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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I don't get it. Why are they only looking among supers and other eccentric non-normie?. Earth should be full of thugs and organized crime people who used fear as one of their main tools. And if that's not available due to none of them being trackable through Anti-Life, there's also literally every other planet inhabited by normal-ish sentients. Just look for someone through empathic vision and hire them for a shitload of insert-valuable-raw-material-here. Or hell, hire a Spider Guild person who is selfish enough to abandon their planet in exchange for his family getting to live a luxury life somewhere. Or have the Zatannas transform a demon into a fear elemental. Or really just bind a demon as is. They routinely cause fear on the job all the time.
I don't get it. Why are they only looking among supers and other eccentric non-normie?. Earth should be full of thugs and organized crime people who used fear as one of their main tools. And if that's not available due to none of them being trackable through Anti-Life, there's also literally every other planet inhabited by normal-ish sentients. Just look for someone through empathic vision and hire them for a shitload of insert-valuable-raw-material-here. Or hell, hire a Spider Guild person who is selfish enough to abandon their planet in exchange for his family getting to live a luxury life somewhere. Or have the Zatannas transform a demon into a fear elemental. Or really just bind a demon as is. They routinely cause fear on the job all the time.
They're mostly looking for people who are still functioning and who are likely to be able to work with them. Most normal people are currently incapable of mustering enough of any emotion but black. The people that are capable enough to resist are more likely to be supers or eccentric, not normal.
Since Indigo Rings work by purging every other emotion and filling the void with pure compassion, the Joker would be a powerhouse with one of those. Not sure if good since an insane yet compassionate individual could still do weird somehow-bad stuff. Would be a better fit if OL wasn't specifically looking for fear wielders.
Joker uses compassion as a weapon in his everyday anyways. He forces people to watch their loved ones get tortured without hurting them himself. He mentally torments them until they break. If they were psychopaths and not compassionate this wouldn't work. See: the entirety of "one bad day".
Oof, you forgot my favourite character in the fic :'(
Oh well, OL can make up for it by visiting once this whole thing blows over. And maybe showing her the ring if whoever he finds doesn't keep it.
Honestly, I doubt she'd take it if it wasn't to save Earth from the Anti-Life. Hades is probably in lockdown right now, the death domain is uncomfortably close to Anti-Life.
If he settles on Power Ring -16, who already has his own ring, he doesn't have to give up the one he's got.
Wait Time (part 2)
17th February 2013
06:59 GMT -5

Mitchell frowns at the computer screen. "The Joker had a… Tribute act?"

Richard looks at him over the top of his own screen. "A few people got affected by Smilex but didn't die. It still messed with their heads-."

"No, I mean-."

"Jarvis, yeah."

I feel a brief moment of embarrassment on behalf of my former country. Mitchell looks puzzled by my reaction.

"Do you know him?"

"No. Ah. " I try to make eye contact with Richard, but he's returned his attention to his monitor. "The Joker wasn't always focused on mass murder. Some of his earliest crimes… Were just normal crimes in costumes, and some of the ones after that were… They were things a normal person could almost find funny. The reason he could keep making insanity pleas is.. that.. Smilex makes it so the person affected by it is constantly driven to do more. There's never a point where they're.. comfortable at a… The cut-off point between 'exciting' and 'terrifying' isn't there any more. The more feedback they get, the more fun they have. The Joker escalated."

"You mean he was a fan on the Joker original work?"

"As I understand it, he… He didn't read the full article and just thought improvisational theatre clown in a purple suit was a pretty natty idea."

Kon looks up in surprise. "Seriously?"

"Ah… I'm getting that second hand, but-" I nod. "-more or less. He changed his makeup and outfit a bit when the Joker switched from 'comedy-themed crimes' to 'mass murder with occasional weak comedy reference'."

Richard gives me a small smile. "Can I tell him you said that?"

"If it ever becomes relevant I'd rather that you put a bullet in him."

"I'm.. not doing that."

"Robin, you've seen the same Smilex research that I have. He's not ever going to recover. He isn't ever going to stop. He won't respond to therapy in a meaningful way."

"What would a healing potion do to him?"


Smilex exposure after that amount of time… In the brain…


"I don't think it would do a lot, but I can't be sure without some actual… Tests. The human body… And the potion, probably wouldn't react to the changes Smilex made to the brain as 'damage', not unless you dosed them with it immediately after their exposure. But I'm not an expert alchemist by any means and it's not beyond the realm of possibility that there might be some sort of super healing potion that we might learn to make in future that could work on cases like his."

"Then that's why."

