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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

This current storyline is reminding me of a post flashpoint Sinestro storyline I read.

Something was threatening Earth and it was up to the Sinestro Corps to defend it.

It was all hands on deck time, so the Sinestro Corps deputizes pretty much every super. Wonder Woman, Superman, Deathstroke, Black Adam, Deadman, Swamp Thing, Constantine, bunch of others I can't recall offhand.

Pity Adom and Constantine aren't available, you can't tell me they aren't quite comfortable using fear as a tool.
Before the whole anti life thing started (about three months ago?), how many people had signed up to use Melinoe's psychological tokens? Could one of those generate the necessary fear, and/or have they tried using the fear toxin?
Before the whole anti life thing started (about three months ago?), how many people had signed up to use Melinoe's psychological tokens? Could one of those generate the necessary fear, and/or have they tried using the fear toxin?
Someone dosed with fear toxin is (if they can actually use the ring) more likely to freak out and try to fight whatever they are hallucinating. And dosing other people around the yellow ring user would only increase the rings power if the people dosed were fearing the lantern and not whatever they are hallucinating.
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Wait Time (part 4)
17th February 2013
13:42 GMT

Robert points to the Anti-Life broadcaster currently sitting in the middle of Stonehenge.

"There. One like it in just about every bloody one. Like the magic's drained right out of the place."

Richard frowns. "Permanently?"

"Bloody hope not." Robert shakes his head. "Shouldn't be, but anyone trying'na use magic in Britain right now's in fer a nasty shock."


"Dunno, mate. Most of the top level superheroes in Britain work for the government." He shakes his head. "Worked. A lot of the rest joined the Alliance, 'cos… Why not? They got helmets. Most of the villains got Anti-Lifed, but I haven't seen any they bothered helmetting. First Eleven are basically running the country right now and Stone Cold Luke's…" He tenses and relaxes his right arm. "He's been hunting down everyone who's still fighting. Killed seven that I know about, and my arm still isn't right."

I raise my left hand towards it and raise my eyebrows. He nods, and I connect a filament to it. There's… Some sort of poison in there, and it looks like it's resisting Robert's magic-based regeneration. I remove it and send it to subspace for future utilisation.

Richard nods. "And what happened to the government team?"

"For the first month or so they were smashing everything Mannheim sent. Then they all disappeared. Dunno if they're dead or what. They didn't try and coordinate with the rest of us."

"Do they use boom tubes?"

He shakes his head. "Not that I've heard. But they can teleport like me an' Dad do."

I nod. "Corrupt the ley lines with Anti-Life, then they can use them. Cornwall, do you have any access to Otherworld?"

"No, mate." He shakes his head. "Sorry." He sighs. "An' I could really use Great Granddad's advice."

"How about the standing stones that were sabotaged?"

"Most o' them are still there, but so what? We can't use them."

"They're on ley lines, right?"

"Yeah? But-."

"But it's the stones that were sabotaged, right? The ley lines under them aren't affected."

"So we..? Just replace them?" He thinks for a moment, then shakes his head. "It won't work quick, then you've got the whole system full of Anti-Life tryin'na stop it."

"How about an island?"

He looks away, exhaling slowly.

"Maybe. I.. dunno. Never went into that part of the theory."

"Okay, we can-." Hm. It's a long shot, but… "Have you heard of a hippy commune in Scotland called Pagan Nation?"

"No. What about them?"

"One of the people there is a powerful magician. Almost no training, but it would be interesting to see how she fared. If anyone could link up a stone circle-."

Except she said that stone circles were an attempt by the ancient patriarchy to bind the land's natural forces and generally gave me the impression that she'd like to get rid of them.

"She could do it. Whether she actually would or not…"

Richard frowns over his binoculars. "What happens if we just blow them all up?"

"Y'mean, the broadcasters, or the circles?"

"Broadcasters. Unless it helps."

"That shuts it down for a few days until they fix them all. The Anti-Life's already in the system. Might… Fade away eventually if they stop reinforcing it, but it doesn't happen quick enough. Blowing up the whole circle… Dunno. Nothing stopping them using ley lines anywhere, but they've built them in live stone circles for a reason, haven't they?"

"I'd rather not blow up Stonehenge."

"And I'd rather you didn't paint the Statue of Liberty brown, but we kinda need to save the world here Oh El."

"That wasn't-. It was a patina."

