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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I slash at the larger Scarab as if shifts its back
if -> it
The Scarab gave up on weaker hits and switched to giant rams for its arms, striking Grood in the chest hard enough to crack his ribs through his construct. Grood responded by dragging his claws through the Scarab's head from the back, tearing out its eyes along the way.
The tenses have suddenly changed to past tense:
gave -> give
switched -> switches
responded -> responds
Why are the Scarab's sandbagging so much?

We saw what they could really do when they almost took out LePaul after all.
Could be the fact that they want the ship mostly intact. The Reach clearly wants new god tech otherwise they would have either blown it or towed it into the local star with the amount of time they had to deal with it by now.
I believe it is canon and not fandom that scarabs come in different power tiers, the lowest being the blue scout class. These may just be lower level or outdated scarabs. Its not like they expected to encounter multiple lanterns on this mission.

There are multiple classes of scarabs in canon- Black Beetle is a Warrior scarab, Blue Beetle has an Infiltrator unit. Comics canon gives warriors the 'Djo' designation and infiltrators 'khaji'. New 52 canon has Blood Beetle, but since it's from the terrible new 52 run I'm not sure how much anyone cares. Blood Beetle came from Jaime forcing Khaji Da to save Paco and basically was a check.

It should be noted that Infiltrators tend to take random schmucks on planets the Reach plan to conquer, and there is a remote Ambassadors can use to control them. We see no such remote for Black Beetle, and given that he could usurp the Ambassador and take over the mission it appears Warrior scarabs are given to those loyal to the Reach and may be just as loyal. Though in comic canon, a few Warrior class holders joined the KDRA, but given comics KDRA had its potential wasted there's not much expanding on that. (Also, comics Black Beetle was a bit of a mess.)
Counterpunched (part 21)
18th January 2013
23:47 GMT

Bunch of play-acting Lowlies…
The midget-bug backs away from the one-eyed Lantern. He doesn't want to show us his back, but he wants to do what I tell him.
Being in charge is great! I didn't think I'd like it when Grayven sent me here, but between killing my Lowlies for incompetence and killing Reach Lowlies for being there, it's turned out okay! And since there's hardly anyone still alive, I'm clearly great at it!
The one-eyed Lantern pulls a face. "This is foolish."
But Granny Goodness didn't raise any fools. Who survived.
"No! Your young old god is fixing my ship up real good! So I shouldn't kill him until he finishes. And Grayven keeps saying he wants a bug-. Alive-ish. So all I have to do is kill you and I've done everything I'm supposed to!"
"And what of your crew?"
"They just came with the place."
"Then at least you're loyal to your master."
"You mean Grayven? I only do what he says because Granny told me to."
"Fidelity to your elders?"
"Ah, no, I only do what she says because I'll be horribly tortured if I don't."

And Darkseid might notice me, but he doesn't need to know that.

"You disgust me profoundly. Do you at least know how to fight?"
And just like that, a bunch of spiky things are sticking out of my face. Or trying to. This armour's pretty good, and I'm pretty tough.
Eyes sting a bit, but I can just brush the orange things off. But I guess that means we're starting!
I lunge, mace swinging to go right through this guy. He's quick though, and gets out of the way, just in time for me to push off my left leg and spin-kick him across the room.
Thought he'd last longer than-. Oh, no, he's still alive. Great! I leap across the room, mace raised!
And he puts up a pike construct which hits me right in the belly. And breaks, heh, so he flies away again.
"You don't seem to be doing so good yours-."
There's something in my mouth and throat and I'm going to be-
I try to vomit but can't, Pit's sake, smash the stupid orange-.
"Uh. Gah!"
"Your internals aren't much more vulnerable. Brute force it is, then."
I throw up in my mouth, and there's blood in it, and my gums are aching. That's more than the last few idiots I've fought managed.
I lunge as he reforms his spear and then flies aside when I bring my mace down. But he's still in range of my-. Ow!
This time he dodged my leg and sliced through my leg armour! His constructs are actually strong enough to hurt-.
The midget-bug shoots him with its construct destroyer, but he avoids that too and lets it hit me. It doesn't do anything because I'm not a Lantern, but I guess someone is done with our truce. The other Lantern is sort of scrabbling along the floor-
-as midget-bug reconsiders his life choices and I leap at him and smash!
He leaps aside but even as the deck craters I'm swinging again and he can't dodge fast enough! I hit him in the leg and he goes flying!
And.. turns in the air, bends his legs to absorb the impact of the wall and then dives at me-.
Ugh. Some sort of… Arm… Thing, hits me in the head.
Plant feet and punch!
The Lantern spears me through the arm with his spear, but I don't destroy the construct. No, I grab it and pull him closer.
And headbutt him in the eye!
And punch him! Don't knock him away, use god magic to keep him there as he takes hits like a-.

