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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Honestly I think the main issue here is that Persephone just doesn't like Paul. Either it's messenger-blaming, as Paul was the one to convince Hera to finally kick Zeus to the curb, which only highlights how Persephone herself is stuck in a rut regarding her sort-of-coerced marriage to Hades, or it's a fairly reasonable fear that Paul is not attempting to date Melinoe, but Melinoe might be trying to convince herself that Paul is courting her, given his repeated attempts to engage her socially.

Actually, given that Hera should be expanding her portfolio to include divorce, maybe she can help facilitate one for Hades and Persephone. I've always had somewhat of a crack-ship for Hades and Hel, personally.
Actually, given that Hera should be expanding her portfolio to include divorce, maybe she can help facilitate one for Hades and Persephone. I've always had somewhat of a crack-ship for Hades and Hel, personally.

Hades may not want to divorce her since he apparently still loves her according to Hephaestus.

Still it may be possible, and Paul wanted to have some of the Greek gods marry outside the pantheon, like Athena and Tyr.
Actually, given that Hera should be expanding her portfolio to include divorce, maybe she can help facilitate one for Hades and Persephone. I've always had somewhat of a crack-ship for Hades and Hel, personally.
I don't think they'd really gel. Hel is a bit aggressively expansionist.
Wait, Persephone is worried her daughter will be kidnapped? Kind of ironic.
Grandma Demeter is laughing.

Persephone not putting out doesn't result in thousands dying of magical plagues.
No that would be Demeter extending winter with extra blizzards because Persephone didn't drop by to visit her this spring.

The Greek pantheon needs so much couples and family therapy they'd have to add a new position in said pantheon for god/godess of therapy.
The Greek pantheon needs so much couples and family therapy they'd have to add a new position in said pantheon for god/godess of therapy.

There is a Goddess of Therapy in the fanmade 'Codex Equestria' universe.

She's called Mentalne.

If this whole miltiverse thing keeps happening then maybe they can go and visit her.
Getting caught up from the last few days...

So why would propelling a bullet with magnetic fields mean no recoil? Equal and opposite force means that pushing the bullet still gets you recoil, as a function of force applied to the bullet, regardless of the mechanism, shouldn't it? Unless the bullets are a lighter or accelerating more slowly over a longer period of time.

Conventional guns accelerate the round a couple hundred times faster than a magnetic weapon. It's the difference between all the acceleration in the first instant and accelerating the entire time the round is in the barrel. A magnetic gun would have recoil, but it would be significantly less than a traditional gun, possibly even enough less that an experienced shooter could perceive it as "no recoil".

To illustrate that point, when I was a teen and shooting regularly I perceived a particular rifle - a .22 my dad had inherited from his grandfather - to have no recoil at all. Probably because I was used to an old 30.06 that kicked like a mule. Fast-forward to my late 20s, a time when I hadn't fired a gun for most of a decade*, and I was surprised to notice that gun having a perceptible recoil (and the gun I'd shot many competitions with during my teen years having far more recoil than I remembered for that matter).

B) I'm pretty sure superconductors aren't necessary

The difficulty with coilguns and railguns is one of power. If you know what you're doing you can build a rifle sized coilgun in real life that can put a round through an engine block. You just have to have a big, thick power cord going from it back to the bank of capacitors that's filling the bed of your pickup and takes a couple minutes to charge between shots. And since Paul's already revolutionized the power industry that's not a problem anymore.

Your barrel would need that time to cool off too, unless you also have a refrigeration line going back to a very efficient cooling system. So I suppose it's less a "rifle sized coilgun" and more a "truck sized coilgun with a rifle sized business end".

"Vril called my input into beam weapon design 'insightful'."

"Gosh. That's coluan for 'take me now, big girl'."

Her eyes widen a fraction. "Is it?"

I would be very much surprised if Vril Dox turned out to NOT be an undiscriminating sapiosexual.

"Our.. mother is concerned that.. perhaps she wouldn't want to."

"So… What exactly is Queen Persephone's opposition to relevance in the modern world?"

"It's not the hobby. It's the man. And I don't think that having me along is really all that burdensome."

