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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

No, it locked off all, there was a generated barrier.
Is there a citation for this? Because if it's true then Doormaker's power should have not worked, and the entire story would be over before it began. Labyrinth's power creating the gateway to Earth Gimel also shouldn't have worked, if there was actually a barrier and not just shard wetware restrictions.
Theoretically, if Paul can figure out to how to protect himself from interdimensional stuff affecting him couldn't he with some time create a device that does so to the entire planet, thus blocking Scion from enterting or doing anything near Earth?

It would pretty much be on the level of the time paragon had to deal with a guy disrupting spacetime around him, only on millions of times to scale for even a single earth. Even the with paul dealing with it, It was a massive energy hog for a temporary solution
Is there a citation for this? Because if it's true then Doormaker's power should have not worked, and the entire story would be over before it began. Labyrinth's power creating the gateway to Earth Gimel also shouldn't have worked, if there was actually a barrier and not just shard wetware restrictions.

He locked off the universes *that the shards were located in*.
You need a magic as part of your soul. Grindelwald literally said 'Magic blooms only in rare Souls' and we know a wizard who is reduced to a soul can still use magic. Just to be clear there is a magic gene, but it only seems to decide who is born with a magical soul, not make the body capable of magic by itself.

Grindelwalds quote can be seen as him saying that magic can bloom in rare people, and not that it has anything to do with souls.

People can sometimes be referred to as 'souls'

The fact that Paul would be an outsider in that universe could mean that he would be able to somehow make himself magical in some way.

Sybarite and renegade managed it, so I guess all that Paul would have to do is either eat a magical creature for a recharge, and become a magical creature in the process, or add some kind of foreign energy into his system.

I'm also fairly certain that if the gene decides who is born with a magical soul then it also makes the body capable of magic. Though I could be misreading your sentence.

If you mean that without a soul the gene can't make the body do magic on its own, then you may be right, but if Paul develops a soul and uses the ring to awaken said gene then I think he may be able to use magic.
Is there a citation for this? Because if it's true then Doormaker's power should have not worked, and the entire story would be over before it began. Labyrinth's power creating the gateway to Earth Gimel also shouldn't have worked, if there was actually a barrier and not just shard wetware restrictions.
That's not what it means.

The Entities locked off universes they didn't want the humies to have access to, like the universes that shards were located in, or universes that connecting with would have been detrimental or catastrophic to the Cycle. There's a set of "whitelisted" worlds that shard powers can access, which includes all Doormaker worlds and Earth Gimel.
This Paul has a power ring and a database that probably include all sorts of things from the Maltusians after his meeting with Paragon and several other versions.

Things that make most type 2 civilizations seem like quaint primitives.
The best they have energy generation wise outside of Emotional Spectrum is bleed tech.

Which isn't actually that great in concerns to sheer output.

So traveling to the future doesn't count anymore?
Traveling to the Future is easy, people do it every second of every day.

But no, traveling to the future isn't actually time travel until you travel back to the present from said future.

Which is technically traveling into the past from the present.

Theoretically, if Paul can figure out to how to protect himself from interdimensional stuff affecting him couldn't he with some time create a device that does so to the entire planet, thus blocking Scion from enterting or doing anything near Earth?
He would have to place those devices in every Sol system in the local dimensional cluster.

But of course turning such devices on, would also cause the immediate destruction of Earth Bet, and any other Earth an Endbringer was on.

It would also cause Scion to hit his Panic button dooming everyone.
WoG is that Martian Manhunter could detect the Simurgh's scream and undo her conditioning, but that if she gets the chance, she can "beat him in terms of telepathy", so it's pretty clear they're operating in the same arena.

The fanon bullshit claims that telepathy in the Wormverse is just manipulating your physical brain is a meaningless statement.

No, it's WoG from wildbow himself, saying that Ziz isn't a telepath, and that her 'song' is the feeling of her telekenetically carving your brain up on a microscopic level to make you do what she wants.

