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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Hold should be told.
Should this be out loud?
All Jaggar Ton could have done is cut this own throat shaving."
All Jaggar Ton could have done is cut his own throat shaving."
Thank you, corrected.
I don't know, I'd be surprised if Zero-Man showed up in YJ.

For those who don't click links, Zero-Man is a DC superhero who never actually made it to the page, but got referenced in Armageddon 2001 as a shout out to a similar concept.

25th century USA is a dystopian nightmare, a scientist invents a time machine, and so his son grabs some goggles and wristbands to go back in time to set right once went wrong, with a government goon hot on his trail to make sure history follows course.

So he's basically the anti-Booster Gold.
Darn, that guy would have been perfect for me.
"This." He lays his hands on the man's head and-

Connection lost.

-orange light flares from his palms as my brand evaporates.

"Serving the dishonourable with honour undermines that honour. You cannot mark out some small part of the universe and say, 'here is honour' when all the rest is consumed with vice."

Xor lifts his hands off the defeated War Hound's head and steps back, the other man watching him curiously.

"You cling to what little you can hold so that you don't see your life running through your fingers. No more. We will not tolerate being treated like this. We will teach the Alignment honour once more or die trying."
What was it that Paul once said about fearing the anger of a righteous man?

I think he's cast an acolyte in the same mold as himself.

Also, I kinda' wanna' say that him breaking Paul's brand should at least nominate him for Honor Guard material. That'd be a hell of a black eye for this world.
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The legal system is fine the way it is. All that really needs to change at most is the type of people who get elected.for the legislature. At the very least they should be people who aren't all about party politics and don't try to game the system in ridiculously obvious ways. And the other main problem is how unsupervised state legislatures are. Very few people know who they voted for for state legislature, and that's where most laws are made.
A system that doesn't have the ability to deal with bad actors is a bad system.

A system is easier to change than people are.
I love how Xor has become filled with the Orange Light, but not consumed by it. Every word, every sentence is filled with Orange, but the periods and quotation marks aren't. He knows exactly what he wants, and he is filled with the desire to accomplish exactly what he wants without going overboard.

And I know other people have said it before, but I'll say it again- Xalitan Xor has seen one of the horrors of the universe. And now he is rejoicing, for when he is through, there will be one less.
And the revolution begins. Once again, the Orange Lanterns play a part in a world being turned upside-down... What will the Guardians think?
Probably that the native government had changed enough factors since the initial assessment that the math on "is what they are doing to the War Hounds de facto slavery" had changed from "not quite" to "it appears so," and that an intervention was in order.
Are there still afternoon additions?

"Then I'd have to see her to be sure, but that sounds like Diana. "
Extra space before closing quote.

"Icon's from Dakota City. The Terminian?"

Attempted Mass Spiritual Violation, to whit: the use of the Anti-Life equation
to wit

taking it through the Bering Straits.
Usually Strait, singular.

Usually flashbang, one word.

Extra space before closing quote.

The Terror Thing was soft-peddling Kaldur with a minor fear induction to provoke him into attacking me.
soft-pedaling (I could have sworn I submitted this as a correction before and it was accepted; maybe it missed getting into the story-only version?)

I'm moving towards the closest stone, stake and auto-hammer construct at the ready.
Dead link.

I fire again, smashing another pair to guns off their mounts. "Try taunting him."
pair of guns

"You'll see a whole lot more in a little while.""
Extra closing quote.

"'cause he doesn't get old so long as he has one?"
Capitalize first letter.

"I've already met Lantern Medphyl and Lantern Chance

Guy nods. "'cause you don't know how many there are out there or who else has 'em."
Capitalize first letter.

-orange light flares from his palms as my brand evaporates.
Holy carp. o_O

Does everyone remember how hard it was for Paul to remove the first brand he applied? And here Xor goes and breaks a brand applied by the most experienced Orange Lantern there is without so much as hesitating.

This guy's more powerful than he appears.

