the Lords of Chaos to do so.

Klarion also dropped that the Light has done something on Earth-17(Kamandi's apparently, Atomic Knights?) that Child considers a fiasco.

Vandal is trying to get Nabu to help him(who does, incidentally refer to him as father) deal with Child on the logic that Klarion is much more manageable. Why the Lords of Order don't supercharge Fate or else send someone super charged like Chaos is doing for Child isn't mentioned.

Also, Jason Blood and Etrigan showed up!
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Past Participant (part 18)
16th September 2012
19:04 GMT

Britain has… Changed.

Karl is looking around, constantly alert for any threat. I do not remember him doing that when we worked together in the past. I do not have Paul's perfect memory, but I am reasonably confident that I would not forget something like that so quickly.

He takes a moment to glance at me as we fly over their London, and flash me a confident smile. A smile for cameras. We have not-. No, we could have had a talk about everything that has happened, but… It was awkward for him to discuss it with me before I came here, when I had no concept of a society not run according to the rules of National Socialism. And now? Whatever regrets he might have, he has never lived the life of someone in those societies he saw when he travelled to parallel universes or other planets.

And perhaps he does not know exactly how I feel. I should tell-

"Where do you think all of these castles came from?"

-him. Or we can just talk about this mission.

I look around, flashing telescopic vision out at all of the castles which stand out proudly across the landscape. Some, I recognise as belonging to earlier eras. Paul had shown me around Pevensey Castle when we visited, and I recognised that. But it seemed to have been somewhat restored compared to the version on Earth 16, and it made the magic detector I am carrying glow briefly.

The other fortresses are new. They use bricks rather than stone, and there is more metal involved in their construction. The design is also strange. Elements are carried over from the ancient fortresses, but there are also other elements from more modern forts and others that I've never seen before.

And I don't recognise the creatures manning the walls. They're larger and stronger than humans, but they don't appear to be demonic.

"It has only been two years since their Superman became corrupted. That is not enough time for such a great deal of building, not without modern equipment. Karl, can we talk?"

"We can."

He doesn't stop, but he doesn't accelerate. I suppose that's something.

"I understand what you meant now, about what we lost."

"No. Their civilisation is… They have not done the things that we did. Unless you can live through that -and I hope that you never do- you cannot fully understand."

"Then I understand more than I did. I am not a little girl, Karl."

This time he looks at me, and I see a wistful expression on his face.

"I know. But you will always be my little girl."

"But what do we do?"

"I have been trying to decide that for more than half my life. The best I have been able to do is encourage those politicians who are less extreme. I… I do not think that our society can be fixed."

I cannot disagree. That is why I try to use the least force possible when apprehending criminals. If someone is dead, it is too late to say 'oops' if they did not do what you thought that they did.

"We cannot restore the dead to life. And I think perhaps the world is not ready for Aunty Gerri to be open about her relationship with Aunt Valerie."

"Ah. You.. know about that."

"They do not hide it on Earth Sixteen. You know about that?"

"It is hard to hide things from me. Did you really not know?"

"Do not start that with me." I sigh. "I remember your interview with Jürgen. Most people see it like that; as a piece of ancient history. They see it like that when there are normal humans still alive who saw it."

"And then there is Uncle Sam."

"I have seen the Earth Sixteen version. It is strange to see him when he is not baying for blood like a rabid savage." I look down as we fly over London, the suburbs ruined while the inner city is ringed by a mighty fortress wall. "But I understand. Any sign of weakness, and we will watch a thousand murders. And people will turn from us."

"So there is nothing we can do? All this… Strength-."

"Why not bring more people here?" Karl glances back with a frown. "Not here. To other worlds. That was what convinced me. Did it convince you?"

"It was part of it. I do not think that Leatherwing will do more than curse me for being weak."

"Leatherwing is an arsehole."

"And the sun is bright. I think that Underseaman would move his entire race to another world if he could, but that does not help us change it."

"What about Blitzen? She seemed nice."

Karl nods. "She is a dedicated hero. If things were different-."

"I met her father."

"Her father? You mean Jason Garrick? That.. is a point of connection. But would he want to meet her?"

"He and his wife have no children."

"That does not mean the same thing in other societies that it does in ours."

"I know, but I think he would meet her. I do not know what she would think of Earth Sixteen."

"Yes. Someone who can keep up with her would need to be there in case her reaction was… Unfortunate."

"And if we make that work, we will only have seven billion more people to go." He slows slightly. "There. They have fortified Buckingham Palace. We will begin there."

I raise my magic detection stone, and it glows fiercely when I point it at the palace.

