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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

That moment when LePaul forgets that her mother's probably dead due to the Anti-Life and uses it as a conversation bludgeon.

Eh. They do seem to give special protection to family members of VIPs. And Tuppence's brother Thomas is well enough connected these days that their mother might have fallen under such protection.
So, that last line leaves little doubt that either Carlyle is sitting there with a very large gun, or what's left of him is currently winning the room temperature challenge. Either possibility leaves a lot to be desired. Still, good to see Tuppence having to use a muscle that the Danner Formula couldn't enhance. If she can keep learning to think before she acts, she'll have a brought future,
I'd like to offer a third more horrible option. He might have fused the Medusa Mask to his face to suppress the Anti-life he's been feeling. Unfortunately he's probably not in a state to be cognizant now.
Because the Flash is a hero, Viltrumite's barring a couple exceptions aren't.

In the Earth 2 Comic crossover it was pointed out that because Ultraman always killed his enemies he never got more that the basic use of his powers due to lack of practice. Invincible dad is the most powerful but because of the same reason he should be fucking terrible at anything other that the basics.

Also this is the same comic that has the "bad guys" explaining things so I wouldnt think most are over general comic book competency.

Oh El unfortunately likes to talk so he is toast.
a window was been propped open

You falsely claimed to have the authority to arrest me and I need something to put on the form when I send you to gaol.
Jail. You told yourself to fix it but it's still there in the main thread
antithetical to Buddhist ideals that the mission
Add a be
Sinestro was the reason why his Kalmin lost his job
everything doing dark as we leave
And the he makes a gesture
At, or add a coma after sigh
See if I can use her as a contract.
microphones playing the Pied Piper's best
Speakers play sounds

25th October 1998
21:12 GMT -7

of me. I pass him a twenty dollar bill before picking it up and taking a sip.

Shouldn't this be early enough in his new life he still despises fiat currency?

"Purple rays are magic-based. As far as I can tell, it won't work as well away from a source of magic." I shrug. "Sorry."

Did the problem of needing magic for the purple ray get explained away? He uses it in space alot. And if so did he give rays to the Tamaranean doctors to test them on their people?

Last one I swear,
Did Pinky just obliquely acknowledge The story in a canon work? WTF HASBRO!?
Tuppence blinks at the forklift trick, the large workspace and the roller shutter door which would grant the forklift access. Then she notices what I noticed.
Should this be 'truck', instead of 'trick'?

...or maybe 'track', if it's a built-in system instead of a stored vehicle? I don't know much about forklifts.
I'm pretty sure that Omniman had to train fighting other Viltrimites.

When you are like five times stronger that anyone else of your own species and you are even resistant to your species weakness, you aren't going to get as good as using your powers as you could.

Honesty, Invincible was good when it was a good "Not Superboy" story, once it switched to doing the Evil Supermen thing DC has done to death a lot of people lost interest.
When you are like five times stronger that anyone else of your own species and you are even resistant to your species weakness, you aren't going to get as good as using your powers as you could.

Honesty, Invincible was good when it was a good "Not Superboy" story, once it switched to doing the Evil Supermen thing DC has done to death a lot of people lost interest.

Omniman ain't the strongest viltrumite though, by a solid margin. He's up there, but he has a whole arc he goes through in the comic.
Omniman ain't the strongest viltrumite though, by a solid margin. He's up there, but he has a whole arc he goes through in the comic.

He still has the most resistance to viltrumite weaknesses, so it depends of what your definition of strong is. Anyone having to go by a RPG or videogame "poison swamp" is gonna prefer him over a character who has a stronger STR stat.
He still has the most resistance to viltrumite weaknesses, so it depends of what your definition of strong is. Anyone having to go by a RPG or videogame "poison swamp" is gonna prefer him over a character who has a stronger STR stat.

