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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Did the Gold Lanterns not bother talking to anyone before they attacked?

Pretty sure they didn't attack anyone.

Raul and Saul just showed up in a crater and had power rings on them and Zaul just showed up in what is probably a secure base where they thought there was just a ring.

Sinestro and his cohorts just detained Raul and Saul, but didn't attack them, and while this Gold Lanterns ring did flare it is possible she won't attack him, but is just preparing to if he initiates hostilities.
....they're just like the survivors from the dead-timeline iteration of the legion being lead by that idiot brainiac iteration who simultaneously acknowledged they were on the verge of being erased whilst keeping a lantern corps illustreess imprisoned for..prettymuch no reason when they desperately needed any help they could get- fucking face-punchers with a WIS of 2 who's default is "scary thing, punch it!",regardless of their INT, aren't they?
... maybe im being a little pessimistic about potential sources of delays/conflict? i mean, given that common sense is a game-breaking superpower in-setting,defaulting to expecting a "lets you and him fight" scenario that gets -everyone- captured by the immortal idiot isnt that........
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If the Gold Lantern Corp is stupid and attacked the Pauls then I hope the SI summons all of the Orange Rings from Okarra (it has to exist with a Larfleeze in some univsere). Instant Lantern Corp get.

Slapping down Sinestro is always the right thing to do.

If the Gold Lantern Corp is stupid and attacked the Pauls then I hope the SI summons all of the Orange Rings from Okarra (it has to exist with a Larfleeze in some univsere). Instant Lantern Corp get.

Slapping down Sinestro is always the right thing to do.

This Sinestro, like his Lex, is a Knight Templar more than an out-and-out villain. His methods are extreme and he's a nasty SOB (far moreso than 'present' Lex is), but when he was fighting tyrranical gods who'd ruled the galaxy/universe for most of recorded history, it's hard to say he wasn't mostly justified.

Inviolate is the grimmest, darkest timeline of DC. Its Guardians make the Imperium of Mankind look gentle and forgiving, they just have better publicity. Seriously.
Can someone who knows this universe please state what colors represent what emotions?Like Gold is Willpower.?
Can someone who knows this universe please state what colors represent what emotions?Like Gold is Willpower.?
Emotions aren't involved in Inviolate. There was only ever one color, and Lex devised some celestial engineering to manipulate the universe into changing where the 'green energy' pooled from Oa to Earth and, incidentally, change the color to Gold.
Sinestro is First Lantern, Barbara Gordon (Oracle) is Ilustres/Clarissi.

Edit: the 'Oath' of the Corps is
"Barbara Gordon of Earth, Sector 2814. Your life has not been your own. Take. It. Back. Welcome to the Gold Lantern Corps."
And she's promoted slightly later:
"Stewart. You're the Guardian for the new Corps, at least until we can get Rayner, Jordan and Gardener set up properly. We'll need someone with overall command rank over the regular officers."
John spoke. "By the power I have vested in myself. I hereby elevate Oracle to the rank of Corps Commander. Ring override, initiate field upgrade."
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....they're just like the survivors from the dead-timeline iteration of the legion being lead by that idiot brainiac iteration who simultaneously acknowledged they were on the verge of being erased whilst keeping a lantern corps illustreess imprisoned for..prettymuch no reason when they desperately needed any help they could get- fucking face-punchers with a WIS of 2 who's default is "scary thing, punch it!",regardless of their INT, aren't they?
... maybe im being a little pessimistic about potential sources of delays/conflict? i mean, given that common sense is a game-breaking superpower in-setting,defaulting to expecting a "lets you and him fight" scenario that gets -everyone- captured by the immortal idiot isnt that........

In fairness to Brainiac, their timeline was getting destroyed and they considered Paul an anomaly that shouldn't have existed from what they know. It is fully possible that he could have had something to do with that, even if not by his own actions, by accident maybe, and it would have been dangerous to send him back when they don't know that much about him.
Duplication (part 2)
And now I've got to deal
With this shit

I need to not go berserk.


Komand'r is capable of looking after herself. She's either safe, or she's-.

Or she's not. In either case, there may be people I need to retaliate against. But I don't have any evidence that these are they. Wasting time fighting someone I know to be extremely skilled with a ring means that I'm not pursuing the people actually responsible as quickly as I can. These people could be a useful source of information in identifying exactly who those people are.

I need to not go berserk.

