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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I wonder how the relations of Bastet to Paulmon to Tau'ri will go after SG-1 / SGC in general really get to the 'God Killing' swing of things. Is he gonna have to choose a side or are they just gonna treat him like any other Goa'uld eventually?

Is Bastet's sphere gonna survive or just be around longer? Wasn't there almost a peace treaty between Earth and the Goa'uld in some season because they just became that annoying / dangerous?

I wonder if the Goa'uld survive instead of basically getting off screen by the replicators.

Also surprised Hester hasn't been caught by Paulmon yet, or maybe she 'has' but he thinks she just being a regular duplicitous Goa'uld.

Also wonder how Hestet is handling Paulmon, his actions, and the wider implications of Sarcophagus's being usable with a little brain healing afterwords. Or the Tok'ra in general.

Also poor Bastet, the 2 most competent subordinates she's probably ever had and neither are actual Goa'uld. (But Tok'ra are- Shut up, it's funnier said that way.)
Apparently they're in the process of building or at least designing their space-worthy vessels if they are in need of more naquadah.
No. This issue is that they just got naquada reactor technology.
So is it Jack O'Neill or Jack O'Neil?
In the film Stargate the character was called Jack O'Neil. For some reason they changed it in the series to Jack O'Neill, and he remarks to a journalist that there's another guy with one 'l' and no sense of humour. The SI assumes that it uses the film spelling when it doesn't.
Why is this word orange?
He's using the ring to see what's inside the room.
What he would stab into the brain of anyone who wanted him to fix sarcophagus damage.
So, is Bastet a Lord or a Lady ? I think both terms were also used in previous chapters.
That's a tricky one. I mean, how do you check? Bastet's host is a human woman, but there's no guarantee that Bastet the goa'uld is a goa'uld queen. Other goa'uld would generally call her 'lord', but the SI isn't sure which is best. I mean, Lord is an abbreviation of her title System Lord, but she's made a big deal about only having female jaffa fight for her.
I try to keep a look of mild interest on my face as I'm led through the military facility where Earth keeps its stargate, even as I frantically data mine everything, their records, their research, their music and film library and the location of the planet
There's no way the SGC would have allowed him on Earth with his ring.

And also, he shouldn't have gotten more then their stargate addresses from the SGC's computer system given they compartmentalized and air gaped with only physical access after the AI incident.

Edit: He also just violated the protected planets treaty, but I'm guessing you forgot about that.

He nods awkwardly. "We-. She died, recently."

"Ah." I nod. "I suppose that explains why I'm here. I don't have a sarcophagus device myself, but I could probably talk Lord Bastet into letting me use hers for a 'favoured servant'."
There's no way the body would still be viable, Sarcophagus have time limits.
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Colonel O'Neil nods. "Can you get us a used Ha'tak with one careful owner?"
"Here at honest Mammons used spaceship dealership we got everything for your space fairing needs.
Death gliders, Tel'taks, the occasional Al'kesh and if you got the gold we may even be able to arrange a Ha'tak.
At honest Mammons we stand beside every deal."

O'Neill looked at the Merchant.
"Don't you mean stand behind every deal?"

An Al'kesh flies backwards into hyperspace.
"Not with these spaceships."

"Two hundred thousand tonnes of gold and unrestricted tax-free access to your markets without intermediaries in perpetuity. And you'd have to arrange delivery, because I actually don't have a way to get it here without telling anyone paying attention that there's something going on in this system."

I can just imagine the look on Senator Kinsey's face when he see's that price tag.

"He want's HOW MUCH for a spaceship?"

"To be fair Senator this is for one of their battleships."

"You know we could just pass on the Ferrari and see if he has an economical station wagon."

Colonel O'Neill I don't think that is...

"No no Major Carter despite his attempt at humor the Colonel may have a good point, while one of these Haddock battleships..."

"Ha'tak sir."

"Right while one of these Ha'tak would be optimal perhaps we can get some technological insights from a smaller more affordable ship till you can find a way to safely secure one."

"So we just have to carjack some Gould of their tricked out spaceship."

"if that's what it takes Colonel, though please leave the eye patch and parrot at home."

"Well there goes that idea."
So, is Bastet a Lord or a Lady ? I think both terms were also used in previous chapters.
That's a tricky one. I mean, how do you check? Bastet's host is a human woman, but there's no guarantee that Bastet the goa'uld is a goa'uld queen. Other goa'uld would generally call her 'lord', but the SI isn't sure which is best. I mean, Lord is an abbreviation of her title System Lord, but she's made a big deal about only having female jaffa fight for her.

