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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

"So, yeah, I need someone experienced in manipulating people with fear, and I don't have one. Getting someone compassionate would also be nice, but it's probably not essential."
She's had power over nightmares and madness for ages without destroying the world with it.
Wait Time

17th February 2013
06:46 GMT -5

I smile as the teleporter glow fades and… Richard, Kon, Mitchell and M'gann appear. I spot the clear relief that Richard feels at once, and while the other three are a little more subdued in their response I spot them relax a little as well.

"Paul!" Kon steps forwards, standing-.
Finally, he looks in on his younger friends. The ones who foolishly tried to confront Mannheim and got their asses beat for it. Though I think they realise just how lucky they were that he didn't press his advantage, and simply chose to try to break them instead of killing them outright.

Ah. I walk right up to him and hug him, and I feel him relax a little further has he hugs back. "Good to see you, Kon."

Mitchell gets a quick hug too, Richard gets a warm handshake and M'gann-.
Yeah, no hugs for the ones who aren't hotties with kryptonian muscles. :p

I frown. "M'gann, is that a telepathy blocker?"

She nods. "I tried-. But I couldn't take feeling that all of the time."
Understandable. Having it whispering into her mind alone would be bad enough. But hearing it in concert from everyone else?

I nod back twice in quick succession. "No, no, I understand."

"But I guess I can take it off up here." She looks around. "It is.. safe here, right?"
That depends on your definition of 'safe'. Could Mannheim throw the Finality Man at them? Yes. But he hasn't. And compared to that threat, everything else seems mild.

I nod again. "I've checked everyone. No one's feeling great and Luthor's people all have some sort of implant, but we're too far from Earth for the broadcasters to reach us."

Her blocker shapeshifts back into a collar, and she smiles with relief. **I don't think I really appreciated feeling other peoples' minds until I couldn't do it any more.**
Indeed. Just like any habit you end up having to miss out on because of circumstance. Like the average social media 'fan' cut off from the internet, or... Well, any of us who go dark from technical issues.

**[An image from our day at the beach during our first few months on the team, juxtapose with our current situation.]**

She blinks in surprise. **That was complex. Have you been practicing?**
How far things have come, eh? From a handful of teenagers (and one thirty-something who looks teenaged) to a whole platoon of superpowered agents.

"Lantern training. We have to be able to picture things clearly. Listen-."

"Batman said you had a way to fix this." Richard can't conceal his eagerness. "Please tell me it isn't anything too crazy."
Robin, you know OL. :D When have his plans ever not seemed crazy at first sight?

I affect a sombre expression. "It isn't anything-."

"I don't believe you already."
Smart man.

"We're going to fire the concept of life itself into the Anti-Life broadcaster network, expunging the Anti-Life from the Earth."

He thinks that over for a moment. "Doctor Mist said he couldn't do that."
Well, he doesn't quite have the experience with the Lights that OL does. It's more like he got a hotline to the White Entity, without knowing it, and hasn't really developed any skills.

"I suspect that he could, if he didn't concern himself with the fact that doing so might end all life in the universe on a conceptual level. My technique has considerably less chance of doing that."

He smiles. "'Considerably less' huh, Oh El?"
It's like trying to drink from a water fountain, versus trying to drink from a firehose.

I nod, smiling back. "Yes. It's far lower. And it would be very difficult to reverse engineer." I exhale. "It's hard enough to engineer, particularly now."

"I thought you got the Medusa Mask."
That may be, but it's a delicate juggling act to get everything where it needs to be when it needs to be there...

"I did. But I didn't know about Batman's change of heart regarding the utility of fear, and…" I take the yellow ring out of my pouch. "I don't have another user in mind for this."

Mitchell stares. "Did you kill Sinestro?"
Now that would be a fight for the ages. Two high-level Spectrum-wielders, both deep into their respective skill-trees? You'd need superspeed just to keep up with their moves.

"No. He's recruiting, and I stole a ring and extorted a spare personal lantern for it. I need someone to use it-."

Richard nods, staring at the ring. "But with Batman turning over a new leaf, he can't use it."
Exactly, Robin. And sadly, the rest of the people on Earth with compatible skillsets... Tend to be the last people you'd trust with it.

"Not well enough. Not without backsliding. Karshon the Shark could have used it, but it turns out that he's the only one who knows what the mutagen which turned him from a normal shark into himself looks like, and he can't communicate that while a normal shark."

M'gann frowns. "Who?"
Someone hasn't been reading their League files...

**[An image of Karshon and the summary page of his Justice League file.]**

"Oh. I could try reading his mind."
...And why can't I help but picture it as looking a lot like his DC wiki page. :p

Richard half-winces. "Yeah, but Oh El's planning on giving him a power ring. I'm not sure it's such a great idea to give it to a killer shark."

