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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Wild guess as to how Orangest Night starts... Necron takes over Paul, who uses his knowledge to help by giving him the staff of Destiny, which he uses to take over the OLC. Since there are no more Orange lanterns (except maybe Paul's Soul), the full emotional spectrum is no longer available to forge the white ring / power battery and Necron essentially becomes unbeatable.
If you are talking from the time Abra Kadabra comes from. It was already stated that came from the Reach poking Larfleeze.
I can't help but wonder what it would be like to have these Dials dropped into Earth Bet.

I wrote an omake about Taylor getting an H-Dial once actually.

She defeated Lung by force feeding him haggis as Meat Bat and helped rebuild/look for survivors after Leviathan with her undead army as the Skeletal Gladiator.
If you are talking from the time Abra Kadabra comes from. It was already stated that came from the Reach poking Larfleeze.
Thanks - I don't remember that from the story, and if it was WOG I missed it. I guess I was wondering/hoping for a Blackest night/ universe-scale semi-brainwash (so that we can have hero vs hero battles with known powers and see how far all the characters have progressed) scenario just a little bit as a thing this story was eventually building up to. It would be the sort of thing that would really work as a last hoorah for this story.
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Thanks - I don't remember that from the story, and if it was WOG I missed it. I guess I was wondering/hoping for a Blackest night/ universe-scale semi-brainwash (so that we can have hero vs hero battles with known powers and see how far all the characters have progressed) scenario just a little bit as a thing this story was eventually building up to. It would be the sort of thing that would really work as a last hoorah for this story.
Here you go
Thanks - I don't remember that from the story, and if it was WOG I missed it. I guess I was wondering/hoping for a Blackest night/ universe-scale semi-brainwash (so that we can have hero vs hero battles with known powers and see how far all the characters have progressed) scenario just a little bit as a thing this story was eventually building up to. It would be the sort of thing that would really work as a last hoorah for this story.
No offense, but after the puke inducing idiocy that was Civil war one and two, I'm so fucking over Hero vs Hero fights it's not even funny.

While I would enjoy OL tearing Batman limb from limb after ripping his bat-ego apart, I don't think anyone really has much desire to see OL and the Team go out it because of some mind numbingly stupid political point.
No offense, but after the puke inducing idiocy that was Civil war one and two, I'm so fucking over Hero vs Hero fights it's not even funny.

While I would enjoy OL tearing Batman limb from limb after ripping his bat-ego apart, I don't think anyone really has much desire to see OL and the Team go out it because of some mind numbingly stupid political point.
Exactly - but I feel like something like the star conqueror arc - where there is no political point to be made and merely some actual megalomaniacal universe-scale villain, such as Darkseid(who I'm half expecting to pull a Superman-level brainwash on Grayven, where 1 side is clearly in the wrong - that of the protagonist, and reasoning might work, but there might be too much ego involved) or Blackest Night (where you are literally fighting an eldritch abomination bound on controlling the universe - a goal that is also obviously evil) can give us a good old fashioned OL vs team/ OLC fight , while also allowing them to maybe eventually get over it. Though if it's Blackest Night/equivalent, you probably want a bit more development of the OLC before making most of them evil.

It would remove politics from the equation, something people seem to be getting tired of, and replace it with good old fashioned punching and beatemups - heck, if you go with Grayven is brainwashed, you could have an argument over that - with Grayven saying stuff he has been stated to not normally believe that isn't motivated by the politics of today. If politics were as bad in-universe you could fight over Darkseid's dictatorship being better than democracy that is considered obviously corrupt by some, but (except for the demon summoners), it's not in universe due to the presence of superheroes/ gods acting in politics.

That's one of the good things about some of the DC megapunchups- they're motivated by clearly evil villains (from an Earth perspective) who don't care at all about what Earth people think, and nobody on Earth cares about what they think, since they represent things like Death or Tyranny. People liked blackest night in general, due partially to it being against brainwashed zombies with no motivation beyond JOIN US! DIE! Especially when it's stated throughout that the resurrected heroes aren't the actual heroes - just pretending to be them to get people to give up. It was known out of universe that Batman was back in time during this event, but there was also a Batman zombie that rose from his (empty) grave.

I also kind of want to see Paul as the obvious, unquestionably evil / brainwashed villain for once, so that we can have an arc of existential horror where he tries to destroy everything he has built, with a sad dramatic ending as he tries to makes amends/ possibly gets over his ego.
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Z-E-R-O (part 22)
2nd January
20:11 GMT -5

"How the fuck did I get it on a boat?"

Richard tilts his head to the side. "You did say you weren't paying attention."

There's a brief flicker of light as Christopher 'Transphasic Tracker' King uses his own dial to regain his usual form. And hopefully, the ability to speak English.