Oh, he clearly knew that.

Okay, I have atom-perfect scans of Stonehenge. I can just recreate it. I still think that it would lose something…

"I think it would be best to leave them intact. If we can."

Richard lowers his binoculars. "You been to this 'Pagan Nation' place before?"

"Yes. Just before the mission to Minions. The magician didn't like me because she was used to knowing everything about her immediate environment and my tattoos prevented that. But it's so out of the way that I doubt that Mannheim would have focused on it, and she's the sort of magician who'd be good at concealing their existence completely."

"So we go there, ask her about it, make a new opening and then call in the team."

Robert and I nod.

"And then what?"

"Then, hopefully, we'll be able to access Erebos, or at least be able to get a message to them. Melinoë is perfectly capable of accessing the material world under her own power, so we won't need to open a larger hole."

"Can she use a power ring?"

"I.. don't know for sure. The Green Lantern Corps has had exotic members before, but I… Can't immediately call to mind any gods who joined. But if she can't, she should be able to recommend someone. She's the Goddess of Nightmares and Madness, after all."

"And what happens if the Anti-Life is in Otherworld?"

"Depends how it manifests. Destroy it, ideally. Avoid it and complete our mission if we can't."

"And our line of retreat?"

"Our standing stone. Failing that… The Atlanteans working for the Orange Lantern Corps came up with a way for me to drag things through the Honden without driving them mad. Zatanna, Tula and Garth could probably replicate it."

"Okay. Cornwall?"

"I.. dunno?" He shrugs. "I've only gone into Otherworld a few times. I didn't even know there was a way into other places from there. We'll need Great-Granddad to show us around."

I nod. "Right then. Off to Pagan Nation."
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You know it occurs to me that, in canon, we have multiple examples of high level Green Lanterns (Hal, Siniestro and Guy for example) wielding the yellow light. Effectively, Paul could just have the Earth Greens test out to see who could do it and the likelihood would be high he gets one at least. Guy and Hal both seem highly likely to be able to.
17th February 2013
04:42 GMT

Robert points to the Anti-Life broadcaster currently sitting in the middle of Stonehenge.

"There. One like it in just about every bloody one. Like the magic's drained right out of the place."
Well, bugger. Looks like they're trying to nobble the ley lines of the country. Wonder if other countries got the same treatment, given many nations have mythological equivalents (like the Dragon Lines of China. Ever wonder why Hong Kong has holes in some buildings? :D It's to let Dragons flow through.)

Richard frowns. "Permanently?"

"Bloody hope not." Robert shakes his head. "Shouldn't be, but anyone trying'na use magic in Britain right now's in fer a nasty shock."
Ugh. So things are bad for folks like Maps, the Shaman of London, who are tied to such things..


"Dunno, mate. Most of the top level superheroes in Britain work for the government." He shakes his head. "Worked. A lot of the rest joined the Alliance, 'cos… Why not? They got helmets. Most of the villains got Anti-Lifed, but I haven't seen any they bothered helmetting. First Eleven are basically running the country right now and Stone Cold Luke's…" He tenses and relaxes his right arm. "He's been hunting down everyone who's still fighting. Killed seven that I know about, and my arm still isn't right."
...Right, looks like a nice fellow. So, what you're saying is, things are right fooked.

I raise my left hand towards it and raise my eyebrows. He nods, and I connect a filament to it. There's… Some sort of poison in there, and it looks like it's resisting Robert's magic-based regeneration. I remove it and send it to subspace for future utilisation.

Richard nods. "And what happened to the government team?"
Interesting. Wonder if that was made to specifically target people like the Cornwalls, or if it's some manner of general anti-regenerator weapon.

"For the first month or so they were smashing everything Mannheim sent. Then they all disappeared. Dunno if they're dead or what. They didn't try and coordinate with the rest of us."

"Do they use boom tubes?"
Too good for the local lads, eh? I suppose that saved the small-time crowd. Too insignificant to challenge the Narrative of Rulership.

He shakes his head. "Not that I've heard. But they can teleport like me an' Dad do."

I nod. "Corrupt the ley lines with Anti-Life, then they can use them. Cornwall, do you have any access to Otherworld?"
If he doesn't then this was largely a wasted trip. Barring healing him up.

"No, mate." He shakes his head. "Sorry." He sighs. "An' I could really use Great Granddad's advice."