"Actually, he's a tiger shark."
You're thinking of 'Killer Whales', Robin. Which makes me wonder if Orca is running around yet, or if she may come to be from the same mutagen developments as Karshon...

"Still not a good idea."

I shrug. "Batman's turned over a new leaf. Karshon isn't reliable. The only-." I frown. "Michael Siskin.. is.. dead, but I never checked where his soul went."
You assume he's dead. That still remains to be seen, given you're not that far off from being an Avarice equivalent to him at this stage.

Kon frowns for a moment, then his brow relaxes. "That's the guy who died helping you kill Nabu."

"Yeah. He'd actually be a good pick. I mean he's… Probably somewhere." I shake my head. "Anyway, I promised myself that I wouldn't even try Doctor Crane-"
...Oh, yes, I can just picture that scene. And there is no end to the mad cackling. It's practically everything Crane could ever have wanted.

Richard looks unimpressed. "Uh, yeah."

"-so I'm hoping you've got some ideas."
Well, at least OL's showing himself to not be that crazy.

Kon thinks for a moment. "How about Luthor?"

He… I think Lex Luthor used a yellow ring in the comics once..? But I don't really see our version as being someone who focuses on manipulating people by fear. And anyway…
Eh, that strikes me as being more like Inviolate's Gold Rings. Heck, you can see it's a Green Lantern ring in the close-up. I guess the colourist got the wrong tint.

"I don't know where he is. According to Truggs, he-."

Eyes widen at his name, but it's Richard who asks.
Yes, things are that bad that OL is working with Truggs, one of his oldest annoyances.

"'Truggs' as in 'Nylor Truggs', the guy who's responsible for at least five murders and tried to kill us?"

"Yeah, but Jade tried to kill-." They don't look impressed. "Okay, yes, he's here, and he doesn't want the Earth Anti-Lifed. And neither does Luthor."
It remains to be seen if he can hold back the urge to backstab everyone when things are safe.

Mitchell nods. "How about Cheshire, then?"

"Ah… Doesn't really have a history of using fear as a tool. Not especially, anyway."
And while he has met versions of her who used Power Rings, that's not a consistent thing to base something this critical on.

M'gann looks thoughtful. "Artemis's mom?"

"The mental technique she's using to cope with Anti-Life exposure precludes using a power ring. And again, she was more of a sneak thief and assassin, not someone who focused on fear. Batwoman would-"
I expect she's working in Gotham under the bat-family.

Richard winces. "Please don't."

"-be a better option, but still not really good enough." I could ask him about his… Home situation, but I don't really think this is the time. "So, yeah, I need someone experienced in manipulating people with fear, and I don't have one. Getting someone compassionate would also be nice, but it's probably not essential."
Probably as much mortified embarrassment at being around two lovey-dovey adults as veiled concern that Talia hasn't changed...

Richard shakes his head. "We we're dealing with saving the whole Earth, I think we should try doing better than 'probably'."

"Okay, well, let's start researching. There's got to be someone on Earth who can do the job."
Oh, boy... Research time...

So... 'Wait Time', eh? Last episode was 'Prep Time'. No doubt the next episode will be 'Go Time'. :p Still, when a plan has this many moving parts, you really want to make sure the gears turn perfectly when you rev it up to full speed. Because the consequences of something seizing up - or worse, breaking - is a little more disastrous on this scale. :confused:

...and I feel him relax a little further has he hugs back.
...and I feel him relax a little further as he hugs back.
"We we're dealing with saving the whole Earth...
"When we're dealing with saving the whole Earth...
So we go to the next step of preparations. What a bad and strange time for Batman to change character, and what's happening with Talia? Still, happy to see the Illustres with these people that he used to know and hang out with.

Anybody got any ideas about possible candidates to temporary Yellow Lantern?
Oh it's good to have the gang back together.

Some mich needed warmth and levity. People that can deal with Paul and joke with him. Nice.
"But I guess I can take it off up here."
I thought she had huge range on her telepathy? I suppose at this distance it must be weak enough to not really bother her.

I'm guessing that they'll find some decent candidates, but if they end up having to choose someone that's undesirable, then it seems like he should consider popping back to Maltus and recruiting someone there. There's bound to be someone competent and trustworthy out of the billions there, and he can pop back and forth quickly.
She's had power over nightmares and madness for ages without destroying the world with it.
Watsonian: with Themyscira vanished the SI has no easy way of getting in contact.
Doylist: I honestly forgot about her.
For some reason I thought Paul had already decided on Power Ring -16.
I think he may have, but let's assume that he's not exatly enthusiastic about working with a supervillain in that position, particularly having seen what Karshon did with teh Medusa Mask.
Yeah, no hugs for the ones who aren't hotties with kryptonian muscles. :p
Mitchell is almost physically identical to his brother.
How far things have come, eh? From a handful of teenagers (and one thirty-something who looks teenaged) to a whole platoon of superpowered agents.
So... 'Wait Time', eh? Last episode was 'Prep Time'. No doubt the next episode will be 'Go Time'.
Actually, yes.
...and I feel him relax a little further as he hugs back.
"When we're dealing with saving the whole Earth...
Thank you, corrected.
I thought she had huge range on her telepathy? I suppose at this distance it must be weak enough to not really bother her.
Her peak range is huge, but her resting range isn't much bigger than most martian's.
Anyone else get the serious feeling that this entire thing is being put together with cardboard and duct tape? I mean using the mask instead of the ring, now getting 5th choices instead of first...

