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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

If the angels restored him to life, that's good enough for most of them.

Nice to know that the religious people with superpowers are reasonable, unlike the religious fundamentalists that send OL hate mail. I think I remember a short thought OL had in the last two episodes about people sending him hate mail that said that he should go to hell or something.
I was just thinking that. The silver city never recanted their statements on Paul basically being the anti-Christ, so why TF are they, or most people in general, working with him now?
Karrien Excalibris never publically recanted it, but the visible manifestations of the Silver City's wrath have vanished and the League's version of events have circulated fairly widely.
Nice to know that the religious people with superpowers are reasonable, unlike the religious fundamentalists that send OL hate mail. I think I remember a short thought OL had in the last two episodes about people sending him hate mail that said that he should go to hell or something.
Not all. I try to remember that people are all individuals.
She wasn't exactly evil, but that is basically what the live-action version of Princess Serenity turned out to be like.
Bah. If it was me, I'd go full Grim Dark. Make it so that they aren't reincarnations, but that their tiaras gradually overwrite their brains with the minds of their predecessors. Luna's purpose is to ensure that they go through with it, and she's creating the 'youma' in order to motivate them to comply.
But did he get the t-shirt though?
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Bah. If it was me, I'd go full Grim Dark. Make it so that they aren't reincarnations, but that their tiaras gradually overwrite their brains with the minds of their predecessors. Luna's purpose is to ensure that they go through with it, and she's creating the 'youma' in order to motivated them to comply.

Calm down there, WootBoot.
Doppelgängered (part 4)
4th February
22:46 GMT

Jade raises her steaming cup of.. some sort of red coloured sap distillate, and regards it contemplatively. "I think this is the strangest thing about living here."

I reach across her apartment's small table, take hold of her left hand and raise it to my lips. "The endless tracts of space separating you from your one true love?"

She regards me with a look of affectionate contempt. "No. The food."

I take a small sip from my own cup. "Doesn't taste that strange to me. I expected it to be sweeter, but that's probably because-."

She nods. "Because you're thinking 'maple'. And rubber would be thicker. Whereas this tastes like tea."

"Only tea doesn't come in this colour."

"Or this texture." She takes a sip, and I watch her throat as she swallows. "I traveled all over Earth when I was a Shadow. I could fit in on every continent. But I haven't tried more than a tiny fraction of all the different food in this city alone."

I turn, looking out of her window towards the… Well, the apartment block opposite. Maltusian cities are built very high rise, and at the edge of the city the cut off is so severe that it looks a little like someone cut along the streets around the central business district of a much larger city and plonked it down. Every apartment has access to holographic displays if the residents want a view, but you don't get much in terms of a 'real' view.

"We could live here indefinitely and not manage that."

"Oh?" She raises her right eyebrow and takes another sip. "Planning on moving in?"

"Pushing the Reach back will take a while. You might decide that you want to live here, rather than back on Earth."

"It's.. possible." She looks thoughtful. "But I don't think I will. It's too… Artificial. Too planned. It almost doesn't feel real."

"There are-."

The door opens, and Jade's flatmate walks in. I've seen her in the background during Jade's calls before, but this is the first time we've met in person. Green skin, black hair, face is.. slightly oriental in its configuration. From Tillettit, though since both her eyes are organic I'm going to assume that she's from one of the other continents.

"Oh." She takes in Jade's pyjamas and relaxed demeanour, looks me over, gives me a friendly smile… And then blinks as she spots the rings. "Oh."

"Good morning, or… Whatever time zone you're working on."

"You're-. The Illustres."

I turn back to Jade. "Jade, did you just not mention me at all? Are you too ashamed to talk about me to your friends?"

"No, I mentioned you."

"She did. I just.. wasn't sure that I believed her. You're-. Could you just make a construct or something, because I'm having a hard time-."

I raise my left hand and generate a construct globe of Tillettit.

"I'm really sorry. Um, My Lord Illustres. I am Darkstar Cadet Caccanah."

I dismiss the globe. "I asked Lantern Coutara not to call me that. Please, 'Illustres' if you must, but my name is fine. I'm not in your chain of command."

"No, but because of you my people have space travel now. And you wiped out a religion that was blinding all the women living wherever it infected."

"Lanterns Coutara and Taranna did most of the work."

"But it wouldn't have happened without you being there. It was always… Everyone else hated it, but the only way to change it would have been an invasion and.. so many people would have died, it.. just…"

"I understand."

"How long.. have the two of you..?"

"We've been 'together' romantically for less than half a year."

"I didn't think Orange Lanterns-."

I hold out my right hand and call the Staff of Love to me, laying my right palm over the crystal on the end and generating a violet sigil with it at the same time as generating an orange one over my left hand.

"Orange Lanterns can feel love. Banning Orange Lanterns from feeling anything is counterproductive on several levels. It's just that below a certain level of self-mastery, feeling one emotion strongly enough to use a power ring usually precludes feeling another emotion strongly at the same time. And most of the current generation of Orange Lanterns are so focused on being the most powerful Orange Lanterns they can be that they're.. not looking for other sorts of emotional connection at the moment. There's no actual ban."

