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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I don't know about 'surviving'. He reappears briefly, then disappears with Darkseid.

I think Lex from Universe 12 was merged with Brainiac for a while, so he might have had a boost from that. I don't know if that sort of merger happened with the Justice Underground Lex though.

A quick google search is uncertain about 12's fate. Some argue he merged with the equation/source and others argue that he and Darkseid vanished into universes unknown. IMHO Timm likely had a plot he wanted to run, but he was kicked off of CN and DC in general.

Apparently, there's a quote by Dwayne McDuffie that Darkseid and Lex ended up fused with the Source Wall, "the same fate as all who solve the Anti-Life Equation" or something to that effect.

Unfortunately, I can't find this quote. The links to it that I've found are dead and the website it was on appears to be gone.
So, why is one of the smartest people in the universe suddenly so mistaken?

Being smart and being wise are two different things.

One thing you have to know about Lex Luthor is that his worst enemy is not Superman, is not Batman, is not the common man, is himself.

He has such a big ego, that he always believes that he is right. And it seems this good Luthor shares the same flaw.

Even Doctor Doom has less trouble to admit his mistakes than Lex Luthor and that's saying something.
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Being smart and being wise are two different things.

One thing you have to know about Lex Luthor is that his worst eneny is not Superman, is not Batman, is not the common man, is himself.

He has such a big ego, that he always believes that he is right. And it seems this good Luthor shares the same flaw.

Even Doctor Doom has less trouble to admit his mistakes than Lex Luthor and that's saying something.
I agree, but i'm trying to go by Vaermina's definitions here.
Referring to the DCAU scene and Lex being a >12th level intellect. Word of God said both Darkseid and Lex became one with the Source wall after disappearing.


Lex still ended up just like everyone else who tried to breach the Source Wall in that case.

I'm not sure if that's the same thing as being destroyed though. He went in, then magically appeared on earth, then vanished.
If anything, he might have become one with the Source and ascended. He wouldn't have appeared on earth if he had been destroyed outright.

Regardless of how smart he was, wisdom was the character's dump stat. He could have cured cancer or solved the energy crisis to prove he's better than Superman.
small kinetic barrier, Then I bring
Either "barrier, then" or "barrier. Then".

Seriously this guy is like the embodiment of every smug liberal trope but is going to be right and win no matter what due to author fiat.
... wha? That doesn't even make sense. I mean, we're on this site specifically because the character isn't a line-toeing liberal. Liberal-leaning, sure, but he is FAR from being a stereotypical liberal avatar. And as for tropes... I mean, there are tropes for everything, including opposite ways of handling situations; it's harder to write a story that DOESN'T invoke any tropes.

And of course the main character of a superhero story is going to win in the end. The drama comes from his risks and failures along the way. And that isn't a guaranteed thing at all.
I do still understand people being apathetic towards alternate-universe events since they can often be very skippable with no impact on the primary storyline, especially with the mess that this particular reality is in.

For me, the issue is that Paul is pretty apathetic toward these events.

Unless there's some ass-pulls, the only rational outcome I was see from Plan "the Syndicate heads off en masse to conquer some country the U.S. doesn't give a fuck about" is the heroes waiting until the Syndicate is nicely somewhere they don't give a fuck about, and then obliterating them (along with lots of undoubtedly innocent people that, alas, they don't give a fuck about).

... which, if that was Paul's plan, and his entire idea was just to get the Syndicate to essentially put down their metaphorical hostage and back away, whereupon the metaphorical cops fill them full of metaphorical lead, maybe that would have some merit? The problem is that it seems like we'll get that outcome not because Paul planned it, but because he just doesn't give enough fucks to care what happens next.

It's difficult for me to give a fuck about a story that the main character doesn't.