Stand-! Still-!
"More primal than my usual-"
A hammer?
"-choice of weapon-"
"-but if this is what it takes-"
"-then so be it!"


Lost the mace. Right arm's… Not working. Lantern's fighting the… The bug-midget. And it looks like there are four of them..? I…

Why aren't I..? Up yet?

No. Get up. No magic healing in the Armagetto. I'm a warrior, and I'm going to walk it off.

Arm's worse than I thought. He stabbed out most of the nerves and broke the bones. Guess I really pissed him off. And-.

Wait. Wait. I see what he's-.

"Yes, detecting the New God technology-" He turns his spear into an axe as he traps the bug-midget's left wing and cuts through it, severing it from his backpack… Thing. "-in this ship was easy once I was on board. A few stabs later and suddenly you can barely stand up straight. Nothing to convey power to you."

I wasn't using their power anyway, but he's not completely wrong. I can't feel the ship-. Their godling took the boom tube generator! I didn't even feel it until now!

Darkseid's shit-encrusted arsehole!

The midget-bug shoots at him and he blocks with wreckage-.


Bad move. This time the bug used a positron ray and the whole thing exploded! I go flying backwards, but the wall's so melted that it actually cushions me. Okay.

Ah, thinking. I don't like this.

So the bugs want to drag me off to the Reach, brainwash me into giving them the secrets of New God technology and then force me to fight for them. So, basically the same as I have now, except I don't know the secrets of New God technology and they'll probably kill me when they work that out. If Grayven doesn't kill me first. The Lanterns already have New Gods, so they don't need me at all. Or I could grab the boom tube generator myself and take a break on some out of the way planet while they get busy killing each other.

Grayven will care far less about desertion than treason.

I cock my good fist and dive for the Lantern working on the generator!
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I once read a sci-fi book - probably one of the Raj Whitehall books - where one of the protagonists sees soldiers smashing captured loot just for the joy of smashing stuff. Like children breaking new toys, just because they can.

Knockout seems very similar.
18th January 2013
23:47 GMT

Bunch of play-acting Lowlies…
Knockout today, and she is really getting into the mood with that Godspeech, isn't she? Sounds like a playground in here. Or maybe war drums. Either way, the fury wants a fight, and it looks like she is going to get one!

The midget-bug backs away from the one-eyed Lantern. He doesn't want to show us his back, but he wants to do what I tell him.
Being in charge is great! I didn't think I'd like it when Grayven sent me here, but between killing my Lowlies for incompetence and killing Reach Lowlies for being there, it's turned out okay! And since there's hardly anyone still alive, I'm clearly great at it!
No, you simply haven't face a real opponent yet. Enjoy.

The one-eyed Lantern pulls a face. "This is foolish."
But Granny Goodness didn't raise any fools. Who survived.
Heh, a true school of hard knocks. But that's not what he means, I suspect...

"No! Your young old god is fixing my ship up real good! So I shouldn't kill him until he finishes. And Grayven keeps saying he wants a bug-. Alive-ish. So all I have to do is kill you and I've done everything I'm supposed to!"
"And what of your crew?"
Given what she thinks of them, probably not the best thing to invoke, Zartok. On the upside, it might just piss you off.