Wildbow contradicting himself and saying that Ziz and martian manhunter could square off in a mindbattle doesn't suprise me, because he goes back on his bullshit all the time, but it's wrong to call it "fanon" when it's just Wildbow not being able to keep his shit straight.
...although the manhunter is a telekine too, so maybe he was saying that J'onn would feel her trying to do that to him and be able to block it?

Either way, one thing's for sure, there was a period where WB was adamant that there is no telepathy in his setting, to the point where he 'revealed' that even the big scary mind-reading telepathic monster is actually just faking it via the (frankly much more difficult sounding) telekinetic brain-surgery and future predictions, instead of actually being able to see your thoughts.

I have no idea why the distinction mattered to him at all, but he made several posts about it.

I mean, If i were writing a worm fanfic about ziz, i'd probably just blatantly ignore that because it's stupid, but that's neither here nor there.

Lisa's power is one thing that doesn't have too many contradictory WoG's explaining in, and in the text of the actual story, it's presented as a single easily understandable thing.
Finally an alternate that looks really cool. Thank you for your work.
Theoretically, if Paul can figure out to how to protect himself from interdimensional stuff affecting him couldn't he with some time create a device that does so to the entire planet, thus blocking Scion from enterting or doing anything near Earth?

When paragon did it, it was a massive energy hog for even a dozen or feet radius. Doing it on a planet sized scale or more would probably consume more energy than the sun.

Other thing, the entities can go 3 million times light speed, but only when they are at their massive full strength. Its capability for light speed and other such shards are currently dispersed within the cycle. As long as a yellow ring allows it to go about 1,000 million light years within 3000 years, it is efficient enough to get to another worm and continue the cycle.

Though this all only factors in if LP realizes that Zion is the true villain of the story.
Traveling to the Future is easy, people do it every second of every day.

But no, traveling to the future isn't actually time travel until you travel back to the present from said future.

Which is technically traveling into the past from the present.

Phir Se, is explicitly stated as being able to change events which happened decades ago.
The best they have energy generation wise outside of Emotional Spectrum is bleed tech.

Which isn't actually that great in concerns to sheer output

Can you provide a detailed description on why you believe this to be the case, and why he couldn't have discovered something other than Bleed tech for power?

Traveling to the Future is easy, people do it every second of every day.

But no, traveling to the future isn't actually time travel until you travel back to the present from said future.

Which is technically traveling into the past from the present.

So your explanation on why traveling to the future isn't time travel is utter crap.

If a person is able to go a thousand years in the future without going into suspension then that is time travel.

He would have to place those devices in every Sol system in the local dimensional cluster.

But of course turning such devices on, would also cause the immediate destruction of Earth Bet, and any other Earth an Endbringer was on.

It would also cause Scion to hit his Panic button dooming everyone.

Please provide a detailed description on why you believe this to be the case.
He was explicitly stated as being unable to change events which happened decades ago.

Hence his wife staying dead.

He explicitly stated that the only reason he didn't go back in time to rescue his wife was because it risked a monster becoming not dead.

"I have done it, Weaver," Phir Sē told me. "My wife, my sons, years ago. A similar problem on a smaller scale. I can walk through minutes, I could have walked back to save them, but I let them die because it meant a monster would remain gone. What merit is a gamble, a sacrifice, if you stake things that matter nothing to you?"
Can you provide a detailed description on why you believe this to be the case, and why he couldn't have discovered something other than Bleed tech for power?
By that logic Scion could pull out his ultimate nullifier and just shut Paul's power ring down.

So your explanation on why traveling to the future isn't time travel is utter crap.

If a person is able to go a thousand years in the future without going into suspension then that is time travel.
That's not an explanation, it's high level physics.

Please provide a detailed description on why you believe this to be the case.
Did you forget the Neutronium discussion already? o_O

Heavily compressed mass, like say the Endbringers, needs an outside force acting to keep physics from rearing it's ugly head and causing a giant explosion. So cut off their dimensional portals, and they explode with the force of a small nova.

And the Entity Panic Button is a thing they have for encountering advanced space faring civilizations or other existential threats. They hit it, all the Entities come running.

