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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Mr Zoat have you been watching Young Justice lately or naw? I just ask since last few episodes have been focused on Atlantis and its various city-states and its pretty interesting for lore perspective, like how city-state run by shark-men in Antarctica ocean have been stealing territory in other city-states due to climate change caused by surface world harming krill populations which are their main source of food. Doesn't help their warlike culture makes it hard for them to do diplomacy with some combat involved.
At this rate I imagine Paul using the NUCLEAR option on zeus. Request a meeting and telling him this:
loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding × guilt × shame × failure × judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=Orange Lantern Paul

'' Cut yourself from Aether, rescind Diana mission, sit on top of a magical cactus and stop making my life hard'' *middle finger on head to teleport*
Because she's been in Erebos for… Since the end of the Greek Classical era, and so not only hasn't met any Lanterns other than me, but hasn't even heard of the Green Lantern Corps.

"Probably. They're pretty old."

Hera lets out a short burst of laughter and then covers her mouth with her right fist, and I remind myself that just because she's been out and about in the world doesn't mean that she has Justice League type access to information.

"Paul, I'm something like fifteen thousand years old."

"I apologise. They're extremely old. A million plus years each. They use rings like that to help their children learn to control their exotic abilities. It's like stabilisers on a child's first bicycle for them."

Given the direct question, Hecate recovers first. "Yes, though a powerful relic of the Dream may suffice. I doubt that such a thing-."

"Excuse me again."

Poor Hecate - she took a break from the game and came back to seven major updates, an interstellar DLC that has expanded the map size a million fold and a balance patch that let the humans punch at and above her weight class.

Has to be a shock for someone who used to be a top tier player. :p
Thank you, corrected.
Mr Zoat have you been watching Young Justice lately or naw? I just ask since last few episodes have been focused on Atlantis and its various city-states and its pretty interesting for lore perspective, like how city-state run by shark-men in Antarctica ocean have been stealing territory in other city-states due to climate change caused by surface world harming krill populations which are their main source of food. Doesn't help their warlike culture makes it hard for them to do diplomacy with some combat involved.
I haven't been watching it.
At this rate I imagine Paul using the NUCLEAR option on zeus. Request a meeting and telling him this:
loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding × guilt × shame × failure × judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=Orange Lantern Paul

'' Cut yourself from Aether, rescind Diana mission, sit on top of a magical cactus and stop making my life hard'' *middle finger on head to teleport*
I'm not using that version of the Anti-Life.
…Okay the sheer ease and level of rolling over backwards for paul is starting to get real annoying, i feel like there's there no tension no reason to be worry, there is no beating paul, there is no outsmarting him, there is no one who can stop him.
Poor Hecate - she took a break from the game and came back to seven major updates, an interstellar DLC that has expanded the map size a million fold and a balance patch that let the humans punch at and above her weight class.

Has to be a shock for someone who used to be a top tier player. :p
It's like she played Stellaris at release to the first expansion and has only just picked it back up again.

Damn it Paradox, my hate/love/hate relationship with you springs eternal!
27th October 2012
18:15 GMT +3

Hecate glares at me.

"What sort of friend could you have that has a device like this? If you've been talking to Kamrušepa behind my back, then-."
Ooh, there's a relatively obscure religion for you. Outside of the Middle East, at any rate. Wonder if those deities are still around, or if they're in exile since the rise of Islam. At any rate, it looks like Hecate didn't get along with their goddess of Magic...

"Psh." Eris scoffs. "It's a ring. He's a Lantern."

"Goo goo g'joob."
Not that some of the people in the room will understand that reference, OL.

She grins and holds out her right hand for a high five. I give her a high five.

Hecate glares at her. "This is exactly why it's been eight hundred years since we last spoke. What are you talking about?"
Ah, Hecate's one of those people who gets annoyed at people making jokes she doesn't get, eh?

"Lanterns. They use-." Eris regards her curiously. "Wait, you don't know what a Lantern is?"

"I've heard the term used for this mortal. What else does it mean?"
Oh, girl, you are in for quite the education.

Because she's been in Erebos for… Since the end of the Greek Classical era, and so not only hasn't met any Lanterns other than me, but hasn't even heard of the Green Lantern Corps.

