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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

To continue, that's part of why quantum collapse is considered by many to be bogus. It doesn't make sense that physics would use FTL internally, then put up artificial barriers to keep us from taking advantage it. There are established quantum theories that don't need collapse, and they don't have any FTL propagation to contend with. So it seems plausible that the FTL part of collapse is just an artifact of that specific mathematical simplification.

Doesn't stop sci-fi writers from using it for FTL communication, ofc.
Do any of the more likely theories that don't need collapse also do away with the many-worlds interpretation? I would think that they're mutually exclusive(no collapse means no way to have a singular world), but I'm only a armchair physicist.
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The red lanterns are total bros, this pleases me. Just from the sheer WTF! of it. :D
Amusingly, that's not all that far off from a lot of their charactersations in canon, once the writers had it dawn on them that "entire Corps of frothing rage monsters", while making for good art, severely limited the amount of actual storytelling they were able to do with them.

(That, and the fact the Reds in The Animated Series needed to be 'toned down for TV' after they were picked to be the main antagonists, the suits having decided that having the Sinestro Corps (the planners' first choice) would confuse people as the movie, with still-'good'!Sinestro, was coming out around that time. This was a rare case where executive meddling produced positive results in literally every area.)
Hello sorry to be a bother but I just wanted to ask who this person "Well now, aren't you a delightful mess."


White face, white suit, black hair, gold eyes,

That spoke to Paul in the Reordered chapter part 17? I can't seem to find out who he is and it's been bugging me for awhile now, again sorry to be a bother and sorry if it's irrelevant to the part at present but it would be much appreciated have a good day.
Hello sorry to be a bother but I just wanted to ask who this person "Well now, aren't you a delightful mess."


White face, white suit, black hair, gold eyes,

That spoke to Paul in the Reordered chapter part 17? I can't seem to find out who he is and it's been bugging me for awhile now, again sorry to be a bother and sorry if it's irrelevant to the part at present but it would be much appreciated have a good day.
Desire of the Endless.
I thought feeling Love while wearing a red ring shorts out the life support keeping you alive since your heart is no longer functional due to all the Rage. Shouldn't Red Paul have died the moment he realized he was in love with Komand'r?
I think Red Paul convinced Atrocious (not sure if I spelled that right) to not include that feature in this universe's rings.
Do any of the more likely theories that don't need collapse also do away with the many-worlds interpretation? I would think that they're mutually exclusive(no collapse means no way to have a singular world), but I'm only a armchair physicist.
So am I, and I was definitely thinking of many-worlds. Not aware of any viable alternatives.
I thought feeling Love while wearing a red ring shorts out the life support keeping you alive since your heart is no longer functional due to all the Rage. Shouldn't Red Paul have died the moment he realized he was in love with Komand'r?
I think Red Paul convinced Atrocious (not sure if I spelled that right) to not include that feature in this universe's rings.
These ones might work closer to the Red rings from the Green lantern CGI series, it's painful to remove the ring but not fatal.
and since the red lantern from that had feelings for the robot waifu and didn't lose power Paul should be fine.

Coming this Fall!
Zox, the Date Doctor!

"PUNCH HER HARDER! You've got to proof you're capable of defending your offspring!"

Love...is Hell
my only regret is we only have a like button and not a laugh emoji like on SV.

I think Jerry and maury are going to be out of a job.
It's not so much that there's a explanation, as it is that modern physics and FTL* are mutually exclusive. The existence of FTL would mean that we basically have to throw out half of what we know about higher-level physics, because one very big rule is that information cannot travel faster than the speed of light*.

* there are sorta exceptions. Wormholes, for instance. But these have their own limitations. Wormholes, essentially, have a time offset as well as a location; you can make a wormhole which brings you through a given amount of time as well as space. Generally, the minimum for this would be the distance between them; a wormhole with the two ends 1 light year apart could have a 'delay' between each end of '-1' year at minimum or higher.

Any less than that, and you could pass information into the past by, say, going through and signaling Morse Code with a light at the other end, because the light would arrive before you had originally left. Time travel leads into paradoxes, which aren't so much bad as fundamentally impossible.

