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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

21st November 2012
10:14 GMT -5

I grin as I spot the latest addition to the room.

"Princess Koriand'r! Good to see you!"

Well, at least they have the Titans, even if it isn't quite the familiar roster. For those confused, the two in the centre are Tomorrow Woman and Triumph, by the way. I also recognise Liberty Belle II and Hourman II on the right. Crouching guy is Brain Wave II, but the girl in back is new to me, unless she's Rocket?

Glowing green eyes and a slightly puzzled explanation confront me, her head wreathed in the gloriously frizzy eighties hair that I saw on the version of her on Earth with the Gold Lantern Corps.

"I am sorry, I do not think that we have met."
Yes, Earth 16's Kori is far less... Expansive. I expect she's also wearing the sling-bikini-esque outfit, in JSI colours. :p

"Parallel universe." I hold up my left fist, knuckles and ring facing her. "When I founded the Orange Lantern Corps, our Koriand'r was one of the first wave of recruits."

I generate construct images of her and Komand'r. Koriand'r looks at her own image with curiosity, while-.
Don't forget to mention that they didn't suffer the energy experiments this Kori (or the Renegade's) did, so no starbolts.

"You recruited Blackfire?"

While the local Starman regards me with incredulity.
Yes, she's very covetous of a great many things. That makes her an excellent Lantern.

"I encountered her before she went-" I dismiss the constructs. "-full evil. Our Vega's a much better place with certain people no longer in it."

Koriand'r smiles. "The Citadel is defeated?"
I'll bet that's a vicious smile, too. She's got no love for the leatherheads.

"I killed the First myself, and destroying the Citadel Complex and fleet was a team effort. The Spider Guild sept sued for peace after their leaders were killed, Karna now belongs to the Karnans and the Psion's Wombworld was scoured from orbit."

"Heh." The masked Atom Smasher nods approvingly. "Thorough."
Well, OL can't really take personal credit for the Psions, but the rest...

"It's not very often you encounter a species with literally no redeeming moral characteristics. Vega was unlucky enough to have two. Past tense. I-."

Interceptor drops down next to me, having been talking to the platoon of cyborg soldiers on the other side of the room. Most of them are humanoid, but a few have more unusual shapes. Those ones appear to have… Clouded or suppressed emotional responses. Are they condemned criminals? Or do the people with weaker emotions just cope with it best?
Or a different cybernetic process. Not all DC cyborgs are crafted equal, after all.

"That's everyone. We're ready."

I nod, then turn back to Koriand'r. "No time right now, but if you're interested in a power ring, come and see me after the mission."
Man, promising power rings to girls who aren't even from your universe? Better warn her to be careful, or she'll get Larfleeze on her pretty, pretty ass.

"Very… Well?"

I float over to the stage where Alan and Commander Scott are ready to begin. Just.. one addition.
Yeah, I don't think she'll be taking the offer. Not from the weird orange guy.

Ring, call Green Two Eight One Four. Both of them.

Error. Only one connection available.
Ah, the old days. Not quite Pre Crisis, but still pre-War of Light.

Ah, the old 'one-Lantern-and-however-many-deputies' system. I remember comic where Jordan got knocked out slipping on a bar of soap and… Stewart? Got subbed in with no notice and little training. Terrible system.

He'll do.
...Man, that must have been a confusing day for John.

Jordan's face appears. I suppose that not having to deal with Earth's nonsense means that he's a little likelier to live to an old age.

"Green Lantern Two Eight One Four. Commander Scott."
Heh, playing the communications officer. I suppose with Alan's ring not being Green Lantern Corps-spec, it's necessary.

Commander Scott turns to the glowing face of the man he chased off Earth.

"Green Lantern, on this one occasion, I am inviting you to Earth. My location."
...Oooh, that suggests all kinds of fridge horror. He's basically been living in exile since he was recruited, huh?

"Why? You hate me."

"No, I just have no respect for the people you work for. You can quit at any time and come home without us charging you with anything. But this is an off-Earth operation-"
Which plants it square in the Corps' jurisdiction. And it'll make their mission more legitimate if they have the OG space cops on their side.

A few ears in the audience metaphorically prick up.

"-so you are actually relevant in your current role."
Oh, did Alan not brief anyone in the process of gathering this little operation together?


"Metropolis. My current location."

"Okay, but-. 'Off-world'? You're going to-!
I'll bet the Dominator invasion was a big black mark on his record, if he was around then.