Extra space before closing quote.


to wit

Usually Strait, singular.

Usually flashbang, one word.

Extra space before closing quote.

soft-pedaling (I could have sworn I submitted this as a correction before and it was accepted; maybe it missed getting into the story-only version?)

Dead link.

pair of guns

Extra closing quote.

Capitalize first letter.


Capitalize first letter.

Holy carp. o_O

Does everyone remember how hard it was for Paul to remove the first brand he applied? And here Xor goes and breaks a brand applied by the most experienced Orange Lantern there is without so much as hesitating.

This guy's more powerful than he appears.

I think that was Paul without his ring that tried and failed... While he was also a little reluctant to use orange light after going Paulophidian... When he got the ring he got the brand off quite easily.

It was the guardians that said they couldn't remove the brand without causing damage to the soul of Martian Man hunter.
I think that was Paul without his ring that tried and failed... While he was also a little reluctant to use orange light after going Paulophidian... When he got the ring he got the brand off quite easily.

It was the guardians that said they couldn't remove the brand without causing damage to the soul of Martian Man hunter.
Paul tried to remove the brand without his ring, but he didn't fail, he succeeded:

Diana crosses her arms. "I thought you said you don't know how the branding process works?"

I shrug. "I don't. On the other hand..." I look at the ring and it lifts off the table and performs an elliptical circuit of the room before returning to it's resting place. "I can move the ring without touching it, but I can't access its other functions. Trying to remove the brand without it is less risky."

She nods, and I step up to the bed, reaching over the brand with my left hand. "Sir, would you mind..?" His uniform flows away from the area over the brand, revealing green Human-seeming muscles and orange glowing sigil. It looks like it should cut into his flesh, but when I lay my hand upon it I realise that it's flat to his skin. His skin feels a little cold. That could be a Martian thing, there's nothing special in biological terms about Human body temperature. Haven't noticed that from M'gann, but she puts more effort into her Human appearance anyway.

I close my eyes and try to feel the brand. I'm not sure.. yes! It's a bit like the time Guy got me to try to assimilate one of his constructs, but more familiar. I get a momentary flicker of Ophidivision, showing me Mister J'onzz' spiritual structure. Bits and pieces of everything held together with green, with the orange intrusion shoved into the side. Right. Doesn't look that complicated. A verbal instruction doesn't feel appropriate. There's no ring AI to activate. How else to remove an orange construct? I pull back my hand a little and smile faintly.

The idea of the cessation of need.

The brand rises off his skin a little before dissolving into what seems to be orange dust and flowing into my hand. I frown as I clench and relax it. No, that didn't really feel of anything. Odd, but probably not something to worry about. "Feeling better now sir?"

That was his first time trying to remove a brand, and it doesn't seem like it was hard at all.
So, on rereading, I got a couple of questions:
1) One of the things Sephtian was including in "wing transplant" plan preparations was "dealing with a simultaneous Hell and Silver City attack". Was any of the preparation used in the aftermath or during the actual attack?
2) What happened to the Witch-Hunters from Klarion's world? Did they just leave in the end?
3) Did Paul go back for Har Zod's mental imprint and for kryptonian salvage? Or was it left where it was?
4) How come Canis, or, for that matter, Sally Sonic haven't received an indigo ring yet? Both of them completely lack compassion after all, and are on Earth, which is a hotbed attracting weird stuff, including power rings.
5) Speaking of, did Paul just shrug and move on with Sally, or has she been referred to Atlantis laboratories, and the secret of her immortality is being discovered right now?
5.5) Speaking further of, are there porn parodies on Orange Lantern's adventures out there in the internet-16?
6) Given that Dox can generate Boom Tubes with his power ring, how come Paul doesn't use the technique?
So, on rereading, I got a couple of questions:
1) One of the things Sephtian was including in "wing transplant" plan preparations was "dealing with a simultaneous Hell and Silver City attack". Was any of the preparation used in the aftermath or during the actual attack?
Not really. The assumption was that it would be a focused attack, not a world-spanning one.
2) What happened to the Witch-Hunters from Klarion's world? Did they just leave in the end?
3) Did Paul go back for Har Zod's mental imprint and for kryptonian salvage? Or was it left where it was?
Yes, and it's in orbit around Ater Clementia. I'm fairly sure that was covered in the story.
4) How come Canis, or, for that matter, Sally Sonic haven't received an indigo ring yet? Both of them completely lack compassion after all, and are on Earth, which is a hotbed attracting weird stuff, including power rings.
The SI doesn't know, and hasn't really thought about why specific individuals haven't gotten rings.
5) Speaking of, did Paul just shrug and move on with Sally, or has she been referred to Atlantis laboratories, and the secret of her immortality is being discovered right now?
She hasn't -to his knowledge- done anything to warrant his intervention.
5.5) Speaking further of, are there porn parodies on Orange Lantern's adventures out there in the internet-16?
Not many. They're too FX heavy.
6) Given that Dox can generate Boom Tubes with his power ring, how come Paul doesn't use the technique?
Because it's really complicated and he hasn't really needed it.
Is there a With This Ring subreddit?

