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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Z-E-R-O (part 19)
2nd January
15:18 GMT -7


The Scintillating Psionist lists in the air for a moment, and everyone it had been holding in thrall legs it. Then its telekinetic field starts fluctuat-shield!

My orange barrier expands, forming a dish-shape to protect the town as the telekinetic barrier leaps outward! My barrier is shoved away, the upper third where the force was concentrated cracking and break-.


Part of the telekinetic blast went into the library! Ms Birchall dived to the side in an impressive display of athleticism for someone her age, but the floor is collapsing beneath her-.


Another telekinetic surge, this one grabbing objects at random. I watch two cars get squeezed to wreckage-.

Ring, read patterns of activation and improve the suppression system!



There's a momentary increase of the force on my armour, but the kinetic shield soaks it. Then the telekinetic barrier around the Scintillating Psionist fails completely, and the brain drops-.

Flight aura!

I catch it before it can splatter against the ground, another construct extending into the building and propping up the floor Ms Birchall is standing on. She nearly trips as it falls an inch onto my supports, but then steadies herself-.

"His dial!"

Because there's an off-switch, hopefully.

"Where is it?"

"You didn't-?!" She turns around, frantically searching the wreckage in the library for any sign of a dial.

I raise my hands, dismissing all constructs except the ones keeping the Scintillating Psionist off the ground and unconscious before sending out filaments to grab the rubble and pile it neatly in the street. Or as neatly as possible, at any rate. No, no… I really hope that wasn't it, as if it was then it's been crushed-.

"There! There!"

Ms Birchall points frantically at a small, dull grey object. I grab it with a construct and pull it up as I float towards her.

"How do I deactivate it?"

"Do you know what he dialled?"

Ah… "Four six seven seven six seven."

She shakes her head. "Horror. No wonder he wouldn't listen." She takes the dial from my construct and holds it out to me. "He has to dial it in reverse."

I glance at the Scintillating Psionist. "He doesn't have hands. Is there another way?"

"These versions don't have the power to maintain the transformation indefinitely. Can you keep him unconscious for an hour?"

Theoretically, yes, but long term neural suppression can do all sorts of unpleasant things to a person. "I'd rather avoid it."

"It doesn't have to be voluntary. If you can just press it up against him, that should work."

"His external surface is part of his brain."

"Injuries disappear when we change back."

"How long does turning back take?"

"A few seconds."

Right. I-.


The telekinetic shield momentarily re-establishes itself, breaking the link to my flight aura. Then it disappears again, the Scintillating Psionist falling towards the ground! Aura back o-!

There's a pulse of telekinetic force, sending the unconscious brain upward into the sky! Shit, okay, that… Cable doesn't appear to be plugged into anything vital. I fly up until I'm alongside him, hold the dial as close to him as I can and then yankanddial!

The telekinetic surge stops almost immediately, so I extend a flight aura around everything but the end of the cable. Seven-! Fuck, the rotary dial! I can't make it go back to neutral faster! Neural activity… I don't know enough to monitor him effectively, but I don't think he's dying. Six, and a painful wait. Seven. Seven. Some of the cables are pulsing worryingly. I hate not understanding-. Six. I… Think he's having some sort of stroke. No, can't stop now.


The shift is immediate, the image of a disembodied brain shrinking and fading as the image of an adult man grows and solidifies. Two seconds pass and the man is all that remains, his eyes blinking as he adjusts.

Ring, stop neural suppression.


Binding my newly human guest in construct chains, I float back towards the library.

"I would appreciate an explanation, please."

Ms Birchall nods. "The man you were looking for is called Robert Reed. He's-. Well, he doesn't live around here any more."

"And who are you?"

"We're-. I suppose you'd call us clones. We were… Grown from tissue samples taken from.. transformed heroes. Neither of us were ever able to manifest powers, so we were kept around for other things. Spying, mostly."

"By who?"

"One time, Robert needed to be in two places at once. He used the dial to make two of himself, but… One of them was evil. The evil side went its own way, and… Created us."

"And new dials."

"No, the ones we use are far weaker than the original."

"Is he still around?"

"No, they merged back into Robert Reed decades ago. But we're still compelled to obey our master's last orders. He wanted the dial back."

"You seem to be managing."

She shakes her head. "It's been a long time, and I don't know what I'd do if I actually saw the.. bedamned thing."

