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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Finality Man's eyes flash, the Omega Beam hitting Thornton, and-. Turning him back into a man. His eyes widen as he falls, arms waving as he tries to produce some sort of magic to halt his fall-.
There goes another of LePauls weapons down the drain.

Boy, it sure was a good idea to run off for weeks and let Manheim solidify his power base.
Huh. Omega inverts entropy? Time travel? Maybe the full effect doesn't "destroy" things so mich as return them to a time they didn't exist?
Huh. Omega inverts entropy? Time travel? Maybe the full effect doesn't "destroy" things so mich as return them to a time they didn't exist?

His feats include- turning flesh to stone, soap to mud, telepathy, telekinesis, opens boom tubes without a box, commandeering boom tubes, absorbing the energies of others for a power up, time manipulation, manipulating souls, increasing his own size, animating a statue of himself from beyond the grave to communicate with the living, flight, and giving out superpowers.
Alright… alright.

Somebody check my math here:

Shark - Anti-life = shark
(Shark immune to anti-life)

OL construct + Omega Beam = regular life

finality man + hellfire = finality man on fire

Life * -1 = anti-life
the opposite of life is anti-life

Therefore being pro-life is the good to anti-life's bad and thus the opposite of pro life is also bad.

So what I'm hearing is that Darkseid is pro choice and going to Hell, and shark is the superior race
I got a question, is Satanus here in actual human form?
As far as the SI can tell from a quick scan, yes.
Was he in human form while being a Construct Lantern?
Near-human. He was assimilated while heavily bound.
I assume Zoat was inspired here by the fact that Darkseid can resurrect people with his eye beams.

He uses that to treat Kalibak like Kenny- kills him when he gets annoying, resurrects him when he needs him again.
In thist story, the Omega Effect can only do that on people who are completely broken. Like Apokolips natives, the Justifiers, people with no emotions to break and Construct Lanterns.
Pity, it looks like Amazing Man doesn't have his energy absorbing powers in this fic. In the comics while fighting Overmaster, sorta of a Galactus rip off, Amazing Man killed him by consuming his energy and using his own powers against him. But his go to move is the Absorbing Man trick of matter mimicry.
He's a low level character at the moment. Level him up a bit and all sorts of things can happen.
I wonder if Thornton being "killed" as a construct impacts the deals with the Belle Reve prisoners?
I wonder if Thornton being "killed" as a construct impacts the deals with the Belle Reve prisoners?
He just wrote them up. I'm pretty sure Paul ensured that the contracts will still be valid even if the guy who wrote them up no longer has powers. This isn't something they'd want to have any problems with, after all.
Finality Man looks down at me and I can't even touch it any longer. It's eyes glow and it raises its hands-.
Inconsistent apostrophes. I'm not entirely sure, but I think the apostrophe should be removed.
Also, I've realised that Finality Man's pronouns are inconsistent both in this chapter and between chapters. Should it be 'his' or 'its'?
Right. That should keep him busy for a minutes or two.

I like Finality Man, very cool guy. I already expected him to defeat Karshon, but it's interesting to see that he has so much versatility with the Omega Effect.

Glad to see the deployment of a powerful Construct-Lantern. I always feel like they're a bit underused. I'm guessing that he'll simply be re-assimilated once they're in a safe spot, but maybe he'll teleport away or the Omega Effect will have lingering effects that prevent it.
Inconsistent apostrophes. I'm not entirely sure, but I think the apostrophe should be removed.
Thank you, corrected.
Also, I've realised that Finality Man's pronouns are inconsistent both in this chapter and between chapters. Should it be 'his' or 'its'?
To quote Deathstroke, "I didn't check the undercarriage.'

He. It should be 'he'.
Thank you, corrected.
Glad to see the deployment of a powerful Construct-Lantern. I always feel like they're a bit underused. I'm guessing that he'll simply be re-assimilated once they're in a safe spot, but maybe he'll teleport away or the Omega Effect will have lingering effects that prevent it.
The issue there is that Satanus would just teleport away. A human Colin Thornton on the other hand isn't someone he could morally justify assimilating because he's not as much of a threat.
In thist story, the Omega Effect can only do that on people who are completely broken. Like Apokolips natives, the Justifiers, people with no emotions to break and Construct Lanterns.
I may have missed if the following has been discussed, as I've been catching up on the latest arcs in the story only thread, but what about the Omega Sanction? AKA when Darkseid goes 'Fuck you in particular' and Gold Experience Requiem's a guy (I will declare it a Jojo reference to my dying day :V) and traps them in an infinite loop of progressively shittier lives.

