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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

OL didn't ask. But they certainly didn't seem as.. broken.. as you'd expect something exposed to Darkseid to be.

They may have been broken but because they've spent time in Hell they're better equipped to deal with the mental torture.

Which isn't good to hear. I shudder to imagine Apokalips' Hell, if it even has one.

I think that's just the living world.

Bloody uneducated American lout. He probably only watched the movie.

It has Alan Rickman, so it was okay.

If Darkseid can't sneak around then how does he pursue his hobby of sneaking into people's homes and sitting on their couches

Maybe that's the only times he can be subtle.
If Darkseid can't sneak around then how does he pursue his hobby of sneaking into people's homes and sitting on their couches?

Because the point isn't for subtly, it's for the emotional sledgehammer to the face that is opening your door and seeing Darkseid sitting on your couch, drinking your booze, and showing you a porn video of your wife.

You know, as opposed to him setting up a microtransmitter to beam Anti-Life into your subconscious when you're sleeping or something like that.
Mr Zoat, I was rereading Episode 42: Fool's Canon and I was wondering if we could ever see Future Orange Lantern back in the world of Avatar, but during Korra's era? My idea was for him to show up after the end of the latest Korra comic, Ruins of the Empire. Maybe he could find a way for Korra to communicate with her past lives again, as I would think Paul would be saddened at the loss of knowledge from losing everything every previous Avatar knew.
Mr Zoat, I was rereading Episode 42: Fool's Canon and I was wondering if we could ever see Future Orange Lantern back in the world of Avatar, but during Korra's era? My idea was for him to show up after the end of the latest Korra comic, Ruins of the Empire. Maybe he could find a way for Korra to communicate with her past lives again, as I would think Paul would be saddened at the loss of knowledge from losing everything every previous Avatar knew.
Oh, yes. I already have plans for that, actually. Older Azula making friends with Korra, taking Mako's place after he leaves the Fire Ferrets to join the police and surprising Zuko by not being dead, while the SI pretends to pretend to not be an Air Bender and drives Tenzin to distraction.
Oh, yes. I already have plans for that, actually. Older Azula making friends with Korra, taking Mako's place after he leaves the Fire Ferrets to join the police and surprising Zuko by not being dead, while the SI pretends to pretend to not be an Air Bender and drives Tenzin to distraction.
Awesome. Would this be before or after Gate though? As at that point, Paul was not sure if Azula could make her lifespan longer.
If Comment A is a reply to Comment B, but a forumgoer C has blocked the poster of Comment B, then Comment A will not display any quoted text from the blocked comment in that forumgoer's page. So Comment A will seem like a strange response to the new update or the thread in general. The mention of Vaermina helps avoid confusion, such as I experienced recently.

Moving on- I'm curious if the recent murders have shaken any of the Team to their core. This whole scenario feels like a replacement for the old League of Shadows/Assassins plan to eliminate junior heroes. Who, aside from the defunct group, would have the motivation to do all of this?
Mr Zoat, I don't remember if you said something about this topic, but how did the Light react to the Harrowing?
Mr Zoat, I don't remember if you said something about this topic, but how did the Light react to the Harrowing?
The only thing that's come up in the story is Lex Luthor trying to sell power armour to Greece.

The Light are mostly taking the opportunity to 'rationalise' certain aspects of Earth society.
The only thing that's come up in the story is Lex Luthor trying to sell power armour to Greece.

The Light are mostly taking the opportunity to 'rationalise' certain aspects of Earth society.
On one hand, what they are doing will probably help Earth prepare for future invasions. On the other hand, supervillains are getting more influence on some parts of the world.
I haven't had a consistent spelling of Desaad in this story.
I remember DeSaad/Desaad being brought up before, and you either correcting it. Or not. So it sounds like you did at one point. And possibly forgot which way it was supposed to be, and then started correcting it the wrong way.

Obviously what you need to do is pick a spelling, add it to the FAQ at the beginning so you don't forget, and then go and search the Story Only thread for every hit of DeSaad, Desaad, De Saad, and De saad and make them conform to the standard. Luckily, I don't think the old French nobleman has made an appearance, which should keep things simple.

No, as in, if Princess was his daughter then he would have failed in his responsibilities.
She can't be he his daughter because if she was his daughter it would mean he failed in his responsibilities (by having had a daughter?)...

Just decide the brat isn't yours no matter what anyone says, on account of paternity being bad for you?
Is your SI by any chance trailer trash, or perhaps a scion of a rich political family?
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She can't be he his daughter because if she was his daughter it would mean he failed in his responsibilities (by having had a daughter?)...
By not being involved in her life at all.
Just decide the brat in yours no matter what anyone says, on account of paternity being bad for you?
Is your SI by any chance trailer trash, or perhaps a scion of a rich political family?
This whole daughter discussion is confusing. Princess isn't Paul's daughter. He doesn't, and never has, had any responsibility towards her. If there was mutual interest in it, he could offer to act as a father for her, but he wasn't interested, and he clearly turned down this possibility for her. If he had entered into a fatherly role for her, then from that point on he would be expected to provide care for her. And only then could negligence on his part be considered failing as a father. Point is, he never had a chance to fail as a father, because he wasn't ever her father.
He's basically saying that your SI is a horrible person for not taking care of his daughter and refusing to accept her as his because admitting that she is his daughter would be bad for him.

