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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Butcher's Blood (part 22)
21st January 2013
16:22 GMT

Red light flows freely from the troughs, running into his body. The… 'Ears' on his helmet grow as they slide forwards, the faceplate extends downwards and the material of its construction takes on a more bone-like appearance as it… Merges with his face. His clothing had looked like it was made of a soft material, but now it expands with red armoured plates growing out of it. The belt grows a decoration of tiny skulls while the uneven surface of the armour suggests.. dripping blood.

His eyes are glowing red and I'm pretty sure that this isn't supposed to happen.


But I'm still not feeling anger. And he's referring to himself in the singular and-.

"Orion, are you-?"

He tilts his head back and breathes construct fire, the flames enveloping the upper portion of the room.


Space shudders as Draan precipitates out of the air, staggering a pace as he lands and patting out the flames from his robes.

"Yes! YES!" Draan spreads his arms out wide! "SET ME ON FIRE WITH YOUR RAGE!"

I don't know-. Okay, I don't think that Orion is possessed or… Acting as a host. He's just internalised the red light-. Which is what I was seeing, I just didn't take into account that there might be other changes.

Oh dear.

Orion grabs Draan by the neck with his right hand, lifting him off the ground. His eyes fix themselves on me.



He-. Move!

He leaps at me, swinging Draan as a bludgeoning weapon through the space I just occupied! Draan's legs hit the floor and I'm sure that if he were any vaguely normal humanoid his legs would be jelly along with his neck. Instead he's… Grinning.


"Draan, what the-"

Orion swings again, Draan's body glowing as it clips-. Agh! My armour, which gets a chunk gouged out of it as a result.

"-heck are you-"

Orion holds out his left hand and a great axe appears in it. Not a construct axe, he just manifested a physical axe-. With more reach! Back up back up!




He swings again, and this time I catch the haft of his axe in the prongs of a construct bident-.


And am reminded that he has super strength and I don't by being slammed against the wall on the far side of the room!

Orion death-glares me before throwing Draan to the ground and switching his axe to a two-handed grip. The axe glows a furious red as he swings it down!


I throw out a beam of orange energy to try and block the axe, but he cleaves through it and slams the blade deep into Draan's chest!

And Draan wraps his hands around the haft.

"Finally-ah. It's been so long since I last felt pain. I'd forgotten-."

Orion tries to pull the axe back for a second swing, but it… Looks like Draan's strong enough to stop him.

"Forgotten what it felt like. And now I'm starting to remember what it was like to get angry."


Orion tugs harder on the axe, but it doesn't move at all.

"Is that what this was about?"

"Hinon told you about her false face. The way she pretends to be a crotchety old.. human.. woman… Because you young species get confused when she behaves like herself."

Orion stamps his right foot on Draan's stomach and heaves… To no avail. And the red light is starting to flow through him and into Draan.

"I don't see the link. You want anger? The red light?"

"I want my passion back. I hunted the Butcher for centuries, from civilisation to civilisation, from soul to soul! And by the end it hated me more than anyone else in the history of the universe! You know what it did to me, don't you?"

I can guess.

"It barred you from using its light."

"For so long I couldn't even remember why it mattered. And then I didn't think it could be fixed. But you've got this strange knack-."

Orion tries to let go, only to find that his hands are stuck.

"Oh no you don't. That glorious anger is completely wasted on you, isn't it, you petulant child? Not the slightest scrap of self-mastery."

"If you'd told us this was what you wanted, we would have helped you voluntarily."

"That's not how it works. It needed to be engrafted, and he needed to be angry at me."

"Okay, and… Then what?"

"And then I express myself"

I'm going to be having words with Hinon after this.

"'Express yourself' as in..?"

"This is a very… Angry… Bachelor pad. With guns that will ruin the whole of Maltus."

"What did we ever do to you?"

"I'm too angry to care."

Yes, this is much worse than I thought.


Well, thank you, but that doesn't actually-

Jade shoots him in the head to no effect.


"Come on, war godling." Draan grins up at Orion, small flecks of yellow blood spitting from his lips and seeping from the wound in his chest. "Give me everything."
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"This is a very… Angry… Batchelor pad. With guns that will ruin the whole of maltus."
That should say 'Bachelor', and 'Maltus' should be capitalized.

This was completely unexpected, but it is interesting and I can't wait to see how it ends. Also, where did that image of that Red Lantern come from and who is it?
21st January 2013
16:22 GMT

Red light flows freely from the troughs, running into his body. The… 'Ears' on his helmet grow as they slide forwards, the faceplate extends downwards the material of its construction takes on a more bone-like appearance as it… Merges with his face. His clothing had looked like it was made of a soft material, but now it expands with red armoured plates growing out of it. The belt grows a decoration of tiny skulls while the uneven surface of the armour suggests.. dripping blood.

His eyes are glowing red and I'm pretty sure that this isn't supposed to happen.
...Oh, I think I get it! :sneaky: He was funnelling Red Light through his Godhead, tainting his Godname with it. So now, he's living up to his role as the Rage of War. The problem is, can he bring himself back to what he was, and shed that rage?


