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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Zoat, if Larfleeze's ring was partially in the Honden in a way that Paul was capable of re-substantiating it, does that mean Teekl is in the Honden someplace, waiting for Paul to do the same thing to her?

He only really became aware of the Honden after leaving Earth, didn't he?

I think(?) someone already asked that, and the answer was no from what I recall.

Not sure if a reason was ever given, but I'd imagine that Teekle's "essence" or whatever was used up in the ritual that Turned Constantine into a Lord of Chaos.

Could just be me misremembering though.
More to the point, I'm pretty sure that the TVA would either prune or forcibly recruit him.

So that's how we'll get another crossover of Pauls.

Now we need to see a Paul get his hand bitten off by an alligator and another one to get together with a female version of Paul.
God I forgot that shit show even existed.
Well, it was the first Avengers movie for the new Thanos of the MCU, so be prepared to remember it moving forward, because it's going to be important.

The new Doctor Strange and Spider-Man movies are only possible because of its ending, and Kang himself is going to show up as the villain of the new Amt-Man movie.
I think Zeus would consider Genghis an amateur.
Would he? While I'd buy that Zeus has more children than him, most of Zeus's children didn't have children themselves while most of Khan's did. Also seeing that that in Young Justice, Vandal Savage is Genghis Khan and all metahumans are descendant from him, he probably has even more descendants than Khan does in our world.

My comment was a response to Vaermina, but I might as well explain anyways.

War Crime Simulator:Space Edition RimWorld is a game about harvesting your enemies (and probably "friends") organs and skin for profit colony building game set in a sci-fi future, and basically every player agrees that mountain bases (that is to say a base you dig into a mountain, not a base on a mountain) are optimal.

Enemy can use drop pods? Mountain base.

Need to set up a hyper-efficient death trap/kill-box? Mountain base.

Want resources? Dig out a mountain base.

An infestation of genetically engineered super insects has popped up in your mountain base? Use all that stone you just mined up to put some fancy tiles down you philistine.

Don't want you base to burn down? Mountain base. (Assuming you don't use wood or steel for anything inside it anyways.)
Also seeing that that in Young Justice, Vandal Savage is Genghis Khan and all metahumans are descendant from him, he probably has even more descendants than Khan does in our world.

Just as a clarification, that doesn't apply to this fic. I think that comes from 3rd season? Which Mr. Zoat isn't following. Here Vandal Savage was some other guy, the Illustres granted him that Savage was one of the more administrative and smartest of the warlord subordinates of Genghis Khan, but he wasn't the guy, nor is he the father of metahumans (what a BS, by the way) in this fic.
Just as a clarification, that doesn't apply to this fic. I think that comes from 3rd season? Which Mr. Zoat isn't following. Here Vandal Savage was some other guy, the Illustres granted him that Savage was one of the more administrative and smartest of the warlord subordinates of Genghis Khan, but he wasn't the guy, nor is he the father of metahumans (what a BS, by the way) in this fic.

Though Vandal is the ancestor of most of humanity in this fic, as stated by paragon.
Just as a clarification, that doesn't apply to this fic. I think that comes from 3rd season? Which Mr. Zoat isn't following. Here Vandal Savage was some other guy, the Illustres granted him that Savage was one of the more administrative and smartest of the warlord subordinates of Genghis Khan, but he wasn't the guy, nor is he the father of metahumans (what a BS, by the way) in this fic.
That was the Renegade.
Though Vandal is the ancestor of most of humanity in this fic, as stated by paragon.
He didn't check. It was an offhand comment.
Here Vandal Savage was some other guy, the Illustres granted him that Savage was one of the more administrative and smartest of the warlord subordinates of Genghis Khan, but he wasn't the guy, nor is he the father of metahumans (what a BS, by the way) in this fic.
I don't hate it as an explanation for the metagene, but in my mind metahumans are basically the Fifth World equivalent of New Gods, just a lot more limited/specialized in what they can do at this point in time. But I think that's mostly just my headcanon.
I don't hate it as an explanation for the metagene, but in my mind metahumans are basically the Fifth World equivalent of New Gods, just a lot more limited/specialized in what they can do at this point in time. But I think that's mostly just my headcanon.
I've always thought of them as just DC's mutants. They evolved from humans there's no specific ancestor or cosmic reason just nature doing it's thing
I've always thought of them as just DC's mutants. They evolved from humans there's no specific ancestor or cosmic reason just nature doing it's thing

Marvel's mutants are the result of Celestials playing god with the human genome.

