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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Given how they're depicted in this story, I don't think RL's world is going to miss a few (a lot of) dead psions...

Mentioning Krona makes me wonder if Grayven's sword blow doesn't just result in reincarnation as a human if it does an instant-kill, but, also applies if they die (reasonably soon) after... If so, Fallout's going to get a really annoyed Ex-Ex-Guardian... Maybe with a copy of him in a Gold Ring, as well...
Krono didn't use the Sword of the Fallen. He used a Dream Twister. Krona's brain melted. There's nothing about that which would enable reincarnation.
Krono didn't use the Sword of the Fallen. He used a Dream Twister. Krona's brain melted. There's nothing about that which would enable reincarnation.
Good point. Krona probably got re-wrote to fit the local reality rules on entry to the Fallout universe, so any 'taint' left in his system by the Sword of the Fallen was likely erased. And, we don't know if 'reincarnation' is part of the local reality, either.

Whereas, previously we know Power Rings work, locally (mainly because that's one of the central points of the whole story).

In the Renegade timeline, after the conquest of The Citadel, didn't she engage in a 3-way with Grayven and her sister?

That implies to me that they both had sex with him, not necessarily with each other. "3-way" does not automatically imply "bisexual 3-way" after all.

If she wants to have sex with someone, what difference does their gender matter?

It doesn't, but if she's not attracted to women then she's unlikely to want to have sex with Amazons. Even if they want to have sex with her.

Incest is wincest.

You'll understand in time. They all do...

Though in all seriousness, I'm theoretically fine with incest and even underage relationships so long as the people involved are mature and responsible. But that's unlikely at best for the former and near impossible for the latter, and banning them outright is generally a better move, so in practicality, I don't.

However, this is a story, and I'm fine with such suspension of disbelief (hell, look at the site we're on), but that's not the kind of story Mr Zoat is writing, and I'm not talking about lewdness (after all, it's pretty hard to top the tantalising tarantula). People generally have much more down-to-earth emotional reactions in this story, so yeah, it would be unlikely.
These are all of the ones I could think of at this time. If anyone has any other mentions then please share them.

The world is not ready for Kiyohime with an OL ring.

I mean, there are obvious collectors like Queen of Sheba and Gil that would be dangerous with an OL ring, but it feels like the most dangerous ones would be Berserkers who manage to be (somewhat) functional despite having an overriding obsession (e.g., Kiyohime, Nightingale, Spartacus, etc.).
Their son was arrested for raping a 13 year old and then killed himself. Unsurprisingly, they didn't feel up to continuing after that.
Oh geez, is that what happened? I only saw the "personal reasons we don't want to talk about" message. I didn't know there was more information.

In the words of a shrieking skeleton who sits on a golden toilet.


The world is not ready for Kiyohime with an OL ring.

I mean, there are obvious collectors like Queen of Sheba and Gil that would be dangerous with an OL ring, but it feels like the most dangerous ones would be Berserkers who manage to be (somewhat) functional despite having an overriding obsession (e.g., Kiyohime, Nightingale, Spartacus, etc.).

Aside from being able to wield a ring they would also have to be able to follow orders and not abuse their rings, as well as being able to stay stable.

Kiyohime and Spartacus wouldn't be able to stay stable, Nightingale may be able to though.
*Takes a look at the Teen Titans cartoon.

Eh, did they ever reform anyone besides Raven?

Terra might count but even so that's a single case.

Jinx turned on the bad guys.

It's still basically a children's cartoon universe so the universe becoming better by reforming bad guys would fit into that type of universe.

Plus if the universe has magic then maybe certain things and events have a way of happening that fits into a certain type of theme, like good guys triumphing over the bad guys and reformation of criminals being necessary to make a place bettet.

Thor explained something like this in the Child of The Storm fanfic where he says certain events have a way of happening and repeating themselves due to the magic of the universe and the Dreaming.
Jinx turned on the bad guys.

It's still basically a children's cartoon universe so the universe becoming better by reforming bad guys would fit into that type of universe.

Plus if the universe has magic then maybe certain things and events have a way of happening that fits into a certain type of theme, like good guys triumphing over the bad guys and reformation of criminals being necessary to make a place bettet.

Thor explained something like this in the Child of The Storm fanfic where he says certain events have a way of happening and repeating themselves due to the magic of the universe and the Dreaming.

*Looks at the Teen Titans Comics.

Yeah, fuck that.

Is mostly because these Teen Titans are a kids cartoon.

If they were in the comics then the young Heroes death count would rival X-Men.

