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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

It's an interesting thought exercise to wonder if the Dhorians would have been as dismissive of Thal Siniestro offering multiple peaceful off-ramps. Paul, at this point, has destroyed or neutered multiple star empires (The Citadel and the Spider Guild) and is in the middle of a straight up fight with the Reach.

Oh and he's in charge of a Corps backed by controllers.
So basically this Dhorian commander fucked around and found out for his whole race.
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Give it the old "One of your officers has to die for your stupidity here." speech, and then kill every officer bar that one. But then you're likely to invert it and have him offer himself.
Be kind. Be polite. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

Gospel according to Saint Mattis of Quantico.

I was recently doing h project where I looked at rebalancing the capabilities of the various light colors (and drop one of the purples because Newton's alchemy bullshit doesn't fly). Yellow has empowerment off ambient fear but that didn't seem sufficient. What I ultimately decided was that yellow should be uniquely good at stealth. Fear of being noticed by threats is, obviously, pretty primal. So it would make sense for yellow constructs to be capable of low-vis and yellow lanterns capable of hiding without giving off a telltale glow.
Electrical discharges? From ice striking metal? Would someone explain that to me, at least enough that I can look up more?
No, from ice striking ice and causing the movement of electrons.

I was recently doing h project where I looked at rebalancing the capabilities of the various light colors (and drop one of the purples because Newton's alchemy bullshit doesn't fly). Yellow has empowerment off ambient fear but that didn't seem sufficient. What I ultimately decided was that yellow should be uniquely good at stealth. Fear of being noticed by threats is, obviously, pretty primal. So it would make sense for yellow constructs to be capable of low-vis and yellow lanterns capable of hiding without giving off a telltale glow.
Indigo already got stealth.
Pyrrhucy (part 22)
14th February 2013
16:09 GMT -5

No one on the bridge, either. Tuppence and a few of the unpowered prisoners are shoving those we captured into their cells while Mahkent recovers the gamma gong. Eiling, Kadabra and Standing Bear have come with me, Kadabra because I need someone other than me who can interface with the systems and the other two because I'm not convinced that I can trust them out of my sight.

I can feel the fear on the other ships.

"They're pulling away."

Eiling frowns. "Explain that to me. They outnumber us. Why are they leaving?"

Kadabra smiles. "Because they know that they're in teleporter range. And they know that you can kill them easily if you can reach them."

I nod. "I don't know whether they're fleeing the system or just getting out of teleporter range, but neither is acceptable. Interface."

Eiling nods. "And let me guess: they didn't scuttle the ship because they don't want to make that easy. Should still have been able to flash their drives."

Cables radiate out from my body and bury themselves into each of the consoles.

"'Top Secret' information wouldn't usually be on bridge systems, it would be on the commander's personal computer. The belligerent parties in the Antares system are so close to each other that it's not possible for them to keep 'Secret' level stuff secret from each other, and decentralisation means that there isn't any one location to flash."

Warm up the drive systems. And weapons, because they've got their shields down so they can devote power to drive systems. Pop turrets and target capital ship drive systems.

"Kadabra, are you able to interfere with their systems?"

"Tricky." He walks over to the communications suite and waves his wand around. "There's only so much I can do with a conventional communications array."

I nod as our primary guns begin tracking targets. On ships like these that use ion thrusters there's only so much you can do to armour that part of the ship. Like with weapons, their role requires them to be exposed in a way that bridges and engines don't. I'd like to fire right away, but the guns are cold and need more time to be readied to fire. Something that would be easier with a trained crew, though given that the Dhorians aren't bothering with weapons at this stage perhaps I'm misjudging.

"Do what you can."

Weapons charging…

I've got sensors, though I can't see where the Dominion's gate is supposed to be. Assuming that Truggs was telling the truth, which I probably shouldn't do. The Dhorian ships still under their control have started pulling away but they're hardly in a position-

This ship doesn't have an interdiction field generator.

-to get away.

Eiling walks over to the main screen. "So it's a stern chase. How does that work out for them?"