5.5) Speaking further of, are there porn parodies on Orange Lantern's adventures out there in the internet-16?
There have to be at least some...

Porn Parodies of OL on the internet would be really easy to do if you had a Martian actor and some orange glow paint. He can fly, and he has telekinesis. You can just paint him and objects he interacts with Orange, which can even be done in post.
Or do a WTR Jump through Jumpchain as a Martian.
With This Ring

Universal Drawbacks
  • +100 The Long Road
  • +100 Limited Warranty
  • +200 One and Done
  • +300 No Insurance
Local Drawbacks
  • +300 Supplementary Reading
  • +100 Nameless
  • +100 The Cake Man
  • +0 Kryptonite [Fire]

Timeline: Paragon
Location: Canada
Origins: Mage
Race: Martian

  • 600 Race: Martian
  • 100 Magical Tradition [Maltusian]
  • 200 Bandwidth and Wavelength [Hope]
  • 200 Expanded Metaphysique [Level 5]
  • 300 Alchemy
  • 600 Enlightenment [Hope]
  • 000 Induce Emotion [Hope]
  • 000 Brick
  • 000 Psychic
  • 000 True Shapeshifting
  • 200 Power Ring [Blue]
I keep seeing the term, but never receive a clear explanation. The hell is a jumpchain, and the hell is a jump in that context?
Is there a With This Ring subreddit?

There have to be at least some...

Or do a WTR Jump through Jumpchain as a Martian.
With This Ring

Universal Drawbacks
  • +100 The Long Road
  • +100 Limited Warranty
  • +200 One and Done
  • +300 No Insurance
Local Drawbacks
  • +300 Supplementary Reading
  • +100 Nameless
  • +100 The Cake Man
  • +0 Kryptonite [Fire]

Timeline: Paragon
Location: Canada
Origins: Mage
Race: Martian

  • 600 Race: Martian
  • 100 Magical Tradition [Maltusian]
  • 200 Bandwidth and Wavelength [Hope]
  • 200 Expanded Metaphysique [Level 5]
  • 300 Alchemy
  • 600 Enlightenment [Hope]
  • 000 Induce Emotion [Hope]
  • 000 Brick
  • 000 Psychic
  • 000 True Shapeshifting
  • 200 Power Ring [Blue]
I was talking about an in-universe porn parody. Similar to how people do porn parodies of triple A movies. Remember, they have / had that one Martian porn star
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She hasn't -to his knowledge- done anything to warrant his intervention.
She is suffering from an ongoing effect of unknown nature that cuts her connection to certain parts of emotional spectrum to the point where direct brain stimulation can't produce certain emotions. Quite apart from how this makes her a victim of a horrific attack through seemingly no fault of her own (something Paul always tried to correct when confronted with directly), this means that there's someone or something out there that can do "you may not use our light" technique for half an emotional spectrum at once, and do so as an ongoing persistent effect. This is something worthy of investigation, wouldn't you think?
Yes, and it's in orbit around Ater Clementia. I'm fairly sure that was covered in the story.
I missed it then, my apologies.
She is suffering from an ongoing effect of unknown nature that cuts her connection to certain parts of emotional spectrum to the point where direct brain stimulation can't produce certain emotions. Quite apart from how this makes her a victim of a horrific attack through seemingly no fault of her own (something Paul always tried to correct when confronted with directly), this means that there's someone or something out there that can do "you may not use our light" technique for half an emotional spectrum at once, and do so as an ongoing persistent effect. This is something worthy of investigation, wouldn't you think?

