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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

He supported the omnicidal maniac against the Qwardian version of Paul.
He supported a regime that would result in a self-destructive society of mad scientists against one that would turn the mad scientists into a potential galaxy level conquering society that wouldn't mind selling their signature and otherwise impossible to get qwa-matter weaponry to other would be galaxy/universe conquering/destroying organizations. The only thing Paul noted would be that the Qwardians, if they stay as they are, will only really be a threat to the universe if the Anti-Monitor returned. If that happened, there would be a universe wide disaster with or without the Qwardians.
He supported a regime that would result in a self-destructive society of mad scientists against one that would turn the mad scientists into a potential galaxy level conquering society that wouldn't mind selling their signature and otherwise impossible to get qwa-matter weaponry to other would be galaxy/universe conquering/destroying organizations. The only thing Paul noted would be that the Qwardians, if they stay as they are, will only really be a threat to the universe if the Anti-Monitor returned. If that happened, there would be a universe wide disaster with or without the Qwardians.

Or Kaladin gets things together and they are less self-destructive. SI gas a way of getting people to be more effective.

Especially since its not like Qwa matter is actually that much worse than a lot of other weapons that they sell anyways. Someone rational is someone he can work with. There are plenty of societies tjat conquer. One that is semi-friendly seems better as a potential ally.
Especially since its not like Qwa matter is actually that much worse than a lot of other weapons that they sell anyways.

I'm pretty sure it is more dangerous than the other weapons they sell.

The stuff is basically pure destruction.

It may have been the stuff the Anti-Monitor used to destroy universes.

Also, there doesn't appear to be any way to defend against it.

It's like saying that a nuke and a gun are the same level of destruction, when they're not.
Mr Zoat, for some reason, the folder for Episode 40: Carpe Tempus on the TOC doesn't show all of the parts of that episode.

Edit: I just found that it's a problem with the folder for January-June of 2011.

Edit 2: It seems to be fixed now. Thanks!
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Maladaptive (part 15)
22nd July 2012
14:58 GMT -5

"Is this really necessary?"

Mr. Simpson is bound in current generation suppression chains, and since he's maintaining his human-seeming appearance it does look a bit like overkill.


John Quinn is in full Dr. Fate regalia, something which still gets a twitch out of me when I see it.

Angelica nods.

"You are a demon lord and an accomplished magician. You will stay in the chains until we have determined what to do with you."

Angelica on the other hand is wearing a business suit, but that's probably because she was doing a normal working day before getting called in. With Satanus out of the picture and his cultists in prison on a variety of charges, she's… Not Bruce Wayne rich, but certainly comfortable.

"Though, naturally, the more helpful you are, the more likely we are to reach an agreement that suits you as well."

"I already told you where all the ritual sites are. I'll take you to the ones in cyberspace if you want, just… Please don't let them take me back."

Dr. Balewa is simply dressed as is his wont, but he's in full Dr. Mist mode and my eyes are having a little difficulty in focusing properly on his physical body. It's like his flesh is… Simplified, while his body paint stands out more and is more… More alive. His outline wavers slightly as his body returns to normal, and he nods.

"It is as he says. It will take several days to render them inert, but it is well within our abilities."

"And what will the practical effects of that be?"

Dr. Balewa closes his eyes as he considers.

"It.. is.. hard to say. It may be thet we will find thet the God of Technology is now much closer to coming awake, but it may well be thet the forced exposure in fact pushes it further from the world. In either case, these manifestations should cease once the spells are dissolved."

"Until they start again." Angelica wing-shrugs. "All Richard's efforts achieved is to bring forward the point at which they start."

Dr. Balewa shakes his head. "I am not convinced. If the mind is not prepared, the shock of exposure would naturally be far worse."

"If it's a problem, I should be able to feed it to the Ophidian."

John's helmet jerks in my direction. "No."

Dr. Balewa nods, raising his right hand in a pacifying gesture. "Thet would.. not be wise. A god like this emerging into the world is traumatic enough without it being one with the concept of avarice. I will dive deeply into the Dream, and learn what I can of it. Then we can discuss the matter further."

Angelica nods. "Agreed. We'll need to brief the rest of the League as well. How we deal with emergent gods is a policy question."

"It seems more like a political decision rather than dealing with a threat or providing aid. Given the breadth of its influence, do you think it's worth referring the matter to the Security Council?"

Dr. Balewa waves his right hand. "Perhaps, when we have a better idea of what is happening and can… Eh…"

Angelica smiles. "Dumb it down for them."

"Explain it in terms they can understand without a lifetime of study."