Weapons charging. Preparing to fire…

"Not great. None of us have shields or weapons active so that we can start our drives faster. There's only so much power the drives can turn into acceleration, so once that's-"

I feel the shields start activating on their ships.

"-ready they'll activate shields. Darn it."

He raises an eyebrow.

"They got their shields up just before I got weapons ready."

I retrain the guns so that they're focusing on a single ship, and fire them.

And.. I've been spoiled by having access to a fleet built with Maltusian and Coluan technology. Most spacefaring species don't have weapons that powerful or accurate. The ship I aimed at saw that they were being targetted and started using their manoeuvring thrusters. Combined with the weak containment systems in the guns themselves, that means that I'm not getting enough hits to actually damage anything. Even at basically point blank range. Explains why they do boarding actions: shooting each others' ships just takes too long. I could aim at the smaller ships, but they're already pulling ahead and they're smaller targets anyway.

Deactivate guns, transfer power to rapid engine start up system.

Eiling looks askance at me. "If we're in the same class of ship, how do you plan on catching them?"

"I don't. I plan on teleporting onto their bridge and wrecking them. There's no real benefit in grabbing the small ships so we can ignore those. Of the twelve capital ships three of them are our size and the other eight are slightly smaller. I suspect that if we take the three largest then Volgar Zo will be on one of them and we can force the rest to surrender in exchange for me not adding another count of genocide to my charge sheet. Kadabra?"

"I would be concerned about them having another gamma gong, but otherwise it sounds plausible."

"Everyone got a gun?"

Three nods.

"We were caught by the gamma gong the first time because we assumed that we were heading up for a peaceful discussion. This time we'll have the drop on them. The gong has to be exposed to be used. If you teleport in and see one, shoot everyone near it and grab it yourself as fast as you can. Kadabra, are our sensors good enough to lock on through their shields?"

"No, but their teleporter network is still active, as are their communication channels. I'm already inside, and… I have it. We can now use their sensors to teleport."

"Impressive work. In-."

Tuppence walks onto the bridge. "They all got done put in cages. When we gettin' the rest?"

"Ah, now, if you're up for it Kad-."

"I believe I know where Volgar Zo is. Only one ship is at the centre of all fleet communications."

"Good show." I hand a spare gun to Tuppence, but I get the impression that she's not all that familiar with them. "Ready?"

Three nods.

"Kadabra, give us a countdown."

He waves his wand and creates a shimmering column around us. "Three. Two. One."

I raise construct armour and rope darts.


There's a flash, and we're surrounded by surprised Dhorians. I fire my darts, impaling the ones standing next to instrument panels. Tuppence throws herself at the closest marine, shoving her.. right hand into his arm before using him as a blunt instrument to bludgeon his comrades. Eiling is very clearly watching for a gamma gong, carefully maintaining his awareness as he strikes anyone within arms' reach. Standing Bear-

"Stand down! We surrender!"

-has gone for Zo himself and is currently standing with one hand around Zo's neck having already ripped the teleport system out of his armour.

"Everyone stop." Eiling does so immediately, Tuppence gets a couple more swings in before discarding her weapon as I approach Zo. "You will signal the rest of your fleet to surrender as well if you want your species to survive the week."

Clearly terrified, he nods in agreement.
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I nod as our primary guns begin tracking targets. On ships like these that use ion thrusters there's only so much you can do to armour that part of the ship. Like with weapons, their role requires them to be exposed in a way that bridges and engines don't. I'd like to fire fight away, but the guns are cold and need more time to be readied to fire. Something that would be easier with a trained crew, though given that the Dhorians aren't bothering with weapons at this stage.
That should say 'right'.

And.. I've been spoiled by having access to a fleet built with Maltuaian and Coluan technology. Most spacefaring species don't have weapons that powerful or accurate. The ship I aimed at saw that they were being targetted and started using their manoeuvring thrusters. Combined with the weak containment systems in the guns themselves, that means that I'm not getting enough hits to actually damage anything. Even at basically point blank range. Explains why they do boarding actions: shooting each others' ships just takes too long. I could aim at the smaller ships, but they're already pulling ahead and they're smaller targets anyway.
That should say 'Maltusian'.

