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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Counterpunched (part 15)
18th January 2013
23:12 GMT

I brace myself as the Lanterns approach me. I know perfectly well that they've been working on something. Let's see how painful this is going to be.


"Zartok. You have something for me?"

He looks smug. And eager. "I have a way onto the Citizenry ship without breaking our stealth field."

That… Okay, if he's managed that, he's got good reason to feel smug.



Lantern Allyn had been hanging back a little, but now he steps forward. "I can use my ring to create New God technology. That's… Designed to let spiritual effects propagate across it. Between me and the magic component of our stealth system, that should let it exist outside of our hull without revealing us."

"You intend to build a bridge?"

"A cable. If it touches the Citizenry ship, I should be able to connect to any New God systems on the ship. Or at least get a general impression of what New God systems they have."

"And if they have a New God?"

"They will know the moment that I start pushing."

Zartok shakes his head. "Who will they tell? The Reach? I doubt that. Their comrades, who have clearly abandoned them? They may even thank us for helping them."

"I thought we were assuming that their boom tube generator -if they even have one- would have to be broken. Can you repair it from here?"

"I don't know."

"Will you be able to communicate with anyone on their ship?"

"I.. don't know."

I give him a moment, but no other information is forthcoming..

"Would you care to expand that answer?"

"I would be able to commune with any New God integrated into their ship. But if there is no New God or if they're not connected to the ship… Perhaps. It depends on how sensitive they are, and… And a number of things."

"Can you communicate with other people on that ship?"


"Is it possible?"

"Yes. Certainly. The crew are a community. Imposing my essence on them is what New God technology is for."


He looks a little awkward at that.

"When you serve an Ascendant commanding officer, it is… Not a relationship of equals. My soul encompasses the crew, and my desires become their instincts. There's.. feedback, and.. they can resist, or-. Or mentally separate themselves, once they learn the feel of it, but…"

More mind control. Or perhaps a small scale hive mind with the New God as the ruler.

"Are you doing that now?"

"No! Without the technology we use in our ships, it… We would need to be closely bonded and.. I'm.. not all that good with it. It… When my ship wasn't in combat I wouldn't use it."

I shake my head. "There are Darkstar telepaths in a similar position. Don't try and use allies as slaves and there's no issue."

He frowns. "Of course not. I-."

Zartok glares at him. "Focus on the topic at hand, Lantern Allyn." And then his eye turns back to me. "Something important is on that ship, important enough for the Reach to delay their attack. We are here to gather information on our enemies. If-."

"If we get control of the boom tube system, what then? Their ship would still need to move in order to evacuate."

"But the crew wouldn't. We can offer them a choice between mindless subservience with the Reach and honourable death with us. After they answer a few questions."

Lantern Drusa twitches slightly. "We could also have telepaths take useful information from their minds, or offer sanctuary to any who didn't volunteer to join the Citizenry."

Allyn nods. "It would also be useful to find out how much New God technology Grayven is sharing with them, and how widespread knowledge of it is."

They're right. It's an x-factor problem. Though our main objective in this campaign is to fight the Reach, we don't know how much of a problem Grayven and his allies could be if they turned their attention toward us. We don't know their strength, their base of operation -if they even have one- or what their aim is. To a degree, the Reach is predictable. Grayven isn't.

My main task here is scout this part of the Reach, but the value of that ship compared to what we're likely to find…

"What is the chance of us being revealed?"

Zartok shakes his head. "The cable will be part of the ship, protected by the same stealth system as the ship. We will have to position ourselves closer, but there is more than enough space between the Reach ships to manoeuvre between them without hitting them. They might be able to detect a change in the hull where the cable connects to their ship, but the connection will be cushioned and slow. The change in hull pressure would be minimal, and we know that they're not examining the outer hull closely."

"And if he can't connect from the outside?"

Zartok takes a small device out of his subspace pocket and holds it up at me. "Do you know what this is?"

I don't, so I access my exo-mantle's computer database. "A crumbler round for the Illustres's railguns."

"A fascinating device. There's no energy release when it works. No pressure wave. No radiation. If we incorporate one into the cable-."