No. She's not his. He was horrified that he might have had a daughter and not known about it, becaue that would have been failing in his responsibility.

No. She's not his. He was horrified that he might have had a daughter and not known about it, becaue that would have been failing in his responsibility.
Isn't that circumstantial? Take the whole Kon situation. Kon is, genetically, Superman's child. But Kon existing without Superman's knowledge was not a case of Superman failing his responsibilities. Where Superman failed was in not openly, directly, and clearly telling Kon that he would not be his father. I guess it would be a little different for Paul, seeing as how he might have gotten the spider queen accidentally pregnant when he was feeling her up, in which case Princess would be a direct result of his own negligence in considering the biological processes of other species. And only then could any sort of blame or irresponsibility be pinned on Paul.
Isn't that circumstantial? Take the whole Kon situation. Kon is, genetically, Superman's child. But Kon existing without Superman's knowledge was not a case of Superman failing his responsibilities. Where Superman failed was in not openly, directly, and clearly telling Kon that he would not be his father. I guess it would be a little different for Paul, seeing as how he might have gotten the spider queen accidentally pregnant when he was feeling her up, in which case Princess would be a direct result of his own negligence in considering the biological processes of other species. And only then could any sort of blame or irresponsibility be pinned on Paul.

Though that didn't happen since the Spider Queen created Princess without any of Paul's genetic material.

Paul gave the Queen his book on the orange light and desire and the Queen later on created Princess so that she'd be the perfect orange ring wielder.

Paul gave the Queen inspiration.
Doctor Blight doesn't look back as she leads the way through maturation chamber seven, MAL's mobile screen hovering just behind her. As she reaches the door at the far end, the armature it travels on bends, turning him back to face me. "You better be right about this, Lantern."
I found another broken link to a picture.
Oh, yes. I already have plans for that, actually. Older Azula making friends with Korra, taking Mako's place after he leaves the Fire Ferrets to join the police and surprising Zuko by not being dead, while the SI pretends to pretend to not be an Air Bender and drives Tenzin to distraction.
If Zuko's surprised she's not dead I guess Azula doesn't spend much time on world after she becomes a Lantern.

How does her presence affect the rest of Lok?
I found another broken link to a picture.

You know, I think I've been spoiled by modern fan art. I'm struggling to find a good drawing of Dr. Blight with Mal. Or a good one of her at all. Even widening the search to include pornographic images there are... Maybe three that are any good.

This is fine but doesn't show Mal, this isn't particularly good, I'd use this except the whole point of the segment is that she doesn't have the chemical burns any longer. Same with this. Anyone got any better ideas?
If Zuko's surprised she's not dead I guess Azula doesn't spend much time on world after she becomes a Lantern.
Yes. Basically, she came to the understanding that her behaviour was self-defeating and her environment was just encouraging all of her worse traits. She apologised to Zuko and then left. He thought that he was dreaming, or that she'd died and was visiting him as a spirit, an idea that was reinforced when she just disappeared.

About a hundred years later, she's about to take over as Clarissi but wants to achieve enlightenment first. That involves going home and confronting the route of her problems.
How does her presence affect the rest of Lok?
I want to say 'Korra's less of a fuckup', but honestly I'm not sure Azula or the SI would spend much time with her. They might cause Kuvira to win, because Azula would see a lot of herself in Kuvira, but other than that I'm not sure.
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Versus the Rake Men (part 8)
21st year of the reign of King Randor I
Season of Chill
307th day, 18th bell

"…far too delicate for you to perform."

"Yes, I-. I see that. I'm sorry."

I continue hurrying towards Adora's current location, feeling like a dunce. Eternian magicians need a fetish in order to use virtually all of their magic. When Teela Na made me Sorcerer, she lost hers. Which means that right now all she can do is turn into a bird. She literally can't restore Adora's memories herself without an unclaimed fetish, which Eternos doesn't have.

And she can't use mine, because I've futzed around with it so that it will power the ring.

And while she could fly back to Castle Grayskull and get Evelyn to tag her in, as of right now Evelyn has the power and if she's found a way around her geas… We'd swiftly found ourselves down one Sorceress.

Why is Adora in the Masters' sparring arena? Since Teela Na warded the castle I've lost the ability to scan inside it. I only know that she's there because Sir Duncan's an anal retentive who couldn't quite stop working and got an automatic notification when someone accessed it.

I jog into-.

"Oh. Orange Lantern." Orko spots me from the observation platform. "I was just watching Prince Adam and the new girl." He rises up slightly to float over to me.

