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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

The same motivation OL 16 has. The only thing stopping him is the lack of a power battery.

Even with the lack of a Justice League, he could easily be pulled into defending his company and tech. The moment you invent something in comics, especially a power source, some villain will want it for their own ends.

I mean, let us remember that a big part of being Iron man for Tony Stark was to keep people from stealing his shit.

I personally have never seen the Illustres' motivation to be a 'superhero' in the first place. He wanted Alan's ring because it was the easiest and most expeditious way to recharge his ring, and because of that he had to swear an oath and get involved in superheroics; after that, well, his motivation is to improve the world, then the universe, and since he has the power to do it himself and an orange ring, why not? Plus, most of his friends are involved themselves so no way not to be involved. Without the oath he would probably had gone a path between the Sybarite and 'Peter', a superpowered industrialist trying to improve the world his own way and with the Justice League suspicious and maybe even investigating him.

Besides, Peter's not really inventing anything, he's going to be the capital and majority shareholder in the company that he funds. And in England. He probably will try to have something to protect himself, but that doesn't mean he will go out of his way to befriend superheroes or fight supervillains.

If his ring can't charge off ambient greed, would trying to eat the charge off a green lantern's ring (preferrably with their prior consent) be a bet positive, or would it just drain the greenie's faster than the orange ring?

That's a possible technique of the Orange Power Rings. But even the Illustres needed a lot of time and practice to learn/develop it. I don't think one charge would be enough for 'Peter' to train enough and crack the concept.

Mr Zoat, some other corrections:
And doesn't that just sound splendid.

Not sure on this one, I think it should be: 'And doesn't that just sounds splendid.'

Did Hinon put you up to this?

Naming error I believe, due to context I think it should be 'Himon'. He hadn't known about Hinon the Controller just yet, so he should be referring about the creator of the Mother Boxes.

So as it crawls forward.-"

I believe the full stop should be after the hyphen instead.

A bream of brilliant orange

I think: 'A beam of brilliant orange'. (Unless it was indeed a bream xD)

move my right hand up to that I can

Should be: 'move my right hand up so that I can'.

neural interface attacked to his head.

Should be: 'neural interface attached to his head.'

Should be 'When she sees me'.

I hold in just in front of my face

I think: 'I hold it just in front of my face'.

I look at the back of my left hand, having my yellow ring

I believe the yellow ring is in the right hand? So: 'I look at the back of my right hand, having my yellow ring'.

"So; just what it is that you intend to demand from me while I'm enfeebled from my three billion year slumber?" She looks around again. "And where are we?"

These quotes from Hinon are missing the bold (at least I think it's bold) inherent to Maltusians not connected to a Central Power Battery, I believe.

and it's risks even so.

I think: 'and it's risky even so.'

why I haven't killed you yet.."

This has an extra red dot.

What little if left of the Citadel Complex

Should be: 'What little is left of the Citadel Complex'.
DEFINITELY want to see more of Earth-12 Paul, especially with some catty interactions with Earth-12 Lex Luthor and Bruce Wayne!

Such a pity one of them is too obsessed with taking down Superman, and the other playing superhero, to lift mankind upwards to a Type I to II Civilization already!
Yeah, if I couldn't remember B:TAS the only few things I would remember about Harley Quinn would be the Arkham video game series (plus that animated movie Assault on Arkham) and her prominence in the 'sexy cosplay' market. That wouldn't really catch my attention above all the other 'mad scientists' that would be preferable to try to stir into making money or something of the like. There was a mention of this 'Peter' being involved with Cheetah, I think? And that picks my curiosity more.