"The Reach could still detect it."

Zartok pauses.

"Yes. The chance is very small, but they could. It is still worth doing."

"And if we're discovered?"

"Their first assumption will not be that it is a N.E.M.O. spy ship. We would detonate the crumbler round and withdraw the cable before moving off. They don't know exactly what the Citizenry's capacities are any more than we do. Most likely, they write it off as hull damage from the battle or a micrometeorite impact. At worst, they have a blast that matches the crumbler rounds they've seen before but no idea why it was here. They'll look, but if they could find us with what they have here then they would have found us already."

"And if they can?"

"Then I get an honourable death."

I regard him for a moment. "You may want that, but I intend for my crew to live."

"Oh, I will die honourably one day, many decades hence. I am not worried about the Reach. And this plan will work."

I take a deep breath, then nod my approval.

I hope that I don't regret this.
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18th January 2013
23:12 GMT

I brace myself as the Lanterns approach me. I know perfectly well that they've been working on something. Let's see how painful this is going to be.

Heh. Nothing happens on his ship without him knowing, eh? On the one hand, who knows what they've come up with. On the other hand, he has an asset aboard the Citizenry ship in need of extraction. And on the gripping hand, who wouldn't want to give the Reach a big middle finger by stealing the whole ship out from under them? :p

"Zartok. You have something for me?"

He looks smug. And eager. "I have a way onto the Citizenry ship without breaking out stealth field."
He hopes. Honestly, it's all down to how nicely Allyn's work plays with the magical aspects of their stealth...

That… Okay, if he's managed that, he's got good reason to feel smug.

Though I doubt he'd be so confident if he wasn't sure of the results, I suppose.


Lantern Allyn had been hanging back a little, but now he steps forward. "I can use my ring to create New God technology. That's… Designed to let spiritual affects propagate across it. Between me and the magic component of our stealth system, that should let it exist outside of our hull without revealing us."
Still, it's a big 'if'.

"You intend to build a bridge?"

"A cable. If it touches the Citizenry ship, I should be able to connect to any New God systems on the ship. Or at least get a general impression of what New God systems they have."
Which may well be little beyond the Boom Tube generator.

"And if they have a New God?"

"They will know the moment that I start pushing."
...Things could get a little noisy, then. On the metaphysical level, at least.

Zartok shakes his head. "Who will they tell? The Reach? I doubt that. Their comrades, who have clearly abandoned them? They may even thank us for helping them."

"I thought we were assuming that their boom tube generator -if they even have one- would have to be broken. Can you repair it from here?"
More importantly, how would they know how to repair it? Does Allyn have the schematics for a Boom Tube system in his Ring or even his meat-brain?

"I don't know."

"Will you be able to communicate with anyone on their ship?"
That's a big ask... It would kind of require that their leader be willing to listen, too...

"I.. don't know."

I give him a moment, but no other information is forthcoming..
...Like talking to a teenager.

"Would you care to expand that answer?"

"I would be able to commune with any New God integrated into their ship. But if there is no New God or if they're not connected to the ship… Perhaps. It depends on how sensitive they are, and… And a number of things."
Still so many unknowns. I don't know if I'd give them the go-ahead if I were Colos...

"Can you communicate with other people on that ship?"

Because there's at least one person who might be willing to reply... If she can do so without outing herself.

"Is it possible?"

"Yes. Certainly. The crew are a community. Imposing my essence on them is what New God technology is for."
Ooof, the kind of embarrassing aspect of his training...


He looks a little awkward at that .
Given how it sounds, I can see why Colos is a little concerned.

"When you serve an Ascendant commanding officer, it is… Not a relationship of equals. My soul encompasses the crew, and my desires become their instincts. There's.. feedback, and.. they can resist, or-. Or mentally separate themselves, once they learn the feel of it, but…"

More mind control. Or perhaps a small scale hive mind with the New God as the ruler.
With the option to opt out in time. Though doing so would reduce the crew's efficiency.

"Are you doing that now?"

"No! Without the technology we use in our ships, it… We would need to be closely bonded and.. I'm.. not all that good with it. It… When my ship wasn't in combat I wouldn't use it."
At least he's principled about it. I bet some of his comrades weren't.

