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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

"M-Hm. Mummy says that Spiders are too different from humanoid physiological norms to be erotically appealing, so the best I can do is look cute and inoffensive. And that means full body fur!"
"88w88 what's this?"

Anyway, there's at least one subreddit I could point to that shows there's potential...

Then again, I'm the one that's still hoping OL will eventually realize his mistake in pursuing Jade, and finally return to the best girl, Spider Queen. OLxSpiderQueenOTP
im now imagining the spider princess raising her arms above her head and wiggling her butt, and then Paul thinks it is a request for a hug.

Poor Princess did all the research on Earth Mating rituals and her Not-Daddy didnt even pay any attention - <spider-pout>

-for reference image search "peacock spider"
I step out and

reappear next to-.


I was JUST thinking about her!
Was thinking how it was incredibly rude of Paul to crush the newborn Princess's feelings, and if he was doing something "good" right now related to the Spiders he might want to check in on her.

Now, here's hoping he checks in on Jade, and then Starfire & Blackfire.
"Princess, you appear to be furry."

"M-Hm. Mummy says that Spiders are too different from humanoid physiological norms to be erotically appealing, so the best I can do is look cute and inoffensive. And that means full body fur!"
I'm picturing something close to Stitch in all-out mode.
Keep in mind that the base template is a human-sized semi-anthropomorphic spider (example), not just a giant spider.

I believe the Queen and Princess don't look like that. Their body configuration is Ararchne-type, I think? So large and arachnid bottom, semi-humanoid torso at the front with multiple arms (in fact, that part brought to mind the Alien Queen), but it's all chitinous exoskeleton and they have multiple eyes and mandibles. No soft skin, no boobs, no humanoid face, no sexy monster girl here.
That sounds like something I might have written back when I was thinking about it.
Can't remember if Shazam accepted the substitute.
M-Hm. Mummy says that Spiders are too different from humanoid physiological norms to be erotically appealing, so the best I can do is look cute and inoffensive. And that means full body fur!"

She spreads out her upper arms.

How very logical. I can't help but imagine she has a Vulcan for a teacher.
"88w88 what's this?"

Anyway, there's at least one subreddit I could point to that shows there's potential...

Then again, I'm the one that's still hoping OL will eventually realize his mistake in pursuing Jade, and finally return to the best girl, Spider Queen. OLxSpiderQueenOTP

Well she is a reformed supervillain bad girl of sorts. So exactly his type.

Even got to 3rd(?) Base with her and has a kid who looks up to him as a father figure.

Plus everyone knows he is a arachnophile already.
Well she is a reformed supervillain bad girl of sorts. So exactly his type.

Even got to 3rd(?) Base with her and has a kid who looks up to him as a father figure.

Plus everyone knows he is a arachnophile already.
As much as I would like romance between Paul and the queen, I don't think she has the right personality. Maybe I've got the wrong impression, but I think that the 'redemption' of her and her subordinates had a lot more to do with the realisation that doing more of the evil shit they did was illogical, rather than actually believing it to be morally wrong.
As much as I would like romance between Paul and the queen, I don't think she has the right personality. Maybe I've got the wrong impression, but I think that the 'redemption' of her and her subordinates had a lot more to do with the realisation that doing more of the evil shit they did was illogical, rather than actually believing it to be morally wrong.
The Queen herself didn't really need redeeming. Though you're right about the few surviving officers who aren't her mentally conditioned children.
Well she is a reformed supervillain bad girl of sorts. So exactly his type.

Even got to 3rd(?) Base with her and has a kid who looks up to him as a father figure.

Plus everyone knows he is a arachnophile already.
Exactly Paul's type isn't reformed supervillain bad girls. Jade, Cheetah, Blackfire... but Aranae had to have her mind rewritten to reform, and the mother of the twins from Thundercats is an outlier entirely. No, there's only one common theme among all five

Paul needs a woman who's emotionally damaged enough to endure his fixation on the Babylon 5 TCG.

...Man, the Paul in Babylon 5 must be fucked up by the lack of his favorite card game.
The Queen herself didn't really need redeeming. Though you're right about the few surviving officers who aren't her mentally conditioned children.
Ah, so she is actually moral? I kind of assumed, given how manipulative she seems to be, that she would do evil if it was advantageous (although presumably she has no interest in eating people).
I love Princess! I think it's one of the best characters created for this series, and I hope that we see more of her in the future.
...Man, the Paul in Babylon 5 must be fucked up by the lack of his favorite card game.
I've thought more about Grayven visiting the station during Believers and being puzzled that Dr. Franklin doesn't know what a sonic scalpel is.
Ah, so she is actually moral? I kind of assumed, given how manipulative she seems to be, that she would do evil if it was advantageous (although presumably she has no interest in eating people).
She's True Neutral. The scientists who raised her didn't bother giving her any actual moral education, which means that she's better off that 99+% of her species.
Uncomplicated Good Works (part 13)
18th December 2012
15:27 GMT -5

"Okay." I watch as Kal-El metaphorically girds his loins. "Perhaps we should try and do this a little differently."