I read the whole comic and even the strongest Viltrumite, Thragg, had to train a lot to learn how to fight and how to properly use and control his powers. The Viltrumites are a warrior race since the time they did their culling or whatever, they're not lile Ultraman that gets by just by being super strong and super resistant, they really know how to fight.

They are cocky due to their power, but they also know how to survive against stuff that can harm them and retreat when necessary, because then they can use their cheap Zenkai boost and get stronger when they recuperate.

I don't think Omniman is even among the Top 3 or Top 5 Viltrumites. The only thing he is more resistant than other Viltrumites is to a specific virus that totally depowers them and can kill them, and that resistance is only to the level of "at least it doesn't kill him"; it can still knock him out if we go by what it did to Invincible.

And we see how well trained even Thragg is in his battle to the death against Battle Beast.
Should this be 'truck', instead of 'trick'?
Add a be
Speakers play sounds
Thank you, corrected.
Jail. You told yourself to fix it but it's still there in the main thread
I may have changed it back. I'm afraid that's how we spell in it in the UK.
At, or add a coma after sigh
No, that's intended.
Shouldn't this be early enough in his new life he still despises fiat currency?
He went through some stuff that made his view on money seem rather unimportant.
Did the problem of needing magic for the purple ray get explained away? He uses it in space a lot. And if so did he give rays to the Tamaranean doctors to test them on their people?
I'm going to rule that it's running off all the magic his tattoos have absorbed.
Did Pinky just obliquely acknowledge The story in a canon work? WTF HASBRO!?
"Why wasn't Doctor Ub'x with you?"
How do you actually pronounce "Ub'x" by the way?
It should only work for compassion.
You could probably chalk it up to feeling the emotions of others in order to feel more compassion for them, or something. He really should've asked Indigo Paul about how his ring worked during the 'Paul Nexus Event'.
Once this whole mess with the Anti-Life is over, I'd… Actually quite like to do a little sightseeing. Hopefully without spending the whole time working like last time.
And with that line, Paul has just asked Murphy to fuck him up when he does finally manage to catch a break.
"I… See. I hadn't realised that your Lantern Corps' intelligence gathering was so… Thorough."
He should really tell them about how he knows about all this some day. On a sidenote, I can't remember if Paul's told anybody that this world is fictional from where he was. I think he has, but I'm not sure.
"Failure is just the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. So: Drax."
Unless you die, which in this case isn't applicable because Paul can come back.
He doesn't really use exclamations for his dialogue, so this was a bit of a surprise to see.
Have you ever considered doing a Skyrim crossover? Thanks for the post.
He should really tell them about how he knows about all this some day. On a sidenote, I can't remember if Paul's told anybody that this world is fictional from where he was. I think he has, but I'm not sure.

He's told John Constantine. Originally John misunderstood how Paul said it, but after a while it was clarified. And I can't recall, but he may have told Jade as well, I think?

Oh, and I disagree with telling too many people about his OOC knowledge, what does he gain by that? Most of the time he has to verify or confirm if the knowledge he has matches facts within the universe, anyway.
A bullet punches through the wooden wall and slams into his forehead!
Talk about timing.
Yeah. Want to know why Japanese men are all thin? It's because last time they had a fat man, a city vanished.
Damn, that's much darker than most of Paul's jokes. Guess he lost more of his humanity than usual after becoming a god, or he was feeling edgier at that moment than usual.
"Then flog the miscommunicators."
That's a tad bit more reasonable.

Thanks for the posts.
In the Earth 2 Comic crossover it was pointed out that because Ultraman always killed his enemies he never got more that the basic use of his powers due to lack of practice. Invincible dad is the most powerful but because of the same reason he should be fucking terrible at anything other that the basics.

Also this is the same comic that has the "bad guys" explaining things so I wouldnt think most are over general comic book competency.