Lord Atrocitus designed red rings to kill Green Lanterns. I've never had to fight the local Green Lanterns, but Zilius told me about his encounter with his homeworld's Green Lantern and it turns out that our red blood vomit wrecks green constructs. Not sure what it does to yellow ones -or gold ones- since Lord Atrocitus lost interest in Sinestro when he found out that he left the Green Lantern Corps.

"No, human, I'm Sinestro."

"Heh hah!"

Sinestro and I both look around as Indigo laughs. He smiles at both of us.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting you to use humour. I always imagined you to be rather po-faced." He bows, as far as his cage permits. "Saul Talbot. Indigo Lantern. My colleague hasn't given me his chosen name yet, but as you can see he's-."

"A red Lantern." Sinestro regards us both for a moment. "Where did you get those rings?"

"I'm afraid that my memories of the incident are fairly confused. One moment I was laying in bed… The next, I was in orbit around a parallel universe version of Earth with a ring on my finger and a staff in my hand."

He raises his right hand slightly, the indigo sigil appearing in front of him. Immediately, the cage holding him dims faintly. Sinestro pulls back slightly, his aura strengthening and generating a javelin construct.

"Stop what you're doing now."

Indigo raises his hands and dismisses his logo.

These constructs are just as vulnerable to our abilities as green ones.

I need to not go berserk.

I need to not go-.

"That goes for you as well."



The red light swirls and scythes, tearing apart the cage around me as the Butcher's Horns form upon my brow! Sinestro's construct javelin is melted by a spray of blood vomit from my mouth as he backpedals in the air.

"Berserk strength-"

A bell jar construct forms around me and the air gas concentration drops to near-vacuum.


That vanishes too, the volley of energy pulses from the other Gold Lanterns being countered by my own. A bull-construct charges Sinestro and he sidesteps, a construct foil piercing its neck as it thunders past. His pistol construct fires in retaliation, gold beam striking my chest and battering back my flaring environmental shield.

"I don't think this-"

I retaliate with piranha plant constructs, sending them chomping at him and forcing him to dodge and dive around them.

"-is going to help-"



One of the other Lanterns didn't back up far enough and is getting chomped, the piranha plant biting into his environmental shield and jerking him left and right like a worrying dog. Sinestro's eyes dart his way for a moment and he finds space to fire another volley at the piranha plant's stem. The piranha begins to fade, but I use the opportunity to spray a high pressure stream of blood vomit at him. He spots it but is too hemmed in to evade quickly enough, construct-liquid spraying across his environmental shield and burning into his chest and right arm.

"No, why did I-"

His ring begins to splutter, the liquid turning to fire as it spreads across his body. His eyes widen.

"-think I'd listen-"

I lunge through the air, punching him in the chest with a construct-fist as the other weaker Lanterns struggle in vain to pierce my environmental shield. He hurtles out of the pit, unable to control his flight.

"-to me any more-"

Chain flail constructs batter the other Lanterns, forcing them onto the defensive. The one my piranha flower bit crumples as the attack pierces his environmental shield and smashes into the ribs beneath.

"-than anyone-"


"-else does."

Sinestro will know things. I fly and hammer the two active Lanterns into the ground, then shoot upwards. Sinestro's standing on the rocky ground outside the bowl, frantically trying to douse the flames with his ring. The moment he sees me he grimaces and generates a construct shield-.

Indigo appears next to me. "Peace."




The.. horns… Fade, and I…


"I went berserk."

"Yes, yes you did." He looks at Sinestro. "And I do not believe that we will be able to reach a peaceful settlement at this stage."

"Ah. Sorry."

"Well… Yes." His eyes unfocus for a moment. "Why don't we-"

Sinestro's attack splashes across his shield.

"-move to a safe location, and then you can give me a more complete briefing."

"That's…" I nod. "That's probably a good idea."

"Very well. Sinestro, I apologise, but my colleague is overwrought. We will remove ourselves from the field."

"We will find you-."

"That may be unwise. Farewell for now."
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I love when Saul decides the most rational and compassionate thing to do is something fucking awful.
I can see him deciding that he would have to slaughter all these people so that he and red lantern could leave quickly because otherwise Krona would destroy the universe or something else, slaughter them all because it is the most time effective reaction in the event the other time efficient courses have proven unproductive. "I'm sorry but we don't have time for this" drops super anti-matter bomb and phases out killing everyone around.
I love when Saul decides the most rational and compassionate thing to do is something fucking awful.
I can see him deciding that he would have to slaughter all these people so that he and red lantern could leave quickly because otherwise Krona would destroy the universe or something else, slaughter them all because it is the most time effective reaction in the event the other time efficient courses have proven unproductive. "I'm sorry but we don't have time for this" drops super anti-matter bomb and phases out killing everyone around.