"The Green Lantern Corps is a interstellar policing organisation. Maltus is the name of the homeworld of the species who run it. That ring was made by one of them. The Orange Lantern Corps is an organisation to help egotists make themselves useful, and it's run by members of the same species. Members of both organisations are commonly referred to as 'Lanterns'."
Neatly summarised, OL. I'm impressed by your brevity.

"I see." She goes back to looking at it. "Do they have experience with titans?"

"Probably. They're pretty old."
Don't let Hinon hear you say that about her...

Hera lets out a short burst of laughter and then covers her mouth with her right fist, and I remind myself that just because she's been out and about in the world doesn't mean that she has Justice League type access to information.

"Paul, I'm something like fifteen thousand years old."
That's cute. A Maltusian doesn't hit puberty in that time...

"I apologise. They're extremely old. A million plus years each. They use rings like that to help their children learn to control their exotic abilities. It's like stabilisers on a child's first bicycle for them."

The assembled divines look at each other a little awkwardly.
Multiple orders of magnitude, folks. In both age and power. Not feeling like big fish right now, huh? :p

"So going back to my question, you wanted something that connected to the collective unconscious of the human species?"

Given the direct question, Hecate recovers first. "Yes, though a powerful relic of the Dream may suffice. I doubt that such a thing-."
Sadly, Morpheus would have reclaimed his Sand, Helm and Ruby long ago.

"Excuse me again."

So, where to this time? Got to love how fast travel makes a mockery of fetch quests.

27th October 2012
13:17 GMT -2

appear in.. Queen Mera's office. Young Artur is playing with some sort of carousel nearby. She spots me at once, looking at me with an air of confused curiosity.
'Oh no, what is it this time?' is in line with her thoughts, I bet.

"That's not supposed to be possible."

"And are we happy about that or-?"
I suspect someone is going to be very busy checking the warding spells on the place...

The water around me freezes, because while the spell couldn't detect me directly it could detect the sound I was making. Clever.

Queen Mera rises from her seat, her right hand wreathed in a turquoise glow as she waves it. The ice melts at once and I nod politely.
...Ah, right, invisibility to magical detection. But not simple mundane means.

"I assume you're here to get access to the Oceanus relics? We decided that it was best to base the research team on Santa Porto rather than bring the items back here, but I am happy to introduce you to the team working on the problem."

"No, that's not necessary at the moment, thank you. I'm here for the Spear of Destiny."
Well, then. Going straight for the biggest gun in your inventory, eh?

"I…" She appears to hesitate, but I can just about make out her activating a dozen or so minor spells. Not entirely sure what they do, but I'm more… I don't know, disappointed? That she didn't cast them the moment I arrived. "I can release it to you, but given what it does, I would like an explanation."

"Oh, I'm not handing it over to Venturia, if that's what your worried about."
I bet several are 'detect mind control on subject' that just fizzled against his scry warding. And possibly one 'detect madness'.

"Actually, I find Venturia's research quite interesting. I've known King Cyprian on and off for years. I don't think we have anything to worry about militarily from that quarter."

"Well, no, and I'm glad to hear it."
So, something of an amicable secession, then. Good to hear that turned out well.

"Though I would like to know what you will use it for. The Spear of Destiny is an arcane tool of incredible power."

"Are you aware of what's happening with Diana?"
Otherwise, it could be a little awkward explaining his intentions.

"Yes, Orin told me when he passed on the message from Batman regarding Santa Porto."

"The goddess Hecate thinks that the Spear could be used to more easily bind Hephaestus to the… Dream of Technology, empowering him to the point where he may be able to force Zeus to behave himself. I'm afraid that the thaumaturgy is a little beyond-."
Now, now, don't underestimate the lady. She may not be a goddess, but that doesn't mean she's uneducated.

"It would act to stabilise the connection. And it would force the minds of all humans on Earth towards more technological lines of thinking. Orange Lantern, that is why we have avoided using it."

"Humans are using the same brain structure now as we used when our ancestors were hunter gatherers. Biological evolution hasn't kept up with social evolution, and it causes a plethora of problems in the modern world. But that's not the problem I'm trying to correct today."
...'Today'? OL, are you planning something else, however peripherally?

"There is no way to isolate the Spear's effect."

