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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Vantavendi (part 15)
21st October 2012
13:32 GMT -5

"So we're pretty sure that White Dragon and Vigilante never met each other?"

Marcus types a new search and presses 'enter'.

"So far as I can tell, they never met at our events. Beyond that I could not say." He moves a mouse and highlights other names on the attendee lists. "According to this, there are at least three people who attended meetings at various times with both of them."

"I see that your name is one of them."

He nods. "I try to attend gatherings in as many areas as possible. Given how the Alliance has expanded of late, that is not as great a proportion as it once was."

"Oh? What sort of area do you cover these days?"

"All corners of the world, saving only China. Though finding appropriate partners in all places has proven to be a little difficult, and while the majority of our affiliates are American, we can provide training in almost every country on Earth."

"Oh. I hadn't realised. What's the take-up like outside of the US?"

"It varies a great deal. In Europe we're replicating the model we use in America, though with a little more contact with national governments. South America is… Difficult. Accalacan doesn't have much use for us, and the other nations are experiencing a wave of newly ascendant tyrants who do not wish to be seen to be too closely aligned to foreigners. In Africa, there is a great need but the infrastructure is so poor that we cannot gather enough metahumans together to be truly effective."

"What about magicians?"

"Where would we find tutors, when even the mighty Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps has struggled?" I make an amused 'hm' noise. "When magicians come to us, we are forced to train them as if their abilities were no different from the natural powers of metahumans, and hope that gradual experimentation amongst their own supporters will allow them to gather knowledge. Eventually, we will have a library of sufficient volume that we will be able to provide the answers they seek, but for now…"

"Magic not a big deal in Rome? Or on the virmiru homeworld?"

"In Rome, there were the mysteries revealed to those who gave their lives to the cults of the various gods. As a Christian, I was unconvinced how many were engaged in devilry and how many were simply charlatans. My time amongst the virmiru moderated that view only in that it opened my mind to the possibility that they had access to knowledge of the functions of the natural world that was not widely known."

"And then you came back to this."

"It was not the greatest surprise, but it was noteworthy."

"It's funny; a while ago I mentioned taking this approach to the Justice League. Forming contacts with superheroes across the world and providing direction, a code of conduct…"

"They don't appear to have made any moves in that direction."

"No. I'm… Sort of used to them ignoring my advice on organisational matters. Though I am pleased that someone's doing it."

"Now you've made me curious. How are the Justice League organised?"

"Rotating chairmanship, everyone votes on major decisions, new recruits need everyone's approval and there's no set criteria."

He gives me a mild frown. "That… Sounds…"

"I know, and I told them that." I shake my head. "They might have changed it since then, I don't know."

"Would you be willing to assist us?"

I shrug. "I move around too much to be involved in an organisation. I could probably build you a few virtual reality training suites if you have a site in mind..?"

"We would appreciate that, but I understand that you were responsible for the Justice League's worldwide training exercise?"

"I was the directing mind, but that took the input of a great many people."

"Could you run an exercise on a smaller scale?"

"Certainly, but the Alliance doesn't have the same degree of official recognition that the Justice League does. It would be a good deal harder to persuade authorities to participate in training exercises; that sort of thing is highly disruptive."

"While it is true that the Alliance does not have the League's mandate, we are beginning to sign cooperation agreements with a number of cities. Even a few countries."

"Then I… Suppose I could commit to one a year? I don't know how you're going to decide who gets it."

"My thought on the subject was that we would form a mobile reserve of volunteers. When there was a surge in crime in a particular area, or a supervillain emerged who was in possession of far more power than the local members could safely engage, we could move our reserve to that location. It would be something like what the Congregation do when they call for aid."

"Sounds like a good idea to me, but Congregationalists can teleport. They can call in aid for a particular fight. A reserve force would take… They'd usually have to get to an airport and fly to wherever they were needed. That could take a day or two, assuming that they didn't need a visa or other travel documentation."

"We're building a teleportation network."

I raise my eyebrows. "You are?"

"My sponsors were familiar with teleportation technology. And while I'm sure that your efforts to sponsor genius technologists who wish to use their intellects commercially are quite helpful, a significant number have offered us their assistance."

"Satellite based? I tried to sell the League on the idea, but they didn't go for it."