But I'm still not feeling anger. And he's referring to himself in the singular and-.
All the Red Light in the area seems to being drawn into him... Or into something else in the air.

"Orion, are you-?"

He tilts his head back and breathes construct fire, the flames enveloping the upper portion of the room.
...At least it's not napalm blood? Still, Not hard to guess what the focus of his rage is right now.


Space shudders as Draan precipitates out of the air, staggering a pace as lands and patting out the flames from his robes.
Okay, old... Man? Time to sort this out, if you please. Or if you don't please. Either way: Fix it!

"Yes! YES!" Draan spreads his arms out wide! "SET ME ON FIRE WITH YOUR RAGE!"

I don't know-. Okay, I don't think that Orion is possessed in the way that or… Acting as a host. He's just internalised the red light-. Which is what I was seeing, I just didn't take into account that there might be other changes.
Either Draan is a masochist, in search of new and interesting pain... Or he's after something Red.

Oh dear.

Orion grabs Draan by the neck with his right hand, lifting him off the ground. His eyes fix themselves on me.
I get the feeling this is the form he would be wearing as a Prince of Apokalips, favoured son of the God of Tyranny.


All OL wanted was a Ring and someone to wield it. This... Is not optimal.

He-. Move!

He leaps at me, swinging Draan as a bludgeoning weapon through the space I just occupied! Draan's legs hit the floor and I'm sure that if he were any vaguely normal humanoid his legs would be jelly along with his neck. Instead he's… Grinning.
Grievous Harm with a Body in action. And made all the worse by using a functionally indestructible being.


"Draan, what the-"
"Oh, this is bad. This is very bad." No shit, Mother box.

Orion swings again, Draan's body glowing as it clips-. Agh! My armour, which gets a chunk gouged out of it as a result.

"-heck are you-"
Right through the Construct Armour, unsurprisingly. Wouldn't think a humanoid body would be quite so... Sharp.

Orion holds out his left hand and a great axe appears in it. Not a construct axe, he just manifested a physical axe-. With more reach! Back up back up!

Fabrication, eh? Well, he certainly seems to be using the capabilities of a Ring, at least.


"Make him stop, make him stop!"

He swings again, and this time I catch the haft of his axe in the prongs of a construct bident-.

...You forgot to brace yourself, didn't you?

And am reminded that he has super strength and I don't by being slammed against the wall on the far side of the room!

Orion death-glares me before throwing Draan to the ground and switching his axe to a two-handed grip. The axe glows a furious red as he swings it down!
:eek: Shit... He's looking to work some of that anger off... With sliced Maltusian on the menu.


I throw out a beam of orange energy to try and block the axe, but he cleaves through it and slams the blade deep into Draan's chest!
...Though really, I doubt that's fatal to a Maltusian. Painful, certainly. but it's not like they use their meaty bits for survival.

And Draan wraps his hands around the haft.

"Finally-ah. It's been so long since I last felt pain. I'd forgotten-."
Oh, there's a backstory there. He's the Maltusian that fought the Butcher, isn't he?

Orion tries to pull the axe back for a second swing, but it… Looks like Draan's strong enough to stop him.

"Forgotten what if felt like. And now I'm starting to remember what it was like to get angry."
And the Butcher did something to him... That would be why OL couldn't feel Rage from him at all.


Orion tugs harder on the axe, but it doesn't move at all.
...Honestly at this point, I'm assuming Mother Box is just screaming in horror. And for good reason.

"Is that what this was about?"

"Hinon told you about her false face. The way she pretends to be a crotchety old.. human.. woman… Because you young species get confused when she behaves like herself."
Or starts worshipping her? I rather imagine that would get old very quickly.

Orion stamps his right foot on Draan's stomach and heaves… To no avail. And the red light is starting to flow through him and into Draan.

"I don't see the link. You want anger? The red light?"
And it looks like he's getting it. All he could want, and more besides.

"I want my passion back. I hunted the Butcher for centuries, from civilisation to civilisation, from soul to soul! And by the end it hated me more than anyone else in the history of the universe! You know what it did to me, don't you?"

I can guess.
Yes, the Ophidian's threatened people with the Avaricious equivalent of it before... "You may not use my Light!"

"It barred you from using its light."

"For so long I couldn't even remember why it mattered. And then I didn't think it could be fixed. But you've got this strange knack-."
Welp, chalk one more thing up to OL's knack for sticking his nose into things best left alone....

Orion tries to let go, only to find that his hands are stuck.

"Oh no you don't. That glorious anger is completely wasted on you, isn't it, you petulant child? Not the slightest scrap of self-mastery."
Hey, he's been trying to be better. Not every wants to be a raging berserker all the time.

"If you'd told us this was what you wanted, we would have helped you voluntarily."

"That's not how it works. It needed to be engrafted, and he needed to by angry at me."
Okay, I'll give him that. I doubt Orion could have gotten as angry at you as he did willingly.

"Okay, and… Then what?"

"And then I express myself"
...Oh, shit. That's why he knocked out Kalmin.

I'm going to be having words with Hinon after this.