"Do you really think that Jack Napier would want to come back at this point, remembering everything that the Joker's done? Heck, even if I did repair his brain, do you think that there's anything of Mister Napier left? We'd.. probably just get a slightly less extreme Joker."


We both turn to Mitchell, who's looking a little awkward.

"So… Not a good choice for a yellow power ring?"

"He is pretty good at judging the degree of fear he creates, but I don't think he's really…"

"Could we try him out?"

"If no one's got any better ideas?"

"What about Melinoë?"

"Maybe, but… There are three ways into Erebos. We can't get to the Themyscira gate with the island vanished, I don't want to risk dying at the moment to enter as a shade and I don't fancy our chances at finding a way in through the Dream."

M'gann's eyes glow for a moment. "You said the Omega Effect turned your construct into Colin Thornton. Do you think he knows any demons who could work?"

"Even if he does, he won't tell me. And…"

Could Mammon find someone? Probably, but they'd be dead. I don't know whether or not dead people can use power rings, but if we're invoking the white light it's probably best not to risk it. And a demon… No.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

She nods, going back to her screen. And now I'm thinking about Mr. Siskin again.

"Is Zauriel in the Tower of Fate?"

Richard shakes his head. "He's somewhere in South America right now. Mister Atom wanted to see if him being around people could stop the Anti-Life taking them over. There aren't as many broadcasters down there as there are in the US."

"Okay." I step back from the desks and generate a phone box construct around myself. I hesitate for a moment, then pick up the handset. We're in roughly the same time zone and as far as I know he doesn't sleep. "Orange Lantern to Zauriel."

A moment of delay, then-.

"Zauriel here. I am seated. You may begin."

"Can you tell me whether or not a particular person's soul went to Heaven?"

"It may be that I can do so. Whom do you wish to enquire after?"

"Michael Siskin. He died about a year and a half ago. Killed by Nabu."

"Was he a religious man?"

"I don't think so."

"Was he a good man?"

I've had ample opportunity to review his service record. He was a reasonably well disciplined soldier who was recruited to the dark side for his psychic abilities rather than any ideological inclination. What happened after that was a slippery slope I can all too easily understand. I didn't ask if he regretted it afterwards. I know that karma isn't a Christian concept; you can't pay off your sins and get into Heaven that way. So…

"He did me a solid."

"I fear that is not the recommendation that you want it to be."

"I didn't know him well enough to say. If you want my best answer, it would be that he was a reasonably moral man pressed into extreme circumstances." Hm. "Honestly, if he went to Hell that would be perfectly fine for my purposes-."

"Please, Orange Lantern, do not say things of that nature."

"Sorry. But we're trying to save the world here."

"I cannot check the lists of those permitted entry. If he is in purgatory and on the path to the City, I may not know it. But to my knowledge he has neither entered Heaven nor Hell."

"Thank you."

I go to-.

"Orange Lantern. It concerns me that even though you accept that this man Michael Siskin 'did you a solid', it is only now that you enquire after his soul."

"A lot of people have died, Zauriel. At the time I couldn't have done anything about it. You weren't on Earth. And if I had then I'd have run into the 'Mind of God', wouldn't I?"

"That is true. But please, consider your mindfulness during this conflict."

"Alright. I will. Thank you for the information. Goodbye."

"God be with you, Orange Lantern."

I dismiss the phone booth, shaking my head as the others look my way.

"He didn't know. Let's keep looking."
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Good guy, that Zauriel, and good call out on his part too. The Illustres definitely left Siskin as a foot note in that conflict, although he did inform his parents about his passing, I think?

What about the porn star who drank the evil potion?

She's damaged, but I don't think that makes her better understand or utilize fear; it's just that fear is one of the only concrete emotions she herself feels or can understand in other people. In fact, I give it good odds that she might be a city boss right now or already Anti-Life'd. She didn't seem to have a life meaningful enough or the mental fortitude to resist it, but she is ruthless enough to adopt it, I guess.
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"As I understand it, he… He didn't read the full article and just through improvisational theatre clown in a purple suit was a pretty natty idea."
That should say 'thought'.

Richard shakes his head. "He's somewhere in South America right now. Mister Atom wanted to see if him being around people could stop the Anti-Life taking them over. There aren't as many broadcasters sown there are there are in the US."
That should say 'down'.

"A lot of people have died, Zauriel. At the time I couldn't have done anything about it. You weren't on Earth. And if I had then I've have run into the 'Mind of God', wouldn't I?"
That should say "I'd".
Remind me why Sinestro is not willing to lend a lantern just to get a favor from Paul.
Remind me why Sinestro is not willing to lend a lantern just to get a favor from Paul.
Earth is Hal Jordan's planet Sinestro is not going to approach Earth or anyone from the Sol system until he believes he can either win their argument or turn Hal to his side.
17th February 2013
06:59 GMT -5

Mitchell frowns at the computer screen. "The Joker had a… Tribute act?"