"Prince Adam and the new girl? New blonde girl about Adam's height, same hair colour, same eye colour?"

"That's her."


I start moving again. "And are they doing the sensible thing and using blunted training weapons, or is Adam just using his normal sword?"

"Ah… Is that bad?" Orko floats after me, his right hand on his hat. "I mean, it's the sword he always uses..?"

Filaments erupt from the ring and try to latch onto the access panel, only to evaporate because Sir Duncan implemented my defence review suggestions really thoroughly. Which is nice, but-. Damn it! I physically reach it a few seconds later and start typing in my code.

"Orko, how good are you with memory spells?"

"Uh, I've got a spell for mixing different people's memories around? That's great fun at parties."

"No, I mean-" Come on, come on, open already! "-do you have a spell-" The entryway begins scanning me to confirm my identity. "-for restoring memories?"

"Restoring, restoring..?" Orko starts nervously rubbing his hands together as he tries to remember. "Uh, oh! I've got a spell that makes memories play outside your head. Is that any good?"

"Actually? Yes." The door slides back and I see-.

"Lantern. Orko."

A slightly bored-sounded Teela standing next to the exit with her staff in hand. A little way ahead, Adam and Adora are using the floating platforms mode of the arena. Adora is very much on the offensive, swinging her swords one after the other at any weak point she sees in Adam's defence. He's being forced to use his sword more like a shield than a bladed weapon; he's probably stronger than her but it doesn't take a lot of force to cut human flesh with a bladed weapon and he isn't getting the time to attack.

"I thought you were spending the festival at the Castle? Which is why my father is spending it with the Sorceress."

Okay, they're fighting, but it looks like a spar. Adam doesn't look worried, and Teela clearly isn't worried. Actually-

"Hey, nice try!"

-he doesn't look worried at ohnononono.

"She turned up and I had to deal with her."

Teela raises her left eyebrow. "What, was she supposed to be your date?"

"Ah, no."

"Adam's been trying to hit on her since they ran into each other. How did we get a Prince so pathetic that he can't find his own date on the one day a year when even my father has a date?"

Air hisses between my teeth as I inhale. "Okay, Orko, I need you to make her relive a really early memory. Her kidnapping as a small child."

"Relive a kidnapping? Um. I can do-"

The head of Teela's staff leaps past Orko's face and ends up under my nose.


"Lantern, what's going on?"

Before us, Adam jumps backwards, catches his foot against the side of a platform and kicks off. Adora is taken by surprise by his change of direction and just manages to swing at him while he's upside down.

Adam lands a short distance away and finally manages to get the Sword of Power into an offensive position. "Hah! Good one! I think you gave me a haircut! A few more and it'll be as short as yours!"

"That's Princess Adora, Adam's sister."

Teela frowns. "Adam doesn't have-."

"She was kidnapped when she was an infant by Hordak's soldiers, and was raised by her abductor. I'm hoping that Orko can trigger some memory of Eternos, otherwise-."

"Oh, that's easy! I've got a spell for recreating past events that's almost completely reliable! I love having a stabiliser again!"

Teela lowers her staff, staring at Adora and Adam as she redirects his strike into the arena wall with her swords. "He's hitting on his sister. Somehow, I'm not surprised."

I raise my eyebrows. "You couldn't find a date either?"

"Someone had to keep an eye on Adam."

"Ac-tually, no." I shake my head. "No one has to look after Adam. Protocol allows for him to be left on his own inside Eternos."

Adam goes for the double jump again, but this time he misjudges it and slams into a wall. Adora strikes down and he's-


-forced to roll aside to avoid being struck.

"Okay!" Teela and I look at the glowing purple orb in Orko's hands. "Spell's ready!"

Teela blinks. "I still can't quite get used to you being able to use useful magic. What exactly does this do?"

"Oh, it's really clever! It recreates what happened in the minds of everyone affected using a sort of transtemporal arcanometry!" He makes a pushing motion and the spell orb flies towards Adora. "She'll see the whole thing, and-"

As the spell reaches her she turns, slamming both swords into the spell and rending red and purple light in all directions! I blink and the mist sinks into me and Teela, staring at my arms-.

Adora watches it do the same to her, then stalks in our direction.

"What did you just do?!"

Orko's eyes widen. "Ahhh…"

The wall at the far side of the arena explodes, heavily armoured soldiers led by some guy with a jetpack storming in!

"Into the castle! Hordak will tolerate no failure!"
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Sam with this. Anyone got any better ideas?
This ones just a basic flat tone skin so it's easy to edit, I was able to whip this up in paint 3d, what do you think?
"Adam's been trying to hit on her since they ran into each other

Well this should be uncomfortably awkward when their relationship is discovered.

Teela's staff leaps last Orko's face and

'leaps past'

direction and just managed to


"Oh, that's easy! I've got a spell for recreating past events that's almost completely reliable

Ahh, "almost".

To paraphrase a certain bureaucrat, he is almost correct, which is the best type of correct.

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