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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Make him stop, make him stop!"

"Fyck up this psychopath!"

Hey, he's been trying to be better. Not every wants to be a raging berserker all the time.

I don't think Draan cares.

Okay, I'll give him that. I doubt Orion could have gotten as angry at you as he did willingly.

True, if he knew what was happening he may not be able to bring out that raw natural hate.

Gee, you think, orange-boy? You did ever so well making all this happen!" OL, I think Motherbox was being sarcastic.

"Fix this you shitboot!"
Renegade has also been screwed over by people he's worked with and they weren't his superiors.

While true, Grayven had way better luck making or finding power rings or close enough.

Also Grayven has his own people while Oh El really doesn't anymore.

Grayven also wouldn't have decided to fuck off while Earth was anti-lifed.
While true, Grayven had way better luck making or finding power rings or close enough.

And that has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he doesn't have a boss.

Also Grayven has his own people while Oh El really doesn't anymore.

Yes, he does.

He's going to a Maltusian for this because his people either can't make a ring or don't want to.

Grayven also wouldn't have decided to fuck off while Earth was anti-lifed.

He would have if he didn't have an available method to get rid of it.
So the question I have right now is that Hinon was the one who recommended they go to this guy for the Red Ring. Did she forget what he was like when he had his rage (unless that happened when she was in a coma and she didn't double check?)
Because I can't imagine Turi (forget the weapons name) being very subtle as it starts to wake up.
So the question I have right now is that Hinon was the one who recommended they go to this guy for the Red Ring. Did she forget what he was like when he had his rage (unless that happened when she was in a coma and she didn't double check?)
Because I can't imagine Turi (forget the weapons name) being very subtle as it starts to wake up.
Maybe this guy was the best option, as terrible as he is.
Wrong. The Butcher does indeed hate one being more than any other, but it's not Draan. That would be Cain, slayer of Abel, who was the Butcher's master back when the Butcher was just a normal bull. And the Butcher hates him all the more, since Cain is the one being it can't touch, or even cut off his connection to its' light, since that would count as harming Cain.


First of all, nice work finding that. Always love to see more obscure bits of lore get attention.

I doubt this will be canon to the Zoat-verse though.
It seems rather human-centric to assume the the Butcher originated from Earth when we know there are civilisation that predate humanity in this universe.
Logically speaking they must have felt rage, right?
First of all, nice work finding that. Always love to see more obscure bits of lore get attention.

I doubt this will be canon to the Zoat-verse though.
It seems rather human-centric to assume the the Butcher originated from Earth when we know there are civilisation that predate humanity in this universe.
Logically speaking they must have felt rage, right?

I'm not a Sandman expert, but according to something I read on the internet, it's apparently been hinted that Cain and Abel is a true story in Sandman- but it didn't happen on Earth.

So if Zoat wanted Cain and Abel to have been blue Maltusians who lived billions of years ago, it wouldn't actually break anything.
So the question I have right now is that Hinon was the one who recommended they go to this guy for the Red Ring. Did she forget what he was like when he had his rage (unless that happened when she was in a coma and she didn't double check?)
Because I can't imagine Turi (forget the weapons name) being very subtle as it starts to wake up.
"Hey, what gives! What did you expect when you set us up with this guy, Hinon?"
"I expected him to trick you into collecting a powerful source of the red light, him teaching Orion how to forge a red ring, him going insane and stealing the red light, and you killing him and leaving Orion as the bearer of a red ring. But knowing you, you've found a way to ruin it. What actually happened instead?"
"Oh, nevermind, I guess we're good then."
"Wanted him dead for the last billion years or so. Good job."
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Random thought, this guy is controller right? Aren't they all about self-control? And if not, what faction of malthusians is he?
Random thought, this guy is controller right? Aren't they all about self-control? And if not, what faction of malthusians is he?

If memory serves- No. He doesn't belong to any faction. In the Zoatverse here, most Malthusians are so independent minded that they aren't willing to be part of any organization that would have them, to paraphrase Groucho Marx.
Really? You're going to have words with the woman who time and time again has warned you about doing stupid stuff like this?

Dude... You used to have a brain...
Well, she did recommend him as the least likely to pull a sudden yet inevitable betrayal.
There is literally only one thing in existence that should be able to stop what's coming.

And LePaul killed it to power up Hephaestus.
What? The Tech proto-Titan or something else?
First of all, nice work finding that. Always love to see more obscure bits of lore get attention.

