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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

"Ah… Did you eat before you left New Genesis?"

He doesn't so much as smile. "Please. This is a serious matter."
I doubt they even need to do that when connected to the Source properly. Although in this case, they might have a weaker connection and thus feel more mortal than they usually do.
"Hey." B'dg flies in front of me. "What does it do to power rings?"
I see he's understood that Paul is the best person to ask for knowledge that most people shouldn't or don't know.
"I ain't ever practiced that."
And now it's gonna bite you in the ass.
"I'm sorry for your loss."
That fact that you're struggling with your god powers won't matter if you wouldn't be able to use them anyway!"


The other Forever People look around, surprised that.. Dreamer just laughed. She looks around at her team mates.
I don't remember what Dreamer sounded like, but I hope that laugh sounded cute and not creepy lol.
"He's right. It takes some of the weight off my mind. Mooney, we will rely on your lightning gun for protection."
I think it might be better if his nickname was "Moony" instead? This kind of looks like you put an extra 'o' into 'Money'. Unless, of course, his nickname in the show itself is spelt like that.
"Yes, though I'm afraid that she's no longer with us."

Does she mean that she's dead or that she left?
I'm not sure that I'll see anything, but I open my empathic-.


That-. She.. died? That-.
Dang it. All that tracking for nothing. It's cool that he feel the sudden cut-off of someone's desires now.
I have five quantaloos on LePaul completely failing to learn what he is supposed to in his spiritual journey.
Or finding some other way that really shouldn't have worked.
...Honestly, what powers other than calling up visions and memories does Dreamer have in combat? And on that note, is her name really 'Dreamer'? What where her parents thinking, I wonder?
The same thing Moonrider's parents were thinking, probably.
"I stopped being afraid of the dark when I was ten."
Not many people are afraid of the dark, most are afraid of what may be in the dark.
"Oh?" Oh, she can hear me. "Then perhaps the true appearance of the Shadowlands will be more to your liking."

"Oh, I'm always up for new experiences."

"I will be interested to see if that remains true."
Time for H.R Giger-land.
Actually, they don't-. Their branches aren't braced or bending downwards, yet gravity feels like it's normal.
They don't bend?
There's a… Like a… Hole, in the sky. Very faint lights flicker around the edges-. And something about it makes me… Makes me think that it could fall on me, somehow, or draw me up into it, or…
I'm assuming it's far more intimidating and less beautiful than the view from planets which orbit black holes.
She's also peeled back her robe to reveal her comic-compliant underwear.
Hey, at least she got a loincloth, most of them don't even get that.
"The limits of the mortal mind. You appear to be taking this relatively well. Have you been here before?"
I doubt his mind is fully mortal any more.
"Is this about Sinestro?"

Her head jerks back around as her eyes widen, staring at me.
That got her attention, eh?
"You're forging rings."
With yellow power rings, everyone who wishes to master themselves and grow in power will have the opportunity to do so."
Not the worst goal to exist, many people would definitely love to master their own fears and anxiety. If only her methods and associates were less evil.
"Richard! If you're listening, I could use a hand!"
It's never that easy.

It's time for Paul to have a survival adventure in the Shadowlands, I suppose. Thanks for the posts.
My tattoos are still working.
Ah, that was quick.
Just need to master an entirely novel superpower I might not even have within the next five minutes.
No big deal right?
So did she make islands, or just make it so that I can't see islands that are there anyway?

I look in the direction Ms. Drak left in, and walk over to the edge of my island closest to that point. I can't… See any island, but based on her height I can work out where the platform she was standing on was. Then the ones next to it, and if they extend in a straight line, then…

I cautiously extend my right hand over the edge of the island and-. And it disappears in blackness.
The latter is probably much easier to do.
Ah… Let's see. 'Darkness' plus 'Communicate'? Trace that in the bone-dry ground with myself and the shadow probably obscuring the platforms included in the circuit, and… Unfocus my proprioception like I do when I'm feeling with constructs
Is he going to unlock more types of magic here?
FUCK! Fuck! Fuck!