She makes a minor gesture of obeisance. "I will.. bear that in mind. Do you want me to leave the two of you alone?"

I look at Jade. "Don't think I haven't noticed you putting off speaking to Zatanna. Go. I'm not being deployed for another two days. And it's not as if it's harder for you to reach me in the Periphery than it is here."

I stand, nodding. "You're right." She tilts her head back as I lean down and gently press my lips against hers. "I'll see you in a few hours."

4th February
17:49 GMT -5

Ah, Shadowcrest. Good to see you again. I deposit the Staff of Love into a subspace pocket and take out Zatanna's birthday present: a near-complete record of magic as practised on Euphorix in the Vega system. They don't appear to have ever really adopted a scientific approach to it so I doubt that the record has much practical value, but I hope that she'll find it at least somewhat interesting. I walk up the path and…

Ring, dial 'Zatanna Zatara'.


"Ah, hello?"

"Good afternoon."


"That's me. I'm walking up your front path now with a.. belated birthday present."

"I'm.. not at home right now. I… Wasn't expecting-."

"No, of.. course." I stop. "When are you… Free..?"

"After dinner?"

"Okay. Um. Do you… Want to meet up in the Mountain?"

"I've… Ah, hang on." There's a beep, then her phone goes silent. I turn around and walk back down the path, returning my present to subspace. "Sorry, right. Um, I've been avoiding the Mountain? You said-. I mean, you're right, but you said we should avoid each other, and-."

"I didn't-. I wasn't banning you from the Mountain. I'm not living there myself."


"Being in the same place.. with other friends, that's probably… Fine? And Kara's been wanting to show us some Kryptonian cinema for a while. I mean, if you're interested."

"Yes, that… I'd like that. I'll… See you later?"

"I'll see you later."
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"No, but because of you my people have space travel now. And you wiped out a religion that was blinding all the women living wherever it infected."

Nice to see how much people from Coutara's planet like OL for what he's done.

I hold out my right hand and call the Staff of Love to me, laying my right palm over the crystal on the end and generating a violet sigil with it at the same time as generating an orange one over my left hand.

Now there's an idea. Paul using the combined might of Avarice and Love. Is there any chance of that happening in the future?
Okay, so, I'm being lazy and asking a question instead of looking through the backlog: What did he do to the planet?

Like, did he use his Orange Vision to see all of the unredeemable people and kill them, or did he just kill all the men?
I reach across her apartment's small table, take hold of her left hand and raise it to my lips. "The endless tracks of space separating you from your one true love?"
Urgh, might actually be sappier than the drink.

She regards me with a looks of affectionate contempt. "No. The food."
She regards me with a look of affectionate contempt. "No. The food."

"I travelled all over Earth when I was a Shadow.
This is showing as incorrect on the posting spellcheck, but it does use American spellings...

Maltusian cities are build very high rise...
Maltusian cities are built very high rise...

...the central business district of a much larger cities and plonked it down.
...the central business district of a much larger city and plonked it down.

The door opens, and Jade's flatmate walks in. I've seen her in the background during Jade's calls before, but this is the first time we've met in person. Green skin, black hair, face is.. slightly oriental in its configuration. From Tillettitia, though since both her eyes are organic I'm going to assume that she's from one of the other continents.
Oh, hey, another person from that planet.

"Oh." She takes in Jade's pyjamas and relaxed demeanour, looks me over, gives me a friendly smile… And then blinks as she spots the rings. "Oh."
Hmm... naughty thoughts, recognition of a Lantern, or both?

"I'm really sorry. Um, My Lord Illustres. I am Darkstar Cadet Caccanah."
Now, now, no need to be formal...

"No, but because of you my people have space travel now. And you wiped out a religion that was blinding all the women living wherever it infected."
Looks like it was not popular outside of its adherents...

"But it wouldn't have happened without you being there. It was always… Everyone else hated it, but the only way to change it would have been an invasion and.. so many people would have died, it.. just…"
And presumably, the blinding cultists were not aggressively expanding...

I hold out my right hand and call the Staff of Love to me, laying my right palm over the crystal on the end and generating a violet sigil with it at the same time as generating an orange one over my left hand.
Huh. Impressive. I did not think it was close to ring-level functionality.

She makes a minor gesture of obeisance. "I will.. bear that in mind. Do you want me to leave the two of you alone?"
Do remember to put a sock on the doorknob or something next time...

Ah, Shadowcrest. Good to see you again. I deposit the Staff of Love into a subspace pocket and take out Zatanna's birthday present: a near-complete record of magic as practiced on Euphorix in the Vega system. They don't appear to have ever really adopted a scientific approach to it so I doubt that the record has much practical value, but I hope that she'll find it at least somewhat interesting. I walk up the path and…
Quite a birthday present.

Ooh, no fear at least. Or anger.

"I'm.. not at home right now. I… Wasn't expecting-."

"Okay. Um. Do you… Want to met up in the Mountain?"
"Okay. Um. Do you… Want to meet up in the Mountain?"

