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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I didn't watch YJ at all until I read through all of WTR. Or my second readthrough, I can't remember. Either way, it was pretty disappointing tbh.

That would require creating life, which their particular brand of magic doesn't have the ability to do.
Evidently it can in Zoat's universe, since he just said that.

It's better then helping them and being part to killing or putting in positions worse then death many more times that.

Also you're kind of forgetting the whole "afterlife" thing.
Baul's dimension probably has pretty much the same afterlife layout as Earth-16. OL was never in the habit of using that as a excuse to get lots of innocent people killed in his home dimension, so he's probably not going to start now.
Guys, Earth 2 literally is a place were Evil wins most of the time were that inverse happens in Earth 1.

Not to mention those assholes are what are keeping Earth 2 safe from stuff like New Gods, Alien attacks and so on.

Even if Oh El went Greed powered Sepentera mode and killed all the Supervillains, all that would do wouls be to leave Earth 2 ready for conquest and or destruction.

Which is fine, as long as you don't mind the 150 million or so deaths it would take to make it happen.

I mean, that depends entirely on how you go about it, doesn't it?
Given that for some reason Al Scott seems to think that Ol and Zatanna are going to help him, and is willing to help them impersonate Syndicate members, there's probably some zany schemes that could be pulled off to take out the crime families and/or finish taking out the leadership/powered individuals.

Guys, Earth 2 literally is a place were Evil wins most of the time were that inverse happens in Earth 1.

Not to mention those assholes are what are keeping Earth 2 safe from stuff like New Gods, Alien attacks and so on.

Even if Oh El went Greed powered Sepentera mode and killed all the Supervillains, all that would do wouls be to leave Earth 2 ready for conquest and or destruction.

Pretty sure it's Earth 16 and Earth -14, not Earth 1 and 2.
Guys, Earth 2 literally is a place were Evil wins most of the time were that inverse happens in Earth 1.

Not to mention those assholes are what are keeping Earth 2 safe from stuff like New Gods, Alien attacks and so on.

Even if Oh El went Greed powered Sepentera mode and killed all the Supervillains, all that would do wouls be to leave Earth 2 ready for conquest and or destruction.

Canonically, it would be Earth 3, Earth 2 is the one Jay Garrick and older heroes are in, I believe
Guys, Earth 2 literally is a place were Evil wins most of the time were that inverse happens in Earth 1.

Not to mention those assholes are what are keeping Earth 2 safe from stuff like New Gods, Alien attacks and so on.

Even if Oh El went Greed powered Sepentera mode and killed all the Supervillains, all that would do wouls be to leave Earth 2 ready for conquest and or destruction.

Thats not much of a reason when the SI can mass produce superheros more powerful than the average syndicate member. Like he could just give Hero Lex the Garrick and the Danner formula and trust him to create a number of powerful heroes sufficient to protect the world. Like what is the average Scarab of New God going to do against a group of Light speed speedsters. Not to mention that this Lex would even be a good person to give an Orange Ring to.
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I would assume that an immediate potential source of danger that could arise from wiping out the Syndicate is that it would leave Slade in the perfect position to establish some kind of Fascist dictatorship. The sources of information are extremely biased, but everything seems to indicate that Slade poses a serious threat to the Democratic values and liberal institutions of the United States.

Crippling the Syndicate or providing the American government with the tools to create Superhumans could be precisely the thing that allows Slade or like-minded individuals to forcibly establish a Fascist government.
I would assume that an immediate potential source of danger that could arise from wiping out the Syndicate is that it would leave Slade in the perfect position to establish some kind of Fascist dictatorship. The sources of information are extremely biased, but everything seems to indicate that Slade poses a serious threat to the Democratic values and liberal institutions of the United States.

Crippling the Syndicate or providing the American government with the tools to create Superhumans could be precisely the thing that allows Slade or like-minded individuals to forcibly establish a Fascist government.

Give Lex super resources, as he's a hero he's not on board, maybe a spaceship too. Move on.
I would assume that an immediate potential source of danger that could arise from wiping out the Syndicate is that it would leave Slade in the perfect position to establish some kind of Fascist dictatorship. The sources of information are extremely biased, but everything seems to indicate that Slade poses a serious threat to the Democratic values and liberal institutions of the United States.

