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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I'm still surprised that, with all the genuine hyper-multiversal transcendental technologies that exist scattered across the collective Transformers universe, that he hasn't found any leads at all towards a compatible power source for his ring.

Unless this is one of those things were he has found real leads but all of them are stonewalled by Optimus, Megatron, or other ancient faction leaders.

Honestly considering the ways Zoat has allowed alt.Pauls recharge, I wouldn't bat an eye at an energon fed power ring.

It's the energy that makes up sparks, the cybertronian soul.

It is in at least some continuities, it's the energy of the god Primus.

So really a case of "magic by another name."
Honestly considering the ways Zoat has allowed alt.Pauls recharge, I wouldn't bat an eye at an energon fed power ring.

It's the energy that makes up sparks, the cybertronian soul.

It is in at least some continuities, it's the energy of the god Primus.

So really a case of "magic by another name."
Thing is, with the Allspark removed from Cybertron and no ability to synthesise energon, they were living in a universe where their only food was in limited and diminishing supply. The fighting on Earth could happen because there were supply caches there.

Though I suppose that if they dug deep enough they could have used dark energon from Unicron.
Thing is, with the Allspark removed from Cybertron and no ability to synthesise energon, they were living in a universe where their only food was in limited and diminishing supply. The fighting on Earth could happen because there were supply caches there.

Though I suppose that if they dug deep enough they could have used dark energon from Unicron.

Being physically possible and the results being accepted socially are two different issues, though.

Although now I'm picturing said hypothetical Transformers alt.Paul developing a spark from their soul being made out of energon.

Now that would have some interesting theological discussions. Probably over blaster fire....
He appeared in the field of wreckage that used to be Junkion. Since he had no idea where he was he used his ring to find a ship, and he found the stasis locked form for Slipstream. He patched her up, added a seat in the cockpit and located some fuel, which was energon that he didn't recognise. As his charge ran out he was getting desperate and managed to wake her up.
I see, she probably didn't take too well to him at first. How did they wind up becoming a couple, also is Seaspray still alive thanks to them?

Alright then.

Landed in Thundera more or less by chance after the sacking. Found Pumyra because he needed a guide, and found Khoah because he needed a farm.

Actually recognised where he was after picking up his charge amulet, and headed there because there wasn't anywhere better.
I see, thank you. While I would have liked to know a bit more of what Paul did from his arrival to the first time we see him this does help.

Haven't really decided.
Really looking forward to learning what other changes he has brought to that universe.

While I think that Optimus Prime made some fairly serious mistakes as Orion Pax, Optimus Prime now has actually thought things through.
I agree that Optimus has though things out, especially since he regained his memories as the Thirteenth Prime.
I see, she probably didn't take too well to him at first. How did they wind up becoming a couple, also is Seaspray still alive thanks to them?
She was in a bit of a state, and he had a clear plan and purpose beyond 'fight and die'. And he flirted with her, something that she wasn't used to but actually rather liked.

I have no idea of the status of Seaspray in that setting.
Feasibility Study (part 8)
21st November 2012
08:21 GMT -5

We all stare at the JSI building as Alan and I fly our team over New York.

John smirks on the orange platform next to me. "Very subtle. I like it."

It's not subtle at all. A giant skyscraper with… The upper quarter of the building actually floating over the rest in what strikes me as an incredibly bad design choice. If anything interfered with the anti-gravity system it would just fall and kill everyone-.

"Nth metal, of course."

Interceptor glares at me from her position slightly above us.

"You aren't authorised to scan anything."

"I didn't; it's just obvious. No one would be stupid enough to build something like that with a normal anti-gravity system, so you used a material that would always be 'on'. It's still a bad design but at least it's not an immanent threat to life."

"That's a…" Alan frowns. "That's a lot of Nth metal to make a building float. Carter always told me that he didn't have much of the stuff."

"Critical resource availability is a classified topic."

Alan raises his left eyebrow at her. "Can't be that critical if you're using it to make a building."


"Okay." He raises his right hand, smiling. "Okay. Forget I asked."

Oliver is sitting on the edge of Alan's construct, left leg dangling over the edge. He carefully studies the city, and-. And the several other buildings which have 'JSI' inscribed on their frontier.

He does not look happy.