"So… Ah..?" The security guard who let us into this container yard looks a little awkward. Yes, we have every legal right to be here without a warrant -and the right of Justice League affiliates to pursue schizo tech without one has been tested in court- but it's a decidedly odd event, costumes are cheap to fake and he doesn't recognise most of us. "You kids about done here?"

Richard nods. "Yeah, thanks. Alright, let's-."

Mr Hamill walks up to Mr King, clearly barely restraining his desire to grab the dial. "Can I just use it right now?"

"Mister King? Would that cause any sort of problem?"

Mr King shakes his head. "No, as.. far as I know, all the problems people have had is with turning into things, not turning back. Here." He holds it out to Mr Hamill. "Remember, it's-."

Mr Hamill snatches it with both hands and turns the dial with his right forefinger. "O. Fuck, how did people used to make calls like this? R… E… And H!"

Electro Lass fades away, replaced by a… Man who looks somewhat sweatier and less well-shaven than the figure in the photographs. He breathes hard for a moment, then runs his right hand over his face while the left is still clamped down hard on the dial. His right hand continues down, checking that his mammaries have gone, that his belly has returned and that his-.


"I'm back!" He pulls his right hand free and raises it in exaltation. "It's me, I'm me again!"

Richard smiles. "Then our work here is done. You planning on keeping-"

Mr Hamill thrusts the H-Dial towards Richard so fast that I see him tense to block or dodge.

"Fucking take-"


"-this fucking thing the fuck away from me."

"O-kay." Richard takes it from him. "If you insist."

"Kid, this has been the most fucked up day of my life and I'm not drunk enough to laugh about it yet. I wanna forget I ever saw that fucking thing."

I take a small bottle I picked up on Tamaran out of subspace and hold it out to him. He looks at me sceptically for a moment.

"Momma told me to never accept presents from strange men, and buddy? I hate to tell you this-."

"Mister King is teetotal and everyone else here is underage."

"Score." He flips the cap off the bottle and sniffs the contents. "What's it made of?"

"Alien nuts.""Well, mainly nuts."

"Pf, aliens." He throws his head back and necks…

Um. Ring, there isn't anything in there that-.

While inadvisable, there is insufficient alcohol in that bottle to kill a healthy adult human male.

"…ludicrously powerful superpower-granting artefact." Richard cautiously holds the H-Dial up as Mr Hamill wipes his mouth and nods in appreciation. "Mister King-."

Mr King holds up his hands defensively. "I don't even use the dial I've got. After what happened to Vicki and Bobby, I think you should lock it in a vault somewhere and melt down the key."

Leonid shakes his head. "Dial should be studied. Reed and Grant used Dial for several years, and fought many battles."

Richard shrugs. "That's up to the Justice League. Unless someone has a reason to use it right now, which I don't think-."

The dial starts turning.

Richard's face switches into neutral. "Mister King, has that ever happened before?"

It keeps turning, then stops at M.

Mr King shakes his head. "No, no, it doesn't turn itself."

"Fuck this." Mr Hamill heads for the entrance of the yard at a sprint.

Richard takes a firm grasp on the dial and inserts his thumbs into the holes in the dial. His Danner Formula enhanced fingers hold it for a second, then the dial resumes its motion. A.

He thinks for a second, then throws the dial to me. I catch it in my right hand.

"Oh El, get that away from populated areas. And don't be holding it when it stops turning!"

Chihuahuan Desert it is, then. I shoot up into the air, then transition-

2nd January
19:14 GMT -6

-to a place a reasonable distance from the roads or the stands and where's the dial?

2nd January
20:14 GMT -5

I dive and catch it before it can hit the ground. Oh dear. I turn in the air and rocket towards the Atlantic as the dial reaches S. M-A-S, with a version of the dial that can spell out anything. Hey, maybe that explains Mr Hamill. Maybe he didn't dial 'hero' but 'woman' or 'boobs' or something. If that works, this could be a major benefit to those amongst the transsexual community who aren't brave enough to go under Cranius's knife. Just need one of the limited versions per person.

That's the coast, no Atlantean cities near here, shipping… A reasonable distance away. I'm actually going to have to find time to build… Maybe not another Ice Fortress, but… Some sort of fortified facility for things like this. I don't think that Jade's flat is really appropriate.

Even if I could fit a decent workshop in that room she was using as a dojo…

And T. Not too surprised. The Master was actually a major supervillain for years, and today proved that they never did find all of his holdouts. If anyone had some way of remote controlling the H-Dial, it would be him.

"Orange Lantern to Robin. Unless this thing goes off like Tsar Bomba, I'm far enough away. Has someone checked Mister Reed?"

"According to his guards, he's in his room, not doing anything."


"We've got M-A-S-T-E now. One more letter and we'll have a guy who can clone supervillains back. If he gets access to modern cloning technology-."

"Your friends from Littleville say that the Master didn't have any physical powers himself. The Flash is running that way now. If Mister Reed turns back, he won't get very far." There's a pause, and a sigh. "Tell me you're not still holding onto it."