Richard looks at him over the top of his own screen. "A few people got affected by Smilex but didn't die. It still messed with their heads-."
I mean, some periods of the Joker's career haven't been marked by psychotic murder sprees, psychological torture or lunatic anarchist tendencies. Not many, and mostly from the 50's in the comics. And let's not forget Batman 66's Joker.

"No, I mean-."

"Jarvis, yeah."
The only way that name could be more on the nose was if his last name was 'O'Kerr' or similar. :p

I feel a brief moment of embarrassment on behalf of my former country. Mitchell looks puzzled by my reaction.

"Do you know him?"
Hey, the British villain scene has always been... Mediocre.

"No. Ah. " I try to make eye contact with Richard, but he's returned his attention to his monitor. "The Joker wasn't always focused on mass murder. Some of his earliest crimes… Were just normal crimes in costumes, and some of the ones after that were… They were things a normal person could almost find funny. The reason he could keep making insanity pleas is.. that.. Smilex makes it so the person affected by it is constantly driven to do more. There's never a point where they're.. comfortable at a… The cut-off point between 'exciting' and 'terrifying' isn't there any more. The more feedback they get, the more fun they have. The Joker escalated."
:rolleyes: Still doesn't explain why some disgruntled cop hasn't made him 'trip down a flight of stairs' or something, unless Smilex also makes him too damn tough to die...

"You mean he was a fan on the Joker original work?"

"As I understand it, he… He didn't read the full article and just through improvisational theatre clown in a purple suit was a pretty natty idea."
At which point people just go 'Oh, an upper-class twit. Just ignore him.' :D

Kon looks up in surprise. "Seriously?"

"Ah… I'm getting that second hand, but-" I nod. "-more or less. He changed his makeup and outfit a bit when the Joker switched from 'comedy-themed crimes' to 'mass murder with occasional weak comedy reference'."
At least he was smart enough not to follow the leader that far.

Richard gives me a small smile. "Can I tell him you said that?"

"If it ever becomes relevant I'd rather that you put a bullet in him."
Nah, that's more Jason Todd's thing than Dick Grayson. Usually.

"I'm.. not doing that."

"Robin, you've seen the same Smilex research that I have. He's not ever going to recover. He isn't ever going to stop. He won't respond to therapy in a meaningful way."
And sooner or later, he's going to try a 'prank' on someone who won't hold back because of 'insanity'

"What would a healing potion do to him?"

...Can they revert neurochemistry alterations?

Smilex exposure after that amount of time… In the brain…

Pretty sure after this long, it's permanent.

"I don't think it would do a lot, but I can't be sure without some actual… Tests. The human body… And the potion, probably wouldn't react to the changes Smilex made to the brain as 'damage', not unless you dosed them with it immediately after their exposure. But I'm not an expert alchemist by any means and it's not beyond the realm of possibility that there might be some sort of super healing potion that we might learn to make in future that could work on cases like his."
Though wasting a Panacea on him might seem... Foolish.

"Then that's why."

"Do you really think that Jack Napier would want to come back at this point, remembering everything that the Joker's done? Heck, even if I did repair his brain, do you think that there's anything of Mister Napier left? We'd.. probably just get a slightly less extreme Joker."
Or a crusader for social justice. Would probably not end well even then.


We both turn to Mitchell, who's looking a little awkward.
...Speaking of someone who avoided a fate like the Joker's...

"So… Not a good choice for a yellow power ring?"

"He is pretty good at judging the degree of fear he creates, but I don't think he's really…"
He's not a 'master of Fear', to put it plainly. Nor is he interested in ruling via Fear, which I've seen as a variant...

"Could we try him out?"

"If no one's got any better ideas?"
Let's put that above the Godzilla Threshold line, shall we? Right behind Big G himself.

"What about Melinoë?"

"Maybe, but… There are three ways into Erebos. We can't get to the Themyscira gate with the island vanished, I don't want to risk dying at the moment to enter as a shade and I don't fancy our chances at finding a way in through the Dream."
And Hades would probably take a dim view of her being exposed to the Anti-Life anyway.

M'gann's eyes glow for a moment. "You said the Omega Effect turned your construct into Colin Thornton. Do you think he knows any demons who could work?"

"Even if he does, he won't tell me. And…"
...Not without some persuasion. Something orange-flavoured...

