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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

21st year of the reign of King Randor I
Season of Chill
307th day, 17th bell

This plan has gone somewhere it really shouldn't.

Adora née Despara is wearing a… Nice..? Tunic that I assume Prince Adam left in Grayskull at some point. I mean, Teela Na doesn't get a lot of guests, so it's either him or Sir Duncan, and it's nothing like large enough for him. The quality of the cloth is good and the fit isn't terrible and that's about as much as I'm qualified to say about it. She's looking around in guarded fascination at the festively-dressed city, smiling couples walking the streets and cheerfully greeting their friends.
Heh. She's probably never seen people in any position other than fleeing in terror or fighting for their lives. Or at least cowering before their captors. This might be a good thing for her to experience, I think. Even if she might not see it that way at first.

Eternos doesn't exactly have a state religion. The nearest thing they have is the universal reverence the people hold for the Elders, but there's no temple or anything like that. I think that the royal couple are going to be doing a speech at some point, but I wasn't paying any attention to the arrangements because… I was either going to be in Castle Grayskull, or in its mistress.

And now I'm in neither, and probably in trouble.
'In it's mistress'... :rolleyes: What a way with words, Lantern. Kind of satisfying to see you at a loose end like this...

Adora left the Sword of Power in Castle Grayskull, so all she's got are a couple of short swords she picked up from the castle's armoury. And that's good. It doesn't even stand out that much, as more people took to arming themselves as a response to Keldor freeing himself.

She left the Sword of Power in Castle Grayskull, with Evil-Lyn, who is now studying it. And that's bad. And because the Sorcerer/Sorceress needs to be on-site in case something… Unexpected happens, Evelyn Powers now has the power. She can't rewrite her own geas and she doesn't have the activation phrase for the Sword but I'm…
Yeah, you're going to be in deep trouble when the actual Sorceress learns about this...

"What… Are they celebrating?"

"The… Older couples are celebrating love and familial bonds. The younger couples are tentatively celebrating their own relationships. The singletons are using the atmosphere to try and start relationships with other people embarrassed by their single state, with inhibitions reduced by the event and by intoxicating beverages." I glance awkwardly at her. "I… Suppose that's not something you have a great deal of experience with?"
Unless there was a little tension with Catra? :D

"That question is irrelevant to our task. Why do they do this?"

"Why this event.. particularly?" A curt nod as she stares at a boy and girl slightly younger than her awkwardly failing to hold a conversation. "This sort of social ritual bond a civilisation together by marking major stages in the lives of its inhabitants. Most people will marry at some point in their lives, and most will have children. It also serves to emphasise the significance of the pairing, and so reinforcing it and therefore the society which relies on those bonds for its strength."
Heh. Teenagers. Still, it probably helps drive home that Hordak's way is not normal.

"Are you married?"

"Ah-. No."
Would you want to inflict him on any woman like that?

"Do you have children?"

"Not as yet."
Not that you didn't have a twinkle in your eye, huh?

"Good. A warrior in Hordak's service should be able to rise above the profligates and dedicate themselves to him in their totality."

"I'm… I'm getting a certain image of life under-"
And it's rather unpleasant. I get the feeling Hordak would rather his soldiers be little more than meat automata. But even he needs intelligent followers to serve in the field...

"Hey, Orange!"

"-Hordak-." I turn, smiling, as Krass and Ekra-. I don't think I fully appreciated the size difference before I saw them next to each other with Krass out of armour. Good grief, he's got to be three times her mass. Four times. Maybe five. "Krass! Delighted to see you!"
That's Ram-Man, of course. And yes, he is a big, big fellow. God only knows what their bedroom time is like...

Adora's going for her swords grab her arm and wrap it around mine I were her escort and pull her close enough with a solid enough grip that she can't take a fighting stance and start walking towards my good friend who is almost certainly setting off her 'threat alert' instincts because, my goodness, he's a big lad.

He's grinning a big, dopy grin and I'm happy that he finally took the plunge and I'm really hoping that this is just a brief 'hello' before they go somewhere else, because this could really go very badly.
Heh. Yeah, I expect you'll be having to do that often tonight.

"I didn't think you were coming! I thought you were busy with-." He tries to work out how to refer to Grayskull without directly mentioning it. "Y'know."