Yeah, people tend to forget that just because Indigo's are about compassion that doesn't mean they can't throw don if it comes down to it, as well as rationalize what compassion is.

The Indigo's are nos just space hippies with magic rings and sometimes what they do, and the power they wield, can be disturbing.

There was this scene in Life Ore Death where Jordan tells the Team about the other ring colors and what he knows about them.
When he gets to the Indigo's he says that their policy of making people compassionate may not always work and can backfire in some pretty frightening ways.
For this he gives an example of the Joker getting an Indigo ring.
While it would make him compassionate it may not change the fact that he wants to drive people insane. Remember that in many comics his motivation for doing what he does is because he thinks other people are crazy while he is sane and is trying to make them sane by doing horrible things to them, so now he has a ring that can help him alter the brains of thousands of people at once in a way that may be irreversible, all the while he is a compassionate individual who wants to make everyone sane.

There was also another scene where Kaldur tell M'gan a story about a goddess who drowned her own children. When her husband asked her why she did it, and thought it was because they were evil in their previous life, she told him it was because they were the reincarnated spirits of great heroes and sages, who due to small sins they committed were unable to escape the cycle of death and reincarnation, so in order for them to finally ascend she killed them before they could commit any sins.

Another storyline had Ma Gunn's motivation for turning all those children into criminals be because she thought it was better for them to know how to survive in a cruel world by being cruel themselves, after one of her girls died, when she was still a law abiding citizen and tried to care for them.

Yeah compassion can be a real scary bitch sometimes.
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Ok, Red Lantern may not have as many tools, gadgets and esoteric techniques, but he seems to me like a definite better raw fighter, overall. The blood of the Butcher apparently can wreck almost everything, including constructs, unless they have some high level of magic resistance, and the Berserk state sounds awesome, even though it obviously affects his... "long term planning", to say it kindly.

A pity that Saul interrupted his Red counterpart, that beat-down was fantastic and I wanted see more! We really haven't seen a good fight in a while.
Welp if Paul fights Sinestro in the future then this is a good indication that he may be able to win, though seeing as Raul has a red ring, which was practically designed to fight power ring, Paul may have a more difficult time.

Greed overcomes fear just ask Daffy Duck.

There is a reason Time Trapper got him when he had the wrong ring.
Wait, what's the red enlightenment upgrade? Butcher's horns? Berserk? Both? And how does one get it out them?

I assume it allows for perfect control over hateful emotions as well as allowing them to go into a berserker strength mode without losing their minds, or at least most of their mind, and the ability to travel through the Red Light equivalent of the Honden.
And now I've got to deal
With this shit

I need to not go berserk.

...Not off to a good start there, Raul. Poor Sinestro, tarred by his alternate selves' reputation...:p

Komand'r is capable of looking after herself. She's either safe, or she's-.

Or she's not. In either case, there may be people I need to retaliate against. But I don't have any evidence that these are they. Wasting time fighting someone I know to be extremely skilled with a ring means that I'm not pursuing the people actually responsible as quickly as I can. These people could be a useful source of information in identifying exactly who those people are.
Oh, dear... Raul's got a slow-burning temper, and the wick has been lit...

I need to not go berserk.

Lord Atrocitus designed red rings to kill Green Lanterns. I've never had to fight the local Green Lanterns, but Zilius told me about his encounter with his homeworld's Green Lantern and it turns out that our red blood vomit wrecks green constructs. Not sure what it does to yellow ones -or gold ones- since Lord Atrocitus lost interest in Sinestro when he found out that he left the Green Lantern Corps.
Seriously, this is like watching a burning gunpowder trail running towards a very large stack of barrels... filled with TNT.

"No, human, I'm Sinestro."

"Heh hah!"
Hey, that made me chuckle. He may not have intended to be funny, but...

Sinestro and I both look around as Indigo laughs. He smiles at both of us.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting you to use humour. I always imagined you to be rather po-faced." He bows, as far as his cage permits. "Saul Talbot. Indigo Lantern. My colleague hasn't give me his chosen name yet, but as you can see he's-."

"A red Lantern." Sinestro regards us both for a moment. "Where did you get those rings?"
Well, at least one of them is able to be reasonable...

"I'm afraid that my memories of the incident are fairly confused. One moment I was laying in bed… The next, I was in orbit around a parallel universe version of Earth with a ring on my finger and a staff in my hand."