"How about the standing stones that were sabotaged?"
By iron spikes driven into them, right? Courtesy of Constantine back in the day?

"Most o' them are still there, but so what? We can't use them."

"They're on ley lines, right?"
I mean, pull the spikes, slam some natural energy into them... You might get one use out of them before the Anti-Life corrupts them.

"Yeah? But-."

"But it's the stones that were sabotaged, right? They ley lines under them aren't affected."
Like a broken waterwheel on a flowing river.

"So we..? Just replace them?" He thinks for a moment, then shakes his head. "It won't work quick, then you've got the whole system full of Anti-Life tryin'na stop it."

"How about an island?"
...I can't picture Mannheim's Justified bothering with small sites unless something draws their attention to it.

He looks away, exhaling slowly.

"Maybe. I.. dunno. Never went into that part of the theory."
Well, something to study when things get back to normal.

"Okay, we can-." Hm. It's a long shot, but… "Have you heard of a hippy commune in Scotland called Pagan Nation?"

"No. What about them?"
Heh. Another callback to the storyline that brought us Siskin.

"One of the people there is a powerful magician. Almost no training, but it would be interesting to see how she fared. If anyone could like up a stone circle-."

Except she said that stone circles were an attempt by the ancient patriarchy to bind the land's natural forces and generally gave me the impression that she'd like to get rid of them.
Maybe frame it as a yonic rebellion? Instead of one giant phallic rock, a passage or circle of smaller Omphalos-esque stones...

"She could do it. Whether she actually would or not…"

Richard frowns over his binoculars. "What happens if we just blow them all up?"
...Let's not go blowing up historic sites, useful or not.

"Y'mean, the broadcasters, or the circles?"

"Broadcasters. Unless it helps."
Oh, yes. Draw attention to the fact you're in Britain, and targetting sites related to the Ley-network...

"That shuts it down for a few days until they fix them all. The Anti-Life's already in the system. Might… Fade away eventually if they stop reinforcing it, but it doesn't happen quick enough. Blowing up the whole circle… Dunno. Nothing stopping them using ley lines anywhere, but they've build them in live stone circles for a reason, haven't they?"

"I'd rather not blow up Stonehenge."
And if the leylines react poorly, the results could be cataclysmic.

"And I'd rather you didn't paint the Statue of Liberty brown, but we kinda need to save the world here Oh El."

"That wasn't-. It was a patina."
...He's teasing, OL. I can just picture his grin and eye-roll at your pained response.

Oh, he clearly knew that.

Okay, I have atom-perfect scans of Stonehenge. I can just recreate it. I still think that it would lose something…
...Likely the centuries of earth-energies that infuse the stones, since I assume that was the function of it.

"I think it would be best to leave them intact. If we can."

Richard lowers his binoculars. "You been to this 'Pagan Nation' palace before?"
...The unspoken question being 'Can we expect them to be hostile?'

"Yes. Just before the mission to Minions. The magician didn't like me because she was used to knowing everything about her immediate environment and my tattoos prevented that. But it's so out of the way that I doubt that Mannheim would have focused on it, and she's the sort of magician who'd be good at concealing their existence completely."

"So we go there, ask her about it, make a new opening and then call in the team."
Well, sounds so easy when you say it that way. I have no doubt it won't be that simple.

Robert and I nod.

"And then what?"
Aye, that's the rub, isn't it? What will all this earn you?

"Then, hopefully, we'll be able to access Erebos, or at least be able to get a message to them. Melinoë is perfectly capable of accessing the material world under her own power, so we won't need to open a larger hole."

"Can she use a power ring?"
I mean, her distant cousin, the Ascendant Orange Lantern could. But he was somewhat more mundane than she is.

"I.. don't know for sure. The Green Lantern Corps had had exotic members before, but I… Can't immediately call to mind any gods who joined. But if she can't, she should be able to recommend someone. She's the Goddess of Nightmares and Madness, after all."

"And what happens if the Anti-Life is in Otherworld?"
Then things are a lot worse off than anyone knows.

"Depends how it manifests. Destroy it, ideally. Avoid it and complete our mission if we can't."

"And our line of retreat?"
Good to see Robin thinking about that now. Would have been good to have had something set up in Gotham...

"Our standing stone. Failing that… The Atlanteans working for the Orange Lantern Corps came up with a way for me to drag things through the Honden without driving them mad. Zatanna, Tula and Garth could probably replicate it."