My way of seeing it is this:

Parallel Universes ARE Parallel, they are basically variations of the same thing.

As a result there are things that will be similar and things that will happen in a similar way. The farther you go from your own universe the less parallels and so the less coincidences.
Oh geez, is that what happened? I only saw the "personal reasons we don't want to talk about" message. I didn't know there was more information.

Someone googled "Linda Balder" and saw the obituary post. The rest doesn't take much digging.
Plutonian (part 6)
12th April
14:08 GMT +3

I ignore the laughter as I walk uphill towards the inner city plaza.

I ignore the rigid expressions of the gate guards, though I-. Someone came up and told them while they were on duty. That was unprofessional. I'll see if I can track down Philippus and talk to her about some sort of shared training session with another country's military.

I ignore the way that the guards around the plaza try to avoid looking at me. See if I tell them about the hot orange alien princess visiting.

I don't ignore Lantern Savenlovich, because she's my best option for getting information on how things are going without sticking my head through the doorway. She's standing outside the Temple of Athena and appears to be considering going inside before she spots me.

"Orange Lantern."

I can't tell from her face whether anyone told her or not. Of course, people who can't focus on the relevant and ignore the irrelevant don't get green power rings.

"Lantern Savenlovich. You may as well use my name. There are three Orange Lanterns on Earth at the moment, not counting the loaner I gave Ghia'ta."

"She did not use that in our training session."

"She's trying to overcome an upbringing where she was repeatedly told that the other colours were inherently evil." I nod to the entrance. "Thinking of going inside? It's basically just Themyscira's national library. You don't need to pray or anything."

I hesitate, and then look upwards.

"'Just' in the sense that 'library' is its primary function, not that its function as a library is unimportant."

"The way you looked upward does not reassure me."

"I can't afford to alienate any more gods. Besides, I like libraries."

"Perhaps I will do so later. Besides, I am concerned about the idea of coming to the attention of the Greek gods."

"Oh, most of them aren't all that bad. I have positive working relationships with several."

"I understand that strange things can happen to people who involve themselves with such beings."

"Yes, but look around. This is the only country on the planet where the worship of the Olympians is common, and there isn't that much-."

"Please explain to me how you impregnated a spider."

"I didn't, the girl just said that because she wanted me to feel responsible. The Spider Queen is a geneticist of considerable skill, and did her best to create a Guilder who thinks like me-"

Lantern Savenlovich closes her eyes for a moment.

"-as a way to get into the Orange Lantern Corps. The Queen thinks that the only way for her to survive in the long term is to reform the entire Spider Guild, and we're the next step."

"The small spider is not your daughter."

"That is correct."

"Good. Then perhaps I will risk the library."

I nod. "I'm sure that they'll appreciate having a new patron. How are the talks going?"

"Polite. Icy. Aquaman is angry, but controlled. King Cyprian is far more relaxed."

"All of his worst possible outcomes have vanished. Nothing he could be asked for presents an existential problem for Venturia so this can't go wrong. For King Orin on the other hand he's having to tacitly admit that he's going to lose a city and the most he can do is make them take extra steps. And he's finding out how badly advised he was, which has got to be annoying."

"If he blames this on his advisers then I will lose respect for him."

I shrug.

"Have you read up on his history?"

"I have read the Justice League reports."

I shake my head.

"No, his personal history. The only Atlantean he met before his eighteenth birthday was his mother. He grew up in the United States. And even after getting intensely tutored in Atlantean customs, he's still an outsider in a lot of ways. That's why he became a superhero and left running the country to his brother."

"Ocean Master." She frowns slightly. "If he was to be king, why was he raised outside of Atlantis?"

"The official reason is that his mother Queen Atlanna wanted him to know surface world culture so that he could lead Atlantis in fully integrating with the rest of human civilisation. But I have to admit, I've… Wondered if Queen Atlanna dumped him on his father until she'd firmly established her control of Atlantis so she wouldn't have to deal with the social consequences of an unplanned out of wedlock royal pregnancy."

"Then why bring him back?"

"I'm not really sure. I mean, Orm wasn't actually a Purist and he was a competent administrator." I shrug. "I can't think of a rational reason for it. Maybe I was being unduly suspicious."

"People do not always do things for rational reasons. Or at least reasons which seem rational to other people."

"Speaking from personal experience?"

"I devoted my professional life to keeping Roscosmos going. As Russia empowered the oligarchs and nationalists, I tried to keep us active in space."

"Yes, and you said that you only kept your ring because the Director said he'd arrange things so that you weren't missed."