"True, but given that we're not all National Socialists, I don't believe that it's power is overwhelming. Besides, we only need it to set the ritual up. Once it's running… Or completed, we can put the Spear back in isolation."
That's only because Hitler's mages were shit at their job, and couldn't use it properly.

"I want to see the ritual you are describing."

"No problem. We're working on it in Lady Hecate's home in Erebos. I can get you there in a couple of minutes. Though I will warn you in advance that Lady Hecate has been making less than enthusiastic noises about having anyone check her work. Also, they haven't finished working out how to actually do it yet."
But it shouldn't take them long to work that out.

Queen Mera considers it for a moment.

"Are you certain that this is necessary to free Diana?"
...Does it matter? He wants to do it this way, and that's that...

"Maybe, maybe not. But I'm not the proportional response guy. I'm the brutal retribution guy. We'll keep working on this with or without the Spear. The Spear will just make it easier."

She nods. "Very well. I must inform my husband first, but I can release the Spear to you."
Better than upsetting him and having him take it by force. Sure, that's unlikely, but it's possible.

"Thank you. Will Artur be joining us, or do you need to arrange a babysitter?"

She considers that for a moment. "Would he be safe in the Greek underworld?"
Even discounting Hecate's followers... Let Persephone have a cuddle and he'll be safer than... Well, something very safe indeed.

"In Erebos, amongst a horde of Hecate-worshipping shades at least some of whom are Amazons, as a guest of their goddess? I should think so. Certainly wouldn't have to worry about Purist assassins or alien invaders."

"I will speak with my husband first." She swims over to scoop up Artur, who babbles excitedly to her. "Come with me."
And the odds that Orin will say no... Well, OL will understand that his head will be the first to roll if Artur gets hurt, so...

And yet another piece in the complicated moving object that will be this ritual... I can just picture Murphy rubbing his hands together in glee at the sheer potential for mayhem. It'll be even worse if they successfully buff Hephaestus, get to Olympus and Zeus just goes 'Oh, right, that? Eh, she can leave. I forgot why I sent her there anyway. By the way, have you seen this 'Internet' thing yet? So many naked women!' :D
"It would act to stabilise the connection. And it would force the minds of all humans on Earth towards more technological lines of thinking. Orange Lantern, that is why we have avoided using it."
So lets see... His plan now involves both.

A) Sacrificing an unborn child.


B) Brainwashing all of humanity.

…Okay the sheer ease and level of rolling over backwards for paul is starting to get real annoying, i feel like there's there no tension no reason to be worry, there is no beating paul, there is no outsmarting him, there is no one who can stop him.
If there was such a person I would not expect Zeus to be that person.
…Okay the sheer ease and level of rolling over backwards for paul is starting to get real annoying, i feel like there's there no tension no reason to be worry, there is no beating paul, there is no outsmarting him, there is no one who can stop him.
Yup, it's kind of silly at this point how he can convince people with real concerns to go along with him with only a single sentence that doesn't actually address their concerns.

If there was such a person I would not expect Zeus to be that person.
Only because Zoat went out of his way to nerf Zeus in a multitude of different ways.
"Lanterns. They use-." Eris regards her curiously. "Wait, you don't know what a Lantern is?"

"I've heard the term used for this mortal. What else does it mean?"

Because she's been in Erebos for… Since the end of the Greek Classical era, and so not only hasn't met any Lanterns other than me, but hasn't even heard of the Green Lantern Corps.
Damn. Forget getting out more meaning off planet, she needs to get out if her own house more!
"Probably. They're pretty old."

Hera lets out a short burst of laughter and then covers her mouth with her right fist, and I remind myself that just because she's been out and about in the world doesn't mean that she has Justice League type access to information.

"Paul, I'm something like fifteen thousand years old."
Pfft! That's not old. You're barely more than a young teenager to a Maltusian! They predate Earth!
Reminds me of that With Hunter movie when Vin Diesel snorts at the other guys comment about old then points out a local event that happened well before he was born. And says to him that's old.
Given the direct question, Hecate recovers first. "Yes, though a powerful relic of the Dream may suffice. I doubt that such a thing-."