Mr Zoat, some corrections:
I think this should be: 'the flesh heating up so fast that it seems to explode'.
Thank you, corrected.
We seem to have lost this link, but I can't recall what it was.
Works for me.
I think: 'able to operate on extreme temperatures'.
I believe it should be: 'in areas of contaminated soil.'
I think is: 'boughs and leaves turning to.. form a face.'
For this: 'and then step through.'
I think: 'Khundians have a similar restriction.'
I believe: 'with warlords looking for a trophy.'
I think it should be: 'to think of God as kind and loving.'
American spelling, so 'organization'.
Thank you, corrected.
I think: 'it's only reasonable that she asks'.
No, I think that's alright.
Should be: 'probably put there by Mister Kharhi.'
I think: 'enthusiasm in the prosecution of one's duties'.
There is an extra space before the closing quote mark.
I think: 'we do have a variety of licensed punishments'.
We seem to have lost this link, I believe it was this image: https://i2.wp.com/www.theshareduniverse.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/medphyll-and-swamp-thing.jpg?resize=1024,597
I believe it should be: 'Cut through the deck in the direction'.
Missing full stop.
Thank you, corrected.
I think: 'Dox looks exceedingly tense for an instant'.
Not sure what's being corrected here.
Not sure on this one, but maybe: 'Do you really think that admitting to trading'.[/spoiler]
Thank you, corrected.
Mr Zoat, some other corrections:
Not sure on this one, I think it should be: 'And doesn't that just sounds splendid.'
No, that's correct.
Naming error I believe, due to context I think it should be 'Himon'. He hadn't known about Hinon the Controller just yet, so he should be referring about the creator of the Mother Boxes.
I believe the full stop should be after the hyphen instead.
I think: 'A beam of brilliant orange'. (Unless it was indeed a bream xD)
Should be: 'move my right hand up so that I can'.
Should be: 'neural interface attached to his head.'
Should be 'When she sees me'.
I think: 'I hold it just in front of my face'.
I believe the yellow ring is in the right hand? So: 'I look at the back of my right hand, having my yellow ring'.
These quotes from Hinon are missing the bold (at least I think it's bold) inherent to Maltusians not connected to a Central Power Battery, I believe.
I think: 'and it's risky even so.'
This has an extra red dot.
Should be: 'What little is left of the Citadel Complex'.
Thank you, corrected.
Yes, but they'll be British supervillains. Most of them aren't exactly terrifying.
I wonder if he could recruit Mad Mod before he goes villainous. He's a British technology genius.

EDIT: Peter's company starting the social media wave years early. A moneymaker and a way to promote the company potentially worldwide.
If Peter knows about how social media ended up in the 2010s, he might actually try to combat it. Since he cares about uplifting humanity, creating a machine that exploits the addictive tendencies of human psychology for no productive end might look counterproductive.

I personally have never seen the Illustres' motivation to be a 'superhero' in the first place.
He doesn't so much care about being a superhero as it is that he has certain ideas about how the world ought to be, combined with the ability to do something about it. (Which, to be fair, is actually more of a supervillain mindset...) He'd hate himself if he squandered his power and wealth on something meaningless, and "improving the world" is the most meaningful thing he can think of.

Fighting supervillains is... really more just maintenance work in pursuit of that task. Definitely not the goal in and of itself.
I wonder if he could recruit Mad Mod before he goes villainous. He's a British technology genius.
He's a capable chemical engineer, but I couldn't call him a genius.
If Peter knows about how social media ended up in the 2010s, he might actually try to combat it. Since he cares about uplifting humanity, creating a machine that exploits the addictive tendencies of human psychology for no productive end might look counterproductive.
You're in luck then, as the next two story posts are both Earth-12.

If the corporate adventures of Earth-12 Paul get their own extensive chapters like Renegade-Paul/Grayven has, here's hoping we'll see if he has anything planned for Alva Industries and the so-called "Quantum Vapor"...
This is right around the time (after ET but before the NES) when the west nearly collectively quit gaming.
Is there any reason why Qwa tech isn't something that Paul has added to his repertoire? It seems like a useful thing, and Kalmin is totally fine with making it for him to use so...
The Darkstars/(Orange) Lantern Corps/LEGION should probably add a wing (or at least a way to incorporate) weird mutants, science experiments and champions into the force. People like Adam Blake who can fight on the level of a lantern are really useful, and far from *impossible* to find. Plus, they might help allievate Jevek's worries about the reliance on emotional stuff.
Hell, if Paul can get someone to make (or maybe it already does? *Shrug*) the Garrick formula work for aliens, then it might be possible to have an army of super speed soldiers that could be hugely useful in a ground war, and possibly even in space stuff if the garrrick formula works for flight speed of flying races and they can figure out an enviromental shield that is compatible with that.
Wonder if Paul plans on sparring with some of the controllers...
And I really do think Paul needs more of an ear to the ground regarding Controller super weapon projects, or at least ask about strategizing around the assets. The whole *point* of the steering commitee thing is to have a unified front between the different people facing the reach, and the controllers working on super soldier projects against the reach need to be included for the benefits of both parties.
It would be an interesting story on its own. I've only seen a business uplift SI a couple times before this, but it honestly doesn't really fit with the whole ring aspect of With This Ring.

