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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I was wondering about that. Even in dystopian Batman of the Future future, can the American government have the right to compel people who have been spliced to alter their bodies back?

Normally I'd say no, but given how comparatively quickly splicing was made illegal and them linking it with increased aggression, plus all other manner of supervillain bullshitery that setting has been dealing with for decades, they could probably force something through by citing some kind of Health & Public Safety measures.
I dunno; "kidnap the founder of X" seems like a pretty common plotline in DCAU. Peter would mainly keep out of the limelight by not being based in the US, where most supervillany seems to happen, although he might have heard something about that time Red Claw attempted to steal one of the UK's nukes.

Can't recall anything off the top of my head, though it has been a while since I've seen the DCAU, but I still think in those cases it's usually because the 'founder of X' was the creator and/or inventor of the technology upon which 'X' is built. The Supervillains would probably focus on the Knight family in that case, not on Peter, who isn't even in a 'Lucius Fox'-kind of position, he would probably be one more step removed from possible focus of Supervillains because he wouldn't manage day to day business; he would probably be the face of the company, but in that case he's just another super rich guy and, again, that just puts him in danger of regular criminals looking for his money.

Oh, and about Red Claw, I believe she was a character from B:TAS so as other people have pointed out, Peter arrived at Earth 12 after the timeline for B:TAS, so whatever she did would have been some time ago before he came to this parallel universe. He may have read something in old newspapers (if he was interested in that sort of thing, I assume so if he went to a library to get information about the place).

Mr Zoat, some corrections:
I'd suggest giving it a-"

Missing full stop.

DC's the one who publish

Not sure on this one, I think: 'DC's the one who publishes'.

I'm.. sure you did you best…

I believe: 'I'm.. sure you did your best…'

It was set in a American megalopolis

I think: 'It was set in an American megalopolis'.

The capitals ships roll slightly

I think: 'The capital ships roll slightly'.

when the form up behind me.

Should be: 'when they form up behind me.'

You know, the big red and blue robot things-.

Missing a closing quote mark.

Should be: 'Then why-?'

I hope that consider staying on anyway.

I think is missing a word, so maybe: 'I hope that you consider staying on anyway.'

Certainly, my memory of eidetic now.

I believe: 'Certainly, my memory is eidetic now.'

Dox give me a shallow nod.

I think: 'Dox gives me a shallow nod.'

I believe the full stop should be after the hyphen.

Guardians recognised my skills.
I mean they formally recognised them.

American spelling, so 'recognized'.

Raised to the Honour Guard…

American spelling, so 'Honor'.

the buzz sword's force fields

I think: 'the buzz sword's force field'.

as loading a crumbler construct.

Due to context, I think this should be: 'as loading a crumbler round.'

Ragnar, we've leaving.

Should be: 'Ragnar, we're leaving.'

smashing another pair to guns off their mounts.

Should be: 'smashing another pair of guns off their mounts.'

armed identically to the one's we defeated

I think: 'armed identically to the ones we defeated'.

fire without queering each others shots.

I think: 'fire without queering each other's shots.'

from the Thunderers conventional guns

I think: 'from the Thunderers' conventional guns'

they're obedience to whatever orders

Should be: 'their obedience to whatever orders'.

Directly into the faced of the Thunderers

I think: 'Directly into the faces of the Thunderers'.

with little visible damaging being inflicted

Not sure on this one, maybe: 'with little visible damage being inflicted'.

they're to distracted to see their brother

I think: 'they're too distracted to see their brother'.

You'll see a whole lot more in a little while.""

This has an extra quote mark at the end.

Missing full stop.

not even heard of you a hour ago

I think: 'not even heard of you an hour ago'.
But does that really correlate to them trying to attack and/or involve Peter?
Yes. Why? Because Super-villain.

In that sense, Peter is probably the founder and major shareholder of his company, so major decisions and the acquiring of new 'assets' (i.e. Supervillains and/or their technology) may come through him.
All that really matters is his name being out there, and the perception that he's the head guy.