"Okay. Cornwall?"
...Let's not rely on that assumption, OL.

"I.. dunno?" He shrugs. "I've only gone into Otherworld a few times. I didn't even know there was a way into other places from there. We'll need Great-Granddad to show us around."

I nod. "Right then. Off to Pagan Nation."
And from there, uncharted territory.

So it seems things are a little worse off than expected, given Cornwall's difficulties. This means taking an extremely risky and roundabout route into their intended destination. And a lot of places where things could go wrong. Never mind the issue of what they'll find waiting for them once they get there. :confused: Do they really want to meet, say, an Anti-Lifed Fionn mac Cumhail or Cu Chulaiin, or worse, the Tuatha de Danaan?

They ley lines under them aren't affected.
The ley lines under them aren't affected.
"Have you heard of a hippy commune...
Typically spelt 'Hippie'. Whoops. That's the American spelling. Retracted.
If anyone could like up a stone circle-.
If anyone could light up a stone circle-.
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What was 'Minions'? And did the meeting with this magician happen on-screen? I don't remember it even a little.

As Ngamer11 mentioned, it's a location on a mission the Team had. And yes, the meeting with the Magician was "on-screen"; she believes in primitive living so the Illustres didn't really think much of her (me neither).

And I believe the mission was where we met the Terror Thing/Siskin, if I remember correctly?
Any chance of the poison in Robert's arm regenerating ex nihilo, in the same way that anti life can?
"God be with you, Orange Lantern."
I'm reminded again how much I appreciate your depiction of Zauriel. I'm a Christian, and it's so easy for Christians to be depicted as awful caricatures. But he is a genuinely thoughtful and earnest character. Thank you for including him in your story.
Any chance of the poison in Robert's arm regenerating ex nihilo, in the same way that anti life can?
The SI doesn't think so.
I'm reminded again how much I appreciate your depiction of Zauriel. I'm a Christian, and it's so easy for Christians to be depicted as awful caricatures. But he is a genuinely thoughtful and earnest character. Thank you for including him in your story.
You're welcome.
Wait Time (part 5)
17th February 2013
09:53 GMT -5

"Nrut s'miehnnaM ezag yawa."

A distortion briefly ripples in the air around us, and Zatanna wilts slightly as the effect peters out.

"That's the best I can do. He's so…" She shakes her head. "Everywhere that it's like I'm trying to help you hide from everything."

"Are you alright?"

She shrugs limply. "As long as Mercury doesn't want a magic show."

"I think she might actually quite like a sleight of hand performance. She'd immediately see how you did it, but I think she'd find it interesting enough to be entertained." I take a closer look. That's not eye shadow, and those stress hormones-. "Are you okay?"

She shakes her head, brushing her hair out of her face with her right hand. "I've been getting some sort of feedback when I use my magic. I can cope, but I'm… I'm not exactly at my best right now. Uh."

Richard steps in to support her as she staggers, and she smiles gratefully as she lowers herself into a chair.

"Do you need to be with the field team for it to work?"

She shakes her head. "No. You should be… Fine. I'm just going to.. sit here for a while."

I nod, then connect to the ship's internal communication system. "Mister Standing Bear, please report to the briefing room."

Richard considers that for a moment, then gives me a very small nod. Tuppence, Mahkent, Abra and Eiling are back on the Tower of Fate roster, and without me being here I'm not willing to leave Zatanna alone on a ship crewed by LexCorp employees. I don't think they'd do anything overt, but Lex is perfectly capable of subtlety.

"Okay, team composition. I-."

Richard shrugs. "Everyone who's available is here, Oh El. Unless you can call on someone from N.E.M.O., this is it."

"Do you think I should?"

"Is there a reason not to?"

"We're from a magic-rich world. My best guess is that that makes us more resistant to the Anti-Life. There are a… Couple of N.E.M.O. affiliated worlds that are thaumically active-"

Zatanna sort of slumps in her seat. I give her another scan, but as far as I can tell it's just tiredness.

"-but they are far less so than Earth. Grayven's started taking shots at our ships, so I can't ask for a whole fleet because they're either engaged or in reserve to respond to attacks, and Finality Man could probably destroy our ships with a bit of effort anyway. And…"

I give him an awkward look, and he nods.