"'Express yourself' as in..?"
Words like 'Background checks' and 'notable history with the subject at hand'?

"This is a very… Angry… Batchelor pad. With guns that will ruin the whole of maltus."

"What did we ever do to you?"
Erdammeru. :confused: He means to wake it up, and point it at Maltus... And then anything else that catches his eye...

"I'm too angry to care."

Yes, this is much worse than I thought.
OL, master of the British understatement! :rolleyes:


Well, thank you, but that doesn't actually-
"Gee, you think, orange-boy? You did ever so well making all this happen!" OL, I think Motherbox was being sarcastic.

Jade shoots him in the head to no affect.


"Come on, war godling." Draan grins up at Orion, small flecks of yellow blood spitting from his lips and seeping from the wound in his chest. "Give me everything."
...On the upside, maybe Orion will be a bit calmer after this is done?

Well, this is a marvellous mess OL's set off this time. :rolleyes: Only marginally worse than last episode, but only because the Butcher is not going to come running to this guy looking for a host. And Hinon and Dox are going to be extra angry at him afterwards. Because remember, all this is happening in Maltusian orbit. And I don't think their fleet is going to stop what's coming next.
How many more colors does Paul need again? Because if there's a crisis every time he gets a color his allies are going to start getting cross with him
Well. Orange(duh), Yellow(a favor), Green(plenty of greenies), Blue(Alan), and Violet covered. So gotta find the elusive Indigo.

Assuming Red works out here.
I'm going to be having words with Hinon after this.
Really? You're going to have words with the woman who time and time again has warned you about doing stupid stuff like this?

Dude... You used to have a brain...

Well, this is a marvellous mess OL's set off this time. :rolleyes: Only marginally worse than last episode, but only because the Butcher is not going to come running to this guy looking for a host. And Hinon and Dox are going to be extra angry at him afterwards. Because remember, all this is happening in Maltusian orbit. And I don't think their fleet is going to stop what's coming next.
There is literally only one thing in existence that should be able to stop what's coming.

And LePaul killed it to power up Hephaestus.
The… 'Ears' on his helmet grow as they slide forwards, the faceplate extends downwards the material of its construction takes on a more bone-like appearance as it… Merges with his face.
'and the material'?
I don't know-. Okay, I don't think that Orion is possessed in the way that or… Acting as a host.
Not sure if it's actually wrong, but this sentence looks weird. Maybe the ellipsis should be before 'or' rather than after?
He's the Maltusian that fought the Butcher, isn't he?
The Maltusian who fought the Butcher? Where's that from. A throwaway line from this story that I don't remember, or something else?

"Yes! YES!" Draan spreads his arms out wide! "SET ME ON FIRE WITH YOUR RAGE!"
Is this all just about Draan fulfilling his fetish?
"This is a very… Angry… Bachelor pad.
This guy is hilarious.
Wow, this is..... I don't get plot twists like this often, and i can see the hints of it looking back, great job Zoat!

I forgot the name is the comic/story, but this is totally reminding me of this faux-superman story where the invincible alien is raised by the military, and try to control every aspect of his life so he becomes completely loyal to the USA. A bunch of other things happen, but what I am recalling is this one scene where someone managed to hurt him. Instead of bawling and retreating, the MC goes 'This is what pain feels like?' then goes ballistic on the guy demanding he hurt him again. Not stopping the guy, or trying to capture him, just goading his opponent into attaching again and again so he could keep experiencing pain.
Wow, this is..... I don't get plot twists like this often, and i can see the hints of it looking back, great job Zoat!

I forgot the name is the comic/story, but this is totally reminding me of this faux-superman story where the invincible alien is raised by the military, and try to control every aspect of his life so he becomes completely loyal to the USA. A bunch of other things happen, but what I am recalling is this one scene where someone managed to hurt him. Instead of bawling and retreating, the MC goes 'This is what pain feels like?' then goes ballistic on the guy demanding he hurt him again. Not stopping the guy, or trying to capture him, just goading his opponent into attaching again and again so he could keep experiencing pain.
That was Hyperion from Supreme Power.
It's not obscure.

Just old.

Like me.

Not a lot, because I've never heard of it.

Lol, not even the company Cross-gen? I thought they were really good while they lasted. A full universe with planned crossovers from the inception and great writers and artists. Unfortunately Disney and Marvel acquired and I think deliberately killed the IPs with complete reboot/rewrites of the stories that only lasted an issue or three.
And by the end it hated me more than anyone else in the history of the universe!

Wrong. The Butcher does indeed hate one being more than any other, but it's not Draan. That would be Cain, slayer of Abel, who was the Butcher's master back when the Butcher was just a normal bull. And the Butcher hates him all the more, since Cain is the one being it can't touch, or even cut off his connection to its' light, since that would count as harming Cain.

Lol, not even the company Cross-gen? I thought they were really good while they lasted. A full universe with planned crossovers from the inception and great writers and artists. Unfortunately Disney and Marvel acquired and I think deliberately killed the IPs with complete reboot/rewrites of the stories that only lasted an issue or three.
I don't..? Think so?

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