I doubt this will be canon to the Zoat-verse though.
It seems rather human-centric to assume the the Butcher originated from Earth when we know there are civilisation that predate humanity in this universe.
Logically speaking they must have felt rage, right?
Eh, with the Source as God, biblical stuff can happen before humanity, it's just a lot of stuff (the Garden, for example) gravitated to Earth. Plus, the White Entity is on earth so it would make sense for other E-Spec stuff to have happened there. And that's before getting into the possibility of achronal origins.
I'm not a Sandman expert, but according to something I read on the internet, it's apparently been hinted that Cain and Abel is a true story in Sandman- but it didn't happen on Earth.

So if Zoat wanted Cain and Abel to have been blue Maltusians who lived billions of years ago, it wouldn't actually break anything.

Eh, with the Source as God, biblical stuff can happen before humanity, it's just a lot of stuff (the Garden, for example) gravitated to Earth. Plus, the White Entity is on earth so it would make sense for other E-Spec stuff to have happened there. And that's before getting into the possibility of achronal origins.

Huh, did not know that.

I suppose that does open up some interesting possibilities.
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Draan is not a Controller. At this point, all Controllers are bonded to the Orange Central Power Battery. There's a reason Hinon recommended this guy to make a Red Ring.
Whether or not she missed this (Draan deciding to re-link with the Red Light and then go crazy mad) is anyone's guess.
Butcher's Blood (part 23)
21st January 2013
16:25 GMT


Kalmin forces himself up on all fours as Orion writhes in Draan's hold.

"What did you do to..? Me?"


He rises to his feet, his force field shutting off. "Disappointing. A minor manifestation of the Butcher Entity. Is the maltusian trying to bond with this battle station's central intelligence?"

"Not according to him. Ever killed a maltusian?"

He jerks his head my way.

"On Qward, that would be a marriage proposal."

He raises his right hand, a qwa bolt forming in an instant-. And then falling apart, the energy being drawn upwards into a device mounted in the ceiling.

"That's never happened bef-. No matter." He strides forward with his hammer at the ready. "I will-."

He shudders, dropping to one knee and staring ahead.

"How could-?"

Draan grins through bloody teeth. "You don't remember it, qwardian? Given how well you've internalised the Anti-Monitor's creed, there can't be that many weapon systems that have such an effect on you."

"The Void Hound. It's… Here."

"It has been for some considerable time. Your master gave it excellent disguise systems."

He… Stands, pushing the weakening Orion back even as he keeps the axe in his chest.

I fire an energy beam at his face. It hits… For about a fraction of a second, then it just… Stops, a few millimetres away from his skin.

"You can't touch the Ophidan here, can you? She would be a threat."

Orion collapses to his knees, and Draan casually checks the levels in the troughs. That's an obvious approach. But-.

I make eye contact with Jade and try to surreptitiously offer her the Mother Box.

"Nearly done."

Assimilate troughs.

Thick beams of orange light flash out, striking-. A force field, which causes my constructs to fade away. Alright, crumblers-.

"Do you really think that primitive technology will work?"

"It usually does."

He releases his left hand's grip on the axe and uses it to shove Orion over. Orion drops, falling onto his back and struggling to move. Then Draan pulls the axe out of his chest and holds it up to examine it, blood still coating the blade. It takes a moment or two, but his robes mend themselves and the wound appears to close.

Jade takes the Mother Box from me as Draan fixes me with a stare, his eyes glowing red.

"You have no idea how right this feels."

"I removed my own ability to desire things when I separated myself from the Ophidian."

"Could you maintain it for a billion years?"

"No, but humans aren't designed to live as long as maltusians. We experience time differently."

Jade scuttles around the room to-. No, wait, why are you giving that to Kalmin? Draan doesn't look at her, but I don't think for a moment that he isn't aware of her.

"I'll let you out in a billion years and see how you feel."

He tosses the axe aside as he turns away, striding out through a newly-opened door in the far side of the room which closes securely behind him.

Oh dear.

I get a purple healing ray out of subspace and start shooting Orion with it.

"Kalmin, where are we?"

"We are inside Erdammeru. The Void Hound. An AI controlled battle station of colossal power. Ranx might be regarded as a cheap knock-off, though I suspect that its original specifications might have been similar."

He pokes the Mother Box.


Kalmin grunts and raises his right hand, the qwa-energy that had been dismissed raining back down and reforming into a bolt. He checks it for a moment, then nods in satisfaction.

"Is it powerful enough to destroy Maltus?"

"Possibly. I only know it from very old legends which I could never fully investigate."

"How do we stop it?"