"They just came with the place."
Sheesh. Is that all you think of them? Punching bags and furniture?

"Then at least you're loyal to your master."
Only out of fear, alas. Her true master, anyway.

"You mean Grayven? I only do what he says because Granny told me to."
"Fidelity to your elders?"
Sadly, or fortunately, there's no relation. Though i suspect she had hopes of raising up a successor at some point...

"Ah, no, I only do what she says because I'll be horribly tortured if I don't."

And Darkseid might notice me, but he doesn't need to know that.
I see invoking His name broke your train of thought for a moment...

"You disgust be profoundly. Do you at least know how to fight?"
She knows how to brawl. Sadly, I don't think this is going to be all that entertaining for you, Z.

And just like that, a bunch of spiky things are sticking out of my face. Or trying to. This armour's pretty good, and I'm pretty tough.
Eye's sting a bit, but I can just brush the orange things off. But I guess that means we're starting!
Full-face helmet, or at least something to protect her eyes? Well, at least she ain't completely stupid.

I lunge, mace swinging to go right through this guy. He's quick though, and gets out of the way, just in time for me to push off my left leg and spin-kick him across the room.
Thought he'd last long than-. Oh, no, he's still alive. Great! I leap across the room, mace raised!
It's going to take more than that to put a Lantern down if they don't want to be down.

And he puts up a pike construct which hits me right in the belly. And breaks, heh, so he flies away again.
She's tough, of course. Zartok's going to have to get tricky to take her down...

"You don't seem to be doing so good yours-."
Heh. Zartok doesn't seem the type to stick to a method if it obviously isn't working.

There's something in my mouth and throat and I'm going to be-
Ah, going for the throat... Literally.

I try to vomit but can't, Pit's sake, smash the stupid orange-.
"Uh. Gah!"
:confused: Ugh, that can not be pleasant...

"Your internals aren't much more vulnerable. Brute force it is, then."
I throw up in my mouth, and there's blood in it, and my gums are aching. That's more than the last few idiot's I've fought managed.
Heh. Feeling like this isn't going to go as ell as you'd hoped? Or are you starting to look forwards to this now?

I lunge as he reforms his spear and then flies aside when I bring my mace down. But he's still in range of my-. Ow!
This time he dodged my leg and sliced through my leg armour! His constructs are actually strong enough to hurt-.
Logical. If she cannot stand up, she cannot fight. And I doubt she's smart enough to have packed aero-discs.

The midget-bug shoots him with its construct destroyer, but he avoids that too and lets it hit me. It doesn't do anything because I'm not a Lantern, but I guess someone is done with our truce. The other Lantern is sort of scrabbling along the floor-
Guess Grood decided the big Scarab was a bit too tough for him, then. Or he managed to put him down for a while.

-as midget-bug reconsiders his life choices and I leap at him and smash!
He leaps aside but even as the deck craters I'm swinging again and he can't dodge fast enough! I hit him in the leg and goes flying!
Joy of being the strongest mother-lover in the room.

And.. turns in the air, bends his legs to absorb the impact of the wall and then dives at me-.
Ugh. Some sort of… Arm… Thing, hits me in the head.
Gee, getting frustrated that no-one will just stay down when you hit them?

Plant feet and punch!
The Lantern spears me through the arm with his spear, but I don't destroy the construct. No, I grab it and pull him closer.
Drawback of catching a weapon in a foe's body, sadly...

And headbutt him in the eye!
:oops: Oof. That's going to sting.

And punch him! Don't knock him away, use god magic to keep him there as he takes hits like a-.

Stand-! Still-!
I half pictured her grabbing his spear and using it like a tether to pull him back each time...

"More primal than my usual-"
A hammer?
Now, a proper warhammer, or just a big lump on a stick? Because a Maul is not exactly as good at focusing force in one place as the real thing.