Oh El unfortunately likes to talk so he is toast.
Omniman notibly does not have a lack of practice. He fought and killed a huge number of people with the same powers as him. He technically has not done that for a few years as of the start of the series, but he doesn't strike me as the type to let his skills deteriorate much. He also notably due to his time on Earth does have a lot of practice fighting and not killing people because he was trying to look like a typical noble hero.
"It would have been easy for me to work within the confines of the Anti-Life, when that's the absolute last thing that I want. So I've decide to change some parts of the way I work."

"So… You're not treating criminals as a superstitious and cowardly lot?"

I get a mild frown, but he shakes his head. "I don't think they're more superstitious than anyone else, and I've had enough criminals pick fights with me when the only thing on the line was their pride to know that they're not cowardly. Not all cowardly, at least. It was really more that they weren't committed, and I saw plenty of people in the Gotham City Police Department who equally lacked that commitment."

"So you're..? Abandoning fear as a tool?"

"I think the Earth has seen enough fear."
A possible embrace/return of Adam West/Golden Age style Batman? I'm not sure Talia would approve, though I'm sure Gotham could use a more cheerful and optimistic caped crusader!
How do you actually pronounce "Ub'x" by the way?
I've been thinking it 'Oobix', though I suppose it could be 'Ub-[click]'.
On a sidenote, I can't remember if Paul's told anybody that this world is fictional from where he was. I think he has, but I'm not sure.
John Constantine and Jade Nguyen.
Have you ever considered doing a Skyrim crossover? Thanks for the post.
No. I only played Morrowind.
Prep Time (part 9)
15th February 2013
17:54 GMT -5

Smoke doesn't billow out, because the ash has long since settled. A small amount is kicked up by the increased airflow, causing a wave to waft from the doorway and pass over the floor. The remains of wooden packing crates are just about visible in places, as… Are human remains. No, in a place like this those should have been completely disintegrated-. Lack of oxygen? No, no, this room contains valuable and highly flammable material. The fire outpaced the sprinklers for a while. I can see patches where the soot was washed away from where it landed, but there's no drainage so it eventually just dried out again. Which suggests that the local water main has been turned off. Or… There's some other obstruction stopping it flowing into this building?

"So where's the bunker?"

Are there enough skull fragments or genetic residues for a reconstruction? Not one I'd want to depend on, but I don't think any of them are Agent Carlyle. Shame about the collection.


Sprinklers aren't tied to a fire alarm that could be deactivated with the press of a button. It's a purely mechanical process. When the glass gets hot it breaks and then there's nothing to stop the water spraying out. The system isn't quick to trigger -unlike smoke alarms- but once it does it keeps going until the water pressure gets too low. A fire could burn in the face of that quantity of water, but only if it was very hot.

I scan the floor. Yes, chemical residue. Someone used incendiaries. The humans remains aren't good enough to tell me if they were shot first. Looks like a… Grenade? Though it could be some sort of custom mine. Not laser or plasma-.

Tuppence waves her right hand in front of my eyes.

"Just trying to work out what happened."

"Is he deyed?"

"Probably not."

She stares at me for a moment, then gestures ahead of us. I blink.

"Ev'rythang's burned up. Ain't gonna burn ahgeyan. They're deyed. There any more traps?"

"Not that I can detect. And this looks low tech."

Alright, I suppose that it doesn't exactly matter…

I walk inside, Tuppence just behind me. I.. step around the human remains, but beyond basic respect I don't think there's much point in preserving the scene of the crime. Actually…

I wave my right hand, a wave of orange gathering up the ash and melting the exterior of the mass into a container for the rest. I deposit that out of the way and then gather what I can of the human remains, laying them out off to the side.

And then I close my eyes and bow my head.

"I commend the souls of these poor unfortunates into the care of Lord Hades. I pray that he judges them generously, and that they find peace in his realm."

"… Oh."

I open my eyes to see Tuppence closing her eyes and bowing her head.

"You don't need to do that. You're not a Hellenist."

She raises her head to look at me. "No, but… I thawt we were…"

"Oh, sorry, you can say a prayer if you want. I… Just didn't think you were religious."

"Ah didn't think you were."