Likewise DC's humanity has at least four aliens that take credit for human evolution- White Martians, the alien slavemasters who interbred their biocrystal android slaves with proto-humanity in Xenobrood, the lovecraftian Cancer God that claims to have been on Earth since life first burst from the muck, and New God lore is that Earth is the 5th world which makes humans New New Gods to be.

Humanity was also supposed to be the new Guardians of the Universe but status quo is god.
Marvel's mutants are the result of Celestials playing god with the human genome.

Likewise DC's humanity has at least four aliens that take credit for human evolution- White Martians, the alien slavemasters who interbred their biocrystal android slaves with proto-humanity in Xenobrood, the lovecraftian Cancer God that claims to have been on Earth since life first burst from the muck, and New God lore is that Earth is the 5th world which makes humans New New Gods to be.

Humanity was also supposed to be the new Guardians of the Universe but status quo is god.
I'm sure all of this is cannon and on some comic book written by some author, but it's all bullshit. You can have people with powers without all this cosmic nonsense you don't need to give pho-scientific explanations for comic book logic. Just say some people have powers cause reason X and move on.
Sungate (part 9)
11th September 2012
14:32 GMT

A bowl of fruit sits on the table next to my right hand; a species like unusually large grapes and another like strangely misshapen apples fight for my curiosity. Given that agricultural goods are one of the few things that planets like this can offer the wider galaxy in trade, I make a point of not scanning them.

Melinoë's eyes are fixed on the grand entrance to the waiting room. I'm not sure whether she's eagerly awaiting them opening or if she just doesn't want to lose out on any scowling time. Gaudia is more interested in the attendants who lurk nervously at the corners of the room. Teal-skinned examples of the local humanoid species, their clothing puts me in mind of oriental styles… And their slightly larger than average eye orbits reminds me uncomfortably of the qwardians.

Aporia's on her third near-apple.


Melinoë closes her eyes for a moment, and I can practically hear her think 'give me strength'.

"You are not as resistant to poison in this form as you are in Erebos. And gorging yourself will slow your mind."

Aporia's eyes widen as she swallows.

"You actually expect me to use my mind?"

"Yes. We are dealing with a break away pantheon who rule an entire world. I assume that you have at least enough ambition to envy them their achievement."

Aporia waves her half-eaten near-apple.

"Not really."

"Really? I'd have.. thought that the Goddess of Desire would feel that more strongly than anyone."

"No? I mean, aside from the fact that I got 'desire' because no one else had picked it yet and I thought it sounded good, you would not believe the crazy people I've seen." She shakes her head. "They just fixate on something, like that one thing will fix their life if they get it just right, if they… Forge a perfect sword. Persuade that merchant to give them an extra coin per barrel of wine. Win a little more glory. And they never learn. Six thousand years of new flavours of stupid."

"Did you ever think of teaching people not to do that?"

"No? I mean, it's kind of funny to watch sometimes but they-" She rolls her eyes. "-have to go on about it. I'm like, 'it's a whale, they're all basically the same', you know? Who cares if it's white?"

For a moment I freeze as I try and remember whether Ahab was a real person in DC, or she's just referencing the book.

"Not big on divine responsibility, then?"

"You worship Eris, right?"


Aporia leans slightly towards me.

"Hera, Athena, Aphrodite. Three goddesses who are supposed to be responsible. And look what they did."

She flops back on her chaise longue.

"Troy. We didn't have many cities… I mean, most of them were towns with ambition. But, poof, gone."

I frown, pick up an applish and scan it.


"So what's the point of being responsible if you're going to be fine anyway and everyone else is going to get it wrong anyway?"

"What are the Greek rules on hospitality? Particularly relating to narcotics?"

Melinoë slowly turns her head towards me.