Otherwise, 'Peter' is doing some great stuff, Paragon Paul should be taking notes and upping his uplifting game.

Can you state some business uplift SI? Ran out of good reads...
Maybe not involved in superheroics, but Rich + Involved with super tech makes him a prime target for supervillains. He has his ring to defend himself, but a limited charge. I imagine he'd want some supertech gear for protection.
I'd assume that if he does end up cultivating a relationship with the inventor of the cosmo rod, he could probably get himself made a personal set of that equipment for personal defense, and just incase he ever gets bitten with the superhero bug (Starman Redux or whatever). Because even though the inventor doesn't want his tech weaponized, he still uses it as a tool/weapon himself when he was a superhero. So not weaponized probably means exploited as a weapon on a large scale, not bespoke personal equipment for righteous face punching related activities, such as being prepared for any super villain kidnapping attempts (because you are a billionaire industrialist patron of super tech).

The SI starting to use bleed torsion generators forced the front company Savage used to buy the rights to actually start using them. So, electricity prices are heading down but all the money is going to the caveman.
That is a rather large fuckup. And largely his fault for not investigating the patent trail or promoting native tech before dropping down an outside solution.
Isn't Savage dead/ trapped after the alternate universe shenanigans with time Trapper Paul?
Honestly, I don't really think that the caveman profiting from the tech in the Paragon-verse substantially changes things. An immortal at his age should already have enough money that the profits won't really open up any options he didn't already have.
I still don't truly understand all of the shenanigans with Time Travel that happened during those episodes, but I think that since it was reversed to before Savage made the changes to the Timeline, in Savage's perspective just nothing happened and as such, after he returned to his time to notice no changes, he decided it was a bust and just went back to whatever disgusting things the cannibal/pedophile does in his own and/or Light time.

But again, I still don't really understand all that happened during the Mandate and its previous episode. Which I think is the point of Time Travel in any case.
Some time ago on Earth 12
Earth 12
12th December 2001
18:43 GMT -6

As the claws press up against my neck I realise that I may have made a rather serious mistake.

"And who.. are.. you?"

Doctor Minerva's face is so close to the back of my neck that I can feel her whiskers as they brush against my skin. Instinct. She wants to be able to tear out my throat if she doesn't like the answer. I would have thought that a woman of her intelligence would realise that a gun would be a better-.

Her claws tighten slightly.

"My name is Peter Wynne." I don't think she has a magic lie detector so I don't need to explain how it's only sort of my name. At this point I've… Sort of gotten used to it. "Are you hungry?"

"I haven't eaten British before."

"Our food culture's come a long way since the eighties. But…" I gesture to the preservation crate on the bench in front of me. "I brought this as a sign of my honest intentions."

"What's inside?"


I feel whiskers and fur move as she shifts her head to take a look. And I feel the air move as she sniffs. "Why?"

"Your physiology is a mixture of human and cheetah. I'm not sure exactly what you can eat… How your… Splicing has affected your digestive tract, but… I know that predatory animals get their vitamins from organ meat. I… Thought you might like it."

Or maybe you'll be incandescent with rage at me implying that you're an animal. Or you might be incandescent with rage at me implying that you're not a good enough biologist to understand your own digestive processes.

Another sniff. "Is it fresh?"

"Killed a couple of hours ago. The.. box is designed to keep food fresh without freezing it. It should be perfectly palatable."

"Open it. Slowly."

I cautiously reach forward and deactivate the stasis field, then open the lid. The smell of blood immediately fills the air. I then pull the crate a little closer and tilt it so that she can see the meat inside.

"That smells good."

"I'm glad that you-."

Ow! She just… Licked me? Cheetah tongues are barbed and do not feel nice. At least she's removed the claws.

She pulls back enough that I can't feel her any longer. "Step aside."

I sidestep to the right, looking around at the rest of her laboratory setup. Some of the equipment is stolen, and the rest is either old or damaged in some way which caused it to get thrown out. Power comes from a cable which runs to a nearby junction box and I've got no idea what she's doing for water.

The glamorous life of a supervillain.

I feel her tail rub against my leg as she softly and silently approaches the crate. I turn slightly to face her and her slit-pupilled eyes flick to my face for an instant before fixing back on the meat.