I must admit don't know if there's a limitation in the canon work, as it's arguably a more dangerous use of his Omega Beams when a character can block or tank them.
The issue there is that Satanus would just teleport away. A human Colin Thornton on the other hand isn't someone he could morally justify assimilating because he's not as much of a threat.

Fair enough, besides, OL only really needed him for that one thing. Plus, in terms of power, he does still have the one Karrakanian Shipmaster he assimilated back when he recruited Allyn. Wasn't he an Ascendant of something? He also has Nabu 666 and Gary the fungoid, so he's not sort on powerful Construct Lanterns.
I just realized that if anyone killed by the Sword of the Fallen returns as a base line human. What happened to the Praexis Demons Paul had to put down after they swallowed what was basically miniature portals to hell?
I just realized that if anyone killed by the Sword of the Fallen returns as a base line human. What happened to the Praexis Demons Paul had to put down after they swallowed what was basically miniature portals to hell?

Presumably the same thing that happens to other hell stuff? It's just that nobody cares about a nameless normie.
Thornton has opened portals to… Something, and tendrils glowing with purple light are stroking Finality Man in a way which is stripping away slivers of his armour.
So when Batman initially asked, Paul said that construct-thornton mostly lacked his magic, and the demon contracts were about the limit of what he could do.
Did something change to make these portals?

Finality Man's eyes flash, the Omega Beam hitting Thornton, and-. Turning him back into a man. His eyes widen as he falls, arms waving as he tries to produce some sort of magic to halt his fall-.


If the omega beams can turn people from constructs back into people, and Paul learns that Grayven(the same one fighting the Reach), can produce the effect, do you think he'd prioritize getting that one Guardian which Larfleez turned into a ring turned back into a biological creature?
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So when Batman initially asked, Paul said that construct-thornton mostly lacked his magic, and the demon contracts were about the limit of what he could do.
Did something change to make these portals?
This is less than what he used to do.
If the omega beams can turn people from constructs back into people, and Paul learns that Grayven(the same one fighting the Reach), can produce the effect, do you think he'd prioritize getting that one Guardian which Larfleez turned into a ring turned back into a biological creature?
How? Grayven's made it clear that he isn't interested in cooperating.
Presumably the same thing that happens to other hell stuff? It's just that nobody cares about a nameless normie.
Harsh words and that's true to an extent. But we'd have to assume the 'living' hell gate orange lantern construct, he became shortly before his death didn't somehow muddle the transition.

Ehhh, maybe will never see a reunion. So much has happened on earth since then that the population won't recover for decades. His reincarnation could very well have died since then.
How? Grayven's made it clear that he isn't interested in cooperating.
Yeah I guess he'd have to go with trying to brand or turn Grayven into a construct and hope the Omega effect still works.

Aquire alternative means of mind control maybe?
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Lantern Conspiracies (part 16)
8th June 2000
22:57 GMT +9

"Kill them! Kill the interlopers!"

The Japanese economy has had its ups and downs, and right now it's in a major down. I'm not exactly certain why it happened, but the summary I read in The Times made it sound like the Wall Street Crash of 1929: people put too much money in a class of investment that lacked the underlying strength to sustain it. But the collapse in demand and the desire of those banks which had repossessed property to sell them for desperately needed cash meant that a lot of property became available and a fraction of their original value.

"I want them all dead!"

And the oni invested.

They also had a line in buying slave labourers from North Korea and dosing them with watered down vampire venom to keep them compliant, which is-

Fire from yakuza security guards hits my shield and loses all of its kinetic energy as I advance on their position.

-how they've been able to make a huge profit on manual labour intensive work. They don't need to pay them and they won't ever complain. I think they paid for them in more watered down vampire venom, but we haven't really investigated that end of the trade.

Behind me, Peisinoe sings a hypnotic song to keep the workers entranced. It costs them what little sense of self-preservation they have left, but it's the only reason why they haven't tried swarming us when their boss ordered them to.

The thugs before me duck back to reload and I take the opportunity to storm forward, truncheon construct at the ready. One spots me and drops his gun in favour of drawing a knife, but my superior reach makes it child's play to smack his hand and force him to drop it. He backs off, but my second strike hits him in the diaphragm and adds electrocution to blunt force trauma.

