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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

5th March 2013
08:44 GMT +3

I wave my rune stone around another part of Mount Olympus that should register as thaumically active. No reaction, not even something indicating a residue of an old spell. Whatever happened was surprisingly thorough.

Euryale blinks excessively hard as she looks around the mountainside.
Well, looks like the eyeball replacement was successful. I assume they're only medical-grade cyberware, to use the Cyberpunk RPG terminology, rather than anything truly enhanced. Still, compared to the old mk1 eyeball... It'd still be an upgrade. I see OL also asked her name at some point.

"Managing alright over there?"

"Some-. I'm seeing things that I haven't seen before."
Kind of like putting on glasses for the first time, huh? I hope OL didn't go too overboard on the visual acuity options.

"Do you remember what your vision was like when you were a human?"

Whatever Athena did to transform her it wasn't bound to her eyes, though we proved that the petrification effect was by testing it on a sparrow.
Bet that was a sight. Waving an eyeball in the bir's general direction and *klunk* :p Heck, she could probably have them preserved and set on wands or something as a defensive weapon.

"I thought that I did. Is this how humans see things?"

"The cybernetic eyes can see a far wider range of colours than human eyes, but by default it just has a slight expansion on the normal visual range so that your brain can cope."
Or, as Cyberpunk puts it, without causing Humanity damage. Imagine going through everyday life with a HUD that scopes out things like names, online handles or physical weaknesses of every person you see, or can automatically sense wi-fi-accessible devices... Those are all options for cyberoptics in 'Cyberpunk 2077'.

"Do they need to be cleaned or maintained?"

"They're designed to be cleaned in the same way as organic eyes. Just blink every so often-. Not like that; I mean naturally. As for repairs, I'd normally say 'no', but given how long gorgons appear to live…"
She did that 'crunch the eyelids tightly' sort of fake blink, didn't she? x3

Ring, appointment calendar.


"You should be able to contact me by the Themysciran embassy at any time, but I'll make a note to seek you out in fifty years and make sure that they're still working properly."
...Man, what does it say about him that he can casually make an appointment fifty years out and expect both him and her to be available then?

"Thank you."

Her eyes-. She's sort of trying to look at me with three thousand plus years of instinct telling her not to make eye contact with the helpful human. But since we tested this I just fly directly in front of her and stare into her eyes. Her eyes momentarily widen in shock, then she realises what happened and smiles, bowing her head slightly.
Old habits die hard, after all. Just like the people who met her gaze. :oops:

"Can I offer eyes like these to my sisters?"

"To Stheno, certainly. To Medusa… I'm not sure whether she has a material body or not, but I don't think that Lord Hades is going to be moderating her punishment anytime soon. Whatever offence the gods gave her, she took it out on a lot of people."
Plus the fact that her original body's head (or skin, or something) was used to craft the Aegis borne by Athena.

"Offering it to Stheno would be difficult as well; she was on Themyscira."

"Um. Did they know that she was there?"
A fair question, given her sometimes villainous appearances in the comics.

"Princess Diana did; I don't know who else she told. She wanted to live somewhere with people who wouldn't forget to avoid her gaze."

"Bit of a shame that there isn't a simple reversal for it, really. It would be easy enough for me to track down the parts of old and broken statues."
Though I imagine reassembling them would be tricky if any of them had eroded somewhat.

"I-. No, it doesn't work. Even if you turned them back into flesh they would still be dead. Circe tried that once."

"She undid your petrification spell?"
Ah, so people petrified are dead-dead, not merely in stasis. It can vary, after all.

"No, she created a spell that did the same thing and then reversed that."

"I'm… Assuming this was some time ago…"
There could have been some awkward interactions between the effects, yes. Like the timing of returning the soul to the body before it's fleshy.

"Oh, yes. This was back when Circe had only recently become immortal. She wouldn't have visited us without being sure that she could avoid petrification herself."

"Okay. Did you have any other ideas about getting into Olympus?"
Though I doubt she'd ever had reason to go visiting.

"I never studied magic in any detail. I can tell you where most of the old paths are-. Or, were. But that's it. It's not like any of the gods like me."

Yeah, that's… Fair. Huh. I wonder-.
Let's hope whatever the Olympians did to split their realm from Earth (and pull Themyscira with it) is easily reversible then.


Euryale shrinks back. "What?"
Hey, is that anything to be ashamed of? If she's in good shape, that can be a good thing.