"Excuse me again."
Lady! Don't even try. There is a wealth of incredible things happening just outside your home that could fill you with wonder if you'd only take a step outside your door
"True, but given that we're not all National Socialists, I don't believe that it's power is overwhelming. Besides, we only need it to set the ritual up. Once it's running… Or completed, we can put the Spear back in isolation."
I still wouldn't. Hecate might not want to give it up. And it's only limitations seem to be as the narrative requires. And you aren't in the headspace to do anything rational.
Oh no, what is it this time?' is in line with her thoughts, I bet.

And the line if thought of anyone that has interacted with Paul.

That's only because Hitler's mages were shit at their job, and couldn't use it properly.

Were you expecting them to be competent?

Because if you were then I have some magic beans I would like to sell you!

By the way, have you seen this 'Internet' thing yet? So many naked women!' :D

Glenn Quagmire agrees with this sentiment.
"Probably. They're pretty old."

Hera lets out a short burst of laughter and then covers her mouth with her right fist, and I remind myself that just because she's been out and about in the world doesn't mean that she has Justice League type access to information.

"Paul, I'm something like fifteen thousand years old."

"I apologise. They're extremely old. A million plus years each. They use rings like that to help their children learn to control their exotic abilities. It's like stabilisers on a child's first bicycle for them."

The assembled divines look at each other a little awkwardly.
Mr Zoat I believe this should say billion instead of million. Also, love this reaction. In the event Paul intentionally used the word "million" here, how might they have reacted if Paul mentioned his immediate boss is over four billion years old and personally remembers when Despair of the Endless died?
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Fair enough. Here is a clip on city states if interested.
Let me expand my answer.

That sounds like a really stupid story.

We surface dwellers can farm fish. We do it in tanks and we do it in lakes. We do this despite drowning if we spend a few minutes underwater.

That story requires me to equate the real-world die off off fish stocks to what would happen if an intelligent magical civilisation existed.

An intelligent people who could farm more. Or use magic to alter water chemistry. Or change their diet. Or trade.

Of course, all that pales in comparison to the clip I saw of them helping mass murderer Klarion get a new familiar, so I don't think I'm missing much.
Mr Zoat I believe this should say billion instead of million. Also, love this reaction. In the event Paul intentionally used the word "million" here, how might they have reacted if Paul mentioned his immediate boss is over four billion years old and personally remembers when Despair of the Endless died?
There are multiple millions inside a billion.

Expanding risks disbelief.
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Let me expand my answer.

That sounds like a really stupid story.

We surface dwellers can farm fish. We do it in tanks and we do it in lakes. We do this despite drowning if we spend a few minutes underwater.

That story requires me to equate the real-world die off off fish stocks to what would happen if an intelligent magical civilisation existed.

An intelligent people who could farm more. Or use magic to alter water chemistry. Or change their diet. Or trade.

Of course, all that pales in comparison to the clip I saw of them helping mass murderer Klarion get a new familiar, so I don't think I'm missing much.

There are multiple millions inside a billion.

Expanding risks disbelief.

My understanding is that the Shark people were simply using the harm from surface dweller pollution as an excuse to justify their attacks. The actual motivation seemed to be a rather simplistic depiction of the Shark people as violence obsessed savages. I do like the idea of Atlantean politicians using the need to respond to the legitimate misdeeds of the surface dwellers as a means of supporting their own internal schemes or undermining King Orin. It is a pity that this idea was not further explored and they instead went for a generic story of scary monster people attacking the innocent and attractive mermaids. There was no real nuance to the conflict or attempt to show the Shark people as anything more than brutish thugs. The story also simply took for granted that peaceful diplomatic pressure would be effective at reducing pollution and that any military action would be completely immoral. This is another disappointment as I think you could have a really great justification for a DC "Civil War" story arc by having King Orin take forceful action to combat pollution and thus spark conflict between those heroes who believe it is appropriate for them to directly interfere with human civilization and those who believe they should act as purely neutral guardians.