Then he looks up towards Interceptor. "So, you think I'm a cosplayer, huh?"


He gives her a moment to expand on that, and is disappointed.

"What, the JSI doesn't do public relations training?"

"Either you're telling the truth, in which case you're not a member of the public, or you're lying, in which case you're a criminal. In either case you're wasting my time."

Oliver nods, and I already know that he's going to-.

"So what's he like?"

"I've never met him. As I understand it, he's a well-regarded hero in Star City."

"He's a member of the JSI?"

"All superheroes worth mentioning are members of the JSI."


Interceptor glances down when he doesn't have a follow up, but it's Dinah who speaks up.

"Am I a member?"

"Are you Dinah Drake?"

"That was my mother."

Oliver looks away for a moment with a smirk. I… Seem to remember from the comics that he actually mistook her for her mother when he was first starting out. And that he'd had a crush on her mother. For obvious reasons I've never asked

"Who was your father?"

"Larry Lance."


Dinah narrows her eyes slightly, more in curiosity than hostility. "What do you mean, 'oh'?"

"In our universe she was only married to him for a few years. She had an affair with Starman and they both left their spouses. It was a big scandal at the time. They were both discharged from the Society. I think they had a daughter, but her name wasn't 'Dinah'."

Dinah takes a moment to process that, while I-.

A statue. Dominator, a couple of khundians, facing people I assume are local superheroes. A list of-. That's a long list of names.

"Why is there a statue of a Dominator down there?"

"You know of them?"

"I destroyed one of their prisons. They're a distant fourth on my priority list."

"'Distant'-?" Interceptor scowls. "The Dominators attacked Earth and made off with tens of thousands of humans as slaves! That memorial commemorates everyone who died fighting them and everyone they stole! Who are you prioritising above them?!"

"The Reach, Apokolips, then the Spider Guild. Our Dominators are pretty unpleasant, but they aren't expansionist. The Reach are, and they subvert, enslave and then exterminate their neighbours. Apokolips is working on a plan to mind control the entire universe. And the Spider Guilders eat people."

"The Dominion vivisect people."

"But not many, and not particularly fast. I did say they were fourth."

Alan looks at-. Yeah, okay. We make eye contact and I give him the nod to take over.

"Interceptor, how were they able to do that?"

"They had a space fleet and a huge number of soldiers. We couldn't hit their ships, and we couldn't fire nukes at our own cities. That's why the JSI has put so much effort into building up our forces: to make sure that no one invades the Earth again."

"How long ago was that?"

"About fifteen years."

Hm. Reminds me a little of what Abra said that the Reach ended up doing: grabbing as many people with superpowers as possible and setting up a colony. But while the Reach do sometimes sustain useful slave populations for a time, the Dominators generally don't bother. They have tributary worlds but they generally don't do much with them, having long since learned everything that studying them could teach them.

Of course… I do know where the Dominion is. There aren't that many worlds that the humans they abducted might have been taken to.

"I assume that the force they used was almost entirely Khundian? None of their own military?"

"Yes, that's.. right. Why?"

"I'll need access to your historical-"

A green streak flies towards us from the JSI building, the pale green flickering flame aura making it pretty clear who it is.

Commander Scott comes to a halt just ahead of us, floating in the air and staring at us in that way Batman does when he's waiting for you to make a problem for him. He's wearing what looks like a silver spacesuit, minus the helmet. Interceptor comes to attention in the air at once, while the rest of us just stare back.

Alan floats closer and I mentally compare the two. The Commander has less hair, and he looks a lot more fierce. More hostile. Might be situational, of course.


The Commander looks at him for a moment longer, then nods to Interceptor.

"He's me. All of you, come with me for debriefing."
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Oliver it sitting on

"Oliver is"

I… Seem to remember from the comics that he actually mistook her for her mother when he was first starting out. And that he'd had a crush on her mother. For obvious reasons I've never asked

Well that's awkward as hell.

"The Reach, Apokolips, then the Spider Guild. Our Dominators are pretty unpleasant, but they aren't expansionist. The Reach are, and they subvert, enslave and then exterminate their neighbours. Apokolips is working on a plan to mind control the entire universe. And the Spider Guilders eat people

Though you could potentially use them as a training exercise for your Lanterns in dismantling evil regimes.
Well that's awkward as hell.