"Poisoning a guest would be a gross violation. But if the guest can't handle their liquor and decides to drink like a barbarian, that is their fault."

"Or eats like one, I presume."

Our eyes move to Aporia.


I raise my right hand and wave it to get the attention of one of the servants.

"I don't expect their eminences to drop everything because I turned up, but do you have any idea how long they're going to take?"

She takes a moment to see if she can persuade one of the others to field my question with her eyes alone. She can't.

"I'm sorry, lord. I don't know."

Empathic vision… Power through, she's engaged with us. Yes, fear. Fear that paralyses. Perhaps there are senior… Clerics? Who are accustomed to dealing directly with their rulers, but to this one, the very idea of questioning the hierarchy inspires fear. Could mean a variety of things, and none of them inspire confidence.


The doors are thrown open, and a man dressed in a tunic made from the night sky strides in, a woman wearing a dress of the same material just behind him. Their hair is.. of similar construction, normal hair marking an area which is overlaid with a skin of deep space. Their skin is slightly odd; nearly Caucasian, but with a little gold added into the mix. Or-. I remember hearing that Helen of Troy was referred to as 'golden' not because she had blonde hair but because she used olive oil as a moisturiser. Maybe that's what it does?

Melinoë comes to her feet, her grim expression very clearly not matching the smiles of our hosts. I stand too and smile, aiming at 'polite diplomat' rather than 'schmoozer' as he appears to be. Gaudia stands after the two of us, making a slight effort to fade into the background. Aporia sits upright, sways slightly, then decides to remain where she is.

The man spreads his arms wide in greeting.

"Welcome to New Cronus! I am Coeus, God of the Moon. I apologise for not being here sooner, but a deity's work is never done."

To the best of my knowledge, the titan Coeus was killed during the titans' war with the Olympians. This man clearly isn't a titan in that mould, but I doubt that he got hair like that from his shampoo.

"Quite alright. I apologise that I can't greet you in a similar fashion, but my name has been taken from me." I offer him my right hand. "I am the Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps."

He comes closer, firmly gripping my arm rather than my hand. I return the gesture, mildly pleased that this form of greeting doesn't degenerate into a test of strength anything like as often as the handshake.

Still holding on, he turns to his companion.

"This is Phoebe, Goddess of the Moon and my sister-wife."

I nod, smiling. "So you are Greek, then?"

He releases my arm. "We.. are descended from the gods of the Greeks, yes." He looks curious, though not suspicious. "How is it that you know of us?"

"Allow me to introduce my companion. This is Melinoë, Goddess of Nightmares and Madness, and daughter of Hades."
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Really? I'd have.. thought that the Goddess of Desire would feel that more strongly than anyway

'than anyone'

Hera, Athena, Aphrodite. Three goddesses who are supposed to be responsible. And look what they did."

Ahh, Troy.

Poisoning a guest would be a gross violation. But if the guest can't handle their liquor and decide to drink like a barbarian, that is their fault."

And if the native fruit is poisonous to life from Earth then they may not have violated the rules.

She takes a moment to see if she can persuade on of the answers to field my

This sentence feels weird.

Maybe 'persuade one of the'


Empathic vision… Power through, she's engaged with us. Yes, fear. Fear that paralyses. Perhaps there are senior… Clerics? Who are accustomed to dealing directly with their rulers, but to this one, the very idea of questioning the hierarchy inspires fear. Could mean a variety of thing, and none of them inspire confidence.

So either the Titans are tyrants, or she's just naturally nervous.

This is Phoebe, Goddess of the Moon and my sister-wife."

I nod, smiling. "So you are Greek, then?"

It was the sister wife thing that clued you in.

He releases my arm. "We.. are descended from the gods of the Greeks, yes

Hmm, if the Titans are still imprisoned or dead then maybe these guys are like ancient versions of the Titan Seeds.

As in, mortals elevated to godhood.

The Titans could have sent some of their power away in order to survive and it merged or made these guys.

