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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Not if you're using a blue power ring - then you hope between systems. :p

Well if he has Alan help him, or have Kori, who may try to use the blue ring in space, sure, but he's going to be using his own ring.

No, that one's intentional.

Do you mean that because the thing is a 'god from the stars' i.e. a god from outer space, or something else, because the sentence doesn't make much sense?

If it is that then maybe you can add a / between star and starfish, like star/starfish god.

If it's not these things then can you elaborate on what you meant, because the sentence doesn't make much sense to me when I read it aloud?
15th April
10:48 GMT

Melinoë absentmindedly rubs her arms as we look down at the Mother Star's unfocused eye. The lack of air doesn't seem to bother either her or her brother, but it seems that being this far from home is making her a little uncomfortable.
Well, being in the former orbit of Pluto is kind of far from Erebos. It's a long way from any natural mystical field.

Or it could be the dead giant star starfish god thing, but I rather assumed that she was used to things like that.

She turns away from it, looking right at me instead.

"It's dead."
Yes, we know. Or rather, it's as dead as it can be, given the nature of its physique is as much geology as biology.

"Yes, I spotted that. Is it still dreaming?"

She rolls her eyes. "Stop reading Lovecraft. None of it is literally true."
I see she's familiar with Howie's work. General cultural osmosis?

"You weren't inspiring him then?"

"European folklore and racism inspired him. I didn't have anything to do with it. If a creature dies, it doesn't dream. Its soul might still have a connection to the Dreaming, its life might change the texture of part of the Dreaming, but it won't dream and it won't have nightmares. Living things have nightmares."
Of course, 'living thing' has a wide definition throughout the DC Universe. Given that Stars can have anthropomorphic embodiments. That date mortal entities.

I bow my head slightly.

"So you're not getting anything from this?"

She opens her mouth slightly and then appears to think better of it, closing her lips and turning back to the Mother Star.
Well, she didn't say that. I'm sure there's all manner of interesting things about the big dumb starfish.

"If you want me to guide you through the Dreaming to someone who can actually answer you-."

"No. No, I'm perfectly happy to leave that particular can of worms well alone. I doubt that Morpheus would exactly be thrilled with the Host of the Ophidian popping by for a visit."
If nothing else, there would be a lot more 'wanting' dreams floating around for some time. And possibly nightmares about snakes. Plus, he probably stinks of Dream's sibling Desire.

"If you dream, then you visit the Dreaming." Her head comes up slightly. "Did I really just have to say that?"

"I'm not so sure. No soul, remember. At least, originally. And I kept dreaming after coming here. I think that my dreams.. at least were just a reinterpreted mess of images thrown up by my brain ticking over while I slept."
Ah, the rational, scientific explanation for dreams... A pity the DC Universe is neither entirely rational or scientific.

"I suppose that's not entirely stupid. What about now?"

Huh. Alright, the magic I've integrated should mean that I'm just as capable of entering the Dreaming as anyone else. But would all of my warding disrupt that? Atlanteans have studied the process a little, but I'm a fairly unique case. There's nothing… That stands out to me as showing that my dreams changed between pre-soul and post-soul.
Won't know until you try an experiment. and that kind of thing gets looked upon poorly by Dream.

"Don't know. But I'm a Hellenist. Do you know anything about my nightmares?"

"I think it's too far away?"
I notice she didn't answer the question. At least, not directly...

"Hm? Oh, from Earth. Yes, I thought that might be a problem." I shrug. "I do actually know roughly where these things came from. If you want, we can hope between systems until we find a planet with a lively enough magic field to be worth investigating."

"And how long would that take?"
Not that long, I'm sure. Admittedly, it depends on what Persephone would have to say about letting him take a road-trip with her.

"Assuming that you can manage passage through the Honden of Avarice, perhaps an h-."

"No." Zagreus shakes his head. "Veto."
Yeah, figured as much.

"If you're concerned for Melinoë's chastity, I assure you-."

"Oh, I'm not." He brings his right fist to his chest. "I'm not. But a demi-god like you bringing my sweet little sister into his place of power? Our mother would be quite upset."
And when Persephone is upset, Hades has reason to be upset.

"My lady Melinoë?"

She doesn't look around. "She probably would. She's been getting a bit… Weird about it."
Well, this probably is the most attention Melinoë has gotten in centuries...

"And your feelings on the subject?"

"Because my life is so incomplete without seeing the dreams of a dead starfish."
What, no professional interest in what something like it could have nightmares about? Solar-sized fishermen, maybe?:p

"I… I'm sorry, I can't tell whether you're being sarcastic or not. It sounds like you are, but you're the Goddess of Nightmares and Madness so you could-."

"And what would you do if I did want to go?"

"I would entreat your mother directly. Or swear an oath of her choice that whatever it is she fears happening would not happen. Or given that I'm reasonably sure that you're over eighteen-."
Come on, OL, is it that important? Really?

Zagreus narrows his eyes. "Can you afford to anger another deity?"