I shake my head. "There are Darkstar telepaths in a similar position. Don't try and use allies as slaves and there's no issue."

He frowns. "Of course not. I-."
Okay, we get it, you're nervous about this stuff. Back on track...

Zartok glares at him. "Focus on the topic at hand, Lantern Allyn." And then his eye turns back to me. "Something important is on that ship, important enough for the Reach to delay their attack. We are here to gather information on our enemies. If-."

"If we get control of the boom tube system, what then? Their ship would still need to move in order to evacuate."
You have four Lanterns on board. At least one of them could tow it through a Boom Tube aperture...

"But the crew wouldn't. We can offer them a choice between mindless subservience with the Reach and honourable death with us. After they answer a few questions."

Lantern Drusa twitches slightly. "We could also have telepaths take useful information from their minds, or offer sanctuary to any who didn't volunteer to join the Citizenry."
Which would be a lot of them, I bet. I doubt that many of their members were born to the people.

Allyn nods. "It would also be useful to find out how much New God technology Grayven is sharing with them, and widespread knowledge of it is."

They're right. It's an x-factor problem. Though our main objective in this campaign is to fight the Reach, we don't know how much of a problem Grayven and his allies could be if they turned their attention toward us. We don't know their strength, their base of operation -if they even have one- or what their aim is. To a degree, the Reach is predictable. Grayven isn't.
...True, for all you know, Grayven is entirely fleet-based. Unlikely if the Gordanians had any say, but...

My main task here is scout this part of the Reach, but the value of that ship compared to what we're likely to find…

"What is the chance of us being revealed?"
If this gamble pays off, I think the Command might excuse you going off-mission like this.

Zartok shakes his head. "The cable will be part of the ship, protected by the same stealth system as the ship. We will have to position ourselves closer, but there is more than enough space between the Reach ships to manoeuvre between them without hitting them. They might be able to detect a change in the hull where the cable connects to their ship, but the connection will be cushioned and slow. The change in hull pressure would be minimal, and we know that they're not examining the outer hull closely."
If anything whatever they're doing to try and smoke the crew out might be obscuring surface details...

"And if he can't connect from the outside?"

Zartok takes a small device out of his subspace pocket and holds it up at me. "Do you know what this is?"
Something from the Illustres' summer collection, I bet.

I don't, so I access my exo-mantle's computer database. "A crumbler round for the Illustres's railguns."

"A fascinating device. There's no energy release when it works. No pressure wave. No radiation. If we incorporate one into the cable-."
Well, that's sneaky. Well done.

"The Reach could still detect it."

Zartok pauses.
...Maybe if someone were looking at that exact spot at that exact moment...

"Yes. The chance is very small, but they could. It is still worth doing."

"And if we're discovered?"
...How fast is the ship, again? :p

"Their first assumption will not be that it is a N.E.M.O. spy ship. We would detonate the crumbler round and withdraw the cable before moving off. They don't know exactly what the Citizenry's capacities are any more than we do. Most likely, they write it off as hull damage from the battle or a micrometeorite impact. At worst, they have a blast that matches the crumbler rounds they've seen before but no idea why it was here. They'll look, but if they could find us with what they have here then they would have found us already."
Good point. Half the challenge here is not thinking yourself into a game of second-guessing the enemy's knowledge.

"And if they can?"

"Then I get an honourable death."
...And what about everyone else? Have you polled their opinions on the matter, Zartok?

I regard him for a moment. "You may want that, but I intend for my crew to give."

"Oh, I will die honourably one day, many decades hence. I am not worried about the Reach. And this plan will work."
Oh, he was just boasting about how this is not the day he'll die, huh?

I take a deep breath, then nod my approval.

I hope that I don't regret this.
Fingers crossed for luck, then...

Well, looks like Zartok's plan is a go, then, despite all the unknowns ahead of them. It shouldn't take too long for them to get into position, so we'll get to see if it works soon, I bet. And if it doesn't, then we get a big fireworks display as shit goes tits-up. Either way, it promises to be an exciting few chapters ahead.