"I don't. I plan on teleporting onto their bridge and wrecking them. There's no real benefit it grabbing the small ships so we can ignore those. Of the twelve capital ships three of them are our size and the other eight are slightly smaller. I suspect that if we take the three largest then Volgar Zo will be on one of them and we can force the rest to surrender in exchange for me not adding another count of genocide to my charge sheet. Kadabra?"
That should say 'in'.
So the Yellow lights already having an Impact or Paul is just in fact that fed up with this whole situation.

Zo better pray it's the off-brand ring.

Paul is British.

He's polite. He's polite to the point of ridiculousness.

And then he's polite some more.

But when he finally reaches the point where he no longer is able to be polite to you? Start running as far and as fast as you can, while it is still only merely 'too late'.
14th February 2013
16:09 GMT -5

No one on the bridge, either. Tuppence and a few of the unpowered prisoners are shoving those we captured into their cells while Mahkent recovers the gamma gong. Eiling, Kadabra and Standing Bear have come with me, Kadabra because I need someone other than me who can interface with the systems and the other two because I'm not convinced that I can trust them out of my sight.

I can feel the fear on the other ships.
And I bet it feels remarkably heady, especially filtered through the Yellow Light of the Ring. No wonder the other Yellow Ring-users you've met thus far have seemed so... Unbalanced? I expect that's how Sinestro planned to control his Corps: Addiction to causing Fear.

"They're pulling away."

Eiling frowns. "Explain that to me. They outnumber us. Why are they leaving?"
Orders from the fleet commander? Discretion being the better part of valour? Panicked crews? :p

Kadabra smiles. "Because they know that they're in teleporter range. And they know that you can kill them easily if you can reach them."

I nod. "I don't know whether they're fleeing the system or just getting out of teleporter range, but neither is acceptable. Interface."
Yes, don't want them getting away until you find out what else they've stolen from Earth and the Kryptonian base...

Eiling nods. "And let me guess: they didn't scuttle the ship because they don't want to make that easy. Should still have been able to flash their drives."

Cables radiate out from my body and bury themselves into each of the consoles.
Electronic warfare in space isn't that easy, General.

"'Top Secret' information wouldn't usually be on bridge systems, it would be on the commander's personal computer. The belligerent parties in the Antares system are so close to each other that it's not possible for them to keep 'Secret' level stuff secret from each other, and decentralisation means that there isn't any one location to flash."

Warm up the drive systems. And weapons, because they've got their shields down so they can devote power to drive systems. Pop turrets and target capital ship drive systems.
Ah, the drawback of them not expecting trouble in a 'primitive' system: All their combat systems are powered down.

"Kadabra, are you able to interfere with their systems?"

"Tricky." He walks over to the communications suite and waves his wand around. "There's only so much I can do with a conventional communications array."
Do what you can, then. Any little bit will help.

I nod as our primary guns begin tracking targets. On ships like these that use ion thrusters there's only so much you can do to armour that part of the ship. Like with weapons, their role requires them to be exposed in a way that bridges and engines don't. I'd like to fire fight away, but the guns are cold and need more time to be readied to fire. Something that would be easier with a trained crew, though given that the Dhorians aren't bothering with weapons at this stage.
None of them were expecting a fight. So you're all in the same boat. ...So to speak.

"Do what you can."

Weapons charging…
Probably not fast enough.

I've got sensors, though I can't see where the Dominion's gate is supposed to be. Assuming that Truggs was telling the truth, which I probably shouldn't do. The Dhorian ships still under their control have started pulling away but they're hardly in a position-

This ship doesn't have an interdiction field generator.
Why would they want one? Makes it harder to flee. :p That kind of thing would probably be built into dedicated vessels, which wouldn't be needed out here.

-to get away.

Eiling walks over to the main screen. "So it's a stern chase. How does that work out for them?"
As long as one of them doesn't try to turn and go to FTL while pointed at you, not well.

Weapons charging. Preparing to fire…

"Not great. None of us have shields or weapons active so that we can start our drives faster. There's only so much power the drives can turn into acceleration, so once that's-"
Shows their priorities, I suppose.