Kind of feels like the entire point here is to artificially force a scenario where Blue Paul is going to get pissed off at how Paul fucked up his Earth, leading to a confrontation between them.
Damn I fucking hate Paul with a passion. Seriously this guy is like the embodiment of every smug liberal trope but is going to be right and win no matter what due to author fiat. How fucking disgusting.
Dude, you might wanna like....take a long break or something. I have no idea what you wanted (though I imagine it was something along the lines of OL just being smacked around and destroyed) but if you are taking all of this so personally that you're referring to a storyline in a fanfiction written for fun as "Disgusting", then I think this is all a bit too much for you.

If you have legitimate criticism, you could try to be constructive about it.
Again, a little silly that Zatanna comes along for this adventure but doesn't get to participate in anything.
Being smart and being wise are two different things.

One thing you have to know about Lex Luthor is that his worst enemy is not Superman, is not Batman, is not the common man, is himself.

He has such a big ego, that he always believes that he is right. And it seems this good Luthor shares the same flaw.

Even Doctor Doom has less trouble to admit his mistakes than Lex Luthor and that's saying something.
Yeah, you could say he has "Lord Kelvin's Disease"
he knows everything allready, and a lesser mind couldn't possibly be right and his wrong!
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Yeah, you could say he has "Lord Kelvin's Disease"
he knows everything allready, and a lesser mind couldn't possibly be right and his wrong!
stubborn (adj.)

late 14c., of uncertain origin. Earliest form is stiborn. OED, Liberman doubt any connection with stub (n.). Related: Stubbornly; stubbornness. Example: Lex Luthor.
Doppelgängered (part 24)
5th February
21:31 GMT -5

The world shimmers and I appear back in the room where I left the Justice…

"What the hell happened?"

My cold bursts put out the fires, but I really hope that Shadowcrest has a self-repair system. The tarpaulin I put over Ultraboy is gone, the youth unconscious on the other side of the room.

"Turns out a tarp doesn't stop heat vision." Mr West is upright, though most of the restraint gel is still stuck to him. "Did you know this stuff was heat-resistant, or were you planning on having him kill us?"

"I-." Damage.. matches… "I'm sorry. My Superboy doesn't have heat vision. Ultraboy didn't use it last time we fought." I think he's looking a little less angry. The half-mask makes it hard to tell.

Superman still looks aggrieved. Though intact, which is nice, given that I thought he'd be the first person to feel Jonathan's wrath. "Where's J'onn?"

Talon and Duela are in the recovery position off to one side, Diana is standing over Jonathan just in case he wakes up and piles of melted and ripped chains litter the floor. At least no one's dead.

"Don't know, and given that he tried to put me to sleep telepathically I'll have to work up to caring. Good news: there's an official truce in the works and your services are no longer required."

Lantern Stewart's eyes narrow-. I take his ring out of one of my utility pouches and toss it to him. He catches it and slides it back onto his finger. "I think we'd like to confirm that for ourselves."

"Sure. I need to evacuate you to hold up my end anyway. The old Syndicate facility under Mount Justice is currently occupied by the government, and it should have an internet connection. That alright?"

Hawkgirl holds out her right hand and I return her mace to her. By construct, as getting within arm's reach may not be wise. "Not without J'onn."

"What difference-?" I nod. "Fine, fine. Wait here."

I-. I pick up Jonathan with a construct stretcher and float him out of the door. There's a residue… Reads as… I'm not sure what that is, though there's enough of a kryptonite-based substance in it that I wouldn't want to expose a kryptonian to it. His vitals… He'll have bruises, but I don't think there'll be any permanent damage. Hm. Library's back, but flying in the direction of the door Zatanna summoned… Yes, it's still there, good.

On the grounds that surprising a gangster-magician who just narrowly survived an assassination attempt would be a bad idea, I knock twice with my right fist.

A man with a dimly-glowing sword opens the door, blade-point facing me. He takes me in, then lowers his weapon and steps back. "Don? It's Power Ring."

Zatanna has Mister J'onzz trapped in a flaming cage. I… Don't remember anything about Mars 12 Martians being especially afraid of fire, but I suppose that the potential for being burned to death would stop most people trying anything. She looks around, relief evident on her face. The Don himself has six floating puddles around him, each showing a different person or location. He looks my way as I come in.