He looks a little awkward at that .
Extraneous space before the full stop.
More importantly, how would they know how to repair it? Does Allyn have the schematics for a Boom Tube system in his Ring or even his meat-brain?

Good point.

A sword is one thing, but a portal generator is another.

Granted, I think it may be possible for them to automatically gain some knowledge of the tech when they connect to it.

True, for all you know, Grayven is entirely fleet-based. Unlikely if the Gordanians had any say, but...

I don't think he'd care what they think.
After Razer showed up in YJ, Word of Greg is that GLtAS is YJ canon adjacent.

Vaermina said: "Gotta be honest here, this would have worked a lot better if you had used actual DC characters instead of random NPC's."

So I was pointing out they were actually DC characters.

Was Allyn an actual DC character or a Zoat created one?
Vaermina said: "Gotta be honest here, this would have worked a lot better if you had used actual DC characters instead of random NPC's."

So I was pointing out they were actually DC characters.

Was Allyn an actual DC character or a Zoat created one?

I don't have V blocked, I responded to him earlier in this conversation.

I know that. I was pointing out that according to a YJ writer there's every reason to believe that Earth-16 has a Zartok, Drusa, and Grood.

And Zoat already answered your question only four messages above- He made Allyn up, and before that I had already stated that Allyn wasn't a DC character.
I don't have V blocked, I responded to him earlier in this conversation.

I know that. I was pointing out that according to a YJ writer there's every reason to believe that Earth-16 has a Zartok, Drusa, and Grood.

And Zoat already answered your question only four messages above- He made Allyn up, and before that I had already stated that Allyn wasn't a DC character.

I have brought shame upon my family. I should've read earlier in the thread.

Counterpunched (part 16)
18th January 2013
23:27 GMT

"Good work with Allyn."

I feel nervous for a moment. Zartok paying someone a compliment isn't a common occurrence. Allyn is sitting at the bottom of a maintenance shaft closest to the outer hull, and we're waiting by an airlock.

"Shouldn't we be closer to him? If he overloads again-."

"Then he'll do whatever he feels necessary to please you. We're here because this is the fastest way off the ship if the Reach somehow detect him and we need to cover the ship's retreat. And because we can't do anything to make his job easier."

True, though I wouldn't mind studying it in more detail. If only so that I know what it can and can't do. I hadn't realised that his 'god powers' could be used for mind control until he announced it, and despite what he said that's clearly what it is.

But since he kept up his end of the bargain…

"I'm going to request leave, when we get back. My lack of investment is holding me back, and if we're going to keep going on this sort of mission then I'm going to need to get stronger."

Zartok inclines his head. "Granted. I hadn't considered that as an avenue for controlling him. I'm not used to it being a factor."

What? Control?

"What do you mean?"

"I told you, I intend to restart my empire on the bones of the Reach. A task that will be much easier if Orange Lanterns are part of the pacification force. Grood adds to our muscle, and isn't a threat to me because he doesn't want what I want. You add technological fluency, and you're too risk-averse to ever challenge me. Allyn is honest and sensible, but might challenge me if I violated his sense of justice too readily. Appealing to his sense of compassion never occurred to me."

"I didn't lie to him."

"I know. He was just here at the time where you were finally prepared to take that step. But it will still work. It's a great deal easier to care about someone you know than someone you don't, god or not. And no one likes to throw away something they've put effort into."

"Why would you want Allyn?"

"When you're powerful, you're never short of people prepared to support you. Some of them will even be competent. But none of the generals who used to serve under me either tried to free me from captivity or tried to take power themselves. They were drawn to my personal strength, not the mission I set for them." His face takes on an expression of distaste. "And perhaps they could have counselled me better. Allyn's sense of justice is something that I want to learn how to use for my benefit."

"Not interested in becoming a god?"

"I don't fear death."

"Rhea's descendents can still die."

"Then what's the point of becoming one? I want to build an empire. If I can't inspire loyalty, real loyalty, then I've failed. Attempting to rule through mind control would indicate that I aimed to fail. And I will not fail again."

I nod, as much to myself as to him.

"So what happens if I find something to care about?"