I feel the shields start activating on their ships.

"-ready they'll activate shields. Darn it."
I expect it naturally takes them less time to shield up, just down to the risk of surprise attacks.

He raises an eyebrow.

"They got their shields up just before I got weapons ready."

I retrain the guns so that they're focusing on a single ship, and fire them.
Not likely to be effective, but if you can get them looking at your guns... They're not thinking of other ways you can get them.

And.. I've been spoiled by having access to a fleet built with Maltuaian and Coluan technology. Most spacefaring species don't have weapons that powerful or accurate. The ship I aimed at saw that they were being targetted and started using their manoeuvring thrusters. Combined with the weak containment systems in the guns themselves, that means that I'm not getting enough hits to actually damage anything. Even at basically point blank range. Explains why they do boarding actions: shooting each others' ships just takes too long. I could aim at the smaller ships, but they're already pulling ahead and they're smaller targets anyway.
But they're also likely too small to carry anything useful to them, barring a few captives or some data tapes.

Deactivate guns, transfer power to rapid engine start up system.

Eiling looks askance at me. "If we're in the same class of ship, how to you plan on catching them?"
They do have a teleporter system. One likely tuned to each other's shield frequencies. And if they like boarding actions so much...

"I don't. I plan on teleporting onto their bridge and wrecking them. There's no real benefit it grabbing the small ships so we can ignore those. Of the twelve capital ships three of them are our size and the other eight are slightly smaller. I suspect that if we take the three largest then Volgar Zo will be on one of them and we can force the rest to surrender in exchange for me not adding another count of genocide to my charge sheet. Kadabra?"
So they have something of a shell game to deal with. Which ship will the big cheese be on?

"I would be concerned about them having another gamma gong, but otherwise it sounds plausible."

"Everyone got a gun?"

Three nods.
Because while Super-strength is great, it's limited to melee range.

"We were caught by the gamma gong the first time because we assumed that we were heading up for a peaceful discussion. This time we'll have the drop on them. The gong has to be exposed to be used. If you teleport in and see one, shoot everyone near it and grab it yourself as fast as you can. Kadabra, are our sensors good enough to lock on through their shields?"

"No, but their teleporter network is still active, as are their communication channels. I'm already inside, and… I have it. We can now use their sensors to teleport."
Though I don't recommend trying to use a Gong yourself, given that you don't know how it's targetted.

"Impressive work. In-."

Tuppence walks onto the bridge. "They all got done put in cages. When we gettin' the rest?"
...Wait, does that mean Truggs is one his own down there? Oh, no...

"Ah, now, if you're up for it Kad-."

"I believe I know where Volgar Zo is. Only one ship is at the centre of all fleet communications."
Most of which is probably him screaming 'Faster, faster!' at his crews. :V

"Good show." I hand a spare gun to Tuppence, but I get the impression that she's not all that familiar with them. "Ready?"

Three nods.
Worst case, she can throw it through someone. No, not at, through. :D Super-strength.

"Kadabra, give us a countdown."

He waves his wand and creates a shimmering column around us. "Three. Two. One."
...A slightly longer one, perhaps?

I raise construct armour and rope darts.

Let's hope they hold, though given the increased level of fear in the Dhorians...

There's a flash, and we're surrounded by surprised Dhorians. I fire my darts, impaling the ones standing next to instrument panels. Tuppence throws herself at the closest marine, showing her.. right hand into his arm before using him as a blunt instrument to bludgeon his comrades. Eiling is very clearly watching for a gamma gong, carefully maintaining his awareness as he strikes anyone within arms' reach. Standing Bear-

"Stand down! We surrender!"
...Ah, never mind. They've done the smart thing in the face of overwhelming power.

-has gone for Zo himself and is currently standing with one hand around Zo's neck having already ripped the teleport system out of his armour.

"Everyone stop." Eiling does so immediately, Tuppence gets a couple more swings in before discarding her weapon as I approach Zo. "You will signal the rest of your fleet to surrender as well if you want your species to survive the week."