Do we even know how the Goa'uld actually reproduce? Supposedly the Queens spawn them, apparently asexually, but Heru'ur is explicitly called the son of Ra, not just of Hathor. Morrigan was known as female but apparently hid that she was a Queen. And I think there was a mention of a Queen that had multiple husbands or something?

So, are the Goa'uld actually agender except for the Queens? Or do they have 3 sexes, male, female and Queen? Or is it that the Queens can reproduce sexually and asexually?
Do we even know how the Goa'uld actually reproduce? Supposedly the Queens spawn them, apparently asexually, but Heru'ur is explicitly called the son of Ra, not just of Hathor. Morrigan was known as female but apparently hid that she was a Queen. And I think there was a mention of a Queen that had multiple husbands or something?

So, are the Goa'uld actually agender except for the Queens? Or do they have 3 sexes, male, female and Queen? Or is it that the Queens can reproduce sexually and asexually?
It's never explained how a Goa'uld turns into or becomes a queen.

But it's apparently complex enough a process that none of the Tok'ra can.
Do we even know how the Goa'uld actually reproduce? Supposedly the Queens spawn them, apparently asexually, but Heru'ur is explicitly called the son of Ra, not just of Hathor. Morrigan was known as female but apparently hid that she was a Queen. And I think there was a mention of a Queen that had multiple husbands or something?

So, are the Goa'uld actually agender except for the Queens? Or do they have 3 sexes, male, female and Queen? Or is it that the Queens can reproduce sexually and asexually?
And don't forget, if a female host gives birth then the child gets the genetic memories.

Daniel Jackson says 'some of that is probably mine' after femforce kills Hathor's newspawned babies, which might mean that queens can use human genes in their goa'uld offspring. Or just that some of his material spilled out.
Do we even know how the Goa'uld actually reproduce? Supposedly the Queens spawn them, apparently asexually, but Heru'ur is explicitly called the son of Ra, not just of Hathor

It's possible that Ra just raised him, but it is also possible that Ra contributed some of his genetic material towards his creation.

I think the Queens collect genetic material from new hosts so that their offspring will have an easier time taking them on as hosts.

Morrigan was known as female but apparently hid that she was a Queen

Yeah, Queens are important in Goa'uld society, but they're also restricted.

So, are the Goa'uld actually agender except for the Queens? Or do they have 3 sexes, male, female and Queen

I think they might be biologically agender, but personality wise they're gender fluid and generally have their preferences, either because they like the gender of the host they've selected, or because it's easier to rule their subjects.

Like taking a male host if the society they rule over is patriarchal, or a female host if the society is matriarchal.
That's a tricky one. I mean, how do you check? Bastet's host is a human woman, but there's no guarantee that Bastet the goa'uld is a goa'uld queen. Other goa'uld would generally call her 'lord', but the SI isn't sure which is best. I mean, Lord is an abbreviation of her title System Lord, but she's made a big deal about only having female jaffa fight for her.
Well yes, it's tricky, but it's weird to see Paulmon being so inconsistent about it. He's had a long time to pick an option and stick to it, probably by listening to how most people talk about/to Bastet and assuming the most common form of address is their preferred gender.
Of course the major reason why earth can't afford a Ha'tak is that a Ha'tak represents enough millitry power to conquer the earth (with heavy bombardment). Meaning that someone with a Ha'tak could just take what they want.
I forget, why do space snakes care about gold when they have unlimited asteroids around to mine?

A better question would be why would the space snakes bother with asteroid mining when they have thousands of earth like planets that they are barely exploiting? Two hundred thousand tonnes of gold might seems like a lot when you have only been mining a single planet, but the space snakes have access to so many planets that it isn't even worthwhile to bother with deep mining or advanced mining technology. Easier to just find another place where gold/or whatever is just laying close to the surface in easy reach.

You can just move the Stargates after all just set up boom towns wherever the resources you want are.
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There's no way the SGC would have allowed him on Earth with his ring.

And also, he shouldn't have gotten more then their stargate addresses from the SGC's computer system given they compartmentalized and air gaped with only physical access after the AI incident.

Edit: He also just violated the protected planets treaty, but I'm guessing you forgot about that.

There's no way the body would still be viable, Sarcophagus have time limits.
The SGC doesn't even know the things his ring can do. They probably just think it's a tool that creates hard light constructs. As for the Treaty, good luck to 90s America discovering that its information was compromised by a hyper-advanced ring that literally runs on comic book science.