"-choice of weapon-"
"-but if this is what it takes-"
...On the other hand, sometimes it's just more satisfying to drop the hammer with a big rock on a stick. :D

"-then so be it!"

Well, at least that shut you up for a second. Bet Allyn was getting a headache from your constant chanting there.

Lost the mace. Right arm's… Not working. Lantern's fighting the… The bug-midget. And it looks like there are four of them..? I…

Why aren't I..? Up yet?
Welcome to the wonders of a concussion, honey. :p Generally what happens when you get hit that hard...

No. Get up. No magic healing in the Armagetto. I'm a warrior, and I'm going to walk it off.

Arm's worse than I thought. He stabbed out most of the nerves and broke the bones. Guess I really pissed him off. And-.
Ooh, a variation of a Shockcrown effect? Clever, Zartok.

Wait. Wait. I see what he's-.

"Yes, detecting the New God technology-" He turns his spear into an axe as he traps the bug-midget's left wing and cuts through it, severing it from his backpack… Thing. "-in this ship was easy once I was on board. A few stabs later and suddenly you can barely stand up straight. Nothing to convey power to you."
...Sadly, Zartok's still operating on melee logic. He could have cut that wing off from across the room...

I wasn't using their power anyway, but he's not completely wrong. I can't feel the ship-. Their godling took the boom tube generator! I didn't even feel it until now!

Darkseid's shit-encrusted arsehole!
:eek: ...Please, don't put images like that in my head. Ewww...

The midget-bug shoots at him and he blocks with wreckage-.

Geez, did he grab a gas canister or something without noticing? :p

Bad move. This time the bug used a positron ray and the whole thing exploded! I go flying backwards, but the wall's so melted that is actually cushions me. Okay.

Ah, thinking. I don't like this.
Especially after getting your bell rung like that? Probably not going to make that headache any better. :V

So the bugs want to drag me off to the Reach, brainwash me into giving them the secrets of New God technology and then force me to fight for them. So, basically the same as I have now, except I don't know the secrets of New God technology and they'll probably kill me when they work that out. If Grayven doesn't kill me first. The Lanterns already have New Gods, so they don't need me at all. Or I could grab the boom tube generator myself and take a break on some out of the way planet while they get busy killing each other.
Neatly summed up. But what are the chances of you getting to do that, hmm?

Grayven will care far less about desertion than treason.

I cock my good fist and dive for the Lantern working on the generator!
Well, shit. Wonder if he can match her in Narrative Combat or not.

Simple, direct and blunt. Pretty much what I expected from Knockout, really. Still, she could totally screw everyone over if she gets away with the Boom Tube generator... On the other hand, she'll have to get past Allyn first, and he's a cut above the average rookie. It'll be interesting to see whose head we get to see the next bit of action from...

Quite a few corrections, Mr Zoat.
"You disgust be profoundly. Do you at least know how to fight?"
"You disgust me profoundly. Do you at least know how to fight?"
Eye's sting a bit, but I can just brush the orange things off.
Eyes sting a bit, but I can just brush the orange things off.
Thought he'd last long than-. Oh, no, he's still alive.
Thought he'd last longer than-. Oh, no, he's still alive.
That's more than the last few idiot's I've fought managed.
That's more than the last few idiots I've fought managed.
I hit him in the leg and goes flying!
I hit him in the leg and he goes flying!
...but the wall's so melted that is actually cushions me.
...but the wall's so melted that it actually cushions me.
Clearly Knockout has learned the lesson of "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it". Though I'd bet that she will have to learn that lesson a few more times before it sticks.
Quite a few corrections, Mr Zoat.
Please. Six is rookie numbers.
"You disgust me profoundly. Do you at least know how to fight?"
Eyes sting a bit, but I can just brush the orange things off.
Thought he'd last longer than-. Oh, no, he's still alive.
That's more than the last few idiots I've fought managed.
I hit him in the leg and he goes flying!
...but the wall's so melted that it actually cushions me.
Thank you, corrected.
I believe it is canon and not fandom that scarabs come in different power tiers, the lowest being the blue scout class. These may just be lower level or outdated scarabs. Its not like they expected to encounter multiple lanterns on this mission.