"Come or don't." His eyes dart to me, and I cut the connection. He nods, then walks over to the podium. "As I know you all just heard, we've just had an opportunity handed to us. Our parallel universe friends here both have power rings with all their functions unlocked. That means they can both fly faster than light with passengers."

He gives that a moment to sink in, then makes it clear in case anyone is a little slow.
And our Alan's ring is probably picking up a huge surge in hope.

"That means that we can finally hit the Dominion."

There's an excited exhalation, eyes opening wide with feverish desire. I've seen the same thing in the faces of thousands of people where the Reach are concerned. People from Earth 16 barely know that the Dominion exists, and that's from my reports. Here, they appear to be global hate figures.
Knowing the shit they got up to, I'm not surprised. Earth 16 probably has the same kind of hate for the Sheeda.

"While the Justice Society International is primarily charged with protecting Earth…" He smiles. "I'd be lying if I said we didn't hope an opportunity like this would come along at some point."

"It's been fifteen years. There isn't much chance that the people they took are still alive. But the dominators who took them almost certainly are, and we could get lucky. Orange Lantern-" I raise my right hand and then lower it. "-and Blue Lantern-" Alan waves. "-will take our taskforce to a world on the border of Dominion space, then perform reconnaissance operations in an attempt to locate exactly where out people were takes and by who. Once we have that information, we will be attacking in force with the aim of killing everyone involved in the attack on Earth."
Now, let's hope non of them get carried away. Especially if any of them lost family in the invasion.

Several nods.

"Orange Lantern has provided briefing documents on Dominion society." JSI staffers begin walking around the room, handing out binders to the attendees who aren't able to download them into their brains. "And it turns out that despite the impression they gave us, most of their population aren't involved in raiding other worlds for test subjects. Turns out that it's the exclusive purview of their rulers, the ones we all remember from their broadcasts with the big red circles on their foreheads. Those are all considered acceptable targets, as is anyone with a gun or any kind of super power. The rest are generally slightly less dangerous that humans are, and we are not going to punish them for the deeds of their overlords."
The joy of a highly-stratified caste-based society. And those big red circles? Also great targets.

The nods to that comment are more sombre, but he chose well when he assembled this gathering. None of them are interested in taking it out on the entire population. I suppose that's what separates superheroes from...

Alright, even I thought 'me' there. But dominators aren't spiders or reacheans. Spiders consider it normal and pleasurable to drug their sophont victims awake as they eat them. Reacheans love lording it over alien slaves. Most dominators don't even have contact with aliens.
Though I don't doubt some will be tempted to go a little too far. Especially those with a berserker-rage type thing going on.

"Any humans we locate will be evacuated and put through a thorough decontamination session before being returned to Earth. In the event that we manage to kill all of our targets and complete the rescue, I will authorise infrastructure destruction missions as I deem appropriate. It probably won't be practical for us to take away their ability to wage interstellar war, but I'll feel much happier with them keeping what's left of their fleet home to ward off their neighbours."

The platoon commander of the cyborgs raises his hand and gets a nod.
Sadly, knowing the Dominators, they'll probably consider this unprovoked aggression, or some rubbish. :rolleyes: Because lesser species aren't developed enough to hold grudges, of course!

"Could we capture their ships, sir?"

"While our new Lantern allies can read any spoken or written language, the rest of us don't have that ability. Learning how to fly Dominion ships isn't something we can do on the fly, and they have a completely different technology base to us. Time allowing, we might be able to capture examples of their equipment, but it's a low priority task."
So, no looting. Minimal pillaging, and sure as hell, no rape.

The cyborg nods.

"Once that mission is completed, and everyone is fully recovered, we will plan our assault on the khundians."
Do keep in mind that OL's team can't hang around forever, Commander Scott.

I raise my right hand. "Commander?"

He glances back and nods.
Ah, a matter of cultural differences?

"Khundian marriage law says that anyone who defeats a khundian man inherits his wife or wives. I'm happy to help with the mission, but I'm going to need someone who's single to punch me out afterwards."

The wave of laughter is punctuated by the figure in green appearing at the back of the room.
Ah, a moment of levity to ease the pre-deployment tensions. Smart, OL.

