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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

First, I'm shedding a blood tear for our good friend Red Lantern, who has overcome his "always angry" phase. I wish he was like this when he encountered the others, that way the final attack/collaboration would have been between the 3 main "evil" Lantern colors and their respective enlightened wielders! And I think he's the first Paul to have a biological kid, instead of adopted in some way.

Second, are we flipping a coin on the child and their characteristics? Not that I think they would be relative to the story as a character, because it would take a long time for that, but I'm curious if how or who they are has been decided. Male, female, powers, no-powers, do they get affected by their father having a deeper connection to the Red Light?

Third, it's so interesting to think how this would affect Red Lantern and Komand'r. One is now a Senior Lantern, so he doesn't necessarily need to be the "sector Lantern", does he get an apprentice to teach the ropes in 2814? Does Atrocitus give him some leave to take care of his nascent family? Obviously he has bigger responsibilities with the Red Corps now, but we don't know much of how they operate besides being violent dispensers of justice a.k.a "We are the Red Vengeance".

Oh, and I'm curious how Komand'r will adapt to being pregnant. I don't see her taking it easy, while Red Lantern would be more worried since he can't use his ring for medical reasons and I don't think he would just take what he remembers from Nightstar as gospel that the baby would be ok without some care. It is the first hybrid of its kind in this universe. Or maybe Komand'r overcompensates and decides to dedicate herself wholeheartedly to her baby because she wants to be a great mother (specially with how her personality is right now) and continues freaking everyone out by being so mellow and happy; while in the back of her head thinking that shed will definitely train her child to be some intergalactic badass that she will found an empire or something? This is so interesting!
Huh, when Zoat made Blaze, in comics canon a half human half demon child of the wizard Shazam a 100% biological human woman with a 100% soul made out of demonic energy, well I thought that was going to be the norm for cambions in this fic.

Being a manifestation of Zoat knowing what species are while apparently DC writers don't. Or just don't care.

So the indication that Raven is actually half demon biologically here surprises me.
Demons aren't exactly a different species. The are often humans that have gone through some transformations.
21st January 2006
11:28 GMT -5

Mr. Logan shakes his head in bewilderment.

"But, I mean, how does that even happen?"
Well, Garfield, when a man and a woman, or in this case a dimensionally-displaced formerly-soulless human and a cosmic-energy-augmented Tamaranean love each other very much... The White Light Entity goes to great lengths to bring new life into the universe!

I stop walking. The other Titans stop walking, except Koriand'r who keeps flying for a few moments before realising that she's left everyone else behind.

"In Europe, we joke about American sex education, but I always-"
Oh, come on. :p Garfield's family were scientists in biological fields... As if he wouldn't pick things up... Never mind what might happen to him when he takes an animal form with a female of similar species nearby.

He's blushing purple.

"-assumed that it was just a j-."

"No! I know how it works. My parents were naturalists. But you're different species!"
For a second, I wanted to make a joke about them walking around nude, but that's Naturists... Ah, if only Raul could explain about the White Light Entity and its' unique effects on Earth lifeforms... But that's probably a trade secret...

I gesture to Miss Roth with both hands.

"This is Raven." I generate a construct image of her mother. "This is Angela Roth, her mother. The hundred metre-tall four-eyed demon we all saw last week was her father. How did you think that worked?"
...And now I'm thinking of the 'Hot Skitty on Wailord Action' trope... I mean, yes, magic, but without that, I dread to imagine the mechanics of it... Then again, I'm also reminded of the Tribeswomen of Kooshkoosh island from Gold Digger - Giant women, normal sized men, fully compatible because the ladies were.. x3 normal-sized.. downstairs...

"I dunno." He blinks, his gaze growing distance and his head tilting to the left. "And honestly? I kinda wish I wasn't trying to picture it right now."

Miss Roth squeezes her eyes shut. "Magic. It was magic."
Because now she's picturing it, and the last thing she wants to think of is her parents having <shudder> Sex.

"I dunno." Mr. Stone shrugs. "Ah mean, he could change his size-."

Miss Roth opens her eyes just enough to glare at him. "It. Was. Magic."
"Now can we move on, please?" Yeah, I think Raven's had enough of the discussion of her parentage...

Koriand'r frowns, looking genuinely concerned.