"No, transmission towers. They generate a weak quantum entanglement field, allowing us to transport our people to anywhere where the fields intersect. Getting enough towers to cover the world will be the work of decades, but we believe that three will be enough for the United States."

I have… Heard of the technology. It's not popular in most places because the quantum manipulation can interfere with other devices that civilisations advanced enough to build them would be using. But I suppose that's not a problem on Earth. Powering the things might be a problem… Or might have a few years ago. Global energy costs have been slashed as a result of my threat to the energy market. It might actually be viable, though there would be the problem of having infrastructure on Earth where national governments might decide to get in the way.

In terms of effectiveness, the system would be immune to most forms of conventional interference. And since the field is constantly active, it's far easier to conceal its use than the use of other forms of teleportation.

"I'd be interested in-."

My ring blinks.

"Excuse me." I raise my left hand. "Yes?"

Alan's face appears, though he's not looking at the camera.

"Paul, get to Dakota City right now. Avenger's here and she's not playing around."

I nod. "With you in two, one."
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"Now you've made me curious. How are the Justice League organised?"

"Rotating chairmanship, everyone votes on major decisions, new recruits need everyone's approval and there's no set criteria."

He gives me a mild frown. "That… Sounds…"

"I know, and I told them that." I shake my head. "They might have changed it since then, I don't know."
Is the JL still run like it was before Paul killed Nabu? I would think most of the League would want to at least revisit his complaints after that.


attended meeting at various


to attend much gatherings in as many areas

'many gatherings'

model we use in American,


It varies a great detail.

'great deal'

other nations are experiencing a wave of newly ascendant tyrants who do not wish to be seen to be too closely aligned to

Ohh, this is just wonderful.

"In Rome, there were the mysteries revealed to those who gave their lives to the cults of the various gods. As a Christian, I was unconvinced how many were engaged in devilry and how many were simply charlatans. My time amongst the virmiru moderated that view only in that it opened my mind to the possibility that they had access to knowledge of the functions of the natural world that was not widely known

Also the cults may not have been too eager to share their secrets beyond just saying their gods did it.

Though am am pleased

'I am pleased'

Though am am pleased that someone's doing it."

And you didn't need to prompt them to do it.
In Europe we're replicating the model we use in American, though with a little more contact with national governments.
That should say 'America'.

"It's funny; a while ago I mentioned taking this approach to the Justice League. Forming contacts with superheroes across the world and providing direction, a code of conduct…"

"They don't appear to have made any moves in that direction."

"No. I'm… Sort of used to them ignoring my advice on organisational matters. Though am am pleased that someone's doing it."
It's kinda sad that the League doesn't seem to want to adapt compared to the way a newer, less powerful organization of superheroes is doing. Can we ever see them improve how they operate in the future thanks to advice from Paul? Also, that should say 'I'.

"We're building a teleportation network."

I raise my eyebrows. "You are?"

"My sponsors were familiar with teleportation technology. A while I'm sure that your efforts to sponsor genius technologists who wish to use their intellects commercially are quite helpful, a significant number have offered us their assistance."
A teleportation network can be a big step in making the Alliance of the Just a true global force. Is there any chance they can be seen as the number 2 premier superhero group? Also, the 'A' should be removed, making that only 'While'.

Alan's face appears, though he's not looking at the camera.

"Paul, get to Dakota City right now. Avenger's here and she's not playing around."
If she's in Dakota City, my best guess is that she's after members and affiliates of the Shadow Cabinet. Are Icon and Rocket being targeted?
21st October 2012
13:32 GMT -5

"So we're pretty sure that White Dragon and Vigilante never met each other?"

Marcus types a new search and presses 'enter'.
I get the feeling neither man would have liked the other. But still, organisations as ad-hoc as this began tend to have to take what they can get. Which is probably why they were willing to overlook some suspicious background incidents...

"So far as I can tell, they never met at our events. Beyond that I could not say." He moves a mouse and highlight other names on the attendee lists. "According to this, there are at least three people who attended meeting at various times with both of them."

"I see that your name is one of them."
Now, who were the other two, hmm? Part of the administrative arm of the Alliance, or... Well, I suppose we'll find out if it's important.

He nods. "I try to attend much gatherings in as many areas as possible. Given how the Alliance has expanded of late, that is not as great a proportion as it once was."