I recall one piece of a Spider-man Storyline once, can't remember if it was a cartoon or in the comics. But anyway, in it Doc Ock had seriously upgraded his mechanical arms, but the old power souce just wasn't up to snuff. Then he got wind of some sort of new, miniaturised reactor (or something).

Anyway, with it, he reckons that if he has it, well he'll be just about unstoppable. Because obviously no one can simply put a bullet in the unarmored, fat nerd (Hey, I love me some Doc Ock fyi.) So he makes his way to the demo where it is being shown off. Spider-man shows up, big fight, and ol' Webhead manages to destroy the macguffin (and harm no one because science damn it).

Really pissed off, Ock actually manages to beat 7 tons of shit out of Parker after a back of the head clubbing, and now, running out of power because of his older, no longer strong enough power source, he rips his way through half the damn city to get to the owner/CEO of the company so he can get another of the generators, or at least a blueprint.

He catches the guy, makes his demand/threat, only to learn that the man in question merely owns the patent. He has no idea how it even works, let alone how to build it. He bought it off someone else (and in a staggering aversion of comic-book world logic, actually paid a perfectly fair price. Said inventor was stated to be able to retire himself, and a few generations after him).

This legitimately doesn't compute to Ock long enough for his power source to run out as his rips the guy's house to shreds because he simply "has" to be lying and just "has" to have another one/the plans somewhere. By the time a recovered Spider-man gets there, Ock is out of juice, helpless and still raving.
Rather than just using animal DNA, if used correctly, could the splicing technology be used to graft perfected human traits and benefits into an individual? Curing diseases, disabilities and deformities?

It's certainly an intriguing possibility.
Was the Batman Beyond future really that dystopic? Or was it just Gotham being Gotham with fancier tech?

Considering how diminished the Justice League was in Beyond compared to how they were in Justice League Unlimited, it was pretty much the whole future.

The only original Leaguer left was Clark.
Rather than just using animal DNA, if used correctly, could the splicing technology be used to graft perfected human traits and benefits into an individual? Curing diseases, disabilities and deformities?
It's certainly an intriguing possibility.

Such a thing could also be used to enhance people as not only do you have populations like Tibetans and Incans are adapted to high altitudes with some other populations having other adaptations but there are also people like Batman, Green Arrow, Mr. Terrific and Wild Cat who are able to operate at a much higher physical/mental level than then ordinary human with out having super powers or using much advanced tech.
Also Pro-Athletes using a little Ape or Neanderthal DNA as performance enhancers as that would be much, much harder to spot than say Wolf DNA. Such a method could also be used to create Super Soldiers/Agents/Operatives/What Ever China's Great Ten are called that while not necessarily very powerful for a Super Human can be created and recreated with out to much trouble.
A shame it's so early in the timeline. I'd love Batman Beyond era Paul. Both Batman and Superman were going to get some crazy shit involving their children. At least in the comics.

It was going to be revealed that Superman got Lashina pregnant during the time he was brainwashed to believe he was Darkseid's son, and the resulting son was to have grown up to take Darkseid's place as ruler of Apokolips.

It was also going to be revealed that Bruce and Diana did eventually hook up at least once, with Diana becoming pregnant as a result. But once it became clear that she was going to be giving birth to a daughter she decided to return to Themyscira to raise her as a "proper" Amazon. The daughter was going to eventually show up in Gotham because she wanted to meet her dad. Hang out with grumpy old man Bruce and Terry.

Neither of those actually panned out. Which is a damn shame because both story ideas sounded really neat. Instead the comics decided that Wonder Woman was so desperate for Batman's dick that she decided to go live in the Justice Lords universe because Lord Batman was willing to have the relationship with her that League Batman was denying her.

As for the small size of the League in Batman Beyond . . . I mean . . . From a meta perspective the only reason the League is a small team in the future is because the Justice League cartoon was still in the small team phase. Batman Beyond ended before Justice League Unlimited started and the League decided to have a goddamn army of superheroes.
The only original Leaguer left was Clark.

Presuming that Justice League Unlimited took place at the time of air date, then Batman Beyond started 33 years after the time of Justice League Unlimited-2039.

Static, Stargirl, and Supergirl all qualify for senior discounts by the time of Batman Beyond.

