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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

That sounds awesome. Link?
Ah, turns out I got that wrong. She just phoned the police after talking to him for 10 minutes or so when he broke into her room. It's called the Michael Fagan incident.

As for royal powers: these include being chief executive (so power of arrest), and the ability to grant royal pardons. She herself can't be arrested. She also has the ability to issue passports, which she grants to her ministers. She has the ability to shut down parliament by proroguing it, and technically does so at the end of each parliamentary session. She also appoints the Prime Minister after an election, so I assume she can technically do that at any time.

On the the other hand, if she were to do something without due cause, I assume deposing her illegally would be trivially easy at this point, so it's a fine balance where she now has these powers, but no real ability to use them outside of specific situations.
They just ignored OL didn't they?

"Ignored" likely isn't the right word. "Failed to notice" would probably be much more accurate. Honestly, how likely are you to notice that a gnat on your shoe is trying to talk to you?

No longer does, the British Royal Family is basically a tourist atraction nowadays.

Or the royal family wouldn't have got in trouble by how they expended money.

I'm not British, so grain of salt, but according to a very recent video essay on the powers of the Queen done by the Today I Found Out YT channel - who's face, Simon Whistler, IS a Brit - the Queen legally could, if she chose, rule with an iron fist. She chooses to mostly not get involved in politics because, let's be honest, it wouldn't take a whole lot these days for the monarchy to be completely abolished if public opinion turned against them. But the thrust of the essay was that the technical power of the Crown is basically undiminished from what it was a few hundred years ago when the monarch of the time ruled in actuality instead of just in name.

Though, again, another grain of salt here, I got basically everything I know about the subject from an educational YouTube channel. Thus there's every possibility my knowledge is not quite accurate.
No longer does, the British Royal Family is basically a tourist atraction nowadays.

Or the royal family wouldn't have got in trouble by how they expended money.
No, that was a reference to the 'no modern politics' rule. Some powers are were twenty years ago only technically exercised by the monarch, but Australian readers may remember The Dismissal.
"Ignored" likely isn't the right word. "Failed to notice" would probably be much more accurate. Honestly, how likely are you to notice that a gnat on your shoe is trying to talk to you?

I'm not British, so grain of salt, but according to a very recent video essay on the powers of the Queen done by the Today I Found Out YT channel - who's face, Simon Whistler, IS a Brit - the Queen legally could, if she chose, rule with an iron fist. She chooses to mostly not get involved in politics because, let's be honest, it wouldn't take a whole lot these days for the monarchy to be completely abolished if public opinion turned against them. But the thrust of the essay was that the technical power of the Crown is basically undiminished from what it was a few hundred years ago when the monarch of the time ruled in actuality instead of just in name.

Though, again, another grain of salt here, I got basically everything I know about the subject from an educational YouTube channel. Thus there's every possibility my knowledge is not quite accurate.
She lacks judicial power except for royal pardons, and how much she can actually use her powers without a revolution happening is questionable, but she does have to approve all laws and can cancel parliament, as well as technical control of the executive branch, so she very much legally has the entire thrust of the royal family power.
I know that I've been joking about it, but talking about what powers monarchs have in the present day does violate the 'no modern politics' rule, so please stop doing it. I don't want to have to move again.
Ok, sorry. Didn't seem very politically relevant to modern times, since the British queen hasn't done much politically relevant for a while now.
Although now I'm picturing an alt.Paul in a setting that incorporates Royals: Masters of War material.

Royals was a Vertigo alt history series set in WW2 in which divine right of kings might be more metaphysical than metaphorical. Royals have freaking superpowers. All of them. British, Russian, Japanese, etc.
My brief look at the wikidepdia pages suggested that the Emperor had already decided to be the last emperor as he didn't think a woman could do the job and he had no sons.

He did not believe that his son-in-law would be a good emperor, but he trusted his daughter, she had an agrarian reform plan to help the newly freed slaves, avoiding the systemic poverty that afflicted the freed slaves of Brazil historically, it was prevented by the Republican coup.

The spokesman for the Republican movement, was a personal friend of the emperor and the literature says he was feeling bad about it, but was convinced to the coup by a lie.

One more fact of Brazil in a nutshell. :)
"Ignored" likely isn't the right word. "Failed to notice" would probably be much more accurate. Honestly, how likely are you to notice that a gnat on your shoe is trying to talk to you?