"Do you have any way to locate it?"

She shakes her head. "We wouldn't be here if we did. We came here because it was our only lead, and since we didn't have anything better we settled down… I thought we were out."

"And your dial."

She hesitates. "I-. I've got it, but I can't give it up. I'd-. I'd try and kill you, I'd have to-."

"Okay, just don't try and use it." She nods gratefully. "So who would have a way to track the dial down?"
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Another telekinetic surge, this one grapping objects at random.
Another telekinetic surge, this one grabbing objects at random.

There's a momentary increase on the force...
There's a momentary increase of the force...

She nearly trips at it falls an inch onto my supports, but then steadies herself-.
She nearly trips as it falls an inch onto my supports, but then steadies herself-.

A grab it with a construct and pull it up as I float towards her.
I grab it with a construct and pull it up as I float towards her.

"Do you know what he dialled?"
"Do you know what he dialed?"
(Not sure here, but it tripped the spellcheck...)

He takes the dial from my construct and holds it out to me.
She takes the dial from my construct and holds it out to me.

...and then yankand dial!
...and then yank and dial!

No, can't stop now.

We came here because it was out only lead...
We came here because it was our only lead...

Huh, so they were clones after all. Pick up the phone, Stsword called it!
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You know what would likely work - what with all this talk of shounen heroes and Paul being a lot like one - an alternate Paul in a JoJo's Bizzare Adventure based universe, since a ring's power seems very comparable to that of a stand and fights have the same figure out how to use your ability in a clever way so you can win mentality to them that the best Jojo fights all have, while also having the characters remain semi-subtle about their abilities (though why more people don't notice the visible effects of the invisible fights taking place in that is a bit of a mystery.)
If you set it in the far future (with the snake OL that was in the Ambush Bug verse) you could have him use a snake projection as a fake stand.
Though that's mostly just an idea that seems like it could be cool.
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He takes the dial from my construct and holds it out to me.
She takes the dial from my construct and holds it out to me.
This is causing me so many problems at the moment.
...and then yankand dial!
...and then yank and dial!
Actually, I need to take a space out.
Another telekinetic surge, this one grabbing objects at random.
There's a momentary increase on the force...
There's a momentary increase of the force...
She nearly trips at it falls an inch onto my supports, but then steadies herself-.
She nearly trips as it falls an inch onto my supports, but then steadies herself-.
A grab it with a construct and pull it up as I float towards her.
I grab it with a construct and pull it up as I float towards her.
No, can't stop not.
No, can't stop now.
We came here because it was out only lead...
We came here because it was our only lead...
Thank you, corrected.
"Do you know what he dialled?"
"Do you know what he dialed?"
(Not sure here, but it tripped the spellcheck...)
Not in my country, colonial.
This is causing me so many problems at the moment.
I can imagine. Jumped-Up Elementals only know what SV would have made of it ;)

Actually, I need to take a space out.
Ah, going for rushed, breathless panic. Got it.

Not in my country, colonial.
Colonial, true, though still part of the Commonwealth. I only included it because of the Spellcheck ping. Dang US dictionary.
Ah… "Four six seven seven six seven."

She shakes her head. "Horror. No wonder he wouldn't listen." She takes the dial from my construct and holds it out to me. "He has to dial it in reverse."
Four-! Fuck, the rotary dial! I can't make it go back to neutral faster! Neural activity… I don't know enough to monitor him effectively, but I don't think he's dying. Six, and a painful wait. Seven. Seven. Some of the cables are pulsing worryingly. I hate not understanding-. Six. I… Think he's having some sort of stroke. No, can't stop now.


Thats not dialling in reverse.
You can't reverse stupidity and automatically get intelligence. Evil people telling you X doesn't mean that X is false. You'll note that he isn't assuming that transitioning is definitely bad; he's re-evaluating his previous assumption that it was definitely harmless, and since the people most likely to be harmed would be the ones he cares the most about, he's playing it safe until he can get better data.

Where do I find those?
I read them at my local library, you could ask them to order it in for you or you could buy on Amazon.