What would be odd is if the justice league had a lot of original members running around over three decades later.
As for the small size of the League in Batman Beyond . . . I mean . . . From a meta perspective the only reason the League is a small team in the future is because the Justice League cartoon was still in the small team phase. Batman Beyond ended before Justice League Unlimited started and the League decided to have a goddamn army of superheroes.

Unlimited did have an episode in the future with Terry, so I assume the League must have suffered some monumental defeat or other kind of setback.

Presuming that Justice League Unlimited took place at the time of air date, then Batman Beyond started 33 years after the time of Justice League Unlimited-2039.

Static, Stargirl, and Supergirl all qualify for senior discounts by the time of Batman Beyond.

What would be odd is if the justice league had a lot of original members running around over three decades later.

Supergirl in the DCAU is in the future in a relationship with Braniac-5, so her not being present is a given.

Static going by Unlimited's future episode is still a superhero in the Beyond period, even though he's a bit old. He's just not in the League.

The odder absences are mainly people like Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter. Given they don't really suffer aging like normal people, they should still be around. So either they left the league or died.
The odder absences are mainly people like Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter. Given they don't really suffer aging like normal people, they should still be around. So either they left the league or died.

J'onn probably went back on the sabattical he was on after "Alive!" - remember he had a wife...

Diana is the open question.
You know, it occurs to me that "Peter"-12 probably had at least one incident- probably several- where he was about to be threatened and/or kidnapped by a supervillain, only for the supervillains he hired on for their work to step in and give them an "Oh Shit" moment.
Weirdly enough, I was just thinking about that. Some creep moving in on their meal-ticket and possibly the only person who saw the value of their work? Heads are gonna roll!

Aside from the sheer delight of super-villain mob-justice/violence, maybe Miss Emmylou Brown could work for "Peter" as a more cheerful counterpart to Mercy, Lex Luthor's faithful chauffeur/bodyguard?

PETER: Oh, now don't kill him, Miss Brown. I'd like to question Mister Snart as to his work, and what future he'd like to pursue besides one behind bars.

EMMYLOU: Well, I reckon I wouldn't want to explain to Daddy why I got bloodstains on my new suit. What about this "Mirror Master" fella here?


PETER: Hmm, definitely a version of McCulloch... eh, beat him within an inch of his life. I'm already in the process in getting ownership of the patents for the mirror-tech his predecessor created.

MIRROR MASTER: Wha-?! COME ON! I've got a wife and kid at home!

PETER: Then we'll send them a generous check for your hospital fees and a VERY tasteful fruit-basket.

Recently on Earth 12
Earth 12
6th February 2005

02:38 GMT, apparently

I blink owlishly at my bedside clock, and for a moment try to remember exactly when I got my first clock radio back on Earth Prime. The one before that had a horrible beeper and I was glad to see the back of it. Behind me, Barbara wriggles and starts sleep-grooming my back, purring throatily as she does it. Which is a bit weird, but people in a relationship make allowances for one another and this is far preferable to the sleep-chew she gave me the first time we slept together, which resulted in a trip to casualty.

Why am I awake?

Yesterday… Not a lot happened. I had to have a chat with Lenny about him skipping his therapy sessions and he accused me of giving him mixed messages by inviting him to a supervillain team up and then blue-balling him, but I'm… Reasonably confident that he was joking. Jan Gisler's retirement party is in a few weeks and as an important client I've been invited to that

No, not coming up with anything. Turn around, nuzzle Barbara and then go back to sleep? Sounds like a plan. Just check-.

My eyes widen and Barbara's left licking a hole in the bed sheet as I climb out of bed at speed, swiftly entering the code for the bedroom safe and taking out the cosmic baton Ted gave me 'for personal protection'. Force field on button three. Then I head towards my home office and my document safe. Someone's touching the ring. I don't exactly know how much harm a near-dead ring can cause but I'm not interested in finding out. Baton in my right hand and pointed forward I shove the door open with my left and hit the light switch.

Batman glances at me, then returns his attention to the orange power ring in his right hand.