By my understanding, the solution to this is that in any such situation, virtual particles (and for that matter, real particles) would travel through the wormhole back in time, and then travel through again, and again, and again... eventually creating a infinite amount of particles. 'eventually' being instantly, since they're travelling through time. At some point before this, the wormhole explodes. Violently. Do not attempt in any star system you would like to keep.
Actually Recent research has shown that the speed of light actually varies from different points in the universe like from where measurements they made the light is either been moving faster or slower than the light that passes through our universe which means that the speed of light is actually variable in the universe depending on the region it's moving through.
Well at least those 2 got a happy and sweet ending.
Btw, I want to know more about the Dentist thing.
Well at least those 2 got a happy and sweet ending.
Btw, I want to know more about the Dentist thing.
There are no endings; they got a happy and sweet moment of transition between different states of relationship, to one of better understanding of each other and, at least in the case of Blackfire, some self-knowledge as well. Even when the stories stop being told, the worlds keep on spinning, and the players play their parts, just out of reach of the audience. This truth is foreshadowed in the death of characters within the story, such as the one who's skull the lovers would brand: Although he has ceased to be aware of the story, the characters continue, with his only lasting influence coming from the ripples of his actions and the remains he left behind.

Such is the nature of death.
Except there are exceptions, namely quantum entanglement, where information travels instantaneously, faster than the speed of light, between 2 particles. (I think, not sure if this is actually possible)
Quantum entanglement isn't really a matter of information traveling instantaneously. There's no actual INFORMATION crossing space there. Rather, the entangled particles share their quantum superposition state. Until you measure that state, it could be ANYTHING, with a certain probability. When you measure that state, that uncertainty goes away. What you observe isn't really forcing some action on the other particle as it is eliminating all of the possibilities of what it ISN'T.

Imagine, if you will, two pocket watches, operating in perfect sync except one is set exactly 6 hours later than the other one. They're closed, so you can't see what time is on them, but you know they're synchronized like that. You and an assistant separate them by a long distance, and then each of you opens one watch. You've got a laser communication system set up so that as soon as you make the observation, you send information about the time to each other at the speed of light. But you don't actually need to wait for the laser to arrive to know which direction the hour hand of the other watch is pointing. You already know, instantaneously: it's exactly opposite the direction your own watch is pointing.

But can you use this synchronized-watch setup to actually transmit information faster than light? Of course not! Nothing you did actually changed anything. Your assistant doesn't even know exactly when you opened your watch until the laser gets there, so you can't use the fact that you opened it to communicate anything. (On the other hand, you could use the time indicated on the dial as part of an encryption key, and only by having the other watch can you decrypt a message sent with it slower than light. This is the idea behind quantum cryptography -- you can't CONTROL what happens, but you can make use of it.)

This isn't a 100% perfect analogy, so don't read TOO much into it. If it were a perfect analogy, that would be what's called a "hidden variable" theory -- quantum particles would have a definite state, and the wave function would merely represent your lack of knowledge about that state. However, it's been proven that no local hidden variable theory can completely explain the phenomena observed in quantum mechanics.

Actually Recent research has shown that the speed of light actually varies from different points in the universe like from where measurements they made the light is either been moving faster or slower than the light that passes through our universe which means that the speed of light is actually variable in the universe depending on the region it's moving through.
I think you misinterpreted what you read. The speed of light through empty space is, locally, constant.

The fact that light can show up at different times doesn't mean the light itself was traveling faster or slower. It means that the light had more or less distance to travel to get to you. This is a result of the relativistic effects of gravity (EDIT: and the expansion of the universe itself) on the shape of spacetime -- the photon doesn't slow down (at least not from its own perspective), but an outside observer will see that the photon took a longer path instead of an apparently-straight line.
There are no endings; they got a happy and sweet moment of transition between different states of relationship, to one of better understanding of each other and, at least in the case of Blackfire, some self-knowledge as well. Even when the stories stop being told, the worlds keep on spinning, and the players play their parts, just out of reach of the audience. This truth is foreshadowed in the death of characters within the story, such as the one who's skull the lovers would brand: Although he has ceased to be aware of the story, the characters continue, with his only lasting influence coming from the ripples of his actions and the remains he left behind.

Such is the nature of death.

Well hey there Debbiy-Downer, how has your day been?
I thought feeling Love while wearing a red ring shorts out the life support keeping you alive since your heart is no longer functional due to all the Rage. Shouldn't Red Paul have died the moment he realized he was in love with Komand'r?
I think that was hope?
Hello there Otto Optimist, how's your day been?
I prefer to think of myself as a Neddy Neutralist (oh well...), or maybe a Robby Realist (it is what it is) or maybe a Connie Conditionalist (I say that's bad, but...), but some of those names just seem to fit a bit less well.
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I prefer to think of myself as a Neddy Neutralist (oh well...), or maybe a Robby Realist (it is what it is) or maybe a Connie Conditionalist (I say that's bad, but...), but some of those names just seem to fit a bit less well.

