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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I got bored at work and got to wondering what was going on with Wally and his Alchemy.

I thought it might be interesting if Mr. Queen "retired" from Superheroing to mentor Mr. West in starting and running a multi-million dollar industry that disrupts the beauty industry (they are still fighting the ultimate EVILLLLLLL regulators more interested in protecting the status quo of big pharma, but threatening to make the Mexican GDP larger then the United States with the new Alchemical Pharmaceutical industry seems to be forcing the Senate and House a bit.... Still, 5 years out. But beauty is paying the legal bills for that fight.).

Some University is offering to give Wallace a Doctorate so that he can teach (and discover) the new magical science. Maybe even a couple jokes about Dr. West having his own department before he can drive...... I think he is still under 18 (learners permit at 16, but you need a parent or someone over 21).

Maybe have him go to Fashion week with a mildly disinterested crowd he points to a person and asks to demonstrate the alchemical hair product. This older gentleman is amused Wally doesn't know who he is, so plays along while everyone watches (also amused, but assuming that the boy is just an idiot), as Wally changes the mans hair color to various hues of pinks, violets, browns, and for the grand finally, multi-color stripes like rainbow dash would have (if she existed here). The old man loves the demonstration and offers to distribute the entire line throughout France and Europe, revealing that he is actually Bernard Arnault French Businessman Billionaire, and chooses to keep the rainbow hair for the rest of the day. Suddenly making the company 500 million because and Mr. Queen just sighs because he promised to help the next generation of hero's learn about business but now his workload quadrupled instantly.

So, what is Wally actually doing now? I do seem to remember he and Artemis retired for a while in the show.
...That got me thinking. He should really get in touch with Wallace, ask how his side effects are going, and offer to try to get a consultation with a maltusian about it, since they seem to have at least some understanding of magic stuff, even if they have a very different approach to such things.
I feel really confused about what exactly the Controllers is a collaboration about. I mean, it explicitly isn't a collaboration about 'defeating the reach', and there definitely isn't anything clear that makes the Controllers working on something other than the reach war, and random other maltusians on maltus.
I don't know where you're from, but around here it's learner's permit at 14, full license at 16.
Kansas law is (or at least was)
Farmer's permit - 14, but your family had to own some farm ground (technically, we drove the back roads whenever the kids feet reached the peddles, but that was in the early 2000s)
Learner's permit - 16
Full - 18

Darn, joke would not work. Too much variance in the law across the nation.
Kansas law is (or at least was)
Farmer's permit - 14, but your family had to own some farm ground (technically, we drove the back roads whenever the kids feet reached the peddles, but that was in the early 2000s)
Learner's permit - 16
Full - 18

Darn, joke would not work. Too much variance in the law across the nation.
Huh. I'm from Kansas. It changed since I got my own license.

(Though I, too, drove the pickup to help lay irrigation pipe when I was big enough to control it. That was in the late 1980s.)
You know, I actually forgot. How did Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes Paul manage to recharge his ring?
I think Zoat mentioned that he managed to get hold of a infinity stone, but that could also have been the MCU one.
Edit: I just looked it up, he used a Norn Stone, while MCU Paul used a infinity stone.
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Huh. I'm from Kansas. It changed since I got my own license.

(Though I, too, drove the pickup to help lay irrigation pipe when I was big enough to control it. That was in the late 1980s.)
I only knew about the Farm permit being special because the local police had a thing about "underage driving" so I had very strict rules on only driving between school, farm, and home. Many of my friends were annoyed that I got to drive that early.

Though, now that I think about it. I do think they added the Learner's permit and Full license in the 90's. I recall some of my other friends complaining about just missing the cut-off and not getting their full license for 2 more years.
When I think of a situation that could easily have been prevented by common sense.

Common sense Paul probably didn't make many of the choices Grayven and Oh El did.

For example I am sure common sense Paul would have avoided Constantine like he was the plague and immediately get into getting Doctor Fate a new body, not leaving him in a shelf.