"Fascinating. I didn't know they came in this color."

"Put it down, Mister Wayne. Put it down now."

"How did you get it?"

"Is it whispering to you, Mister Wayne? Is it offering you everything you've ever wanted? Because that's what it does. It tells you that you can do anything with it. Please, put it down."

He places it down on the mantelpiece, and I take a moment to-.

"You need a better safe."

"Ninety nine percent of people who might try and rob my safe would just blast it open. I put the ring in my office safe in the hope that they'll assume all that's in there is paperwork."

"How did you get a power ring?"

"Why are you in my house? I don't know what arrangement you have with the Gotham police, but I'm fairly sure you don't have any right to be here."

"Your citizenship application states that you had it in your possession when you arrived."

"Mister Wayne, I'm pretty sure I couldn't beat you in a fist fight but I'm pretty sure I could shoot you through a wall with this on wide beam."

"Peter Wynne, thirty eight years of age. Appeared out of thin air from a parallel universe nine years ago. You claimed to have no idea how it happened."

"And I didn't. Still don't. Look, has one of my employees had a relapse? Is that why you're hassling me?"

"We're speaking because I recently had an encounter with two versions of you from another dimension."

"Do you mean 'parallel universe', or were they really six dimensional?"

"I thought that their voices sounded familiar, but it took me some time to remember where I'd heard them before. May twenty ninth, last year. A phone call was made to my home number. The caller offered to deploy a nuclear device at the Thanagarian construction site in Libya."

An event I haven't spoken about with my Thanagarian employees. Quite a lot didn't make it back to the Command Carrier when their commander ordered a pull out, and while they've mostly been released by the various governments that were holding them as prisoners of war they're obviously not exactly popular due to the whole 'trying to blow up the planet' thing.

"Yes, and Mister Pennyworth politely pretended that he had no idea who you were as I got steadily more frantic, and that's why virtually all of the ring charge I was keeping for emergencies is now gone. I was sitting at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea for hours waiting for someone to contact me, so with the Justice League expanding you might want to work on your coordination a little."

"You know who I am and where I live, and you've done so for years."

"My home parallel doesn't have superheroes. I put the ring on and asked: 'who are these costumed lunatics?'. But given that you're doing good work there's nothing I wanted to do with the information. Although I'm seriously thinking about using it in order to serve you for this."

"What do you intend to do with all of the criminals in your employ?"

"So I remember hearing about a case where Mister Cobblepot was released on licence, then returned to prison after helping some of his former employees find legitimate employment contrary to the terms of his parole. And I seem to remember hearing that you protested both the release and the return to prison." I shrug. "What I'm doing is giving them an avenue to use their abilities for the good of mankind, and to benefit themselves. Without doing anything illegal."

"Except when they turn on you."

"That happened with two out of… Eighty? Both times I was rescued by other employees and I'm pretty sure that one was a LexCorp plant. Supervillains… It's an ingroup-outgroup differentiation thing. Once they categorise you as one of theirs, as being on their side, the.. sane ones are usually alright. You just can't trust them to follow abstract rules."

"Oh, is that what this is." Barbara pads in behind me. "You're my ingroup."

She folds her arms across her chest, putting her weight on her right hip as her tail whips back and forth.

I sigh. "Batman, is there any chance of you leaving?"

"I still need-."

I walk up to Barbara, wrap my arms around her shoulders and curl my hands upwards so that I can stroke her head around her ears. She relaxes slightly as I lean closer, gently kissing her muzzle.

"You're the group I love being in most of all."

I rub a little harder, and she isn't quite able to prevent her eyes closing slightly in pleasure as I continue to kiss her. We've learned that tongues are a bad idea with her teeth and papillae, but her lips are still sensitive enough to enjoy this sort of contact. I press against her-.

"He's gone."

I maintain the pressure on her head. "What, you want me to stop?"

"Nrugh, I need to get up tomorrow."

I pull my face away from hers slightly, my pyjama-clad chest still pressing against her fur-covered breasts and my fingers still kneading her head.

"What did Batman even want?"