Lower! It was lower! I just got about a tenth of a second of freefall, and while I wouldn't exactly say that it scared me, it was disconcerting and annoying.
When you accidentally step on the stair below the one you were aiming for.
I feel a shape move in the blackness, something-.
Did he feel it move due to air being shifted, or through more exotic methods?
Honesty, the regular gear could probably use a decent utility belt.Given how often you've been stuck with limited access to subspace... The challenge would be not loading up on everything that might be useful... :p
You are carrying too much to be able to run.
Thanks for the post.
"There… Is an alternative." He looks at me attentively. "There's an animal that's sort of circling around this island. If we jump off, we can probably land on it. Then we'll have however long it takes to throw us off to work out how to get it to go in the direction we want."
Is that really a smart idea? I understand that it's possibly quicker and that they're on a time crunch, but it's still way too risky.
"Okay. I think I understand. This realm is defined by the Great Darkness. Its desires are paramount, not mine."
And Paul understands how to do something that others take weeks if not months to do in mere minutes.
and I've got no idea what they're seeing and I can only assume that they're not designed for normal light.
Magic-sense of some sort perhaps?
And that's the second time I've had my shoulder dislocated! But the armour mesh holds, and the wire wraps around my vambrace and pulls, giving Vykin something to hold onto and this is much less fun when I'm able to feel pain!
I'm betting the Anti-Life exposure preyed on his fear that he could never be as cool as the cowboys he seems to idolize. That he'll never amount to anything special...
That he'd never be able to rock that cowboy hat as well as a real cowboy.
Thanks for the post.
. Armour seems to have prevented me getting too torn up-.
He should probably add more shock absorbing materials to make sure he doesn't break anything again.
From atop a tower of shadows Lyssa Drak looks down at me with an expression of mild surprise on her face.

"You're here. And not dead."
I glance left-. Bear's crouching behind a decayed stone wall, staring at me in surprise as shadows roil across the broken landscape. I flash him a smile.

"Interesting. These other people have been far less mentally resilient."
Huh, is it due to his connection to the orange light or something else?
Vaguely bestial shadows chase Moonrider out from a broken down house, while Serifan's bullets are blocked by a shadowy talon.

Your purpose lies right there.

"And in this place-."

Oh it was a manta.

The creature finishes flying over us and Vykin drops, metal tendrils webbing the tallest standing towers to bleed off his speed so that he lands on the ground with barely a sound.
I really like how creative you've written Vykin to be with his powers in the last few posts, magnetokinesis is a very versatile power.
Thanks for the post.
Vykin shakes his head. "Not yet. We have not been since Apokolips. They tortured us with our greatest vulnerabilities. Made weaknesses of our strengths and vices of our virtues. They made me believe that my decisions were the only reason-" Bear goes to say something but Vykin silences him with a gesture. "-that we were captured. Guilt has been poisoning my soul ever since. I love each of you, my friends, and the most painful thing in the universe to me is the thought that I was to blame for what each of you suffered."
That was quite wholesome.
"I know that! Weren't me doing it! But I couldn't know! They're Apokoliptians. They can lie real good. Maybe it was all fake and they were good people! 'cause after the first couple of times I started shooting them and I'm terrified to go to their homeworlds and see if it was true or not!"

Next to me, B'dg blearily opens his eyes. "Did we win?"

"Like..? Morally…?"
Yes, Paul, morally.

As the huggle awkwardly pulls apart, Moonrider smiles. "I have missed all of you." "Let us never be parted again."
That's nice. I'm assuming "huggle" is a "hug-huddle"?
"Taaru!" / "Taaru!" / "Taaru!" / "Taaru!" / "Taaru!"
Wonder what that means.
Ms. Drak walks out from behind one of the partly-ruined buildings, animated shadows playing around her body. Oh. I feel stupid, but I've only just noticed that nothing here casts a shadow.
Things in Shadowland don't have shadows? Who would've thought?
"Or they've had the sense to go and get an actual Shadow Champion so they-"

She steps on my hand.


Aah. Haaah.

"That's really petty and unnecessary!"

"How can I test your resolve without pushing you to your limits?"
Thanks for the post.
Prep Time (part 10)
15th February 2013
17:59 GMT -5

"You got anything to eat that's not gift shop-?"

I deposit a nutritious bowl of stew on the tiny table in his 'bunker', along with a spoon. He grabs the bowl-.

"With the spoon. And eat slowly; you're not starving yet but your stomach probably isn't used to normal food."

"Right." He pushes the edge of the spoon through a piece of beef and scoops it up with a dash of gravy. "Yeah."

"So." He looks fairly alert as he chews, but he keeps it in his mouth longer than simple refuelling would require. "What happened at S.T.A.R. Philadelphia?"

"When the..? Anti-Life hit?" I nod. "Everyone freaked out. I kept-. I mean, we don't get trained for that exact thing, but I've been attacked telepathically before. I got to the senior researcher, snapped her out of it, and we started up lockdown procedures. I was… At the time, I assumed that it was a limited attack against S.T.A.R. Philadelphia rather than..."

He takes another small scoop and stares at it morosely for a moment.