He would probably be looking into alternative superpowers to his greed ring just in case. And also discard all the dangerous ones.

What else?

Well, besides getting miss Martian a human telepath to talk with, get therapy for everyone and so on...

Darn, sounds too much like a fix fic.

Right, common sence means he would have contacted Mister Miracle (Scott Free) about the Sphere to avoid misunderstandings.

Also he would give the League a list of possible threats, or if he was paranoid, probably work on anti mind reading defences like Grayven.

Thinking about it, his knowledge of DC Comics would probably be the most he be worried about.

Think of what Luthor could do with something like that. And all that knowledge is just a guy the Light can hire away. Or just a mage using mind control.
That's basically pedophilia.
They are both mature adults, in both the physical and mental senses in each case. Just how basic is the logic behind that assertion?
It can be a three-way death match, because unless Ganurath is trolling us, wars have been started for less.
More making a joking reference to an in-setting conversation. It was established earlier that Hinon's desires, in their entirety, is to be as Hinon as possible. A romantic entanglement would make her less Hinon and more [Name]'s [Romantic Designation], as much as it would make [Name] less [Name] and more Hinon's [Romantic Designation].
They are both mature adults, in both the physical and mental senses in each case. Just how basic is the logic behind that assertion?
The logic seems to be based on the assumption that there isn't necessarily a upper limit to mental maturity; that is, it's always possible to get wiser and more capable with age.

Whether or not this is true, it's usually not a huge difference in humans after a certain point. But Hinon is billions of years old. So she is tens of millions of times older than Alan, which is about the same as the age difference between Alan and a zygote which has been fertilized for a few seconds.
The logic seems to be based on the assumption that there isn't necessarily a upper limit to mental maturity; that is, it's always possible to get wiser and more capable with age.

Whether or not this is true, it's usually not a huge difference in humans after a certain point. But Hinon is billions of years old. So she is tens of millions of times older than Alan, which is about the same as the age difference between Alan and a zygote which has been fertilized for a few seconds.
Increasing the upper bound on wisdom doesn't increase the minimum prerequisite for sexual intimacy, and even if it did for some reason I doubt that Hinon has that much more experience than Alan in the field.
The logic seems to be based on the assumption that there isn't necessarily a upper limit to mental maturity; that is, it's always possible to get wiser and more capable with age.

Whether or not this is true, it's usually not a huge difference in humans after a certain point. But Hinon is billions of years old. So she is tens of millions of times older than Alan, which is about the same as the age difference between Alan and a zygote which has been fertilized for a few seconds.
Hinon is literally older than humanity itself, and the difference between their ages... well, by human standards, a romantic relationship with something that much older than you would be weird or daunting at best. But by Maltusian standards, it would probably be as weird for her to be dating a human (that isn't even a century old, that cradle-robber) as it would be like a human being in a romantic relationship with a dog. Sure, they may have the capacity for the same general emotions, but there is an ENORMOUS GAP of intelligence, experience and emotional maturity between the two.

It would make much better sense for her to pursue one of Earth's gods, except A; I don't think she's looking for romance right now, and B; there's still the same issues of age, intelligence, experience, and emotional maturity she would have from a human.

Anyone from Earth, period, is going to be too young for her.
Realigned (part 3)
6th February
11:48 GMT -6

I hold out my left hand.

"Ring, come."

"By this ring, my honour upheld
By this ring, my wrongs repaid
By this ring, my slights revenged
By this ring, I fight and live

Lantern Xor's environmental shield shimmers as he unclenches his left fist and regards the unmoving ring on his ring finger.

"By George, I think you've got it."

He looks at me, then at the ring, then at me, his breathing becoming more rapid and… I think he's smiling. … Sort of. He clenches his fists again, construct gauntlets forming around them and then dissipating as he unclenches.

"That is it? You can no longer remove my ring?"