"It sounded like he had a run-in with a parallel universe version of me. And in case you're wondering, no, this isn't a sign that I'm secretly planning on picking a fight with the Justice League."

"Goodnrughuhuhuh." She tilts her head back, pressing harder against my hands, her tail wrapping itself around my waist.

"Oh, and I'm assuming that you heard me refer to him by name?"

"I know, don't tell anyone." She shakes her head, pulling her ears out of my grip for a moment. "I have to ask. Could your power ring..? Fix me?"

"Assuming that you'll simply dismiss my claim that there's nothing to fix-."

She pulls further away, looking into the mirror suspended over the mantelpiece.

"This isn't-. Me. I know you don't care-."

I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her. "This is the only 'you' I've ever known. But in answer to your question… Maybe. It might also have driven you insane, torn you apart because it ran out of power half way through, called the universe's other insane and horrendously powerful Orange Lantern here from Okaara, or… Any number of other things."

I crane my head down and nibble at her neck for a few moments, until I feel her tail wrap around me again.

"It wouldn't be a safe or reliable fix, Barbara. And I love you just the way you are."

She leans her head against me. "Okay. Let's go back to bed. But if Wonder Woman's in there, I'm going to want a better explanation."
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Can you give a list of all the villains Peter has hired? I'm a bit curious. Also, who was the other version that Batman ran into. One was P!OL. Was the other Baul, or a different version? How exactly wide reaching are the actions of Peter on the superhero/supervillain scene? It sounds like he has a lot of credibility with villains who want to go straight.
Paul 12 wins.

I mean sure his ring is largely a very dangerous paperweight but sparky catgirlfriend, a personal legion of doom, and the stones to use making out with said catgrlfriend in order to end a convo with batman more than make up for it.
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Paul 12 wins.

I mean sure his ring is largely a very dangerous paperweight but sparky catgirlfriend, a personal legion of doom, and the stones to use making out with said catgrlfriend in order to end a convo with batman more than make up for it.
I mean... From the way he described the ring he, unlike Paul, realizes exactly how dangerous to it's user the thing is.

And he has a Cosmic Rod, which is almost as good as a Power Ring with none of the down sides.
I blink owlishly at my bedside clock, and for a moment try to remember exactly when I got my first clock radio back on Earth Prime. The one before that had a horrible beeper and I was glad to see the back of it. Behind me, Barbara wriggles and starts sleep-grooming my back, purring throatily as she does it. Which is a bit weird, but people in a relationship make allowances for one another and this is far preferable to the sleep-chew she gave me the first time we slept together, which resulted in a trip to casualty.
Dare we ask about the chirping noises? (Seriously, look it up, cheetahs make weird sounds)

Yesterday… Not a lot happened. I had to have a chat with Lenny about him skipping his therapy sessions and he accused me of giving him mixed messages by inviting him to a supervillain team up and then blue-balling him, but I'm… Reasonably confident that he was joking. Jan Gisler's retirement party is in a few weeks and as an important client I've been invited to that
I recognise Captain Cold, but Miss Gisler? A Personal Assistant or what?

My eyes widen and Barbara's left licking a hole the bed sheet...
My eyes widen and Barbara's left licking a hole in the bed sheet...

...and taking out the cosmic baton Ted gave me 'for personal protection'. Force field on button three. Then I head towards my home office and my document safe. Someone's touching the ring. I don't exactly know how much harm a near-dead ring can cause but I'm not interested in finding out. Baton in my right hand and pointed forward I shove the door open with my left and hit the light switch.
Good to see he's not completely stupid about personal defenses.

"Is it whispering to you, Mister Wayne? Is it offering you everything you've ever wanted? Because that's what it does. It tells you that you can do anything with it. Please, put it down."
The joy of a non-enlightened user. He knows how scary it can be.

"Do you mean 'parallel universe', or were they really six dimensional?"
I'm suprised he took that so well, or did it not really sink in?

"I thought that their voices sounded familiar, but it took me some time to remember where I'd heard them before. May twenty ninth, last year. A phone call was made to my home number. The caller offered to deploy a nuclear device at the Thanagarian construction site in Libya."
Wait what? Ah, using the Ring...