"We should start at the gates." He looks at me curiously as I put away the stone. "You saw none of those brute-men when our world was attacked. If it was not people from this Britain, we should not force them to become our enemies."

Karl nods ruefully. "I have become too used to going where I please. I have forgotten my manners."

We fly down at speed, our motion a blur to any normal onlookers. The brute-men on guard duty ready their weapons, large calibre automatic rifles. None fire though, so they must possess at least some intelligence.

Karl takes a step closer and raises his right hand in greeting.

"We are here to speak with your leader."

"Oh?" One of the rougher-skinned brute-men sniffs dismissively. "I'll just go and get her for you, shall I?"

"No, this is her country. I am happy to come to her."

"Tradesman's entrance, then?"

"Your world is collapsing, and a demon and his horde of possessed metahumans threaten what little is left. And somehow they are finding their way to my world. Your nation is somewhat intact. I am hoping to make common cause. If you help me, I will thank you." His face hardens slightly. "And if you will not, then I will move you."

"And who do you think you are?"

"I am Overman. Kal-El, if that name means something to you."

It does. The brute-men involuntarily take a half-step backwards.

"And I am kryptonian."

"Stay there. I'll send a runner."
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I'm starting to like Karl.

What about Blitzen? She seemed nice."

Karl nods. "She is a dedicated hero. If things were different-."

"I met her father."

"Her father? You mean Jason Garrick? That.. is a point of connection. But would he want to meet her

Yeah, this could be a situation like the one between Kon and Clark and Jay and his wife may not want to meet her.

have become to used to going where

'too used'
16th September 2012
19:04 GMT

Britain has… Changed.

Karl is looking around, constantly alert for any threat. I do not remember him doing that when we worked together in the past. I do not have Paul's perfect memory, but I am reasonably confident that I would not forget something like that so quickly.
Ah, a rare POV from someone else. It'll be interesting to get a look at Overgirl's thoughts on things. I'm sure she and Overman have a lot to talk about. What's been happening since she disappeared, what she's been learning on Earth-16, Karl's increasing dissatisfaction with National Socialism... That sort of thing.

He takes a moment to glance at me as we fly over their London, and flash me a confident smile. A smile for cameras. We have not-. No, we could have had a talk about everything that has happened, but… It was awkward for him to discuss it with me before I came here, when I had no concept of a society not run according to the rules of National Socialism. And now? Whatever regrets he might have, he has never lived the life of someone in those societies he saw when he travelled to parallel universes or other planets.
You at least have some experience on that front now. Now might be the best time to talk, since things are likely to heat up soon enough...

And perhaps he does not know exactly how I feel. I should tell-

"Where do you think all of these castles came from?"
What, has King Arthur awoken? This does seem like England's Darkest Hour, after all. I wonder, is Fionn mac Cumhaill running around in Ireland?

-him. Or we can just talk about this mission.

I look around, flashing telescopic vision out at all of the castles which stand proudly on across the landscape. Some, I recognise as belonging to earlier eras. Paul had shown me around Pevensey Castle when we visited, and I recognised that. But it seemed to have been somewhat restored compared to the version on Earth 16, and it made the magic detector I am carrying glow briefly.
So, perhaps Morgaine le Fey has played some part here. Calling the fair folk back to the mortal world to lay some claim to the ancestral lands of Albion, perhaps?

The other fortresses are new. They use bricks rather than stone, and there is more metal involved in their construction. The design is also strange. Elements are carried over from the ancient fortresses, but there are also other elements from more modern forts and others that I've never seen before.

And I don't recognise the creatures manning the walls. They're larger and stronger than humans, but they don't appear to be demonic.
Orcs? Trolls? Ogres? Some other manner of large fey being? Who can be sure?

"It has only been two years since their Superman became corrupted. That is not enough time to such a great deal of building, not without modern equipment. Karl, can we talk?"

"We can."
Not the time for Dad humour, Overman. The lady wants a word.

He doesn't stop, but he doesn't accelerate. I suppose that's something.

"I understand what you meant now, about what we lost."
I suspect it's not quite the same, in his mind...

"No. Their civilisation is… They have not done the things that we did. Unless you can live through that -and I hope that you never do- you cannot fully understand."

"Then I understand more than I did. I am not a little girl, Karl."
This could be what he needs for his feelings about his failures in his world. Someone to pull his head out of his arse about things and get him to take action when they get home...

This time he looks at me, and I see a wistful expression on his face

"I know. But you will always be my little girl."
:rolleyes: Daawww... But stop trying to change the subject!

"But what do we do?"