The second has been reloading while backing away and aims his gun at my vision slit. Since I'm wearing construct armour rather than metal armour the 'slit' isn't actually either a hole or a weak point, but I'll give him marks for situational awareness. Slam the truncheon into the head of the one on the ground and then leap at the one shooting me. I don't try to evade; bullets missing me might hit someone else. He switches to one handed firing as I cross the intervening space, trying to open the door behind him without looking around.

It doesn't work, but does allow me to concuss him with a body slam.

"Useless ingrates. Shuten, get down there and deal with this!"

I tap my communicator. "Peisinoe, I've dealt with the last of the guards. Start bringing the prisoners up. The police should be here in a few minutes."

"You're supposed to call me 'Nure' when we're playing at being superheroes."

"None of us speak Japanese." Hm. I put construct restraints around the guards and open the door, striding out of the warehouse and onto the dock. Might as well carry-.


I throw myself towards a nearby mooring as the concrete around me explodes! I land on my face, scrambling back onto my feet and trying to see through the resulting concrete dust. There's a… Large shape, and… I need to keep its attention to stop it from going for Peisinoe and her charges.

An energy pulse hits its centre of mass, to no apparent effect as it strides out of the dust. A… Woman? Seven feet tall and made of solid muscle. And then her image inducer glitches out and I see an… Oni-like figure, but with red skin, a crest of five separate horns and… Eyes scattered apparently at random across her head, torso, arms and legs. She? The hologram blinks back in, showing a body that the greatest Viking-descended female bodybuilder in the world would envy. The actual body only wore a pair of tight denim shorts, any breasts that she might have merged into the oversized pectorals. The illusion wears a vest and denim trousers, as well as metal-studded leather bracers and quite a lot of piercings.

"Green Knight!" She points at me, grinning. "I will eat your brain!"


I stick a green pipe into the ocean waters behind me, taking in as much as I can-.

She leaps at me, mouth open and grinning and right fist pulled back. I dart into the air and then expel the water at pressure, slashing the stream across her body!

She grimaces slightly as she lands, crushing the pier under her feet before jumping back onto the dock.

"My eyes are just as tough as the rest of me, foreigner. Which is a lot tougher than you!"

"Tough? Maybe, but can you fly?"

She puts her hands on her hips, and-.


The hit knocks me into the water, down to the bottom of the bay and then deeper into the silt! My construct armour's cracked and leaking water, and I-.


A hand grabs me and throws me, and I'm back in the air and flying into-.


The side of a warehouse hard enough to dent the metal. Armour!

"We're a space-age species, Knight!" Shuten pulls herself out onto the dock, still grinning as her image inducer glitches in and out. "You think we haven't put anything in orbit?"

"I had hoped."

"No such luck! But I've got an offer for you! Stay on the ground and I won't use it! They hardly ever let me have a good fight! And get your sword out!"

I pull myself out of the wall and drop to the ground, marking the location of the satellite weapon.

And as Shuten advances I tap my communicator twice.

"Hakai no jikanda!"

Our sub-orbital support falls from the heavens and slams into her, Chauf having left behind his plasma cannon because he didn't want to 'besmirch the name of Ben Grimm'. Which probably has something to do with why he's wearing a blue jumpsuit with a number 3 on it. The two of them roll along the dockside, wrestling for supremacy.

"Peisinoe, you might want to take the back door?

"Yes, I worked that out for myself."

I generate a palisade shield and a pair of rocket boosters and set off for space, a brilliant trail of superheated exhaust washing over the struggling pugilists as I head towards the orbital weap-.

It hits my shield and as it maintains the beam I'm painfully aware of what something like that could do if it was actually aimed at a city. I can't dodge it. I've got to tank the whole thing and hope that it melts or empties its capacitors before my construct finally breaks down.

My shield will not break down. It will endure. I will endure.

My shield does break as I leave the atmosphere, the… Particle beam? Trying to burn through my armour next. I can feel it giving, melting, cracking and failing but too bad for them because I can see the satellite! Energy pulse!

The shot slams into the gun, punching clean through and shutting down the beam. It also sends the satellite into a spin, giving me a clean shot at the power plant on the opposite side. The whole assemblage explodes in a viscerally satisfying way and I take a moment to appreciate it before heading back to the surface.
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construct restrains around the guards

Eyes scattered apparently at random across her head, torso, arms and legs almost at random.
One or the other, I think.

crushing the peer under her feat
'pier under her feet'

"You think we having put anything in orbit?"

The whole assemblage explodes in a viscerally satisfying way and I take a moment to appreciate it before heading back to the surface.
Should probably have somebody do something about that orbital debris soon...

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