Crippling the Syndicate or providing the American government with the tools to create Superhumans could be precisely the thing that allows Slade or like-minded individuals to forcibly establish a Fascist government.
The SI can literally see peoples soul and know what drives them, if he judges that Slade would be worse than the Syndicate he could just remove him to. And he doesn't have to provide it to Lex in his position as president, but as his position as leader of the Justice League.
Oh, that's what the decapitation was. That... That makes sense since they were the heads and all. For some reason I thought it was something like Ultraman actually losing his head or something.
Owlman and Superwoman got vapourized, Power Ring was shot in the head, and Ultraman got his skull caved in with a crowbar. most of them did lose their heads.
"Exposed him to blue kryptonite, then beat him to death with a crowbar in his prison cell. Power Ring got disarmed and then shot in the head. They had to use a nuke on Superwoman. We don't call it the Decapitation because the heads survived."

Ok, but that makes Owlman seem much more insane, if the Syndicate could have wiped out a large part of the population without actually endangering themselves, why did he ever consider a bomb a sensible choice.
He wanted to wipe out the entire multiverse, he was quite insane. He was just good at hiding it.

That would require creating life, which their particular brand of magic doesn't have the ability to do.
Incorrect, Most of them are limited in some way, and not all of them necessarily have the same limits. Zorina's cousin can't affect living materials, there may well be a member of the family who is restricted to only living material, and the most powerful (like Zorina and Giovanni) are mostly limited by their imaginations.
"Huh. Well, I suppose it wasn't all that likely everything would be mirrored. Here, it's your… Her, whole extended family. To varying degrees. Being able to say anything backwards is unusual. Usually comes with a restriction or two. But there are about two hundred or so people called 'Zatara' who can do it to some degree or other. The Don would be the fellah to talk to if you really want to ask about Family business."
Doppelgängered (part 9)
4th February
20:06 GMT -5

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I look through the one way glass into the cell containing the bound, bruised and bloody form of Dame Carol Ferris. Her hair is shorn short and her musculature is considerably more pronounced than that of our Carol Ferris. Her pink gambeson is torn and dirty from the fight that resulted in the Syndicate 'acquiring' her, and she's-. Her eyes aren't focusing.

"Oh God." Zatanna looks at me in horror. "Is she..?"

"She's alive. Mister Scott, I'm going to need you to let me in there."

"Sure, you can do that." He motions to an adjacent corridor. "Door's around here."

I follow him, Zatanna opting to stay in the observation room. "What happened to her armour and her ring?"

"Doc Strange got the armour and.. what was left of her ring. They're both in pieces." He stands by the control panel for the heavily reinforced door, looking me over. "You weren't planning on giving them back to her now, were you?"

"I'm thinking about releasing her as a show of good faith."

"Hm. Well, she hasn't really learned anything in here. But President Wilson isn't gunna suddenly call us 'partners in peace' just because we let one superhero go free."

"I know. But I'm not trying to persuade him, am I?"

He smiles as he activates the door release. "Knew you'd come up with something, son. Get to work."

I walk into the cell and the door closes behind me.

The walls are padded, and the chains attached in such a way that she can't move much beyond a small circle in the centre of the room. A circle that's already stained with urine and blood-.

A small flare of orange light removes both, and I take a purple healing ray out of subspace and play it over her most obvious injuries.

"Star Sapphire, can you hear me?"

"S-saar 'apphire." She isn't looking at me and her eyes aren't focusing, but at least she's cognisant of my presence. "T-t-two."

Her mouth is swollen and she's lost teeth.

"Two eight."

The swelling goes down as I watch, but purple healing rays don't replace lost teeth. Not in humans, anyway. She blinks as the ray starts to reduce the brain swelling.

"Two eight one four." She looks at me. "Healing me for another round of beatings? I will never betray my comrades in arms."

"Glad to hear it." I hold up the ray projector. "These don't work on memory loss. This would be difficult if you weren't 'you' any longer."

"Star Sapphire Two Eight One Four."

"Yes, I know-. Oh, are you doing the 'name and serial number' thing?"

"I have nothing else to say to the Syndicate."

"You… Realise that by doing that you're effectively saying that the Syndicate is a government you are at war with, right? Rather than a criminal organisation? I doubt that was what you meant, but…"

"Why are you talking to me, Power Ring? And why are you no longer blue?"

"I've never been blue. And I'm talking to you because I want to send a message to President Wilson."

She nods resignedly. "I wondered how long this would take. Do your worst; I will not fear you."

I frown-. "No, not 'send a message' as in 'kill you and dump your body'. 'Send a message' as in 'I tell you something and then you tell him'. Do you understand?"

"I am not so injured that I cannot understand simple sentences." She frowns. "Who are you? I had taken you for the Hope Diamond, but you are younger. And you are less cowed than he."