I missed it then, my apologies.
More interesting - being blocked off from the black light would give her immortality, though more likely she's like one of the zombies in the original comics
Realigned (supplementary, Renegade option)
6th February
17:18 GMT -1

Mr Hyde narrows his eyes slightly, most likely trying to puzzle out my thinking. "Not that I mind getting some shore leave, but I'd like an explanation for the sudden change of plan."

Since he's now openly on the New Light's side, we can have these meetings in somewhat more civilised locations. At the moment we're sitting in a private drawing room in an upper class Venturian restaurant, a small selection of drinks and pastries on the table between us. Fashion being what it is, commonplace surface world drinks like 'Orangina' share shelf space with quality seaweed teas and the juice of engineered Atlantean sea fruits.

"An oversight on my part." I shrug. "While our ability to overthrow inefficient governments is -in no small part thanks to you and yours- really quite good, we're having a bit of a bottleneck with the 'installing replacements' part of the plan. Destruction is.. always easier than creation. The fields of engineering and administration just don't seem to attract the same superlative individuals as.. criminality, mercenary work or vigilantism. We're working on it, but it's going to be… Six months to a year before we have need of your services in that field again."

Mr Hyde relaxes slightly, nodding. "You sure you don't have any missions for me? I've worked on training militia troops before."

I nod. "I'd considered that, but the fact is that you're still too… 'Hot' for a government that wishes to seem legitimate to deal with. And frankly, keeping the new rulers dependent on us for defence is probably better than empowering them to do it themselves. In the short term, anyway."

"Those grey things?"

"The genomorphs don't precisely work for me. I'm simply one of their clients. But the senior g-goblins and the Light have a good working relationship. I'm not one to.. wax lyrical about the wonders of free market security, but compared to third world police services a race of networked telepaths are remarkably effective."

Having practised extensively during the rebuilding of Tamaran, the current model of g-goblin controllers are quite skilled both at directing their g-troll brethren in civil engineering and their g-elf kindred at criminal apprehension. And with a far lower mortality rate than those countries used to have.

He semi-smiles. "They're squeezing people like me out of the market."

"Mister Hyde, you have no need to worry. We will always have a use for your services. But there is a reason beyond your relationship with Kaldur that I want you legitimised. Mercenaries are not good for civilisation. We will have to transition you to a new role eventually." He nods. "Oh, and good work with that hostage rescue."

"I got your thank you note. And your cheque. Not to do myself down, but I think you overpaid me. They were untrained thugs."

"They were enemies of civilisation. But more to the point, I like having people on the payroll whom I can trust to take the initiative in sensible ways. And you seem like the sort of fellow to respond well to financial incentives."

In a slightly more aggressive anti-piracy act than I originally planned for, Mr Hyde's people pursued a group of kidnappers several miles inland and liberated some aid workers and a journalist. Competent subordinates are such a treasure.

"So: put my feet up until I see an opportunity to play hero?"

"'Playing hero' would be too obvious. Just make it clear that you're giving discounts for pro-social work. I'll cover it." He nods. "As things stand, you've basically killed off surface world interest in arresting you."

His eyes dip momentarily. "But Orin isn't moving."