You think that's awkward?

You don't know the whole story then.

When DC realized that Black Canary was older than Green Arrow, they decided to "fix" it by having Dinah Drake possess the mindless body of her own daughter.

Because that's not extremely creepy and offsetting, nosiree.

No wonder the welcome party was so hostile.

Interceptor is still a rude bitch though.
I wonder who she is?

She's Kara.

Kara who was found by the navy ala skyboy, so raised a military brat, and now a colonel in the JSI, so she landed significantly before Supergirl did because generally they don't make 16 year olds colonels.
You think that's awkward?

You don't know the whole story then.

When DC realized that Black Canary was older than Green Arrow, they decided to "fix" it by having Dinah Drake possessing the mindless body of her own daughter.

Because that's not extremely creepy and offsetting, nosiree.
Let's be real, Comics writers being completely out of touch and unaware of how fucked up their plot implications are is like, fifty categories of jeopardy question material, at least.
Let's be real, Comics writers being completely out of touch and unaware of how fucked up their plot implications are is like, fifty categories of jeopardy question material, at least.

Yeah, there is a reason the comics code existed.

As much as it crippled stories, wanna know what we hot once it was lifted? Not only a few good stories but also quite a lot of bullshit.
21st November 2012
08:21 GMT -5

We all stare at the JSI building as Alan and I fly our team over New York.

John smirks on the orange platform next to me. "Very subtle. I like it."
Ah, John coming through with that wonderfully British sense of humour. It's crazy how insane architecture can get in a world with super-science. You think some of the stuff we pull off today is crazy? Imagine if they could go in with a lot of anti-gravity tech...

It's not subtle at all. A giant skyscraper with… The upper quarter of the building actually floating over the rest in what strikes me as an incredibly bad design choice. If anything interfered with the anti-gravity system it would just fall and kill everyone-.

"Nth metal, of course."
Makes for one hell of a visual design, though. No mistaking that building for anything else.

Interceptor glares at me from her position slightly above us.

"You aren't authorised to scan anything."
And how would you even know if he did? Scans aren't bright green sweeps of a scan-line... Unless you're used to bad unskilled lanterns.

"I didn't, it's just obvious. No one would be stupid enough to build something like that with a normal anti-gravity system, so you used a material that would always be 'on'. It's still a bad design but at least it's not an immanent threat to life."

"That's a…" Alan frowns. "That's a lot of Nth metal to make a building float. Carter always told me that he didn't have much of the stuff."
And there's always the possibility of someone or something coming along who can turn off the anti-gravity anyway...

"Critical resource availability is a classified topic."

Alan raises his left eyebrow at her. "Can't be that critical if you're using it to make a building."
Man's got a point. You know how many weapons you could wake with however much is holding that up?


"Okay." He raises his right hand, smiling. "Okay. Forget I asked."
The lady seems tense. This is proving to be a really bad day, it seems.

Oliver it sitting on the edge of Alan's construct, left leg dangling over the edge. He carefully studies the city, and-. And the several other buildings which have 'JSI' inscribed on their frontier.

He does not look happy.
Yeah, I would not be surprised if he was getting a 'fascist' vibe from the place. This sort of thing hits right on one of his berserk buttons.

Then he looks up towards Interceptor. "So, you think I'm a cosplayer, huh?"

After all, a cosplayer would be more accurate. He's probably got the colours wrong for the local equivalent.

He gives her a moment to expand on that, and is disappointed.

"What, the JSI doesn't do public relations training?"
And did this lady pay any attention during it? :p

"Either you're telling the true, in which case you're not a member of the public, or you're lying, in which case you're a criminal. In either case you're wasting my time."

Oliver nods, and I already know that he's going to-.
Poke the dragon? Man can't help himself. Especially when it can get a funny reaction.

"So what's he like?"

"I've never met him. As I understand it, he's a well-regarded hero in Star City."
Well, at least some things are constants.

"He's a member of the JSI?"

"All superheroes worth mentioning are members of the JSI."
...Because if you're not a member, you're a supervillain? :oops: Kind of obvious, I suppose.


Interceptor glances down when he doesn't have a follow up, but it's Dinah who speaks up.
Oh, this is going to be awkward.

