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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Yeah, this doesn't add up, does it?

A mere god descendant can't block Ring and Ophidian and doesn't have access to a Boom Tube.

We know magic can interfere with Pauls abilities but his spell eater hasn't reacted either.

And an EoA spell that covers a solar system is again beyond a god, let alone a quarter one.
11th September 2012
19:52 GMT

The thirteen of us stand on the promontory which serves as New Cronus's bridge. Coeus has called up a holoscreen, and I don't recognise those ships at all.

:p ...Well, someone hasn't been paying attention to their lessons about advanced technology, has he? But seriously, I wonder why they didn't detect them sooner.Something to do with the theft of Phoebe's orb, perhaps?

Hyperion on the other hand clearly does, and from their expressions Tethys and Oceanus would rather that he'd kept his mouth shut. Thia on the other hand decides to support her husband.

"Some people just don't know when to die."
Yes, definitely some differences of opinion there. I'm guessing the solar dieties were all for the destruction, while the oceanics were in favour of compassion...

Hyperion nods. "Bring us over the horizon, Lord Coeus. It's been too long since I burnt something to cinders."

"Are your seeds proof against solar fire?"
Hmm... Yeah, I could see that. It's likely the Boom Tube was Phoebe's attacker fleeing with Orb in hand, leaving her disabled until it's returned to safe proximity.

Hyperion hesitates, his hands dropping slightly.

"Or don't you know? Were you going to attack without knowing whether or not it would cost you the chance to resurrect your sister?"
Bit of a hot temper, that one. I guess he leaves the deep thinking to his siblings.

Coeus doesn't look around. "Lower your hands, Lord Hyperion."

"If we can identify the ship-."

"Lower your hands."
And I don't think Coeus is speaking alone in that demand. The others might well have spoken up if he hadn't...

After a moment's hesitation, he lowers them.

"What else are we going to do?"
I don't know, maybe try talking to them? If you can work out how?


"The Controllers didn't volunteer for this because this system makes their powers act up. Normally, I'd say that a fleet that size wouldn't be a problem, but something odd is up with my rings at the moment. Who are they?"
Indeed, if it were just a matter of going and disable their engines, he might be able to manage that even with his current difficulties...

"The people of Karrakan burned what was left of their world from orbit." Coeus pulls up their technical schematics and puts them alongside the results of New Cronus's scans. "We thought that we had already slain the survivors of that bought of self-destructive madness. But it seems that at least a few survived."

"Ring, contact the local Green Lantern."
...But why try to solo it when you can call in legitimate help?


"Any Green Lantern in the galaxy?"
Well, that's not good...


Thia looks at me with condescension. "Having difficulty, Ambassador?"
Save it, honey, no-one here needs to make 'performance issues' jokes, especially you.

"Yes. Please bear with me."

Okay. My armour has an integrated communications system. Less advanced than the ring, but it should still work. Call Maltus.
Good man. Always have a backup option.

Ring, identify error.
...Oh Come On! </mlp>

No error in system.

Well, there's no such thing as an uninterruptible communication system.

Yeah, let's see them disrupt a connection linked into the universe itself!

Feeling a little ambushed right now.
<facepalm> Good grief.

"Coeus: intellect, night and the moon. Was Phoebe goddess of anything else?"

"What are you thinking?"
Was she, perhaps, mistress of communication? I know, advanced technology like this might not fall under something like 'Language', but Magic is a conceptual system, it's not a big leap from one to the other...

"Regular communication and ring communication are down. The Ophidian, a being closer to me than any other, isn't answering me. Something odd is happening with this system. How is that possible?"

Iapetus nods. "This world has spawned no gods. Once we fully bond with it, our power will be unrivalled for as far as the magic stretched. If another had beaten us to that goal, it… Might be possible for them to interrupt your technology. But stealing Phoebe's seed would not be enough on its own."
Unless their own talents lay in that field. Or they're using some manner of arcane technology...

"Ex-cept that Apokoliptian technology lets them improve their natural abilities."