Regarding the subject of the body, is that implicit? The sarcophagus works with organic matter, I don't think there is an arbitrary time limit defining when a person can be revived or not as long as the body is well preserved. And if we talk about the loss of memories or psychological damage, even a person dead for a few hours should have psychological consequences in real life, which does not happen with the Sarcophagus in Stargate. I'll just assume it's Alteran magic and move on. The biggest limitation of the Sarcophagus in the show is precisely the possible mental contamination it can cause.
The SGC doesn't even know the things his ring can do. They probably just think it's a tool that creates hard light constructs. As for the Treaty, good luck to 90s America discovering that its information was compromised by a hyper-advanced ring that literally runs on comic book science.
Standard security procedures for allowing Goa'uld on the base involves not allowing them to bring technology period, for the very reason that the SGC doesn't know what everything the Goa'uld have can and can't do.

If he refused to give up his "forcefield" they literally wouldn't have allowed him through the gate if they were being written true to source.

As for nobody discovering it, I would point out the SGC has people who would qualify in comic universes as Super Geniuses. And of course, you're ignoring the fact that the Asgard are in fact watching at this point in the Timeline.

Regarding the subject of the body, is that implicit? The sarcophagus works with organic matter, I don't think there is an arbitrary time limit defining when a person can be revived or not as long as the body is well preserved. And if we talk about the loss of memories or psychological damage, even a person dead for a few hours should have psychological consequences in real life, which does not happen with the Sarcophagus in Stargate. I'll just assume it's Alteran magic and move on. The biggest limitation of the Sarcophagus in the show is precisely the possible mental contamination it can cause.
If the battle was over, and SG1 was back at the SGC, it would have been days since she died.

Also, it was damage to the soul, not mental contamination, Ascended Jackson confirmed that.
I think they might be biologically agender, but personality wise they're gender fluid and generally have their preferences, either because they like the gender of the host they've selected, or because it's easier to rule their subjects.

Like taking a male host if the society they rule over is patriarchal, or a female host if the society is matriarchal.

I am getting flashbacks to a time when I was barely a teen.

The Sapient Goauld that became the system lords are either a mutation of the less intelligent wild Goauld of P3X-888 or far more likely a result of a desperate Alteran scientist that wanted to improve on the pseudo symbiotic Goauld abilities to regulate and improve their host health as a response to the plague that was killing the Alterans; and as a result Goauld society and reproduction isn't natural.

1. Goauld civilization raised during the fall of the Alterans.
2. Goauld queens are repositories of knowledge that can easily spread that stored knowledge to both its progeny and the progeny of ITS HOST, the kind of thing the Alterans would need to recover from the Plague.
3. Goauld have a symbiotic ability to regulate/improve their host health and attack pathogens.

Come on, considering how short sighted Alterans are, its almost a certainty that the Goauld were initially engineered to save the Alterans from the plague.

Modern Goauld have no idea this is their origin because the first queens decided to edit out that part of their origins from their memories.

Now in regards to Goauld society "Queens" are valuable, but they are also targets for everyone, is in the interest of all Goauld to obfuscate what "gender" they are even more so if they are breedable capable queens or bloated queens.

As far I remember Goauld can choose to start and stop reproducing there may be some hidden cost we aren't aware of, but its something a fair number of them can just do. Bloated Queens produce far more offspring but seem to be incapable of taking a host without slimming down first.


I wrote all that during short breaks when I was at work, and its a little difficult to follow the train of thought I had...

I think the Goauld biological gender is tied to their life cycle and they can individually choose when to trigger the later stages and can even roll back to previous stages of their growth with some difficulty so long we assume they aren't just making a younger clone of themselves with all their memories in with case doing that probably can kill them before the process is complete (death of original and the clone) and this is why most of them don't do it.
The SGC doesn't even know the things his ring can do.
They don't even know that Paul is using a ring. Paul has taken some pains to hide the tech giving him godlike power. He really doesn't want anyone to steal it or even have an idea of what exactly they should steal. Don't know where he is keeping the ring. I assume inside his body.

Also people seeing the orange construct snake are going to assume that it is some sort of Accendent.
From the show although it is never stated I think that Ra had limitations on how many Ha'tak he allowed any other Goa'uld to have. At the beginning of the show it was rare for any of the system lords to have any and those who did had very few, but as the show goes on production really ramps up.