Richard's face falls.

"Yes, I'm sure that's great, but how does it help me?"

"I know where your remains are. It shouldn't be hard for me to clone a copy of your body."

He frowns.

"I can't possess something without a soul."

"How about an android body? We already know how to incorporate thaumic elements into the design."

"If I'm just hiding, the wards would have to be really good."

Angelica frowns. "Why not just create a giant demonic robot and tell everyone that you're leaving it in charge while you pursue a scheme on Earth? It could take centuries before it occurs to anyone to question it."

"If it's clever enough to run things then it's clever enough to want to be in charge for real. And clever enough to find me."

"Then build one that's just clever enough to be a stalking horse. Anyone who wants to overthrow you will have to attack the obvious target first, which will give you plenty of warning."

"He can stay here." John gestures at the Tower's interior with his left hand. "The Tower is proof against demons, and it can keep an eye on him when I'm not here."

Mr. Simpson doesn't look thrilled at the prospect. "I do want to actually have a life."

"I have a workshop you can occupy. It's disconnected from the Earth, so I don't have to worry about you transferring yourself out."

"I think I prefer the robot option."

"If Orange Lantern wants to be your parole officer and monitor you all day every day, then he can build a robot body for you."

I look into Richard Simpson with empathic vision. He's a tricky one. He never went through Hell's inefficient conversion process. He's being honest about his motives, but… He's been in Hell on survival mode for a long time. I can't trust him not to do the demon thing of seeking power regardless of consequences.

"That's… Not practical. I go off-planet for extended periods, and you know how that messes magic up. How about just asking Mammon for help?"

"No no no no no." Richard shakes his head emphatically. "That's a terrible idea. He's had a downsizing obsession since the eighties! He'll have me broken up for parts! Or just broken up and stuck back together with the bits he doesn't like missing!"

Angelica nods. "He probably would."

"Alright, compromise. We build a basic robot body for you but you stay here. Doctor Fate serves as your parole officer. If he judges that granting you more freedom is worth the risk, if you make yourself useful, then you get more freedom."

"I don't understand why you're being so hostile. I died fighting a doomsday cult!"

Through the Helmet's eye holes I see John's eyes narrow.

"If you wanted forbearance then you shouldn't have attacked the Justice League. You're being given a chance because no one was seriously hurt."

And because the League isn't especially eager for the existence of the Watchtower to become common knowledge. For some reason. If it was me I'd probably find its existence reassuring.

Richard sighs. "I suppose it's better than Hell." He rattles his chains weakly. "Can you do something about this now?"

John holds out his right hand, a glowing golden ankh appearing in the air next to it. The binding chains vanish, appearing in a coil by my feet. A far simpler binding collar with an ankh decoration appears around Richard's neck. He takes hold of it with his right hand and tugs it up to look at it, then drops it with a shrug.

"I'll need to go back to Earth to build the robot. Do you want one that looks like you, or one that doesn't?"

"If I'm staying in here, it doesn't really matter."

I nod. "Alright, I'll get on with that. But while we're all here… No one's heard anything about what John Constantine's been doing with himself?"

Angelica and Dr. Balewa shake their heads.

"Huh. Okay. Could you please send out some feelers? I'm starting to get a little concerned."
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Not Bruce Wayne rich

Few people are.

"It is as he says. It will take several days to render them inert, but it is well within our abilities."

It.. is. hard to say. It may be thet we will find thet the God of Technology is now much closer to coming awake, but it may well be thet the forced exposure in fact pushes it further from the world. In either case, these manifestations should cease once the spells are dissolved."

I am not convinced. If the mind is not prepared, the shock of exposure would naturally be far worse."

Dr. Balewa nods, raising his right hand in a pacifying gesture. "Thet would.. not be wise. A god like this emerging into the world is traumatic enough without it being one with the concept of avarice. I will dive deeply into the Dream, and learn what I can of it. Then we can discuss the matter further."

Perhaps, when we have a better idea of what is happening and can… Eh…"

"Explain it in terms they can understand without a lifetime of study.

Mists quote marks should be white.

I look into Richard Simpson with empathic vision. He's a tricky one. He never went through Hell's inefficient conversion process. He's being honest about his motives, but… He's been in Hell on survival mode for a long time. I can't trust him not to do the demon thing of seeking power regardless of consequences

I think he was also put into some kind of time acceleration thing by Agony and Ecstasy, and if I remember correctly he said he spent several decades there before Satanus let him out.

That's a terrible idea. He's had a downsizing obsession since the eighties


Either he inspired corporations during the 80s, or they inspired him.