They're shapeshifting technology, though, right? Nanotech? Only slightly less 'sufficiently advanced' than power rings?

The only difference between two Scarabs should be how much programmable mass they have, and how it's actually programmed. Seems to me if these Scarabs are a weaker model, it's only because their handlers set them to easy mode for some reason.
They're shapeshifting technology, though, right? Nanotech? Only slightly less 'sufficiently advanced' than power rings?

The only difference between two Scarabs should be how much programmable mass they have, and how it's actually programmed. Seems to me if these Scarabs are a weaker model, it's only because their handlers set them to easy mode for some reason.
It's possible that the Reach sent two low ranking Scarab Warriors to fight the crew of a wrecked ship. It's not like they expected to fight Lanterns too.
They're shapeshifting technology, though, right? Nanotech? Only slightly less 'sufficiently advanced' than power rings?

The only difference between two Scarabs should be how much programmable mass they have, and how it's actually programmed. Seems to me if these Scarabs are a weaker model, it's only because their handlers set them to easy mode for some reason.

Black Beetle definitely seemed more powerful than Blue Beetle in the cartoon.

Since Black Beetle was also one of the leader of the Earth invasion, it could certainly be that he had access to superior designs either as a perk of rank or because as a Reach warrior he's actually trusted to be loyal to the Reach unlike the random pawns who get a scarab attached to their spines.

Then again, Blue Beetle's scarab landed on Earth like 4000 years ago, it might be Reach technology has actually improved in the last 4 thousand years.


Darkseid's shit-encrusted arsehole!

There's a lovely image.

Ah, thinking. I don't like this.

You're not very used to it.

except I don't know the secrets of New God technology and they'll probably kill me when they work that out.

Or they may try to see how you work so they can become gods.

Or I could grab the boom tube generator myself and take a break on some out of the way planet while they get busy killing each other.

Grayven will care far less about desertion than treason.

I cock my good fist and dive for the Lantern working on the generator!

I'm wondering if this is how she ends up on Earth and meets Scandal Savage.
I'm wondering if this is how she ends up on Earth and meets Scandal Savage.

Would be fun.

Black bettle is definitely stronger than blue, but blue has a broader arsenal.

I am guessing the Reach has actually decommissioned some weapon designs in the 4000 years since blue bettle landed on earth, maybe as part of the cease fire and peace treaty with the green lanterns.
Would be fun.

Black bettle is definitely stronger than blue, but blue has a broader arsenal.

I am guessing the Reach has actually decommissioned some weapon designs in the 4000 years since blue bettle landed on earth, maybe as part of the cease fire and peace treaty with the green lanterns.

Could also be a difference in Infiltrator v Warrior. Or a consequence of being in Ted's lab for so long: I know BtBatB had Ted's uncle try to use the scarab to create advanced technology to rule the world, if the scarab had any way to access or even just be around Ted as he was discussing/creating new tech that could definitely add to things, not to mention Golden Age weird super tech when attached to Dan. In the comics that could also explain some of the more extreme things the scarab is capable of.
Black Beetle definitely seemed more powerful than Blue Beetle in the cartoon.

Since Black Beetle was also one of the leader of the Earth invasion, it could certainly be that he had access to superior designs either as a perk of rank or because as a Reach warrior he's actually trusted to be loyal to the Reach unlike the random pawns who get a scarab attached to their spines.