Might be the reason Sokar had so many more then everyone else wasn't that he had some special manufactory secret, but that his Cloaking devices allowed him to start build up a fleet long before Ra was killed. Likely to do his own take over.
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They don't even know that Paul is using a ring. Paul has taken some pains to hide the tech giving him godlike power. He really doesn't want anyone to steal it or even have an idea of what exactly they should steal. Don't know where he is keeping the ring. I assume inside his body.
Paul can't stop using his ring, he needs to keep the construct lantern constantly active to keep himself from mind overload.

He also has to use it to hide the fact that he's not a Goa'uld from people like Carter who can sense that.

Also people seeing the orange construct snake are going to assume that it is some sort of Accendent.
They'll assume it's something alien and lock down the mountain till it's source is discovered and neutralized.

Just like they did when glowing alien bugs started showing up before.[/quote][/QUOTE]
As construct Lanterns, they are powered independently from his lantern, which means that his own ring doesn't have to have any sort of glow for the construct gould in his stomach.

Which means that literally all they know is that he has a ring that may or may not ha eoccasio ally glowed in their presence. Or maybe they have some reports of it glowing when he does stuff bit Paul has been very keen that no one realize the stuff he does is his ring.

I don't know enough about Stargate to comment otherwise.
As construct Lanterns, they are powered independently from his lantern, which means that his own ring doesn't have to have any sort of glow for the construct gould in his stomach.

Which means that literally all they know is that he has a ring that may or may not ha eoccasio ally glowed in their presence. Or maybe they have some reports of it glowing when he does stuff bit Paul has been very keen that no one realize the stuff he does is his ring.

I don't know enough about Stargate to comment otherwise.
He's shown no ability to hide the energy signatures of his constructs.

But also, even just the little bits you named would be enough for the SGC to veto him coming through their gate.

Because ways the Goa'uld have attempted to kill everybody on Earth have involved multiple almost undetectable body smuggled methods. And they very much stopped taking chances after the first two.
He's shown no ability to hide the energy signatures of his constructs.
Lacking the ability to detect emotional spectrum energy, the only orange glow from his constructs would be literally when the construct is out in the open. The construct being inside his body is enough to hide the orangeness. There is no energy line like when the Illustres does those string things to remotely do constructs, because that's nit how construct lanterns made from assimilate work.

As I said, I lack knowledge of SG to comment so I can only /shrug.
Lacking the ability to detect emotional spectrum energy, the only orange glow from his constructs would be literally when the construct is out in the open. The construct being inside his body is enough to hide the orangeness. There is no energy line like when the Illustres does those string things to remotely do constructs, because that's nit how construct lanterns made from assimilate work.

As I said, I lack knowledge of SG to comment so I can only /shrug.
If you lack knowledge of Stargate, why are you assuming they can't detect constructs?
If you lack knowledge of Stargate, why are you assuming they can't detect constructs?

Because he's not making up fictional plot points for this fictional crossover in this fictional universe to assume the author has ruined the entire story forever by missing this crucial detail of SG canon that cannot be overlooked no matter what even though you made it up completely because there's no canon DC/SG crossover so they can't detect power ring energy unless the author says otherwise.
If you lack knowledge of Stargate, why are you assuming they can't detect constructs?
Because emotional spectrum energy requires a technology base that seems divorced from Stargates tech base, otherwise all the other aliens who use energy detecting devices would realize all the new stuff that 'Mammon' can do originate from his ring.
Assuming SGC's higher tech level (higher then the rest of the planet, that is) is based off of/stolen from the Goauld/Tokra, then if the Goauld can't detect the energy/the energy source, SGC can't either.

Edit: At the moment, no Goauld has called Paulmon out on his Power Ring (that we have seen, that is). My current (though possibly incorrect) take is that they literally can't tell its the ring and not him (if they can detect it in the first place), which means at minimum they can't localize where the power comes from.
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Because he's not making up fictional plot points for this fictional crossover in this fictional universe to assume the author has ruined the entire story forever by missing this crucial detail of SG canon that cannot be overlooked no matter what even though you made it up completely because there's no canon DC/SG crossover so they can't detect power ring energy unless the author says otherwise.
How about you don't put assumptions in other people's mouths? Because I never even inferred anything of the sort. And yes, the author can just have whatever they want happen. But that's not a good thing. In fact, it's a quick was to kill a story. Which is why pointing out XYZ thing worked XYZ way in XYZ setting is something that's helpful when the writer has out right admitted it's been a very very long time since they saw any of the show.