"It's okay, I can hide the body, just tell me where it is."

"There isn't a body."

"Even if you incinerated it completely, there might well be biological residue left. I know your eyesight is good, but I have a power ring, and your heat vision tends to leave a very distinctive-."

"Just-." He holds out his right palm. "Just stop. I haven't killed anyone. Lois and I had a… Uncomfortable but probably overdue conversation about… Aging."

"Ah. How did it go?"

"I think I can keep 'Clark Kent, bumbling reporter' going until my early sixties. I'll just have to find a grey hair dye that works on kryptonians. After that I guess I'll just have to be open about things, though I don't think I'll ever be 'Superman' full time."

"It's your life. Do you think you'll keep writing? I ask because at that point your articles will have a very different 'brain feel' to them."

"It's thirty years away. A lot of things could be different. And I could write under a pseudonym easily enough."

"You can't do interviews under…" I smile, shaking my head. "Would you like a personal hologram projector?"

"Thank you for the offer, but that's a technology Krypton had." He pauses for a moment. "I've had a few thoughts about your problem, and I've an idea about how we could bridge the gap."


"You've seen how I handle situations. I've heard how you handle things, but I've never really seen it for myself. Contentious situations, where you have to use your judgement. Not just things like with Kara."

"I can see the superficial logic, but I'm really not sure that's a good idea."

"Why not?"

"I'm.. a little concerned that I'm just going to make my thought process seem more appealing. I saw how what I said affected you."

"No, don't worry. Ma raised me better than that." I.. look away, awkwardly. "I don't think I've ever heard you talk about your mother."

"My parents thought they were raising a bright but not particularly social child, not someone with your powers. The precise niceties of moral philosophy weren't really discussed. I really don't have the slightest idea how she'd feel about this."


I take a moment to strain my memories.

"When I was very small, she asked me to promise never to vote for the Conservative Party, because she held them responsible for the fact that I spent half my time at school in Portakabin classrooms. She also told me that she'd disown me if I ever joined the army. So, I guess I'm disowned, though she might just have been talking about the wars my Britain was involved in at the time rather than wars in general."

"And your pa?"

I strain my memories harder.

"I don't remember it coming up. At all."

"Huh. Did you get along okay with your parents?"

"As far as I know. I don't have a second set of parents to compare them to. We didn't really have any hobbies in common… Ah. But on.. a slightly less personal level, what exactly did you want to watch me doing?"

He shrugs. "Anything."

I smile awkwardly. "It's the old.. thing, where someone asks you to say something and your mind goes completely blank."

"You can just take the lead for a patrol around Metropolis if you like."

"No, I've got something."

I float a little way up into the air, then generate an oversized zeta tube.

"Keeping an eye on Chughraghahh and it's satellite worlds is an ongoing task. The new treaty arrangements won't be fully bedded in for a little while, so I'm on big stick duty."

"Isn't that on the other side of the galaxy?"

"Yes, but I built them a big zeta tube. We can get there in a few seconds. Coming back will be a little more difficult, but I can come back first and create a receiver station." Hm. "Or we can do something a little closer?"

"If you're busy I can always hitch a lift."

He reaches down to his belt and activates his environmental shield.


He nods as I check the orientation of the zeta tube. And then check that the far end is clear


After you."

"They don't eat kryptonians, do they?"

"I imagine they would if they thought they could. So all the ships apart from Amalak's-."

Amalak who has a massive grudge against kryptonians.

"Would you mind.. terribly, changing your shirt? I.. just remembered that the man leading the picket fleet had his homeworld destroyed by General Zod, and he's got a bit of a grudge about it."

Kal-El's face falls slightly.

"How much of a grudge?"

"He'd try and kill you if he confirmed that you were kryptonian. Or Daxamite. But without the House of El crest we can just pretend you're a metahuman. If he even asks."

"Does he know that Zod was a criminal who was banished to the Phantom Zone?"

"Do you intend to get him out, kill him, then present Amalak with his severed head as reparation?"

"Is that something you would do?"