"She's nominally my patron. I haven't actually spoken to her directly for a little while so-."

...Seems she's a little put out with you about that.

I wipe the custard pie off my face.
Classy. But does that mean she's still hanging around? I mean, the period of Anti-Life was somewhat chaotic, though not in a fun way.

"I know that's a classic, but this isn't really the time-."

There's writing on the foil case. I-.
Huh. A special message to him? Go on, then, read it!

The pie is construct-proof.

That would be interesting to study if not for the fact that the construct-proofing means that I can't put it into subspace. Instead, I shake the remains of the pie out and read it.
...It's likely also tricky to take with you via Greedyporting too, then.

"'To: Pavlos. If you're reading this, then you've become too predictable. This is automatic. Try harder. Eris.'"

Okay, and true, but that doesn't actually help me-.
And Batman hears about that and says "And people think I'm crazy for having various things prepared?"

The pie case isn't construct-proof, so I can put it into subspace and get a wizard to try using it to track her. That's very nearly progress.

Which does still rely on getting a wizard skilled enough to mess about with divine-level stuff.

"Eris and I have an irregular relationship. She-."

"She p-p-hah-hah-hah-haha!"
Come on, now. It's not that funny, is it?

"It's a classic for a reason-. I've still got some on my face, haven't I?" Fabricate a damp flannel and a mirror, wipe… "Right, ah… This has been fun, but the world's in a pretty sorry state at the moment and I need to get back to work. Are you aware of any other Greek mythos persons of interest who might need 'managing' after being exposed to the Anti-Life?"

"How many people do you think I meet in a year?"
It's not like they hook up on social networks. And I'd be a little worried about whether the Gorgon's curse works through selfies...

"Yes, that's a reasonable point. Anything else I can build for you?"

"No, I'm fine with just the oven's fine. I wouldn't know what to do with modern appliances."
Man, most people wouldn't know what to do with their day with that quiet a life.

I nod. "Transition in two, one." And we're back at her house.

"Thought… Ah." She looks awkward.
Let me guess, now that she can look at people without killing them, she wants to actually do so?

"Do you want me to show your picture to men who might be interested in snake women? I could just give you a computer so you can set up a dating profile."

"Those things are a terrible way to meet people. I'm not saying-. If there was someone you could refer personally?"
She'd certainly get attention from certain circles. Whether she'd enjoy that attention is another thing...

"No one springs to mind immediately, but I'll ask around. Good day."

I transition upwards, to the edge of the atmosphere. I'm glad I could help her, I really am, but the rest of the world-. And I haven't found anyone who might be causing magic-based trouble in Greece. Ah. Maybe they didn't have a specific individual in mind, and it was just an in-case thing?
How'd he get onto this line of investigation anyway? Poking around the site of Themyscira on behalf of the Greek government? Honestly, some subquest chains, you lose sight of the original goal once you're a couple of jobs deep...

Ring, scan the country, and if you don't find anything then I'll just give them an emergency beacon-.

Missus Hall? What's sheshit!
Ah, trouble awaits! Time for some action!

Well, house-cleaning duty in Greece is done with, more or less. Time for OL to get back to more critical jobs. Like whatever Hawkwoman Fury is fighting. Because that reaction is not the reaction of someone called up for a pleasant chat, is it? I expect these little trouble spots are going to be popping up for a while yet. Especially as the really bad guys come out of the woodwork...

(As for the snake hair's eyes, Vaermina, I assume the curse was bound specifically to the eyes humans would naturally look at first: the ones in her face.)

"No, I'm fine with just the oven's fine.
Probably delete the highlighted part? Or change it to 'No, just the oven's fine.' :confused: Depending on perference.
Last edited:
Wasn't he in Vega? Or am I confusing that fact with the one on Grayven's timeline?

I think I remember him being involved with the extermination of Wombworld. Or am I mistaken?
He was involved with that. Afterwards, Paul approached him to get his advice in ways to improve Earth. Paul also tried setting him up with Hera, but I don't think Mr Zoat said how that went.
Like whatever Hawkwoman is fighting.
Whatever Fury 2 is fighting.
(As for the snake hair's eyes, Vaermina, I assume the curse was bound specifically to the eyes humans would naturally look at first: the ones in her face.)
Athena doesn't actually have a formal magic education. Since she had no idea how to blend a human and a snake but knew that a god could just have sex with a snake to make a snake demigod, she made them minor divines and then added snake and hoped for the best.
Probably delete the highlighted part? Or change it to 'No, just the oven's fine.' :confused: Depending on perference.
Thank you, corrected.
I wave my rune stone around another part of Mount Olympus that should register as thaumically active. No reaction, not even something indicating a residue of an old spell. Whatever happened was surprisingly thorough

Not surprising since Heph probably wanted nothing to be left behind that could be used to track them.