"I've been to Heaven and met the gods I worship. I say prayers to help the souls of the deceased reach their afterlife, and I've proven that it works. I have no 'faith' because I've never needed it. I made a deal and I'm sticking to it."

She frowns, not knowing what to make of that. "So how come you sent an angel to look aftah Mom?"

I shrug. "He was available, persuadable and capable. Ah."


"I believe that I've found the 'bunker'."

I stride across the now-cleared storage room and over to a heavy metal door. There are actually several, and the rest look like they're vaults for holding the most valuable objects. This one on the other hand isn't wired up like the rest, and I can't scan the interior. Or rather, I'm getting… False but unconvincing readings, like there's a weak deception spell on the place but it doesn't know how to lie convincingly to a power ring scan. I could probably destroy it, but I'd rather not just go around destroying things when there's no need.

Tuppence grabs the door and-


-rips it out of the frame with a screech of torn metal and a crack of fractured brickwork!

"For goodness-."

"Ah, you bothered looking for me."

A somewhat dishevelled man steps out of the darkness, a copy of the weapon I'm holding for Tuppence held unsteadily in his hands.

"And here I was looking forward to drinking my own urine again."

"That's a bit odd, Agent Carlyle. Can I offer you some actual water instead?"

His eyes narrow slightly. "No helmets, and you sound coherent. So either I'm hallucinating again, or-."

He shoots Tuppence in the centre of the chest, plasma beam blasting her across the room!

"Or you found another telepath!"

The recoil makes him stumble back, but he tries to bring his gun to bear on me as I form a railgun and load a crumbler round.

"No way would the real Orange Lantern-."

I shoot out the main electrical power cable to the primary capacitor, causing the hydrogen feed to shut down automatically.

"Read the manual? Because I did."

He looks at the gun as Tuppence picks herself up and checks the burns on her abdomen. Nothing too serious.

"Ah, nuts." He tosses his weapon aside and takes a step back. "I guess-"

He twists his lower jaw slightly to the side-.


I zip forward and clamp his head in a scold's bridle construct before he can bite down on his… Yes, cyanide tooth. A flash of orange and I've replaced it with a regular tooth. Check for other suicide devices… Nothing. Check his general health…

I dismiss the construct. "When was the last time you slept?"

"I can sleep…" He wobbles. "-when I'm dead. Or rather… I can't, because you can't sleep while wearing a behavioral regulator."

"That's what you're using to keep the Anti-Life out?"

"Something… Something like that."

"Okay." I raise my rings towards him. I can't replace sleep, but I can deal with some of the consequences of constant wakefulness.

He blinks hard twice as the effect hits him.

"Whoa. Okay. Shit, is she-?"

Tuppence prods her fully healed stomach, then scowls at him.

"Guess that thing needs to go back to the drawing board." He sighs. "Okay. What do you need?"
Last edited:
15th February 2013
17:54 GMT -5

Smoke doesn't billow out, because the ash has long since settled. A small amount is kicked up by the increased airflow, causing a wave to waft from the doorway and pass over the floor. The remains of wooden packing crates are just about visible in places, as… Are human remains. No, in a place like this those should have been completely disintegrated-. Lack of oxygen? No, no, this room contains valuable and highly flammable material. The fire outpaced the sprinklers for a while. I can see patches where the soot was washed away from where it landed, but there's no drainage so it eventually just dried out again. Which suggests that the local water main has been turned off. Or… There's some other obstruction stopping it flowing into this building?
Huh. So either Carlyle is dead, or he went through someone on his tail with a plasma gun. And didn't stop to worry about the collateral damage done to the room as he passed through. And good catch on the extinguishers. Those type don't shut off otherwise.

"So where's the bunker?"

Are there enough skull fragments or genetic residues for a reconstruction? Not one I'd want to depend on, but I don't think any of them are Agent Carlyle. Shame about the collection.
Hopefully nothing truly irreplaceable was back here.


