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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Without doing a wiki crawl of any sort, I'm left wondering if there's a relationship between where Karshon's and Captain Comet's powers come from.
If Paul could get away with it, I can totally believe that he'd get rid of the guy. Even his teammates don't like him and he's only around because some of their country's top brass still think he's useful.
Well yes, but I meant more LePaul's attempted justification about how he was so different from Red Guardsmen.
Well yes, but I meant more LePaul's attempted justification about how he was so different from Red Guardsmen.
Paul seeks to achieve his wants and tries to find the best way to do this, and sometimes that involves killing a lot of people. If it does, he makes sure it's because he has no other available option at the time or it is to people who have done/are doing/will do things he considers unacceptable. Socialist Red Guardsman believes in communism and has become little more than a walking, talking, killing machine in the name of his ideal communist China. I think that is a clear difference between their mindsets.
Paul seeks to achieve his wants and tries to find the best way to do this, and sometimes that involves killing a lot of people. If it does, he makes sure it's because he has no other available option at the time or it is to people who have done/are doing/will do things he considers unacceptable. Socialist Red Guardsman believes in communism and has become little more than a walking, talking, killing machine in the name of his ideal communist China. I think that is a clear difference between their mindsets.
That bolded part.

You can't tell me you don't see how that translates to pretty much the same mentality as Red Guardsmen likely has?
That bolded part.

You can't tell me you don't see how that translates to pretty much the same mentality as Red Guardsmen likely has?
Paul thinks about the situation and decides to kill. Red Guardsman doesn't think at all; he's told something is a target and then he shoots at it until it's dead, no questions asked.
Without doing a wiki crawl of any sort, I'm left wondering if there's a relationship between where Karshon's and Captain Comet's powers come from.

Not explicitly.

Karshon was linked to Hector Hammond, who in turn was linked to the gorillas of Gorilla City in a Flash storyline.

But considering Captain Comet also has telepathy and telekinesis (like Shark, Gorilla Grodd, and Hector Hammond), and is also a psychic who can go toe to toe with Superman (like Shark), it's less jumping to conclusions as a tiny little hop.
Paul thinks about the situation and decides to kill. Red Guardsman doesn't think at all; he's told something is a target and then he shoots at it until it's dead, no questions asked.
From an outside perspective LePaul doesn't appear to think about situations either.

Hell, we even have LePaul abandoning Earth in the middle of an Anti-Life crisis because he was ordered to.
Even after seeing what Kens could achieve under Sigma Ken's leadership.
Never did I think I'd hear the word, "Sigma" coming from Mr. Zoat used in an unironic way other than the maths symbol or as a name for something.
I-. Does that actually exist? And if so, how are you aware of it?
Right. I close my eyes for a moment, focusing my mind on the obligate-platonic fraternal love I feel from the community I've helped build. I think this is how the Zamarons do it as well, but as I launch myself into the air and towards the oncoming pressure wave it's the guys I'm thinking of.
Only the pink ring would make sense in this context.
"That's not my name. What are you doing here, Brown Haired Ken?"
That entire sentence was completely ironic.
Which technically isn't a male/female distinction. I'm pretty sure that I'm the only one on this planet with reproductive organs.
Huh. So do they just come out of a factory in this world?
"Nah, brah." She pulls off her balaclava shows… A Barbie-like but legally distinct face. "SAS Sindy at chor service. Dun't seem loik bein' Ken's werkin' awt for yah. How's abaht bein' a Paul?"
Who is she?
Her head explodes! The echoing bang of the anti-material rifle shot reaches me a moment later as he body begins to fall from the ground.
"her" and "to" respectively.
I am both very, very confused and very amused, lol. I'm going to assume you got the idea for this after you watched the movie?
Hell, we even have LePaul abandoning Earth in the middle of an Anti-Life crisis because he was ordered to.
He determined that Earth wasn't going to suddenly come under Apokoliptian rule immediately, so he went to help with the immediate problem while the Justice League, the Team, and their allies worked on fixing Earth until he can start working on his solution.
That should say 'slippery'.
Also, that should say 'then'.
Thank you, corrected.
Without doing a wiki crawl of any sort, I'm left wondering if there's a relationship between where Karshon's and Captain Comet's powers come from.
Thank you, corrected.
Technically, aren't all batons...?
Alright, you pedantic bastard, have your 'Like'.
Never did I think I'd hear the word, "Sigma" coming from Mr. Zoat used in an unironic way other than the maths symbol or as a name for something.
After the film, Ryan Gosling Ken realised that things in Barbie World weren't going to change. But when he was in the real world, even under 'Patriarchy', things weren't handed to him just because he was a man. He still had to earn them himself. Thoroughly burned by his relationship with Barbie he has been focusing on self improvement since so that he can earn the rewards that he wants.
I-. Does that actually exist? And if so, how are you aware of it?
No, but what they can do is influenced by how they're played with. If whoever's playing with the doll version dresses him like that and plays with him like that, then that's what he becomes.
"her" and "to" respectively.
Thank you, corrected
I am both very, very confused and very amused, lol. I'm going to assume you got the idea for this after you watched the movie?
No, after I watched reviews for the film.
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He determined that Earth wasn't going to suddenly come under Apokoliptian rule immediately, so he went to help with the immediate problem while the Justice League, the Team, and their allies worked on fixing Earth until he can start working on his solution.
With the Life Entity on Earth the most immediate problem has always been the Anti-Life broadcasters.