So Persephone is the kind of overbearing parent who won't let her adult daughter make decisions for herself. Noted.

Refresh my memory. Is this one of the versions where Persephone ran off with Hades and just let everyone think she'd been kidnapped to save face? Or did he actually kidnap her and coerce her into marriage in this story? I ask because this Hades seems a bit too reasonable for the second, but at the same time his wife apparently hates him.

Hyppolyta may also approve of Paul as a son in law, for either Diana or Donna.

Hyppolyta may approve, but those would both be odd matches for Paul IMO.

Tldr they wrote Kori as a slut then backtracked with a 'scientific' explanation to avoid pissed off Starfire fans.

Starfire is one of those characters who was originally written as an object of fantasy for teenage boys and later expanded into an actual fully fleshed out character. DC seems to have a lot of those for some reason.
Refresh my memory. Is this one of the versions where Persephone ran off with Hades and just let everyone think she'd been kidnapped to save face? Or did he actually kidnap her and coerce her into marriage in this story? I ask because this Hades seems a bit too reasonable for the second, but at the same time his wife apparently hates him.
Neither. He didn't intend to coerce her, but that was what it felt like to her, especially when he said that he had her father's permission.
I would be very much surprised if Vril Dox turned out to NOT be an undiscriminating sapiosexual.

Well his comic self didn't exactly have all that high a bar with who he was dating.

He did date comic Kom after all.

Georgia even at her worst is practically a saint compared to her.

Granted that isn't exactly all that difficult.

Refresh my memory. Is this one of the versions where Persephone ran off with Hades and just let everyone think she'd been kidnapped to save face? Or did he actually kidnap her and coerce her into marriage in this story? I ask because this Hades seems a bit too reasonable for the second, but at the same time his wife apparently hates him.

Zeus arranged their marriage, but apparently forgot to tell Persephone and Demeter about it.

That priestess of Hades said that when Herakles freed Prometheus Zeus was off fucking Ganymede.

So we know he may not take all his responsibilities seriously.

When Hades came to get her she was so terrified because he is a pretty scary guy, even if he's mellowed out now, and apparently one of the only people who can stop him agreed to give her away.

Hades also thought she knew that she was arranged to be married to him.

I don't think she hates him, but she probably doesn't love him, even if she probably appreciates the fact that he didn't force himself on her after he found out about the mistake.

The likes of Zeus and Apollo don't really respond all that well to the word 'No'.

Hyppolyta may approve, but those would both be odd matches for Paul IMO.

Diana would be an odd match, but Donna is a member of the Team and he tends to spend time with her because of it, so the chance of them potentially starting something is possible.

Even Diana is a possibility, albeit one that would happen years down the line.

He could join the League sometime in the future and spend more time with her, and considering that he's immortal they can be around each other for decades before they decide to start something.

Starfire is one of those characters who was originally written as an object of fantasy for teenage boys and later expanded into an actual fully fleshed out character. DC seems to have a lot of those for some reason.


She did get more characterization in the Red Hood comic later on though.
I've been kinda overloaded with work so I haven't read the thread in... several days. Catching up but skipping the discussion...

Uh... I have no idea why I quoted this and I can't find anything that needs corrected in that post.

we've know for a while

I don't get my ass killed
If he's imitating the SI's accent, shouldn't this be "arse"? Or is it really that bad of an impression?
I've been kinda overloaded with work so I haven't read the thread in... several days. Catching up but skipping the discussion...

Uh... I have no idea why I quoted this and I can't find anything that needs corrected in that post.
I can't help you there.
Thank you, corrected.
If he's imitating the SI's accent, shouldn't this be "arse"? Or is it really that bad of an impression?
It's pretty bad.
This has Eris's fingerprints all over it.

Is she trying to start another Trojan war?

"Oh Persephone, you should keep an eye on Paul. He is becoming close to your Daughter and is quite the rapscallion. I am sure you have heard about the number of Amazons he's impregnated." :sneaky:

(All hail Eris!)
That priestess of Hades said that when Herakles freed Prometheus Zeus was off fucking Ganymede.