"Oh? What sort of area do you cover these days?"
Given that he has a spaceship, it's probably not hard to get from here to there in time. Not quite FTL Transitions or Greediporting, but still...

"All corners of the world, saving only China. Though finding appropriate partners in all places has proven to be a little difficult, and the majority of our affiliates are American, we can provide training in almost every country on Earth."

"Oh. I hadn't realised. What's the take-up like outside of the US?"
China being its usual 'unconcerned with the outside world' self, of course. But they hardly need the sort of unofficial arrangements other countries involve themselves in.

"It varies a great detail. In Europe we're replicating the model we use in American, though with a little more contact with national governments. South America is… Difficult. Accalacan doesn't have much use for us, and the other nations are experiencing a wave of newly ascendant tyrants who do not wish to be seen to be too closely aligned to foreigners. In Africa, there is a great need but the infrastructure is so poor that we cannot gather enough metahumans together to be truly effective."
To be fair, when the Accala are no doubt spreading the Danner Formula to the next generation within their borders, crime is less likely to be a problem there once they mature. Muggings? How do you threaten people who can withstand bullets? Theft? Not much to stop the injured party from tracking you down and taking their things back...

"What about magicians?"

"Where would we find tutors, when even the mighty Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps has struggled?" I make an amused 'hm' noise. "When magicians come to us, we are forced to train them as if their abilities were no different from the natural powers of metahumans, and hope that gradual experimentation amongst their own supporters will allow them to gather knowledge. Eventually, we will have a library of sufficient volume that we will be able to provide the answers they seek, but for now…"
Ech. Not the best method, but given how unique some forms of magic can be, hardly surprising.

"Magic not a big deal in Rome? Or on the virmiru homeworld?"

"In Rome, there were the mysteries revealed to those who gave their lives to the cults of the various gods. As a Christian, I was unconvinced how many were engaged in devilry and how many were simply charlatans. My time amongst the virmiru moderated that view only in that it opened my mind to the possibility that they had access to knowledge of the functions of the natural world that was not widely known."
A living demonstration of 'There is more to Heaven and Earth than is dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio...' After all, I'm sure he had strong beliefs of how the world worked when he earned his place amongst his sponsors...

"And then you came back to this."

"It was not the greatest surprise, but it was noteworthy."
You couldn't really expect Rome to still rule everything after this long... They had enough trouble managing what they held then.

"It's funny; a while ago I mentioned taking this approach to the Justice League. Forming contacts with superheroes across the world and providing direction, a code of conduct…"

"They don't appear to have made any moves in that direction."
No Justice League International anytime soon, I suppose... It's still very much the American boy's club it started as at this point...

"No. I'm… Sort of used to them ignoring my advice on organisational matters. Though am am pleased that someone's doing it."

"Now you've made me curious. How are the Justice League organised?"

"Rotating chairmanship, everyone votes on major decisions, new recruits need everyone's approval and there's no set criteria."

He gives me a mild frown. "That… Sounds…"
...Foolish? Yes, you're not the only one to see that.

"I know, and I told them that." I shake my head. "They might have changed it since then, I don't know."

"Would you be willing to assist us?"
On the recruiting angle, I hope they at least reduced it to a minimum quorum of sitting members. Like, majority vote out of a 9-person meeting, or something.

I shrug. "I move around too much to be involved in an organisation. I could probably build you a few virtual reality training suites if you have a site in mind..?"

"We would appreciate that, but I understand that you were responsible for the Justice League's worldwide training exercise?"
Danger Rooms-a-go-go.

"I was the directing mind, but that took the input of a great many people."

"Could you run an exercise on a smaller scale?"
Given the last one nearly kicked the league's collective arse until they pulled their heads out of it, that could be a big ask. Some of them are probably still offering up thanks that OL is law-abiding, because he could be damn scary as a villain.

"Certainly, but the Alliance doesn't have the same degree of official recognition that the Justice League does. It would be a good deal harder to persuade authorities to participate in training exercises; that sort of thing is highly disruptive."

"While it is true that the Alliance does not have the League's mandate, we are beginning to sign cooperation agreements with a number of cities. Even a few countries."
Planning on giving the League a bit of competition, eh? Hopefully the rivalry doesn't get too out of hand.

