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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Oh should they find the H-Dial (or an H-Dial, since there is more than one), there is one cheat one can do with the dials shown in the comics.

The H-Dial user transforms physically, including whatever gear they have on but they retain their minds.

So if you give an H-Dial to a spellcaster, they will retain their knowledge of magic.

So you can get a superhero who also has whatever magical skills the base person has.

The post flashpoint series had a nullomancer (what exactly a spellcaster who specializes in controlling nothingness can do in DC was sadly unexplored) get her hands on the dial to transform into a nullomancing superheroine.

And presumably that applies to any other charles atlas superpowers in DC.

Which now has me picturing the Golden Age Wonder Woman with an h-dial, since her powers were psychic skills that could be taught to any woman.

So if Paul gets his grubby hands on the H-Dial, Zee or Cornwall Boy would be the obvious choices for the new powerup.
Yeah, seems like that would've been too easy. Not Candless or Candler, either? Or some variant of Wax?

chan·dler | \ ˈchan(d)-lər \
Definition of chandler

(Entry 1 of 3)
1 : a maker or seller of tallow or wax candles and usually soap
2 : a retail dealer in provisions and supplies or equipment of a specified kind
I got a question about the first page in this thread. The H-E-R-O box only has one date in it, Dec. 27. The renegade supplementary and paragon parts after it are different dates, did zoat forget to add them?
You know the fact that the protagonist lost the electric shooting parts of 'Shocking Suzie's' powerset was a critical part of the story, right?

Also the H-Dial steals powers from extant superheroes, it doesn't generate them.
This is the first time I've ever heard the claim that large sections of US law aren't digitized. Since I was a summer associate I was always sent to research cases on Lexis or Westlaw, and never once did someone say "Oh, and if we find nothing on point, we'll need to send someone to search through the physical records."

I'm not a litigator, though, so legal research is usually not core to my practice (the cases that most matter to what I do are high-profile federal decisions). So it could be true and I just haven't run into it.
My understanding is that it's not so much that the actual legislation isn't digitized these days, it's that there are large bodies of case law that are still in paper-only format because there's not necessarily a lot of reason to go retype two centuries of court decisions when most of them don't necessarily set binding precedent.

That said, enumeration of the legislation is a pain in the butt because defining what exactly counts as a "law" gets fuzzy when you have laws that redefine other laws -- which is how amending the law works. So really it's more of a wry bit of trivia that occasionally causes headaches than any practical concern of being able to do lawyer work on a day-to-day basis.

It's worse in the UK, where instead of having two centuries of written law plus associated jurisprudence you have over EIGHT centuries of tradition, common law, written law (in no less than three distinct forms of the English language), and jurisprudence collected from multiple regional governments that eventually decided to centralize, with no core document to identify the underlying principles that everything runs on. But even there, the laws that you're likely to need to worry yourself with are sufficiently well documented that there's not likely to be any earth-shattering oversights if you only look at what's digitized.

(Aside: It's been a very long time since I've seen anyone guess anything remotely close to Zoat's real name. He wasn't kidding when he said it was obscure. If you think you've found an obvious answer, you're wrong.)
...... You must hate us Scots, then.

You know the British, all drinking tea with stiff lips and going to other country beaches because their weather sucks.

And of course the SI had no soul at first, everyone knows the British have no soul, but they have a sence of humor.

Oh and their real flag looks like they were the red cross instead.

You know the British, all drinking tea with stiff lips and going to other country beaches because their weather sucks.

And of course the SI had no soul at first, everyone knows the British have no soul, but they have a sence of humor.

Oh and their real flag looks like they were the red cross instead.

It's really annoying I can't give you an 'Insightful'. :D
Z-E-R-O (part 16)
2nd January
17:03 GMT -5

"…just finished up." I look around to watch Mr Hamill and the detective check the contents of the bag against a list of the property reported stolen. "Any luck with the search?"

"No, not yet." Zatanna sounds a little disappointed. "Though on the plus side, the bottom of the Hudson has never been cleaner. I supercharged some Atlantean water purification spells so we could see to the bottom, then I tried levitating all manufactured objects... I don't even know how some of this stuff got here."

"I'm sure that the Department of Health will be very grateful. Did you find any Star Conquerors?"

"If I was being mind controlled right now, would I tell you about it?"

"Probably not."

"No, no Star Conquerors. Starfire's looking around the bottom in case the dial is immune to my spells, but it doesn't look like it's here."