Also. Just because I feel like you crossed a line with the aggressiveness of your response. :p


There was in fact a small canon DC/SG crossover in Superman: Doomed.
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Standard security procedures for allowing Goa'uld on the base involves not allowing them to bring technology period, for the very reason that the SGC doesn't know what everything the Goa'uld have can and can't do.

If he refused to give up his "forcefield" they literally wouldn't have allowed him through the gate if they were being written true to source.

They aren't very good at that in the source material. S3E3 involves Nirrti -- who the team already distrust beyond the extent they hate other Goa'uld, since she was introduced earlier killing off a large village and putting a bomb in a kid's brain -- managing to sneak in an invisibility device, very similar to one that they'd already encountered with S2E22 when wielded by Hathor.
They aren't very good at that in the source material. S3E3 involves Nirrti -- who the team already distrust beyond the extent they hate other Goa'uld, since she was introduced earlier killing off a large village and putting a bomb in a kid's brain -- managing to sneak in an invisibility device, very similar to one that they'd already encountered with S2E22 when wielded by Hathor.
Yup, but this is after S3E10.

So the S3E3 cloaking device would have already happened, provoking the increased security when dealing with the Goa'uld that we should be seeing.
Starring (part 17)
9th October 1999
13:13 MDT

"Well, no. I mean, we all can." I shrug in answer to Major Carter's question. "Genetic-." I frown. "You're aware of goa'uld genetic memory?"

She nods. "Goa'uld inherit their memories from their mothers."

We're taking a break in negotiations while General Hammond's staff frantically try to find out if there are any Akkadian-speaking welders on Earth, though I've pretty much accepted in my heart that we're going to end up using English as the Latin of Syrania: a language for the educated elite. The words we need for technology just don't exist in Akkadian, and the only other language we could use would be the main goa'uld language. And if I picked that then I'd need to bring in other goa'uld, and that's a hard no. Major Carter is on goa'uld-sitting duty with me in the canteen, and I'm sure that the presence of what's starting to feel like half the garrison is due to a fortuitous shift-change.

It's nice to be able to get familiar fruit again.

"The first hosts we took were primitive tribals-. The first hosts we remember were primitive tribals. I've long suspected that we probably used large animals before that, but their minds were too simple to encode anything. But we remember everything since then. I know how to start a fire with flint and kindling and how to build a starship and everything in between. Of course I know how to teach welding myself. Just about all goa'uld do. I'd have to practice with the actual tools your people use to get used to their precise specifications, but it wouldn't be all that hard."

She raises her eyebrows a little and snorts. "I guess I just find it a little hard to picture 'gods' in a workshop."

"Hephaestus, Vulcan, Igbo, Ogun, Qaynan, Kagu-tsuchi… Plenty of goa'uld have an interest in smithing or ship-building. I suspect the issue is that you've only fought the more… Snobby.. goa'uld. Those who style themselves as god-kings."

"And who've spent centuries using a sarcophagus."

"Probably doesn't help."

"So why don't you just use other goa'uld? Even if you don't have any jaffa yourself, Bastet does."

"Ah… That… Wouldn't work. Goa'uld aren't… Sociable. You.. humans are troupe apes, we're solitary symbiotes. You instinctively seek to surround yourselves with others like you, while we also instinctively try to surround ourselves with others like you. People less knowledgeable than us, less physically capable than us. People whom we can lord it over and lead. Put a newly spawned goa'uld in a teaching role and they'll act out because they haven't mastered their instincts yet."

"I hadn't thought of it like that." She frowns. "Actually, aren't there a lot more prim'ta in jaffa than you need to replace your numbers?"

I breathe in sharply. "Oooh, yes."

"So, what happens to them? If you can't work together, it seems that you should have a whole lot of adult goa'uld. And you don't, so where are they?"

"They get eaten."

She blinks. "Excuse me?"

"They get eaten. I sometimes wonder if that's why Ra didn't use jaffa; he recognised that while it was a convenient way to get physically superior soldiers it would just create problems in the longer term."

She's starting to look disturbed. "So… Do you just throw them in a lake or.. something?"

"No, no. Mature prim'ta with no host to move into get stuck in storage jars and then eaten by the dominant goa'uld in the area in what is probably a re-enactment of our instinctual pre-sophoncy culling practice."

She's actually going a little pale, staring at my face on the off-chance that I'm making a joke.

