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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Paragon may get a new sword if he goes to an alternate universe.

Plus renegade needs it if he is to fight Darkseid, the paragon may not even meet Darkseid, or fight with a powerful mystic being than needs using the sword.

Wonder if getting cut with the sword will take away the powers of the hand if it isn't magical?

Savage seemed confident that it couldn't kill him or take away his immortality, but Savage has been shown to be the universes most lucky idiot.

Still giant blue hand makes me wonder if this is some Maltusian that is working for TP and RQ, or one they are trying to stop?

Can anyone say Króna.
Long Story Short, As seen in previous interludes involving alternate Paul's something has been going around the multiverse trying to kidnap the various "Paul"'s that are out there.

Only this time, PaulGrayven managed to fight them off instead of getting kidnapped.

And managed to slice off a bit of the kidnapper to investigate.


2nd April 2012
07:52 GMT -6

"Daddy, why are you a pony?"
:D Yesssss... Break out the Joy colors!

I look around as Bethany stares at me is fascination.

"Variety if the spice of life, poppet. Want a ride?"
What's that noise? ...No, wait, just Bethany's squeeing going ultrasonic...

Lynne puts her hands on her hips.

"Daddy, why are you a pony?"
In her mind: "Must... Must resist urge to pet..."x3

"Sunset's portal opened up, and I wanted to give her moral support while she did her ascension thing." Lynne nods while Bethany just looks confused. "Sunset? The young woman with the red hair with yellow streaks? She's been here for a year, I'm sure you've seen her at some point."

"Yes-" Momentary reassurance-seeking glance at Eldest Adopted Sister. "-Daddy, I know who Sunset is."
She's just confused at why Daddy needed to be a pony for it. Though i suspect she's okay with Daddy being a pony.

"Right, well she's a magical pony from a world on the other side of a mirror, and the portal just opened again so she's getting back in touch with her-" Friends? No. Family? She didn't really mention them directly. They could be dead, or it could be like Shining Armor where he popped into existence at the end of series two. I'll nudge her about that in a couple of days. "-people."

"Sunset's a pony?"
It Begins...:p If this was a manga, she'd be starry-eyed right now.

"At the moment, yes. When you go through the portal it turns you into one."

Bethany's eyes light up. "Can I come?! Can I come please?!"
Good grief, if she vibrates any harder, she's going to break through dimensional barriers...

I trot closer and give her a nuzzle. "I'm sorry, but it isn't safe unless we know what being turned into a pony does to your medicine." Her head bows as she lets out a disappointed moan, but she reaches up to stroke my nose anyway. Oddly satisfying. "Tell you what. Sunset's locked the portal open now, so I'll check out what it does to your blood this week and you can pay them a visit this weekend. Does that sound alright?"

She nuzzles me back. "Thank you Daddy!"
And Grayven just became best dad ever. Imagine the other kids' reactions when they hear about this.

"That's quite alright. Looking forward to your lesson with Ms Gloria this afternoon?"

Bethany frowns. "I don't think she's very nice."
Well, she is a lesser demon. Nice is literally not in her blood. But she's trying.

"Then you're a good judge of character. But what makes you think that?"

"She eats birds."

"Honey, a chicken is a type of bird, and if you're telling me that you've gone off chicken then I'm going to have to sort out something else for dinner."
Heheheh! As any parent who's dealt with a child's peculiar decisions about diet would know, that's surprisingly common...

"No, not like chicken-bird, you know, like you buy in a shop. Like there was a little bird outside the classroom and she just kept staring at it the whole time? And Stephan asked her why and she said that she sometimes gets urges?"

"A lot of people get inappropriate urges. That doesn't make them bad people."
Well, unless they act on those urges. Then they might be very bad.

"But she isn't taking her medicine!" Oh… Right. "You said we couldn't stop ourselves killing-. Things… When we turn into monsters, but we are responsible for taking our medicine, because if we don't take it we turn back into monsters and then it's our fault. So if she still wants to eat wild animals then she's bad."

"I'm afraid that there isn't any medicine for Ms Gloria."

Bethany looks horrified. "What?"
Ah, one of those lessons you hate to have to teach a child...:(

"Ms Gloria isn't quite the same as you and your natural siblings. Her body just sort of ignores medicine. But she's an adult, and as long as it's just wild animals I decided that I should leave her to it."

"But she doesn't want to!"
Wow, she's passionate. Such a nice girl.

"Tell you what: if you see her staring at a bird, walk over and give her a big hug. That should take her mind off it."

If only because I know that her husband -a pleasant if somewhat vacuous Chelsea player- has been carefully raising the idea of having children for a while. And while I suspect that at this point Ms Gloria isn't totally against the idea, there are some things a demonic body struggles with. On the other hand, if she gets the idea to have a demonology-focused magician take a look at my younger children, who knows what might happen?
Things like someone getting stabbed, with either the Daiklave or the Sword of the Fallen...

"Okay Daddy." She takes a step back. "Have fun with the other ponies!"

I nod, smiling. "I'm sure I will."
It's hard for a Brony not to. Even a milder case like Grayven.