"I have been trying to decide that for more than half my life. The best I have been able to do is encourage those politicians who are less extreme. I… I do not think that our society can be fixed."
Not without drastic action. But what are the alternatives after that? What will you do, after you've torn down the system you spent your lives believing in?

I cannot disagree. That is why I try to use the least force possible when apprehending criminals. If someone is dead, it is too late to say 'oops' if they did not do what you thought that they did.

"We cannot restore the dead to life. And I think perhaps the world is not ready for Aunty Gerri to be open about her relationship with Aunt Valerie."
A wise young woman...

"Ah. You.. know about that."

"They do not hide it on Earth Sixteen. You know about that?"
It's one think to know about it... But how would you react if it was being shoved in your face, hmm?

"It is hard to hide things from me. Did you really not know?"

"Do not start that with me." I sigh. "I remember your interview with Jürgen. Most people see it like that; as a piece of ancient history. They see it like that when there are normal humans still alive who saw it."
It's easy to forget things, when they aren't being remembered.

"And then there is Uncle Sam."

"I have seen the Earth Sixteen version. It is strange to see him when he is not baying for blood like a rabid savage." I look down as we fly over London, the suburbs ruined while the inner city is ringed by a mighty fortress wall. "But I understand. Any sign of weakness, and we will watch a thousand murders. And people will turn from us."
I still bet Uncle Sam's suffering from his iconic national character conflicting with the present spirit of the people. That can't be good for his sanity.

"So there is nothing we can do? All this… Strength-."

"Why not bring more people here?" Karl glances back with a frown. "Not here. To other worlds. That was what convinced me. Did it convince you?"
I don't think the multiverse is quite ready for inter-reality mass emigration...

"It was part of it. I do not think that Leatherwing will do more than curse me for being weak."

"Leatherwing is an arsehole."
Heh. Yeah, I figured as much. High on his own ego, like so many of the original leadership of the Third Reich back in the day...

"And the sun is bright. I think that Underseaman would move his entire race to another world if he could, but that does not help us change it."

"What about Blitzen? She seemed nice."
Not all of the Reichsmen are true believers, eh?

Karl nods. "She is a dedicated hero. If things were different-."

"I met her father."

"Her father? You mean Jason Garrick? That.. is a point of connection. But would he want to meet her?"
Jay-16, I presume? That would be an interesting meeting. "I'm the child you might have had... In a Nazi-ruled world."

"He and his wife have no children."

"That does not mean the same thing in other societies that it does in ours."
Was it ever explained why? Or why they didn't adopt?

"I know, but I think he would meet her. I do not know what she would think of Earth Sixteen."

"Yes. Someone who can keep up with her would need to be there in case her reaction was… Unfortunate."
Yeah, last thing you want is a speedster having a murderous nervous breakdown.

"And if we make that work, we will only have seven billion more people to go." He slows slightly. "There. They have fortified Buckingham Palace. We will begin there."

I raise my magic detection stone, and it glows fiercely when I point it at the palace.
The heart of the magical kingdom, then. Looks more and more likely a mystical power has moved in...

"We should start at the gates." He looks at me curiously as I put away the stone. "You saw none of those brute-men when our world was attacked. If it was not people from this Britain, we should not force them to become our enemies."

Karl nods ruefully. "I have become to used to going where I please. I have forgotten my manners."
Well, when you're basically seen as a demi-god... I can't see anyone naysaying you. I hope your Paul gives you plenty of sass.

We fly down at speed, our motion a blur to any normal onlookers. The brute-men on guard duty ready their weapons, large calibre automatic rifles. None fire though, so they must possess at least some intelligence.

Karl takes a step closer and raises his right hand in greeting.
"We come in peace. Please take us to your leader." Not quite a Close Encounter, but...

"We are here to speak with your leader."

"Oh?" One of the rougher-skinned brute-men sniffs dismissively. "I'll just go and get her for you, shall I?"
Oh, he's sassy as fuck. I like him!

"No, this is her country. I am happy to come to her."

"Tradesman's entrance, then?"
I can't help but feel like that's a stealthy insult. Pity neither of them know English idioms well enough to notice it.

"Your world is collapsing, and a demons and his hordes of possessed metahumans threaten what little is left. And somehow they are finding their way to my world. Your nation is somewhat intact. I am hoping to make common cause. If you help me, I will thank you." His face hardens slightly. "And if you will not, then I will move you."

"And who do you think you are?"
Love the calm, direct manner of his ultimatum. He is going inside, whether they like it or not...

"I am Overman. Kal-El, if that name means something to you."