"So we're clear: if this is drugged I will kill you before it can take effect."

"It's not drugg-" Her right hand darts forwards, grabs a still-bleeding liver and brings it up to her muzzle. "-ed." She sniffs it deeply twice, then tears into it with her teeth, pulling, ripping and then jerking her head back and swallowing, blood and liver juices dripping down her mouth and onto her fur-covered chest.

She's… Her fur is thick, but she's still clearly mostly shaped like a human woman. There are very clearly fur-covered mammaries under there and I'm going to move my eyes back to her face now. She's eating at quite a pace, not really chewing at all as she gulps the meat down. As she eats I get a good view of the altered structure of her jaw and her decidedly nonhuman teeth, sharp for cutting and stabbing, the grinding function of human molars abandoned as a result of her ill-advised auto-experimentation. She swiftly finishes the liver and breathes lustily in pleasure before turning to face me.

"Are you an autograph hunter?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Autograph. Are you here for my autograph?"

I frown. "Do people do that?"

"You'd be surprised." Her tail curls from left to right behind her. "But that's not why you're here."

"No. I.. want to offer you a job."

"What kind of job?"

"Biological research." She narrows her eyes slightly. "I have a prospectus-" I gesture to my coat with my right hand. "-if you don't mind me reaching for it?"

Her eyes narrow, and she makes a small shrug as she starts cleaning her right hand with her tongue. I reach into my jacket and pull out the booklet with 'Schizo Applications' emblazoned on the cover, then put it down next to the crate.

"Essentially, my business makes its money by acquiring the rights to… Unusually advanced technology and finding civilian applications for it. I'm aware that this… Wasn't what you originally intended, and I see definite commercial potential in your work."

Her face relaxes slightly, her eyes widening. "Y..?"

"Obviously, you have.. certain.. legal difficulties which we'd.. have to work around. My company is based in Britain and I.. don't think we're going to be able to get you indefinite leave to remain. But that's okay, I've been thinking about opening a branch in the United States for a while. There's so much.. stuff to work on here. Do you.. have much experience with project management?"

"It's.. been a while. When you're a supervillain it's.. hard to.. find willing collaborators."

"I imagine. There are a few other scientists I'm going to be trying to recruit, but it's unlikely that you'll be working with anyone in your speciality.. quite on your level."


"Because high-end scientists with criminal records are cheaper to hire than scientists without criminal records. Oh, and I'm afraid that compulsory counselling will be part of the employment contract."

"I'm not crazy."

"No, but you've been living in isolation and in constant conflict with all of those around you for a prolonged period. Humans don't work well in those circumstances. And.. then there's the-" I gesture to her face with my right hand. "-risk-taking."

She sighs. "It was my life's work. I couldn't just abandon everything I'd been working on."

"In point of fact: you could. You could have gotten a job in a related and more commercial field while you applied for grants, or worked on 'splicing' in your spare time. Instead, you tested a.. demonstrably unsafe mutagen on yourself. Now, that might have been a risk you decided to take because you carefully weighed up the risks and decided to take a chance… But just in case-."

"Let me guess: it's a condition of your insurance."

"Oh." I shake my head. "They don't do insurance for people who employ supervillains. I just put money in escrow and cross my fingers. So far so good, but I haven't cracked the American supervillainy scene just yet and I'm told that some of your contemporaries are fairly hardcore."

"Do you want me to make introductions?"

"Not at.. this point. There's a fairly narrow… Sane-enough-to-be-employable and crazy-enough-to-be-useful… Margin for error, and I'd rather focus on a small number of individuals and.. use them to encourage future waves of employees."

"So you're not forming a supervillain team with this as cover."

"Either 'no' or 'yes, and I'm having them work within the law', depending on how you look at it." I think about the dying power ring sitting in a safe back in England. "I've never really gotten into the more flamboyant sort of criminality. Should I take it that you're interested?"

"Yes. YesDefinitely."

I smile. "Good show. I've procured the services of a removal agency to…" I look around. "Assist you in shutting this place down. They know better than to ask questions, but if you could avoid directly telling them anything they might have to claim the fifth over in court..?" She nods. "Much appreciated."

I reach into my jacket and hand her some paperwork and a pair of keys.

