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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Unless something really dramatic happens in the future, the death of Teekl will remain, to me, the greatest tragedy in this story until the very end. That cat was... that cat was special and the way she went out... she didn't deserve it...

You were a good kitty Teekl and you will be missed.
on another re-read binge again

man, i miss the assimilated construct, i think the only one still inside Paul ring is the Hellwraith, the cat and all the pile of glutton demon are gone now
I'm not sure why he hasn't assimilated another one by now. Having a demonic Von Neumann swarm around was handy in several situations, especially large scale or chaotic battles.
Unless something really dramatic happens in the future, the death of Teekl will remain, to me, the greatest tragedy in this story until the very end. That cat was... that cat was special and the way she went out... she didn't deserve it...

You were a good kitty Teekl and you will be missed.

Agreed, best Kitty is missed by all.

I'm not sure why he hasn't assimilated another one by now. Having a demonic Von Neumann swarm around was handy in several situations, especially large scale or chaotic battles.

Agreed, it the Fatty swam was often useful due to their ability to eat energy.
I'm not sure why he hasn't assimilated another one by now. Having a demonic Von Neumann swarm around was handy in several situations, especially large scale or chaotic battles.

I don't think he's had another chance to assimilate a gluttony demon, but I think he decided that even demons don't deserve to be assimilated at some point.
Mr Zoat.

What are the ranks of each respective Paul in their Lantern Corps?

Of the top of my head:

Original Paul: Illustres, First Lantern.
No, just Illustres.
ThatsnotGrayven: First Lantern, Lantern commander?
First Lantern.
I don't believe Grayven delegated as much power to Dril Dox, so I am not sure.
No, he's still Clarissi. It's just a less significant rank.
Baul: Scrub, not part of the blue diamond core (maybe they exist?)
As far as he knows he's the only one.
Raul: Higher than sector lantern, so maybe honor guard?
Technically, no. Atrocitus hasn't really adopted a rank structure. Once they've had their blood-pool dunk they're left to their own devices.
Slaul: Slave animal of the anti green lanterns, senior member as he is the one with the most experience.
Currently the only one, as far as anyone knows. In any case they're supposed to be slaves. None of them would be given authority by the Weaponers.
Timetraper crisis of infinite earths Paul: In a time loop getting stronger and stronger with the Red Queen, an amalgamation of all the Jades (lots of non boring ones), still no formal rank.
Doesn't have a ring at the moment.
Common sense Paul: No lantern corps yet? Also probably weak as fuck because of risk adverse behavior.
No, I imagine that he's created the Corps by now. Actually, given that Jordan is training him he might have started it earlier.
The purple one that no one cares about.
No Corps.
What are the ranks of each respective Paul in their Lantern Corps?

Of the top of my head:


Did i miss anyone?

You missed the Sybarite, and Earth's Mightiest Lantern, but I doubt either of them have corps.

No, I imagine that he's created the Corps by now. Actually, given that Jordan is training him he might have started it earlier.

But he had to stay in solar system for a year like Paul did, so it couldn't be that much earlier unless he got another ring and recruited while still stuck on Earth.

I'm not sure why he hasn't assimilated another one by now. Having a demonic Von Neumann swarm around was handy in several situations, especially large scale or chaotic battles.

I recently reread the section where he lost them. This is his reasoning:

"I think I would like to practise splitting my attention during combat. Perhaps fighting against your fat midget creatures."

"I.. don't actually have those any more. I went to Hell briefly, and a demon there was able to destroy them."

"Why do you not get more?"

"Because my limited study of magic suggests that they could possibly be used to attack my rings with demonic magic, and they were… Marginally useful when fighting people who actually challenge me. And in the current climate, having a horde of demons follow me around is so obviously unpopular that even I picked up on it."
It doesn't take a expert to discern whether you have the equivalent of a idling nuclear reactor sitting inside of a fist-sized crystal.

Also, OL brought Hinon, a expert on and manufacturer of emotional spectrum tech, to Earth. She examined the Earth in detail, including specifically the site where the Star Sapphire was hidden on the moon. I can't remember if she specifically examined the Sapphire itself, but if it had left any trace at all, she would have noticed.