"Guess we all got used to the Justice League just.. fixing stuff. I mean, right away."

"The Sheeda rather demonstrated that it doesn't just happen."

"We were still looking into how we needed to change after the Sheeda." He hiss-laughs with feigned humour. "In case you're wondering, 'increase organizational resources available to non-League superheroes' was on the list."

"And I'd have agreed with it. But please, I need to know-."

He shakes his head. "We didn't-. Nothing much happened for about… Three hours? Most of the staff were… Kind of functioning by then. I thought they were shaking off the attack. Heh."

"Were they?"

He stares into my eyes. "You know the Anti-Life doesn't work like that. You don't overcome it. You either learn to live with the feeling or you get-. Pulled under by it."

"And your… Regulator?"

"I can't get pulled under. That's all. It doesn't make it go away. And every time I nearly…" He shudders. "It's pretty obvious I got the beta test version."

"It's not common issue to S.H.A.D.E. agents?"

"I don't think I'm technically a S.H.A.D.E. agent… It says 'N.S.A.' on my badge.." He shakes his head and takes another scoop. "Doesn't matter. Anyway. Three hours. After the first hour I started making calls. Didn't get an intelligent response from anywhere. The next step was to arrange a transfer to a vault, but I didn't know how possible that was. With everything that was going on…"

I nod. "A reasonable decision, under the circumstances."

"Yeah. So, a couple of superheroes turned up. We were in lockdown, so even with them being on the authorised list they weren't allowed in. Shouldn't have been allowed in." He shakes his head again. "People inside opened the doors. Head of Research removed the lockdown."

"It didn't require your authorisation?"

"That's S.H.A.D.E. for you. We don't have a lot of official power, but people listen to us because we know what we're talking about. But my name wasn't on the list of required authorizations." He shakes his head. "You've seen what they're like. A word from someone… Higher up the Anti-Life chain, and they just do it. I don't-."

He takes another scoop of stew.

"Don't what?"

"America. Americans. I always figured that we'd do better if something like this happened. More independent, more independently minded than other people. Less prone to groupthink. So are we?"

"Not so you'd notice, though that might be because Mannheim is focusing on America. Thanks to Teth Adom, Kahndaq's probably doing the best. What happened after the researchers let the Justifiers in?"

"What do you think happened? Security was working for them. The scientists were working for them. My regulator kept me out of it… Don't know why they didn't kill me. I grabbed that gun and… Fled. Couldn't secure any of the artefacts. As… Far as I know they're all still there."

"Are they secure?"

He shakes his head. "They've got the run of the place. And that was more than a month ago. I don't… I've stuck my head out a few times, but the place is locked down by… Justifiers, you call them?"

"The ones with the helmets. It transmits Anti-Life signals right into their heads, like one-person transmitters. While it's on, you can't talk them around. The Justice League's been destroying the factories where they make them, but removing them in a fight isn't a simple matter."

He nods.

"So is the equipment still on-site?"

"As far as I know. But it's not like I can keep the place under constant watch. For all I know they've moved the equipment all around the country by now."

I nod. "We'll still have to check. Is there a secret way in?"

"The aim of a good security procedure is to stop people sneaking in. Best I can do…" He gets up and rummages around in a briefcase. "Here." He turns back with a couple of lanyards. "These are security passes. Assuming that they haven't gone through the whole system with a fine toothed comb they should still let you in. You'll still have to come up with something for human security yourself, but that'll handle the automated systems."

I take them from him and hand one to Tuppence.

"Thank you. Are they just carrying on their work?"

He shakes his head, picking up the stew again. "I don't know. They knew my face, so I couldn't risk getting back inside."

"Any particularly notable objects I should know about?"

"There were a couple of Sheeda weapons. This isn't the main site for Sheeda equipment, but there was so much that some things ended up here. Ah… Some samples of Scarecrow's fear toxins and… Drug-related things. Sorry, I only… I don't remember everything."

"That's fine, we'll make do. Do you need anything else?"

He shakes his head. "No. And there's nothing else I can do in Philadelphia anyway. If you're going to take care of S.T.A.R., then I think I'll try getting to Fawcett. Or away from the cities, anyway."

"That's probably a good plan. But don't risk yourself unnecessarily. I'm planning to have this resolved in a couple of weeks, and as long as you've got potable water you can survive that long in here."

"Yeah, I don't like the idea of hanging around and waiting for someone else to take care of things. It's un-American. Even if all I can actually do is get myself out of the way, I'll take that over sitting on my ass."