"One contract of employment, a debit card linked to a prepaid account and a key to an apartment for your use until.. things are settled and I've got a location for you to move to. And a contact number in case you have any concerns or queries." I smile and nod deferentially. "I'll leave you to your meal."
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Cant Peter/paul 12 recharge on starman tech?
No. Peter is an organic human, and consuming significant quantities of electricity would be harmful to him.

He also can't recharge his ring with it, as the energy forms they use are totally different.
Thank you, corrected.
(I'm assuming the sentence is referring to the USA.)
He's currently in the United States.
As the claws press up against my neck I realise that I may have made a rather serious mistake.
...You think?

Her claws tighten slightly.
Focus, Peter.

An African antelope? Interesting gift.

I feel whiskers and fur move as she shifts her head to take a look. And I feel the air move as she sniffs. "Why?"
Some people would likely pay a lot of money to be in your place right now :D

Or maybe you'll be incandescent with rage at me implying that you're an animal. Or you might be incandescent with rage at me implying that you're not a good enough biologist to understand your own digestive processes.
Life's a gamble.

I sidestep to the right, looking around at the rest of her laboratory set up. Some of the equipment is stolen, and the rest is either old or damaged in some way which caused it to get thrown out. Power comes from a cable which runs to a nearby junction box and I've got no idea what she's doing for water.
I'm not sure you'd want to know.

I feel her tail rub against my leg as she softly and silently approaches the crate. I turn slightly to face her and her slit-pupilled eyes flick to my face for an instant before fixing back on the meat.
Ironically, Cheetahs and other large Felids do not have slit pupils. Guessing she cut the serum with a bit of housecat :p

She's… Her fur is thick, but she's still clearly mostly shaped like a human woman. There are very clearly fur-covered mammaries under there and I'm going to move my eyes back to her face now. She's eating at quite a pace, not really chewing at all as she gulps the meat down. As she eats I get a good view of the altered structure of her jaw and her decidedly nonhuman teeth, sharp for cutting and stabbing, the grinding function of human molars abandoned as a result of her ill-advised auto-experimentation. She swiftly finished the liver and breathes lustily in pleasure before turning to face me.
Surprised she isn't triggering the Uncanny Valley reflex given the animal traits.

"No. I.. want to offer you a job."
Ah, 'Peter', never change.

Her eyes narrow, and she makes as small shrug...
Her eyes narrow, and she makes a small shrug...

I reach into my jacket and pull out the booklet with 'Schizo Applications' emblazoned on the cover, then put it down next to the crate.
Company name, or just project name?

My company is base in Britain and I..
My company is based in Britain and I..

"It's.. been a while. When you're a supervillain it's.. hard to.. find willing collaborators."
Especially ones who won't stab you in the back (possibly literally) when they tire of cooperation.

...you'll be working with anyone in your speciality.. quite on your level."
Spellcheck is pegging this as 'specialty', but :rolleyes: American spellings...

"Because high-end scientists with criminal records are cheaper to hire than scientists without criminal records. Oh, and I'm afraid that compulsory counselling will be part of the employment contract."
Smart, smart man.

...and decided to take a change… But just in case-."
...and decided to take a chance… But just in case-."

"Oh." I shake my head. "They don't do insurance for people who employ supervillains. I just put money in escrow and cross my fingers. So far so good, but I haven't cracked the American supervillainy scene just yet and I'm told that some of your contemporaries are fairly hardcore."
Insurance is for people without the kind of money he has.

"Either 'no' or 'yes, and I'm having them work within the law', depending on how you look at it." I think about the dying power ring sitting in a safe back in England. "I've never really gotten into the more flamboyant sort of criminality. Should I take it that you're interested?"
Ah, that explains why he didn't have an environmental shield when she grabbed him.

"Yes. YesDefinitely"
Missing a full stop.

"One contract of employment, a debit card linked to a prepaid account and a key to an apartment for your use until.. things are settled and I've got a location for you to move to. And a contact number in case you have any concerns or queries." I smile and nod deferentially. "I'll leave you to your meal."

This just gets better and better. I'm not sure this would have made a great story on its own, just like most of the Alt-Pauls, but vignettes like this are great.
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No. Peter is an organic human, and consuming significant quantities of electricity would be harmful to him.

He also can't recharge his ring with it, as the energy forms they use are totally different.

Thank you, corrected.

He's currently in the United States.

The green lantern ring can get a charge from static shock at least. It's part of jlu. It's likely energy inefficient, maybe enough energy to power continental America for a day is a percent of the powering?

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