I vaguely remember it being mentioned during the period in which Supergirl was brainwashed by Darkseid that Apokolips had sorcerers. I don't remember any other mention of magic use outside of the New Gods own natural abilities in the comics, but it was too much to expect them to make a similar oversight in real life.
Though I shudder at the thought of an Apokaliptian God of Magic. He's probably be steeped in dark forms of the Art, like blood magic or soul-leeching.

"How many demigods did Rhea birth?"

Coeus shakes his head. "I have no idea. Over the millennia, it was at least dozens. Including their children it was hundreds."
...The lady was lonely, wasn't she?

"And you've got no idea who that is over there, or why they're coming after you?"

"The damage was too extensive for us to take a full accounting."
So for all you know, there were survivors a-plenty. But you left without looking hard enough?

"So we don't know why they're here. We don't even know for certain that there's a demigod over there."

"There is. That's how they organised their forces."
Great. And evidently they're here for some vengeance.

"Um…" Gaudia awkwardly raises her right hand a little. "Can we just ask them? That's how things happen on Earth. 'Who are you, why are you doing this, what do you want?'"

I nod. "Are your communications working?"
Wow, that's actually helpful. Look at you, not making a nuisance of yourself, dear.

Coeus checks. "Our communication laser array is working, but if their shields are up then they won't receive it. And since they're near the edge of the system it would take five hours for them to receive the message and another five for us to receive their response. Radio has the same problem. Real time communications systems are in full working order but can't send a message. Lord Crius? Lady Mnemosyne?"

They turn to face one another, clasping each others hands. Their eyes glow faintly… Reaching out with magic? Difficult, even in a thaumically active system. On the other hand, if there's a receiver at the other end… Maybe? The titans were better able to access the Dream than the gods, so it's possible-.
Ah, so between them, they can manage make contact.

"Parasites. This is where you ran to."

The voice is quiet, emerging from the lips of Crius and Mnemosyne both. I don't recognise it, though my ring indicates that it's speaking a Karrakanian language.
Yeah, they're definitely not happy with the Titans...

Coeus glances away from the screen for a moment, but makes no more to address the speaker. A problem with having a council of nine-? Oh. No. He's waiting for Phoebe to answer it.

And in her absence it's Hyperion who steps up.
...Crap, Phoebe was goddess of diplomacy, wasn't she, then? And now Mister Hot-head has the mike... This is going to end in violence, isn't it?

"Which one are you, scum?! Which of you wastes of our mother's milk clung on when you burned your world?"

"I am Sparta. I am here for the fragments of my grandmother that you stole. I will burn your false moon from the sky and then I will make this world a New Karrakan. I would suggest that you pray for your deaths to be swift, were it not for the fact that you have no one to pray to."
...Interesting, though, that she calls them keepsakes of Rhea. I take it she isn't aware of the connection the Titans have to the Seeds, then...


"God of the Sun, yes. But for how long?"
Not making your case any better, Hyperion...

The lights in the eyes of Crius and Mnemosyne fade as they release their hands.

"That's that cleared up at least. What sort of naval assets do you have?"
I would not be surprised if it were New Cronus alone. Plus whatever the locals might have, though I can't remember their actual level of technology...

And so it is Sparta. Though appearing here as a grandchild of Rhea, not a direct daughter. And presumably not privy to the Titaness' plan for the Seeds. So it's going to be a brawl between two groups of children over the shiny prize. With OL, Melinoë and the useless two caught in between. And all of this on top of a Sun-Eater stockpile. That gun over the mantelpiece is starting to look real handy right now...
Is it these demigods who killed(?) Phoebe? Or was that a separate attack? Do these demigods have access to boom tubes?



And yes to the final one.

Yeah, this doesn't add up, does it?

A mere god descendant can't block Ring and Ophidian and doesn't have access to a Boom Tube.

We know magic can interfere with Pauls abilities but his spell eater hasn't reacted either.

And an EoA spell that covers a solar system is again beyond a god, let alone a quarter one.

But everything shown in the last few chapters points to this happening.

Sparta probably got the Boom Tube tech from Grayven, who may have been looking for a powerful subordinate.