She heads off into the Mountain go get her school accoutrements while Lynne looks at me thoughtfully. "What really happened?"

"Sunset kidnapped her successor, but we talked things out. Her banishment appears to have been rescinded, if only because Celestia realises that it won't serve its intended purpose. Ponies are really tiny and really cute."
Of course, it's not quite that simple, but Lynne doesn't need to know that.

"You don't look tiny."

I raise my eyebrows. "Ah, but I do look cute."
Especially to a goth. Batwings, baby.:cool:

She rolls her eyes. "Do you want me to feed you a carrot?"

She's trying for teenage-sullen, but the smile ruins it.
"Must resist... Must resist..."

"I don't know. I'm fine with it, but I'm worried it might be pony-racist or something." She looks away for a moment. "So you coming this weekend, or-?"

"Yes Daddy, of course I'm coming."
"You would need chains big enough to hold Superman to stop me..."

"You going to come as you are, or come as a pony?"

"Um." Her eyes move away from my face as she considers it. "What's it.. like?"
Bets on her becoming a cute little alicorn filly?

"Weird. You fall over a whole lot to start with. But in theory you get access to pony magic."

"Like making stuff float with your horn?"
I'm guessing that's something Sunset mentioned. Or something she's picking up from Grayven...

"I didn't think I should try that in case I broke something. But I could clumsily fly, and I didn't get any physically weaker. Besides, it's only for a few hours. If you don't like it you can just-" I prance in place for a moment. "-trot back through the portal and you'll be a New God again."

"A human-shaped New God, right?"
...The portal will dispel the shape-changing effect both ways, won't it?:confused: I mean, the original canon one did, but Sunset's modifications...

"Tell you what: why don't you head down to Sunset's laboratory and I'll test that."
I see he thought of that too.

She looks concerned. "Daddy, are you going to get stuck like that?"

"No, no." I walk closer and give her a nuzzle. "Worse case scenario is that I'll need Sunset to fiddle with the Mirror to make it work properly. And the best part is-."

Her eyes widen. "No Anti-Life. I can't feel it in you."
And she would know what Anti-life feels like, after all.

She was feeling-? No, of course she was, but that's fine, it's gone.

"Yes. Gone completely. There's.. also another potential stepmother I need you and the others to audition, because-."

"Daddy, are you a player?"
:D Out of the mouths of babes! I think the girls will like Luna though. She's a cute pony princess, after all!

I snort with amusement. "Gosh, no. If I was a player then I wouldn't be getting my children to do interviews. You'd never meet them."

"What about Kara?"

"I thought that she was treating me like an unexploded bomb. If you're telling me-."
A handsome unexploded bomb, but, well... They did meet via him attacking a secure site...

The air around us.. glows.. red..? I generate construct armour around Lynne and myself and grasp my weapons as I activate all available drones to repel invaders.

Then the ceiling above us just sort of opens and a giant blue hand reaches down towards me!
Oh, hell! This guy again? What awful timing.:mad: He has a date with a pony princess, you jackass!

"Acquisition successful. Locating local variant 'Grayven'."

Giant blue hand, meet godkiller sword! I stab upwards as-

Get'im! Show it what an optimised player can do!

-Mother Box goes to work on the portal itself. The Sword of the Fallen pierces the tip of the grasping forefinger, yellow.. blood? Crackling out. I don't know exactly how good a kit the Sword needs to depower-.

Oh ho, it can actually feel pain? I suspect it'll be a bit more careful next time.

The hand is withdrawn, the tip of the finger landing on my dining table as the portal collapses and the red light fades.

The heck was that about?
Perfect timing to start wondering about whether there are other incarnations of himself about the multiverse... And look, a big old sample to work with!

Well, now. Are we about to have a crossover between Paragon and Renegade, or at least Renegade and other Pauls? This is going to get twisty...

Godspeech, hora hora!
The air around us.. glows.. red..? I generate construct armour around Lynne and myself and grasp my weapons as I activate all available drones to repel invaders.

...exactly how good a kit the Sword needs...
...exactly how good a hit the Sword needs...

No, because it's actually part of the same story this time.
Oh, this promises to be interesting...
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Giant blue hand screams Maltusian to me.

So this could either be a Maltusian that's working for TP and RQ, or someone they are working against.

If this will be part of the same story then yeah my theory that it involves time travel may be correct.

Repetition could also mean that it will involve paragon waking up in the past and having to do things all over again.
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"Sunset's a pony?"

"At the moment, yes. When you go through the portal it turns you into one."

Bethany's eyes light up. "Can I come?! Can I come please?!"
Daw! little girls and ponies! I can't wait for her to meet Luna!

I trot closer and give her a nuzzle. "I'm sorry, but it isn't safe unless we know what being turned into a pony does to your medicine." Her head bows as she lets out a disappointed moan, but she reaches up to stroke my nose anyway. Oddly satisfying. "Tell you what. Sunset's locked the portal open now, so I'll check out what it does to your blood this week and you can pay them a visit this weekend. Does that sound alright?"