"Then I… Suppose I could commit to one a year? I don't know how you're going to decide who gets it."

"My thought on the subject was that we would form a mobile reserve of volunteers. When there was a surge in crime in a particular area, or a supervillain emerged who was in possession of far more power than the local members could safely engage, we could move our reserve to that location. It would be something like what the Congregation do when they call for aid."
But they have some useful advantages, though.

"Sounds like a good idea to me, but Congregationalists can teleport. They can call in aid for a particular fight. A reserve force would take… They'd usually have to get to an airport and fly to wherever they were needed. That could take a day or two, assuming that they didn't need a visa or other travel documentation."

"We're building a teleportation network."
Well! Let's hope it's not too risky for the transportees. I suspect the Alliance has to deal with a lot more red tape than the League does, and one accident could bring down all manner of lawsuits...

I raise my eyebrows. "You are?"

"My sponsors were familiar with teleportation technology. A while I'm sure that your efforts to sponsor genius technologists who wish to use their intellects commercially are quite helpful, a significant number have offered us their assistance."
And yet their interstellar flight still had to deal with relativistic effects... Such is the uneven nature of technological development.

"Satellite based? I tried to sell the League on the idea, but they didn't go for it."

"No, transmission towers. They generate a weak quantum entanglement field, allowing us to transport our people to anywhere where the fields intersect. Getting enough towers to cover the world will be the work of decades, but we believe that three will be enough for the United States."
God just imagine the idiots protesting that, given the typical display against normal mobile cell towers...

I have… Heard of the technology. It's not popular in most places because the quantum manipulation can interfere with other devices that civilisations advanced enough to build them would be using. But I suppose that's not a problem on Earth. Powering the things might be a problem… Or might have a few years ago. Global energy costs have been slashed as a result of my threat to the energy market. It might actually be viable, though there would be the problem of having infrastructure on Earth where national governments might decide to get in the way.
Ah, human nature. Getting in the way of progress because of profits, or fear, or arrogance...

In terms of effectiveness, the system would be immune to most forms of conventional interference. And since the field is constantly active, it's far easier to conceal its use than the use of other forms of teleportation.

"I'd be interested in-."
Which may be an issue if a part of the organisation turns rogue.

My ring blinks.

"Excuse me." I raise my left hand. "Yes?"

Alan's face appears, though he's not looking at the camera.
And that's one heck of a profile he's seeing, I bet. Alan is a handsome man, after all.

"Paul, get to Dakota City right now. Avenger's here and she's not playing around."

I nod. "With you in two, one."
Dakota, huh? Wonder which members of the Shadow Cabinet she's after, other than 'All of them'.

Hopefully Crimson Avenger hasn't had any luck with her target or targets yet. The real problem, though, is whether she's even trying to be accurate, or if she's just unloading like mad. At any rate, with two Lanterns on her case, there's a good chance they can bring her down safely. Especially if Zatara can arrive in time. Set magic to fight magic, and so on...
Is the JL still run like it was before Paul killed Nabu? I would think most of the League would want to at least revisit his complaints after that.
They're slightly better at trying to come up with objective criteria now.
meeting -> meetings
delete "much"
and -> and while
Thank you, corrected.
I don't remember the chapter in which OL directs a training exercise. Which was it?
To be fair, when the Accala are no doubt spreading the Danner Formula to the next generation within their borders, crime is less likely to be a problem there once they mature. Muggings? How do you threaten people who can withstand bullets? Theft? Not much to stop the injured party from tracking you down and taking their things back...
I just realized. They're all using the same serum to make themselves super strong and super tough. Is it possible for someone talented, skilled, and ruthless enough to utilize that commonality to take control of all of the Danner enhanciles in Accalacan?
I get the feeling neither man would have liked the other

Vigilante would have probably considered White Dragon to be little better than a criminal and probably do something like his TV show counterpart did when he met his White Dragon.

Danger Rooms-a-go-go.

Let's just hope they can control them so that no mobsters or Nazis manage to take control.

Some of them are probably still offering up thanks that OL is law-abiding, because he could be damn scary as a villain.

Like we saw with Tangseid.

Planning on giving the League a bit of competition, eh? Hopefully the rivalry doesn't get too out of hand.