"Not easily. Oh, and congratulations. Lantern Ragnar still can't reliably perform this technique."

Lanter Xor stops 'smiling'. "Do not make this easy for me. Every wound taken in training is one not taken in the field. I need to learn."

I hold up my hands. "You are able to resist this technique. That does not mean that I cannot use other techniques, or that your exotic defences are proof against being undermined in other ways. Gaining proficiency with a rifle does not mean that you have also mastered artillery."

He nods, calming himself.

"I understand, Illustres. What is next?"

I shrug.

"There are any number of things we could practise. What do you want to learn? How do you want to apply these skills?"

"I will apply them in accordance with my oath. I have accepted your ring and I follow your orders. I have held my temper when I dealt with this world's inquisitors and public informers. As such, my honour is upheld. The harm I inflicted on civilians and their property when I first arrived, I have undone as much as I can and performed service in lieu when I could not."

And wasn't that fun to try and explain to people. Three weeks of a giant orange and grey alien carrying a seventy year old grandfather's shopping and mowing his lawn as repayment for causing him to fall over in shock and break his right hip.

"As such, my wrongs are repaid. All that is left is my slights. The wrongs committed against me."

"Are any of those against locals?"

"Soldiers fight who they are told to fight. I owe those I injured or slew no debt, but nor do I bear them malice. Their commander has been publically shamed."

Bit of a stretch, but General Hardcastle was strongly criticised by the White House and strong-armed into resigning his commission. And if Xor is happy with that then I'm not going to try and convince him not to be.

"All those who remain who have slighted me are on my homeworld." For a moment he looks a little lost. "So it is there that I must return."

"You don't sound particularly eager."

"I was raised high in the service of a man named Jaggar Ton. For years I served him loyally as his bodyguard. I was happy with a life of honourable service, but when I grew inconvenient he had me convicted of a murder I did not commit. I do not… Understand such dishonour. Thinking about that place causes my liver great pain. Yet… What else can I do? I will never be whole if there is not a full accounting."

And the thing is, he's right. He won't be. His oath is spot on: these drives are so fundamental to him that he can't turn from them.

"How do you mean 'inconvenient'? I would have thought that a bodyguard of your strength would be invaluable."

"His daughter and I became involved."

Ah. I nod.

"Seems a bit extreme. He could just have fired you."

"'A bit extreme?'." Xor stares at me. "He had his own wife killed so that there was a victim."

I blink. "What?"

"Yes. It still bewilders me. When I was in his service I knew that he could be… Cunning. Deceitful. But I had never seen him act in such an… Evil way."


Okay… Yes… There are human societies where the murder of a spouse for certain types of behaviour has a disturbing degree of acceptance even today. But to do that to give yourself an excuse to fire your bodyguard..?

"Are you sure he did it?"

Xor's face freezes. "What?"

"I accept that you didn't do it, but… Are you certain that he had her killed?"


"Did you..? See any sort of violence in their relationship before that?"

"Not between them. That is why I find it so shocking."

"Was..? Mister Ton a soldier himself?"


"Had he been..? Attempting to arrange a political marriage for his daughter?"

"Not where I could hear it. And Onigar made no mention of it when we were together."

"Does Alignment society have a formal caste system?"


"I'm… Sorry, Lantern Xor, but I'm not clear why you think he killed her. There were easier ways to get rid of you, and he'd risk being found out."

"Then who did?"

"I don't know. A business rival? Some… Random mugger? You said you got the job as his bodyguard for saving his life, so clearly assassinations happen."

"Then why blame me?! At his order, I would have slaughtered anyone who dared attack his family. And I liked her."

"He might genuinely believe that you did it. He might have been being blackmailed or threatened by whoever did it. Xalitan, have you really learned so little from your exposure to Earth's justice system?"

He just glowers.

"What would you do, if he was in front of you… Right now?"