"Friends, do you not understand the mechanisms of sexual intercourse?"
Ah, Kori, you delightful innocent... Who can fly through a battleship without noticing...


"On Tamaran we are far more open about such things. I can explain the functions of men and women in great detail if you would like?"
Cue horrified faces from all involved. Seriously, Tamaranean everything is weird enough, I don't want to hear about their reproductive processes...

I dismiss the construct and walk up the front steps of the manor house Komand'r and I recently purchased. We won't be moving in properly for a while due to all of the work needed to get it up to super vigilante specifications, but she wanted-.

She's in nesting mode. Do Tamaraneans do that?
Evidently so? I mean, it would kind of make sense for a race as combat-focused as Tamaraneans to have a pregnancy-induced Kindness switch-instinct-thing. If only to stop them injuring themselves or their mates during the duration. Though I suspect the males are in most danger during the delivery...

I reach into my right front pocket to pull out my key, but the door bursts open and Komand'r flies out, hitting me in the chest and lifting me off the ground into the sky as she embraces me!

"Isn't it wonderful! I sat outside this morning and it was like there was no one else on the entire planet!"
"Huh-Honey... Ribs... Cracking..." :D Yeah, I foresee that overcoming his environmental field...

Out of the corner of my eye I see Mr. Stone look confusedly between Koriand'r and Komand'r, then blink, then stare at Mr. Grayson with his eyebrows raised. It takes Mr. Grayson a moment to spot where Mr. Stone's gaze has ended up, but his frantic head-shaking does put a smile on my face.

I pull Komand'r close and kiss her, for a moment wishing that my ring was of any use for anything medical. I mean, I vaguely remember from the comics that Nightstar was perfectly healthy, but I haven't bothered making the sorts of contacts I'd need to cope with medical problems. Komand'r isn't vulnerable to human diseases and is very hard to hurt. The few time's she's been injured she's either ignored it or stuck a bandage over the cut for a few days.
Yes, Vic, We see what you're suggesting there. Unfortunately, unless Robin can get some physical augmentation, he may be in danger of a gender-flipped 'Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex' issue... :cool: Let's go with 'The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and easily bruised...' As for Komy's medical issues, perhaps the League might be willing? Or S.T.A.R Labs?

"Komand'r, I've found-."

No, she was hardly misplaced. But I'm sure this will be wonderfully saccharine...

Komand'r flies into Koriand'r, embracing her warmly. Koriand'r doesn't appear even slightly put off by that, even thought their relationship since Komand'r arrived on Earth two and a half years ago might charitably be described as 'tense'.

Komand'r is the woman I love, but even inside my head 'one-sided bitchathon' feels more honest. She never got to the stage of siccing alien bounty hunters on her again, but I don't think she's spoken a civil word to her in the entire time.
Well, this Starfire is pretty much the embodiment of 'All-loving hero', crossed with 'Scatter-brained ditz'... Of course she wouldn't hold a grudge to her sister!

"I am so happy to see you!"

"I am so happy to see you!"
o_O Oh, god... Would it be ironic to have a Violet Ring or at least a Star Sapphire gem turn up, attracted by all the loviedovieness? and then be confused as to which one to choose? :V

Miss Roth sighs quietly. "Now there's two of them. Great."

"I have a tiny hat for you!"
And here it comes... I doubt Komy has actually realised what's happening to her...

Koriand'r reaches up and puts a top hat about the size of an egg cup on Komand'r's head. Komand'r goes cross eyes trying to see it, then reaches up with both hands to feel it instead.

She gasps.
Hey, wait, this is..." :confused: Probably a way of signalling a pregnant woman to Tamaranean warriors during battles... Because what glory and honour would there be in slaying such a one? Hmm... Or maybe Pregnant Tamaraneans are far more dangerous than any normal fighter... :eek: And the hat is a warning sign!

"I love it! But-. Wait. This is-."

Koriand'r nods, grins, and offers Komand'r a… Small cake dripping with green… Something or other.
Hey, don't laugh! :p For all we know, it has a host of essential vitamins for the mother-to-be...

A bumble bee flies close to it, folds up and crashes to the ground in a fairly typical Earth reaction to Tamaranean food.

Komand'r blinks, turns her head away and then fires a blast from her eyes which freezes a small bush in an ice crystal.
...Wait, did you really not notice the freeze-vision earlier, Komy? Did you think you simply had a cold or something?