Well hello there Identity-Crisis Isaac, how's your day been?
Doppelgängered (part 1)

1st February
12:52 GMT +1

"Oh." Thaddeus Junior lowers his… I don't actually know what that is, once he sees that it's just me. "You want something?"

"I need to talk to Georgia, actually." And this time I came in via the door rather than just teleporting to her. I don't for a moment doubt that the Sivanas have improved their anti-intrusion measures since my return to Earth. "Is she at home?"

He looks mildly confused. "No, she's in the workshop." His hands are already fiddling with the 'ray gun' in his hands as he steps back from the door. "Come in."

"Thank you."

He nods distractedly, taking some sort of matter sculpting tool out of his lab coat and using it on his ray gun. "Sure, whatever. This way."

The corridors… Have been slightly modified since my last visit. Someone has put some paint on them for a start, and there are pictures… There are variants of historically significant pictures with members of the Sivana family replacing their original focus. I actually stop and wince at the sight of the Sivanafied version of The Scream.

"Is your.. father branching out?"

"Huh?" Thaddeus had made it most of the way down the corridor without realising that I was no longer with him. He stops tinkering with his ray gun and walks back, trying to work out why I stopped. "Oh, that. It's his parallel universe life coach guy. He suggested that Dad try something expressive that.. wasn't a ray gun." He shakes his head. "I don't get it. Ray guns are plenty expressive, aren't they? But anyway, Dad wrote a computer algorithm and this… Well, these are the result."


"Yeah, that was what I said. Eh, I suppose it covers the turret hatch." He heads back down the corridor. "You coming?"

I.. take a step away from the painting, shrug slightly and then follow him.

"Hey, Georgia. You got a visitor."

With one false start, Georgia extracts herself from the interior of… Some sort of rocket? And pushes the welding mask up before looking around. She sees me and smiles warmly. "Ah, Orange Lantern! To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Georgia, I need help only you can provide."

"Well, natur-."

"Georgia!" Thaddeus glares at her. "We're not supposed to mind control him! Remember what Tia said!"

"I didn't mind control him." She preens, nose up and right hand on her chest. "He's simply seeking me out because he recognises my brilliance."

I tilt my head thirty degrees to the right. "She did not mind control me. I simply sought her out because I recognise her brilliance."

She regards me contemplatively. "Or… Did I-? No, no, that was humour."

I straighten up, smiling. "Well spotted."

She nods, satisfied. "We're not quite so bad as Dad. What is it you need my help for?"

"I need you to use your mad science powers for me."

"I'm afraid we're a little busy with this sheeda mess-."

"Hey!" Thaddeus glares at me. "What's so special about her mad science powers?! I'm a mad scientist too!"

"But I need a mad social scientist, and you-"

"It is a soft subject!"

"-were quite emphatic that you don't respect the discipline."

Georgia stalks towards her brother. "It's not a soft subject! Do you have any idea how hard it is to eliminate independent variables from a study of giant monster attacks!?"

Thaddeus gesticulates, apparently forgetting that he's holding a ray gun. "Not as hard as making giant monster attacks!"

Georgia and he square up to one another. "I couldn't use data from attacks I made, that would risk biasing the data!"

"Excuse me?"

"What?!" / "What?!"

"If we could take this back to my original enquiry?"

Thaddeus rolls his eyes. "Fine. I'll go and do some real science." He stamps towards one of the other doors. "Can't make strangle-broccoli with social science."

Georgia waits until the door is closed before relaxing her posture and shaking her head. "There's no talking to him when he's like that. So." She turns back to me, smiling winsomely. "Who are we experimenting on today?"

"Not experimenting. Putting into practice."

"Oooooooooooooh. I like the sound of this." She grins. "What are we doing?"

"Advanced technology does not propagate well through our society. Captain Cold robs banks rather than building freezers, despite the obvious financial incentives for him to do so. Superman sits on a treasure trove of alien technology that could revolutionise the way we live, but contents himself with inefficiently punching things rather than rendering that punching unnecessary in spite of his genuine desire to do good in the world."

"And you want to know why? I suppose that Dad's example-."

"No. It's not that I'm not curious, but I don't need to know 'why'. I need it to stop."

She raises her eyebrows. "To stop?"

"To stop. I don't know if it's psychological, something to do with our social structures, our evolutionary biology, our.. financial systems… But things aren't happening which -on the surface- it appears should be. And I need it to stop, so they can start. I don't…" I take a breath. "I'm pretty good at understanding the motivations of individuals, but… My empathic abilities don't work on groups. You're… Literally the only person I can think of who might be able to solve this for me."

"Hnm." She frowns thoughtfully. "It's a puzzle. But… We're supposed to be working on the sheeda problem."