Then again, Blue Beetle's scarab landed on Earth like 4000 years ago, it might be Reach technology has actually improved in the last 4 thousand years.
There's also the part where Black Beetle was an adult who had been a Beetle for who knows how long while Blue Beetle was just a teenager who had barely utilized the Beetle.
Hmm, this is making me want to compare Green Beetle's scarab in YJ to Blue Beetle's. IIRC, Blue Beetle's scarab had more weapons and variety, compared to Green Beetle relying on B'aaz's shapeshifting. But it's been a while since I rewatched s2. It would be funny if Khaji Da did upgrade via being on Earth and being active in the Golden Age of heroes.
Paul permadied off screen. We are never going back to his pov.
Counterpunched (part 22)
18th January 2013
23:49 GMT

…to where I want to go.
I am not an engineer. I have heard that Cousin Hephaestus still lives on Earth, and if this is what is expected from me I will ask to spend time there studying under him. But everything appears to be-


-in ordershieldharder. Without a connection to the crew I'm not sure if it's even possible to open a ship-scale boom tube…

No, wait, I have a bond to the Darkstar crew. That… May be sufficient?

My ship had an actual control panel which could be manually operated. Perhaps this is a security-?

I have a fraction of a second warning before the New God Captain punches straight through my barrier.

"Hey, Lowlie!"


She grabs me by the neck and spins, using my construct armour to absorb shots from the first scarab. Just a positron ray, so it doesn't do much to a construct. Sword, my sword is-. In her hand, and she's thrown it aside.

"Are we ready to go?"

"No, it's more complicated than simply turning it on. How do you not know this?"

She-. EH! She slams my face into the deck, my construct just about surviving the impact!

"Lowlies don't talk back."

Apokoliptian. I didn't think that Lowlies could use New God technology anymore than Karrakanians without Rhea's blood could.

"How do you expect me to make a machine I've never seen before work, then?"


"Make it work."

I don't.. think that she is more educated in using this technology than I am. If she cannot feel it, or only feels it in an approximate sense, then I may be able to fool her.

"Where would you like to go?"

"Wherever Grayven is."

"I don't know where Grayven is."

"Out of Reach space, then."

"I can do that. How do you intend to move the ship?"


"Boom tubes are static. You need to fly the ship through it. This ship is a wreck with no engines."

"Oh, that's easy. I rigged the back half of the ship to explode! There should be enough mass around the bridge to let us survive for a few seconds, then I'm home free."

"But they'll shoot the moment the-"

Lantern Zartok flies past behind her, frantically weaving around shots from both Scarab Warriors. The one on the ground doesn't really seem to be responding, but the symbiote appears to have made its arm gun work.

I can't see Grood.

"-tube opens."

"So you better make sure it shows up real close."

"If I could time the explosives as well-."

I barely even wince this time.

"It needs to be timed just right or we won't make it!"

"You won't make it. I'll be fine."

"Not if we're past the opening point when it opens."

"I'm pretty sure I can jump for it. Now open it!"

The Maltus system is the obvious place to try and take it. Its location is commonly available knowledge on every world in the region; the Reach have captured Darkstars before and they already know about our fleet build-up. Taking Scarabs there won't involve giving them information they don't already possess. But if something goes wrong with the boom tube I don't really want to create a route from Reach space to our capital world.

There are a number of worlds with L.E.G.I.O.N. fleets with Orange Lanterns attached to them. Such a flotilla would be able to control this situation easily, once we are away from the Reach fleet. If we had some way to communicate with them in advance, it may even be worth opening a tube to bring them here rather than the reverse-.

No. This device could not make a boom tube large enough for Lantern Mother of Mercy.

"I need to touch the device."

She looks at me for a-.



She-. She punched me in the head hard enough to shatter my construct and-.


"No you don't." She slams me face first into the floor, now without a construct barrier. "Now do-."

There should still be a fleet at Tillettit, and it's far enough away from anything vital that it's as good a place to go as any I know.

Open the W-.

Ah! She picked me up and slammed me down again, and now she's continuing to press!

"Not there, obviously." "You think I can't hear you like this?"

My sword's over there. If I can get-.

I fall to the floor as she loses hold of me. Scrabbling free, I see her staring at the sword halfway through her arm. And the fully armoured Darkstar holding it and trying to pull it back.

Open the Way.


I fly from the bridge, searching for the explosives or a good place to create an impeller construct to-.

"Drusa to Lanterns. Brace."