"She undid your petrification spell?"

"No, she created a spell that did the same thing and then reversed that."

"I'm… Assuming this was some time ago…"

"Oh, yes. This was back when Circe had only recently become immortal. She wouldn't have visited us without being sure that she could avoid petrification herself

While it is disappointing, there may still be hope.

Circe's spell may have been different compared to the gorgon magic, so maybe it can be reversed.

Missus Hall? What's sheshit

Oh boy, please don't let it be the Kindly Ones.
Athena doesn't actually have a formal magic education. Since she had no idea how to blend a human and a snake but knew that a god could just have sex with a snake to make a snake demigod, she made them minor divines and then added snake and hoped for the best.
Er... Zoat... Stheno and Euryale were the daughters of a pair of gods...
Er... Zoat... Stheno and Euryale were the daughters of a pair of gods...
Mr Zoat probably took liberties with what the myths say compared to what's true. We've seen multiple times that the gods both in DC comics and here aren't a one to one copy of what's written in actual Greek mythology. The first example of this that comes to mind is the fact that Athena isn't a virgin.
Mr Zoat probably took liberties with what the myths say compared to what's true. We've seen multiple times that the gods both in DC comics and here aren't a one to one copy of what's written in actual Greek mythology. The first example of this that comes to mind is the fact that Athena isn't a virgin.
The DC wikia claims that they're also the daughters of the god Phorcus in that setting.
Athena doesn't actually have a formal magic education. Since she had no idea how to blend a human and a snake but knew that a god could just have sex with a snake to make a snake demigod, she made them minor divines and then added snake and hoped for the best.
... and being the goddess of wisdom (thus powerful and capable of a lot), it worked anyway.
Reconstruction (part 14)
5th March 2013
08:49 GMT +3

Hippolyta Hall, also known as Fury due to the fact that the Erinyes granted her the same superstrength, speed and toughness as her mother at the same cost: when she gets properly angry one of them takes over her body. There was a very good reason why she was so adamant about her retirement and didn't want to visit Thanagar. Her self-control used to be pretty good, but then she spent a month exposed to the Anti-Life.

"…couldn't help it!"

The young man thrusts out his hands, electricity leaping out of them and missing Fury as she blurs sideways.

"You can explain yourself to Hades."

My ring tracks her lunging faster than my eyes can keep up with, and my construct barricade is there blocking her path. She slams into it, cracking construct cement and bending construct girders, standing still for a moment before looking up at me.

"Keep out-."

"Of this, Lantern?" I roll my eyes as she bares her teeth. "Which of the Erinyes am I talking to?"

"I am Tisiphone, and I deal out righteous punishment to murderers."

I look at the young man, who appears torn between fleeing and keeping still to avoid drawing attention to himself.


"I-I wanted to be a hero."

"Many heroes were murderers." Her eyes narrow at me. "This one, for example."

"Fortunately, my murders weren't committed on Earth and so are outside of your jurisdiction."

"If I did not have a better target I would come for you anyway."

"Your host will reassert herself eventually. You don't have time to come after someone who can avoid you by flying away." I turn to the lightning-wielder. "You were a Justifier?" He nods. "Come on Tisiphone, you can't punish someone for what the person controlling them made their body do."

"His mind was still his own. A drunkard can still be punished for killing while drunk."

"Oh, that's not the same."

"The Anti-Life added nothing to their thoughts. It granted no one control of their minds."

"Then how do you explain the fact that they all started acting completely differently?"

"They changed their minds after being shown the Anti-Life."

"Right, so-."

"It counts."

Which is probably all of the consideration I'm getting.

"So your plan is to kill everyone affected by the Anti-Life?"

"I would like to. But I am willing to limit myself to their leader."


"Alpha Centurion Marcus Aelius."

Marcus… Is on the missing persons list. The very long missing persons list, that also has Vincent Edge and my clone on it among many others. He was effectively 'leader' of the Justifiers, hunting down anyone Mannheim took exception to but who wasn't powerful enough to warrant sending Finality Man after or hunting down himself. He killed a lot of people, and I'm not sure if we actually found him it wouldn't be as a corpse with his own sword through his chest.