Also, OL handed the stone to a experienced user of Violet light. Someone who received training for withstanding and using artifacts like the Star Sapphire. And then promptly used it, for a good while.

Emotional Embodiments are not subtle, 'dormancy' nonsense nonwithstanding. If that thing was holding one of the greatest energy beings in the universe like a can of condensed pink lemonade, all of these people would have noticed it.
As far as we currently know Hinon did not specially examine the Star Sapphire.

And no they would not have noticed if it was dormant, because it's canon to the comics that more powerful/skilled versions of these Hero's were unable too.
But he had to stay in solar system for a year like Paul did, so it couldn't be that much earlier unless he got another ring and recruited while still stuck on Earth.
Yes, he'd be stuck on Earth. But while Guy was waiting for his medical leave to end Jordan was flying about the Sector and beyond. It wouldn't be hard for him to get a message to Maltus.
But wouldn't the Controllers still wait for Paul to show up and wake Hinon to then proceed with the Corps? In my opinion, is not like Jordan would be able to make a better first impression or argument to the Controllers so that they would move their asses to Earth themselves, right?
But wouldn't the Controllers still wait for Paul to show up and wake Hinon to then proceed with the Corps? In my opinion, is not like Jordan would be able to make a better first impression or argument to the Controllers so that they would move their asses to Earth themselves, right?
Jordan -an agent of the Guardians- going to Maltus and making a bad impression might be enough to make them overcome their reticence. Alternately, Huvah Jeddigar might decide to investigate on his own recognisance.
Unless something really dramatic happens in the future, the death of Teekl will remain, to me, the greatest tragedy in this story until the very end. That cat was... that cat was special and the way she went out... she didn't deserve it...

You were a good kitty Teekl and you will be missed.
Teekl best kitteh eva.

Paul needs to get his hands on some plane shift technology so he can find and befriend a parallel version of Teekl.
Just checked the TOC, looks like we'll get the Earth 12 omakes we want. I hope Paul 12 will just go WTF when he learns what Paragon!OL did to JL 12.

Edit: Mr Zoat, most of the new chapter on the Story Only is italicized.
Doppelgängered (part 25)
5th February
21:53 GMT -5

"Why the long face, Orange?"

Mister Scott makes an expression of benevolent puzzlement, his arms held up in a gesture of appeal.

"The President's dead, and I made it happen."

He shrugs. "He might pull through. They haven't announced-."

I glare at him, and he has the decency to stop talking. "And I've managed to make an enemy of a Justice League variant I actually know."

He looks away from me for a moment. "The Don's probably going to want to go to the funeral."

"Oh yes, very respectful. The whole point of the Answer killing him like this was so that it can't be traced to Syndicate activity-. Actually, why didn't the Answer do that weeks ago? Why did he need me-?"

"Sometimes, violence isn't the Answer."

The.. man himself walks into the room, dressed in a more traditional anti-Question costume of white coat, hat and trousers, the Eye of Providence pin on his lapel. While I can see him in empathic vision, none of what I'm seeing really makes any sense. There's little emotion, and the tiny unreadable flecks there are don't appear to be connected to anything.

"Seems like it was here. I talked no one around. Luthor only agreed with you because I outfought everyone he had with him."

The Answer shakes his head. "Don't underestimate Luthor. If you hadn't undermined his belief in the absolute evil of the Syndicate by making peaceful overtures, he would have been quite prepared to die for his cause. He had to accept the Answer in order for these events to unfold."

"And you couldn't do this in some other way?"

"A math problem in an exam is written to have one correct Answer."


"If the problem is complex, a far smaller proportion of students will give that Answer than will give a different, incorrect Answer. Having you here allowed us to.. phrase the question in a way which would lead to the Vice President giving the correct Answer, rather than continuing with Slade Wilson's wrong Answer. You are still dissatisfied."

"Of course I am."

"If you were waiting for a certain Answer-."