"Kill the organic creature directing it. Or the beast-mind itself. Otherwise, unleash a wave of destructive energy powerful enough to atomize it."

"Would qwa-matter work?"

For a moment he looks… Lost.

"Not if what the maltusian said is true. If the Anti-Monitor built this, for… Whatever reason he saw fit, his gifts will not avail me."

"And you couldn't kill Draan because..?"

"He is the ship's controller. Until that relationship is broken-." He growls quietly. "Without my full workshop, there is little I can do against him."

"Have you finished with the Mother Box?"

"No. Its sensors aren't being disrupted by Erdammeru. I want to listen as Maltus dies."

Jade snatches it back, then brings it closer to Orion.



He's looking a little healthier, but his face and clothing… Haven't changed back. If they haven't changed back…

"Mother Box? Is Draan still… Connected to Orion?"


"Stole it? But it's still Orion's, right?"


"You were helping Orion suppress his rage, weren't you?"


"Can you help him remember it instead?"

"… Ping."
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"Is it powerful enough to destroy maltus?"
That should say 'Maltus'.

"Not if what the maltusian said is true. If the Anti-Monitor build this, for… Whatever reason he saw fit, his gifts will not avail me."
That should say 'built'.

"No. Its sensors aren't being disrupted by Erdammeru. I want to listen as maltus dies."
That should say 'Maltus'.

"Mother Box? Is Draan still… Connected to Orion?"


"Stole it? But it's still Orion's, right?"


"You were helping Orion suppress his rage, weren't you?"


"Can you help him remember it instead?"

"… Ping."
Did Draan steal all of Orion's rage? If so, then I can't wait to see him get angry again and go for Round 2. On the downside, Orion's never going to trust Paul ever again.
"Mother Box? Is Draan still… Connected to Orion?"


"Stole it? But it's still Orion's, right?"


"You were helping Orion suppress his rage, weren't you?"


"Can you help him remember it instead?"

"… Ping."
So is it safe to say Paul is now fluent in Mother Box?
21st January 2013
16:25 GMT


Kalmin forces himself up on all fours as Orion writhes in Draan's hold.
Oh-ho. About bloody time you woke up, sleepy-head. And before you ask: Situation Now All Fouled Up. At least our protagonists now have another pair of hands to try and slap the near-god-like ancient immortal chock full of Rage into surrender.

"What did you do to..? Me?"

Blame it on your surroundings.

He rises to his feet, his force field shutting off. "Disappointing. A minor manifestation of the Butcher Entity. Is the maltusian trying to bond with this battle station's central intelligence?"

"Not according to him. Ever killed a maltusian?"
Nice, not even a moment's hesitation pinging it as a battle station. Though that would be like calling a supermodel 'plain'.

He jerks his head my way.

"On Qward, that would be a marriage proposal."
Dangit, OL! Blundering into romantic lines without even trying, still? At least he can't start any other relationships while he's with Jade.

He raises his right hand, a qwa bolt forming in an instant-. And then falling apart, the energy being drawn upwards into a device mounted in the ceiling.

"That's never happened bef-. No matter." He strides forward with his hammer at the ready. "I will-."
Oooh. I think I get what happened to him when he walked in: The facility leeched all his energy away, and it's taken this long for him to recharge.

He shudders, dropping to one knee and staring ahead.

"How could-?"
...And now he knows where he is, and what he's inside.

Draan grins through bloody teeth. "You don't remember it, qwardian? Given how well you've internalised the Anti-Monitor's creed, there can't be that many weapon systems that have such an effect on you."

"The Void Hound. It's… Here."
HEh. Probably a religious experience on par with finding the actual Ark of the Covenant. Qward's greatest weapon.

"It has been for some considerable time. Your master gave it excellent disguise systems."

He… Stands, pushing the weakening Orion back even as he keeps the axe in his chest.
Guess it makes a handy conduit for touching Orion's soulstuff, and draining it of Rage.

I fire an energy beam at his face. It hits… For about a fraction of a second, then it just… Stops, a few millimetres away from his skin.

"You can't touch the Ophidan here, can you? She would be a threat."
I suspect that would get the Butcher's attention. While they aren't as absolutely hostile to each other as some of the Entities, they still get on about as well as two giant emotional monsters normally get along. (Picture your favourite Kaiju battle here.)

Orion collapses to his knees, and Draan causally checks the levels in the troughs. That's an obvious approach. But-.

I make eye contact with Jade and try to surreptitiously offer her the Mother Box.
If nothing else, she can try to run, and get word out, assuming people haven't noticed Turi shuddering and rolling over as what's within wakes up.