I'm not British, so grain of salt, but according to a very recent video essay on the powers of the Queen done by the Today I Found Out YT channel - who's face, Simon Whistler, IS a Brit - the Queen legally could, if she chose, rule with an iron fist. She chooses to mostly not get involved in politics because, let's be honest, it wouldn't take a whole lot these days for the monarchy to be completely abolished if public opinion turned against them. But the thrust of the essay was that the technical power of the Crown is basically undiminished from what it was a few hundred years ago when the monarch of the time ruled in actuality instead of just in name.

Though, again, another grain of salt here, I got basically everything I know about the subject from an educational YouTube channel. Thus there's every possibility my knowledge is not quite accurate.

The laws have changed a tad since a hundred years ago and a hundred years ago most of the government duties weren't done by the queen or king anyway.

Considering the British Royal family seems to even have lost the privilege to do whatever the fuck they wanted with money, the Royal Family taking back the power would need a huge mayority of popular support.

It technically can be done, but is very unlikely.

It would need the next queen or king to be more popular than Lady Di and for the British government to fuck up so badly that the idea of a strong monarchy would be appealing.
The laws have changed a tad since a hundred years ago and a hundred years ago most of the government duties weren't done by the queen or king anyway.

Considering the British Royal family seems to even have lost the privilege to do whatever the fuck they wanted with money, the Royal Family taking back the power would need a huge mayority of popular support.

It technically can be done, but is very unlikely.

It would need the next queen or king to be more popular than Lady Di and for the British government to fuck up so badly that the idea of a strong monarchy would be appealing.
Unfortunately, as has been proven, there's something appealing to people about totalitarian rulers. There's nothing technically stopping Britain from having the next Hitler come from the royal family except for the fact that it's unlikely for someone to be that charismatic.
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Uxoricide, part 12
Uxoricide, part 12

11th September 2004
02:05 GMT


Komand'r looks at me with a mild frown on her brow, and that.. slight edge of suspicion, deeply embedded instinct telling her that it might be time to fight or run.

"How.. old are you?"

She smiles and rolls her eyes, a slight shake of her head causing her hair to dance in the vacuum as the burning hulks of the Gordanian navy's ships drift past. "Don't worry about getting me a present. This is plenty."

I lift up the severed head of the navy's admiral. "I… Thought that we could burn our handprints in this together."

"Awww." She bats her eyelids mock-coquettishly. "Did you punch all the way through a spaceship for me?"

I hold my arms out, gesturing to the Vega System. "I painted a star system red for you. This was just a matter of pushing back the rage for long enough to remember to keep this part intact. And working out which of them was in charge."

I mean, they're not batch-produced like the Citadelians, but to a human they still look pretty similar to each other.

"But to return to my question: which birthday is this?"

"My sixteenth." She shrugs. "I don't usually make a big deal out of it." Her eyes grow slightly distant. "It's been a while since I've been in any one place long enough to bother."

"So we.. got together.. when you were fifteen?"

"You mean when we started fucking?" She nods. "Yeah, I was fifteen."


I don't think she can see my eyes through my faceplate, but she's giving me an odd look. "Why does it matter?"

Ring, find me-.


Yes, silly me for asking a red power ring a civil question.

"Could we please-?"

She glares. "Tell me."

"I will, but I want to have this conversation face to face inside an atmosphere." I turn to our left, where Lanterns Skallox and Zox are sitting on a floating lump of debris, watching us. Zox appears to have found a bowl of popcorn somewhe-.

Ah. No, those are eyeballs.

Zox notices me watching and holds one out to me. "What? You want one?"

"In private."

"Fine. Let's do this in Kysarr." She turns away from me, her hands glowing as she powers herself at faster than light speed back towards Tamaran.

Skallox leans forward. His badly burned face makes it difficult to read his expression -not that this fucking ring helps at all- but the slight change in the angle of his jawbone makes me think that he might be trying to smile.

"This it? You're finally going to fight to establish dominance?"

"That's not how humans do things, Skallox."

He gets off the debris, 'accidentally' knocking Zox's bowl out of his hands and forcing him to scramble to recover his eyes. "Why not? Lets everyone know where they stand at the start of the relationship. Far simpler than fighting every single time you have to decide anything."