I nod. "I can respect that. Best of luck to you. Tuppence, we've got an infiltration to plan."
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15th February 2013
17:59 GMT -5

"You got anything to eat that's not gift shop-?"

I deposit a nutritious bowl of stew on the tiny table in his 'bunker', along with a spoon. He grabs the bowl-.
Probably a good option, given how long it's been since he's had what his body consider real food. Honestly, something more drinkable might have been good, but if he wolfs it down too fast, it'll go to waste when his gut decides it's too much... So a chunky soup might be best.

"With the spoon. And eat slowly; you're not starving yet but your stomach probably isn't used to normal food."

"Right." He pushes the edge of the spoon through a piece of beef and scoops it up with a dash of gravy. "Yeah."
Small bites, remember. Your stomach will thank you... And probably your intestines too, later. :oops:

"So." He looks fairly alert as he chews, but he keeps it in his mouth longer than simple refuelling would require. "What happened at S.T.A.R. Philadelphia?"

"When the..? Anti-Life hit?" I nod. "Everyone freaked out. I kept-. I mean, we don't get trained for that exact thing, but I've been attacked telepathically before. I got to the senior researcher, snapped her out of it, and we started up lockdown procedures. I was… At the time, I assumed that it was a limited attack against S.T.A.R. Philadelphia rather than..."
Easy assumption to make. All that high-tech and exotic stuff in one place? Star Labs sites do seem to look like pinata to supervillains.

He takes another small scoop and stares at it morosely for a moment.

"Guess we all got used to the Justice League just.. fixing stuff. I mean, right away."
Ah, the old 'complacent bystander' instinct of Superhero universes in play. 'Oh, it'll be fine. A superhero'll turn up soon.'

"The Sheeda rather demonstrated that it doesn't just happen."

"We were still looking into how we needed to change after the Sheeda." His hiss-laughs with feigned humour. "In case you're wondering, 'increase organizational resources available to non-League superheroes' was on the list."
Preferably well-vetted ones, I hope. After all, surely it's easy to change costumes and stage a few 'rescues' to pose as a hero to get into places like this.

"And I'd have agreed with it. But please, I need to know-."

He shakes his head. "We didn't-. Nothing much happened for about… Three hours? Most of the staff were… Kind of functioning by then. I thought they were shaking off the attack. Heh."
More likely internalising and accepting the 'lessons' of the Anti-Life. Turncoats in your midst and you didn't even realise.

"Were they?"

He stares into my eyes. "You know the Anti-Life doesn't work like that. You don't overcome it. You either learn to live with the feeling or you get-. Pulled under by it."
...Unless you have a metaphorical life-preserver to help keep you afloat. Like Enlightenment.

"And your… Regulator?"

"I can't get pulled under. That's all. It doesn't make it go away. And every time I nearly…" He shudders. "It's pretty obvious I got the beta test version."
So it's not 100% effective, then. He's slowly sliding down into the abyss, even as the figurative crampons of the regulator hold him in place.

"It's not common issue to S.H.A.D.E. agents?"

"I don't think I'm technically a S.H.A.D.E. agent… It says 'N.S.A.' on my badge.." He shakes his head and takes another scoop. "Doesn't matter. Anyway. Three hours. After the first hour I started making calls. Didn't get an intelligent response from anywhere. The next step was to arrange a transfer to a vault, but I didn't know how possible that was. With everything that was going on…"
By that point, the secure vaults would have been corrupted too.

I nod. "A reasonable decision, under the circumstances."

"Yeah. So, a couple of superheroes turned up. We were in lockdown, so even with them being on the authorised list they weren't allowed in. Shouldn't have bee allowed in." He shakes his head again. "People inside opened the doors. Head of Research removed the lockdown."
Not even necessarily following Anti-Life orders. After all, in this universe, seeing a person in a colourful costume is likely to invoke the same relief as seeing a police officer or firefighter. ...Depending on the colours, anyway...

"It didn't require your authorisation?"

"That's S.H.A.D.E. for you. We don't have a lot of official power, but people listen to us because we know what we're talking about. But my name wasn't on the list of required authorizations." He shakes his head. "You've seen what they're like. A word from someone… Higher up the Anti-Life chain, and they just do it. I don't-."
So he was stuck more as an observer and junior staff manager...

He takes another scoop of stew.

"Don't what?"
Give him a moment, OL. Surely this is dredging up bad memories.

"American. Americans. I always figured that we'd do better if something like this happened. More independent, more independently minded than other people. Less prone to groupthink. So are we?"