"I could have removed him from office without killing him."

"Perhaps. But this will motivate the Made Men to accept the change in their working conditions more easily than they would if they believed that the President would pursue them."

"I don't-." Zatanna walks in, two books floating alongside her. One has runes stitched into the leather-bound cover, while the other is more mundane. "Ready to go?"

She looks at the Answer and Mister Scott, then nods. "More than ready."

The Answer nods, while Mister Scott smiles and waves. "You kids take care, now. Don't do anything I would!"

Zatanna traces a circle around me with the Staff, while-. Huh. "Mister Scott?"

He makes a dismissive motion with his right hand. "Ah, call me 'Al'."

"We're going home using a government-owned facility."


"You realise that that means that Luthor knows where we are. And how to contact me."

His face falls slightly-.

Zatanna taps the staff against the floor. "Teg su tuo fo ereh."

Mist coils around us, and when it falls again we're just outside Mount Justice. There's a military cordon, and the formerly concealed main entrance is wide open. Great, right, now we can go home-.

"How old are you?"


Zatanna isn't quite looking at me. "I thought it was strange, how every other member of the team was the same age as the versions here and you weren't. And then I remembered that your ring lets you change how you look." She looks up, meeting my eyes. "You told us it was the first thing you did with it. I didn't really think anything of it, but… You're not younger, are you? You're the same age." Her eyes widen. "That's why-. Oh.. God, it all makes sense now. Who-? Who knows?"

"I told Jade. I'd be surprised if Diana and Batman aren't suspicious. That's it."

"Oh God, I was-. Why did you even..?"

"I honestly hadn't realised how young Diana and.. the rest of you thought I was. Not until she tried sending me to school. And then… I.. panicked, and said what I thought I needed to in order to stay on the team."

"I knew you acted older, but I just thought-. Thought you were being British, or.. it was because you thought you had to because everyone on the team was younger than you."


"Hehhah." She laughs nervously. "Artemis said she thought it was weird that you found her mom attractive. I didn't think-."

"There were women Paula's age I found attractive when I actually was-."

We… Don't look at each other for a moment.

"So. What now?"

I shrug. "We find Gubbins and go home. With regards to my age, I'd rather not tell people, but if you want to that's okay. Just give me a little warning."

"No, if you.. don't want to tell people, that's up to you." She doesn't say anything for a moment. "If you'd told me, I-." She cuts herself off. "I want to say I wouldn't have been so attracted to you, but.. Zorina.. married.. you. So… That's not true."

"I'm more similar to Blue than you are to her. But yes, I see where you're coming from, and you may well be right. I'm sorry."

"Hey." We look up at the man in the dull blue overalls. Gubbins, I assume. And the circle of soldiers with their weapons nearly raised. "The VeePee phoned ahead, but I don't really want a couple of Syndicate stooges in my new workshop. So get moving and get lost."

I nod. Doesn't really matter how much of that he heard if neither party ever wants to see the other again. "Certainly. If you'll show us the way?"

He floats up on some sort of gravity repulsor harness and heads towards the entrance-.

Dame Carol lands in front of us.

Gubbins grimaces. "Star, I wanna get them out of here. If you wanna have a duel or whatever-."

"No. This will take but a moment."

He drifts to the side and she approaches me.

"What can I do for you?"

"The war here is over, and my obligation to President Wilson discharged. But you freed me, rearmed me and spared me in combat, and so now I have an obligation to you."

"That's fine, don't worry."

She looks mildly offended. "My honor is not so light a matter."

"You can pay me back if I ever come back here?"

"You have been clear that you do not intend to come back. It would be inadequate repayment."

Oh… What can I-?

"You're aware that people who are villains here tend to be heroes on my own parallel? And the reverse?"

She nods. "Yes."

"How would you feel about a trip to Zamaron Sixteen?"
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"The President's dead, and I made it happen."
Now now, it's not solely your fault...

"Sometimes, violence isn't the Answer."
But it can help push people into the right conclusion?