Could Mammon find someone? Probably, but they'd be dead. I don't know whether or not dead people can use power rings, but if we're invoking the white light it's probably best not to risk it. And a demon… No.

"I don't think that's a good idea."
Especially when the White Light is prone to causing spontaneous resurrections.

She nods, going back to her screen. And now I'm thinking about Mr. Siskin again.

"Is Zauriel in the Tower of Fate?"
Gonna get an expert opinion on the matter?

Richard shakes his head. "He's somewhere in South America right now. Mister Atom wanted to see if him being around people could stop the Anti-Life taking them over. There aren't as many broadcasters sown there are there are in the US."

"Okay." I step back from the desks and generate a phone box construct around myself. I hesitate for a moment, then pick up the handset. We're in roughly the same time zone and as far as I know he doesn't sleep. "Orange Lantern to Zauriel."
Nor does he need to eat, drink or shower. And anything more horizontal is kind of up in the air too.

A moment of delay, then-.

"Zauriel here. I am seated. You may begin."
Heh. He's prepared against OL's tendency for unexpected complications, I see.

"Can you tell me whether or to a particular person's soul went to Heaven?"

"It may be that I can do so. Whom do you wish to enquire after?"
Kind of a vague answer there, birdy. Let me guess, it depends on who OL's asking about?

"Michael Siskin. He died about a year and a half ago. Killed by Nabu."

"Was he a religious man?"
Honestly, 'killed' is still uncertain. This is still based on OL's assumption.

"I don't think so."

"Was he a good man?"
...Let's go with 'stuck in a bad situation.'

I've had ample opportunity to review his service record. He was a reasonably well disciplined soldier who was recruited to the dark side for his psychic abilities rather than any ideological inclination. What happened after that was a slippery slope I can all too easily understand. I didn't ask if he regretted it afterwards. I know that karma isn't a Christian concept; you can't pay off your sins and get into Heaven that way. So…

"He did me a solid."
At least, not in a way that the Silver City would recognise or honour...

"I fear that is not the recommendation that you want it to be."

"I didn't know him well enough to say. If you want my best answer, it would be that he was a reasonably moral man pressed into extreme circumstances." Hm. "Honestly, if he went to Hell that would be perfectly fine for my purposes-."
OL, that's not really the best choice of words when talking to an Angel.

"Please, Orange Lantern, do not say things of that nature."

"Sorry. But we're trying to save the world here."
No excuse to allow a decline in discipline, mind.

"I cannot check the lists of those permitted entry. If he is in purgatory and on the path to the City, I may not know it. But to my knowledge he has neither entered Heaven or Hell."

"Thank you."
Still, that's a big gap between a definite 'Yes' or 'No'. And doesn't consider that he may not be dead.

I go to-.

"Orange Lantern. It concerns me that even though you accept that this man Michael Siskin 'did you a solid', it is only now that you enquire after his soul."
Hey, he's been a busy guy in the last... Eighteen months or so?

"A lot of people have died, Zauriel. At the time I couldn't have done anything about it. You weren't on Earth. And if I had then I've have run into the 'Mind of God', wouldn't I?"

"That is true. But please, consider your mindfulness during this conflict."
Good luck with that, Z.

"Alright. I will. Thank you for the information. Goodbye."

"God be with you, Orange Lantern."
Still trying to do the job he was assigned after all this time... Good fellow...

I dismiss the phone booth, shaking my head as the others look my way.

"He didn't know. Let's keep looking."
You have to admit, that must have seemed a little peculiar looking at it from the outside. :p

Guess that settles the matter of going to the Joker or Michael Siskin... Options are rapidly running short, it seems. Fear manipulation isn't exactly a common ability in the first place, and there's a very short list of those who could be trusted to use it responsibly... Hopefully they can find someone to fit their rather limited set of conditions. Or learn to compromise at the cost of their chance of success...
There aren't as many broadcasters sown there are there are in the US."
'sown there as'
'down there as'
"Can you tell me whether or to a particular person's soul went to Heaven?"
'or not'
But to my knowledge he has neither entered Heaven or Hell."
'Heaven nor Hell.'?
You weren't on Earth. And if I had then I've have run into the 'Mind of God', wouldn't I?"
They're mostly looking for people who are still functioning and who are likely to be able to work with them. Most normal people are currently incapable of mustering enough of any emotion but black. The people that are capable enough to resist are more likely to be supers or eccentric, not normal.
There are multiple regions if the world that are shielded. Some of those regions definitely have organized crime and shit. Or, as I said, recruit an alien.
There are multiple regions if the world that are shielded. Some of those regions definitely have organized crime and shit. Or, as I said, recruit an alien.
Yeah hasn't he stolen multiple people for his corps that were Yellow Lanterns in the comics? Ask one of them. Not really sure what the obsession is with finding an ideal candidate, he's not recruiting for a corps, he just needs someone who can muster enough of the emotion for one blast. Doesn't even need to be good enough to form constructs.
There are multiple regions if the world that are shielded. Some of those regions definitely have organized crime and shit. Or, as I said, recruit an alien.
The SI's feeling is that they'd have to be good at it, particularly if he's providing the orange. They also have to be able to function around Anti-Life broadcasters, survive fighting their way to an Anti-Life broadcaster, not be evil and be reliable. If they just wanted someone who could use it at all just about anyone would do.
man i wish there were a way to get to Melinoe. even with everything going on, it could be time for Eris to do a solid and make Melinoe randomly appear in a safe zone for transport. she's the only one i can think of (besides Batman) who could rationally control the light of fear.