But as far as I'm concerned, it's not like being drunk. It's far more than that. It's an arcane power messing with your thoughts, and it's well within the bounds of what should pass blame onto the ultimate source and not dump it on their proxy.

"So what are you doing here?"

"This wretch worked with him. He has information for me."

"I don't know-."

"And I shall shrive his body until he produces it."

"I don't know where he is! When-when we were Justifiers, we didn't-. It all just-. It just flowed-. We knew what we were supposed to do, where we were supposed to be… When it-. When it stopped, I was-. I was so horrified that I didn't pay any attention to what was happening. He could be anywhere! He has a spaceship!"

Ring, contact the Pax Romana.



Communication protocols for instant communication in use. No acknowledgement received.

"Tisiphone, I disagree with your assessment of the Anti-Life. I would like arbitration."

"By who?"

"Lady Themis."

Missus Hall's face curdles even further. Yes, Themis and Tisiphone don't have the best relationship, what with the former's insistence on due process and fairness and the latter's psychotic rage. But hers is the penultimate word on divine justice in the Olympian pantheon and the ultimate word is Hephaestaean, who would be likely to accept my counsel. The question is, how much does Tisiphone actually care?

Why is she smiling?

"I will give you three days to get her decision. If she does not countermand me, I will kill every 'Justifier' on the Earth. Do we have an accord?"

"No, that's asinine. You know perfectly well that the Olympians have become disconnected from Earth. I'm not going to agree to something that would bind me from acting against you when you go psycho. Or something that would help you keep control of that body because 'I will kill' requires you to be around."

"Then I will simply kill them anyway."

"Have you killed any already?"


I smile. That's that little mystery cleared up, then.

"You killed them?"


"And Lyta Hall didn't."


"But all she has to do is not be angry and you can't control her. Drunk murderers are still murderers."

"You might have a point. But with the gods absent there is no one who can order me to stop. So I don't care."

I form a construct railgun and load mage slayers. "The stupid way it is, then."
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"You killed them?"


"Any Lyta Hall didn't."


"But all she has to do is not be angry and you can't control her. Drunk murderers are still murderers."

"You might have a point. But with the gods absent there is no one who can order me to stop. So I don't care."

I form a construct railgun and load mage slayers. "The stupid way it is, then."
I hope Paul can assimilate this one. She's a powerful being who loves to kill and is only held back by things stronger than it telling it "No".

Wait… Lyra Hall? Isn't she the daughter of Wonder Woman?!
Only in the Pre-Crisis continuity.
5th March 2013
08:49 GMT +3

Hippolyta Hall, also known as Fury due to the fact that the Erinyes granted her the same superstrength, speed and toughness as her mother at the same cost: when she gets properly angry one of them takes over her body. There was a very good reason why she was so adamant about her retirement and didn't want to visit Thanagar. Her self-control used to be pretty good, but then she spend a month exposed to the Anti-Life.
Ah, the joy of the Kindly Ones. Sure, sounds like a good deal, until you realise the threshold is probably very low. And she likely spent a lot of the Anti-Life period holding back that anger... :oops: Which means all that rage backed up something fierce.

"…couldn't help it!"

The young man thrusts out his hands, electricity leaping out of them and missing Fury as she blurs sideways.
Chasing some sort of super-kid? Let me guess, a former Justifier?

"Your can explain yourself to Hades."

My ring tracks her lunging faster than my eyes can keep up with, and my construct barricade is there blocking her path. She slams into it, cracking construct cement and bending construct girders, standing still for a moment before looking up at me.
Sheesh, Hades is going to have such a backlog as it is, don't make more work for him, lady.

"Keep out-."

"Of this, Lantern?" I roll my eyes as she bares her teeth. "Which of the Erinyes am I talking to?"
Of which there are three. Each with their own target preference and methods of hunting...

"I am Tisiphone, and I deal out righteous punishment to murderers."

I look at the young man, who appears torn between fleeing and keeping still to avoid drawing attention to himself.
Yes, best to avoid making any noise, lad. Don't bother running, she'll probably enjoy making you die tired.


"I-I wanted to be a hero."
Kind of unfortunate timing, alas.

"Many heroes were murderers." Her eyes narrow at me. "This one, for example."