And LePaul had the ability to do something the rest of the Justice League couldn't. Snipe the Anti-Life towers in every city from orbit.
With the Life Entity on Earth the most immediate problem has always been the Anti-Life broadcasters.

Responding to Vaermina.

And where exactly is your proof that The Life Entity can get corrupted by Anti-Life?

Because from where I'm sitting it seems that if a mostly normal person can just willpower their way through the depression math then the metaphysical embodiment of life itself shouldn't have any trouble doing so passively.

And LePaul had the ability to do something the rest of the Justice League couldn't. Snipe the Anti-Life towers in every city from orbit.

Superman is right there. His eyes are capital ship class laser weapons and he doesn't need to breathe. If taking them out from orbit was a viable option they'd have done it already.
I... feel like it's been stated otherwise at some point in the story, but even if it hasn't then he can just use an O2 mask like I think he's done in normal YJ.
He could probably substitute breathing with solar energy eventually using Torquasm, but Superman-16 is pretty much a rank amateur at it still. Maybe Overman and Angelika can already do it though, considering they survived drifting through the Bleed using it.
Anyone wondering how Kara Zor-L/Supergirl III is handling this? Seeing as she was basically a Silver Age character.
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He could probably substitute breathing with solar energy eventually using Torquasm, but Superman-16 is pretty much a rank amateur at it still. Maybe Overman and Angelika can already do it though, considering they survived drifting through the Bleed using it.
Superman can hold his breath for quite a while. Just not forever.
I've changed it to 'rams him'.
Prep Time (part 20)
15th February 2013
19:24 GMT -5

I back off, upping the pressure. I reach out to the networks of desires across the Earth, feeling that small part of everyone who has even the slightest sense of self left, and I share it with Finality Man. This is what it feels like, knowing that if you had the power, you would kill him.

Finality Man slows, his eyes flickering, and something feels… Lighter. Immediately I throw out a construct fish tank to catch Karshon and pull him back to me. If there's anything left of his intellect then I can't detect it. I was vaguely aware that the Omega Effect could be used as more than a disintegration ray, but this is the first time I've seen it used like that.

"Tuppence, Karshon's down. We're pulling out."


But it's not just Mannheim they want killed. It's you as well. Feel their desires as your own.

I fly back, keeping the trembling robot in view as I retreat to the Anti-Life broadcaster. Agent Carlyle is still standing next to it, the battered and broken forms of five of the Brothers lying around its fortifications. Tuppence is fighting-. Yeti. Hu Wei. With a mouth that's much bigger, claws that are much longer, and a berserk fury more intense than anything I've seen records of. He slashes at her wildly, forcing her to back up as she looks around for something to use as a projectile or lever. Her forearms are bleeding from where she's battered his attacks away. He's… Faster than her.

The control mechanism he usually wears around his neck is missing. No easy way to shut him down.

But he's not wearing a helmet.

I form a sonic cannon and fire a beam of ultrasound directly at his head. He cringes, aborting a leap that would have seen him tearing into Tuppence. She steps forward and punches, sending him flying into the river bereft of several broken fangs.

"He is superior." One True Existence.

Finality Man looks down at me and I can't even touch it any longer. His eyes glow and it raises its hands-.

I fire, solid slugs impacting its eyes as it tries to fire its Omega Effect. It might be possible to do something clever like lead the beam around so that it hits Finality Man, but there's already something around here that's messing with my top speed and that beam moves fast. The plasma fields get a neutron ray but… Something's different. That should have messed with the containment field. It doesn't. The plasma field dissipates harmlessly without any flashback into his internals.

"Get Carlyle."