He could have also given her all sorts of other tech that disrupts Paul's abilities.

And Sparta is more akin to a New God, whose abilities are more easily used in the material universe.
Well, someone hasn't been paying attention to their lessons about advanced technology, has he? But seriously, I wonder why they didn't detect them sooner.Something to do with the theft of Phoebe's orb, perhaps?

Or their tech isn't that good, or the other guys have better tech that allows them to hide.

Yes, definitely some differences of opinion there. I'm guessing the solar dieties were all for the destruction, while the oceanics were in favour of compassion...

Or they don't want to talk about it near Paul.

Bit of a hot temper, that one

You could say that he's a real hot head.


I'm not apologizing.

Save it, honey, no-one here needs to make 'performance issues' jokes, especially you.

Joking helps in stressful situations.

And she hasn't done anything to suggest she has performance issues.

Unless their own talents lay in that field. Or they're using some manner of arcane technology...

Such as any other New God tech they may have.

Though I shudder at the thought of an Apokaliptian God of Magic. He's probably be steeped in dark forms of the Art, like blood magic or soul-leeching.

Renegade Zatanna could technically count as that.

So for all you know, there were survivors a-plenty. But you left without looking hard enough?

Or the survivors were very good at hiding.

Crap, Phoebe was goddess of diplomacy

Or was just the most skillful diplomat, without being mystically connected to that concept.

Interesting, though, that she calls them keepsakes of Rhea. I take it she isn't aware of the connection the Titans have to the Seeds, then...

She called them fragments.

And she may not care about their connection to the Seeds.
Renegade Zatanna could technically count as that.
Technically, she's the New God of Magic of the Fifth World (Earth), not of Apokolips nor New Genesis.

Paul is currently in a position where he has to face what might possibly be an entire space fleet of demigods, without access to his gear, no way to get back up, and unable to get assistance from the Ophidian. He also has to make sure that his accomplices don't die, which is made harder by the fact that the three of them are weakened from being so far from Earth. Is Paul finally in a position wherein he must rely on Identity Theft to win a battle? I ask because I want him to have at least one demigod Construct-Lantern, and to freak out the Titans a bit by revealing he can do this.
Hmm, usually this is the point where Paul would usually dive into the Honden to try and suss out the source of the comm blockage or just get help directly by greedporting himself.
Thank you, corrected.
Hmm, usually this is the point where Paul would usually dive into the Honden to try and suss out the source of the comm blockage or just get help directly by greedporting himself.
It's generally best not to dive into water when you don't know if it's been mined.

There was a piece of a BBC comedy radio program a few years ago, where it starts with a man describing what he and his friends got up to at the beach in their youths 'with none of this health and safty stuff you get now'. The initial monologue ends with 'and that's why I'm paralysed from the waist down'.
Hmm. We saw Paul break through a space-distorting phenomenon with Malvolio's cage. But this situation is rather different.

Oh. This might actually be a situation for Eris' touch. This batch of demigods seem to have inherited some of the flaws of the Olympians. I suspect that discord in the ranks and chaos running amok in their computer systems might be quite helpful. Earth doesn't have a god of technology yet, so these demigods probably don't have a Titan of technology to make their systems Eris-proof.
Actually I'm curious why Paul isn't using boom tubes normally now. Dox can use them, so why can't he?

Just because he's the fastest OL doesn't mean instant from one end of the galaxy to another WITH PASSENGERS wouldn't be helpful
Actually I'm curious why Paul isn't using boom tubes normally now. Dox can use them, so why can't he?

Just because he's the fastest OL doesn't mean instant from one end of the galaxy to another WITH PASSENGERS wouldn't be helpful

I think it's because Dox is doing the necessary calculations for the Boom Tube by himself rather than creating some device for it.
Huh. You know, whoever built their comm's system was a real fan of redundancy if it supported links with everything down to stl coms lasers- not that that's a bad thing by any measure…
Those who didn't read titans are probably wondering how Sparta is such a threat.

In the comics Sparta highlandered other titan seeds for their power.

Zoat's demigoddess version presumably did the same with her fellow demigods.