He raises his right hand slightly, the indigo sigil appearing in front of him. Immediately, the cage holding him dims faintly. Sinestro pulls back slightly, his aura strengthening and generating a javelin construct.
Yeah, not the smartest move, Saul. That was basically flashing a gun at a cop...

"Stop what you're doing now."

Indigo raises his hands and dismisses his logo.
I wonder, what does the local Book of Oa have to say about the colours of light... And certain wars between said colours...

These constructs are just as vulnerable to our abilities as green ones.

I need to not go berserk.
Oh, dear. Looks like his ring has a few hidden protocols...

I need to not go-.

"That goes for you as well."

Yep, looks like Atrocitus put a few hidden directives in there...


The red light swirls and scythes, tearing apart the cage around me as the Butcher's Horns form upon my brow! Sinestro's construct javelin is melted by a spray of blood vomit from my mouth as he backpedals in the air.
Still, Sinestro has good reactions. Just not good enough...

"Berserk strength-"

A bell jar construct forms around me and the air gas concentration drops to near-vacuum.
Good instinct, rookie, but one problem. Environmental Field.


That vanishes too, the volley of energy pulses from the other Gold Lanterns being countered by my own. A bull-construct charges Sinestro and he sidesteps, a construct foil piercing its neck as it thunders past. His pistol construct fires in retaliation, gold beam striking my chest and battering back my flaring environmental shield.
Still weird seeing golden Will being used...

"I don't think this-"

I retaliate with piranha plant construct, sending them chomping at him and forcing him to dodge and dive around them.
Looks like the Teen Titans universe has had a few effects on his style...

"-is going to help-"


Saul, you might have to actually do something more than talk at people...

One of the other Lanterns didn't back up far enough and is getting chomped, the piranha plant biting into his environmental shield and jerking him left and right like a worrying dog. Sinestro's eyes dart his way for a moment and finds space to fire another volley at the piranha plant's stem. The piranha begins to fade, but I use the opportunity to spray a high pressure stream of blood vomit at him. He spots it but is too hemmed in to evade quickly enough, construct-liquid spraying across his environmental shield and burning into his chest and right arm.
Oof, a good hit. That's going to sting something fierce.

"No, why did I-"

His ring begin to splutter, the liquid turning to fire as it spreads across his body. His eyes widen.
Wow, Sinestro is being pushed hard here...

"-think I'd listen-"

I lunge through the air, punching him in the chest with a construct-fist as the other weaker Lanterns struggle in vain to pierce my environmental shield. He hurtles out of the pit, unable to control his flight.
"Team Rocket, blasting off agaaiiinnn..."

"-to me any more-"

Chain flail constructs batter the other Lanterns, forcing them onto the defensive. The one my piranha flower bit crumples as the attack pierces his environmental shield and smashes into the ribs beneath.
Ouch. Seriously, Saul, any time... Before someone ends up dead...

"-than anyone-"


"-else does."
The joy of being the sanest man on an earth full of assholes and idiots...

Sinestro will know things. I fly and hammer the two active Lanterns into the ground, then shoot upwards. Sinestro's standing on the rocky ground outside the bowl, frantically trying to dose the flames with his ring. The moment he sees me he grimaces and generates a construct shield-.

Indigo appears next to me. "Peace."
Okay, beddy-bye time, Raul.

Boy, he was deep in the red place, wasn't he?

The.. horns… Fade, and I…

Dammit, I don't want to picture it, but I can't help but see Saul giving Raul a cooldown hug...

"I went berserk."
Hooray for Captain Obvious!

"Yes, yes you did." He looks at Sinestro. "And I do not believe that we will be able to reach a peaceful settlement at this stage."

"Ah. Sorry."
Man, he gets moody after a rage, doesn't he?

"Well… Yes." His eyes unfocus for a moment. "Why don't we-"

Sinestro's attack splashes across his shield.

"-move to a safe location, and then you can give me a more complete briefing."
Are we sure this one isn't a Common Sense build as well?

"That's…" I nod. "That's probably a good idea."

"Very well. Sinestro, I apologise, but my colleague is overwrought. We will remove ourselves from the field."
Boy, Saul really doesn't do well with super-powered cops, does he? Guess that's what comes of being the biggest stick in your home setting...

"We will find you-."

"That may be unwise. Farewell for now."
Adding 'fleeing from the scene of a crime' to the list? Boy, Saul is really piling it on...

Heh. I bet Sinestro is going to be looking into the other colours now, after that impressive beatdown. A Ring type that can steamroll Will like nothing? Scary stuff for someone like him...