Sprinklers aren't tied to a fire alarm that could be deactivated with the press of a button. It's a purely mechanical process. When the glass gets hot it breaks and then there's nothing to stop the water spraying out. The system isn't quick to trigger -unlike smoke alarms- but once it does it keeps going until the water pressure gets too low. A fire could burn in the face of that quantity of water, but only if it was very hot.
Like, hot enough to evaporate the water on contact. Which kind of makes it even worse, because then you have scalding steam to worry about.

I scan the floor. Yes, chemical residue. Someone used incendiaries. The humans remains aren't good enough to tell me if they were shot first. Looks like a… Grenade? Though it could be some sort of custom mine. Not laser or plasma-.

Tuppence waves her right hand in front of my eyes.
Guess Carlyle had some kind of thermite-based charge. or possibly phosphorus-based.

"Just trying to work out what happened."

"Is he deyed?"
The fellow who was at the centre of the fire? Quite considerably so. The man you're looking for? That remains to be seen.

"Probably not."

She stares at me for a moment, then gestures ahead of us. I blink.
Just when you need to be acting, OL, you're standing there overthinking things.

"Ev'rythang's burned up. Ain't gonna burn ahgeyan. They're deyed. There any more traps?"

"Not that I can detect. And this looks low tech."
Could have been as simple as a claymore or improvised trip-wire. Entirely within Carlyle's skillset.

Alright, I suppose that it doesn't exactly matter…

I walk inside, Tuppence just behind me. I.. step around the human remains, but beyond basic respect I don't think there's much point in preserving the scene of the crime. Actually…
They've been here at least a month, OL. I don't think you have to worry about the state of their soul.

I wave my right hand, a wave of orange gathering up the ash and melting the exterior of the mass into a container for the rest. I deposit that out of the way and then gather what I can of the human remains, laying them out off to the side.

And then I close my eyes and bow my head.
...Still, if it makes you feel better...

"I commend the souls of these poor unfortunates into the care of Lord Hades. I pray that he judges them generously, and that they find peace in his realm."

"… Oh."

I open my eyes to see Tuppence closing her eyes and bowing her head.
Ah. Yeah, that would feel kind of awkward.

"You don't need to do that. You're not a Hellenist."

She raises her head to look at me. "No, but… I thawt we were…"
Just being polite? Careful, one of the Olympians might take a shine to yo if you get their attention.

"Oh, sorry, you can say a prayer if you want. I… Just didn't think you were religious."

"Ah didn't think you were."
And when someone starts saying a prayer for the dead, you hush up and pay your respects. It's only good manners.

"I've been to Heaven and met the gods I worship. I say prayers to help the souls of the deceased to reach their afterlife, and I've proven that it works. I have no 'faith' because I've never needed it. I made a deal and I'm sticking to it."

She frowns, not knowing what to make of that. "So how come you sent an angel to look aftah Mom?"
Ah. That handily covers the status of Missus Beresford. Presumably he's got his work cut out for him right now, though.

I shrug. "He was available, persuadable and capable. Ah."


"I believe that I've found the 'bunker'."
Let me guess: Hidden by a convenient but now destroyed set of shelving?

I stride across the now-cleared storage room and over to a heavy metal door. There are actually several, and the rest look like they're vaults for holding the most valuable objects. This one on the other hand isn't wired up like the rest, and I can't scan the interior. Or rather, I'm getting… False but unconvincing readings, like there's a weak deception spell on the place but it doesn't know how to lie convincingly to a power ring scan. I could probably destroy it, but I'd a rather not just go around destroying things when there's no need.
Ah. Basically hiding in plain sight amongst the crowd. The spell is probably a 'nothing to see here, move along. This is not the vault you're looking for.' trick.

Tuppence grabs the door and-

Ah, skipping the tedious lock-picking process in the finest Barbarian tradition...

-rips it out of the frame with a screech of torn metal and a crack of fractured brickwork!