"Nearly done."

Assimilate troughs.
Probability of success... Low.

Thick beams of orange light flash out, striking-. A force field, which causes my constructs to fade away. Alright, crumblers-.

"Do you really think that primitive technology will work?"

"It usually does."
Earth Bullshit™, baby. Their track record speaks for them.

He releases his left hand's grip on the axe and uses it to shove Orion over. Orion drops, falling onto his back and struggling to move. Then Draan pulls the axe out of his chest and holds it up to examine it, blood still coating the blade. It takes a moment or two, but his robes mend themselves and the wound appears to close.

Jade takes the Mother Box from me as Draan fixes me with a stare, his eyes glowing red.
Let me guess: He's thinking 'Nice balance. I'll keep that design in mind.'

"You have no idea how right this feels."

"I removed my own ability to desire things when I separated myself from the Ophidian."
Though you did take it back later, once it was safe to. Not hardly the same thing here.

"Could you maintain it for a billion years?"

"No, but humans aren't designed to live as long as maltusians. We experience time differently."
I can just picture a Maltusian sitting there for days, watching the sky as it rolls from day to night, and then get up like they took a five minute break.

Jade scuttles around the room to-. No, wait, why are you giving that to Kalmin? Draan doesn't look at her, but I don't think for a moment that he isn't aware of her.

"I'll let you out in a billion years and see how you feel."
We aren't quite at the Godzilla threshold yet, but honestly, Kalmin might be able to do something with Mother box to help.

He tosses the axe aside as he turns away, striding out through a newly-opened door in the far side of the room which closes securely behind him.

Oh dear.
Sheesh. The inevitable Unwinnable Boss Fight to give you a taste of their tactics and methods. Hopefully OL learnt enough that the inevitable rematch will go his way.

I get a purple healing ray out of subspace and start shooting Orion with it.

"Kalmin, where are we?"
...And why do you look like you're having a religious experience?

"We are inside Erdammeru. The Void Hound. An AI controlled battle station of colossal power. Ranx might be regarded as a cheap knock-off, though I suspect that its original specifications might have been similar."

He pokes the Mother Box.

"Watch where you're poking those fingers, sirrah!" :confused: Well... That's a worrying evaluation.

Kalmin grunts and raises his right hand, the qwa-energy that had been dismissed raining back down and reforming into a bolt. He checks it for a moment, then nods in satisfaction.

"Is it powerful enough to destroy maltus?"
Let's assume that it can at least glass the surface. Even if it can't crack the mantle, that much damage will not make the locals happy.

"Possibly. I only know it from very old legends which I could never fully investigate."

"How do we stop it?"
Not easily, I suspect. It's more than likely capable of killing Maltusians, and anything else is just fodder compared to that.

"Kill the organic creature directing it. Or the beast-mind itself. Otherwise, unleash a wave of destructive energy powerful enough to atomize it."

"Would qwa-matter work?"
...Assuming it hasn't developed countermeasures against it. Which is probable. It's creators probably wanted to make it unstoppable, after all

For a moment he looks… Lost.

"Not if what the maltusian said is true. If the Anti-Monitor built this, for… Whatever reason he saw fit, his gifts will not avail me."
I think we can guess the reason: Killing stuff.

"And you couldn't kill Draan because..?"

"He is the ship's controller. Until that relationship is broken-." He growls quietly. "Without my full workshop, there is little I can do against him."
And even then, it's a coin-flip?

"Have you finished with the Mother Box?"

"No. Its sensors aren't being disrupted by Erdammeru. I want to listen as maltus dies."
:confused: ...Dude.

Jade snatches it back, then brings it closer to Orion.

"Thank you, dear. Now, Orion, Sweetie, let's have a look at you..."


He's looking a little healthier, but his face and clothing… Hasn't changed back. If it hasn't changed back…
The Rage may have warped his metaphysique. Whether it;'ll wear off remains to be seen, I bet.

"Mother Box? Is Draan still… Connected to Orion?"

"I'm not sure. But I do know he stole all of his rage."

"Stole it? But it's still Orion's, right?"

"Theoretically? It was all mixed in with his Godname..."

"You were helping Orion suppress his rage, weren't you?"

"...Where are you going with this?"

"Can you help him remember it instead?"

"… Ping."

Okay, OL. Now I really want to know where you're going with this. Because the only place I see this going is you making Orion give the Butcher a come-hither glance an inviting shout. Because at this point, that might be the only thing that could stop Draan: "You No Use My LIGHT!" And there's still the matter of Erdammeru being under Draan's control...

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