The ones who numbered in the hundreds.
Huh. You know, whoever built their comm's system was a real fan of redundancy if it supported links with everything down to stl coms lasers- not that that's a bad thing by any measure…
Can't exactly say that's STL comm lasers. They're lasers. They're right in between STL and FTL. :p
Sungate (part 20)
11th September 2012
19:56 GMT

'Obviously her'.


"Also, any information you have about 'Sparta' would be appreciated."

Hyperion shakes his head. "What? She's just another demigod from Karrakan."

I look away from him, staring at Crius and then Coeus. Coeus meets my eyes for a moment, then nods.

"Sparta was -is- one of our mother's natural granddaughters. When the wars started, she attempted to stop them, first by diplomacy and later by force. But in the process she became deranged. I don't know if it was the bloodshed or the failure that broke her." He shrugs. "By the end she was berserk, attacking any who did not bow to her authority."

I suppose there's no need to ask how she feels about them. Assuming that I accept their timeline, there probably wasn't anything they could have done to prevent rampaging demigod-led armies from fighting. I mean, in theory there were things they could have done, but it would be unreasonable to expect newly created gods to have any idea what those things were.

"So why did you think she was dead?"

"She wasn't the only one with a fleet. When I piloted New Cronus away she tried attacking us. I fired and crippled her ships. They crashed onto the planet's surface, and at that point the planet was locked in an eternal winter. They should have had neither food nor the machinery to rebuild." He shakes his head. "I have no idea how she managed it."

"Was Karrakan thaumically active?"

"Barely. Far less than Minosyss."

"What exactly are her abilities?"

Coeus looks around at his siblings, but none of them say anything.

"I don't know. As I said, she was already delusional by the time we were in a position to speak with her."

That sounds like an issue I should try to hear the other side about.

Or… It isn't, is it? These gods want something from me. They've got the right attitude to improve this world, even if they don't have the skills yet. I can help them, we get our sun eaters back, the people get a thaumological revolution that they were unlikely to get any other way and the gods get a purpose. Even if they did muck up something on the last world they orbited, how would backing someone else -or even investigating their story- actually help anyone? It would be a different matter if they were here purely due to ego-fulfilment, but that isn't the case.

I would still like to hear the other side, but… Mostly due to personal curiosity and bargaining fodder. I don't really think anything there would change my view of the situation.

But where did the boom tube..? Of course, post hoc ergo propter hoc. Just because someone stole Phoebe's seed, that doesn't mean they have anything to do with someone who apparently already hated them.

"But if we could return to the matter of your fleet..?"

"Small ships. Shuttles and assault boats. New Cronus itself is our main naval asset."


"Easily enough to destroy those ships, unless they've had a substantial refit."

"Could they target the planet?"

"Not meaningfully, not at that distance. Energy weapons would dissipate and…" Coeus looks at Iapetus and Tethys.

They share a glance, and Tethys nods.

"We can create a storm of such power that it will shield the planet. Not instantly, and it would cause much harm on its own, but it can be done."

A planet-scale plasma shield created from storms and dust. Now that is beautiful.

"Good to know. So what's your plan?"

Coeus pulls up a hologram.

"Wait until they get closer to Minosyss then close the distance, board their command ship while our weapons cripple their other ships and take back Phoebe's seed. Then Lord Hyperion can burn as many of them as he likes."

"Sounds like a plan. Unless you need me right here, I'd like to get outside. I need to find out what new restrictions my rings are working under."

He waves his right hand in dismissal.

"I look forward to fighting beside you."

Melinoë follows me as I leave, motioning for Gaudia and Aporia to stay put. Gaudia nods, while it looks like Aporia didn't notice us leaving. I'm not sure that I'm seeing her at her best. Melinoë waits for the door to the bridge to close and for us to pass the guards before covertly handing off an anti-eavesdropping charm.

"The plan does not-."

"Doesn't account for whatever it was they used to kill Phoebe that quickly. Sure, drop an armed warrior goddess on her with no notice and I'd expect her to lose, but that was fast. She didn't even call for help. Which means that if they confront Sparta and she's the one who did it, they'll probably end up in the same state."