Another pretty good superhero series YA series would be quantum prophecy
an alternate Paul in a JoJo's Bizzare Adventure based universe,
Biggest issue I see is that stands are psychically generated. The ring should be able to scan for unusual neurological activity, making the hiding abilities and finding the stand user phases of fights completely pointless. Like, figuring out Diavolo would be much easier than in canon if you could just scan for him, then attack from orbit. "Ring scan for anything shaped like the stand arrows, and subspace them."
Wonder what will happen to them when this is all over, some kinda League protective relocation or something?

From what she said they are involuntary minions with mental compulsions to do certain things, maybe Manhunter can get rid of those?

The League should really have a deprogramer on call.
Takes a second to build up the care to make an account. Give it time.

I've been thinking about replacements for the Twin Blade, didn't Gaia make a adamantine sickle for some g-d killing?
Takes a second to build up the care to make an account. Give it time.

I've been thinking about replacements for the Twin Blade, didn't Gaia make a adamantine sickle for some g-d killing?

No idea.

The Titans did create the Flashing Blade, but Zoat won't use that because it's even more OP.

It kills beings as powerful as gods by stealing their power and giving it to the killer.

Although I amuse myself with the mental image of an alt.Paul who is a Lord of Chaos after killing Klarion.
Biggest issue I see is that stands are psychically generated. The ring should be able to scan for unusual neurological activity, making the hiding abilities and finding the stand user phases of fights completely pointless. Like, figuring out Diavolo would be much easier than in canon if you could just scan for him, then attack from orbit. "Ring scan for anything shaped like the stand arrows, and subspace them."
But stands are also unique and since therefore there might not be a specific obvious pattern to look for, and everyone has unique neurological patterns anyways, that might not help. Likewise, for all we know like a tenth or a hundredth of the world's population might be capable of getting a stand under certain conditions, but not actually have one(correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what it seemed like with the 20 or so stand users we saw who happened to be in a small town like Morioh) so there might be too much background noise/ too many possible stand users in the city to reasonably check. Likewise, the ring (not being a stand user/ enlightened / body less soul/ capable of independent thought or whatever plot device could make Paul able to see stands) might not even be able to directly detect stands beyond what Paul can see or even just their physical effects (like displaced air) and Paul lacks any real detailed world-scanning ability that can get past certain protection (except the quintescence waveform scan or whatever it's called, which has only been used like once and might not be available/ take too long) - similarly to how the ring can get confused with DC magic, since stands are similar in that they're a form of psychic energy.
Likewise, Paul getting into a fight with a stand he can't directly see, due to not being a stand user for example, would be interesting in that he'd be fighting an invisible enemy with limited powers, but with ones that defy the obvious rules of logic, and an obvious weakness in that it has a user that might have to remain conscious to use it.
Likewise, Grayven might actually be a closer matchup due to not being overly OP as a lantern user when it comes to scans, and god sense working as a plot reason to be able to see stands.
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If Magic was able to locate the dial the wizard that's looking would have already located it.

There is no wizard looking for it, the Master and the Wizard reintegrated years ago, the clone is following orders from a guy who doesn't even exist anymore.

I'm not entirely sure that he is actually a Wizard, or if that's just what he calls himself.

If Zoat is keeping to the comics in that regard, the Wizard is the one who made the 'inferior dial" that created the Scintillating Psionist. So if he wasn't an actual wizard it was a largely semantic difference at his level.

From the conversation though, Paul assumed the Master made them and the clone didn't correct him, so he might not be.
Y'know I wanna read this from the start...ive never read a single renegade part and now im just curious.
I just recently read the renegade parts, having skipped them on my initial read-through.

TBH I prefer the renegade timeline to the standard one at this point.
Renegade is the more emotional one at this point, so if you prefer drama to logic and the story being about him being a protagonist pretending to be a villain, while actualy being mostly good, and eventually making a team of reformed villains, like an actually good version of the light, and being in direct contact with Darkseid, it's the story for you. Heck, I'd say him and the canonical vandal savage ancient superhero might get along at this point.
Join us on the dark side of the 'verse.
You know, on the 'Paul in Jojos' tangent idea, I was thinking earlier that I'd like to see a Paul in My Hero Academia...
You know, on the 'Paul in Jojos' tangent idea, I was thinking earlier that I'd like to see a Paul in My Hero Academia...
He'd probably wind up with the reform-minded villains, trying to get them to focus on developing infrastructure and improving general standard of living until the current style of hero becomes more of a liability. The sheer property damage some people cause...

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