"Lex Luthor isn't the only man who can travel to parallel universes. Where I'm from, we're called Lanterns."

"Then why are you acting as an accomplice to their villainy?"

"Based on the information available to me, I have cautiously concluded that a negotiated peace settlement is in the interests of the people of the United States, and that a military victory by the President -if achievable- would produce such.. horrendous amounts of collateral damage that such a solution would be better avoided. As such, I wish to make an opening offer."

"How could I possibly accept anything you say at face value?"

I take the Staff of Love out of subspace. "Does this look familiar?"

She regards it for a moment. "An.. older design. We moved from crystals to power rings millennia ago. How did you come by it?"

"My parallel's history is a little different to yours. The Zamarons never moved on from crystal. This drove… Our you insane until Green Lantern Two Eight One Four A removed it from her. I've since.. adapted it, as you can see." I put my right hand on the head and imagine that it was Jade in this position. The chains turn to violet crystal and then fragment, violet powder falling to the floor.

"Thank you." She takes a moment to flex her joints, probably for the first time in several days. "But it proves little. Even Ultraman loved his parents and his son."

"If I lend this to you, could you gain the proof you want?"

"Yes." She regards me curiously. "Will you give it to me?"

"I'll lend it to you right now, and then give it to you once we release you. Please be aware that I'm trained in anti-Lantern combat and it will put a major crimp in the 'releasing you' plan if you use it to pick a fight."

She nods. "A gesture of faith from each of us, then."

I hold out the staff. Her eyes flick to the observation mirror, then she steps forward and grasps the centre of the staff with her right hand. I release it and she pulls back slightly, placing her left hand palm-down on the Star Sapphire. She shudders as she makes a connection.

"This isToo powerful." She blinks heavily as her eyes switch from pure violet to violet-irised. "An untrained mortal who attempted to use it-."

"I know. I did say."

She focuses, and strands of violet light reach out from her into the room. Three brush against my chest, then the rest swiftly orientate on me.

"Show me what you love."

Ah… The violet aura around her intensifies. but I don't.. really feel anything. Then the aura dims and she offers back the staff.

"You spoke truly."

I nod and take the staff from her.

"You must understand that I do not have the authority to negotiate with you."

"No, but you know the President, the Vice President and Quizmaster better than I do. I'd like something there's at least a chance they might agree to."

"What are you authorised to offer?"

"Nothing's off the table. But as you can imagine, there's a limit to what I could actually deliver on."

She nods, notably less guarded now.

"Then let us discuss the matter."
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"Doc Strange got the armour and.. what was left of her ring.
Who's Doc Strange?

"No, but you know the President, the Vice President and Quizmaster better than I do. I'd like something there's at least a chance they might agree to."
I could see Luthor going for it. I'm on the fence for Wilson. If he doesn't, I'm sure his daughter will be.
I look through the one way glass into the cell containing the bound, bruised and bloody form of Dame Carol Ferris. Her hair is shorn short and her musculature is considerably more pronounced than that of our Carol Ferris. Her pink gambeson is torn and dirty from the fight that resulted in the Syndicate 'acquiring' her, and she's-. Her eyes aren't focusing.
'Dame' Carol? Someone knighted her?

"She's alive. Mister Scott, I'm going to need you to let me in there."
Your agreement is optional, but refusal is not likely to stop him.

"Doc Strange got the armour and.. what was left of her ring. They're both in pieces." He stands by the control panel for the heavily reinforced door, looking me over. "You weren't planning on giving them back to her now, were you?"
To be honest there's so many unknowns here, I'm suprised you didn't link Wiki entries for Dame Carol or this 'Doc Strange'

"Hm. Well, she hasn't really learned anything in here. But President Wilson isn't suddenly call us 'partners in peace' just because we let one superhero go free."
A 'going to' or 'gonna' might feel better here. It feels off without something between them.

He smiles as he activates the door release. "Knew you'd come up with something, son. Get to work."
So, he reaches out to the heroes, convinces them Wilson is losing it, and gets him impeached or something?

The walls are padded, and the chains attached in such a way that she can't move much beyond a small circle in the centre of the room. A circle that's already stained with urine and blood-.
Eew. Not even a bucket?

The swelling goes down as I watch, but purple healing rays don't replace lost teeth. Not in humans, anyway. She blinks as the ray starts to reduce the brain swelling.
Her own light might help repair the teeth...

"Why are you talking to me, Power Ring? And why are you do longer blue?"