She turns my way.

"How did this happen?!"
Do I really have to repeat my opening? To sum up: White Light Entity shenanigans!

21st October 2005
10:23 GMT -5

"Why do you always put those things on?"
Good lord, it's a good thing this is on QQ... Would this have really flown on SB or SV?

I frown inquisitively, and she rolls her eyes.

"Do you really think that because we're both humanoid you can get me pregnant? Because that's not how biology works."
It is when Humans are involved, girl. Good lord, is the galaxy at large going to have some surprises coming when people get into space. And start boldly going.

"In medieval France there was a male religious order that got a group of female elementals pregnant. A being made of air and magic gave birth to a child. So yes, I think there's a definitely possibility."

She rolls her eyes harder.
Yes, the linked person is a real DC character. :confused: DC Earth is weird.

"Even if that was true, that's magic and your ring just does blood." She pulls the packet out of my hand and tosses it aside. "So don't bother. I want to feel you finish this time."

"If… If you're sure..?"
Well, it's your own fault, Komy. Don't claim innocence here!

21st January 2006
11:31 GMT -5

"Yes, but I didn't think you were serious!"
"I'm always serious. And don't call me Shirley."
"I... I didn't."
"Good grief, this universe doesn't have the Airplane movies either? What a cultural wasteland..."

"Um. I was."

Komand'r looks… Shocked and a little scared.
Blame the White Light Entity. The original 'Go forth and be fruitful'...


I float closer and put my hands on her shoulders.
Heh... Methinks the lady is a little concerned about the situation. :rolleyes: Ah, young mothers.

"Komand'r, I love you. We are financially secure and have no living enemies. This is as good a time as any."

And just like that the moment of hesitation never happened.
'No living enemies'... Ah, Raul, you smooth talker, you always know just what to say to a Lady of War...x3

"Okay. We're having a kid." Her right hand darts out, grabs the cake Koriand'r offered her and shoves it into her mouth. "Wph aw?"

"Does X'Hal do weddings?"
Ah, RL, I really don't think you know what you're opening yourself up for... Can you imagine the typical Tamaranean wedding? I'm picturing something like a gigantic bar-room brawl swirling around the bride and groom making calf-eyes at each other... Now scale that up for a Princess' ceremony!

Good gravy, I had such a grin on my face reading this whole chapter. Seriously, my cheeks are starting to ache. :oops: Ow... But I get the feeling Raul is going to be such a worrywart during the course of the pregnancy, even as Komy just goes with the flow. I honestly don't see her settling down at all, do you? She'll probably still leap into fights even on the eve of her due date...
But that's probably a trade secret...

Assuming he knows it's actually on the Earth.

Cue horrified faces from all involved. Seriously, Tamaranean everything is weird enough, I don't want to hear about their reproductive processes...

I'm now thinking of that scene in American Dad where Roger has sex with an alien and Klaus later describes it as like staring into the ass of God.

Though I suspect the males are in most danger during the delivery...

Yeah, I mean can you imagine a super strong woman crushing a man's fingers and blaming him for her pain when she's giving birth.

Oh, god... Would it be ironic to have a Violet Ring or at least a Star Sapphire gem turn up, attracted by all the loviedovieness? and then be confused as to which one to choose? :V

I think Kori would be willing to share.

Kom too, at least as long as her personality is like this.

Hey, wait, this is..." :confused: Probably a way of signalling a pregnant woman to Tamaranean warriors during battles... Because what glory and honour would there be in slaying such a one? Hmm... Or maybe Pregnant Tamaraneans are far more dangerous than any normal fighter... :eek: And the hat is a warning sign!

I think she was just pleased at the party hat.

Wait, did you really not notice the freeze-vision earlier, Komy? Did you think you simply had a cold or something?

It happened to Ben Tennyson when he was sick.

Maybe it also happens to Tamaraneans, but during pregnancy they also change their personality.

Don't claim innocence here!

She hasn't been innocent in a long time.

Ah, RL, I really don't think you know what you're opening yourself up for... Can you imagine the typical Tamaranean wedding? I'm picturing something like a gigantic bar-room brawl swirling around the bride and groom making calf-eyes at each other... Now scale that up for a Princess' ceremony!