"Not so you'd notice, though that might be because Mannheim is focusing on America. Thanks to Teth Adom, Kahndaq's probably doing the best. What happened after the researchers let the Justifiers in?"
Honestly? Americans seem more inclined to follow a charismatic person with a nice suit and a friendly smile... Just look at people like Maxwell Lord or Lex Luthor.

"What do you think happened? Security was working for them. The scientists were working for them. My regulator kept me out of it… Don't know why they didn't kill me. I grabbed that gun and… Fled. Couldn't secure any of the artefacts. As… Far as I know they're all still there."

"Are they secure?"
It's likely they had no orders concerning those not affected. Or they assumed you'd succumb eventually.

He shakes his head. "They've got the run of the place. And that was more than a month ago. I don't… I've stuck my head out a few times, but the place is locked down by… Justifiers, you call them?"

"The ones with the helmets. It transmits Anti-Life signals right into their heads, like one-person transmitters. While it's on, you can't talk them around. The Justice League's been destroying the factories where they make them, but removing them in a fight isn't a simple matter."
Especially depending on how personal-space-invasive the connections are.

He nods.

"So is the equipment still on-site?"
...OL, he just said he hasn't been inside in a month. I doubt the secure areas are visible through the windows. :rolleyes:

"As far as I know. But it's not like I can keep the place under constant watch. For all I know they've moved the equipment all around the country by now."

I nod. "We'll still have to check. Is there a secret way in?"
See? And while keeping it where it was is easy, it's not necessarily what Mannheim would want. Perhaps he wants to hang the strange stuff on the walls of his throne room.

"The aim of a good security procedure is to stop people sneaking in. Best I can do…" He gets up and rummages around in a briefcase. "Here." He turns back with a couple of lanyards. "These are security passes. Assuming that they haven't gone through the whole system with a fine toothed comb they should still let you in. You'll still have to come up with something for human security yourself, but that'll handle the automated systems."
Chance of them actually working... Next to none, then.

I take them from him and hand one to Tuppence.

"Thank you. Are they just carrying on their work?"
Again with the question you already know the answer to.

He shakes his head, picking up the stew again. "I don't know. They knew my face, so I couldn't risk getting back inside."

"Any particularly notable objects I should know about?"
Best not to ask directly about the Mask, even if Carlyle isn't likely to talk if captured.

"There were a couple of Sheeda weapons. This isn't the main site for Sheeda equipment, but there was so much that some things ended up here. Ah… Some samples of Scarecrow's fear toxins and… Drug-related things. Sorry, I only… I don't remember everything."

"That's fine, we'll make do. Do you need anything else?"
...Out of curiosity, how's he been managing the other end of the digestive process? I doubt the Museum's facilities are working, so... :confused:

He shakes his head. "No. And there's nothing else I can do in Philadelphia anyway. If you're going to take care of S.T.A.R., then I think I'll try getting to Fawcett. Or away from the cities, anyway."

"That's probably a good plan. But don't risk yourself unnecessarily. I'm planning to have this resolved in a couple of weeks, and as long as you've got potable water you can survive that long in here."
A crate of water bottles and military rations might make a fine parting gift, perhaps.

"Yeah, I don't like the idea of hanging around and waiting for someone else to take care of things. It's unamerican. Even if all I can actually do is get myself out of the way, I'll take that over sitting on my ass."

I nod. "I can respect that. Best of luck to you. Tuppence, we've got an infiltration to plan."
Of course, trying to leave makes it more likely he'll get captured. Especially if OL stirs the hornet's nest.

All right, OL's got a way in to STAR Labs. I don't fancy the chances of making it actually work, but at least he's well-equipped enough to go loud if needed. So, he gets inside, checks whether or not the Mask is still there, swipes it if present and gets out. Hopefully without leaving a trail of destruction that will make it clear what he was there for. Easy-peasy. :sneaky:

His hiss-laughs with feigned humour.
He hiss-laughs with feigned humour.
Shouldn't have bee allowed in."
Shouldn't have been allowed in."
"American. Americans.
"America. Americans.
Wholeness Rightly Assumed.


Serifan looks around, frowning. "Who said that?"
I wonder if Paul's pseudo-Godspeech is similar to his actual voice or not.
I scan the cover, and… Yes. That's her skin alright. I try scanning… Oh. Apparently I can scan the shrine now, and…
I guess the absence of Lyssa Drak lets his ring scan it?
B'dg twitches in his hands. "Got one of those fer me?"
He tries moving his arms, and they just sort of shake a little before falling back. "Hey, kid, could you take it off fer me?"
Interesting that he has an accent despite his ring's translation. Unless he should have an accent according to the ring.
"Unless you know where Minfinity Man sent her? "
Mini-Infinity Man? Isn't that a bit disrespectful?
I form a construct gauntlet around my right hand and grab it, shoving it into one of my equipment pouches.