Well, Commander Scott wasting no time taking advantage of OL's offer. Let's hope he's not poking a hornet's nest, though. I don't see the Dominators, or any allies of theirs, taking this strike laying down. And to some degree, it might be like the MCU Avenger's formation, signalling that 'Earth is ready for a higher form of war.' We'll have to see how this all plays out, then.
"Orange Lantern has provided briefing documents on Dominion society." JSI staffers begin walking around the room, handing out binders to the attendees who aren't able to download them into their brains. "And it turns out that despite the impression they gave us, most of their population aren't involved in raiding other worlds for test subjects. Turns out that it's the exclusive purview of their rulers, the ones we all remember from their broadcasts with the big red circles on their foreheads. Those are all considered acceptable targets, as is anyone with a gun or any kind of super power. The rest are generally slightly less dangerous that humans are, and we are not going to punish them for the deeds of their overlords."
Where did LePaul get societal information on this Universes Dominion?
The rest are generally slightly less dangerous that humans are, and we are not going to punish them for the deeds of their overlords."
"that humans" -> "than humans"

No sign of any Guy Gardners. I figured one who had embraced his alien heritage would show up. Perhaps he is still a teenager here or something. No Lords of Order either.

Does anyone know who was stolen away during the comic arc? Superman, Wonder Woman, any Flash…?
Does anyone know who was stolen away during the comic arc? Superman, Wonder Woman, any Flash…?

This parallel is based on an Event, during which Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman were removed from the continuity of the world. As such, I don't think they exist or existed here, their symbolic 'Trinity' taken over by other superheroes.

As I said, I can't recall it that well, but I imagine other heroes directly inspired by them don't exist or are modified, like Interceptor. So no Robins, or Steel, or Furies, or Donnas?
Okay... Why is Paul so sure that local Dominators and Khundians have so closely similar traditions to the ones in 16? And what's Blue Lantern Alan's opinion on participating in a random military operation for some strange parallel in which the JS is lead by an alternate version of him who lived through different experiences that caused him to have different attitudes?
This parallel is based on an Event, during which Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman were removed from the continuity of the world. As such, I don't think they exist or existed here, their symbolic 'Trinity' taken over by other superheroes.

As I said, I can't recall it that well, but I imagine other heroes directly inspired by them don't exist or are modified, like Interceptor. So no Robins, or Steel, or Furies, or Donnas?
Wasn't this parallel's Superman already mentioned though something about an affair?
Okay... Why is Paul so sure that local Dominators and Khundians have so closely similar traditions to the ones in 16?
Because their behaviour is complete in line with Dominion 16.

He's less than completely correct.
And what's Blue Lantern Alan's opinion on participating in a random military operation for some strange parallel in which the JS is lead by an alternate version of him who lived through different experiences that caused him to have different attitudes?
Pretty fine with it. He fought against the Sheeda, and Commander Scott has made it clear that they're just hitting what would normally be Geneva Convention compliant targets.
Well, at least they have the Titans, even if it isn't quite the familiar roster. For those confused, the two in the centre are Tomorrow Woman and Triumph, by the way. I also recognise Liberty Belle II and Hourman II on the right. Crouching guy is Brain Wave II, but the girl in back is new to me, unless she's Rocket?

No, that is Power Company's Skyrocket. Rather similar characters.

A former Naval officer, she inherited her parent's invention, the argo harness.

The Argo Harness is like Rocket's inertia belt but has an advantage over it- No only can the argo harness absorb kinetic energy, protecting her and allowing her to fly, but it can absorb pretty much any kind of energy thrown at it, and even convert one form of energy into another.

So absorbing a punch from WW she could use that kinetic energy to fly, or she could convert it into electricity, heat, or light if that would be advantageous.

Would be worth a scan, if Paul thinks it worth the possible etiquette breach.

Eh, no? Only affair mentioned was about Black Canary the First and Starman, the first as well, I believe. Which supposedly is something that happened in the comics ss well.

Justice League Year one, although since that one had Blue Beetle 1 lose his arms I'm not sure it was actually in New Earth continuity.

Dinah had a tough time- Being both very close to her mother, and all but worshipping the Justice Society, it knocked both of them off of pedestals.
And no-one ever replaced them, did they?

Not yet. But - given this is (mostly) Aligned continuity, they will.

The funny thing is, the new 'Autobot High Council' will be entirely comprised of disguised Decepticons...