"He dead?"

"No, but Luthor took the deal. After I beat up his retinue."

He nods. "Great news. If it's true."

"The Answer leaned on him. Get in touch with… Her? If you want confirmation. And apparently someone called Sureshot-."

The Don nods. "Tried killing Caulder. We wondered who it was. He was having trouble identifying the body. Eclipse." The swordman nods. "Get some reliable people and sweep the house. If this guy snuck in, Luthor mighta called in more help."

"He did. Part of the deal is that they get released."

"You told him we already got them?"

"I already did get them. Mister J'onzz-. Zatanna, can you turn that off?"

She nods, stepping away from him. "Hsiugnitxe."

The flames evaporate and Mister J'onzz half-collapses, panting for breath.

"Not clever, Manhunter. Fortunately for you, we've come to terms. You and your League are leaving now."

"What have you done?"

"What I had to in order to get an outcome I could live with. Do you need help to walk?"

He looks directly at me, his disdain evident. "And who has paid the price for your gratification?"


The pools of water floating in front of the Don merge into one.


"…a stroke. We have no further word on the President's condition, but specialists are being flown in…"

"You've murdered the President. How can you possibly think that will help matters?"

The Don chuckles. "That's how the Answer works. Things just happen. I'd guess that Luthor thought the same thing Orange did, that after Preceptor's assassination attempt failed and Orange stopped you, there was only one route left."


He pushes the floating puddle aside. "Did the Answer say whether or not Wilson survives?"

"No. But he won't be resuming his office. And if you don't follow through on your end, this all falls apart."

"I'll keep up our end. Just as soon as the Answer tells me what it is." He smiles faintly. "I can guess what you're going to ask. You don't want us to bother you again." He shrugs. "And I'd like to agree. You've done us a good turn here. And relying on outside contractors undermines our authority. But if we really needed you, we'd call on you. And we both know that if enough innocent people were at risk, you'd swallow your distaste for us and come."

"You're right. But if that happened, I would be forced to decide that you were a problem worth my time to fully resolve. However long it took, when I finished there would be no Syndicate. On my Earth, Don Giovanni, we have a prison for magic users like you, and I will personally remove your larynx before delivering you there."

He nods, unfazed. "As long as we both know where we stand. Zatanna?"

Zatanna glances my way for a moment, then returns her attention to him. "Yes?"

"Sindella and I were always planning on having more children. It would have been nice for Zorina to have a few brothers and sisters." He shrugs. "That didn't happen. I don't really want to see Orange Lantern any more than he wants to see me, but you're family. I want you to know that you're always welcome here."

Zatanna's face is a picture of distaste. "Why would I want to come here any more than he does?"

"You think we're bad people?" She nods. "You Catholic?" Another single nod. "Then if you think we should repent our sins, you're the one person who might convince us to see things your way. If not me, Zorina's going to be running this part of the family eventually. And since we're going to be de-escalating… You might be able to talk her around."

She glares at him for a moment, then about-faces and marches from the room. I drop off Jonathan, pick up the still-unsteady Mister J'onzz and head after her. She slows to a stop just outside and activates her kinetic belt.

"I don't know where we're going."

"Follow me." I head towards the room containing the Justice League. "Manhunter, under the circumstances I think it might be best if you took Talon and Duela with you. I'm not sure what happened to Sai-."

"She teleported out when Preceptor teleported in."

I nod. "Then she's gone, good. Are you as ready to go home as I am? " She nods. "Then let's hope that Gubbins has finished his repairs."
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.... before people start howling about murder, would it help if I remind everyone that he was a murderous lunatic fully willing to commit arguable/technical treason (I.e the complete destruction of the United States of america as a functional nation and the deaths of millions of its citizens) in persuit of personal revenge, who had allready murdered a bare minimum of one incapacitated prisoner with his bare hands, and had filled his administration with sycophantic yes-men?
i mean, his own vice-president admitted he was intractablely obsessed...
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Is Jonathan going with the league? Can't stay in this parallel because of how bad things are, and cause he won't be able to stay away.
"What the hell happened?"
You step away for five minutes...