"Yes, he said that. And he has kept his word. You have seen Starfire's ship?"

"Yes? I… Didn't think they could replicate it."

"That is quite true. But they learned enough when working on his ship to obsolete all of Roscosmos's rockets. So he did not so much increase the budget of Roscosmos as appropriate its budget for his space fleet."

"The Russian Federation has a military space fleet?"

"A small one. And it is not as advanced as the ships which we are both familiar with. They are going to unveil it officially by flying to the ClusterShip…" She creates a watch construct. "In about half an hour."

Why is it that the one person on this planet who is doing what I want without needing to be told to is the head of Russia's military superhuman development program?

"Is it purely military?"

"At the moment it is about waving the flag. I think that the President will want to see how the world reacts before he makes any final decisions. There would be no point making elaborate plans if it turns out that China and America are both doing the same."

"China's trying to use Durlan technology, so they're not really getting anywhere. America… Doesn't as far as I know. But hey." I smile. "Maybe this will spur everyone else on?"
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"China's trying to use Durlan technology, so they're not really getting anywhere. America… Doesn't as far as I know. But hey." I smile. " Maybe this will spur everyone else on?"
We know from the series Young Justice America does.

Which means they successfully hid it from Paul, so props to them.
12th April
14:08 GMT +3

I ignore the laughter as I walk uphill towards the inner city plaza.
Wow, the scene really did spread fast, eh? I suppose with so little else going on, the Amazons are incorrigible gossips.

I ignore the rigid expressions of the gate guards, though I-. Someone came up and told them while they were on duty. That was unprofessional. I'll see if I can track down Philippus and talk to her about some sort of shared training session with another country's military.

I ignore the way that the guards around the plaza try to avoid looking at me. See if I tell them about the hot orange alien princess visiting.
Ooh, petty. Now they miss out on two fun things today.

I don't ignore Lantern Savenlovich, because she's my best option for getting information on how things are going without sticking my head through the doorway. She's standing outside the Temple of Athena and appears to be considering going inside before she spots me.

"Orange Lantern."
Yes, I suppose poking your head in the door isn't going to help the discussion much. Especially considering Cyprian's deal with the Orange Lantern Corps.

I can't tell from her face whether anyone told her or not. Of course, people who can't focus on the relevant and ignore the irrelevant don't get green power rings.

"Lantern Savenlovich. You may as well use my name. There are three Orange Lanterns on Earth at the moment, not counting the loaner I gave Ghia'ta."
Which I suspect she already knows. Her ring would have alerted her to the extra Lantern on-planet as soon as Kori passed the edge of the atmosphere.

"She did not use that in our training session."

"She's trying to overcome an upbringing where she was repeatedly told that the other colours were inherently evil." I nod to the entrance. "Thinking of going inside? It's basically just Themyscira's national library. You don't need to pray or anything."
Then again, how does it work for outsiders? A token nod in the Altar's direction as you go past?

I hesitate, and then look upwards.

"'Just' in the sense that 'library' is it's primary function, not that its function as a library is unimportant."
Trying to stay on Athena's good side, eh? And assuming she can see you just via proximity to her temple? Good move.

"The way you looked upward does not reassure me."

"I can't afford to alienate any more gods. Besides, I like libraries."
Oh, don't worry, I think Athena has no reason to dislike you. Heck, you're actually increasing the spread of knowledge with your work.

"Perhaps I will do so later. Besides, I am concerned about the idea of coming to the attention of the Greek gods."

"Oh, most of them aren't all that bad. I have positive working relationships with several."
Hephaestus, he's cool. Hades loves him for the fresh workload. Eris is a little annoyed sometimes, but.. Oh, and he knows Pluotos too.

"I understand that strange things can happen to people who involve themselves with such beings."

"Yes, but look around. This is the only country on the planet where the worship of the Olympians is common, and there isn't that much-."

"Please explain to me how you impregnated a spider."
Because of course she knows about that. How could she not have heard about it?

"I didn't, the girl just said that because she wanted me to feel responsible. The Spider Queen is a geneticist of considerable skill, and did her best to create a Guilder who thinks like me-"
Which is itself a little worrying.

Lantern Savenlovich closes her eyes for a moment.

"-as a way to get into the Orange Lantern Corps. The Queen thinks that the only way for her to survive in the long term is to reform the entire Spider Guild, and we're the next step."
Well, the war with the Reach can't last forever, I suppose. Secondary and/or follow-up goals for the win.

"The small spider is not your daughter."

"That is correct."

She sounds almost disappointed. I suppose John and Guy have been telling her stories...