I find both of these statements funny, because if this is the continuity I think it is, then both statements are true, considering the final resting place of Rung.
The Transformers continuity Mr Zoat is using here is mostly Aligned (post-Predacons Rising, pre-Robots in Disguise). There's "fillage" from the IDW2005 comics continuity in places where it makes sense.
Yes, Earth 16's Kori is far less... Expansive. I expect she's also wearing the sling-bikini-esque outfit, in JSI colours. :p
We don't know what Earth-16's Kory (I swear, I will die on the hill of "it's spelled with a Y like it was before Flashpoint"!) looks like, actually. YJverse isn't the Toon Titansverse, after all, so we can't say she's built like the Murakanime version. That said, the DCAMU version seen since Teen Titans vs. Justice League is built (and characterized) a lot like the comics Kory, so I suspect that Earth-16 Kory is probably pretty expansive in her own right. Also, if you check the link Zoat included, you'll get to see that, yes, she is wearing the slingkini outfit in JSI colors. (It looks better than I expected--it's hard to find a blue that works with that skintone.)

Also, I'd tease you about the "pretty, pretty ass" comment, but... well, I kinda have a crush on her, too, so... just remember, though, what TitansTower.com used to say about her: "Be careful if you're dating her. Girl's got a track record. And if she starts talking marriage, get the X'Hal out!" (In reference to how many times her relationships have ended badly... for her partner. With one boyfriend killed to get at her, one husband killed in the destruction of her planet, her relationship with Dick ending in a way that wasn't exactly good for her, and one wedding destroyed and priest murdered by a close friend and teammate returned from the grave and turned evil...)

Oh, did Alan not brief anyone in the process of gathering this little operation together?
Nope, this is the briefing!

Well, Commander Scott wasting no time taking advantage of OL's offer. Let's hope he's not poking a hornet's nest, though. I don't see the Dominators, or any allies of theirs, taking this strike laying down. And to some degree, it might be like the MCU Avenger's formation, signalling that 'Earth is ready for a higher form of war.' We'll have to see how this all plays out, then.
I'd certainly say, though, that Commander Scott is being very much a Reasonable Authority Figure in this case. He's looking to hit valid military targets, and setting Rules of Engagement that are entirely in keeping with the Geneva Convention. This operation is an entirely moral one (at least so far as any combat operation can be considered entirely moral), and he's picked a force that is likely to actually obey those RoEs, at least within reason--there will be, of course, collateral damage, and possibly some civilian casualties from getting caught in the crossfire/stray rounds, but I suspect they're well-behaved enough not to deliberately target civilians or civilian property.
Yeah, the JSI supers seemed pretty reasonable in the comics all and all, although Interceptor really needs to switch to decaf.

The issues were more institutional, like their grunts on the ground definitely include people who never grew out of being their high school's "obligatory psychotic jackass" to quote Veronica Mars.

Barry left after he heard two JSI grunts all but giggle in glee at the thought of frying Faust's brain like an egg with the JSI brain scrambler for wizards, and I assume psychics and other requires concentration types.

As a matter of course I think it's a bad idea to trust a brain scrambler to someone who thinks its funny to leave someone a drooling vegetable.
Eh I am gonna be honest? I don't have any interest in this arc. Not only is the Dominion again, but there is no characters I am interested in in this alt universe.
Since the new and improved Constantine is both Order and Chaos...... He's actually one of the heaviest hitters around right?

Will he get a moment to show off?
Like plucking an entire planet and dragging it into hell?

He might be powerful, but he may lack experience with his new powers.

Though he could potentially end the spell affecting this reality.
Feasibility Study (part 11)
21st November 2012
10:22 GMT -5

"You're going to what?"

It's interesting to see someone other than Guy whose ring shimmers like that. Guy's ring actually stopped doing it after he merged with Ion; these days it sort of iridesces but not in the same way.

Commander Scott's posture doesn't change as the much younger Sector Lantern squares up to him. No defensive arm crossing, no clenching of hands into fists and no twitching to betray nerves. I don't know how good this Jordan is; our Jordan wasn't at anything like my current level when we first met, and that's with him dealing with Earth-brand madness for most of his career. He's perfectly capable now, if not quite as good as Guy or me, but this Jordan hasn't had that.

"We're going to retaliate against the Dominion. And I've made it perfectly clear that if your Lantern Corps couldn't stop them coming here then you've got no grounds for stopping us."

"That's not how it works. Two wrongs-."

"Enslaving people is wrong. Killing mass-murdering slavers is right."

Jordan takes a breath to calm down, taking a look at Alan and I as he does so.

"And what, you dusted off the old Injustice League power rings? I didn't think you still had those. Is he supposed to be Catwoman or Chronos?"