So we know he may not take all his responsibilities seriously

I dunno. I've always held that Zeus is, among his more widely acknowledged mantles, the god of adultery. In which case fucking Ganymede would absolutely fall within his responsibilities.

This has Eris's fingerprints all over it.

Is she trying to start another Trojan war?

"Oh Persephone, you should keep an eye on Paul. He is becoming close to your Daughter and is quite the rapscallion. I am sure you have heard about the number of Amazons he's impregnated." :sneaky:

I dunno. That seems more likely to prevent chaos than to cause it. If she'd wanted to cause it she'd pen a love letter "from Paul" asking Melinoe to come visit. And not tell Paul about it until she showed up with popcorn a minute or so after Melinoe got there.
While it was sad, remember that that power belonged to someone that was using it to save the world, and she was a criminal who wanted to use for some fairly petty things.

It may be sad that she didn't get to feel all that pretty, but it isn't that sad.

No, it's guardian is not someone who uses the power to save the world, it's guardian is someone who hoards it like a dragon's gold.

The problem was not Sivana stealing power from the Rock of Eternity.

The problem was that the foolish fucker was going to empty it like a stereotypical dumped girl eating all the ice cream while watching romcoms.

The Captain Marvel family could have more members than the Legion of Superheroes. The Power of Zeus could provide clean infinite energy to everyone on Earth. The Wisdom of Solomon could run all the machines on Earth.

The energy taken to Marvelize Georgia amounted to basically a rounding error.
Hel is the Norse goddess of Death...

She's probably the goddess of disease in this story.

Disease does tend to bring death.

Also myths tend to be fairly conflicting a lot of the time, so it isn't unusual for one myth to say a god is responsible for one thing and another to say they are responsible for something else.

In Norse myths Odin also qualifies as a death god.

It's possible that he's the only death god the Norse have in this story, and Hela just rules over a group of dead people. Kinda like how Hades is the God of the Dead, but not the God of Death, which is Thanatos.

She may also be a goddesses of death for all we know, seeing as Old Gods are apparently able to have more than one Divine Domain, but Zoat decided to mention just one of her domains.

No, it's guardian is not someone who uses the power to save the world, it's guardian is someone who hoards it like a dragon's gold.

The problem was not Sivana stealing power from the Rock of Eternity.

The problem was that the foolish fucker was going to empty it like a stereotypical dumped girl eating all the ice cream while watching romcoms.

The Captain Marvel family could have more members than the Legion of Superheroes. The Power of Zeus could provide clean infinite energy to everyone on Earth. The Wisdom of Solomon could run all the machines on Earth.

The energy taken to Marvelize Georgia amounted to basically a rounding error.

Did you... forget the fact that the Marvel family uses that power to save lives, the world and stop threats?

The same goes for the Wizard.

Yes they may not use it in the most efficient manner, and that's assuming it can be used the way you're suggesting, but to claim that they don't use that power to save the world when they very clearly do is just foolish.
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Did you... forget the fact that the Marvel family uses that power to save lives, the world and stop threats?

The same goes for the Wizard.

Yes they may not use it in the most efficient manner, and that's assuming it can be used the way you're suggesting, but to claim that they don't use that power to save the world when they very clearly do is just foolish.

What a convincing argument!

I shall now discover the corona virus vaccine and proceed to administer it to my select chosen few.

Pshaw! *waves hand in dismissal* What do you mean I'm massively wasting the potential of the one wholly unique thing only I can provide!
A Week in the Life of (part 10)
15th April
10:48 GMT

Melinoë absentmindedly rubs her arms as we look down at the Mother Star's unfocused eye. The lack of air doesn't seem to bother either her or her brother, but it seems that being this far from home is making her a little uncomfortable.

Or it could be the dead giant star starfish god thing, but I rather assumed that she was used to things like that.

She turns away from it, looking right at me instead.

"It's dead."

"Yes, I spotted that. Is it still dreaming?"

She rolls her eyes. "Stop reading Lovecraft. None of it is literally true."

"You weren't inspiring him then?"

"European folklore and racism inspired him. I didn't have anything to do with it. If a creature dies, it doesn't dream. Its soul might still have a connection to the Dreaming, its life might change the texture of part of the Dreaming, but it won't dream and it won't have nightmares. Living things have nightmares."