"We're not part of N.E.M.O. and you can't risk this spreading. But if you're fighting Grayven, aren't you already fighting Apokolips?"

"Not as far as we can tell. One Apokoliptian ship and only one other Apokoliptian New God. We think he went after New Chronus to get people who could operate New God technology. If Darkseid was actually making an effort, he could easily supply him with officers."

"I guess that makes sense. But-."

The door opens and Mr Standing Bear walks in, helmet on head.

"We're heading down to Earth. Please look after Miss Zatara while we're gone."

He nods, approaching her chair and standing by it protectively with his arms folded.

"Thank you. Orange Lantern to squad, prepare for teleportation."

The ring shows me M'gann, Kon and Mitchell shutting down their terminals and then adopting the Star Trek transporter pose, which is slightly amusing. Down on Earth, Robert just steps back into concealment from the Mannheim-affiliates guarding Stonehenge.

"Two, one."

I trigger the teleportation system, and in a flash of light the ship disappears and is replaced by the backwaters of Scotland.

17th February 2013
14:56 GMT

Nothing much has changed since last time I was here. I even recognise the trees and the sign along the track leading to the hamlet. And I can just about see the aura Zatanna covered us with in a slight ripple as I look up at the stars.

Robert exhales. "Cor. Feels a lot lighter out here, doesn't it?"

Richard nods. "We're a lot further from any broadcasters."

M'gann looks unconvinced. "I…" Her eyes glow and she reaches out her right hand towards the settlement. "I think they're…"

I erect a telepath baffle at once.

"Huh? What?" She jerks her head around to look at me. "Why-?"

"Because they don't know that we're not with Mannheim, but Mercury could probably feel you doing that. And while she probably can't just blast us, she can do a whole lot of-"

A bird takes off from a nearby tree, calling out in alarm.

"-unpleasant things-"

My faceplate is covered in bird poo.

"-to us."

There are some… Choked coughs from my colleagues, who are probably being affected by some sort of asphyxiation weapon.

I clean the bird poo off with a construct.

"Cornwall, how well known are you?"

"Do they have T.V.?"

"I don't think so."


"That's a bit more likely."

He thinks, then shakes his head. "Doubt they've heard of me."

"I guess I'm taking the diplomatic-"

Another bird uses me for target practice.

"-lead, then. Mercury, this is really petty."

Or it could be a genuine attempt to blind attackers. I send probes into the and that's a pit trap.

I create a construct bridge over it and start walking.

"They've prepared low-tech defences. No sudden movements, and keep your hands visible."

Mitchell frowns. "Would it be better to wait here? Then they could talk to us when they're ready."

"No. They're industrious but not very sensible. The more time that we're not talking to them directly, the more time they've got to do something stupid. I'm just hoping that Mercury doesn't do something stupid anyway."
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She's immediately see how you did it,

"She'd immediately"

ink he went after the New Chronus to get
"after New Chronus"

Mister Sitting Bull, please report to the briefing room."

The door opens and Mr Standing Bear walks

Two different names.

A bird takes off from a nearby tree, calling out in alarm.

"-unpleasant things-"

My faceplate is covered in bird poo.

"-to us.

"No. They're industrious but not very sensible. The more time they're we're not talking to them directly, the more time they've got to do something stupid. I'm just hoping that Mercury doesn't do something stupid anyway."
I hope they do something stupid so that Paul is forced to make them see why they should be scared of him. Also, that should say 'that'.
17th February 2013
09:53 GMT -5

"Nrut s'miehnnaM ezag yawa."

A distortion briefly ripples in the air around us, and Zatanna wilts slightly as the effect peters out.
Well, good to hear a familiar backwards-speaking voice again. I can't imagine this has been easy for her, much less any magic-user, given the way Anti-Life is infused across the thaumosphere.

"That's the best I can do. He's so…" She shakes her head. "Everywhere that it's like I'm trying to help you hide from everything."

"Are you alright?"
At least she's doing her best to do good.

She shrugs limply. "As long as Mercury doesn't want a magic show."

"I think she might actually quite like a slight of hand performance. She'd immediately see how you did it, but I think she'd find it interesting enough to be entertained." I take a closer look. That's not eye shadow, and those stress hormones-. "Are you okay?"
I mean, she is only sixteen or so, and she's probably doing the work of two or three adult mages simply because she's that strong.