"I'm not sure. I talked Hera into divorcing Zeus and all that happened was that I got hit with lightning once. The Themysciran oracles have been glaring at me, but other than that I haven't noticed any fallout from the.. incident with Apollo. On the other hand, Eris, Hephaestus and your regal father have been genuinely helpful."
Yeah, but they find you useful. Or amusing, in Eris' case.

Zagreus regards me curiously. "I rather doubt that our father has been genuinely helpful yet. You are still alive."

"Except for when I wasn't. And just-" I shake my head. "-knowing that I have somewhere to go when I die is a tremendous weight off my mind. Try living in a purely material universe if you want some concept of my old ennui."
The 'donation' of millions of alien souls might have gone a decent way to getting on his good side too.

I let the glow of my environmental shield grow brighter, the normally skin tight orange outline gaining considerable volume.

"And I'm the philosophical leader of an organisation that believes quite strongly in personal fulfilment. If you want to go, then I'll deal with Queen Persephone as best I can."
Eh, I suspect there's a limit to how much she'll trust you...

Koriand'r frowns. "Why would you not simply fly from world to world?"

"Because that would takes weeks. The Star Conquerors were a galactic threat, and some of the people who live in the places they once lived are pretty darn hostile. And I'm really not convinced that Persephone would be happier about me taking more time."

"I haven't even agreed to go anywhere with you!"
Yeah, kind of getting ahead of yourself, OL. Still leaping before you look. Or even decide which way to leap.

"When fishing with a rod, you bait the hook and then leave it there. You don't shove it in the fish's mouth."

Zagreus jabs at me with his right forefinger.

"That sort of comment bothers me, to say nothing of how our mother would feel-."
And he would know, what with the whole 'god of the hunt' thing he has.

"Shut up, both of you." Melinoë straightens slightly. "I think I can feel something."

Melinoë's form… Changes. It's subtle, but her outline becomes slightly indistinct and her horns and colouration becomes slightly more pronounced. Direct Dreaming connection. I wonder if she'd mind us studying her?
How rude, OL. Poking and probing a lady, especially after her mother is already put out with you.

"That's interst-."

And she vanishes.
To quote the Tenth Doctor: "What? What? What?!"

Oooooooooh… Whoops.
OL! Do something! ...No, wait! Get someone else to do something, you've already meddled enough!

Oh, well, that's not worrying at all. Either the Mother Star's brains slurped her up, she's going for a walk in its remaining dreamscape, or she bounced clear into the Dreaming (in which case, Dream's likely to make an appearance.) Whichever it is, OL is going to have some 'splainin' to do to her momma.
She's probably the goddess of disease in this story.
She is very specifically the Goddess of Death in DC comics.


Specifically Sandman.

And she vanishes.

Oooooooooh… Whoops.
That silence is the sound of vindication.
"That's interest-."

And she vanishes.

Oooooooooh… Whoops.
This will have repercussions. Will Paul get facetime with Dream? Is another Olympian going to declare Paul their eternal enemy?

Also, I wouldn't be opposed to this somehow leading to Paul getting his own version of Jarro, if only because I love Jarro.
Well if he has Alan help him, or have Kori, who may try to use the blue ring in space, sure, but he's going to be using his own ring.

Do you mean that because the thing is a 'god from the stars' i.e. a god from outer space, or something else, because the sentence doesn't make much sense?

If it is that then maybe you can add a / between star and starfish, like star/starfish god.

If it's not these things then can you elaborate on what you meant, because the sentence doesn't make much sense to me when I read it aloud?
It's a god to stellar starfish
I see she's familiar with Howie's work. General cultural osmosis?

Maybe she has interest in works of literature that feature dreams as a prominent subject.

If nothing else, there would be a lot more 'wanting' dreams floating around for some time. And possibly nightmares about snakes. Plus, he probably stinks of Dream's sibling Desire.

The Ophidian may technically qualify as one of Desires subjects, and Paul having a piece of her as a soul could also qualify.

We know that Dream doesn't exactly like his brother/sister all that much.

Won't know until you try an experiment. and that kind of thing gets looked upon poorly by Dream.

The mages on Mandate Earth managed to get that city that Dream was given to preserve back into the material universe, so maybe he wouldn't be all that upset about some experiments.

However if he thinks that Paul is working with Desire then he may be upset.

She is very specifically the Goddess of Death in DC comics.


Specifically Sandman.


This also isn't the Sandman comic universe, so Zoat can just decide to make her a Goddess of Disease in his story.

He's already changed some of the things that were said in the Sandman comics, like gods needing prayer just to survive, in his story.

Here they need prayer to affect the world in big ways, but they can exist without it.

She could also be the goddess of death in this story, but Zoat just mentioned one of her domains.

That silence is the sound of vindication.

Vindication for what?

Also, I wouldn't be opposed to this somehow leading to Paul getting his own version of Jarro, if only because I love Jarro.

Deathstroke better watch out!

It's a god to stellar starfish

It's still doesn't make much sense.

Anyone else think that if Paul and Melinoe had a child that said child would be a God/Goddess of Tsunderes.

Hear me out.

Melinoe is already something of a tsundere herself, plus Paul's weird attitude and interaction with people could potentially lead to them having a child that grows up to embody Tsunderism.