I doubt it would get out of hand.
I just realized. They're all using the same serum to make themselves super strong and super tough. Is it possible for someone talented, skilled, and ruthless enough to utilize that commonality to take control of all of the Danner enhanciles in Accalacan?
They also have a nymph they worship as a god who protected them from the Sheeda almost single-handedly
Even if Static did exist, it doesn't really seem likely he'd fit the criteria here.

I'm pretty sure that Shadow Cabinet heroes like Donner and Blitzen probably have blood on their hands, they are a Black Ops Wetworks kind of organization.

Or if any Blood Syndicate folks are around despite Earth-16 never having a Big Bang.
I'm pretty sure that Shadow Cabinet heroes like Donner and Blitzen probably have blood on their hands, they are a Black Ops Wetworks kind of organization

And even if the Shadow Cabinet didn't exist, the likes of Donner were former Nazis, so she may have committed some murder against innocents.
To be fair, when the Accala are no doubt spreading the Danner Formula to the next generation within their borders, crime is less likely to be a problem there once they mature. Muggings? How do you threaten people who can withstand bullets? Theft? Not much to stop the injured party from tracking you down and taking their things back...
I would make the argument that if everyone has the same super powers, then no one really has super powers. But in super strength fights, defensive boosts from powers often outweigh strength boosts. So while in a fight between two regular humans, a single punch can end a life, in super fights, one often needs much more than a single punch, and even if walls or the ground were used as leverage, they may break before the person being beaten into them breaks.
Mr Zoat, I don't remember if you already answered this, but how is Orange Lantern of Eternia charging his ring? Is he absorbing ambient magic like Paol?
Mr Zoat, I don't remember if you already answered this, but how is Orange Lantern of Eternia charging his ring? Is he absorbing ambient magic like Paol?

He got his hands on a magic love crystal and changed it to a magic avarice crystal.

sit on the floor of my chamber, power ring on my left ring finger and the Basophil Amulet on my right palm. It's a curious thing; when I first acquired it while wandering in the Sands of Fire it was violet, but when I first used it to charge the ring it shifted to orange
Rereading the Overgirl stuff and I stumbled on this:
From what Overman, Overgirl and Earth 10's magicians can work out
Did you retcon the part where Earth 10 Germania had their own magicians in the Earth 666 arc? Or how does this work?
I just realized. They're all using the same serum to make themselves super strong and super tough. Is it possible for someone talented, skilled, and ruthless enough to utilize that commonality to take control of all of the Danner enhanciles in Accalacan?

Generally speaking you'd have an easier time working on their shared bloodlines or cultural connections. Hooking another major magical effect into an already complex and potent alchemical recipe that wasn't made with such uses in mind is really layering complexity.
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Generally speaking you'd have an easier time working on their shared bloodlines or cultural connections. Hooking anther major magical effect into an already complex and potent alchemical recipe that wasn't made with such uses in mind is really layering complexity.
When you put it that way, it makes me think of Constantine doing it for some technically benevolent but simultaneously messed up reason.
Vantavendi (part 16)
21st October 2012
13:36 GMT -5

I appear high above the Alva Technologies building, which in turn towers over most of the city. I've only been here a few times, and it-

Hope detected.

-never really had any appeal. Same urban decay as a lot of formerly manufacturing-focused cities in America with a tech billionaire taking advantage of the cheap land and tax incentives to build things that the locals didn't want or need. Alva's like Lex Luthor without the idealism that prompted me to try working with him. But at the same time he's not an imminent threat to the world, just a utility drain who would make the world a measurably better place if he took a dive out of his office window one day.

I see flashes of blue in the building below me as Alan fights someone.

"On site."

"Evacuate the Alva Technologies building. We've got a plan."


I fly down, scanning the building for people and-. And use a crumbler construct to break through the force field that someone put up when they got attacked, presumably as part of a disaster contingency plan that was implemented without any actual thought. Or maybe they're just testing it, I don't know. Okay, I've got no idea who Ms. Carlyle is targetting, but there are quite a few corpses in there and the internal walls aren't all that thick. People are trying to flee, but it looks like the ones on the upper floors don't know where they can go that won't just result in them getting shot.

Obvious problem with that is that they're all people voluntarily working for Lex-but-worse. So no super fast filaments transitioning them to the nearest open space as I could for people I liked or respected. Instead, I tear an opening down the side of the building furthest from the stairs and generate a grav-chute construct.