I brace myself against the corridor walls as the ship jumps forward. My ring shows me the Reach ships torn between not shooting at all, shooting at the debris field or shooting at the forward part of the ship where their Scarab Warriors are. A moment later they've failed to do anything with sufficient vigour and we're through.

Open the Way.


Oh dear.
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4 bits of Godspeech today!
18th January 2013
23:4 GMT

…to where I want to go.
I am not an engineer. I have heard that Cousin Hephaestus still lives on Earth, and if this is what is expected from me I will ask to spend time there studying under him. But everything appears to be-

There should still be a fleet at Tillettit, and it's far enough away from anything vital that it's as good a place to go as any I know.

Open the W-.

Ah! She picked me up and slammed me down again, and now she's continuing to press!

"Not there, obviously." "You think I can't hear you like this?"

I fall to the floor as she loses hold of me. Scrabbling free, I see her staring at the sword halfway through her arm. And the fully armoured Darkstar holding it and trying to pull it back.

Open the Way.


I brace myself against the corridor walls as the ship jumps forward. My ring shows me the Reach ships torn between not shooting at all, shooting at the debris field or shooting at the forward part of the ship where their Scarab Warriors are. A moment later they've failed to do anything with sufficient vigour and we're through.

Open the Way.

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18th January 2013
23:4 GMT

…to where I want to go.
I am not an engineer. I have heard that Cousin Hephaestus still lives on Earth, and if this is what is expected from me I will ask to spend time there studying under him. But everything appears to be-

Slightly behind the times there, Allyn: He's got an upgrade and now calls himself Hephaestean. Surprised OL didn't mention it to you, but he can be excused given the state of Earth right now. He also probably never expected you consider going visiting...

-in ordershieldharder. Without a connection to the crew I'm not sure if it's even possible to open a ship-scale boom tube…

No, wait, I have a bond to the Darkstar crew. That… May be sufficient?
...So the aperture size is a function of the operator's intent and collective interconnections? Wonder how much focus the one the Absolute Dominion uses needs, then.

My ship had an actual control panel which could be manually operated. Perhaps this is a security-?

I have a fraction of a second warning before the New God Captain punches straight through my barrier.
Almost certainly a security function. Or it's remotely operated from Grayven's end...

"Hey, Lowlie!"

Hey, now, Allyn's no Lowlie! He's touched by a Titan, after all.

She grabs me by the neck and spins, using my construct armour to absorb shots from the first scarab. Just a positron ray, so it doesn't do much to a construct. Sword, my sword is-. In her hand, and she's thrown it aside.

"Are we ready to go?"
Not surprising. It probably still held a lot of Allyn's essence in it. Or she just prefers blunt weaponry.

"No, it's more complicated than simply turning it on. How do you not know this?"

She-. EH! She slams my face into the deck, my construct just about surviving the impact!
Does she really strike you as the kind of New God who gives a shit about logistics?

"Lowlies don't talk back."

Apokoliptian. I didn't think that Lowlies could use New God technology anymore than Karrakanians without Rhea's blood could.
Eh, Knockout's stupid. I doubt she cares about the subtleties of any culture except as a bludgeoning weapon.

"How do you expect me to make a machine I've never seen before work, then?"

...Knockout, you do realise if you knock him out or kill him, then he can't work the machine for you? :rolleyes:

"Make it work."

I don't.. think that she is more educated in using this technology than I am. If she cannot feel it, or only feels it in an approximate sense, then I may be able to fool her.
Which she's probably expecting.

"Where would you like to go?"

"Wherever Grayven is."
Well, someone's going to get a spanking, then.

"I don't know where Grayven is."

"Out of Reach space, then."
And hopefully right into a place where friendly forces can restrain her.

"I can do that. How do you intend to move the ship?"

...Other than picking it up and throwing it? I mean, she might well be strong enough, but leverage could be an issue.

"Boom tubes are static. You need to fly the ship through it. This ship is a wreck with no engines."