I frown-. "No, not 'send a message' as in 'kill you and dump your body'. 'Send a message' as in 'I tell you something and then you tell him'. Do you understand?"
Nature of the universe again. This universe leans on the grimdark end of the scale, methinks.

"I am not so injured that I cannot understand simple sentences." She frowns. "Who are you? I had taken you for the Hope Diamond, but you are younger. And you are less cowed than he."
Another morality-reversed Villian? Only diamond-related person I can think of is some Eclipso host.

"Based on the information available to me, I have cautiously concluded that a negotiated peace settlement is in the interests of the people of the United States, and that a military victory by the President -if achievable- would produce such.. horrendous amounts of collateral damage that such a solution would be better avoided. As such, I wish to make an opening offer."
In other words: "Your boss is nuts, maybe you should not be working for him?"

"My parallel's history is a little different to yours. The Zamarons never moved on from crystal. This drove… Our you insane until Green Lantern Two Eight One Four A removed it from her. I've since.. adapted it, as you can see." I put my right hand on the head and imagine that it was Jade in this position. The chains turn to violet crystal and then fragment, violet powder falling to the floor.
Thank you, Enlightenment.

"Thank you." She takes a moment to flex her joints, probably for the first time in several days.
"But it proves little. Even Ultraman loved his parents and his son."
Line break here, I'm guessing unintended.

"This isToo powerful." She blinks heavily as her eyes switch from pure violet to violet-irised. "An untrained mortal who attempted to use it-."
Like drinking from a firehose?

"Then less us discuss the matter."
"Then let us discuss the matter."

Well, this is going swimmingly...
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"Hm. Well, she hasn't really learned anything in here. But President Wilson isn't suddenly call us 'partners in peace' just because we let one superhero go free."
A 'going to' or 'gonna' might feel better here. It feels off without something between them
"Thank you." She takes a moment to flex her joints, probably for the first time in several days.
"But it proves little. Even Ultraman loved his parents and his son.
Line break here, I'm guessing unintended.
"Then less us discuss the matter."
"Then let us discuss the matter."
Thank you, corrected.
"I am not so injured that I cannot understand simple sentences." She frowns. "Who are you? I had taken you for the Hope Diamond, but you are younger. And you are less cowed than he."
Another morality-reversed Villian? Only diamond-related person I can think of is some Eclipso host.
She calls herself Star Sapphire and has a violet ring. She refers to Power Ring Blue as 'Hope Diamond'.

I'm of the opinion that this should be in the chapter, because I didn't know who 'Doc Strange' was either.

Oh, and some corrections got "lost in translation" because it was my first message in this forum, I believe.

"So how come you're… Human, and not some sort of bizarre monster."

I think this needs a question mark, unless her tone was a statement with just implied question.

"They got government authorisation."

American spelling is 'authorization'.

'Among other things' I believe.

How.. similar are we.

This one I think does require a question mark.

it would makes sense

It should be: 'it would make sense'.

also say that that are holding the staff hostage.

There's two 'that' in this part of the sentence, maybe: 'also say that they are holding the staff hostage'.

but remains in place as-

"Ecrof noitacilpitlum!"

Zatanna shouts a spell

I think there is a missing hyphen in front of Zatanna to connect with the previous hyphen, that seems to be the convention.

I looks around at everyone.

It should be 'I look around at everyone.'
The spelling probably should be: "..And why are you no longer blue?"
I'm of the opinion that this should be in the chapter, because I didn't know who 'Doc Strange' was either.
I think this needs a question mark, unless her tone was a statement with just implied question.
American spelling is 'authorization'.
'Among other things' I believe.
This one I think does require a question mark.
It should be: 'it would make sense'.
There's two 'that' in this part of the sentence, maybe: 'also say that they are holding the staff hostage'.
I think there is a missing hyphen in front of Zatanna to connect with the previous hyphen, that seems to be the convention.
It should be 'I look around at everyone.'
Thank you, corrected.
So this is off-topic in regard to the current storyline, somewhat out of left field, and forgive me if it's been asked/answered somewhere in the past, but it's been bugging me:

Where's Lobo? It seems that with his whole "last Czarnian" thing, and the Czarnians being a utopian race, that it would be one of Paul's passion projects.
Where's Lobo? It seems that with his whole "last Czarnian" thing, and the Czarnians being a utopian race, that it would be one of Paul's passion projects.
Somewhere? Probably in a bar, I guess?

The SI doesn't know anything about his background that wasn't in Superman: the Animated Series. He has no idea what his homeworld was like before everyone there died.

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