She shakes her head, brushing her hair out of her face with her right hand. "I've been getting some sort of feedback when I use my magic. I can cope, but I'm… I'm not exactly at my best right now. Uh."

Richard steps in to support her as she staggers, and she smiles gratefully as she lowers herself into a chair.
Still, accepting a physical refresh probably wouldn't go amiss, you know.

"Do you need to be with the field team for it to work?"

She shakes her head. "No. You should be… Fine. I'm just going to.. sit here for a while."
...With your eyes closed, perhaps? And maybe some snoring? Good plan.

I nod, then connect to the ship's internal communication system. "Mister Standing Bear, please report to the briefing room."

Richard considers that for a moment, then gives me a very small nod. Tuppence, Mahkent, Abra and Eiling are back on the Tower of Fate roster, and without me being here I'm not willing to leave Zatanna alone on a ship crewed by LexCorp employees. I don't think they'd do anything overt, but Lex is perfectly capable of subtlety.
Even against a teenage girl? Then again, some of those aboard probably have about as many scruples as lex does.

"Okay, team composition. I-."

Richard shrugs. "Everyone who's available is here, Oh El. Unless you can call on someone from N.E.M.O., this is it."
The joy of an ongoing disaster, for staffing levels.

"Do you think I should?"

"Is there a reason not to?"
Would more ships be any use? Maybe, maybe not.

"We're from a magic-rich world. My best guess is that that makes us more resistant to the Anti-Life. There are a… Couple of N.E.M.O. affiliated worlds that are thaumically active-"

Zatana sort of slumps in her seat. I give her another scan, but as far as I can tell it's just tiredness.
Honestly, maybe a bed would be more comfortable for her. :p

"-are far less so than Earth. Grayven's started taking shots at our ships, so I can't ask for a whole fleet because they're either engaged or in reserve to respond to attacks, and Finality Man could probably destroy our ships with a bit of effort anyway. And…"

I give him an awkward look, and he nods.
Better not to take the risk, then. Since nothing less than overwhelming force would be sufficient in this situation.

"We're not part of N.E.M.O. and you can't risk this spreading. But if you're fighting Grayven, aren't you already fighting Apokolips?"

"Not as far as we can tell. One Apokoliptian ship and only one other Apokoliptian New God. We think he went after New Chronus to get people who could operate New God technology. If Darkseid was actually making an effort, he could easily supply him with officers."
And throwing NEMO forces against Mannheim would be a bigger slap in the face against Him, which would draw more of His attention.

"I guess that makes sense. But-."

The door opens and Mr Standing Bear walks in, helmet on head.
Well, that was prompt. I guess he's been feeling the need to do something.

"We're heading down to Earth. Please look after Miss Zatara while we're gone."

He nods, approaching her chair and standing by it protectively with his arms folded.
Hopefully he won't spook her too badly when she wakes up.

"Thank you. Orange Lantern to squad, prepare for teleportation."

The ring shows me M'gann, Kon and Mitchell shutting down their terminals and then adopting the Star Trek transporter pose, which is slightly amusing. Down on Earth, Robert just steps back into concealment from the Mannheim-affiliates guarding Stonehenge.
To be fair, the pose is a logical one for matter-transferral methods like the Star Trek Transporter. Gives a nice, open silhouette for the scanners, minimises the risk of something getting misaligned on reformation...

"Two, one."

I trigger the teleportation system, and in a flash of light the ship disappears and is replaced by the backwaters of Scotland.
Though I suspect this system uses something a little more pleasant than having your molecules dismantled in a split second, beamed through space and reassembled at the destination...

17th February 2013
14:56 GMT

Nothing much has changed since last time I was here. I even recognise the trees and the sign along the track leading to the hamlet. And I can just about see the aura Zatanna covered us with in a slight ripple as I look up at the stars.
Let's hope your host doesn't take it as an insult.

Robert exhales. "Cor. Feels a lot lighter out here, doesn't it?"

Richard nods. "We're a lot further from any broadcasters."
Which is logical. Like cellphone towers. Further you get from them, the weaker the signal.

M'gann looks unconvinced. "I…" Her eyes glow and she reaches out her right hand towards the settlement. "I think they're…"

I erect a telepath baffle at once.
Yeah, best not to be going about poking your nose in where it's likely to get bitten.

"Huh? What?" She jerks her head around to look at me. "Why-?"