An event I haven't spoken about with my Thanagarian employees. Quite a lot didn't make it back to the Command Carrier when their commander ordered a pull out, and while they've mostly been released by the various governments that were holding them as prisoners of war they're obviously not exactly popular due to the whole 'trying to blow up the planet' thing.
So he gets to benefit from any technical knowledge, or has some damn powerful security staff.

"So I remember hearing about a case where Mister Cobblepot was released on license, then returned to prison after helping some of his former employees find legitimate employment contrary to the terms of his parole. And I seem to remember hearing that you protested both the release and the return to prison." I shrug. "What I'm doing is giving them an avenue to use their abilities for the good of mankind, and to benefit themselves. Without doing anything illegal."
Oh, yeah. This isn't Bat-dad, this is prime Bat-dick.

"That happened with two out of… Eighty? Both times I was rescued by other employees and I'm pretty sure that one was a LexCorp plant. Supervillains… It's an ingroup-outgroup differentiation thing. Once they categorise you as one of theirs, as being on their side, the.. sane ones are usually alright. You just can't trust them to follow abstract rules."
How very... OL of you.

I walk up to Barbara, wrap my arms around her shoulders and curl my hands upwards so that I can stroke her head around her ears. She relaxes slightly as I lean closer, gently kissing her muzzle.
Ooh, catgirl headscratches. Nice.

"You're the group I love being in most of all."
Phrasing! :oops:

"I know, don't tell anyone." She shakes her head, pulling her ears out of my grip for a moment. "I have to ask. Could your power ring..? Fix me?"
Still insecure about her appearance?

Heh. Surprisingly low-key for a Batman encounter. I suppose Peter didn't register as a threat, even with a Cosmic Rod variant. A satisfying payoff for the episode.
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Honestly it's kind of a shame that we're not going to get to see an interlude of Peters Justice League where they review the 'fight' of OL taking them all down rather easily. Maybe some wildly inaccurate speculation about his own league, how strong they are and how skewed their morality might be.
So, just to make sure, Earth 12 is the earth that Rene!grayven went to while he was supposed to be in prison for killing Klarion, and Earth 12's Justice League is the League that was recruited by Talon to fight in Syndicate before getting shut down by Paul!ragon in about 2 seconds?
Honestly it's kind of a shame that we're not going to get to see an interlude of Peters Justice League where they review the 'fight' of OL taking them all down rather easily. Maybe some wildly inaccurate speculation about his own league, how strong they are and how skewed their morality might be.
I might try writing one if I can work up the motivation in a few days.

So, just to make sure, Earth 12 is the earth that Rene!grayven went to while he was supposed to be in prison for killing Klarion, and Earth 12's Justice League is the League that was recruited by Talon to fight in Syndicate before getting shut down by Paul!ragon in about 2 seconds?
Justice Lords was Earth 50. Earth 12 JL was curbstomped by P!OL in seconds.
So, just to make sure, Earth 12 is the earth that Rene!grayven went to while he was supposed to be in prison for killing Klarion, and Earth 12's Justice League is the League that was recruited by Talon to fight in Syndicate before getting shut down by Paul!ragon in about 2 seconds?

No, he got pulled into Earth 50, the Justice Lords Earth. It seems like Grayven or another version of the SI contacted this version (Earth 12 aka DCAU) of Batman and offered assistance with repelling the Thanagarian invasion that occurred on this Earth.
Should I take it that you're interested?"

"Yes. YesDefinitely."
Wait. Wasn't Paul's ability to see emotions a function of enlightenment?

Behind me, Barbara wriggles and starts sleep-grooming my back, purring throatily as she does it. Which is a bit weird, but people in a relationship make allowances for one another

Anyone else made the "he's a furry!" jokes yet? Anyone mentioned "yiffing"? No?
To me, this episode is kind of bittersweet.

Here, Paul is happy, he has someone he loves, he has a life. But at the same time, he has a source of incredible power, incredible potential sitting in a safe, dwindling down into nothing.

What makes it even worse, is he's not wrong about the dangers it poses. It's a double-edged sword, but what a sword... what a sword.

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