"Good. Then perhaps I will risk the library."

I nod. "I'm sure that they'll appreciate having a new patron. How are the talks going?"

"Polite. Icy. Aquaman is angry, but controlled. King Cyprian is far more relaxed."
And what of Ptra? I take it she was smart enough not to show her face...

"All of his worst possible outcomes have vanished. Nothing he could be asked for presents an existential problem for Venturia so this can't go wrong. For King Orin on the other hand he's having to tacitly admit that he's going to lose a city and the most he can do is make them take extra steps. And he's finding out how badly advised he was, which has got to be annoying."

"If he blames this on his advisers then I will lose respect for him."
Eh, he didn't know enough about his nation to realise it, that's his problem... Perhaps he should have been more diligent.

I shrug.

"Have you read up on his history?"

"I have read the Justice League reports."
That's only a part of the story. There's more to him than that alone.

I shake my head.

"No, his personal history. The only Atlantean he met before his eighteenth birthday was his mother. He grew up in the United States. And even after getting intensely tutored in Atlantean customs, he's still an outsider in a lot of ways. That's why he became a superhero and left running the country to his brother."
And who did that tutoring, anyway? Vulko? Who knows what he left out in the interests of having a pliable patsy for a king?

"Ocean Master." She frowns slightly. "If he was to be king, why was he raised outside of Atlantis?"

"The official reason is that his mother Queen Atlanna wanted him to know surface world culture so that he could lead Atlantis in fully integrating with the rest of human civilisation. But I have to admit, I've… Wondered if Queen Atlanna dumped him on his father until she'd firmly established her control of Atlantis so she wouldn't have to deal with the social consequences of an unplanned out of wedlock royal pregnancy."
Yeah, that might have been quite the scandal. Especially since he's blond, which is a taboo in some version of Atlantis' history.

"Then why bring him back?"

"I'm not really sure. I mean, Orm wasn't actually a Purist and he was a competent administrator." I shrug. "I can't think of a rational reason for it. Maybe I was being unduly suspicious."
I'm sure it made sense to her at the time. Maybe she was worried they'd try to assassinate him in favour of Orm if they'd known about him?

"People do not always do things for rational reasons. Or at least reasons which seem rational to other people."

"Speaking from personal experience?"

"I devoted my professional life to keeping Roscosmos going. As Russia empowered the oligarchs and nationalists, I tried to keep us active in space."
Gutsy of her. Space tends to be a secondary concern to matters on the local scale.

"Yes, and you said that you only kept your ring because the Director said he'd arrange things so that you weren't missed."

"Yes, he said that. And he has kept his word. You have seen Starfire's ship?"
Remember, folks, that's the Russian teen hero, not our dear Koriand'r.

"Yes? I… Didn't think they could replicate it."

"That is quite true. But they learned enough when working on the his ship to obsolete all of Roscosmos's rockets. So he did not so much as increase the budget of Roscosmos as appropriate its budget for his space fleet."
Oh, that's fine then-... :confused: Wait... :eek: What?

"The Russian Federation has a military space fleet?"
Who in the what now buhah?! That must be seriously top secret!

"A small one. And it is not as advanced as the ships which we are both familiar with. They are going to unveil if officially by flying to the ClusterShip…" She creates a watch construct. "In about half an hour."

Why is it that the one person on this planet who is doing what I want without needing to be told to the head of Russia's military superhuman development program?
And he's almost certainly doing it for the sake of Russia alone, not the planet as a whole. o_Oargh.

"Is it purely military?"

"At the moment it is about waving the flag. I think that the President will want to see how the world reacts before he makes any final decisions. There would be no point making elaborate plans if it turns out that China and America are both doing the same."
Hmm... I wonder how that's going in the Renegade's timeline, in light of that Lex's planned space fleet.

"China's trying to use Durlan technology, so they're not really getting anywhere. America… Doesn't as far as I know. But hey." I smile. " Maybe this will spur everyone else on?"
Be careful what you hope for, OL. It may go poorly. Because Humans.

Well, that was a surprising course of conversation. From the Poseidonis/Venturia talks to OL's off-world shenanigans to 'Oh, hey, Russia's go a Space Fleet.' The things that happen in under five minutes in this story.

They are going to unveil if officially...
They are going to unveil it officially...
That's the first time I've seen a heroic moral protagonist cheer for an arms race after actually understanding wha it entails, and I can't disagree.
Paul doesn't actually understand what it will entail.

Unfortunately given his history, Zoat almost assuredly won't play things straight to what would realistically result from this.

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