"Something came up, and I had to get someone to cover for me while I attend to it."
And boy, are you going to be neck-deep when they find out who. There'll be no end of yelling...

He looks at Adora. "Uh… Huh…"

Not mentioning the fact that she's half my age, because we both remember what happened last time that came up.
...They do know you're an actual adult, right? Or at least not just out of your teens?

"Despara is new to Eternos and I decided to show her the city at its best. Despara, this is my good friend Krass and his beau Miss Ekra."

Ekra nods her head politely. "I'm glad that you're visiting during the festival. You're really seeing the city at its best."
Thank goodness they're probably a little drunk. Or bluffing like that would be much harder.

Adora… Stares at them for a moment.

"… Hello."
...Wow, any more wooden and you could be a plank... :rolleyes: Then again, it's probably the first time she's talked to anyone who isn't being conquered right now.

My smile probably looks a little unnatural. "She's a little shy. Look, have you seen Sir Duncan? I need a word."

"Oh yeah! He actually came this year too! Ah, last time I saw them, they were in the big park, but… I dunno if they're still there." He thinks for a moment. "I'd… Probably leave them alone? Man-at-Arms doesn't get a lot of time to himself, and… It's a festival."
Yep, the Sorceress had planned on breaking a bed, I suspect...

I nod. "You're probably right." I take a half-step back. "We'd best be getting on. You two have a nice evening."

"Oh? Oh! Okay." He shyly lays his right hand on Ekra's entire left forearm and they share a slightly bashful smile, before proceeding down the street.
And they'll probably be breaking on of their own... x3 Admittedly for different reasons...

Adora watches them like a hawk as they go, waiting until they disappear around a corner before returning her attention to me.

"Who. Was. That?"
Answer wisely, Lantern, and be ready to grab her...

"Krass. Sergeant Krass. A member of the Masters of the Universe, the kingdom's elite military unit."

Her swords leap for my throat, and are blocked by two orange construct shields.
Oooh, boy. Hope no-one saw that.


"We don't have the raw power for a direct attack. Gathering intelligence requires making well-placed contacts. People who will tell you things if you buy them a drink, or show you the guard's equipment because you showed an interest." I raise my hands, pushing against the inside of my shields to move her swords away. "I take it that Hordak's horde has no need for such subtlety?"
About as subtle as a brick to the face, I think.

"Little." Eyeing me suspiciously, she sheathes her swords. "I am done with this pretence. I will explore the city for myself. Follow me or do not."

She stalks rides past me, heading in the direction Krass came from.
Yeah, let's not let the crazy girl out of your sight, Lantern.

Can't let her go off on her own, but I should probably give her a little space. I create a sound-deadening aura around me and walk over her, hanging back and using the ring to keep track of her in the crowd.

Okay, getting her to recognise who she is… How. Photography doesn't exist here. Queen Marlena actually did have a camera when she first arrived, but it stopped working years ago. There's no picture of the young princess that I could arrange for her to 'accidentally' find. Which leaves…
Because the Queen is actually an astronaut who landed here a couple of decades back (At least, in the original animated series.) ...Yes, that is actually a thing. And it's implied she was from a DC Earth in the comics...

I sigh and put my hands on my amulet. Using magic for something simply is usually fairly instinctive, training mostly revolving around how to use it under stress. In this case, reaching out to someone who shares a connection to Grayskull…

"Sorceress, I apologise for contacting you-."
Oh, boy. She is not going to be happy about the timing of this.

I get a momentary image of big and strong and reliable and comforting before she limits my view. Glad things are doing well.

"I am glad that you approve. What is it, Orange Lantern? And why do I feel you away from Castle Grayskull?"
Ooops, did you think that out loud, Lantern? :p And boy, how to put this...

"Right, yes, there's a good reason for that, but first… Do Eternians have unusually good memories, and is there a spell for restoring things that have been forgotten?"

"What has occurred?"
"...And is it going to interrupt my night with my husband?" Being the implied addition to that question... :D

"Well, on the positive side, Princess Adora's back."

Speaking of bricks to the face... Way to break the news gently, Lantern.

And I see Sir Duncan stiffen at the surprised she expressed openly.

"And she's been totally brainwashed by Hordak and Friends. She thinks I work for Skeletor and I'm keeping an eye on her. So… Memory spell?"
...Give her a minute to absorb just how deeply you've screwed up tonight, Lantern...