I retaliate with piranha plant construct, sending them...
I retaliate with piranha plant constructs, sending them...
...Not off to a good start there, Raul. Poor Sinestro, tarred by his alternate selves' reputation...:p

Well he is a Red Lantern and while he may be the sanest and most rational one of them, except for Atrocitus when he isn't thinking about the Greens, that is not exactly a very high bar to reach
It's odd that you would leave the Green vulnerability to Indigo and Red in when you removed the Orange vulnerability to Blue and Violet.

Atrocitus did create his rings so that he could fight other ring wielders, specifically green ones, and while these are gold they still use willpower.

As for the other two well we haven't really seen Paul fight any Blue or Violet Lanterns.
I know that he fought Carol -14 in the Justice Underground base and maybe he fought with Baul during the LexCorp fiasco, but the first one was fairly brief and Baul had a low ring charge.
Also the two of them may not have known about how their rings can be used to fight other colors, specifically by manipulating the emotions of those wielding rings of other colors, even if Baul has comic knowledge he still has a low ring charge and may find it difficult to practice much.

Also Paul is enlightened so emotion manipulation on him is difficult.
When the Kriegers were on the Watchtower Wolf tried to use the Medusa Mask to make him feel fear but was unable to because of Paul's enlightenment.
Atrocitus did create his rings so that he could fight other ring wielders, specifically green ones, and while these are gold they still use willpower.

As for the other two well we haven't really seen Paul fight any Blue or Violet Lanterns.
I know that he fought Carol -14 in the Justice Underground base and maybe he fought with Baul during the LexCorp fiasco, but the first one was fairly brief and Baul had a low ring charge.
Also the two of them may not have known about how their rings can be used to fight other colors, specifically by manipulating the emotions of those wielding rings of other colors, even if Baul has comic knowledge he still has a low ring charge and may find it difficult to practice much.

Also Paul is enlightened so emotion manipulation on him is difficult.
When the Kriegers were on the Watchtower Wolf tried to use the Medusa Mask to make him feel fear but was unable to because of Paul's enlightenment.
You seem to be misunderstanding how the vulnerabilities are supposed to work.

It doesn't involve manipulating the emotions of the ring wielders, it's just Blue and Violet light straight up no selling anything made with Orange, similar to what Red can do to Green.
You seem to be misunderstanding how the vulnerabilities are supposed to work.

It doesn't involve manipulating the emotions of the ring wielders, it's just Blue and Violet light straight up no selling anything made with Orange, similar to what Red can do to Green.

Pretty sure it's just Blue making them feel hopeful and then just them losing their desires at least temporarily, and Violet makes them feel love.

The only time we've seen a Blue Lantern fight Orange Lanterns was when Alan was sparring with some, but he was just shielding himself then if I remember correctly.

Also even if one light is inherently hostile to another light Paul's enlightenment could mean that he can be immune to that particular feature.
Yeah, people tend to forget that just because Indigo's are about compassion that doesn't mean they can't throw don if it comes down to it, as well as rationalize what compassion is.

As demonstrated by literally the first and second things the Indigo Tribe did in the comics.

A Sinestro corps member and a GLC member were fighting, the GLC member was losing.

An indigo tribesman scared off the Sinestro corps member, then euthanized the GLC member.

So the "space hippies" were introduced with intimidation and putting the mercy in mercy killing.
Pretty sure it's just Blue making them feel hopeful and then just them losing their desires at least temporarily, and Violet makes them feel love.

The only time we've seen a Blue Lantern fight Orange Lanterns was when Alan was sparring with some, but he was just shielding himself then if I remember correctly.
Not according to both the comics and animated series.

Also even if one light is inherently hostile to another light Paul's enlightenment could mean that he can be immune to that particular feature.
Given even the Entities are shown to be effected by the rock paper scissors nature of Light, not without a writer given ass-pull.
piranha plant constructs
Does anyone but Paul, Paul, Paul, and Paul know what this even is? (Alternatively, are these things that actually exist in-universe?)

Appropriate, given his (unspeakable) surname.

Given even the Entities are shown to be effected by the rock paper scissors nature of Light, not without a writer given ass-pull.
Nobody ever said this was a case of rock-paper-scissors. It was specifically a construct-buster attack, and the fact that they're green has nothing to do with it.
Does anyone but Paul, Paul, Paul, and Paul know what this even is? (Alternatively, are these things that actually exist in-universe?)

Appropriate, given his (unspeakable) surname.

Nobody ever said this was a case of rock-paper-scissors. It was specifically a construct-buster attack, and the fact that they're green has nothing to do with it.
It's a Mario brothers Enemy. So unless they don't have Super Mario bros...

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