Then I extend construct signs into the building, pointing to the new evacuation-

Alan smashes the floor that Ms. Carlyle was standing on and as she shifts back into smoke uses a fan construct in an attempt to push her out of the building. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like her smoke works like that, and he's forced to transition-dodge as she regains her footing.

-route, which I immediately change to route them around the crazed gunwoman on the floor she's on and the ones immediately above and below her.

Alan barricades the way back up but Ms. Carlyle doesn't bother trying to go that way, instead-

Filament and move!

-taking a shot at an office worker I just about get out of the way in time.

Ring, research their background. Just because they don't deserve to die, that doesn't mean that they don't have something coming to them.


People are starting to use my chute, dropping at near-terminal velocity and then halting safely at ground level. And they're doing that stupid thing of landing and not getting out of the way that always irritates me. Okay, add an impeller construct to give them a shove at the bottom, good. Police are starting to arrive, and they're-. They're building a barricade of cars to keep the rubberneckers away from the superhuman fight. Camera phones are already being raised.

I practise restraint and don't wipe their memories.

Alan sends a straitjacket construct at Ms. Carlyle, but she walks through it as if it weren't even there-

"Alan, try putting runes on the construct."

-as she keeps shooting. Not at everyone -I watch as two people sheltering in a cubicle are completely ignored as she walks past them- but at a great many people. Alan's throwing up barriers and deploying riot shields from his subspace pocket in an attempt to weaken the bullets but they're still-

Transition that one!

-bullets. Even without a demonic enhancement they'll punch through flesh easily enough, as my right shoulder will confirm.

Some of the people on the street are trying to get as far away from the building as they can. Too many have moved to what I can see them telling themselves is a 'safe distance' against a teleporter with possessed guns and decided that now is the time to take advantage of being inside the cordon and watch the super fight. And/or film it. If I weren't-

Change the signs again as there's a better route.

-focusing on the fight-. Aren't there places where they have anti-rubbernecker barriers for car crashes? We need one of those.


The next time Ms. Carlyle fires, her shot is intercepted by a construct shield bearing the blue lantern sigil. The bullet punches through the shield just as easily as before. Is the sigil even-?

The bullet hits a computer monitor and gets embedded in the plastic.


"Saw that."

He boxes her in, blue sigil glaring from each side of the construct packing crate, sides slamming together and trapping her within! She actually stops, blindfolded face staring at the glowing walls hold holding her in. And unlike he would have done right after returning to active duty, Alan remembers to keep back just in case she pulls something. Ms. Carlyle taps the butt of the gun in her right hand against the interior of the box, achieving nothing.

Reroute the signs again, and this part of the building is mostly cleared. I start removing the chute construct so that it can't get damaged by a wayward bullet in case she breaks out.

Being careful to keep a wall… Well, an interior partition, between him and her, Alan creates an Alan construct in front of her.

"Miss? What's this all about?"

Her head turns slightly, and she realises that she's too tightly compressed to raise her guns. So she reverses them, poking them under her arms and firing at the rear of the construct trapping her. Fractures appear as the first rounds punch through, cracks for the second and she doesn't bother firing again, red mist pouring out and allowing her to walk through the otherwise-solid construct. She raises her guns at-


-me, the shot passing through the open-plan office and exiting the building through the window, passing over my right shoulder. With Alan's sterling example in mind I create orange construct disks with the orange sigil on them and fire them into the path of the bullet. The first is smashed asunder, the second gets cracked and the third catches the bullet. Present for Batman.

"Alright, if that's what you want."

Alan's boxed her in again, beams running through the interior of the crate forcing her to point her guns upwards.

"Two important things Paul taught me. The first one is, everyone's got a reason that makes sense to them, and you can't understand them unless you understand how they think about things. You're doing all this because of what happened to your boyfriend? Seems to me that a good cop like him wouldn't be on board with you going on a killing spree. The other important thing he taught me-"

His constructs glow brilliantly.

"-is how to use a ring to make someone feel an emotion. Because it seems to me that what you're short on is hope."

There's a blue flash, and Ms. Carlyle shudders inside her construct prison.

And then she points both barrels at her head and pulls the triggers.
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