"I'm the Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps, parallel universe sixteen. My ring was made by Maltus-resident Controller Hinon Hee Hannanan." I raise my left hand slightly. "This one, anyway. This-" I raise my ring hand to show off Larfleeze's ring. "-one was made by a group effort back when the maltusians were experimenting with power ring technology. I think it was mostly Krona."

Commander Scott flashes me a mild frown.


"When Green Lanterns are first recruited, they go to Oa for training. Once they graduate, they return to their Sectors as Sector Lanterns. If they serve well they may eventually be considered for promotion to the Honour Guard, an elite group of Lanterns based on Oa who serve as a high powered strike force. The leader or leaders of the Honour Guard have the title 'Illustres', and are probably the most powerful combat Lanterns in the Corps. Above them is the Clarissi, who runs the Corps day to day." I raise my eyebrows at Jordan. "I assume that the Green Lantern Corps in this parallel uses the same system?"

He nods, frowning. "You think you're that good?"

"I've destroyed war fleets, taken on multiple Reach scarabs in combat and I once span the moon around on its axis. So yes, I do think I'm that good."

A quiet exhalation through his nose, then he turns to Alan. "And, what, you're the Illustres of the 'Blue Lantern Corps'?"

"No, I'm the only guy with a blue ring, far as I know." Jordan narrows his eyes as he hears Alan talk. "Paul had to talk a Qwardian Weaponer into making it."

"You're-. Him, from a parallel universe? Oh great. And you got that ring from a Weaponer?"

"Same one as made Sinestro's ring, in point of fact. Apparently, turning something as uplifting as hope into a weapon is something he feels proud of."

"Figures." He returns his attention to Commander Scott. "So why am I here?"

"For one, there's a chance that the Dominion might spot what we're doing and send a fleet to Earth. If that happens, our forces will be ready, but it would help to have someone around who can hit targets in orbit."

"Just to protect Earth?"

"If that's all you're prepared to do, yes. I'd prefer it if you and whatever Lantern is supposed to be dealing with the Dominion joined in with the attack. Orange Lantern and Blue Lantern are transporting our strike teams, and having you along would increase our carry capacity. In return-"

"This better be good."

"-I can offer you a cooperation agreement. You'll be able to come to Earth in costume in pursuit of alien criminals. We'll expect you to work with us, because you are working for an alien government, but we will extend you the same cooperation an Earth police force would an officer from another country in hot pursuit of a criminal."

"That's less cooperation than I get from every other planet in this Sector."

"It's all you'll get from us."

"You'd still take them into custody and expect me to apply to extradite them."


"Could I just visit Earth?"

"As long as you understand that you don't have any official standing or status outside of our agreement, and keep us informed of your movements, yes." A very small and unfriendly smile appears on Commander Scott's mouth. "Missing Carol that much, Jordan?"

Jordan looks away for a moment, but-. Ring, access-. No, don't, they haven't given me permission and I shouldn't take advantage. Neither Commander Scott or Interceptor have facial coverings, and most of the superheroes in the meeting had bare faces as well. Do secret identities just not exist here?

"Fine. There's no Lantern assigned to the Dominion, but I can fly there and back. I should make sure that you people don't go crazy when you get there."

"I've already given orders to focus on military targets. Don't you need to check this with your masters on Oa?"

"No, this is something I can decide for myself. The Guardians don't micromanage Lanterns. Most Green Lanterns hand over their prisoners to the local authorities once they've defeated them."

"Which completely undermines their authority."

Yeah, it does. I'm sure that I've-.

Jordan stares at me. "Something you want to say, 'Illustres'?"

"It's just that I've had this discussion back home. Seeing the Justice Society International implement one of my suggested solutions is.. fascinating for me. I really-" I turn to Commander Scott. "-want to have a look at your SOP bible once we're done."

He smiles faintly. "That's gotta be the first time anyone's ever said that."

"Wait." Jordan narrows his eyes. "You wanna start something like this in your reality?"

"I want to use the example the JSI has set to advise the League on how to expand. At the moment they're not.. very organised. Extremely capable as individuals, but there's no real philosophy on what the organisation is supposed to be in its… Final form. It impedes their effectiveness."

Alan snorts. "If that's how you feel, you could always try joining up."

"I suspect that I'd get outvoted and just make myself part of the problem. But if the League sees someone actually do what I've been talking about, that might change things. Anyway, Jordan, do you want to come with us when we do our reconnaissance flight, or do you want to wait here?"

"I think I'd better come with you."

"Alright." I raise my right hand to my forehead. "Try to keep up."
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