Does… Make my deal with Weaponer Lysis a bit redundant, but never look a gift horse in the mouth. That's red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet. Could really do with an-

B'dg flies in after me.

-indigo, but there… May be a way around that.
Sneaky Paul.
Channelling fear from the Shadowlands into the apparatus. But the whole… Thing, looks a lot more simple than what Weaponer Lysis was using. Qwardians are about as advanced as a people have to be in order to try making power rings, and the talokites aren't as advanced as them. They shouldn't be able to make new rings…
You can probably chalk it up to them using Shadowlands magic along with some arcane tech.
Tor lorek san, bor nakka mur,
Sinestro faan tornek wot ur.
What's the translation for this?
I remove my hand. That explains where Peldak's ring went. Yes, okay, indigo somehow uses other colours, so they infused another colour into it, and… Got an actual yellow ring out of it. I think?
Could the Yellow infusion be reversed somehow?
Moonrider frowns. "Is there a reason why you did not use your healing ray?" "I think it was him."
Wonder what they think about a "mortal" being able to somewhat use Godspeech.
Ha! Looks like OL was 'speaking' loudly enough for them to pick up the pseudo-godspeech.
Speaking of Godspeech, how do you always manage to find it? I doubt you always have the entire text of the post selected or highlighted
...So what happens to those who die in the cities of her people? I assume there's some system for picking them up without people fainting too many times. Bet the teams who do it are considered a little creepy by the normals.
Assuming they just don't use robots.
Thanks for the post.
Thank you, corrected.
You're welcome.
He's told John Constantine. Originally John misunderstood how Paul said it, but after a while it was clarified. And I can't recall, but he may have told Jade as well, I think?

Oh, and I disagree with telling too many people about his OOC knowledge, what does he gain by that? Most of the time he has to verify or confirm if the knowledge he has matches facts within the universe, anyway.
Well, it might be better to tell people like Batman, for example, so that he can prepare.
No. I only played Morrowind.
You should play Skyrim too some day. Although, a Morrowind crossover would work as well.
I've been thinking it 'Oobix', though I suppose it could be 'Ub-[click]'.
"Oobix" might work, although they could probably use their teeth to produce the [click] in "Ub-[click]".
John Constantine and Jade Nguyen.
Yep, just as I thought. Thanks for the reminder.
I've decided to regularise the word. It's not hypocrisy when I do it.
Speaking of Godspeech, how do you always manage to find it? I doubt you always have the entire text of the post selected or highlighted
I have a user script installed in my browser that shows invisitext (That is, text set to colour 'Transparent') in a black mouse-over box when reading. It effectively makes it's presence known but leaves it optional to read.

'Xenforo Invisitext Handler' is a typical name for them, if you want to look it up, though how to install it varies by browser. Not sure if it even works on a mobile phone, though.
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Well, it might be better to tell people like Batman, for example, so that he can prepare.

Prepare for what, and how, exactly? Most of the things that trip or fuck them over are things that the Illustres doesn't know if they exist in this universe and as such has to verify them. He can't just tell them about Infinite Crisis when that doesn't seem to apply, or Jason Todd's death, the guy isn't even Robin; so why come out and say "yeah, where I come from you guys are characters in comic books"? I disagree with SIs that do that kind of stuff.

If needed, he usually provides information if a situation appears similar to something that he knows and that he can corroborate. And I believe he also told Controller Hinon when she specifically asked for how he knew stuff, for example, so I don't see the need to just tell anyone.
Thank you, corrected.
You should play Skyrim too some day.
Let me know when they fix the bugs.
Although, a Morrowind crossover would work as well.
Well, flying would be legal. That's nice. But I don't know what Daedra the SI would have to make a deal with to keep his ring, and there aren't really enough medium scale enemies to occupy him. This is a game that regular characters can complete in under three minutes.
14th February 2013
16:47 GMT

Ms. Mallor winces as she looks at the content of what I've started to think of as the Book of Shadows, occasionally glancing down at the array that surrounds the device that reformatted Lantern Peldak's ring. Nothing from Ub'x yet, though I suspect that my message got through.

"This is… It doesn't make sense."

"In what way?"

"Ritual sacrifice hasn't ever been part of what we do here. There-. There were religions that made sacrifices to the Father of Shadows, but that was before Shadow Champions existed as an institution."

"How did the sacrifices end?"