I'm imagining some ritual combat and heartfelt declarations of love.
Ah, RL, I really don't think you know what you're opening yourself up for... Can you imagine the typical Tamaranean wedding? I'm picturing something like a gigantic bar-room brawl swirling around the bride and groom making calf-eyes at each other... Now scale that up for a Princess' ceremony!
In Blackfire's second episode we see what a Tamaranean wedding looks like.
I know there are other types of hybrids in comics, between alien species that don't involve humanity. But I like to think that, in fictional universes, humans in general have the reproductive capabilities of Viltrumites from the Invincible comics, i.e. we can fuck and breed any other sapient species we seem to encounter. And I never have any problem with that, maybe because I have been in the internet long enough.
Reminder that Blackfire had Kids with this Guy

"Komand'r, I love you. We are financially secure and have no living enemies. This is as good a time as any."
I'd find it implausible that a Red Lantern could avoid making more enemies than he put down in the most peaceful of settings. In a DC universe, with crazies and monsters coming out of the woodwork?
I'd find it implausible that a Red Lantern could avoid making more enemies than he put down in the most peaceful of settings. In a DC universe, with crazies and monsters coming out of the woodwork?

Just looked for a meme image relating to preventing children seeking revenge for the fate of their parents by killing them too at the same time and man did I see some depressing websites. Fiction, Google! Fiction!
"So don't bother. I want to feel you finish this time."

the amazing thing about being born and raised in a country founded by puritanical religious fundamentalists is that while this statement makes me uncomfortable, i have no problem expressing my wanton desire to set new hedonistic standards with Beulah Bleak. it's truly mind-bending sometimes.
As stupid as that abstinence video linked to in this chapter is, the line "Socks don't protect my heart" is hilarious.
She gasps.

"I love it! But-. Wait. This is-."

Koriand'r nods, grins, and offers Komand'r a… Small cake dripping with green… Something or other.

A bumble bee flies close to it, folds up and crashes to the ground in a fairly typical Earth reaction to Tamaranean food.

Komand'r blinks, turns her head away and then fires a blast from her eyes which freezes a small bush in an ice crystal.

She turns my way.

"How did this happen?!"
So I take it that the doctor(or whatever she met on Tamaran) hadn't told her yet?
Ah, Kori, you delightful innocent... Who can fly through a battleship without noticing...
Please tell me there is a link?
For a second, I wanted to make a joke about them walking around nude, but that's Naturists... Ah, if only Raul could explain about the White Light Entity and its' unique effects on Earth lifeforms... But that's probably a trade secret...
I'd want to take the opportunity to make a remark that on any given day I can end up seeing over a hundred different events and things that don't make any kind of logical sense to me since the day I appeared in your crazy universe. Like your "T" Mansion never being so damaged that it loses enough mass to so much as an "I" let alone a standard skyscraper or less. And yet it always returns to a pristine "T" shape with out nary a blemish on the grassy island. Not to mention I've never once seen a repair or construction crew on this whole city save that one time I hired one to build my lair.
Then hopefully get an explanation.
Up to Chapter 42.

I have to say, having had to deal with setting up accounts for my (USA-based) employer with the tax revenue offices of Canada and some of its provinces *glares at Quebec and Ontario in particular* for the past fourteen months, having to just travel to Ysmault and defeat Senior Lantern Kultonious in single combat in order to successfully submit forms sounds positively delightful.
Up to Chapter 42.

I have to say, having had to deal with setting up accounts for my (USA-based) employer with the tax revenue offices of Canada and some of its provinces *glares at Quebec and Ontario in particular* for the past fourteen months, having to just travel to Ysmault and defeat Senior Lantern Kultonious in single combat in order to successfully submit forms sounds positively delightful.

You can punch a bureaucrat in the face.

What's not to love.

Granted you may die in this case, but you can punch a bureaucrat, so it may be worth it.
You can punch a bureaucrat in the face.

What's not to love.

Granted you may die in this case, but you can punch a bureaucrat, so it may be worth it.

Sadly, the bureaucrats in question are between hundreds and thousands of miles away, so unless you're offering me a Power Ring or something...

I say "Hello" and they're like "oh, an ENGLISH speaker".
Up to Chapter 42.

I have to say, having had to deal with setting up accounts for my (USA-based) employer with the tax revenue offices of Canada and some of its provinces *glares at Quebec and Ontario in particular* for the past fourteen months, having to just travel to Ysmault and defeat Senior Lantern Kultonious in single combat in order to successfully submit forms sounds positively delightful.