She nuzzles me back. "Thank you Daddy!"
Once it is safe I suppose. Honestly this might be a good thing, I think it would be a good idea to give Luna a little lead time before meeting your kids. She knows about them but it is still the type of thing you want to prepare yourself for and it is very early in the relationship.
I raise my eyebrows. "Ah, but I do look cute."

She rolls her eyes. "Do you want me to feed you a carrot?"

She's trying for teenage-sullen, but the smile ruins it.
You cannot resist the pony Lynne! embarrass it! become the Pony!

"Yes. Gone completely. There's.. also another potential stepmother I need you and the others to audition, because-."

"Daddy, are you a player?"

I snort with amusement. "Gosh, no. If I was a player then I wouldn't be getting my children to do interviews. You'd never meet them."
Oh I really can't wait for the trip now!

I keep imagining this being an episode of MLP where Luna stresses out over meeting the kids of her new boyfriend with some comedic shenanigans before the ending where she connects to them in a moment so heart warming you want to cry. Also I can't help but notice you didn't mention she was a pony princess, because that will be a wonderful surprise.

Bethany: She's a princess too!
Maeve: A Pony Princess!
Mary: Your the best Princess ever!
Clare: No she's the best Pony ever!
Luna: Foals please! I shall graciously accept both titles.
*Sisterly smug face toward Celestia*
She heads off into the Mountain (to?)
Thank you, corrected.
go get her school accoutrements(,?) while Lynne looks at me thoughtfully.
1. personal clothing, accessories, etc.
2. the equipment, excluding weapons and clothing, of a soldier.
...exactly how good a kit the Sword needs...
...exactly how good a hit the Sword needs...
Thank you, corrected.
I've been waiting for this story-line to pop up again.. because I really didn't understand how it fit in... and the alternate Paul becoming the timetrapper was confusing because timetravel hurts my brain.. so hopefully the conclusion will wrap things up and help me understand wtf is happening...

but my current best guess... is that some alt Paul has managed to get himself turned into a Monitor of some sort

(because it cant be timetrapperPaul doing this, because someone found out that Paul was the Timetrapper, thus he instantly became not Timetrapper via in-universe retcon-magic, and his 'it was me all along' gambit became a ruse by the now real Timetrapper... because timetravel.

...i hate temporal dynamics...)
That wasn't a construct hand? Huh. So what could happen from here? Our serial kidnapper could: A) return for Grayven again. B) Head for Paragon Paul and demonstrate whether or not they are involved in Overgirl's original transportation (Nazi-Supergirl) and the similar portals that appeared on her world,
C) Accidentally free a captured Paul (or Clayface, or a Jade) on an incorrect world while distracted by this injury,
D) A DC character appropriate for this sort of multidimensional problem will strike while their target is injured,
E) Or another Paul will get snatched. Red Paul with Blackfire? The Star Sapphire Paul in the all-super-heroine setting? Or perhaps Time Trapper Paul will get kidnapped and we will learn that this is Boss Smiley's doing.
The portal that brought Overgirl to Earth 16 was an accident, but it was because of the actions of TP and RQ.

If they take Raul then they would also take that Jade, not Blackfire.
Does anybody know who that was because a giant blue hand in DC really doesn't narrow it down

Do you remember the Paul who got trapped in a time loop thing, and was trying to save that universe's Jade?

And do you remember a few side Pauls that ended with someone getting grabbed and yoinked out of the universe?

This was that trying to happen to Grayven.
Elemental!Paul, after being grabbed by the Blue Hand: "What the FUUUUUUUUUU-" *Yoinked*
On the one hand I'm looking forward to seeing where his storyline goes but on the other I'm probably going to be very confused at most of the stuff involving Grayven and was kinda looking forward to reading about Paul after a month of Grayvens adventures in ponyland but ah well

Though I suppose this doesn't mean we aren't getting that as this could just be a Grayven interlude
That wasn't a construct hand? Huh. So what could happen from here? Our serial kidnapper could: A) return for Grayven again. B) Head for Paragon Paul and demonstrate whether or not they are involved in Overgirl's original transportation (Nazi-Supergirl) and the similar portals that appeared on her world,
C) Accidentally free a captured Paul (or Clayface, or a Jade) on an incorrect world while distracted by this injury,
D) A DC character appropriate for this sort of multidimensional problem will strike while their target is injured,
E) Or another Paul will get snatched. Red Paul with Blackfire? The Star Sapphire Paul in the all-super-heroine setting? Or perhaps Time Trapper Paul will get kidnapped and we will learn that this is Boss Smiley's doing.

It's almost certainly going to be A or B, Zoat has implied that this is the beginning of the Crisis of Infinite Pauls

Also, I'm sill not sure if Mr Smiley was real or not, I read it as the simulation he was trapped in being designed to give him a situation that he would accept and when the whole "God" thing didn't work it used Mr Smiley instead
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This is most likely a prelude to the Infinite Crisis.

I think Zoat said that it may happen mid summer in story time.

Pretty sure that Boss Smiley actually exists and joined the Light.

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