"I fight people I want to kill. I have no intention of fighting the woman I love."

My environmental shield flickers and fails, and I notice Skallox recoil for a moment before flying forward and peering in at my visor. "You alright in there?" He reaches forwards to knock on my helmet with his right hand.

Komand'r wants us to meet in Kysarr because it's the city the Citadel Empire destroyed on the day of her birth.

My environmental shield reactivates, and I catch Skallox's wrist.

And while that isn't why we're here to melt their faces, it certainly doesn't hurt to have a personal motive as well.

"I can't hate everyone all the time, Skallox."

He looks at me, and I really wish I knew what he was thinking. "Angry, then. The people you're closest to can make you angrier than anyone else. And it doesn't have to be all the time. A couple of minutes, if you beat her real quick. And then you mount her-."

"Skallox, I like you. You're a good fighter, your help here has been invaluable and I get that you're trying to give useful advice. But you are the last person-."

Having recaptured most of his meal, Zox shoves his face into his bowl, the action causing him to float in slow circles around his own centre of mass.

"Second to last person I'd go to for romantic advice." I mean, at least Lord Atrocitus was married once upon a time.

"Okay, you.. crazy alien. Whatever you say." He looks around. "I'll just go see if there are any lifepods or whatever."

He generates a tin-opener construct.

"Have fun with that." I turn in the direction of Tamaran. Ring, I've had enough of your attitude today. Kysarr. Now.

The universe flares red for a moment, then I'm floating above the overgrown ruins of what used to be a Tamaranian city.

"Why do you suddenly care about my age?"

And Komand'r wastes no time in getting in my face. I float down, landing on a ruined but reasonably clear plaza and removing my helmet. She remains floating above me, arms by her sides and fists clenched.

"Because, where I'm from, a person is legally a child until they reach sixteen. What I've been doing is illegal."

"And burning your handprint into people's skulls isn't?"

"Why would I care about whether what I do to some lunatic serial killer is legal or not!?"

"Then why!? Why do you suddenly care-" Her eyes are glowing purple and energy is crackling around her fingers. I don't think she's doing it consciously, but like my ring her innate powers respond to anger. "-about my age?!"

"Because if I'd have known I'd have waited! What I did, in my culture it's the same as forcing myself on you!"

The lights in her eyes dim. Not completely, but I can see her irises again. "What? That's stupid. You weren't exactly my first."

"Komand'r, you come from Vega. Are you really telling me that I should take what usually happens here as 'correct' or 'moral'?"

"Who I have sex with is my choice! If I didn't want you then it wouldn't have happened!"

"I'm not.. arguing-!" Right, Tamaranian. She isn't worried about an older man 'taking advantage', she's getting angry about me insulting her ability to exercise her autonomy. "I appreciate that, but in my mind I.. treated you poorly. I feel bad about that, and because I didn't know about it in advance I was a bit shocked when you told me." I hold up my right fist so that she can see my ring. "And that's the last thing-" My environmental shield dies again. "-I want to do. I love you."

She blinks, eyes and hands returning to normal as she descends from the sky in a.. slightly uncontrolled way. "Uh-. W-what?"

"I love you. That's why I-. Why the idea that I haven't treated you properly so horrifies me."

She blinks again, her mouth hanging open slightly. "Um."

"You are the last person in the universe I would want to harm, and while I appreciate intellectually that you don't see it that way, that's how I was brought up. I apologise for not explaining this-."

"I just-. Ah… Need to-." She rises off the ground, pointing vaguely behind her. "Thing."


"At the.. place-." I notice her wince slightly as she hears what she just said. "I'll.. see you later?"

I get a fraction of a second of her wincing before she flies at speed in the direction of Tamarus.

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Ah, back to the Teen Titans cartoon-verse Red Lantern alt. How long's it been? Fools Canon?

Komand'r looks at me with a mild frown on her brow, and that.. slight edge of suspicion, deeply embedded instinct telling her that it might be time to fight or run.
Thank goodness the main SI's version isn't quite this bad.

I lift up the severed head of the navy's admiral. "I… Thought that we could burn our handprints in this together."
ooh, Romantic... For a rage-driven beast of a lantern :p

I mean, they're not the batch-produced like the Citadelians...
Extraneous word.