Probably because they don't want people to associate them with being above them and looking down on them.

If it was me I'd probably find its existence reassuring.

But most people aren't you. And in many ways, that is good.

Balewa shakes their heads.


Huh. Okay. Could you please send out some feelers? I'm starting to get a little concerned."

Just a little?

You should be panicking and writing up your will right now.

"It.. is. hard to say

'It...is hard' remove .
I nod. "Alright, I'll get on with that. But while we're all here… No one's heard anything about what John Constantine's been doing with himself?"

Angelica and Dr. Balewa shakes their heads.

"Huh. Okay. Could you please send out some feelers? I'm starting to get a little concerned."
Hopefully this means we'll see him soon. Whenever it is, it should involve something big and probably have end of the world consequences, because it Constantine.
I feel sorry for Ritchie, but at the same time... this was a bad scheme to try to escape Hell. And why is he trying to escape Hell and leave his position behind? Honestly, I believe in his position it would be better to embrace the "better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven" perspective, because I don't think he's going to Heaven any time soon.

He should have tried to do something like Satanus, keep his ruling position in Hell while establishing a new identity on Earth. I mean, once you are a Demon there are only a few options to escape all the suffering, and after he managed to achieve rulership of one of the circles he isn't exactly being tortured. It's still Hell, but now you are part of management, it can't get better down there.
22nd July 2012
"I don't understand why you're being so hostile. I died fighting a doomsday cult!"

Yeeeesss, but as a I recall after John helped you get a new body (the Demon one) you tried to kill him, you also cause a midsized or larger headache with the God of Technology thing and tried to do a Faustian bargain with a innocent young lady. Also you are a fairly high ranking Demon
And why is he trying to escape Hell and leave his position behind?

Because it's Hell.

He explained it in the previous chapter.

It's full of demons and tortured souls.

The demons probably want to take over his position and may want to eat him and he's surrounded by souls that are tortured in ways that would probably make the tortures the Nazis inflicted seem like a day in the spa.

He's surrounded by things that want him gone and things that are so broken that soon they'll be serving as some demons table or underwear.

At least on Earth he won't be surrounded by evil monsters anymore.
22nd July 2012
14:58 GMT -5

"Is this really necessary?"

Mr. Simpson is bound in current generation suppression chains, and since he's maintaining his human-seeming appearance it does look a bit like overkill.
Yes. Very much yes. Just because you're playing nice now, doesn't mean you won't have a fit of demonic Chronic Backstabbing Disorder. And the last thing anyone needs right now is a technological demon running loose.


John Quinn is in full Dr. Fate regalia, something which still gets a twitch out of me when I see it.
To be fair, depending on the style, that could just as easily be down to the 'underpants on the outside' look as the memories of Nabu riding Zatara. Even the most modern version of the union suit (from the New 52 'Earth 2' series) had a lot of 'classical' junk about the trunk...

Angelica nods.

"You are a demon lord and an accomplished magician. You will stay in the chains until we have determined what to do with you."
Plus, the whole making a (admittedly innocent) demonic pact with a teenage girl. That probably hits some hot buttons for her.

Angelica on the other hand is wearing a business suit, but that's probably because she was doing a normal working day before getting called in. With Satanus out of the picture and his cultists in prison on a variety of charges, she's… Not Bruce Wayne rich, but certainly comfortable.

"Though, naturally, the more helpful you are, the more likely we are to reach an agreement that suits you as well."
Heh, nothing like a classy suit combined with wings to make a lady look damn good. Assuming she's not doing the Warren Worthington thing of tucking her wings away to hide them.

"I already told you where all the ritual sites are. I'll take you to the ones in cyberspace if you want, just… Please don't let them take me back."

Dr. Balewa is simply dressed as is his wont, but he's in full Dr. Mist mode and my eyes are having a little difficulty in focusing properly on his physical body. It's like his flesh is… Simplified, while his body paint stands out more and is more… More alive. His outline wavers slightly as his body returns to normal, and he nods.
And I'm picturing him looking like a living cartoon character wrapped in realistic CG tattoos...Quite the image... Though now I wonder how Simpson set up ritual spaces in cyberspace. Websites with a particularly demonic layout?

"It is as he says. It will take several days to render them inert, but it is well within our abilities."

"And what will the practical effects of that be?"
We can but hope it hasn't induced a premature awakening of the Machine. Last thing you want is a miscarriage.

Dr. Balewa closes his eyes as he considers.