"Because they don't know that we're not with Mannheim, but Mercury could probably feel you doing that. And while she probably can't just blast us, she can do a whole lot of-"
Believe me, there are no doubt many ways a nature mage can mess with you...

A bird takes off from a nearby tree, calling out in alarm.

"-unpleasant things-"

My faceplate is covered in bird poo.
...Case in point. :D

"-to us."

There are some… Choked coughs from my colleagues, who are probably being affected by some sort of asphyxiation weapon.
Hey, be glad it wasn't one of you kids, with your exposed skin.

I clean the bird poo off with a construct.

"Cornwall, how well known are you?"
Somehow, I don't think a remote village in Scotland will have heard of a Welsh local hero. Even one hobnobbing with the League's sidekicks.

"Do they have T.V.?"

"I don't think so."
...Would be amusing if they had satellite internet or something, but this doesn't seem the sort of group to play that way.


"That's a bit more likely."
Both receiving sets and a transmitter, I would expect. Probably hand-cranked.

He thinks, then shakes his head. "Doubt they've heard of me."

"I guess I'm taking the diplomatic-"

Another bird uses me for target practice.
I think the lady objects to that plan...

"-lead, then. Mercury, this is really petty."

Or it could be a genuine attempt to blind attackers. I send probes into the and that's a pit trap.
Yeah, except that Justifiers don't really seem to use eyeholes on their helmets. Unless there's some concealed slits or something...

I create a construct bridge over it and start walking.

"They've prepared low-tech defences. No sudden movements, and keep your hands visible."
I don't expect they'll try the Ewok method, though. Wooden spears and swinging logs probably wouldn't do much to this group.

Mitchell frowns. "Would it be better to wait here? Then they could talk to us when they're ready."

"No. They're industrious but not very sensible. The more time that we're not talking to them directly, the more time they've got to do something stupid. I'm just hoping that Mercury doesn't do something stupid anyway."
And I have the feeling you'll be disappointed.

Onwards they go, bravely into the den of the shamanistic luddites. :p But really, this does seem like a long-shot even if everything goes well. On the other hand, if it works, I doubt Mannheim would believe it. Which means he's at least not likely to send the big bot after them. I doubt any of the kids would feel great if they ended up bringing that kind of trouble with them.
"I think she might actually quite like a slight of hand performance. She's immediately see how you did it, but I think she'd find it interesting enough to be entertained."
There are a… Couple of N.E.M.O. affiliated worlds that are thaumically active-"

Zatana sort of slumps in her seat. I give her another scan, but as far as I can tell it's just tiredness.

"-are far less so than Earth.
'-but they are'?
Having Standing Bear watch over Zatana seems a bit… I don't want to say 'unnecessary', but it seems to be more an assignment to keep the guy busy than one that holds much practical utility. I mean, maybe the end goal is to help him ease back into some more serious action?
Having Standing Bear watch over Zatana seems a bit… I don't want to say 'unnecessary', but it seems to be more an assignment to keep the guy busy than one that holds much practical utility. I mean, maybe the end goal is to help him ease back into some more serious action?

It's a sign of trust. Guy got booted from the military, got kidnapped by aliens, and now he's working with OL. Zatanna needed protection, and he's more trust worthy then most of The General's Squad, aside from Kadabra. On a ship full of Lexcorp mooks, he's the best bet for someone to look after her. And it shows that OL trusts him enough to leave him with someone he cares about (platonicly, move along shippers).

The old shadowrun maxim of 'geek the mage first' is alive and well under Anti-life rule. So you need someone with some oomph to watch their backs.
Wait Time (part 6)
17th February 2013
14:01 GMT

Why are they only hitting me?

There's an apocalypse on. The bird poo is annoying not because it impairs me but because of how incredibly petty it is. She clearly knows about what's going on in the world outside her little primitivist pocket paradise, but she's taking time out of her busy hiding schedule to literally shit on me.

We're approaching the wooden buildings that make up the hamlet, having walked through the non-marijuana crop fields. To be fair, in a place like this I could honestly believe that they were growing it for hemp rope-making, and a few Class B drugs never hurt anyone.

"Mercury, I know you know we're here. We're trying to save the world and we need your help. The faster you help us, the faster we're gone, and the faster things go back to normal."

No response.

Kon nods at the door of the dining hall. "I could knock?"