"Am I a member?"

"Are you Dinah Drake?"
Wrong era, sadly. Though a lot of adaptions tend to simplify things on that front.

"That was my mother."

Oliver looks away for a moment with a smirk. I… Seem to remember from the comics that he actually mistook her for her mother when he was first starting out. And that he'd had a crush on her mother. For obvious reasons I've never asked
Hey, with legs like hers... Some men might want to get their head crushed between them... Heck, I bet Canary cosplay is a popular adult material category.

"Who was your father?"

"Larry Lance."
Though the wiki is kind of sparse on him, he's a decent guy.


Dinah narrows her eyes slightly, more in curiosity than hostility. "What do you mean, 'oh'?"
I'm guessing things didn't go so well around this corner of the Multiverse.

"In our universe she was only married to him for a few years. She had an affair with Starman and they both left their spouses. It was a big scandal at the time. They were both discharged from the Society. I think they had a daughter, but her name wasn't 'Dinah'."

Dinah takes a moment to process that, while I-.
...Let me guess, said daughter is going about as 'Starwoman'?

A statue. Dominator, a couple of khundians, facing people I assume are local superheroes. A list of-. That's a long list of names.

"Why is there a statue of a Dominator down there?"
Ah, another divergence. Probably something related to the 'Invasion!' event in the late Eighties.

"You know of them?"

"I destroyed one of their prisons. They're a distant fourth on my priority list."
Which is quite long, with a lot of skulls.

"'Distant'-?" Interceptor scowls. "The Dominators attacked Earth and made off with tens of thousands of humans as slaves! That memorial commemorates everyone who died fighting them and everyone they stole! Who are you prioritising above them?!"

"The Reach, Apokolips, then the Spider Guild. Our Dominators are pretty unpleasant, but they aren't expansionist. The Reach are, and they subvert, enslave and then exterminate their neighbours. Apokolips is working on a plan to mind control the entire universe. And the Spider Guilders eat people."
All good reasons to put the Dominators lower on the kill list.

"The Dominion vivisect people."

"But not many, and not particularly fast. I did say they were fourth."
To be fair, there's only so many ways you could industrialise that sort of thing. So of course it's an artisanal project. :p

Alan looks at-. Yeah, okay. We make eye contact and I give him the nod to take over.

"Interceptor, how were they able to do that?"
Ah, Alan. A true master of handling OL's more... Extreme moments.

"They had a space fleet and a huge number of soldiers. We couldn't hit their ships, and we couldn't fire nukes at our own cities. That's why the JSI has put so much effort into building up our forces; to make sure that no one invades the Earth again."

"How long ago was that?"

"About fifteen years."
Hmm... Yeah, one thing the JSA lacked back in the day was high-power members. Spectre, Doctor Fate and Johnny Thunderbolt were more or less the top three due to God magic, Order magic and 5th-Dimensional Imp magic. With Green Lantern at fourth and Starman fifth, I think.
(Edit: I always forget about Fate...)

Hm. Reminds me a little of what Abra said that the Reach ended up doing; grabbing as many people with superpowers as possible and setting up a colony. But while the Reach do sometimes sustain useful slave populations for a time, the Dominators generally don't bother. They have tributary worlds but they generally don't do much with them, having long since learned everything that studying them could teach them.

Of course… I do know where the Dominion is. There aren't that many worlds that the humans they abducted might have been taken to.
Best hold of on that rescue mission, OL. The locals might object to that sort of slap in the face to their enemy.

"I assume that the force they used was almost entirely Khundian? None of their own military?"

"Yes, that's.. right. Why?"
OL, No. This is not your universe, and it is not your problem. Yet.

"I'll need access to your historical-"

A green streak flies towards us from the JSI building, the pale green flickering flame aura making it pretty clear who it is.
Ah. Wonder what he calls himself, as a Superhero name? Green Lantern, or Sentinel? If he bothers at all.

Commander Scott comes to a halt just ahead of us, floating in the air and staring at us in that way Batman does when he's waiting for you to make a problem for him. He's wearing what looks like a silver spacesuit, minus the helmet. Interceptor comes to attention in the air at once, while the rest of us just stare back.