Clearly terrified, he nods in agreement.
...Hope that armour has good seals. I suspect he's putting its waste recycling system to good use. :D

Well, that was positively anti-climactic. It's interesting to see OL adapting to the Yellow Light so easily. Though I don't see him sticking with it like the Renegade has. Much too troublesome to adjust his methods. In the meantime, I suspect one of their first steps, after securing the fleet, will be finding out just what Zo and company were hoping to find, and what they've already acquired...
There's a flash, and we're surrounded by surprised Dhorians. I fire my darts, impaling the ones standing next to instrument panels. Tuppence throws herself at the closest marine, showing her.. right hand into his arm before using him as a blunt instrument to bludgeon his comrades. Eiling is very clearly watching for a gamma gong, carefully maintaining his awareness as he strikes anyone within arms' reach. Standing Bear-
Found another error. I think that should say 'shoving'.
Something that would be easier with a trained crew, though given that the Dhorians aren't bothering with weapons at this stage.
This sentence seems cut off, but maybe I'm just failing to understand it.

I assume that Paul is either being hyperbolic with his threats of genocide, or he's playing it up as a threat. It'd be interesting if he was being serious, though.
That should say 'right'.
That should say 'Maltusian'.
That should say 'in'.
Found another error. I think that should say 'shoving'.
This sentence seems cut off, but maybe I'm just failing to understand it.
Thank you, corrected.
Why did Paul bother with on lethal weapons at this point?
Because all weapons are lethal weapons. Unarmed are lethal weapons. But shoving a hole through something that isn't a vital organ generally stops a person while not immediately killing them.
Wait, how is OL supposed to combine the various lights if his Orange ring isn't working right? I doubt the mask will work for two emotions.
Wait, how is OL supposed to combine the various lights if his Orange ring isn't working right? I doubt the mask will work for two emotions.
There is a entire Corps worth of Orange Rings back at OL Headquarters.
Worst comes to worst he can flag down a local green lantern to relay a message to the Controllers to send a courier with a couple fresh rings and some secure containment for the compromised ones, and do a swap.
There is a entire Corps worth of Orange Rings back at OL Headquarters.
Worst comes to worst he can flag down a local green lantern to relay a message to the Controllers to send a courier with a couple fresh rings and some secure containment for the compromised ones, and do a swap.
That would be extraordinarily stupid to do before he has a full Controller scan done to make sure he isn't an Anti-Life infection vector.
My assumption was that 'External Motivation = External Control' is in Paul (Kadabra mentioned Paul is functional, not fixed). His rings are likely anti lifed but I wouldn't want him to even try with clean orange rings until he himself was cured.
It's very possible that is in fact the case. He maybe acting as a pseudo-Patient Zero to an Anti-life Infection.
Pyrrhucy (part 23)
14th February 2013
18:36 GMT -5

The assembled heavy cruisers point their guns down the gravity well and open fire, moon rock evaporating as the plasma hits the moon surface. It will take a while to dig down to the Dominion gate structure, but it inevitably will reach it. And then we'll have to keep an eye out for future infiltration attempts, but until then there won't be any more attacks from that avenue.

Zo told me that they had only one gamma gong on the fleet, and while I haven't gone room-to-room I certainly haven't seen any sign of there being more. Apparently, they're very resource-intensive to make, and it was only going to be used to contain prisoners. Plenty of time to check later.

The Dhorians have been loaded into two cruisers that I personally ripped the guns off, given a message to play in case Hyathis sends her fleet to finish them off on the way home and told to get out. I can see them heading for the edge of the interdiction zone now. It won't be a comfortable trip, but they'll make it. In a few months.

Eiling is watching the guns ravage the lunar surface.

"Lantern, are these ships American ships now?"

"Legally, their status is in limbo. The Dhorians declared war against Earth, but the disposition of any property would depend on the results of the final peace treaty negotiations. I'll be pushing for the Justice League to take full control of them, because it's legally far simpler. And less likely to cause friction between Earth nations in the post-Anti-Life period."

"Everyone who took part in this mission except you is American."