"Major… Goa'uld are a little like vampires. The ideal situation for a goa'uld is one where all the other goa'uld are extinct and no one really believes in goa'uld any more. And… Anyway, you've killed plenty of infant goa'uld; you kill one every time you kill a jaffa."

It.. looks like that hadn't occurred to her.

"We've.. never been sure exactly how old prim'ta are."

"Anything from a couple of hours to a couple of years. You can go up to about six years, but that's pushing it. Goa'uld have the knowledge of their forebears from birth, but it can take a while to get things straight in our head."

"Pushing it? What happens if the prim'ta doesn't get removed?"

"The pouch starts to feel unsafe. The prim'ta will become more physically active, which will be pretty painful for the jaffa. Ultimately… We can take jaffa as hosts, which is probably what would happen. That or the prim'ta would inflict serious internal injuries and then leave, though that would only happen if there was a body of water nearby and they were planning to escape there." I frown thoughtfully. "So you should probably get your shol'va in the habit of swapping his baby goa'uld out after every fire fight. You don't want to get stuck somewhere when it ages out. And don't forget to kill the discarded baby afterwards."

"How can-?" She takes a moment to think her question through. "You don't act like other goa'uld. I don't understand how you can say things like that."

I shrug. "We have a different reproductive strategy to you. We don't usually bond with our offspring like you do. Though the few exceptions-." I chuckle. "Have you heard of a group called 'Against Ra'?"

She clearly has. "No? Who are they?"

"Major, I would advise against taking up poker. Certainly, don't try playing it against people with hundreds of thousands of years of human facial expressions committed to memory." Her eyes dip for a moment. "Like that. 'Against Ra' are the last children of the goa'uld queen Egeria, Ra's queen before Hathor. Before she finally got killed, she created an entire generation of children.. twisted around so that they hate everything about themselves, to the point that they have a hissy fit if you even refer to them as 'goa'uld'. They were supposed to be a revenge weapon against Ra." I snort. "A shame she didn't give them any common sense."

"What makes you say that?"

"I need to come to you for teachers because I can't trust other goa'uld to do the job. If I was a queen, I could just breed a generation of goa'uld who really want to teach people things. Take them, fly to an isolated world off the stargate network with a few thousand humans and start teching up. Within five hundred years, there would be no more System Lords. But no: the Against Ra are BY DESIGN too overwhelmed by their hatred to act rationally."

I frown. "Actually, while I'm here… What exactly is your organisation's long term goal? What are you trying to achieve here?"

"I'm.. afraid that information is classified. I can't talk about it. If you want, you can ask General Hammond-."

"Are you familiar with the Hague Convention?"

She stops, looking at me. "Yes. Of course. I don't know how you are, but the laws of war are covered in our officer training."

"One of the requirements on all signatories is that belligerent parties state their war goals when declaring war or engaging in a policing action. Given Stargate Command's activities to date, I was assuming that you consider yourself to be at war with the System Lords as a polity. Since I'm part of that polity, I would sort of like some assurance that I'm not helping you genocide my entire species. There are a few of us I quite like."

"We're not trying to exterminate your entire species."

"See, you say that, but I'd like to know if that's actually written down somewhere. You're a soldier fighting in this conflict. What is your war goal?"

"I'll…" Colonel O'Neil walks into the canteen and heads towards our table, giving Major Carter a nod. "Have to get back to you. Excuse me."

She gets up, makes some sort of exasperated facial expression I can't see from here to the Colonel -who doesn't respond- and walks out of the canteen while the Colonel-.

Teal'c walks in behind him, face expressionless, and heads over to join-.

"So…" O'Neil regards me curiously as he sits down across from me, head tilted slightly to the side. "You know you're not a god, right?"
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The ideal situation for a goa'uld is one where all the other goa'uld are extinct and no one really believes in goa'uld any more

Less competition and less of a chance of the Goa'uld exposing themselves.

, she created an entire generation of children.. twisted around so that they hate everything about themselves, to the point that they have a hissy fit if you even refer to them as 'goa'uld

It's not like there are a lot of things to be proud of as a Goa'uld.

A shame she didn't give them any common sense."

The regular Goa'uld don't exactly have much common sense.

Have get back to you. Excuse me."

"Have to get"

You know you're not a god, right?"

I'm sensing another debate.
"So…" O'Neil regards me curiously as he sits down across from me, head tilted slightly to the side. "You know you're not a god, right?"
I'll admit, this is the conversation I was waiting on the most.

Edit: I now see Pammon thinking about what the definition of insanity is after hearing that line.

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