I had something of the reverse of this just before covid hit. A former employer of mine wanting me to go do a few months in Alaska, and then freezing up when I asked about a work visa and income tax. He of course was looking to work out of Ontario because his engineering stamp was taken away due to some rather threatening conversations he had with the local government here, which the fellow he was contracting for had to physically restrain him before it got beyond threatening.

Of course the plans he tried to get me into before THAT involved Peru, and his idea to placate my worries of being stuck in the Andes (with him) was that he was gonna build an armory on site and stock it full of AK's of questionable providence.

As for the tax folks themselves, dated one of the gals at the local center. Their favorite part of the day was getting a terribly written, horribly incorrect form, and saying "oops I know this person" and then handing it down the line to the next unfortunate soul so as not to have a 'conflict of interest'.
I had something of the reverse of this just before covid hit. A former employer of mine wanting me to go do a few months in Alaska, and then freezing up when I asked about a work visa and income tax. He of course was looking to work out of Ontario because his engineering stamp was taken away due to some rather threatening conversations he had with the local government here, which the fellow he was contracting for had to physically restrain him before it got beyond threatening.

Of course the plans he tried to get me into before THAT involved Peru, and his idea to placate my worries of being stuck in the Andes (with him) was that he was gonna build an armory on site and stock it full of AK's of questionable providence.

As for the tax folks themselves, dated one of the gals at the local center. Their favorite part of the day was getting a terribly written, horribly incorrect form, and saying "oops I know this person" and then handing it down the line to the next unfortunate soul so as not to have a 'conflict of interest'.

lol, ok you win the crazy-boss competition :)
lol, ok you win the crazy-boss competition :)

Oh those were just the low hanging fruit, working for Mr [Redacted] was a real treat for crazy boss stories. I'm just glad I survived them.

I have no issues with having firearms around for anti-critter use when doing field work (black bears on the job was something that just happens in these parts), but this joker had to go out and get his tacticool shotgun. A Short barrel, heat shield, Breaching muzzle thing all dolled up by RIA.

And then he wished to mount it in the truck.


I go to install the racks, but he stops me to bitch about it, and we argue. Mostly because he wanted it mounted (Loaded) in the side of the truck cab tool box....with the barrel pointing forwards....which if you follow that line, is directly at the back of the drivers head. I disagreed, loudly, and preferred to point it away from the driver, to the rear of the truck. This gets heated for a bit before his wife / fellow company employee came out to see what the noise was, and upon hearing about it called him an idiot on my behalf. Woman was a saint.

Same Shotgun, same Wife a few weeks later. He sticks me with doing some MET station assembly (and baby sitting his damned springer spaniel, which is damned hard to do from 3 stories in the air) while they go to the creek a klick or so down the trail. Now...when he was picking out shotguns, it was suggested to him strongly to get a cross bolt safety, vs a tang safety, because, as he was about to learn, a tang safety can get knocked around when you are bush whacking. I KNOW he's had issues with a negligent discharge in the past, and considering how he ran the company, and handled his tools, I was leery of being around him when he was carrying.

He came out of the bush, with a loaded, and thanks to a few branches, unsafe shotgun, pointed directly at his Wife. Because of course she was breaking trail and because muzzle control is for other people. Now Fortunately nothing goes off, except possibly his blood pressure once he and she both spotted the issue of him waving a loaded weapon at her.

A while later he sells the thing (which is a story of it's own) and picks out his new field gun.

A Mare's Leg.

For those that don't know what that is, think of your average western lever gun, but shorten the barrel and stock way down to something you could tuck in your coat. Legally it's a bit of an oddball case, in the States it'd be classified as a Pistol, but up here it's a Long Gun Legally Speaking. Problem is the 'Legally speaking' part is that if it's Built and Sold that short it's fine, but if you cut a full sized rifle down to those same spec's it's a Prohibited Weapon, same as making a sawed off shotgun would be.

The problem is that Conservation Officers aren't particularly well educated on this nuanced legal issue. And they can't tell the difference from a distance. They also do not give a fuck about debating said issue when they find you have the thing in the field out of season. They also don't take well to shit talk, nor threats. Only thing that saved him from court was having all his paperwork handy to back himself up and some very patient folks paying for him to be there.
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