"That depends on what it is. I will need to keep an eye on you and adapt to whatever developments occur as a worthwhile challenge."

"When did you… Decide to start an empire?"

"When I ran out of foes to vanquish on my homeworld."

"Alright, but you didn't need to. Your world wasn't threatened. Would your soldiers have rebelled if you'd sent them home?"

He shakes his head. "No. Not so long as they were rewarded, and I ensured that they had something to do."


"Lantern Allyn to Lanterns Zartok and Drusa and Senior Darkstar Colos. I'm about to make the connection."

"Colos here. We're on high alert. I'll be in touch the moment the Reach do anything unexpected."

"Lantern Zartok. We're ready to support you the moment something goes awry."

"Connecting in four, three, two, one, connected."

Zartok nods. "Do you have control?"

"I can… Feel it." Not By Strength By Guile.

"Nothing from the Reach; no movement and their scans haven't changed."

"It's not-. They haven't done a full conversion. There're New God systems, but they're… Too deep."

"Can you activate anything else?"

"Not precisely. I can… Try to push things, but that might do anything."

"Is there a New God onboard?"

"If there is, they're not connected to the systems. Do I proceed?"

There's a delay, with Colos presumably considering the risks again.


"Activating crumbler. Crumbler active, moving forward."

"No response from the Reach-."

"I have something. Not a New God system. I've-. There's someone on the ship who considers themselves one of us."

Zartok frowns. "We have a spy on board?"

"Darkstars are intelligence operatives." Colos sounds frustrated. "I wasn't made aware of any operatives amongst the Citizenry, but we weren't expecting to encounter this situation. Can you make contact?"

"Not unless they're another New God, and then I wouldn't be able to do much other than tell them that we're here. I.. could try to find a communication relay, or burrow deep enough to risk a radio transmission-."

"No. We don't have the Citizenry's ciphers. It wouldn't look like their internal transmissions."

"I can try finding part of their computer network. Since we don't have the schematic, I'll just be guessing where the cables are, but I should be able to avoid burrowing into a corridor."

"That will have to-. Hold."

I tense, then use my ring to access the ship's sensors.

A small flotilla just entered the system. Two destroyer escorts, a troop transport and a cruiser.

Energy readings on the cruiser suggest that there are two Scarab Warriors on board.

"Allyn, the Reach boarding party has arrived, and they're heading for the ship. If they dock, we'll have to disengage. Scarab Warriors have better sensors than most of their ships. Do what you can to patch into their systems, but be prepared to disengage at a moment's notice."

"I'll work as fast as I can."
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"When you're powerful, you're never short of people prepared to support you. Some of them will even be competent. But none of the generals who used to serve under me either tried to free me from captivity or tried to take power themselves. They were drawn to my personal strength, not the mission I set for them." His face takes on an expression of distaste. "And perhaps they could have counselled me better. Allyn's sense of justice is something that I want to learn how to use for my benefit."

"Not interested in becoming a god?"

"I don't fear death."

"Rhea's descendents can still die."

"Then what's the point of becoming one? I want to build an empire. If I can't inspire loyalty, real loyalty, then I've failed. Attempting to rule through mind control would indicate that I aimed to fail. And I will not fail again."
It's nice to know that Zartok's thought about what he really wants and is thinking up of a realistic way on how to get it.

"I can… Feel it." Not By Strength By Guile.
This reminds me of Common Sense OL. I hope we get to see more Godspeech abilities from Allyn in the future. Hopefully Paul can pick up a thing or two from him.

"I have something. Not a New God system. I've-. There's someone on the ship who considers themselves one of us."

Zartok frowns. "We have a spy on board?"

"Darkstars are intelligence operatives." Colos sounds frustrated. "I wasn't made aware of any operatives amongst the Citizenry, but we weren't expecting to encounter this situation. Can you make contact?"
Now I'm wondering what Jade's mission really is. Hope we get to see her POV again later.
18th January 2013
23:27 GMT

"Good work with Allyn."