"No. Without knowing how much solar power he'd absorbed before being sent to the Phantom Zone, letting him out would be too much of a risk."

"He was sent to the Phantom Zone from Krypton. I doubt that he'd have any solar power."

"Oh. In that case, yes. Life imprisonment is fine for what would otherwise be capital crimes when you're not completely certain, because you could be wrong and exculpatory evidence might turn up. In Zod's case there's no doubt. He certainly deserves it, and it might finally bring Amalak and the few other surviving members of his species some measure of peace. And possibly make him stop trying to kill other kryptonians. Using the Phantom Zone in the way Krypton used to was simply cowardly."

"I'll take that under advisement." He smiles. "Do you have a replacement shirt, or do you want me to go bare-chested?"
Last edited:
"Just-." He holds out his right palm. "Just stop. I haven't killed anyone. Lois and I had a… Uncomfortable but probably overdue conversation about… Aging."
That should say 'an'.

"Thank you for the offer, but that's a technology krypton had." He pauses for a moment. "I've had a few thoughts about your problem, and I've an idea about how we could bridge the gap."
Krypton should be capitalized.
18th December 2012
15:27 GMT -5

"Okay." I watch as Kal-El metaphorically girds his loins. "Perhaps we should try and do this a little differently."

"It's okay, I can hide the body, just tell me where it is."
I mean, it can't have been any less messy than Injustice Joker's death. Seriously, a Kryptonian can pretty much paint the room red with a human body if they felt like it. :oops: Like, just painting with chunky salsa. Blah.

"There isn't a body."

"Even if you incinerated it completely, there might well be biological residue left. I know your eye sight is good, but I have a power ring, and your heat vision tends to leave a very distinctive-."
Well, if he's cracking jokes, I guess cuddling Princess helped his mood a bit.

"Just-." He holds out his right palm. "Just stop. I haven't killed anyone. Lois and I had a… Uncomfortable but probably overdue conversation about… Aging."

"Ah. How did it go?"
If you and Lois were living together, would you be sleeping on the couch tonight, or..?

"I think I can keep 'Clark Kent, bumbling reporter' going until my early sixties. I'll just have to find a grey hair dye that works on kryptonians. After that I guess I'll just have to be open about things, though I don't think I'll ever be 'Superman' full time."

"It's your life. Do you think you'll keep writing? I ask because at that point your articles will have a very different 'brain feel' to them."
Sooner or later, it's going to come out. Better to reveal it yourself and manage the fallout, than have someone like Lex play it up as some xenophobic 'alien infiltration' plot thing.

"It's thirty years away. A lot of things could be different. And I could write under a pseudonym easily enough."

"You can't do interviews under…" I smile, shaking my head. "Would you like a personal hologram projector?"
As long as it's high-res enough to pass muster. Although one glitch in the rendering pipeline and suddenly Clark's skin might turn into a purple-and-black checkerboard... :oops:

"Thank you for the offer, but that's a technology Krypton had." He pauses for a moment. "I've had a few thoughts about your problem, and I've an idea about how we could bridge the gap."

Are you sure? You've been through enough traumatic experiences in the last couple of days courtesy of OL...

"You've seen how I handle situations. I've heard how you handle things, but I've never really seen it for myself. Contentious situations, where you have to have to use your judgement. Not just things like with Kara."

"I can see the superficial logic, but I'm really not sure that's a good idea."
Somehow, walking a mile in OL's shoes might be a little messy or morally complicated...

"Why not?"

"I'm.. a little concerned that I'm just going to make my thought process seem more appealing. I saw how what I said affected you."
...Unless it involves you railgunning some asshole pirates or something. Pretty sure that won't fly for Supes...

"No, don't worry. Ma raised me better than that." I.. look away, awkwardly. "I don't think I've ever heard you talk about your mother."

"My parents thought they were raising a bright but not particularly social child, not someone with your powers. The precise niceties of moral philosophy weren't really discussed. I really don't have the slightest idea how she'd feel about this."
:confused: ...Boy, talk about awkward discussions...


I take a moment to strain my memories.

"When I was very small, she asked me to promise never to vote for the Conservative Party, because she held them responsible for the fact that I spent half my time at school in Portakabin classrooms. She also told me that she'd disown me if I ever joined the army. So, I guess I'm disowned, though she might just have been talking about the wars my Britain was involved in at the time rather than wars in general."
Well, good to know she has principles.

"And your pa?"

I strain my memories harder.

"I don't remember it coming up. At all."
Man, Clark's just inadvertently headbutting the 'awkward' button with this conversation, isn't he?