Why not just wake up the life entity, or try to become it's avatar at this point?
Anybody got any ideas about possible candidates to temporary Yellow Lantern?
Well, if we're considering anyone who might or could have qualified no matter what, they do have a depowered Satanus in a cell... but as they just vowed vengeance against OL they'd probably just fuck off Earth and rebuild their power there.

Sportsmaster? Although that may no be the main way they operate, fear must have been used when they raised Jade and Artemis. Roger Hayden (Psycho Pirate), but that doesn't seem doable. Etrigan would work for sure.

Splinteface mentioned Amanda Waller and- I gotta agree. Shit would be lit.
Since Indigo Rings work by purging every other emotion and filling the void with pure compassion, the Joker would be a powerhouse with one of those. Not sure if good since an insane yet compassionate individual could still do weird somehow-bad stuff. Would be a better fit if OL wasn't specifically looking for fear wielders.
Since Indigo Rings work by purging every other emotion and filling the void with pure compassion, the Joker would be a powerhouse with one of those. Not sure if good since an insane yet compassionate individual could still do weird somehow-bad stuff. Would be a better fit if OL wasn't specifically looking for fear wielders.
Insane + Compassionate = Meet The Pyro.
The whole "Oh well Batman said he's reconsidering use of fear, guess he can't do it," feels pretty forced to me. I appreciate that OL doesn't want to trample over Bruce's development as a human being, but the stakes are pretty high and Batman is a big boy. He can use a tool he wanted to set aside for one last ride, surely. I mean, when they get the retired gunslinger to strap back on the sixshooters in a western, it's usually only to save a town.

It would have made more sense to me if the SI had actually had Batman try the ring and the new mental contradictions meant he couldn't make it work properly, not that they give up without even trying.
Honestly, if you just want someone experienced at controlling people with fear, rather than someone who's a master of it, you can pretty much take your pick of two-bit tin-pot dictators and/or heads of secret police forces. In both cases, they gained--and maintain--power purely through controlling people through fear...
Honestly, if you just want someone experienced at controlling people with fear, rather than someone who's a master of it, you can pretty much take your pick of two-bit tin-pot dictators and/or heads of secret police forces. In both cases, they gained--and maintain--power purely through controlling people through fear...
Que "I can't fucking believe Kim Jung Un helped save the world". Tho for a unique DC character Joseph Kijaro, dictator of Tynada the small, struggling african state may be useful? OL also mentioned that the worse conditions were the more manageable Anti-Life was due to the expectations.

If we could do wild rituals I'd almost suggest grabbing the Hitler clone and getting him temporarily possessed by the spirit of DC Adolf Hitler to save the world. Just for something crazy for historians to look back on. :V
She raises her hands, glowing balls of plasma materialising as she floats off the ground and her hair goes in all directions. "Troy me."
Oh my!

Just to be clear, is this her asking someone to shove their big wooden stallion full of sea men through her city gates, or just a typo?
Where's that Legendary Super Aryan Hitler manga panel when you need it...
Bring insane memery to my attention and thy shall receive.


With yellow lantern corps colors (or maybe he simply went Even. Further. Beyond?


"Helmut-Schreibe-Adolf-Hitler of Earth, you know how to rule through great fear. Welcome to the Sinestro Corps." god I'm losing brain cells from this. And yet it somehow feels like the plot of an actual Wonder Woman comic.

To be honest Stalin would probably be the better candidate if you're looking at yoinking historical dictators from hell, but he doesn't have a clone that happened to have been made for that exact purpose.

Anyhow, Creeper was mentioned. Maybe Phobia/Angela Hawkins III? Brotherhood of Evil member with telepathic fear projection. No other abilities like Psimon, as far as I can see.
Watsonian: with Themyscira vanished the SI has no easy way of getting in contact.
Doylist: I honestly forgot about her.
Oof, you forgot my favourite character in the fic :'(
Oh well, OL can make up for it by visiting once this whole thing blows over. And maybe showing her the ring if whoever he finds doesn't keep it.
Honestly, I doubt she'd take it if it wasn't to save Earth from the Anti-Life. Hades is probably in lockdown right now, the death domain is uncomfortably close to Anti-Life.

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