Tuppence dashes right over to him. "Hey! We gotta get gone!"

"I… I can see…" He turns away from the broadcaster to face her. "Everything!"

Tuppence punches him in the face-. Then winces, nursing her fist.

"I can see you!"

Tuppence punches him in the diaphragm, causing him to fold up. She then hits him on the back of the head, rendering him unconscious.

Finality Man looms closer. He's keeping his Omega Effect ready but not manifested, so there's nothing for me to disrupt. Shooting him in the eyes… Crumblers, mage slayers, lasers, plasmas of various kinds… It's not doing anything.

Tuppence pulls the mask off Agent Carlyle's face.

Okay, that's available. I can't supercharge myself without risking the Ophidian. Given that Finality Man wasn't doubled over with fear I'm going to assume that he's immune, at least on the face of a neophyte user.

I need to leave.

I toss Construct-Lantern Colin Thornton out of my ring. "Destroy the robot."

"Yes, Master."

Orange-tinted hellfire surges around his hand and leaps at Finality Man, and… Actually manages to damage his armour. Finality Man waves his right hand and generates a massive wave of kinetic energy, but Thornton just teleports around it.

Right. That should keep him busy for a minute or two.

I fly down to Tuppence, wrap a construct claw around the broadcaster and crush it into fragments. Then I grab Amazing Man with a construct and pull him over. I.. can still read him. No more fear generation and no more Anti-Life… He's recovering, but not fast enough. I take a purple healing ray out of subspace and shoot him while at the same time using my rings to reset his physiology to normal resting standards.

"Amazing Man!"

His eyes focus for a moment, his arms batting away my constructs.

"What the..? Hell was..?"

"The Alliance of the Just was a front for Intergang. You were mind controlled by the Anti-Life Equation. Are you functional?"

"Yeah, I remember." He looks around, then makes the mistake of looking up. "Oh, God."

"So, I was wondering what the limits on your material replication are." I take a small bar of orichalcum out of subspace. "Can you copy this?"

He takes it from me and holds it for a moment.

"What is this, gold? I… Ugh." The steel-colour of his body turns into the shimmering gold of orichalcum. "It's a soft-. This isn't soft."

"No, it's just about the hardest thing there is. Except for-"

Thornton has opened portals to… Something, and tendrils glowing with purple light are stroking Finality Man in a way which is stripping away slivers of his armour.

"-his armour. Do you know if you can adapt to that?"

"I…" He reaches down and picks up a fragment of Justifier helmet. "No. My power doesn't even think this stuff is matter."

"Right. We're pulling out, then. I-."

"Wait, what about-" He looks around at the other former Justifiers who are just starting to stir. "-them?"

"The same thing as everyone else. They'll have to wait until we can destroy the network. We don't have the-."

"Embrace finality." Life Means Death.

Finality Man's eyes flash, the Omega Beam hitting Thornton, and-. Turning him back into a man. His eyes widen as he falls, arms waving as he tries to produce some sort of magic to halt his fall-.

I catch him first, extending filaments to Amazing Man, Agent Carlyle and Tuppence.

"Moving now."

I blast us into the air, heading for the edge of the atmosphere as Finality Man drifts to the wreckage of the Anti-Life broadcaster, considers it for a moment and then fires an Omega blast which… Repairs the broadcaster instantly as if it had never been destroyed. Then it looks up at us, watching from just over ground level before the clouds obscure its view.


And then he leaves, and all I can do is head to the ships.

We got the Mask. But I'm not sure how we're going to be able to use it if we have to get past things like that.
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Finality Man's eyes flash, the Omega Beam hitting Thornton, and-. Turning him back into a man. His eyes widen as he falls, arms waving as he tries to produce some sort of magic to halt his fall-.
That's an interesting way to undo assimilation. Hopefully he won't slink away later when everyone's busy.
Finality Man's eyes flash, the Omega Beam hitting Thornton, and-. Turning him back into a man. His eyes widen as he falls, arms waving as he tries to produce some sort of magic to halt his fall-.

I got a question, is Satanus here in actual human form? Was he in human form while being a Construct Lantern?

I thought his actual form is the long horned demon that I recall, but the Illustres has been pedantically calling him Collin Thornton so often that I don't know if I should be visualizing him as a middle aged man in a suit, or as the actual armored and helmeted demon that he is.
15th February 2013
19:24 GMT -5

I back off, upping the pressure. I reach out to the networks of desires across the Earth, feeling that small part of everyone who has even the slightest sense of self left, and I share it with Finality Man. This is what it feels like, knowing that if you had the power, you would kill him.