"I would want to kill him for his lies, for what he has done to me. But…" His closes his eyes for a moment, his breathing slowing. "If he were… Truly ignorant. That would not be right." He opens his eyes. "Before I kill him, I must know. I must know why he did it, what he believed."

I nod.

"Good. I'm impressed with the control you showed there. New orders, Lantern Xor. Return to your prison transport and make it ready for a journey back to Alignment space. We'll return there together and get you some answers."
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Seems I was right about Paula's hookup.
...I predict that we're going to have a scene transition, and we're not going to find out until later in the episode.

I was looking through your past comments trying to figure out who it was Paula hooked up with. I thought you were saying it was Lantern Xalitan Xor for a moment. If that were the case Paula would be surprisingly open minded, and in desperate need of a purple healing ray afterwards. He's a big fella.
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I was looking through your past comments trying to figure out who it was Paula hooked up with. I thought you were saying it was Lantern Xalitan Xor for a moment. If that were the case Paula would be surprisingly open minded, and in desperate need of a purple healing ray afterwards. He's a big fella.
Power rings are awesome, and Grayven demonstrated proficiency in using them to overcome that limitation.

Speaking of, I'm curious what happened to Xor in Grayven's continuity.
"By this ring, my honour upheld
By this ring, my wrongs repaid
By this ring, my slights revenged
By this ring, I fight and live
So, the OLC is going with more personalised oaths. Most suitable.

"That is it? You can no longer remove my ring?"
"Propiety Unlocked."

I hold up my hands. "You are able to resist this technique. That does not mean that I cannot use other techniques, or that your exotic defences are proof against being undermined in other ways. Gaining proficiency with a rifle does not mean that you have also mastered artillery."
I like that explanation. Exactly how a soldier-for-life would understand it.

And wasn't that fun to try and explain to people. Three weeks of a giant orange and grey alien carrying a seventy year old grandfather's shopping and mowing his lawn as repayment for causing him to fall over in shock and break his right hip.
In addition to healing him, No doubt?

I owe those I injured or slew no debt, but nor to I bear then malice.
I owe those I injured or slew no debt, but nor do I bear then malice.

Bit of a stretch, but General Hardcastle was strongly criticised by the White House and strong-armed into resigning his commission. And if Xor is happy with that then I'm not going to try and convince him not to be.
Good idea.

I was happy with a life on honourable service...
I was happy with a life of honourable service...

And the thing is, he's right. He won't be. His oath is spot on: these drives are so fundamental to him that he can't turn from them.
And as an Orange Lantern, doing so would critically weaken him.

"His daughter and I became involved."
Tale as old as time...

"'A bit extreme?'." Xor stares at me. "He had his own wife killed so that there was a victim."
Wait, what?

Okay… Yes… There are human societies where the murder of a spouse for certain types of behaviour has a disturbing degree of acceptance even today. But to do that to give yourself an excuse to fire your bodyguard..?
Even 'alien culture' only goes so far. Methinks we have our plot!

"Then why blame me?! At his order, I would have slaughtered anyone who dared attack his family. And I liked her."
Curiouser and curiouser...

"I would want to kill him for his lies, for what he has done to me. But…" His closes his eyes for a moment, his breathing slowing. "If he were… Truly ignorant. That would not be right." He opens his eyes. "Before I kill him, I must know. I must know why he did it, what he believed."
If he had gone straight for revenge, he'd have made a better Red Lantern than Orange.

"Good. I'm impressed with the control you showed there. New orders, Lantern Xor. Return to your prison transport and make it ready for a journey back to Alignment space. We'll return there together and get you some answers."
Yup, road trip!

Well, we have a plot, bets on how it'll play out?
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And wasn't that fun to try and explain to people. Three weeks of a giant orange and grey alien carrying a seventy year old grandfather's shopping and mowing his lawn as repayment for causing him to fall over in shock and break his right hip.
I like this guy.

He's got a real code, and he lives it.


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