She gives me a slightly awkward look. "People were being murdered. It only kept going as long as most people in those cultures thought they needed to. Usually, the moment those cultures had contact with a culture that didn't, it either stopped, or… Or it didn't, and there was a revolution that overthrew their priests and kings and sacrificed them."

"Reminds me a little of the Aztecs. I assume that the people doing the sacrifices were immune from being volunteered?"

"I.. don't know." She turns a page. "I wouldn't be surprised. Aztecs?"

"Culture from my homeworld. As far as I remember, they're the most recent one to practice human sacrifice. They demanded victims from their tributaries. When people from the next continent over where they didn't practice human sacrifice turned up and picked a fight with them, every single tributary rose up in revolt. The foreign invaders ended up trying to stop their allies wiping the Aztecs out."

She nods.

"Do you understand any of what she wrote?"

"Some of it. We have studied the Shadowlands as much as we dared. I hadn't.. thought about it, but it makes sense that our studying accelerated after the Father of Shadows departed. Lyssa Drak would have been a natural choice to lead those studies." She turns the page again, frowning. "I am concerned about what will happen if it becomes known that our powers can be replicated through murder."

"Does the book say how the book was made?"

"It's mostly a research journal. I assume that when I study it fully, I will understand the process."

"Or that's something that she learned from elsewhere."

"Does Sinestro know anything about magic?"

"He was a xenoarchaeologist. It's possible that he ran into something somewhere. And his sister supposedly used magic, though since literally no other Korugaran has ever shown any affinity for it I'm not sure that there wasn't something else going on. And he used to have access to the Green Lantern Corps' full database on magic and thaumically active locations, so…"

"He could employ someone easily."

"Yes. But… Unless there's something written in that book, we don't have any proof that Sinestro had anything to do with this."

"You said that the ring said his name."

"Sinestro's existence and history aren't secret either."

And Abin Sur knew his name and counted him as a friend when he founded the Indigo Lantern Corps… Unless things are completely different from the comics. He might well have put Sinestro's name in the system as a back-up First Lantern.

"Do you need any other resources here, or are you okay to keep working?"

"I'll probably need a physicist eventually, but I can find one for myself."

I nod. "And… To the best of your knowledge, is there anything that I need to worry about?"

"About what you did to get a feel for the Shadowlands?" I nod. "Richard Swift doesn't seem to have any trouble in using or controlling his power. But unless he comes here and agrees to be studied, I can't tell you anything about how your species connects to the Shadowlands."

"Fair enough. Either a Controller or a Qwardian will be along later to have a look at the machine. Best of luck with the reunion."

I step out, orientating on the giant glow that is the Orange Central Power Battery. Ms. Mallor is perfectly capable of handling that investigation on her own, and she has even more legal authority to do so than the local Green Lanterns. The Shadowlands probably aren't either a threat or an opportunity, but transferring her doesn't really cost anything and it might prove to be useful.


appear outside of Kalmin's laboratory.

I wait a moment, then press the bell.

And then I wait another moment, because I strongly suspect that Kalmin isn't in the best frame of mind at the-.

The door opens, and one of his acolytes is standing on the other side. He realises who I am, then winces.

"Sorry. But he's the only one-."

He steps aside, putting the gun he was carrying back into the doorside rack.

"He will see you. He is…" He looks me in the face for a moment. "About as happy as you might surmise."

"I'd have brought something, but I don't know what Qwardians give in situations like this."

"The last known location of our enemies. That way."

He points towards Kalmin's forge, and I'm a little surprised that I can't hear anything. Kalmin is usually quite happy to rant about why he's unhappy, but I suppose that he doesn't see the point if there's no audience?

I walk slowly in the direction indicated, to give him plenty of time to express his unwillingness to see me if that's how he feels.

"Weaponer Kalmin?"

"Illustres, come here."

I walk into his inner sanctum, where the yellow ring is held in a vice while Kalmin's equipment interfaces with it. Kalmin doesn't look around, instead remaining focused on his readouts.

"What news?"

"It's a hideous hack job, but it would work. Barely."

"'Barely' meaning..?"

"A ring needs to be acclimatised to the mind state of the user. It's less of a concern with green rings, as the user is supposed to be completely focused on whatever they're doing at that moment. With other colours, it's more significant. This was not configured for Lyssa Drak."

"No, I think we interrupted her before she could finish."

"The concept was sound, though. The ring will function. Though it was a good deal more subtle a way of gathering fear than I would bother using. Slower, too."

"But it could go undetected for a long time."

"If that was the goal. I knew Sinestro well. He could be patient, but once he had an aim in mind I doubt that he would be happy with such sloth. Or deliberate imperfection. I find it more likely that Lyssa Drak was trying to prove her worth to him, rather than that he was commanding her directly."