Welp, time for the shouting to start. Or at least some hurried dressing and running on the part of Duncan and the Sorceress. Because she is probably going to want him in arm's reach when she hears this story... So she can choke him. Let's just hope they can shake Adora's brainwashing enough that she doesn't go postal on someone, at least... :confused: ...She's going to run into Adam and Teela any second, isn't she?
Unless there was a little tension with Catra? :D

I think that's just from the Princesses of Power.

ThoughI'm not all that familiarwith the 2000s cartoon or comics.

They do know you're an actual adult, right? Or at least not just out of your teens?

Who knows?

Paul's aren't particularly intelligent creatures so he may not have told them.

Give her a minute to absorb just how deeply you've screwed up tonight, Lantern...

I don't think he'd want that since then she's likely to curse him.

..She's going to run into Adam and Teela any second, isn't she

I believe that should be 'simple'.
That should say 'surprise'.
around mine I were -> around mine as if I were
over -> after
Thank you, corrected.
No, that's okay.
Ahh, so you too have trouble admitting your age.
No, that's a reference to the original He-Man segment.
Actually, it looks like something went wrong.

You removed the 'd' from the wrong word.
"Despara is new to Eternos and I decided to show her the city at its best. Despara said:
beau[/B] Miss Ekra."

Knowing nothing of He-Man lore, this is a fun side story. However, I've never seen 'beau' used to describe a woman. It's a term for boyfriend... Or is this yet another inexplicable difference between Brit and US English?
Think you have that backwards. AFAIK, it should be "current name" née "birth name"
He doesn't know that.
Knowing nothing of He-Man lore, this is a fun side story. However, I've never seen 'beau' used to describe a woman. It's a term for boyfriend... Or is this yet another inexplicable difference between Brit and US English?
Again, it's more that the SI doesn't know that's correct and sees no reason not to use it.
Surely Paul could just taze her and lock her up for a bit, until the party is over and the sorceress comes back? I don't see why he's playing along and taking so many risks.
Surely Paul could just taze her and lock her up for a bit, until the party is over and the sorceress comes back? I don't see why he's playing along and taking so many risks.

He may not be aware of her full capabilities and powers so he's playing it safe.

Plus he wants her to realize who she is and of she's attacked then she may not wish to cooperate.
Surely Paul could just taze her and lock her up for a bit, until the party is over and the sorceress comes back? I don't see why he's playing along and taking so many risks.
Not reliably. Eternians are really tough. Enough electricity to stun her might only put her down for a few seconds. As much as he could make would risk frying her.
Evelyn has the access to the sword, even with her geass this could be a problem but not beyond repair. Doesn't take much imagination to figure out what the Sorcress and Man at Arms were doing.

I know that Red Lantern Paul is going to have a baby with Blackfire and that Avengers Earth's mightiest heroes Pauls adopts Rogue and I believe that Renegade Paul adopts some girls as well but I don't recall any other Paul having kids though we pretty much always see him find a love interest or at least potential love interest.

Something I've been wondering about the alternate Paul who became The Ancestor, did he die a long time ago or is he immortal and if the latter, did he encounter some historical figures like Niccolo Machiavelli and maybe ensured he got a yellow lantern ring?

I really want to know more about the alternate Pauls, a least a summary of their stories including what we haven't seen.
He doesn't know that.

Again, it's more that the SI doesn't know that's correct and sees no reason not to use it.

Really? That unto itself strikes me as odd, given the vocabulary used by the both of the 'Main' SIs. I'm constantly learning new words from this story. Just a general disinterest in the romantic arts?
I know that Red Lantern Paul is going to have a baby with Blackfire and that Avengers Earth's mightiest heroes Pauls adopts Rogue and I believe that Renegade Paul adopts some girls as well but I don't recall any other Paul having kids though we pretty much always see him find a love interest or at least potential love interest
Krono doesn't have one, and Saul turned down Auntie Sis' proposition because using the indigo light made him aromantic and/or asexual.