"And Abra Kadabra. Who… Still isn't an American citizen."

"He isn't?"

"He's a time traveller, so he isn't a natural born citizen, and then he was a convicted felon… But that's not the point."

"Isn't it? You know what the Chinese do with their metahumans, don't you?" I nod. "You could have gone to them. They'd probably have let you write your own ticket. You stuck with the Justice League. And sure, they're your friends. But is that why?"

"It's generally right to be on the side without concentration camps."

"Yeah. But it's not just metahumans, is it? Free speech, rule of law, free trade… All the things that makes America great. You spend most of your time on Earth in America. You signed up with an organisation that's run by Americans for a reason. I'm assuming it's because you like the way we do things."

"I like the way you do things when you do them like you're supposed to."

"You don't like me, you don't like what I do. Fine. Nate's lucky to have people on his side like you."

"No, it's not that. You want to sell weapons to America's enemies for whatever reason, I wouldn't care all that much. And your explanation made a lot of sense. My issue is what you did to Major Adams."

"That was the best I could do. It wasn't like I had an entirely free hand. Once Lemar and Yarrow decided to try and kill each other, I had to keep everything quiet."

"Why not clean house? After Lemar was dead, arrest Yarrow and Polk and have them killed while escaping. Then have the official report blame the three of them for the smuggling-."

"Officially there wasn't any smuggling. And it had to stay that way if the C.I.A. was going to get its money."

"Then come up with something else. It's not like Adams had a motive either."

Eiling shakes his head. "He'd have kept investigating. I'm not going to try and tell you that it played on my conscience for decades or anything like that. I've seen better men killed for less, and some of them were on my side. But given the objectives, there wasn't any other way to handle it."

"And did the C.I.A. do anything useful with that money?"

"Damn good question." He snorts. "I'd say 'no', but I didn't know that at the time."

"Same principle. I'm sure that whoever used these ships to throw an asteroid at someone you don't like would think they were doing the right thing. As far as I'm concerned, if you're going to pull the trigger in a situation like that, you better be right. Because the default setting shouldn't be 'ruthless bastard', it should be 'follow the rules'."

"How's that working out for you?"

"Reasonably well." I shrug. "I trust the League not to do anything disastrous, even if I'd rather that they pushed a bit harder sometimes. I don't trust the various parts of the United States government to do the same."

I look over his shoulder at the lunar surface as the guns finally break through to the Dominion gateway, smiling as it's destroyed.

Cease fire.

The guns stop shooting.

"That it?"

"Until next time. Hey." He looks around. "You'll actually get a pardon out of this, won't you?"

"Yeah. I'm too useful not to. Won't get my rank back. Won't get my kids back. But I'll get 'freed'. How long am I going to live for, anyway?"

"Between the stem cells and the Danner Formula, at least another century. Possibly longer. Possibly a lot longer. So I expect we'll be seeing a lot of each other."

"And I'll be seeing a lot of Adams. Great. So what's next?"

"If you're in need of a place to go?" Truggs strolls in, smiling smugly. "Then what's next is-."

"No. And don't pretend that was a fluke: you were obviously lurking by the door."


"I have a plan for removing the Anti-Life from Earth. Unless it fails, there's no need to evacuate people."

"Do you need the ships for this plan of yours?"

"I need the resources that would otherwise be spent on checking potential colonists for Anti-Life infection. The ships would only be used as a distraction."

But the gong might be genuinely useful, if we can work out how it functions.

"What if they're already ready to go?"

Breathe. Breathe.

"That may be acceptable. Take it up with Batman when we return to Earth. Enjoy your stay in the prisoners' suite."

"Not the first time."

"Glad that you're happy. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to report in."

He waves with exaggerated disinterest, and I fly down the corridor a way to get a little privacy.

"Orange Lantern to Lantern Gardner. I have a… Situation."
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Eiling shakes his head. "He'd have kept investigating. I'm not going to try and tell you that it played on my continence for decades or anything like that. I've been better men killed for less, and some of them were on my side. But given the objectives, there wasn't any other way to handle it."
I think that should say 'seen' or 'had'.

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