Finality Man slows, his eyes flickering, and something feels… Lighter. Immediately I throw out a construct fish tank to catch Karshon and pull him back to me. If there's anything left of his intellect then I can't detect it. I was vaguely aware that the Omega Effect could be used as more than a disintegration ray, but this is the first time I've seen it used like that.
Ah, no fish-fry. Still, I suppose if you can get more of the mutagen that transformed him, you could leverage it into making use of him in Task Force X. And yes, the Omega Effect is stupidly overpowered reality-rewriting hacks. It's basically the ability to change the Script of the Narrative.

"Tuppence, Karshon's down. We're pulling out."


But it's not just Mannheim they want killed. It's you as well. Feel their desires as your own.
Ah, yes. She's busy dealing with kung-fu multiple man.

I fly back, keeping the trembling robot in view as I retreat to the Anti-Life broadcaster. Agent Carlyle is still standing next to it, the battered and broken forms of five of the Brothers lying around its fortifications. Tuppence is fighting-. Yeti. Hu Wei. With a mouth that's much bigger, claws that are much longer, and a berserk fury more intense than anything I've seen records of. He slashes at her wildly, forcing her to back up as she looks around for something to use as a projectile or lever. Her forearms are bleeding from where she's battered his attacks away. He's… Faster than her.
Looks like Mannheim has done a little work on him.

The control mechanism he usually wears around his neck is missing. No easy way to shut him down.

But he's not wearing a helmet.
Meaning he either isn't being Anti-Lifed, or he doesn't need the constant reinforcement the helmets provide.

I form a sonic cannon and fire a beam of ultrasound directly at his head. He cringes, aborting a leap that would have seen him tearing into Tuppence. She steps forward and punches, sending him flying into the river bereft of several broken fangs.

"He is superior." One True Existence.

Finality Man looks down at me and I can't even touch it any longer. It's eyes glow and it raises its hands-.
Heh. So much for the beastie. But that Godspeech reinforcement thing sounds nasty. Presumably it's hardened itself against all outside influences except Mannheim's.

I fire, solid slugs impacting its eyes as it tries to fire its Omega Effect. It might be possible to do something clever like lead the beam around so that it hits Finality Man, but there's already something around here that's messing with my top speed and that beam moves fast. The plasma fields get a neutron ray but… Something's different. That should have messed with the containment field. It doesn't. The plasma field dissipates harmlessly without any flashback into his internals.
Best to keep it simple, if you're powers are acting up. I still say you need to get that Anti-Life infection looked at. It's pretty likely the cause.

"Get Carlyle."

Tuppence dashes right over to him. "Hey! We gotta get gone!"
Save talking, just grab him and haul ass.

"I… I can see…" He turns away from the broadcaster to face her. "Everything!"

Tuppence punches him in the face-. Then winces, nursing her fist.
Huh. Interesting result. I assume he somehow used the Fear to prevent harm.

"I can see you!"

Tuppence punches him in the diaphragm, causing him to fold up. She then hits him on the back of the head, rendering him unconscious.
Can't be an ass if you can't breathe, after all.

Finality Man looms closer. He's keeping his Omega Effect ready but not manifested, so there's nothing for me to disrupt. Shooting him in the eyes… Crumblers, mage slayers, lasers, plasmas of various kinds… It's not doing anything.

Tuppence pulls the mask off Agent Carlyle's face.
Presumably the Effect's aura is acting as a defensive shield.

Okay, that's available. I can't supercharge myself without risking the Ophidian. Given that Finality Man wasn't doubled over with fear I'm going to assume that he's immune, at least on the face of a neophyte user.

I need to leave.
Yes, about time. Just a matter of making sure the big bot doesn't give chase.

I toss Construct-Lantern Colin Thornton out of my ring. "Destroy the robot."

"Yes, Master."
Well, that's as good a use as any for the idiot.

Orange-tinted hellfire surges around his hand and leaps at Finality Man, and… Actually manages to damage his armour. Finality Man waves his right hand and generates a massive wave of kinetic energy, but Thornton just teleports around it.

Right. That should keep him busy for a minutes or two.
Oooh. That's important, I just know it.

I fly down to Tuppence, wrap a construct claw around the broadcaster and crush it into fragments. Then I grab Amazing Man with a construct and pull him over. I.. can still read him. No more fear generation and no more Anti-Life… He's recovering, but not fast enough. I take a purple healing ray out of subspace and shoot him while at the same time using my rings to reset his physiology to normal resting standards.