"Fortunately, my murders weren't committed on Earth and so are outside of your jurisdiction."
And most of them were bad people anyway. People the Fury would have happily hunted.

"If I did not have a better target I would come for you anyway."

"Your host will reassert herself eventually. You don't have time to come after someone who can avoid you by flying away." I turn to the lightning-wielder. "You were a Justifier?" He nods. "Come on Tisiphone, you can't punish someone for what they person controlling them made their body do."
I doubt her rules of engagement have any provisions for mind-control.

"His mind was still his own. A drunkard can still be punished for killing while drunk."

"Oh, that's not the same."
True, Anti-Life is just a wee bit more potent than mere alcohol.

"The Anti-Life added nothing to their thoughts. It granted no one control of their minds."

"Then how do you explain the fact that they all started acting completely differently?"
Sadly, I doubt she's going to yield to any attempt at logical analysis.

"They changed their minds after being show the Anti-Life."

"Right, so-."
The problem is, lady, that's what it does. What it was designed to do. Would you slay someone who killed under your sister's Madness? Or would that just give you an excuse?

"It counts."

Which is probably all of the consideration I'm getting.
Honestly, I'm amazed she's paused this long to chat. Presumably fighting you would be too much of a distraction, perhaps.

"So your plan is to kill everyone affected by the Anti-Life?"

"I would like to. But I am willing to limit myself to their leader."
Somehow, I don't think she's permitted to depopulate nearly the entire planet. Not that she cares, I bet.


"Alpha Centurion Marcus Aelius."
...Who was under Mannheim's power. So again, not in his right mind.

Marcus… Is on the missing persons list. The very long missing persons list, that also has Vincent Edge and my clone on it among many others. He was effectively 'leader' of the Justifiers, hunting down anyone Mannheim took exception to but who wasn't powerful enough to warrant sending Finality Man after or hunting down himself. He killed a lot of people, and I'm not sure if we actually found him it wouldn't be as a corpse with his own sword through his chest.
A traditional method of trying to regain honour in Ancient Rome. And one he'd likely consider given what he was made to do...

But as far as I'm concerned, it's not like being drunk. It's far more than that. It's an arcane power messing with your thoughts, and it's well within the bounds of what should pass blame onto the ultimate source and not dump it on their proxy.

"So what are you doing here?"
And thus the disagreement with Tissy here. This will come to blows, I just know it...

"This wretch worked with him. He has information for me."

"I don't know-."
I don't think she really cares whether you know anything or not, lad. It's just an excuse.

"And I shall shrive his body until he produces it."

"I don't know where he is! When-when we were Justifiers, we didn't-. It all just-. It just flowed-. We knew what we were supposed to do, where we were supposed to be… When it-. When it stopped, I was-. I was so horrified that I didn't pay any attention to what was happening. He could be anywhere! He has a spaceship!"
Good point. He could be halfway across the sector by now. Or drifting somewhere with his gladius in his belly.

Ring, contact the Pax Romana.


...Oh, that's not good.


Communication protocols for instant communication in use. No acknowledgement received.
So either its owner isn't picking up, or he can't pick up, if he's aboard at all.

"Tisiphone, I disagree with your assessment of the Anti-Life. I would like arbitration."

"By who?"
Certainly, I doubt she'd listen to any mortal court on the matter.

"Lady Themis."

Missus Hall's face curdles even further. Yes, Themis and Tisiphone don't have the best relationship, what with the former's insistence in due process and fairness and the latter's psychotic rage. But hers is the penultimate word on divine justice in the Olympian pantheon and the ultimate word is Hephaestaean, who would be likely to accept my counsel. The question is, how much does Tisiphone actually care?
Yes, I can see Justice and Vengeance being at odds. Still, enforced by the Throne of Olympus, she'd have to back down. Just one problem, OL...

Why is she smiling?

"I will give you three days to get her decision. If she does not countermand me, I will kill every 'Justifier' on the Earth. Do we have an accord?"
...I don't think she'll wait for that time limit to expire, either.

"No, that's asinine. You know perfectly well that the Olympians have become disconnected from Earth. I'm not going to agree to something that would bind me from acting against you when you go psycho. Or something that would help you keep control of that body because 'I will kill' requires you to be around."

"Then I will simply kill them anyway."
Yeah, OL is a master of rules-lawyering, lady. You are not trapping him with double-speak.

"Have you killed any already?"