It does. The brute-men involuntarily take a half-step backwards,
Yeah, that threat is not so subtle. I am impressed they still held their fire.

"And I am kryptonian."

"Stay there. I'll send a runner."
Guessing radio is non-functional with all this magic about. Or they simply don't know how to use them...

A good chance to get out of OL's Enlightened head and see things from a saner perspective. Presumably he's off looking at another country while Karl and Angelika deal with England. Off to Atlantis, perhaps? Still curious to see who's sitting on the throne, though. And what became of those loyal to the Caligula Club... I suspect things have not gone well for them.

It does. The brute-men involuntarily take a half-step backwards,
Should be a full stop.
, perhaps Morgaine le Fey has played some part here. Calling the fair folk back to the mortal world to lay some claim to the ancestral lands of Albion, perhaps?

She is obsessed with ruling Britain, so it may be her.

Orcs? Trolls? Ogres? Some other manner of large fey being? Who can be sure?

I think there were ogres or orcs in Morgaine's world.

Renegade was even mistaken for one.

Not without drastic action. But what are the alternatives after that? What will you do, after you've torn down the system you spent your lives believing in?

Freeman did mention time travel.

I still bet Uncle Sam's suffering from his iconic national character conflicting with the present spirit of the people. That can't be good for his sanity

I think Zoat said it's less metaphysical and more him just fighting for so long that he's started to lose his mind.

Well, when you're basically seen as a demi-god... I can't see anyone naysaying you. I hope your Paul gives you plenty of sass.

He's a Paul, they all give sass.

And what became of those loyal to the Caligula Club... I suspect things have not gone well for them.

I imagine not, if Morgaine got her hands on them.

Though if they fled then they may have found sanctuary with the demons.
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I can't help but feel like that's a stealthy insult. Pity neither of them know English idioms well enough to notice it.
It very much is. Traditionally the tradesman's entrance is where tradesmen brought supplies that a lord's household bought and was placed somewhere discreet and out of the way.

To give a modern example/equivalent:
It's like going to see a large shop's owner for some reason, and getting stopped at the entrance of the shop and instructed to go enter through the loading dock out back, not because the owner is there but because that is where someone like you should enter from.

Edit: Better example: Going to a restaurant and being stopped at the entrance and instructed to go to the back entrance to get your food.
Mr Zoat, is Kara Zor-L a member of the Team now? If she is, I'm interested in seeing her interact with members of the Team.
"But what do we do?"

"I have been trying to decide that for more than half my life. The best I have been able to do is encourage those politicians who are less extreme. I… I do not think that our society can be fixed."
Such pessimism. It is merely a matter of time-scale. Constant pressure for a few centuries should do the job.

If you help me, I will thank you." His face hardens slightly. "And if you will not, then I will move you."
One of the better remixes of "Speak softly and carry a big stick."
' demon '

should be ' for '
Not all of the Reichsmen are true believers, eh?
'We hate these people... Who we've already exterminated. And this drug-addled wreck is our saviour.'
Was it ever explained why? Or why they didn't adopt?
In this story they adopted once and the child died.
I can't help but feel like that's a stealthy insult. Pity neither of them know English idioms well enough to notice it.
For those unfamiliar, a tradesman's entrance is the entrance of a large property used by servants and tradesmen, as opposed to the front door used by family and guests.
Should be a full stop.
Thank you, corrected.
Hey, what is Ancestor Paul's relationship with Vandal Savage like?
Killed him before he could expose himself to the meteorite.
'We hate these people... Who we've already exterminated. And this drug-addled wreck is our saviour.'

In this story they adopted once and the child died.

Killed him before he could expose himself to the meteorite.
It's nice to know there is hope for Nazi Earth and I'm a little saddened that Karl lost a child it explains why he is so protective of Angelika. Killing Savage would solve a lot of problems but he's been so important to the history of mankind that removing him might cause some serious problems.
It's nice to know there is hope for Nazi Earth and I'm a little saddened that Karl lost a child it explains why he is so protective of Angelika. Killing Savage would solve a lot of problems but he's been so important to the history of mankind that removing him might cause some serious problems.
No, that was Jay and Joan Garrick.
Killed him before he could expose himself to the meteorite

Well that's one less problem removed.

Though, yeah, like Bud-E said, given the fact that Savage tended to be involved in a lot of historical events, either being a central figure, or connected to it somehow, I'm imagining that the world in Ancestor Paul's universe is much, much different.

And speaking of that hunk of space rock, did Ancestor Paul use it to give himself immortality, or at least some other metahuman ability?

I know he has his ring, but has he still exposed himself to it so he can gain another source of power in case he loses his ring?

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