"I-." Damage.. matches… "I'm sorry. My Superboy doesn't have heat vision. Ultraboy didn't use it last time we fought." I think he's looking a little less angry. The his half-mask makes it hard to tell.
Well, Kon doesn't have 'heat' vision so much as plasma eyeblasts, so fair's fair.

Talon and Duela are in the recovery position off to one side, Diana is standing over Jonathan just in case he wakes up and piles of melted and ripped chains litter the floor. At least no one's dead.
Lucky for you, OL.

The old Syndicate facility under Mouth Justice...
The old Syndicate facility under Mount Justice...

His vitals… He'll have bruises, but I don't think they'll be any permanent damage.
His vitals… He'll have bruises, but I don't think there'll be any permanent damage.
(unless that was intentional, referring to the bruising?)

On the grounds that surprising a gangster-magician who just narrowly survived an assassination attempt would be a bad idea, I knock twice with my right fist.
Very sensible...

Zatanna has the Mister J'onzz trapped in a flaming cage.
Extraneous 'the'.

The Don himself has six floating puddles around him, each showing a different person or location. He looks my way as I come in.
Teleconferencing, Magic style.

He looks directly at me, his distain evident.
He looks directly at me, his disdain evident.
(seeing this a lot...)

"…a stroke. We have no further word on the President's condition, but specialists are being flown in…"
Well, Wilson is out. Luthor gets a year or two in charge before an Election, I think?

You've done as a good turn here.
You've done us a good turn here.

"You're right. But if that happened, I would be forced to decide that you were a problem worth my time to fully resolve. However long it took, when I finished there would be no Syndicate. On my Earth, Don Giovanni, we have a prison for magic users like you, and I will personally remove your larynx before delivering you there."
Harsh, but fair. I can tell OL wants to say "Don't make me come back here."

"You think we're bad people?" She nods. "You Catholic?" Another single nod. "Then if you think we should repent our sins, you're the one person who might convince us to see things your way. If not me, Zorina's going to be running this part of the family eventually. And since we're going to be de-escalating… You might be able to talk her around."
I'm honestly amazed religion is anything like positive-morality planes. No Crime Bible?

Welp, all over bar the after-action reports, I hope. I can't wait to see Blue's reaction when he gets back and sees what happened...
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I can honestly say that I was never expecting to see the Negative universe again. It's been....odd.

Certainly can't say I would have taken the same road OL has. But we are different people.

Still...the only clear option OL has here is to take Ultraboy home with him, dump the boring Jade chick, and redeem his Ultraheart with the power of (boy)Love.
The old Syndicate facility under Mouth Justice...
The old Syndicate facility under Mount Justice...
His vitals… He'll have bruises, but I don't think they'll be any permanent damage.
His vitals… He'll have bruises, but I don't think there'll be any permanent damage.
(unless that was intentional, referring to the bruising?)
Zatanna has the Mister J'onzz trapped in a flaming cage.
Extraneous 'the'.
He looks directly at me, his distain evident.
He looks directly at me, his disdain evident.
(seeing this a lot...)
You've done as a good turn here.
You've done us a good turn here.
Thank you, corrected.
Between Maxx's boy love and others still hoping for a sudden Zatanna route, I respect some people's shipping hopes here xD

Well, this has a... certain level of resolution I guess, but the Illustres had already exceeded his quota of fucks to give for this situation. I'm beginning to dread that he's not gonna get back his Star Sapphire (which is bulll****, by the way, that's a net loss) but still curious about what the Answer wants to tell him.

On the other hand, what will people be thinking back home with their sudden disappearance? And what will they think if they read the report for this kidnapping?

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