"It's been a while since I've been any one place long enough to bother."
Would 'been in any' or 'been at any' work better?

"So we.. got together.. when you were fifteen?"
Oh dear. Raul, you cad!

I don't think she can see my eyes through my faceplate, but she's giving me an odd look. "Why does it matter?"
Because Tamaraneans probably have different ideas about age of consent than you do, Raul...

"I will, but I want to have this conversation face to face inside an atmosphere." I turn to our left, where Lanterns Skallox and Zox are sitting on a floating lump of debris, watching us. Zox appears to have found a bowl of popcorn somewhe-.
One of the high points of the Red Lanterns comic book: these two guys.

"That's not how humans do thing, Skallox."
"That's not how humans do things, Skallox."

"I fight people I want to kill. I have no intention of fighting the woman I love."
Careful there, Raul...

"I can't hate everyone all the time, Skallox."
Atrocitus would beg to differ, I think.

He generates a tin-opener construct.
Interesting. Atrocitus keyed the aggression level down enough to allow Construct creation?

"Have fun with that." I turn in the direction of Tamaran. Ring, I've had enough of your attitude today. Kysarr. Now."
Extraneous Quote mark.

She blinks, eyes and hands returning to normal as she descends from the sky in a.. slightly uncontrolled way. "Uh-. W-what?"
Oh my, I think the environmental shield is the most telling aspect. She surely knows what it collapsing means...

"I just-. Ah… Need to-." She rises off the ground, pointing vaguely behind her. "Thing."
Teenage embarrassment. So cute.

Hey, it's not a refusal. Presumably she needs to think about it...

These alternates are always such a nice palate cleanser after an episode, aren't they?
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I mean, they're not the batch-produced like the Citadelians...
Extraneous word.
"It's been a while since I've been any one place long enough to bother."
Would 'been in any' or 'been at any' work better?
"That's not how humans do thing, Skallox."
"That's not how humans do things, Skallox."
"Have fun with that." I turn in the direction of Tamaran. Ring, I've had enough of your attitude today. Kysarr. Now."
Extraneous Quote mark.
Thank you, corrected.
Oh my I'm soo to look forward to crisis of infinite pauls.

also since Yanderes are back on the table, I would like to see a magical girl go crazy and murder everyone although seeing Red lantern paul go love crazy and commit genocide is a decent consolation prize.

Wouldnt she have been 14 considering that they started having sex 13 months ago.

do I hear 13?
To turn the situation on it's head, I'm not sure I'd want to say no to a Red Corps member crawling into my bed, regardless of age. The consequences seem...marginally less bad in accepting, instead of refusing.

Morality does usually take second place to a survival instinct.

Edit: Heh...you're screwed no matter what you do, might as well enjoy the ride.
When was the last time Raul came up?
I might be wrong, but I believe the last time he was discussed was when Zoat described a possible future episode involving the Titans inadvertently protecting mad scientists doing experiments on people who, after forming a suicide pact, received a red power ring and started slaughtering the scientists who did these horrible things to them.

The Titans get called in, realize they're using a red power ring, call Raul in to help them, get angry when he refuses, and then he points out that they're basically helping Mengele there.
It still amazes me that Hynden Walch voiced both sisters.
To turn the situation on it's head, I'm not sure I'd want to say no to a Red Corps member crawling into my bed, regardless of age. The consequences seem...marginally less bad in accepting, instead of refusing.

Morality does usually take second place to a survival instinct.

Edit: Heh...you're screwed no matter what you do, might as well enjoy the ride.
That's called "rape", and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.
That's called "rape", and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.
Raul was pretty clear about consent and such during their first encounter, so I doubt that was the case.

Well, except for the whole "under 16" thing, but I'd argue that's a more complicated issue. Generally those sorts of laws exist to ensure that the person in question is old enough to provide informed consent, minimize pressure due to age differences, etc. But none of that is based on age so much as emotional maturity and such, but because there's currently no practical way to determine that quantity (nor, even a good way to define it), the law just has a blanket ban for everyone below a certain age.

But uh, living among a enslaved and brutalized population, being kidnapped and tortured, and fighting for your life all do wonders for speeding up emotional development, so I'm sure she's mature by now. And traumatized.

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