"So either the current caught it, or someone else has already picked it up."

"Probably. I mean, we can't know for sure until we actually find it, but there isn't much else we can do here."

The detective nods and starts putting the contents of the bag into plastic evidence bags. Mr Hamill looks a little happier.

"Any thoughts on reversing the change without it?"

"I'm pretty sure I could transfer the change onto someone else."

"That sounds like just-."

"Except that then Mister Hamill would end up with their face. And no superpowers. And I'm not sure what would happen if the dial ever turned off. I might be able to set the spell so that it just undoes itself, but if it turns out that the dial does what it does by magic then the spells might interfere with one another."

"Best case scenario?"

"He gets his body back and whoever volunteered keeps whichever body they prefer. But the worst case scenario involves both of them getting mashed together."


"I.. don't think I'll put that to Mister Hamill. Is it magical?"

"I don't think so. The problem is that there are plenty of ways to conceal magic, and I don't know if I'm good enough to punch through it or work around it."

Someone else shares my scry ward pain.

"I've been trying to work out ways to track it down indirectly. No luck so far."

"Understood." Mr Hamill looks hopefully at me and I give my head a small shake. "Any other leads?"

"Before this happened he was working on a demolition. A small apartment building got burned down and the owner decided they'd rather clear the site and build something new than try and repair the damage. Robin thinks that the dial must have been owned by someone who got caught in the fire."

"Seems reasonable. Any evidence there was a mad science lab there?"

"I'm not an expert, but the rubble just looks like rubble to me. Nothing magical, anyway."

"No, that would be too easy. What's everyone else doing?"

"Starfire is helping Robin go through the rubble, Rocket and Cornwall Boy are checking the banks downriver and Squire's doing background checks on the residents. Are you finished at the police station yet?"

I make eye contact with the detective. "Are we finished for now?"

She nods. "Mister Hamill, don't leave town. We'll want to speak to you again once we've found Mister Bardon's partner in crime."

Mister Hamill nods. "Wasn't planning to."

The detective nods, and Mister Hamill head my way.

"Yes, we're finished. Where does Robin want us?"

"Just a sec…"

Mr Hamill reaches me, and I nod in the direction of the exit. She walks past me, relaxing slightly as she moves away from the interrogation area.

"Hey Oh El. Squire said you'd heard of this dial before this happened?"

"Nothing reliable. But, yes."

"I need you to go to Littleville, Colorado." I nod. "They haven't computerised their local newspaper back issues yet, so I need you to go through them to try and find anything you can about this 'dial'."

I wave at the police officer manning the front desk as we pass, getting a nod in return as Mr Hamill heads out through the front door.

"Anything in particular?"

"Ideally, the secret identity of the original user. But even just a picture of the dial would give us a better idea of what to look for."

"Assuming it's the same one."

"Even if it's an earlier version, it'll at least let us narrow down what sort of thing we're looking for."

"Rightyoh. Do you want me to bring Mr Hamill to you, or take her with me?"

"Zatanna.. said something about you not wanting to move people around any more?"

"Until I can get a Controller to actually examine what happens to people when I do that, yes."

"How long's that gonna take?"

"Maybe… Two weeks? I can take her if you think it's essential…"

"No, that's okay." I jerk around, eyes widening slightly as I see Richard straightening up behind me, smirking as he does so. I hesitate for a moment, them lower my left hand. "I wanna see if Zatanna can use him to track the dial better."

I nod. "Mister Hamill-."

"Yeah, I heard." She holds out her right hand and I shake it. "Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it."

"Thank me when you're a man again."

"Keeping me out of prison will do for now. Okay, kid-" I smile faintly as he turns to Richard. "Where now?"

I fly upward, aiming to get a decent distance between myself and the ground before transitioning. And, yes, I'm probably being unnecessarily paranoid, but it's only a few seconds and it's only for a couple of weeks.

Ring, set course for Littleville, Colorado.


And transition.
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"So either the current caught it, or someone else has already picked it up."
Or, third option, it's one of those "little shop that wasn't there yesterday" types of things, and, once it fulfilled it's purpose, it teleported someplace else for another person to find.

"Until I can get a Controller to actually examine what happens to people when I do that, yes."
I hope he remembers to tell explain about his ambient energy absorbing tattoo's when he does that.

Because I am pretty sure that's the main problem with his dunking himself in the plane of avarice.

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