"You done with the ring?"

"I haven't destroyed it." I wait a moment. "Yes, I have nothing more to learn. Take it and be gone."

I walk over and pull it from the vice.


One more thing before I return to Earth.
Thanks for the post.
"These things happen. How's Ms. Drak doing?"
Did Infinity Man send her to wherever the base of operations for the Yellow Lantern corps is, or to Lysis?
I nod. That does fit with his personality profile, assuming that he wasn't planning on attacking us immediately. But if she's about to suggest that I come to an isolated planetoid without an escort, I'm going to mock her.

"I suggest that I perform the handover on a planet-."

"Of my choice? Yes, what a good and completely reasonable idea. I'll bring a bodyguard, because I'm not an idiot."

"Ah. Yes. I take it that you have no objection to me doing the same?"

Thanks for the post.
She gives it a moment before dropping her construct and lowering… Her right hand. Interesting. Most humanoid members of the Corps copy me and wear it on their left hand. I suppose her home Sector has had more Green Lantern contact than the Periphery.
Speaking of which, does Paul wear it on his left hand because he's left-handed, or is it a more refined way of wearing a ring?
She considers that for a moment and then reaches the obvious conclusion. "Did you walk in on someone?"

"I can't tell where the target is located and… His species is going extinct. Ring, message to Weaponer Lysis. Tell her that we're here."
Short answer: Yes.
Because the only person I might want to take out is perfectly happy where he is.

Thanks for the post.
Speaking of which, does Paul wear it on his left hand because he's left-handed, or is it a more refined way of wearing a ring?
If I remember correctly, he puts it on his left hand with the sigil facing inwards so that it won't be too obvious to those who aren't aware of who he is that he's wearing a power ring.
"Will you at least tell me who you intend to wield it?"

That won't end well for anybody on the receiving end of Batman's wrath.
A curious design: a sphere with the yellow sigil emblazoned front and back with a hole into the core through the central circle of the sigil. There's a stand at the bottom, and a short handle at the top and another around the sides.
Do you have a picture? I can visualize it, but I'm not sure if it's what you're describing.
"Access denied. Access denied"
"Yes." The Yellow Lantern's eyes burn with yellow light. "I have something to say to you."
Oh? He's enlightened too?
"Here I am, on the very plaza where the last survivors of my people ran onto your guns."

Is it..? Oh, it is! I hadn't noticed.
Lmao. Crag probably thought Paul did this intentionally, little does he know that it was just another average Tuesday for Paul .
"My name is Crad. Illustres Crad. And I will seek you out when I am ready."

I smile warmly at him. "Good luck with that!"
He's either confused at what seems to be a friendly gesture for some reason, or that Paul just threatened him.
I wonder if that's what he looks like to others with Empathic sight. Just a human-shaped blob of Want.
I doubt he even shows up as a human any more, probably more like a "snake man" or something.
Thanks for the post.
A pale yellow aura surrounds me but there's no other reaction.
Prepare for what, and how, exactly? Most of the things that trip or fuck them over are things that the Illustres doesn't know if they exist in this universe and as such has to verify them. He can't just tell them about Infinite Crisis when that doesn't seem to apply, or Jason Todd's death, the guy isn't even Robin; so why come out and say "yeah, where I come from you guys are characters in comic books"? I disagree with SIs that do that kind of stuff.

If needed, he usually provides information if a situation appears similar to something that he knows and that he can corroborate. And I believe he also told Controller Hinon when she specifically asked for how he knew stuff, for example, so I don't see the need to just tell anyone.
While I do agree that he probably shouldn't tell anybody willy-nilly, he should still probably give some information about possible threats in this universe.
Let me know when they fix the bugs.
There is a mod for that which fixes almost every bug in the game. Although if you want Bethesda to fix it, you're better off playing Morrowind.
Well, flying would be legal. That's nice. But I don't know what Daedra the SI would have to make a deal with to keep his ring, and there aren't really enough medium scale enemies to occupy him. This is a game that regular characters can complete in under three minutes.
It would be fun for a post or two nonetheless.
If I remember correctly, he puts it on his left hand with the sigil facing inwards so that it won't be too obvious to those who aren't aware of who he is that he's wearing a power ring.
While I do know that he has the sigil face inwards to obscure the fact that's he wearing a power ring, I wanted to know why he wears it on his left hand. And besides, who on earth is going to wear armour with the sigil of the Orange Lantern Corps and not have a ring?
Thanks for the post.
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