"No, because if Mercury's not here they might be hiding in there and then they'll panic. She either knows that we're here or…" I frown. "Cornwall, I don't suppose you've seen a young woman around the Anti-Life broadcasters, have you?"

"A few? What, you think they got her?"

"I'm aware that it's a possibility. She isn't a battle wizard, she's self-taught. She can't defeat a horde in the way that someone who can conjure elements can."

Richard looks around. "There aren't any signs of a fight, Oh El."

Mitchell frowns. "I can't hear anyone. I should be able to hear if there was anyone here. Are you.. sure-?"

Kon shakes his head. "Kryptonians and magic don't mix. If Mercury's got a spell to stop people hearing or to stop sound moving, it'll work just as well on us as on a human."

Mitchell frowns in frustration, and Kon smiles companionably.

"Yeah, it's annoying, but we're not unbeatable."

His brother shrugs. "I know, but I'd gotten used to being able to hear everything. It's weird when I can't do it."

M'gann nods. "I know."

"Mercury, I'm not trying to start a fight, but I'm going to look a little harder, alright? We do actually need to talk to you."

As gently as I can, I extend my awareness into the… Honden. Which I can't feel. Okay, try a scan. Oh, that's a really good ward. There aren't any blank spots. It's either very carefully excluding particular things, r-.

I try scanning the world outside of Pagan Nation territory and get nothing.

"Oh dear."

Robert looks puzzled. "What?"

"I think that we're currently in a pocket universe that triggered when we crossed the pit trap. Because that's probably the only way she could deal with a major attack. Superboy, Match, Cornwall, please fly that way, that way and that way while I go back to the entrance."

Robert looks a little spooked. "And then what?"

"We still try talking to her. If we can't do that, you and I throw as much raw power as we can at the problem until it stops being a problem."

The four of us rise off the ground and head towards our destinations. Was there any sign I missed..? I don't think so. My spell eater isn't any hotter than its default state and there weren't any visible sigils at the entrance. Makes me wonder… How exactly is she as strong as she is? Usually an Atlantean magician will exercise their metaphysique for decades to get as strong as she is, and they'll still use carefully standardised spell construction because it's more energy efficient. She doesn't. She hasn't had any magical education that she couldn't get from a bunch of hippies and her own psychometric abilities. John didn't say anything about her drawing power from something or having some sort of elemental giving her power, so…

Heritage? And given how she used magic… Fae? It's the only thing that comes immediately to…

I see the entrance.


Yes, now I'm looking for it, the exit doesn't look quite right. I can see the way out, but there's a haze, and-.

I try flying 'out' and it looks like I'm making progress, until I turn around and I'm no further from the closest tree than I was when I started.

"Alright! You got us! Certainly can't save the world from in here! Well done! Very impressed!"

I slow-clap her mockingly.

"You know we're not here to threaten you. I don't even really need you to do any magic, just tell us how to do something and that's fine. Mannheim's people are going to come for you eventually whether you leave us here or not."

"Then what do you want?"

I turn to see Mercury… Mercury's translucent projection, sitting in a tree. She's visibly older than last time we spoke, though that isn't too surprising at her age. I'm going to assume that she's intelligent enough to make sure what whatever I'm talking to isn't something that I can influence with the orange light.

"Passage to Otherworld. While still alive, obviously. The Justifiers are infecting-."

"I know, I can feel it. It's disgusting."

"Glad you think so. Why have you done this to me?"

"Thought John might have sent you. He gets through a lot of friends in situations like this."

"Haven't seen him since this started. Last I heard he was on Reformation Island."

She scoffs. "Fat chance with that one."

"That doesn't matter. I'm not sure why you don't want to talk to us and it doesn't really matter. Can you send us to Otherworld? Just spin this around and connect it to there rather than the regular material world? Then I'll have no reason to seek you out."

"Until next time."

"What do you want me to say? You are literally the last person I want to ask for help, because I suspected that you'd act up like this. But all of my magic allies are occupied, and the independent contractors are out of reach. This should be simple for you, and every moment you don't do it is another moment you spend in my presence."

"It's because I can't tell."

"What is?"

"Why I don't like you. I usually know why everyone's doing everything. The twins were saying the same sort of thing."

"When this is over I'll build you a suppression collar so that you can learn how normal people interact. Will you send us on our way now?"

"… Fine. Then it's all your problem."
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