"Amazing Man!"
Must be something to do with his abilities. Or a very durable sense of self.

His eyes focus for a moment, his arms batting away my constructs.

"What the..? Hell was..?"
Long story, man. No time to catch you up.

"The Alliance of the Just was a front for Intergang. You were mind controlled by the Anti-Life Equation. Are you functional?"

"Yeah, I remember." He looks around, then makes the mistake of looking up. "Oh, God."
In a way, yes. But worshipping him is probably not good for you.

"So, I was wondering what the limits on your material replication are." I take a small bar of orichalcum out of subspace. "Can you copy this?"

He takes it from me and holds it for a moment.
...Has Amazing Man ever tried to replicate any of the metamaterials of the DCU? Because some of them are crazy powerful.

"What is this, gold? I… Ugh." The steel-colour of his body turns into the shimmering gold of orichalcum. "It's a soft-. This isn't soft."

"No, it's just about the hardest thing there is. Except for-"
...That went well. Wonder what would happen if he got his hands on a bit of Radion?

Thornton has opened portals to… Something, and tendrils glowing with purple light are stroking Finality Man in a way which is stripping away slivers of his armour.

"-his armour. Do you know if you can adapt to that?"
Honestly, I'm amazed Amazing Man doesn't carry a roll of small slivers of various materials...

"I…" He reaches down and picks up a fragment of Justifier helmet. "No. My power doesn't even think this stuff is matter."

"Right. We're pulling out, then. I-."
Ugh. Of course New God hax trumps Earth Bullshit™ that way.

"Wait, what about-" He looks around at the other former Justifiers who are just starting to stir. "-them?"

"The same thing as everyone else. They'll have to wait until we can destroy the network. We don't have the-."
And honestly, every extra person OL has to try and haul out of here just puts the lot of you at risk.

"Embrace finality." Life Means Death.

Finality Man's eyes flash, the Omega Beam hitting Thornton, and-. Turning him back into a man. His eyes widen as he falls, arms waving as he tries to produce some sort of magic to halt his fall-.
...Okay, freaking what? :eek: Seriously, what? Holy shit, that just happened.

I catch him first, extending filaments to Amazing Man, Agent Carlyle and Tuppence.

"Moving now."
It'll be interesting to see if he retains any of his demonic powers now, but experimentation can wait until they're not in peril.

I blast us into the air, heading for the edge of the atmosphere as Finality Man drifts to the wreckage of the Anti-Life broadcaster, considers it for a moment and then fires an Omega blast which… Repairs the broadcaster instantly as if it had never been destroyed. Then it looks up at us, watching from just over ground level before the clouds obscure its view.

Sadly, I doubt that was the sound of anything down there blowing up...

And then he leaves, and all I can do is head to the ships.

We got the Mask. But I'm not sure how we're going to be able to use it if we have to get past things like that.
Looks like someone's going to have to run interference for Mannheim and his pet when the time comes...

Well, a few interesting surprises there. Of course the Omega Effect can undo Assimilation, because why not? Still, OL got everyone out of there in one piece, mostly. He got what he went there for, and rescued a couple of useful folks in the process. I expect the League will be busy looking into what he discovered, while he gets things lined up for the big moment of rainbow doom.
I got a question, is Satanus here in actual human form? Was he in human form while being a Construct Lantern?

I thought his actual form is the long horned demon that I recall, but the Illustres has been pedantically calling him Collin Thornton so often that I don't know if I should be visualizing him as a middle aged man in a suit, or as the actual armored and helmeted demon that he is.
He's presumably been reduced to a baseline human, similar to construct-lanterns killed via the Sword of the Fallen.
Huh. Interesting result. I assume he somehow used the Fear to prevent harm.

That Mask is far more then just an emotion generator, OL's previous look at it's maker didn't show what he feared it would, that he was made aware of the multiverse, and indeed the previous multiverse as well. What ever it's made out of I don't think is going to yield to blunt force easily.
I assume Zoat was inspired here by the fact that Darkseid can resurrect people with his eye beams.

He uses that to treat Kalibak like Kenny- kills him when he gets annoying, resurrects him when he needs him again.

Pity, it looks like Amazing Man doesn't have his energy absorbing powers in this fic. In the comics while fighting Overmaster, sorta of a Galactus rip off, Amazing Man killed him by consuming his energy and using his own powers against him. But his go to move is the Absorbing Man trick of matter mimicry.

Oh and Shark might not be down for the count, he's been cured in the comics only for him to mutate again, so there would be precedent.

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