"Oh, that's easy. I rigged the back half of the ship to explode! There should be enough mass around the bridge to let us survive for a few seconds, then I'm home free."
...An Orion-Drive ship, this is not. Does she expect to just ride the wreckage out the other side? :cool: ...Metal.

"But they'll shoot the moment the-"

Lantern Zartok flies past behind her, frantically weaving around shots from both Scarab Warriors. The one on the ground doesn't really seem to be responding, but the symbiote appears to have made its arm gun work.
...Oh, right, there's still a fight going on...

I can't see Grood.

"-tube opens."
Eh, Grood's probably tending to his ribs. Not everybody can manage Wholeness Rightfully Assumed quite as easily as OL can...

"So you better make sure it shows up real close."

"If I could time the explosives as well-."
...And maybe send word to the Darkstars to either be ready to follow them through the Tube or to get the hell out of Dodge ASAP...

I barely even wince this time.

"It needs to be timed just right or we won't make it!"
Unless you want to ride the fireball instead of the ship.

"You won't make it. I'll be fine."

"Not if we're past the opening point when it opens."

"I'm pretty sure I can jump for it. Now open it!"
...She's really not interested in things like planning, caution or the survival of anyone but herself, is she?

The Maltus system is the obvious place to try and take it. It's location is commonly available knowledge on every world in the region, the Reach have captured Darkstars before and they already know about our fleet build-up. Taking Scarabs there won't involve giving them information they don't already possess. But if something goes wrong with the boom tube I don't really want to create a route from Reach space to our capital world.

There are a number of worlds with L.E.G.I.O.N. fleets with Orange Lanterns attached to them. Such a flotilla would be able to control this situation easily, once we are away from the Reach fleet. If we had some way to communicate with them in advance, it may even be worth opening a tube to bring them here rather than the reverse-.
Unfortunately, she'd probably notice you making a Ring Call...

No. This device could not make a boom tube large enough for Lantern Mother of Mercy.

"I need to touch the device."
Oof, that would be uber-hax. :D Teleporting planetoid, anyone?

She looks at me for a-.

Evidently she doesn't like the sound of that suggestion...


She-. She punched me in the head hard enough to shatter my construct and-.


"No you don't." She slams me face first into the floor, now without a construct barrier. "Now do-."
...At this rate, there's going to be an imprint of the floor plating on his forehead or cheek...

There should still be a fleet at Tillettit, and it's far enough away from anything vital that it's as good a place to go as any I know.

Open the W-.
Whoops, interruption! :confused: ...That's the planet with the Eye Priests, wasn't it?

Ah! She picked me up and slammed me down again, and now she's continuing to press!

"Not there, obviously." "You think I can't hear you like this?"
Damn, she was paying attention, huh?

My sword's over there. If I can get-.

I fall to the floor as she loses hold of me. Scrabbling free, I see her staring at the sword halfway through her arm. And the fully armoured Darkstar holding it and trying to pull it back.
Jade, Colos, or one of the other crew members? Whoever it is, it's damn good timing.

Time to go, folks! Because there's no way the Reach fleet hasn't noticed that.

I fly from the bridge, searching for the explosives or a good place to create an impeller construct to-.

"Drusa to Lanterns. Brace."
ooh, Drusa's on it? Or is this just equally good timing?

I brace myself against the corridor walls as the ship jumps forward. My ring shows me the Reach ships torn between not shooting at all, shooting at the debris field or shooting at the forward part of the ship where their Scarab Warriors are. A moment later they've failed to do anything with sufficient vigour and we're through.

Open the Way.
I hope that's a command to close the Tube, Allyn... Or was that Knockout managing to work the controls?

...Either the explosive just went off, or the ship's not where he expected it to be...

Well, at least they're out of the Reach system. But where are they now? Hopefully, Allyn's original planned destination went through and they've got NEMO forces coming to the rescue. Or maybe Knockout managed to override it and they ended up parked right in front of the Absolute Dominion... Either way, we'll find out soon enough.
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