Alan floats closer and I mentally compare the two. The Commander has less hair, and he looks a lot more fierce. More hostile. Might be situational, of course.
I bet a big chunk of that is regrets over the Invasion thing. That would be one big old 'My Greatest Shame' for him...


The Commander looks at him for a moment longer, then nods to Interceptor.

"He's me. All of you, come with me for debriefing."
Well, that went well.

So, this should be interesting. I wonder if there'll be tensions between Alans, between the cynical old Commander and the innately idealistic Blue Lantern. Meanwhile, we got to see a little more of what shaped this world they way it did. An alien invasion does tend to have an impact on the world's culture. I bet things weren't pleasant after the invasion wrapped up. Regular people wondering why they put up with the 'freaks' if they can't protect them... That'll make for an undercurrent of rebellion.
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God, Interceptor is such a child "What do you mean you disagree with my view on reality???"

That would have been an event that would have left as much trauma as 9/11 on the public zeitgeist.

And since Interceptor is a colonel in the comics, it's quite possible she partook in that battle, that the people who died included her friends, that the people who were taken she sees as a failure on her part to live up to her duty.

Paul might have just done the equivalent of saying "al-Qaeda, no big deal" to one of the 9/11 firefighters.

What would be surprising is if she weren't offended.
Let's be real, Comics writers being completely out of touch and unaware of how fucked up their plot implications are is like, fifty categories of jeopardy question material, at least.
Possibly more than fifty, but I think in a lot of cases, it may not be 'do not know': it's more like 'know, but utterly do not care, or like it that way.' The hard part is (on the rare occasions that I wonder enough) working out who could not care less, and who is just that oblivious. Mind you, some of it is a result of the meanings of words and phrases changing between when something was written and when people started calling it problematic (or shifts in the zeitgeist).

Yeah, there is a reason the comics code existed.

As much as it crippled stories, wanna know what we hot once it was lifted? Not only a few good stories but also quite a lot of bullshit.
We'd probably have been better off if they came up with a comics rating system rather than the 'one size fits all' Comics Code. It's one of the reasons I tend to include that in alternate history writing.
And how would you even know if he did? Scans aren't bright green sweeps of a scan-line... Unless you're used to bad unskilled lanterns.

It's easy to see why she would assume that.

After all, a cosplayer would be more accurate. He's probably got the colours wrong for the local equivalent.

He at least has the green right.

Because if you're not a member, you're a supervillain? :oops: Kind of obvious, I suppose.

That seems to be their belief.

Hmm... Yeah, one thing the JSA lacked back in the day was high-power members. Spectre, Green Lantern and Johnny Thunderbolt were more or less the top three due to God magic, Ring magic and 5th-Dimensional Imp magic.

Don't forget Fate.
Alan floats closer and I mentally compare the two. The Commander has less hair, and he looks a lot more fierce. More hostile. Might be situational, of course.


The Commander looks at him for a moment longer, then nods to Interceptor.

"He's me. All of you, come with me for debriefing
See LePaul, that's how you do proper diplomacy.
Should be 'telling the truth'.
Thank you, corrected.
Well that's awkward as hell.
I've been trying to find what comic I read it in. No luck so far. I think it was round about the time they got married.
Let's be real, Comics writers being completely out of touch and unaware of how fucked up their plot implications are is like, fifty categories of jeopardy question material, at least.
It's not just comic writers. Try playing through Heroes of Might and Magic V some time. It starts well enough, then it gets... 'This is the story?'
Can somebody please get rid of Vaermina. I keep hoping that they finally say something positive for once but it's all pointless barbs and shameless misleading drivel. Hate watching is not something you need in your life, grow up please.

I'm chuckling at how Interceptor is continously trying to start a fight with OL. I do think there is some undeserved hostility on her part, probably comes with the law enforcement life I guess. It's a very sad sight to see when somebody defaults to seeing threats that aren't there when confronted with confusion. And OL is very good at being unpredictable even to his friends. Here's to hoping this doesn't end in superhero infighting.
I don't know if it was elaborated on before but is Teekl dead dead or can Paul get her back from the Holden of Avarice since she was turned into a construct?
I believe even if that were possible within the story's logic, the writer wouldn't do it, because that was a sacrifice that showed us one of Paul's faults of rushing into things. It would also lessen the impact that the movement had.

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