I feel nervous for a moment. Zartok paying someone a compliment isn't a common occurrence. Allyn is sitting at the bottom of a maintenance shaft closest to the outer hull, and we're waiting by an airlock.
Drusa again, I see. And yes, Zartok seems very much the sort of 'leader' to use social grease to manipulate his followers. A kind word here, a disciplining statement there, and you can shape an entire army's opinion...

"Shouldn't we be closer to him? If he overloads again-."

"Then he'll do whatever he feels necessary to please you. We're here because this is the fastest way off the ship if the Reach somehow detect him and we need to cover the ship's retreat. And because we can't do anything to make his job easier."
At least he's sensible enough not to crowd Allyn. Last thing the young godling needs is to have someone peeking over his shoulder as he tries something unfamiliar.

True, though I wouldn't mind studying it in more detail. If only so that I know what it can and can't do. I hadn't realise that his 'god powers' could be used for mind control until he announced it, and despite what he said that's clearly what it is.

But since he kept up his end of the bargain…
It's not the sort of mind control you're probably thinking of, breaking someone utterly to your commands. His is more of a spiritually-backed willing submission to authority...

"I'm going to request leave, when we get back. My lack of investment is holding me back, and if we're going to keep going on this sort of mission then I'm going to need to get stronger."

Zartok inclines his head. "Granted. I hadn't considered that as an avenue for controlling him. I'm not used to it being a factor."
And Zatok only considers his own angle in this matter, of course.

What? Control?

"What do you mean?"
I mean, having a god on the payroll, so to speak, is indubitably some kind of benefit...

"I told you, I intend to restart my empire on the bones of the Reach. A task that will be much easier if Orange Lanterns are part of the pacification force. Grood adds to our muscle, and isn't a threat to me because he doesn't want what I want. You add technological fluency, and you're too risk-averse to ever challenge me. Allyn is honest and sensible, but might challenge me if I violated his sense of justice too readily. Appealing to his sense of compassion never occurred to me."
...At least he's frank about his plans for each of them. I suspect if Drusa weren't so retiring, she might have had something to say about his estimation of her.

"I didn't lie to him."

"I know. He was just here at the time where you were finally prepared to take that step. But it will still work. It's a great deal easier to care about someone you know than someone you don't, god or not. And no one likes to throw away something they've put effort into."

"Why would you want Allyn?"
Perceptive. Drusa does need someone other than herself to care about in order to properly externalise her desires. Still manipulative as hell.

"When you're powerful, you're never short of people prepared to support you. Some of them will even be competent. But none of the generals who used to serve under me either tried to free me from captivity or tried to take power themselves. They were drawn to my personal strength, not the mission I set for them." His face takes on an expression of distaste. "And perhaps they could have counselled me better. Allyn's sense of justice is something that I want to learn how to use for my benefit."
I wonder how long his little empire lasted after his capture? His generals probably fractured it seeking their own little fiefdoms...

"Not interested in becoming a god?"

"I don't fear death."
And with sufficient skill in the Orange Light, even death might not slow you down.

"Rhea's descendents can still die."

"Then what's the point of becoming one? I want to build an empire. If I can't inspire loyalty, real loyalty, then I've failed. Attempting to rule through mind control would indicate that I aimed to fail. And I will not fail again."
Interesting that he can say that with so much determination, yet frame it as a desire.

I nod, as much to myself as to him.

"So what happens if I find something to care about?"
I guess you'll find out together.

"That depends on what it is. I will need to keep an eye on you and adapt to whatever development occur as a worthwhile challenge."

"When did you… Decide to start an empire?"
I mean, it's not like he woke up on morning and went 'I need to take over the world.'

"When I ran out of foes to vanquish on my homeworld."

"Alright, but you didn't need to. Your world wasn't threatened. Would your soldiers have rebelled if you'd sent them home?"
And unless they brought their families along, surely that would have played some part in it?

He shakes his head. "No. Not so long as they were rewarded, and I ensured that they had something to do."

Sooner or later, you would have found your Ganges.

"Lantern Allyn to Lanterns Zartok and Drusa and Senior Darkstar Colos. I'm about to make the connection."

"Colos here. We're on high alert. I'll be in touch the moment the Reach do anything unexpected."
Cue the red lighting. Or not. I doubt they need any visual indicator of the tenseness of their situation...