"Your father and your brother are perfectly capable of making weapons. But the more widespread they are the better. It's nearly pointless if no one is prepared to use them."

Georgia glances guiltily at her rocket.. thing. "We weren't planning on handing them out. This is personal."

"But why? If the aim is just to beat the sheeda, shouldn't you want to maximise our chances? And it's not as if people haven't tried to kill your father or you before."

She frowns, her right hand stroking her chin and her gaze distant. "That… Is… Curious."

"If you can crack this, high value weapons created all over the world will suddenly become available en masse. And as I said, you're the only one who can do this. Mad social scientists don't come along very often at all."

"I… Suppose that it wouldn't hurt to take a look. And you're right; it would benefit from my particular insight. Have to…" She glances at her rocket again. "Finish this off first…"

"Thank you. I really appreciate it. Oh, and if you want to gather some first hand data I'm going to visit Captain Cold today. Do you want to tag along?"
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Oh, this is gonna get weird, isn't it?

The corridors… Have been slightly modified since my last visit. Someone has put some paint on them for a start, and there are pictures… There are variants of historically significant pictures with members of the Sivana family replacing their original focus. I actually stop and wince at the sight of the Sivanafied version of The Scream.
...Eek. Amusing, if arrogant.

"Oh, that. It's his parallel universe life coach guy. He suggested that Dad try something expressive that.. wasn't a ray gun." He shakes his head. "I don't get it. Ray guns are plenty expressive, aren't they? But anyway, Dad wrote a computer algorithm and this… Well, these are the result."
So, the good Doctor didn't even bother doing it himself, just set a VI on it? Totally in character.

And pushes the melding mask up before looking around.
And pushes the welding mask up before looking around.

"Georgia!" Thaddeus glares at her. "We're not supposed to mind control him! Remember what Tia said!"
Entirely in character...

"I need you to use your mad science powers for me."
Need a problem solved? Do MAD SCIENCE! at it.

"It is a soft subject!"
It's almost pavlovian, that reflex

Georgia and he square up to one another. "I couldn't use data from attacks I made, that would risk biasing the data!"
Ah, sibling rivalry.

"Who are we experimenting on today?"

"Advanced technology does not propagate well through our society. Captain Cold robs banks rather than building freezers, despite the obvious financial incentives for him to do so. Superman sits on a treasure trove of alien technology that could revolutionise the way we live, but contents himself with inefficiently punching things rather than rendering that punching unnecessary in spite of his genuine desire to do good in the world."
You just know this is gonna piss off Boss Smiley, if he's actually real.

"No. It's not that I'm not curious, but I don't need to know 'why'. I need it to stop."
Yeah, this is basically spitting in Boss Smiley's big censor-filter emoticon face. :)

"Hnm." She frowns thoughtfully. "It's a puzzle. But… We're supposed to be working on the sheeda problem."
Oh, dear... There's a bad end: what if this results in the Sheeda existing? Stable Time loops!

"If you can crack this, high value weapons created all over the world will suddenly become available en mass.
"If you can crack this, high value weapons created all over the world will suddenly become available en masse.
(This is the usual spelling I've seen. If you prefer otherwise, that's fine.)

This is going to be a weird episode, isn't it? Weirder than the last few, at any rate.
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Superman sits on a treasure trove of alien technology that could revolutionise the way we live"

Superman already mentioned that most of the data he has is historical and cultural, he also mentioned to Paul that he is going to have a loock at it, to see if he can find anything usefull.

but contents himself with inefficiently punching things rather than rendering that punching unnecessary in spite of his genuine desire to do good in the world."
I do wonder how he justifies this, he has read how to suceed in evil and is aware that what he and the flamer do can be considered selfish instead of heroic.
Superman already mentioned that most of the data he has is historical and cultural, he also mentioned to Paul that he is going to have a loock at it, to see if he can find anything usefull.

I do wonder how he justifies this, he has read how to suceed in evil and is aware that what he and the flamer do can be considered selfish instead of heroic.
There's something... really fucky, going on. The Watsonian answer is a mystery. The Doylist answer is that DC focused on making people in colorful costumes punch each-other entertainingly, and really did not think things through much otherwise. Add up cumulative decades of that, and you get a royal mess.
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I'm confused, is this the main story timeframe? Didn't most of the Silvana's get killed, or was that in Gravey's timeline?
I'm confused, is this the main story timeframe? Didn't most of the Silvana's get killed, or was that in Gravey's timeline?
That was the Renegade timeline.
OL was there for the attack which otherwise would have killed the Sivana family, which prevented them dying.

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