He explicitly stated that the only reason he didn't go back in time to rescue his wife was because it risked a monster becoming not dead.
Actual Time Travel means there is no risk of such things.
What I don't get is that correct me if I'm wrong, but this "The broken shard is cast off, joining countless others. It will bond to a host. The entity looks forward, checking. After the target planet has revolved thirty-three times around its star, this shard will connect to a host." Is Scion looking this far ahead both in time and distance while he hasn't approached our galactic cluster yet?

If so, unless I'm getting my canon and fanon mixed up, wouldn't the energy costs for such a thing be stupid? Like insane levels of energy required for a shard to figure something like that out?

The Cycle is one of the most important things for the Entities and making sure it's set up right is worth the investment.

Leaving that aside, even comparatively simple calculations would be enough for Scion to know when his Shard is going to get to Earth given he knows pretty much all of the variables involved ie; the Shard's starting point, its speed, the target destination(Earth), how fast said destination is going, and the distance involved.
By that logic Scion could pull out his ultimate nullifier and just shut Paul's power ring down.

He doesn't have an ultimate nullifier.

If he does then please leave a citation as well as why you think Paul's and his rings extraplanar nature won't give them protection from it..

That's not an explanation, it's high level physics.

If you mean that your explanation on what time travel is was high level physics, then I call bullshit.

Heavily compressed mass, like say the Endbringers, needs an outside force acting to keep physics from rearing it's ugly head and causing a giant explosion. So cut off their dimensional portals, and they explode with the force of a small nova.

And the Entity Panic Button is a thing they have for encountering advanced space faring civilizations or other existential threats. They hit it, all the Entities come running.

I'm highly certain that Lord Protector has a way to deal with heavily compressed mass.

Power Rings tend to be Awesome, as we've heard multiple times.

I doubt he'd just try to kill something like the Endbringers without doing research into what they are.

I'm also going to need an actual citation for that Entity panic button you mentioned, like the Citations Ganurath does, as well as an explanation on why Scion would care that he's been cut off when he's basically hyper depressed, as well as why Lord Protector wouldn't completely cut off Scion from everything and everyone.

Actual Time Travel means there is no risk of such things.

You really don't know how time travel works.
unless this Paul has a Type 2 Civ's energy generation
It's possible the Ring has a Type III energy source, for specialised applications. Looks likely The Guardians have put limiters on Rings, seeing as you don't want to break the galaxy/universe. How? Well, if the Emotional Spectrum is a specialised aspect of the Universal Will to Become, the driving force that makes the entire universe develop, then top limits would be causing the final entropic death of the universe.

Paul would have never had a soul to begin with, while Dementor victims would have had one since they were born.

Whatever allowed people in the Potter verse to be able to develop souls could be permanently damaged after the Dementor sucks out their soul.
This makes sense to me...

OTOH, if the SI has learned things about the nature of souls, and how they tie into information theory, as well as the fundamental nature of magic, then, he might know the right levers to pull on incarnating himself into a universe (one variety of dimensional travel, or a way of looking at inserting yourself into the local causal framework) that allow him to arrive with a magical soul. This may or may not include messing with genetics. Or, it may involve tickling the universe in the right place. :)
With his stilling ability even work properly on a lantern construct? Considering it's solidified emotion or atleast hard light powered by emotion, because his stilling seems super OP and I don't know how you'd counter that unless you had a stilling ability of your own.
I never read worm. What do you mean: Pity they can't be consistent about it. ?
Among other things, the armour of the PRT troops, things like Aegis' blood red gear to cover up his own bloodstains, the behaviour of some senior PRT personnel, pressganging capes via the threat of legal punishments...
Admittedly, some of these things may be fanon...
(Sheesh, you go to bed, there's five pages of arguments about Worm 'canon' by the time you wake up. Most of it's just power-level wankery, too. Some people take things too seriously...)
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The problem with the Worm fandom is that it's so large and more importantly full of people who haven't even read Worm, this means you get loads of stuff wrong or misunderstandings or even people writing characters as caricatures of their canon counterparts. As someone who read up to Leviathan then dropped it and read loads of fanfics I'm not free from this either sadly.
With his stilling ability even work properly on a lantern construct? Considering it's solidified emotion or atleast hard light powered by emotion, because his stilling seems super OP and I don't know how you'd counter that unless you had a stilling ability of your own.
Constructs are made out of light and behave the same as light other than the pseudo magic properties. They exist at heart as wavelengths so yeah.
He doesn't have an ultimate nullifier.