"Allow me to introduce my companion. This is Melinoë, Goddess of Nightmares and Madness, and daughter of Hades

Time to see the shitshow.
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11th September 2012
14:32 GMT

A bowl of fruit sits on the table next to my right hand; a species like unusually large grapes and another like strangely misshapen apples fight for my curiosity. Given that agricultural goods are one of the few things that planets like this can offer the wider galaxy in trade, I make a point of not scanning them.
I can understand not wanting to be seen as rude by doing something so mercantile, but safety first, OL. I'm sure your hosts expect you to check and find nothing wrong anyway, why disappoint them?

Melinoë's eyes are fixed on the grand entrance to the waiting room. I'm not sure whether she's eagerly awaiting them opening or if she just doesn't want to lose out on any scowling time. Gaudia is more interested in the attendants who lurk nervously at the corners of the room. Teal-skinned examples of the local humanoid species, their clothing puts me in mind of oriental styles… And their slightly larger than average eye orbits reminds me uncomfortably of the qwardians.
Hopefully not looking for some entertainment, I hope. That sort of thing usually comes after the actual introductions.

Aporia's on her third near-apple.

Well, they're clearly tasty, at least. And if she's showing no difficulties, not poisoned in any obvious way.

Melinoë closes her eyes for a moment, and I can practically hear her think 'give me strength'.

"You are not as resistant to poison in this form as you are in Erebos. And gorging yourself will slow your mind."
Especially if the local fruit has any... mind-affecting qualities. Like a natural booze fruit or something.

Aporia's eyes widen as she swallows.

"You actually expect me to use my mind?"
If nothing else, you can keep your eyes open. You might spot something OL or Melinoë might miss. Especially if they're distracted by the bigger picture.

"Yes. We are dealing with a break away pantheon who rule an entire world. I assume that you have at least enough ambition to envy them their achievement."

Aporia waves her half-eaten near-apple.
I suspect she's used to not needing to bother about achievement. Joy of beign a Z-list deity.

"Not really."

"Really? I'd have.. thought that the Goddess of Desire would feel that more strongly than anyway."
Now why would she need to do that? It's not like every deity has to live their portfolio. Those like Hephaestus do because they enjoy it...

"No? I mean, aside from the fact that I got 'desire' because no one else had picked it yet and I thought it sounded good, you would not believe the crazy people I've seen." She shakes her head. "They just fixate on something, like that one thing will fix their life if they get it just right, if they… Forge a perfect sword. Persuade that merchant to give them an extra coin per barrel of wine. Win a little more glory. And they never learn. Six thousand years of new flavours of stupid."
Yes, it's called being Human. Striving for more than you have. Enjoying when you can gain a little more, and despairing when you lose it.

"Did you ever think of teaching people not to do that?"

"No? I mean, it's kind of funny to watch sometimes but they-" She rolls her eyes. "-have to go on about it. I'm like, 'it's a whale, they're all basically the same', you know? Who cares if it's white?"

For a moment I freeze as I try and remember whether Ahab was a real person in DC, or she's just referencing the book.
Given the Kitchen-sink nature of the DC Multiverse, it might just have been so somewhere. I certainly doubt she's the sort for such high literature... Probably loves Mills & Boon bodice-rippers, I bet.

"Not big on divine responsibility, then?"

"You worship Eris, right?"
Point taken, say no more.


Aporia leans slightly towards me.

"Hera, Athena, Aphrodite. Three goddesses who are supposed to be responsible. And look what they did."
To be fair, Eris knows just how to push people's buttons. Even OL's.

She flops back on her chaise lounge.

"Troy. We didn't have many cities… I mean, most of them were towns with ambition. But, poof, gone."
Well, at least the rest made it... Sort of.

I frown, pick up an applish and scan it.

Finally. So, is it mind-altering? Mildly inebriating, perhaps?

"So what's the point of being responsible if you're going to be fine anyway and everyone else is going to get it wrong anyway?"

"What are the Greek rules on hospitality? Particularly relating to narcotics?"
A good question. If the Titans don't hold to the rules of Hospitality... What else might they do?

Melinoë slowly turns her head towards me.

"Poisoning a guest would be a gross violation. But if the guest can't handle their liquor and decide to drink like a barbarian, that is their fault."
Ah, loopholes. The downfall of many a being who thought themselves wise.

"Or eats like one, I presume."

Our eyes move to Aporia.
...Let me guess, she's naturally a little curvy.