"Because you turning into the Master would be far worse than Mister Reed transforming."

Yeah, he's right. I create a construct bubble around the dial and send it high into the air just as the rotor reaches 'R'.

"Sending it on its way now. You might want to-."

"Mister King isn't wearing his watch."

I nod. "Sensible. It's reached 'R' but hasn't-."

My construct is annihilated in a sudden explosion of exotic energy and brown mist. Another construct catches the burned remains of the H-Dial as it falls toward the sea. Material composition… Same device, as far as I can tell.

"I think it was a self-destruct. If we knew anyone who knew how these things worked I'd suggest having them take a look…"

"Bring the remains back anyway. Robin out."
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So... worst case scenarios... the master is reborn as a greed elemental/ the ophidian is mixed with the master's insanity/desire.

On the other hand... if Master is the end, is Wizard (Shazam?) the beginning of the dial? Seems like the sort of thing he could maybe do.
My construct in annihilated in a sudden explosion of exotic energy and brown mist. Another construct catches the burned remains of the H-Dial as it falls toward the sea. Material composition… Same device, as far as I can tell.

"I think it was a self-destruct. If we knew anyone who knew how these things worked I'd suggest having them take a look…"
I don't buy it for a second...

Nothing Robbie was able to do could so much as scratch that and it wants us to believe it just self destructed? Nope, nope, nope.
Also... is the self-destruct an attempt to stop people studying it?
"Score." He flips the cap off the bottle and sniffs the content. "What's it made of?"
"Score." He flips the cap off the bottle and sniffs the contents. "What's it made of?"
(Usually a pluralised term...)

"Pf, aliens." He throws his head back and necks…
Scull! Scull! Scull! Long overdue, I bet.

The dial starts turning.
Dammit, Murphy, he didn't even finish the sentence!

"Fuck this." Mr Hamill heads for the entrance of the yard at a sprint.
See, he knows what to do when magical shit starts acting by itself. Fucking RUN.

Richard takes a firm grasp on the dial and inserts his thumbs into the holes in the dial. His Danner Formula enhanced fingers hold it for a second, then the dials resumes its motion. A.
Been a while since that was significant. Nice.

-to a place a reasonable distance from the roads or the stands and where's the dial?
Okay, now that's bullshit DM tricks :D

I don't think that Jade's flat really appropriate.
I don't think that Jade's flat is really appropriate.

...send it high into the air just at the rotor reaches 'R'.
...send it high into the air just as the rotor reaches 'R'.

My construct in annihilated in a sudden explosion of exotic energy and brown mist.
My construct is annihilated in a sudden explosion of exotic energy and brown mist.

Welp, plot's done. on to the Denouement...
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I don't buy it for a second...

Nothing Robbie was able to do could so much as scratch that and it wants us to believe it just self destructed? Nope, nope, nope.
Maybe it wants to be used and would rather be destroyed/ fake it than lock it up? Could also just be possessed by a cosmically (5th dimension like Mr. Mxyzpltk?) powered entity - a horcrux? Which then left once it realized it wouldn't be used anymore.
Calling it now, master has partly taken over paul and is faking.
I've gotta say, while I'm disappointed Mr. Hamill just gave up free superpowers, I really enjoyed him just deciding "Fuck this." and sprinting away when the dial started moving on it's own.

While he never watched Star Trek, I'm guessing he saw Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Pity about the dial, there was a plot line in Silver Age that I would have liked to see Zoat take inspiration from.

The villains used the Thanagarian Absorbascan to download all knowledge on Earth. Including every tactic, secret, weakness, technique, and prop the Justice League has.

So Robbie lets the JL borrow the dial, and as brand new heroes who didn't exist before, they were able to triumph.

Superman becomes Doc Fission, Batman becomes Minuteman, Flash becomes Marionette, Atom becomes Mod-Man, Black Canary becomes Miss Fortune, Aquaman becomes Terra-Firma, Green Arrow becomes Poltergeist, and Martian Manhunter becomes Go-Go.

The stand out for me was Superman as Doc Fission- He didn't have nuclear power, rather he had Naruto's "Me's a crowd" self replication power.
Hm... assuming it didn't get destroyed... did someone turn the dial with psychic powers from a distance or something? That flying brain form from the horror dial? If Richard was the only one to physically hold it while it was turning (I think so, right?) would he turn into the Master?
Well, I'm convinced SOMETHING really bad just happened and that it involved the master. Other than that, no idea where this is going.

I do like that even though ol is trying to cut back on using powers that aren't fully understood, in a emergency situation he is willing to use whatever to try and solve it. It feels like a good direction to go in.

Please tell me he would have dropped the dial even if he wasn't reminded. If he would have held onto it, my opinion of his intelligence will have to be lowered a few notches.

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