If he does then please leave a citation as well as why you think Paul's and his rings extraplanar nature won't give them protection from it..
He actually does.

But more specifically to this argument, Emotional Spectrum tech not withstanding, Paul doesn't have better power generation technology, yet you are asking us to assume he somehow does.

If you mean that your explanation on what time travel is was high level physics, then I call bullshit.
You can call bullshit all you want, but like with the Neutronium discussion, that won't change the science of the issue.

I'm highly certain that Lord Protector has a way to deal with heavily compressed mass.

Power Rings tend to be Awesome, as we've heard multiple times.

I doubt he'd just try to kill something like the Endbringers without doing research into what they are.
Cool, that's maybe the 3 active one's dealt with, various Earth's are still destroyed when the buried and hidden inactive one's that nobody knows about go up.

I'm also going to need an actual citation for that Entity panic button you mentioned, like the Citations Ganurath does, as well as an explanation on why Scion would care that he's been cut off when he's basically hyper depressed, as well as why Lord Protector wouldn't completely cut off Scion from everything and everyone.


Broadcast a signal to all their entity buddies in that overarching section of space, so anything passing by is liable to reroute and home in. Easily ten+ entities working together.
And while Scion may be depressed, there are certain things which can cut through that.

Like an existential threat to his species.

You really don't know how time travel works.
Actually I do, which is why I find the excuses for why Phir Si is never actually shown to travel back in time so humerus.

Scions power is explicitly an ultimate nullifier. He stills wavelengths, any wavelengths, and remember that all of physics can be described as a bunch of wavelengths.
Yup, and funny thing, Power Ring tech is very specifically wavelength based.
Honestly how powerful would you have to be to take down an Entity reliably? Would a Parallax fused Paul be enough?
Okay, my thoughts, for whatever they are worth. :)

First of all, why is yellow ring Paul wasting his time rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic?

Earth-Bet is undergoing an apocalypse, it's a slow apocalypse, but it's an apocalypse nonetheless. Killing criminals isn't going to stop that apocalypse.

Secondly, I find it quite amusing that the update had yellow ring Paul threaten the group in Brockton Bay that could beat the everloving crap out of him and steal his lunch money.

The light of the emotional electromagnetic spectrum is just that per DC canon- light.

Jade and Kyle once had to stop Dr Light from using his photokinesis from absorbing enough of the Glow from Kyle's battery to undergo apotheosis.

And what does Grue's power do? Eat light for lunch.

With the ring completely neutralized, does Yellow Ring Paul have the resources to deal with Regent's body control, Bitch's two ton dogs, etc?
Okay, my thoughts, for whatever they are worth. :)

First of all, why is yellow ring Paul wasting his time rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic?

Earth-Bet is undergoing an apocalypse, it's a slow apocalypse, but it's an apocalypse nonetheless. Killing criminals isn't going to stop that apocalypse.

Secondly, I find it quite amusing that the update had yellow ring Paul threaten the group in Brockton Bay that could beat the everloving crap out of him and steal his lunch money.

The light of the emotional electromagnetic spectrum is just that per DC canon- light.

Jade and Kyle once had to stop Dr Light from using his photokinesis from absorbing enough of the Glow from Kyle's battery to undergo apotheosis.

And what does Grue's power do? Eat light for lunch.

With the ring completely neutralized, does Yellow Ring Paul have the resources to deal with Regent's body control, Bitch's two ton dogs, etc?

He probably doesn't know about the apocalypse happening.

He doesn't need to actually use his constructs on the Undersides to defeat them, he can just shoot them like he did with Lung.

Zoat can just make it so that Grues powers don't work on power rings or Spectrum light.

He has advanced tech, so ha can use some device that prevents his body from being hijacked and he also has power armor to deal with super strong people.

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