I actually liked how they treated this partnership with Klarion. The series had some great flashback scenes showing all of Klarion's horrific misdeeds. The writers are clearly taking advantage of their new platform to explore gory details that would previously have been impossible to show or even talk about. It is made clear that Klarion is responsible for an unparalleled level of death and human suffering. This is a big contrast to his original appearance where the human cost of splitting the world was almost completely ignored and he is treated as just another traditional villain. The status of Klarion as an unredeemable monster is never challenged and the heroes only become willing to help him when it becomes clear that the new Chaos Lord (Child and her familiar Flaw) represent an otherwise unstoppable force that is on a path towards destroying the world. The challenge of convincing Nabu to overcome his (completely justified) hatred of Klarion is a major part of the story.
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So lets see... His plan now involves both.
A) Sacrificing an unborn child.
B) Brainwashing all of humanity.
You've already been proven wrong on both counts. Please stop Vaerminaposting. I finally broke the habit of watching High Noon and I don't wanna get sucked back in.
(Though I do agree on it being a bad plan. Too many moving poorly-understood parts.)
…Okay the sheer ease and level of rolling over backwards for paul is starting to get real annoying, i feel like there's there no tension no reason to be worry, there is no beating paul, there is no outsmarting him, there is no one who can stop him.
Paul is a hero to Atlantis specifically- he cleaned up a lot of floating trash, helped stop the doomsday threat that was that aquatic titan, was vital to the Disappearance disaster, and is known to slay demons. And he has helped their economy.

The Spear of Destiny specifically has been used in the modern era and Atlantis has access to more research on the Dream now than in the last few millennia. To top it all off… Magic users have an odd take on "responsible handling of dangerous items." Feel free to include deities in that definition since they have all sorts of barely-guarded magical items in their mythology.

Paul is a walking headache, but at least a few people (on Earth) ought to rank him with Superman for his heroism. We just don't see that side of his impact in Mr Zoat's chapters.
Of course, all that pales in comparison to the clip I saw of them helping mass murderer Klarion get a new familiar, so I don't think I'm missing much.

This is kinda hypocritical, though not unexpected, from you.

The reason they helped Klarion was because they needed all the muscle to help fight Child.

You know, the person that basically started raising volcanoes all over the planet and would have destroyed the entire thing if they didn't stop her, the person that managed to destroy the Tower of Fate and easily harmed Nabu.

Yeah, it was basically help Klarion or die.

Didn't you also have your main character help a mass murderer escape?

Or would the term "serial genocider" be more applicable for Kalmin?

Not to mention helping demons gain more power.

And all sorts of other morally wrong or questionable things.

Maybe try to actually watch something fully instead of relying on Youtube clips and comments by others.
Mr ZoatI just ask since last few episodes have been focused on Atlantis and its various city-states and its pretty interesting for lore perspective, like how city-state run by shark-men in Antarctica ocean have been stealing territory in other city-states due to climate change caused by surface world harming krill populations which are their main source of food.
Can't see that being an issue here with Paul having cleared out the oceans, and refrozen the polar caps.
If there was such a person I would not expect Zeus to be that person.
Depends. Paul needs preparation to beat him if he's not going to fight him as he promised Diana. So if Zeus gets in before the preparation is ready, since lots of people already know he's preparing for it. It just takes one of them to drop a word in Zeus' ear..
Can't see that being an issue here with Paul having cleared out the oceans, and refrozen the polar caps.
No, acidification is a bigger problem there. Though speeding up the switch away from fossil fuels has probably slowed that a little.
This is kinda hypocritical, though not unexpected, from you.

The reason they helped Klarion was because they needed all the muscle to help fight Child.

You know, the person that basically started raising volcanoes all over the planet and would have destroyed the entire thing if they didn't stop her, the person that managed to destroy the Tower of Fate and easily harmed Nabu.

Yeah, it was basically help Klarion or die.

Didn't you also have your main character help a mass murderer escape?

Or would the term "serial genocider" be more applicable for Kalmin?

Not to mention helping demons gain more power.

And all sorts of other morally wrong or questionable things.

Maybe try to actually watch something fully instead of relying on Youtube clips and comments by others.
As I said, I haven't watched it.
"This is exactly why it's been eight hundred years since we last spoke.
I'm something like fifteen thousand years old."

"I apologise. They're extremely old. A million plus years each. They use rings like that to help their children learn to control their exotic abilities. It's like stabilisers on a child's first bicycle for them."
Worth noting, bikes were only invented about 200 years ago. How much experience could Hecate have with them, if any?
Lol! Why am I getting flashbacks to Shepard meeting Conrad Verner in ME3?

And I'm not sure if Paul is playing the part of Shepard or Conrad here.
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