The.. man himself walks into the room, dressed in a more traditional anti-Question costume of white coat, hat and trousers, the Eye of Providence pin on his lapel. While I can see him in empathic vision, none of what I'm seeing really makes any sense. There's little emotion, and the tiny unreadable flecks there are don't appear to be connected to anything.
So, supremely centered, or artificially focused.

The Answer shakes his head. "Don't underestimate Luthor. If you hadn't undermined his belief in the absolute evil of the Syndicate by making peaceful overtures, he would have been quite prepared to die for his cause. He had to accept the Answer in order for these events to unfold."
Not a big fan of predestination. But if you're arranging it so it seems that way... Is it really?

"If the problem is complex, a far smaller proportion of students will give that Answer than will give a different, incorrect Answer. Having you here allowed us to.. phrase the question in a way which would lead to the Vice President giving the correct Answer, rather than continuing with Slade Wilson's wrong Answer. You are still dissatisfied."
Nice touch, how he capitalises the word 'answer', and talks as if he's answering unasked questions...

The Answer nods, while Mister Scott smiles and waves. "You kids take care, now. Don't do anything I would!"
Heh, nice.

Zatanna traces a circe around me with the Staff, while-.
Zatanna traces a circle around me with the Staff, while-.

"You realise that that means that Luthor knows where we are. And how to contact me."
"In other words, run."

Zatanna taps the staff againt the floor. "Teg su tuo of ereh."
Zatanna taps the staff against the floor. "Teg su tuo of ereh."


Zatanna isn't quite looking at me. "I thought it was strange, how every other member of the team was the same age as the versions here and you weren't. And then I remembered that your ring lets you change how you look." She looks up, meeting my eyes. "You told us it was the first thing you did with it. I didn't really think anything of it, but… You're not younger, are you? You're the same age." Her eyes widen. "That's why-. Oh.. God, it all makes sense now. Who-? Who knows?"
From the mouths of babes... Might have known she'd cotton on.

"I honestly hand't realised how young Diana and..
"I honestly hadn't realised how young Diana and..

We… Don't look at each other for a moment.
Yeah, that's a bit of a conversation-killer.

"No, if you.. don't want to tell people, that's up to you." She doesn't say anything for a moment. "If you'd told me, I-." She cuts herself off. "I want to say I wouldn't have been so attracted to you, but.. Zorina.. married.. you. So… That's not true."
Zorina's circumstances are very different.

...but I don't really want a couple of Syndicate stoodges in my new workshop. So get moving and get lost."
'stooges', unless that's some sort of accent.

"The war here is over, and my obligation to President Wilson discharged. But you freed me, rearmed me and spared me in combat, and so now I have an obligation to you."
Ah, old-school chivalry.

"You have been clear that you do not intend to come back. If would be inadequet repayment."
"You have been clear that you do not intend to come back. It would be inadequte repayment."

"How would you feel about a trip to Zamaron Sixteen?"
Transdimensional Roadtrip!

Well, this could be interesting. And we get to find out what happens with Paul-12? Nice.
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So, I assume the next arc we'll be going to Zamaron to hopefully peacefully contact the Zamarons and maybe get them up to speed with the Guardians and Controllers with using actual power rings instead of plugging an ersatz lantern power battery into a person and hoping for the best. One other thing, it doesn't seem like Zatanna has completely given up on OL.
I wonder why this Zatanna didnt freak out about this whole massaging her in the middle of the night thing, like eros Zatanna did. But I suppose that she had more time to think about it.
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Zatanna traces a circe around me with the Staff, while-.
Zatanna traces a circle around me with the Staff, while-.
Zatanna taps the staff againt the floor. "Teg su tuo of ereh."
Zatanna taps the staff against the floor. "Teg su tuo of ereh."
"I honestly hand't realised how young Diana and..
"I honestly hadn't realised how young Diana and..
...but I don't really want a couple of Syndicate stoodges in my new workshop. So get moving and get lost."
'stooges', unless that's some sort of accent.
Thank you, corrected.
Ohohohoho.i wonder what Will come out of this detour.

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