"For goodness-."
...Gratuitous Property Damage. As long as the doorframe doesn't have any traps activated by its destruction. But I doubt SHADE's budget stretches that far here.

"Ah, you bothered looking for me."

A somewhat dishevelled man steps out of the darkness, a copy of the weapon I'm holding for Tuppence held unsteadily in his hands.
That would explain the old fires out here, yes.

"And here I was looking forward to drinking my own urine again."

"That's a bit odd, Agent Carlyle. Can I offer you some actual water instead?"
Ick. Seriously, either he's a little cracked after this long, or he's just cracked in general.

His eyes narrow slightly. "No helmets, and you sound coherent. So either I'm hallucinating again, or-."

He shoots Tuppence in the centre of the chest, plasma beam blasting her across the room!
Rude! Although she did pull your hidey-hole's door open. Easy to assume they're hostile until proven otherwise.

"Or you found another telepath!"

The recoil makes his stumble back, but he tries to bring his gun to bear on me as I form a railgun and load a crumbler round.
Careful, OL. You want him intact enough to talk, after all.

"No way would the real Orange Lantern-."

I shoot out the main electrical power cable to the primary capacitor, causing the hydrogen feed to shut down automatically.
...Ah. That works too. :D

"Read the manual? Because I did."

He looks at the gun as Tuppence picks herself up and checks the burns on her abdomen. Nothing too serious.
Dannered toughness for the win. Though she may need a bit of time in the sun to even out the new patch of suntan.

"Ah, nuts." He tosses his weapon aside and takes a step back. "I guess-"

He twists his lower jaw slightly to the side-.
A poison tooth? How cliche can you get?


I zip forward and clamp his head in a scolds bridle construct before he can bite down on his… Yes, cyanide tooth. A flash of orange and I've replaced it with a regular tooth. Check for other suicide devices… Nothing. Check his general health…
Oof. OL not taking any guff now, is he?

I dismiss the construct. "When was the last time you slept?"

"I can sleep…" He wobbles. "-when I'm dead. Or rather… I can't, because you can't sleep while wearing a behavioral regulator."
...That explains the general loopiness. I'm guessing he's only getting any rest when he collapses from exhaustion.

"That's what you're using to keep the Anti-Life out?"

"Something… Something like that."
Presumably one of the most brute-force examples of the process.

"Okay." I raise my rings towards him. I can't replace sleep, but I can deal with some of the consequences of constant wakefulness.

He blinks hard twice as the affect hits him.
"Whoo! Damn, son, that's the best hangover cure I ever felt!"

"Whoa. Okay. Shit, is she-?"

Tuppence prods her fully healed stomach, then scowls at him.

"Guess that thing needs to go back to the drawing board." He sighs. "Okay. What do you need?"
I mean, she is tougher than the average person. Don't take her as typical of the result. On the other hand, they probably intended it for use against superhumans anyway...

Well, then. With that little misunderstanding put behind them, let's see if Carlyle is forthcoming about the Mask's location. Worst case, now OL has something of value to Father Time to trade for information. ...Depending on how much value Carlyle holds, anyway. Still, either way, he's one step closer to getting the prize and getting back to his original course of action.

...but I'd a rather not just go around destroying things when there's no need.
...but I'd rather not just go around destroying things when there's no need.
The recoil makes his stumble back...
The recoil makes him stumble back...
He blinks hard twice as the affect hits him.
He blinks hard twice as the effect hits him.
"So how come you sent an angel to look aftah Mom?"

I shrug. "He was available, persuadable and capable. Ah."
Wonder how he has been coping with the anti-life issue. Given angels seem to be channelling the Source I would expect them to be fairly resistant.

I'm reminded of that SAO:A scene. "Can you two even imagine five hundred uninterrupted hours of consciousness? Forget mole people, about halfway through I swore I saw the face of god!"
Is my memory faulty or did the ring AI used to be powerful enough to analyze a fire's remains like that and spit out an accurate enough answer, provided no magic or superpowers were at play?

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