Something I've been wondering about the alternate Paul who became The Ancestor, did he die a long time ago or is he immortal and if the latter, did he encounter some historical figures like Niccolo Machiavelli and maybe ensured he got a yellow lantern ring?
The latest chapter about the Ancestor implies that he's become an immortal who walks the Earth, and possibly beyond, and helps out anyone he comes across. The chapter itself involves a Native American tribe who was tasked with guarding ancient technology made by a precursor civilization.
Krono doesn't have one, and Saul turned down Auntie Sis' proposition because using the indigo light made him aromantic and/or asexual.
I forgot about Saul but didn't know about Krono

The latest chapter about the Ancestor implies that he's become an immortal who walks the Earth, and possibly beyond, and helps out anyone he comes across. The chapter itself involves a Native American tribe who was tasked with guarding ancient technology made by a precursor civilization.
I actually did read that side story and I suppose it does imply that he is immortal.
I know that Red Lantern Paul is going to have a baby with Blackfire and that Avengers Earth's mightiest heroes Pauls adopts Rogue and I believe that Renegade Paul adopts some girls as well but I don't recall any other Paul having kids though we pretty much always see him find a love interest or at least potential love interest

Lord Protector Paul, the one with the yellow ring, is probably now a stepfather to two Thundercats.

Something I've been wondering about the alternate Paul who became The Ancestor, did he die a long time ago or is he immortal and if the latter, did he encounter some historical figures like Niccolo Machiavelli and maybe ensured he got a yellow lantern ring?

He's still alive and he may not have helped Machiavelli either because he didn't want to alter history too much or because he couldn't.

Krono doesn't have one, and Saul turned down Auntie Sis' proposition because using the indigo light made him aromantic and/or asexual

Yeah, apparently he did have sex with her but by that point the ring had altered him to such a way that he can't really experience desire or love to a great degree.
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Lord Protector Paul, the one with the yellow ring, is probably now a stepfather to two Thundercats.

Oh yes, I forgot about that Paul.

He's still alive and he may not have helped Machiavelli either because he didn't want to alter history too much or because he couldn't.

I suppose it makes sense but I was thinking more along the lines of maybe Machiavelli is still alive but in secret using a yellow lantern because despite what most people think of him, if you really look he was much more of a neutral figure and someone I would be surprised by if Paul were to entrust with a yellow ring.

Yeah, apparently he did have sed with her but by that point the ring had altered him to such a way that he can't really experience desire or love to a great degree.
Thanks for the info, by the way you have a typo.
I suppose it makes sense but I was thinking more along the lines of maybe Machiavelli is still alive but in secret using a yellow lantern because despite what most people think of him, if you really look he was much more of a neutral figure and someone I would be surprised by if Paul were to entrust with a yellow ring.
Why would he have a yellow ring? Where would he have gotten it from? If he had the ability to go around gifting those things, why not set up an organization that does whatever he expects from those that he gives gifts to, but in a more dependable and orderly fashion? That version of Paul seems like he just has immortality, and his ring is out of juice.
It was more random thought than anything specific, but in regards as to where he might have gotten the yellow ring he could have reached a deal with the guardians of Oa to find a candidate who could use the power of fear wisely. As for whether the Ancestor Version of Paul is out of juice for his ring we don't actually know.
Masters of the Universe,
Something I gotta ask. I am sure it was just a tag line when He-Man was first made, but by now I am sure there's been a number of media to justify it.
What is a "Master Of The Universe"? What makes one a "Master Of The Universe"? And aren't they stuck on a singular planet? Maybe 2 counting Adora's? Do they control fundamental forces of the universe?
And what is the magic of Grey Skull? Just the magic housed in the building or is it apart of the universe?
I've been thinking of something ever since I did a re-read of some of the possession chapters where Paul is joined with the Ophidian and bathes in the Orange Light. What would be the equivalent be for someone who gets absorbed in White Light for too long? Would they somehow attract the attention of the Entity?
Something I gotta ask. I am sure it was just a tag line when He-Man was first made, but by now I am sure there's been a number of media to justify it.
What is a "Master Of The Universe"? What makes one a "Master Of The Universe"? And aren't they stuck on a singular planet? Maybe 2 counting Adora's? Do they control fundamental forces of the universe?
For reasons best know to the Elders, 'Masters of the Universe' is the name for the special forces unit of the city-state of Eternos. They're usually referred to as 'The Masters' in-universe. I have no idea how that name was chosen.
And what is the magic of Grey Skull? Just the magic housed in the building or is it apart of the universe?
A powerful repository of raw magical power housed within Castle Grayskull.

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