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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

So the Russians killed Ra?

Lex implied it was one of the light that took the opportunity, but this makes far more sense.
So, wait does this mean that Clayface will be ''rehabilitated'' or I guess it's Mudface now... Also, I can't wait for Damien Wayne to show up.
Huh. I thought Paul left Clayface on the surface of one of the other planets in the solar system as a safety precaution because of radiation from the weapon he used to "kill" him.

Granted, he could have always retrieved him at some point but it still makes me wonder how he ended up in New York.
Alrighty then, who's next member of Bateman's Rogues Gallery to make a deal with Paul?

Penguin? Freeze? The Good Side of Two-Face?
Also he's gonna be pissed when he realizes Talia married Bruce Wayne. That seems so out of character for her (if he doesn't know Bruce Wayne's secret identity). Have to wonder if she's doing the whole vigilante thing now as well. Bat woman?

Funny enough, the Catwoman in my story Satisfaction got a good look at how horrible Talia could be with Bruce and how horrible of a mother she would be, and has that as one of her primary motivations to seek a more serious relationship with Bruce Wayne. The fact she also got to see that happier timeline were ahe married Bruce and they had a girl also helps.
Funny enough, the Catwoman in my story Satisfaction got a good look at how horrible Talia could be with Bruce and how horrible of a mother she would be, and has that as one of her primary motivations to seek a more serious relationship with Bruce Wayne. The fact she also got to see that happier timeline were ahe married Bruce and they had a girl also helps.
Oh come on, if you're going to advertise your story you could at least have the courtesy to include a link to it.
Ra's al Ghul isn't most people.

In Legion of Superheroes, well this happened "The Legion defeated him and his Oversight Watch and thwarted his plans to jump-start the evolutionary process of humanity. A stock of cloned bodies of the Demon's Head were found and, for a time, the Legion assumed that this Ra's Al Ghul was a clone too. Brainiac 5 realized later that the resurrection process of the Lazarus Pit to which Ra's Al Ghul had submitted himself for decades had changed him. He is literally the Lazarus Fires and the cloned bodies were simply vessels for this sentient blood."

Not that I'm holding my breath on Zoat using that.

Of course, if he wanted Ra's back, well it's not like the Light didn't have access to cloning facilities cough Cadmus cough. :)
In Legion of Superheroes, well this happened "The Legion defeated him and his Oversight Watch and thwarted his plans to jump-start the evolutionary process of humanity. A stock of cloned bodies of the Demon's Head were found and, for a time, the Legion assumed that this Ra's Al Ghul was a clone too. Brainiac 5 realized later that the resurrection process of the Lazarus Pit to which Ra's Al Ghul had submitted himself for decades had changed him. He is literally the Lazarus Fires and the cloned bodies were simply vessels for this sentient blood."

Not that I'm holding my breath on Zoat using that.

Of course, if he wanted Ra's back, well it's not like the Light didn't have access to cloning facilities cough Cadmus cough. :)
Nobody alive saw Ra's die and there was no body or even video evidence of the bodies destruction.

Meaning the Ciaphas Cain rule applies here.
Nobody alive saw Ra's die and there was no body or even video evidence of the bodies destruction.

Meaning the Ciaphas Cain rule applies here.

agreed-his core ability/trait is "several centuries/millennia of cheating death"

unless we see him hung/injected/shot in a Cleanroom, his body fed into a disintergrator/singularity, and the entire building subjected to the same, nobody's gonna really believe he's dead dead,and there'll still be reasonable doubt that he doesnt have an asspull way out
agreed-his core ability/trait is "several centuries/millennia of cheating death"

unless we see him hung/injected/shot in a Cleanroom, his body fed into a disintergrator/singularity, and the entire building subjected to the same, nobody's gonna really believe he's dead dead,and there'll still be reasonable doubt that he doesnt have an asspull way out
Given how intelligent the guy is I wouldn't even put it past him to have cut off a couple fingers some time in the past and placed them among long term sleeper agents who had access to Lazurus pits just for such occasions.
Really Ra's can only truly be considered gone if you destroy his soul or something to prevent the lazarus pits from bringing it back. He and Vandal Savage are two of the vanishingly rare cases where assimilating people could be considered good.
Really Ra's can only truly be considered gone if you destroy his soul or something to prevent the lazarus pits from bringing it back. He and Vandal Savage are two of the vanishingly rare cases where assimilating people could be considered good.

If I ever make a pragmatic evil villain in DC who is a magic user, slaving those two souls would be part of his great plan. Not only for resources but knowledge.

Savage does seem like an easier target, he doesn't have a daughter that sleeps around with Batman. The problem would be finding him.
What's so wrong with gender-neutral pronouns?
English doesn't really do neutral pronouns, other than 'it' or 'they' and such terms aren't the most pleasant, especially when you have multiple speaking characters of indeterminate identity. 'They said to the other' isn't much fun...

(Please, oh elementals, don't let this trigger another gender discussion!)
English doesn't really do neutral pronouns, other than 'it' or 'they' and such terms aren't the most pleasant, especially when you have multiple speaking characters of indeterminate identity. 'They said to the other' isn't much fun...
Yeah, it's technically possible, but either you insult someone by calling them a inanimate object (it), or you have to put in a lot of effort to word everything so that you can keep using "they" without it standing out. I've had to do it before and it's a real pain, and if you do it at length you are definitely going to end up some weirdly structured sentences.

(In all defense to english, at least most proper nouns don't have a gender like a bunch of other languages. Nevermind any sort of modern gender politics or anything; remembering that is just plain annoying.)
English doesn't really do neutral pronouns, other than 'it' or 'they' and such terms aren't the most pleasant, especially when you have multiple speaking characters of indeterminate identity. 'They said to the other' isn't much fun...

(Please, oh elementals, don't let this trigger another gender discussion!)

Too late. =P

Well, I've never had a problem with the singular 'they' personally. It sounds a lot better to my ears than a lot of gender neutral pronouns, and if you look at the history people have been using singular 'they's since the 1300.

Ah, I'm mostly just mentioning that as I find it an interesting bit of trivia.

Still, using he and him isn't much more fun with multiple speaking characters of indiscriminate origin, but it's funny to view that as a concern considering Zoat doesn't even use "he said," or "she said," when it comes to dialogue.
Well, If we can keep it polite, I guess... As long as no-one gets mad, the Mods come running and WTR ends up moving site again...

Well, I've never had a problem with the singular 'they' and if you look at the history people have been using singular 'they's since the 1300.

Mind, using he and him isn't much more fun with multiple speaking characters of indiscriminate origin, but it's funny to view that as a concern considering Zoat doesn't even use "he said," or "she said," when it comes to dialogue.
On the other hand, it also makes it tough to follow actions when every actor is an 'It' or a group 'they'. Unless every actor is given a description every time they take action, things would very tough to make sense of.
I can see the Watsonian reason why Grayven did the whole coin-flip, to keep things straight for himself.
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