So, pretty much any known casualties with injuries consistent with super-strength beatdowns. Or possibly spiked lashes.

I smile. That's that little mystery cleared up, then.

"You killed them?"
Or drove them to suicide, though I think that was one of her sisters' usual methods, not hers.


"Any Lyta Hall didn't."
...Two weeks, at least, of her running around in full rage mode. That sounds like she'll have quite the kill-count.


"But all she has to do is not be angry and you can't control her. Drunk murderers are still murderers."
Heh. Trapped by her own statement. A turnabout worthy of an Ace Attorney.

"You might have a point. But with the gods absent there is no one who can order me to stop. So I don't care."

I form a construct railgun and load mage slayers. "The stupid way it is, then."
Ouch time. At least he can put Missus Hall back together after he smashes the rage out of her.

Heck, this fight is going to be tricky, given that Tisiphone probably isn't too concerned with Lyta's health as long as she can still dole out justice afterwards... Like a hostage situation, except the hostage is also the hostage-taker. And there'll still be repercussions afterwards. Let's hope Lyta doesn't remember any of the things Tissy did in her body, or she may well not appreciate OL fighting to rescue her.
"Your can explain yourself to Hades."
"Come on Tisiphone, you can't punish someone for what they person controlling them made their body do."
'the person'
"They changed their minds after being show the Anti-Life."
But as far as I'm concerned, it's not like being drunk. It's far more than that. It's an arcane power messing with your thoughts, and it's well within the bounds of what should pass blame onto the ultimate source and not dump it on their proxy.
I'd have thought that the more important thing is that a drunk person usually chooses to be drunk, whereas very few people chose to be Anti-Lifed.
Yes, Themis and Tisiphone don't have the best relationship, what with the former's insistence in due process and fairness and the latter's psychotic rage.
'on due'?
"Any Lyta Hall didn't."
I hope Paul can assimilate this one. She's a powerful being who loves to kill and is only held back by things stronger than it telling it "No".
I like a good assimilation, but I'd expect that it would result in Hall being assimilated, which I don't think is desirable.
I like a good assimilation, but I'd expect that it would result in Hall being assimilated, which I don't think is desirable.
I suppose a brand can work until he can get the two separated. Afterwards though, I hope that Paul will ensure that this won't happen again, preferably by personally ensuring the Furies are no more, replaced, or all assimilated.
Does anyone else want to see Paul just lose it?

Like, I know he's normally in tune with his emotions and can deal with them productively, but there's just been so much shit piled on him recently, both because of the terrible circumstances and his less than ideal choices and it's only going to get worse when he figures out the depths of lysis's betrayals among other things.

Stop playing the game already, flip the board and shoot the other players, because half the assholes on the list are in dire need of a reminder that Paul isn't just the convenient nice guy, he's a terrifyingly powerful and... mostly competent Lantern who can punch way above his weight class even without calling in the Ophidian.


"Fortunately, my murders weren't committed on Earth and so are outside of your jurisdiction

I don't think she'd care about that.

"His mind was still his own. A drunkard can still be punished for killing while drunk."

"Oh, that's not the same

It has some similarities.

Though a drunk chose to drink.

Ahh, shit.

Maybe Themis and her are on better terms now, so Themis may take her side.
Sheesh, Hades is going to have such a backlog as it is, don't make more work for him, lady.

If the guy doesn't worship the Olympians then he won't go to Hades.

Granted, it may be possiblethat those she kills have their soul sent to Hades, no matter their faith.

Somehow, I don't think she's permitted to depopulate nearly the entire planet. Not that she cares, I bet.

I also don't think they were permitted to go after one of the big honchos of the cosmos, but they did it in the comics.

A traditional method of trying to regain honour in Ancient Rome. And one he'd likely consider given what he was made to do...

Even if it wasn't a Roman custom, he may have done it.
Wait… Lyra Hall? Isn't she the daughter of Wonder Woman?!

Kind of.

She was originally created as an Earth-2 character, a member of Infinity, Inc., which was basically the Teen Titans equivalent for the JSA. She was the daughter of the Golden Age WW and GA Steve Trevor; her husband (Hector Hall) was the son of the GA Hawkman and Hawkgirl, etc.

Post-Crisis, there was a lot of flailing around and multiple retcons to explain how the old Golden Age stories still happened more or less the same, but without the characters that had been deleted. As part of that process, Lyta Hall's new backstory is that her mother was a Greek superhero who got her powers from the Furies.

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