"Being in the same place.. with other friends, that's probably… Fine? And Kara's been wanting to show us some Kryptonian cinema for a while. I mean, if you're interested."
Ooh, Kryptonian movie night!

Some nice, basic transitional scenes. Hope we get to see Match tomorrow...
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Also I believe that's

I reach across her apartment's small table, take hold of her left hand and raise it to my lips. "The endless tracks of space separating you from your one true love?"
I reach across her apartment's small table, take hold of her left hand and raise it to my lips. "The endless tracts of space separating you from your one true love?"
As in tract, "area or expanse".
Okay, so, I'm being lazy and asking a question instead of looking through the backlog: What did he do to the planet?

Like, did he use his Orange Vision to see all of the unredeemable people and kill them, or did he just kill all the men?
He went and found the woman from there who would have gotten a red ring in the mainline universe and gave her an orange one.
She regards me with a looks of affectionate contempt. "No. The food."
She regards me with a look of affectionate contempt. "No. The food."
"I travelled all over Earth when I was a Shadow.
This is showing as incorrect on the posting spellcheck, but it does use American spellings...
Maltusian cities are build very high rise...
Maltusian cities are built very high rise...
...the central business district of a much larger cities and plonked it down.
...the central business district of a much larger city and plonked it down.
"Okay. Um. Do you… Want to met up in the Mountain?"
Okay. Um. Do you… Want to meet up in the Mountain?"
Also I believe that's
As in tract, "area or expanse".
Thank you, corrected.
He went and found the woman from there who would have gotten a red ring in the mainline universe and gave her an orange one.
No, they didn't get red rings as far as I could see. Atrocitus just killed a few priests.
Is the obsession with gaining power healthy? I get that it's important in the short term, but unless they do things like form attachments with groups, I don't think unleashing a bunch of superpowered, uncaring (about anything other than their goals), obsessive fanatics (not sure how fanatical they are, but it makes sense) is going to be a good idea. Also seems like a possible recipe for civil war due to difference of opinion once the Reach is taken care of.
Is the obsession with gaining power healthy? I get that it's important in the short term, but unless they do things like form attachments with groups, I don't think unleashing a bunch of superpowered, uncaring (about anything other than their goals), obsessive fanatics (not sure how fanatical they are, but it makes sense) is going to be a good idea. Also seems like a possible recipe for civil war due to difference of opinion once the Reach is taken care of.

I agree with you, but I think the justification is that Paul is gonna be able to handle literally any orange ring-slinger casually. Even a large scale rebellion would fail if he called the Ophidian and shut off their rings.
Is the obsession with gaining power healthy? I get that it's important in the short term, but unless they do things like form attachments with groups, I don't think unleashing a bunch of superpowered, uncaring (about anything other than their goals), obsessive fanatics (not sure how fanatical they are, but it makes sense) is going to be a good idea. Also seems like a possible recipe for civil war due to difference of opinion once the Reach is taken care of.

from what i gathered i understood it as "first learn how to use the ring without going mental. step 2 is learning what you want to use the ring for. step 3 or 4 can be done in ether order, but is not learn to feel things while using the ring and why do you want to use the ring to get step 2.

step 7 is collect all the super science and cool stuff. bonus points if they are shiny

step 8 invite friend to see your collection of cool stuff, maybe share so you have friends with cool stuff wich is better than just having friends.
Like, did he use his Orange Vision to see all of the unredeemable people and kill them, or did he just kill all the men?
I'm not entirely sure what exactly happened there, if Zoat has elaborated on it I must have missed it.

But I doubt he or those he gave power rings to killed all the men. I imagine they killed the men who wanted to continue the practice of their super fucked up religion, or blinded them if they weren't exactly evil in an ironic punishment kind of way. The priests and the entire upper echelon of this religion were almost certainly slaughtered down to the last. I don't know what OL would consider appropriate for those on the lower rungs who never did anything personally but still supported it all in some way, or if he was mostly hands off on the whole thing I don't know what those who he gave power rings to would consider appropriate.

On the other hand there were probably men who hated the practice as well but couldn't do anything about it. This could range anywhere from "a small number" to "the vast majority" but they had to act like they supported it anyway.
At some point the Planet seems to have undergone a change in name.
Thank you, corrected.
I'm not entirely sure what exactly happened there, if Zoat has elaborated on it I must have missed it.

But I doubt he or those he gave power rings to killed all the men. I imagine they killed the men who wanted to continue the practice of their super fucked up religion, or blinded them if they weren't exactly evil in an ironic punishment kind of way. The priests and the entire upper echelon of this religion were almost certainly slaughtered down to the last. I don't know what OL would consider appropriate for those on the lower rungs who never did anything personally but still supported it all in some way, or if he was mostly hands off on the whole thing I don't know what those who he gave power rings to would consider appropriate.

On the other hand there were probably men who hated the practice as well but couldn't do anything about it. This could range anywhere from "a small number" to "the vast majority" but they had to act like they supported it anyway.
The two Lanterns he recruited locally killed every priest, from the lowest initiate to the highest muckamuck. Lanterns Komand'r and Koriand'r were the put in charge of overseeing things locally.

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