"It.. is. hard to say. It may be thet we will find thet the God of Technology is now much closer to coming awake, but it may well be thet the forced exposure in fact pushes it further from the world. In either case, these manifestations should cease once the spells are dissolved."
Though I don't doubt Ted will still have people studying the assembly plant automata to see if they can replicate the effects...

"Until they start again." Angelica wing-shrugs. "All Richard's efforts achieved is to bring forward the point at which they start."

Dr. Balewa shakes his head. "I am not convinced. If the mind is not prepared, the shock of exposure would naturally be far worse."
So, sooner than hoped for, but not in a premature sense. The Machine will simply be a little less fully formed at worst. It'll just be a matter of keeping anyone from trying this again...

"If it's a problem, I should be able to feed it to the Ophidian."

John's helmet jerks in my direction. "No."
He's right. For all you know, that could see the Ophidian consume Earth's ability to comprehend technology.

Dr. Balewa nods, raising his right hand in a pacifying gesture. "Thet would.. not be wise. A god like this emerging into the world is traumatic enough without it being one with the concept of avarice. I will dive deeply into the Dream, and learn what I can of it. Then we can discuss the matter further."

Angelica nods. "Agreed. We'll need to brief the rest of the League as well. How we deal with emergent gods is a policy question."
To be fair, while the Machine isn't likely to be the only god emerging from modern culture, some of them might well be less dangerous. A trickster god of Internet Trolls, for example. Or a goddess of.. Uh, let's call it 'Unconventional Romantic Fiction.' :p She's a bit of a shut-in.

"It seems more like a political decision rather than dealing with a threat or providing aid. Given the breadth of its influence, do you think it's worth referring the matter to the Security Council?"

Dr. Balewa waves his right hand. "Perhaps, when we have a better idea of what is happening and can… Eh…"
Avoid the blank glances and confused stares? The whole 'this is really a thing' disbelief?

Angelica smiles. "Dumb it down for them."

"Explain it in terms they can understand without a lifetime of study."
Trust the man who understands Life to be more diplomatic about the idea.

Richard's face falls.

"Yes, I'm sure that's great, but how does it help me?"

"I know where your remains are. It shouldn't be hard for me to clone a copy of your body."
Body, yes. Make a Hollow Man, that'll work out well. If you do that, I'd probably also add spiritual bindings to prevent him slipping his leash...

He frowns.

"I can't possess something without a soul."

"How about an android body? We already know how to incorporate thaumic elements into the design."
You can be a test subject for the proof of concept! And who wouldn't want a cool super robotic body? I mean, it's not like you can't give it some bells and whistles to beat out the old body.

"If I'm just hiding, the wards would have to be really good."

Angelica frowns. "Why not just create a giant demonic robot and tell everyone that you're leaving it in charge while you pursue a scheme on Earth? It could take centuries before it occurs to anyone to question it."
Honestly, that could work. Demons are real dumb like that. Just look at how Satannus got on.

"If it's clever enough to run things then it's clever enough to want to be in charge for real. And clever enough to find me."

"Then build one that's just clever enough to be a stalking horse. Anyone who wants to overthrow you will have to attack the obvious target first, which will give you plenty of warning."
Just as long as you make it strong enough to defend itself, but leave some well-hidden hooks to make it easier to stop if it does get ideas.

"He can stay here." John gestures at the Tower's interior with his left hand. "The Tower is proof against demons, and it can keep an eye on him when I'm not here."

Mr. Simpson doesn't look thrilled at the prospect. "I do want to actually have a life."
Maybe once you've proved you're not going to pull any more demonically dumb plans.

"I have a workshop you can occupy. It's disconnected from the Earth, so I don't have to worry about you transferring yourself out."

"I think I prefer the robot option."
It will still take time to build. Where did you think you were going to stay, a Hilton?

"If Orange Lantern wants to be your parole officer and monitor you all day every day, then he can build a robot body for you."

I look into Richard Simpson with empathic vision. He's a tricky one. He never went through Hell's inefficient conversion process. He's being honest about his motives, but… He's been in Hell on survival mode for a long time. I can't trust him not to do the demon thing of seeking power regardless of consequences.
Good plan. After all, he pulled this shit. Presumably what little good sense he had got left behind when his body died...

"That's… Not practical. I go off-planet for extended periods, and you know how that messes magic up. How about just asking Mammon for help?"

"No no no no no." Richard shakes his head emphatically. "That's a terrible idea. He's had a downsizing obsession since the eighties! He'll have me broken up for parts! Or just broken up and stuck back together with the bits he doesn't like missing!"
...Kind of like what OL did to Mammon? Good to see him paying it forwards.

Angelica nods. "He probably would."