I raise my right hand and wave it to get the attention of one of the servants.

"I don't expect their eminences to drop everything because I turned up, but do you have any idea how long they're going to take?"
Yeah, you don't have all day. Just imagine the paperwork piling up on the ladies' desks.

She takes a moment to see if she can persuade on of the answers to field my question with her eyes alone. She can't.

"I'm sorry, lord. I don't know."
Offering a quiet prayer to the Titans, I bet. I'm not getting the impression they're the best of gods, though...

Empathic vision… Power through, she's engaged with us. Yes, fear. Fear that paralyses. Perhaps there are senior… Clerics? Who are accustomed to dealing directly with their rulers, but to this one, the very idea of questioning the hierarchy inspires fear. Could mean a variety of thing, and none of them inspire confidence.
Ah. the sort used to seeing their rulers from a long way off, not dealing with them directly. And probably cursing the day she got ordered to 'entertain' the guests, and the superior who volun-told her she'd be doing it....


The doors are thrown open, and a man dressed in a tunic made from the night sky strides in, a woman wearing a dress of the same material just behind him. Their hair is.. of similar construction, normal hair marking an area which is overlaid with a skin of deep space. Their skin is slightly odd; nearly Caucasian, but with a little gold added into the mix. Or-. I remember hearing that Helen of Troy was referred to as 'golden' not because she had blonde hair but because she used olive oil as a moisturiser. Maybe that's what it does?
Coeus and Phoebe, of the Titans of myth. Little known in mythology, so the DC versions had carte blanche to imagine their personalities...

Melinoë comes to her feet, her grim expression very clearly not matching the smiles of our hosts. I stand too and smile, aiming at 'polite diplomat' rather than 'schmoozer' as he appears to be. Gaudia stands after the two of us, making a slight effort to fade into the background. Aporia sits upright, sways slightly, then decides to remain where she is.

The man spreads his arms wide in greeting.
Heh. Now, are they simply the first to arrive, or are they in charge of doing a little digging into the ambassador's character...

"Welcome to New Cronus! I am Coeus, God of the Moon. I apologise for not being here sooner, but a deity's work is never done."

To the best of my knowledge, the titan Coeus was killed during the titan's war with the Olympians. This man clearly isn't a titan in that mould, but I doubt that he got hair like that from his shampoo.
Now, if this was the Renegade, I suspect there'd be jokes comparing Coeus to Princess Luna. Probably using that exact comment about the shampoo...

"Quite alright. I apologise that I can't greet you in a similar fashion, but my name has been taken from me." I offer him my right hand. "I am the Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps."

He comes closer, firmly gripping my arm rather than my hand. I return the gesture, mildly pleased that this form of greeting doesn't degenerate into a test of strength anything like as often as the handshake.
Yeah, it's a little more awkward to wrestle like that. Probably half the point of the position. That and basically offering your opponent your sword arm...

Still holding on, he turns to his companion.

"This is Phoebe, Goddess of the Moon and my sister-wife."

I nod, smiling. "So you are Greek, then?"
Because why should the Olympians be the only Mediterranean deities to practice divine 'incest'. :p

He releases my arm. "We.. are descended from the gods of the Greeks, yes." He looks curious, though not suspicious. "How is it that you know of us?"

"Allow me to introduce my companion. This is Melinoë, Goddess of Nightmares and Madness, and daughter of Hades."
Now, will there be an explosion of rage, or of amazement? Will he be offended, or delighted, to meet his grand-niece?

Well, that was direct. I suppose dancing around the issue and trying to avoid addressing it would be a little offensive in the face of Hospitality... We can but hope they've mellowed out a bit about their little loss during the Titanomachy. Or this whole meeting will become more than a little awkward. :confused:
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Offering a quiet prayer to the Titans, I bet. I'm not getting the impression they're the best of gods, though...

In the myths they apparently brought a golden age to mankind.

However it could just as easily be like the Percy Jackson Golden age, as in the Golden age of humanity being entertainment and fast food for gods.

Because why should the Olympians be the only Attican deities to practice divine 'incest'.

Lots of gods from lots of mythologies practiced incest.

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