"You've pissed off Atlantis something fierce, Mister Hyde. I think we're going to need to find something special that you can do for them before he'll go for it. I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I'll keep an eye out."

"We could set something up."

I shake my head. "Far too high a chance of it being discovered. And it only takes one such incident for everything we've done to come under suspicion. Orin doesn't like you, but he certainly isn't prioritising your capture. We aren't in any rush. Though if you hear about anything-."

"Think a list of Ocean Master's agents would do it?"


"It might. May I ask why you didn't volunteer that sooner?"

"Thought it might come in handy. But if I'm not going to be operating in Poseidonis again, it's no use to me."

Sounds plausible. And the two of them had been coordinating for some time… Well, as my old biology teacher used to say, 'it's your own time you're wasting'.

"I can communicate any information which you wish to share to King Orin. I can also arrange to make Venturian soldiers available if he needs any additional force on hand to make the arrest attempts successful."

Mr Hyde looks away for a moment, turning his attention to the window and its excellent view of the city. "Mm. Venturia."

I raise my eyebrows. "Has there been a problem? Some friction between your people and the Venturians?"

"No, they've been perfectly… Hospitable. It's Queen Clea's behaviour that bothers me."

"Heck, Mister Hyde. I'm basically the Light's Human Resources guy. If there's some sort of personnel problem, let me know and I'll fix it. What's she been up to?"

"She's been... Undermining me. Trying to distract me during our discussions. I'm not sure why, but I'm concerned that she may decide that her interests and those of the Light do not coincide."

Be a pretty good trick if it were true… And from the sounds of it Mr Hyde hasn't quite managed to free himself of that 'grand supervillain alliance' nonsense. "Could you be a little more specific? Is she ridiculing your plans? Issuing orders to your troops?"

"She's coming on to me."

His face remains calm, but I can feel how uncomfortable he is telling me that. Big tough male supervillain making a sexual harassment complaint. But, if she's making him uncomfortable…

"As a result of her rejuvenation process, Queen Clea is currently going through a reverse menopause. A predictable result of this is a substantially increased libido. You're an attractive single man with the sort of character she respects, and given your own history it doesn't seem unreasonable for her to assume that blonde Atlantean women are your thing. Now, if you want me to tell her to stick an icepack on it-."

He frowns. "You think her interest is genuine?"

"I'd need to actually ask her, but it's a distinct possibility." I shrug. "Long or short term, I can't say. Or she could just be flirting."

His frown deepens, his gaze growing distant. "Huh."

"So do you want me to intervene, or should I leave you to it?"

"You didn't set this up, did you?"

I let out a bark of laughter. "Ah, no. I'm nothing like that subtle. Last time I tried setting two colleagues of mine-."


We're both on our feet, him with missiles targeted and me with daiklave in hand as-.

I relax as Adom comes through.

"Grayven. Manta."

"Adom. Is there a problem?"

"The auguries say that Oggar has taken note of Circe's restoration, and with Mordru dead there is nothing to prevent his return. Circe believes that we can lure him into a location of our choosing, but I no longer have the Wizard's support. I am not certain that I can defeat him alone."

"And with Circe?"

"She is eager to face him, but she has yet to regain her full strength. I am.. reluctant to risk her."

"Hmhnmhaha! Adom, I doubt that she'll let you stop her. But." I walk over to him and take the sheath containing the Sword of the Fallen off my harness. "You can borrow this. That should even things up a little." Empower the Champion!

He pulls the Sword a short way out of the scabbard, then nods at me. "Thank you. You do not intend to participate directly?"

I shrug. "I will if I need to. But… By Apokoliptian standards, this is a perfect date for you and Circe and I'd be a heel to involve myself."

Adom frowns faintly. "Da.. te..? I…"

"She wasn't exactly being subtle, Adom. Hunky super powered god-king like you seems to be just her type."

"That…" He steps back towards the boom tube. "I will.. consider your words."

He steps through, and the tube shuts down.

I turn back to Mr Hyde.

"When I set something up, it looks like that."
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