"Alright, compromise. We build a basic robot body for you but you stay here. Doctor Fate serves as your parole officer. If he judges that granting you more freedom is worth the risk, if you make yourself useful, then you get more freedom."
But be very clear that you'll have multiple kill-switches, just in case of any backsliding. And don't let him know about all of them.

"I don't understand why you're being so hostile. I died fighting a doomsday cult!"

Through the Helmet's eye holes I see John's eyes narrow.

"If you wanted forbearance then you shouldn't have attacked the Justice League. You're being given a chance because no one was seriously hurt."
Well, this time around. After all, if this didn't work, you know he'd have kept trying stupid plan after stupid plan.

And because the League isn't especially eager for the existence of the Watchtower to become common knowledge. For some reason. If it was me I'd probably find its existence reassuring.

Richard sighs. "I suppose it's better than Hell." He rattles his chains weakly. "Can you do something about this now?"
And, to be honest, I doubt it has quite the same level of 'Sword of Damocles' threat inherent to its having significant firepower, given that it's a repurposed Green Lantern Corp Watch-house, rather than a human-built satellite. After all, people know that the Green Lanterns have rules about that sort of thing, I would hope.

John holds out his right hand, a glowing golden ankh appearing in the air next to it. The binding chains vanish, appearing in a coil by my feet. A far simpler binding collar with an ankh decoration appears around Richard's neck. He takes hold of it with his right hand and tugs it up to look at it, then drops it with a shrug.
Oh, don't look so glum. I'm sure it's rather fetching... :p Even if it might kind of make you look like Fate's BDSM pet...

"I'll need to go back to Earth to build the robot. Do you want one that looks like you, or one that doesn't?"

"If I'm staying in here, it doesn't really matter."
Hmm, what synthetic humanoid aesthetic to go for, then? Personally, I'd go for the Sorayama pin-up-style chrome. That's a fun kind of cool.

I nod. "Alright, I'll get on with that. But while we're all here… No one's heard anything about what John Constantine's been doing with himself?"

Angelica and Dr. Balewa shakes their heads.

"Huh. Okay. Could you please send out some feelers? I'm starting to get a little concerned."
Gods, finally he asks for help on it. Seriously, who knows what kind of trouble John's been getting into while he's been out of sight? I know neither of them know Constantine well enough to worry, but Quinn at least should be able to emphasize the importance of knowing where his namesake is...

Of course, you know there's a good chance Constantine will find OL, once he hears about people looking for him. After all, no matter how powerful he might become, he's still got that healthy streak of paranoia. I'm betting we'll also see some wrap-up with Ted, and maybe Gemma, in the next couple of chapters, barring a cut-away to an alternate Paul. ;) And there's still that medical/spiritual check-up for OL to be dealing with...
Plus, the whole making a (admittedly innocent) demonic pact with a teenage girl. That probably hits some hot buttons for her.

It may remind her of her pre Angel time.

A trickster god of Internet Trolls, for example.

If we ignore it, it will go away.

And who wouldn't want a cool super robotic body?

Dr Wheelo from the DBZ Abridged movie.

He really wanted an organic body.

Oh, don't look so glum. I'm sure it's rather fetching... :p Even if it might kind of make you look like Fate's BDSM pet...

Master Quinn.

barring a cut-away to an alternate Paul. ;)

Common Sense Paul come to us!
On the one hand, do we really WANT to find Constantine?

On the other, how long has it been since anyone made sure he wasn't about to summon a plague demon?
It would be great if Constantine were simply hanging out with his alternate-timeline twin after he gave him a helping hand.

Finally. A world where his family wasn't always on eggshells.

Oh wait. That guy tried to posses John. It obviously didn't work out but I don't recall it ever resolving itself.
Anyone willing to explain things to poor forgetful me?
It would be great if Constantine were simply hanging out with his alternate-timeline twin after he gave him a helping hand.

Finally. A world where his family wasn't always on eggshells.

Oh wait. That guy tried to posses John. It obviously didn't work out but I don't recall it ever resolving itself.
Anyone willing to explain things to poor forgetful me?

If you're talking about Golden Boy, then there's a chance that Quinn is Golden Boy.
"Because he's a Lord of Order and a Lord of Chaos! I'd love to try and work out how he did it, but if there's anything I've learned in Hell it's that there are things and people you don't mess around with if you can avoid it. And he's both."
I'm fairly certain that he was on that list well before his power upgrade. Afterwards, I could see some dumbass thinking 'Well someone's pulled a fast one on Dream before, how hard could it be?' Right before John shows up and whispers in their ear 'Pretty fucking hard, mate.'

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