"Huh. Did you get along okay with your parents?"

"As far as I know. I don't have a second set of parents to compare them to. We didn't really have any hobbies in common… Ah. But on.. a slightly less personal level, what exactly did you want to watch me doing?"
Yes, let's let's put the awkward stuff behind you and get on with the plot.

He shrugs. "Anything."

I smile awkwardly. "It's the old.. thing, where someone asks you to say something and your mind goes completely blank."
Isn't there anything on your long, long to-do list to check up on?

"You can just take the lead for a patrol around Metropolis if you like."

"No, I've got something."
Blah, mere crime-fighting and 'friendly neighbourhood Lantern' stuff? Bit of a letdown...

I float a little way up into the air, then generate an oversized zeta tube.

"Keeping an eye on Chughraghahh and it's satellite worlds is an ongoing task. The new treaty arrangements won't be fully bedded in for a little while, so I'm on big stick duty."
Oh, gee, road trip!

"Isn't that on the other side of the galaxy?"

"Yes, but I built them a big zeta tube. We can get there in a few seconds. Coming back will be a little more difficult, but I can come back first and create a receiver station." Hm. "Or we can do something a little closer?"
Like, say, Mars? Give Clark a chance to see J'onn's hometown...

"If you're busy I can always hitch a lift."

He reaches down to his belt and activates his environmental shield.
Not quite a sealed suit, but it'll do for a mundane planet...


He nods as I check the orientation of the zeta tube. And then check that the far end is clear
...Uh, OL? Aren't you forgetting someone?


After you."

"They don't eat kryptonians, do they?"
Probably find them a bit tough. Assuming they could manage to hurt him.

"I imagine they would if they thought they could. So all the ships apart from Amalak's-."

Amalak who has a massive grudge against kryptonians.
And there we go! Getting a bit forgetful with all the stress, OL?

"Would you mind.. terribly, changing your shirt? I.. just remembered that the man leading the picket fleet had his homeworld destroyed by General Zod, and he's got a bit of a grudge about it."

Kal-El's face falls slightly.
Yeah, he'd be likely to start foaming at the mouth and turning red.

"How much of a grudge?"

"He'd try and kill you if he confirmed that you were kryptonian. Or Daxamite. But without the House of El crest we can just pretend you're a metahuman. If he even asks."
...Yeah, I see nothing going wrong with this plan at all... :rolleyes:

"Does he know that Zod was a criminal who was banished to the Phantom Zone?"

"Do you intend to get him out, kill him, then present Amalak with his severed head as reparation?"
I mean, if that's an option on the table...

"Is that something you would do?"

"No. Without knowing how much solar power he'd absorbed before being sent to the Phantom Zone, letting him out would be to much of a risk."
At least, not without a fair few red sunlight projectors set up and a bit of Gold Kryptonite at hand.

"He was sent to the Phantom Zone from Krypton. I doubt that he'd have any solar power."

"Oh. In that case, yes. Life imprisonment is fine for what would otherwise be capital crimes when you're not completely certain, because you could be wrong and exculpatory evidence might turn up. In Zod's case there's no doubt. He certainly deserves it, and it might finally bring Amalak and the few other surviving members of his species some measure of peace. And possibly make him stop trying to kill other kryptonians. Using the Phantom Zone in the way Krypton used to was simply cowardly."
...And suddenly, Clark realises why OL was going about this whole 'realign his moral compass' thing...

"I'll take that under advisement." He smiles. "Do you have a replacement shirt, or do you want me to go bare-chested?"
Gee, there's a choice. A tight t-shirt, or all that beefcake on full show? x3 Eh, the latter might be a little distracting.

Well, this is either going to go swimmingly well, or Amalak will go on the warpath. Either way, Supes will be getting an eyeful of how OL does things, I suppose. If he's really lucky, Clark might be able to convince Amalak to let go of a little of that anger... Admittedly, there's about as much chance of that as Mammon getting into a snowball fight back home. This will be tense.
So is there a reason that Clarke can't just claim that OL also augmented him like he did Lois?
The only reason the Clarke identity works at all is because he is so obviously ordinary, but if Clarke is super strong and dating Louis. Well Superman doesn't even wear a mask.
Hey, not wearing a shirt means that Superman can absorb more sunlight!

More seriously, I don't think anyone expects Amalak to not find out that Superman is Kryptonian. Though there's a good chance that Superman can Do His Thing and make peace with Amalak.

Hey, since Zoat isn't going with YJ Zod... but Zoat, I doubt you saw Syfy's Krypton or are incorporating it so

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