"Lantern Zartok. We're ready to support you the moment something goes awry."

"Connecting in four, three, two, one, connected."
...So far, so good?

Zartok nods. "Do you have control?"

"I can… Feel it." Not By Strength By Guile.
Don't be ashamed. Some of the greatest Hellenic heroes won by trickery...

"Nothing from the Reach; no movement and their scans haven't changed."

"It's not-. They haven't done a full conversion. There're New God systems, but they're… Too deep."
Ah. So they're going to have to board in order to access them.

"Can you activate anything else?"

"Not precisely. I can… Try to push things, but that might do anything."
Or nothing at all. I'm guessing the Boom Tube system is little more than a bolt-on to the normal FTL drive assemblies.

"Is there a New God onboard?"

"If there is, they're not connected to the systems. Do I proceed?"
And the tension racks up a couple of notches...

There's a delay, with Colos presumably considering the risks again.

They've come this far, why stop in the middle?

"Activating crumbler. Crumbler active, moving forward."

"No response from the Reach-."
Well, there's that, at least.

"I have something. Not a New God system. I've-. There's someone on the ship who considers themselves one of us."

Zartok frowns. "We have a spy on board?"
And there are going to be jaws hitting the floor when they find out who, if her relationship with OL is known to them...

"Darkstars are intelligence operatives." Colos sounds frustrated. "I wasn't made aware of any operatives amongst the Citizenry, but we weren't expecting to encounter this situation. Can you make contact?"

"Not unless they're another New God, and then I wouldn't be able to do much other than tell them that we're here. I.. could try to find a communication relay, or burrow deep enough to risk a radio transmission-."
The joy of 'need-to-know basis' compartmentalisation.

"No. We don't have the Citizenry's ciphers. It wouldn't look like their internal transmissions."

"I can try finding part of their computer network. Since we don't have the schematic, I'll just be guessing where it the cables are, but I should be able to avoid burrowing into a corridor."
And depending on how the ship's decks are arranged, that might have meant popping out of a floor or a ceiling... Possibly right in front of someone.

"That will have to-. Hold."

I tense, then use my ring to access the ship's sensors.
Uh-oh, Murphy's got some muck in his hand...

A small flotilla just entered the system. Two destroyer escorts, a troop transport and a cruiser.

Energy readings on the cruiser suggest that there are two Scarab Warriors on board.
So now they have a time limit.

"Allyn, the Reach boarding part has arrived, and they're heading for the ship. If they dock, we'll have to disengage. Scarab Warriors have better sensors than most of their ships. Do what you can to patch into their systems, but be prepared to disengage at a moment's notice."

"I'll work as fast as I can."
Pose like a boss, shit just got real. But it's not being tossed at the fan yet.

And the difficulty of this mission just stepped up a dozen notches. A time limit, with high-treat enemies ready to pounce if you're detected. If they can pull this off, there's probably medals in their future. If not... Well, I suppose what's left of them will fit into a matchbox. Let's hope they can reach their woman on the inside, and get a little help from that front.

I hadn't realise that his 'god powers' could be used...
I hadn't realised that his 'god powers' could be used...
...adapt to whatever development occur as a worthwhile challenge."
...adapt to whatever developments occur as a worthwhile challenge."
...I'll just be guessing where it the cables are...
Delete 'it'.
I wonder how long his little empire lasted after his capture? His generals probably fractured it seeking their own little fiefdoms...
I think I mentioned it before: one of his cousins took power, gave the territory Zartok took back and turned peaceful.

Naturally, Zartok loathes him.
I hadn't realised that his 'god powers' could be used...
...adapt to whatever developments occur as a worthwhile challenge."
Delete 'it'.
Thank you, corrected.
"Not interested in becoming a god?"

"I don't fear death."

"Rhea's descendents can still die."

"Then what's the point of becoming one

Extra power, extended lifespan etc.

? I want to build an empire. If I can't inspire loyalty, real loyalty, then I've failed. Attempting to rule through mind control would indicate that I aimed to fail. And I will not fail again

This is actually kinda inspiring.

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