I bow my head slightly.

"So you're not getting anything from this?"

She opens her mouth slightly and then appears to think better of it, closing her lips and turning back to the Mother Star.

"If you want me to guide you through the Dreaming to someone who can actually answer you-."

"No. No, I'm perfectly happy to leave that particular can of worms well alone. I doubt that Morpheus would exactly be thrilled with the Host of the Ophidian popping by for a visit."

"If you dream, then you visit the Dreaming." Her head comes up slightly. "Did I really just have to say that?"

"I'm not so sure. No soul, remember. At least, originally. And I kept dreaming after coming here. I think that my dreams.. at least were just a reinterpreted mess of images thrown up by my brain ticking over while I slept."

"I suppose that's not entirely stupid. What about now?"

Huh. Alright, the magic I've integrated should mean that I'm just as capable of entering the Dreaming as anyone else. But would all of my warding disrupt that? Atlanteans have studied the process a little, but I'm a fairly unique case. There's nothing… That stands out to me as showing that my dreams changed between pre-soul and post-soul.

"Don't know. But I'm a Hellenist. Do you know anything about my nightmares?"

"I think it's too far away?"

"Hm? Oh, from Earth. Yes, I thought that might be a problem." I shrug. "I do actually know roughly where these things came from. If you want, we can hop between systems until we find a planet with a lively enough magic field to be worth investigating."

"And how long would that take?"

"Assuming that you can manage passage through the Honden of Avarice, perhaps an h-."

"No." Zagreus shakes his head. "Veto."

"If you're concerned for Melinoë's chastity, I assure you-."

"Oh, I'm not." He brings his right fist to his chest. "I'm not. But a demi-god like you bringing my sweet little sister into his place of power? Our mother would be quite upset."

"My lady Melinoë?"

She doesn't look around. "She probably would. She's been getting a bit… Weird about it."

"And your feelings on the subject?"

"Because my life is so incomplete without seeing the dreams of a dead starfish."

"I… I'm sorry, I can't tell whether you're being sarcastic or not. It sounds like you are, but you're the Goddess of Nightmares and Madness so you could-."

"And what would you do if I did want to go?"

"I would entreat your mother directly. Or swear an oath of her choice that whatever it is she fears happening would not happen. Or given that I'm reasonably sure that you're over eighteen-."

Zagreus narrows his eyes. "Can you afford to anger another deity?"

"I'm not sure. I talked Hera into divorcing Zeus and all that happened was that I got hit with lightning once. The Themysciran oracles have been glaring at me, but other than that I haven't noticed any fallout from the.. incident with Apollo. On the other hand, Eris, Hephaestus and your regal father have been genuinely helpful."

Zagreus regards me curiously. "I rather doubt that our father has been genuinely helpful yet. You are still alive."

"Except for when I wasn't. And just-" I shake my head. "-knowing that I have somewhere to go when I die is a tremendous weight off my mind. Try living in a purely material universe if you want some concept of my old ennui."

I let the glow of my environmental shield grow brighter, the normally skin tight orange outline gaining considerable volume.

"And I'm the philosophical leader of an organisation that believes quite strongly in personal fulfilment. If you want to go, then I'll deal with Queen Persephone as best I can."

Koriand'r frowns. "Why would you not simply fly from world to world?"

"Because that would take weeks. The Star Conquerors were a galactic threat, and some of the people who live in the places they once lived are pretty darn hostile. And I'm really not convinced that Persephone would be happier about me taking more time."

"I haven't even agreed to go anywhere with you!"

"When fishing with a rod, you bait the hook and then leave it there. You don't shove it in the fish's mouth."

Zagreus jabs at me with his right forefinger.

"That sort of comment bothers me, to say nothing of how our mother would feel-."

"Shut up, both of you." Melinoë straightens slightly. "I think I can feel something."

Melinoë's form… Changes. It's subtle, but her outline becomes slightly indistinct and her horns and colouration become slightly more pronounced. Direct Dreaming connection. I wonder if she'd mind us studying her?

"That's interest-."

And she vanishes.

Oooooooooh… Whoops.
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