There have been gods that embody weird things.
Do you mean that because the thing is a 'god from the stars' i.e. a god from outer space, or something else, because the sentence doesn't make much sense?

If it is that then maybe you can add a / between star and starfish, like star/starfish god.

If it's not these things then can you elaborate on what you meant, because the sentence doesn't make much sense to me when I read it aloud?
It's a perfectly cromulent sentence. It is a starfish from the stars, i.e. deep space.
Thank you, corrected.
Hear me out.

Melinoe is already something of a tsundere herself, plus Paul's weird attitude and interaction with people could potentially lead to them having a child that grows up to embody Tsunderism.

There have been gods that embody weird things.
Her priests would be incredibly popular in Japan.

But don't get me wrong, it's not like I like your idea or anything, baka!
"European folklore and racism inspired him. I didn't have anything to do with it. If a creature dies, it doesn't dream. Its soul might still have a connection to the Dreaming, its life might change the texture of part of the Dreaming, but it won't dream and it won't have nightmares. Living things have nightmares."
What's that from? The Comicvine page on him as a comic book character doesn't list him as appearing in any DC Comics properties.
What's that from? The Comicvine page on him as a comic book character doesn't list him as appearing in any DC Comics properties.
It's from Planetary, a Wildstorm series. It's from an early special, I believe, involving a crossover with the Authority, which they shared an Earth with. The 'negro eggs' thing were actually alien superweapons that later hatched, if I remember right.
So a starfish God dies in space (its soul is likely lingering on there) and Paul doesn't think some precautions should be taken before he takes the weakened son and daughter of a major death God to the "remains" of the planetoid sized dead starfish God?


Things being death doesn't mean they are no longer dangerous, even more so when we are talking about the planetary sized corporeal manifestation of a God.

Anyways this excites me a bit as the previous conclusion with the mother star was very underwhelming, so I am once again in wait for next update.
So... who else is actually interested more in Alt Paul like Grayven that main Paul at this point?
It's probably a good thing Zagreus is along to tell Persephone that Paul didn't do anything.
You think she'll CARE? She was already suspicious of Paul, then Melinoë disappears while doing a job for him. She's a worried mother, logic is going to go straight out the window if Paul doesn't present her with an itemized list of possibilities that could have happened to Melinoë AND methods of recovering her for every single one.
You think she'll CARE? She was already suspicious of Paul, then Melinoë disappears while doing a job for him. She's a worried mother, logic is going to go straight out the window if Paul doesn't present her with an itemized list of possibilities that could have happened to Melinoë AND methods of recovering her for every single one.

Don't forget a magic oath to never go near her little girl again.
You think she'll CARE? She was already suspicious of Paul, then Melinoë disappears while doing a job for him. She's a worried mother, logic is going to go straight out the window if Paul doesn't present her with an itemized list of possibilities that could have happened to Melinoë AND methods of recovering her for every single one.

The logic is that Paul IS a hero and heroes get involved with things that outclass them every other Thursday...

God's have a huge ego, but they have a track record of keeping their head down to avoid attracting the attention of things stronger than them... Letting Paul drag her daughter around is probably the most dangerous thing that has happened to Melinoe in several centuries and thus has Persephone worried even if Paul swears to not do anything to her.

Paul in particular smells like danger, considering everything he has been involved with and how he has a shard of the Ophidian in his soul... Persephone has ample reasons to want her daughter to stay home and not go outside with Paul, Paul is a bad boy TM that is involved in a dangerous life and Melinoe is the equivalent of a home schooled rich white girl that has been sheltered her whole life... Or at least that is how Persephone likely sees it.
"Shut up, both of you." Melinoë straightens slightly. "I think I can feel something."

Melinoë's form… Changes. It's subtle, but her outline becomes slightly indistinct and her horns and colouration becomes slightly more pronounced. Direct Dreaming connection. I wonder if she'd mind us studying her?

"That's interest-."

And she vanishes.

"OK, I didn't think this was a possibility. And if Queen Persephone takes issue with it... it's a fair cop."
What's that from? The Comicvine page on him as a comic book character doesn't list him as appearing in any DC Comics properties.

You missed two other appearances in DC, by the by.

Lovecraft appeared in Vertigo- Lovecraft in 2003, and that got him a mention in the Vertigo Encyclopedia.

It turns out Lovecraft's stories are wards that make it harder for all things squamous and non euclidean to manifest on Earth, a spell repeated every time someone reads one of his stories.

And all the rituals in his works are also wards, so if any wannabe mythos cultist edgelord enacts any of the rituals from a Lovecraft work, that just makes it even harder for things squamous and non euclidean to show up.

However I would expect that the Goddess of Madness would know this, so Zoat would seem to not be including that little tidbit.

I find the idea funny, myself, Lovecraft's writings keeping the horrors he writes about away. Reminds me of Blue Devil's origin post flashpoint. His uncle was a maker of low budget schlocky movies. It turns out that his uncle uses real magic items in his movies, and depowers them by putting them in his movies. Everyone knows they're just props and so they become just props....

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