i had also thought of the Shade, but something about the Shade creating light constructs seems dangerous for him.
If you need to get in contact with Melinoe... can't you just pray? If you can't reach her directly, you might be able to get Eris to at least take a message here for her and Paul should be able to reach Eris through direct prayer. Undoing the current social order here is 'stop the antilife' so Eris would probably be easy to get to back you here, even if she's a bit cowardly.
The problem with Melinoe, as we know, is that on the Doylist side Mr. Zoat forgot about her. So for the story he most likely already has a character in mind that the characters in-story will eventually find or get in contact; even Watsonian, the Illustres forgets about individuals and allies regularly because he's so busy and has hands in more pies than he has fingers.

So, if Melinoe was the solution, as we know she's the most appropriate candidate, the Illustres and the others would sort through a few options until they decide to go for her and then explore the most appropriate method available to reach her.

That would be the bulk of the episode, because getting in contact with her at this time isn't exactly easy; the Thaumosphere is infected with Anti-Life which may interfere with usual evocations and rituals, the gods themselves seem disconnected from the material world right now probably as a consequence of the same infection, no easy gate to Erebos to just wander in and the Dreaming always has its own dangers, though it's most likely the better option considering Melinoe has something of the Dreaming in her by virtue of her domain.
I like the Amanda Waller idea Splinterface had.
This continuity doesn't have Taskforce X, so she hasn't developed that particular skill set.
Another possible character is Jean-Paul Valley, He was Batman's choice for his stand-in while he was injured.
Currently a Justifier.
The Hitman, he is an assassin with a heart of gold, and the heart of a mob boss next to it.
Doesn't have any particular skill with fear.
The SI's feeling is that they'd have to be good at it
If all he needs is "Light Blast", which given he's using the Mask as a stand in is all he can get, why would he need someone who can do anything more then "Light Blast"?

particularly if he's providing the orange
That's a him problem, and not a particularly big one at that given the limited output of the Mask.

They also have to be able to function around Anti-Life broadcasters
You already established that there is functionally no difference in Anti-Life strength anywhere within a few dozen mile of a broadcaster.

survive fighting their way to an Anti-Life broadcaster
You already established that LePaul can keep regular old humans safe getting next to a broadcaster.

not be evil and be reliable
And that's only a limiting factor because of all the other problems with his logic.
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Richard shakes his head. "He's somewhere in South America right now. Mister Atom wanted to see if him being around people could stop the Anti-Life taking them over. There aren't as many broadcasters down there as there are in the US."
With clarification that Amanda doesn't have the skills due to the lack of a Task Force X, my bet has now switched back to Helmut. Zauriel in South America? Where the hell ritual was going to happen and the nazi clone lived? Hmmm. :sneaky: (And I have no clue who else it could be, if it's a pre-existing character and they're not going to use the Joker)

Depends on if they have the magicians on hand for it. John Constantine isn't available but Doctor Mist is.

The main characters who this story was originally built around have returned! And they're being informed and treated as friends! Things are happening!

I assume that, given Earth's… situation, even if the White Light resurrects the people beaten to death by Justifiers, blown up by Suicide Jockeys, and other such methods of horrible death, that OL will have to stick around and help clean up… unless he has to run off and fix Hinon & the Controllers. The Reach hasn't been doing so hot, even with their inner fleets, and that conflict is very Long Term.
Is Phobia around on Earth-16? I don't think she was one of the Brotherhood guys Grayven splattered, but that doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't exist. I couldn't find her in Zoat's search history. ('Angela' only turns up unrelated characters.)

Shows what I know, I spent ages conflating her and Psimon, and only just now remembered they were separate characters.

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