"And if she were rational enough to carry out an attack and then leave, then she is clearly not a madwoman."

"Or it could be someone else, but whoever it was, they've got good enough intelligence on the interior of New Cronus to boom tube in right next to Phoebe-. Or worse, they could boom tube into New Cronus and walk around until they found her."


"Possible. Please, track Phoebe's movements as best you can, and those of her attacker too. If we're at least reasonably lucky, whatever they use to disable her only works on those seeds."

"And if not?"

"Melinoë, you're armed and armoured and have thousands of years of experience and can cause people to have horrifying waking nightmares by looking at them. I have every confidence that you'll come out ahead."

"Of course I will. I just wanted to make sure that you noticed."

"I noticed that you've been studying thaumaturgy. You could stick around here for a while if you wanted to."

"I will consider it. It would be… Pleasant, if my family could reconcile without familicide."

She stops at an intersection just before the closest landing platform.

"Good fortune, Orange Lantern."

"You too."

I accelerate as she turns back, flying out across the now-deserted landing field and out into space. As I pass the edge of New Cronus's atmosphere envelope I check my environmental field, but it still appears to be working. My armour can rejuvenate the available air for a very long time, but it never tastes right.

I fly 'up' the orbital plane, 'over' the planet until I can a direct line of sight to the invading fleet. Scans… Yes, I can get a 'fuzzy' scan of them, though I can't even identify their primary armament, just their class. They don't seem to be moving all that fast, so I can only assume-.


I accelerate away as the ships charge through the boom tube beneath me and open fire on New Cronus!
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No instantly, and it would cause much harm on its own, but it can be done.
That should say 'Not'.

I fly 'up' the orbital plane, 'over' the planet until I can a direct line of sight to the invading fleet. Scans… Yes, I can get a 'fuzzy' scan of them, though I can't even identify their primary armament, just their class. They don't seem to be moving all that fast, so I can only assume-.


I accelerate away as the ships charge through the boom tube beneath me and open fire on New Cronus!
At least we now have confirmation that they have someone on their side who can open Boom Tubes.
Or… It isn't, is it? These gods want something from me. They've got the right attitude to improve this world, even if they don't have the skills yet. I can help them, we get our sun eaters back, the people get a thaumological revolution that they were unlikely to get any other way and the gods get a purpose. Even if they did muck up something on the last world they orbited, how would backing someone else -or even investigating their story- actually help anyone? It would be a different matter if they were here purely due to ego-fulfilment, but that isn't the case.

It could be a good way to make sure that you're taking the right side since the Titans could be lying and be able to hide the truth from you.

But where did the boom tube..? Of course, post hoc ergo propter hoc. Just because someone stole Phoebe's seed, that doesn't mean they have anything to do with someone who apparently already hated them.

Though in this case I think it most likely is that.

"And if she were rational enough to carry out an attack and then leave, then she is clearly not a madwoman."

Or she is a madwoman but is able to plan and be patient instead of going crazy after she starts.
Yes they are, it's just all his forms of communications and sub-spacing that aren't.
And his inability to fly, seen several chapters (C13) ago, implying his constructs aren't working either. He's been forced to use the armour to fly.

I try to rise by ring, but the power leaks away almost immediately. Ophidian?

"They can, but they aren't keen on using power moderated by others."

I trigger my armour's flight system instead, and… Yes, that works. I rise off the platform and fly after Coeus.

"Can I offer you an alternate system? It's fairly instinctual to use."

He looks rather taken aback.


"Basic physics is working more or less the same in here as it does outside. So whatever shielding they've put in place is probably… High order stuff, designed to prevent certain types of extra-planar energy working. So no magic for you and no ring for me. However, normal"-

I try taking a simple magnet out of subspace, but can't. Ah… Side arm? I draw it and point it off into the distance.
11th September 2012
19:56 GMT

'Obviously her'.

Hardly needs guessing that they knew her already. The question now is what did they do to piss her off this badly? Did they fight her? Fight alongside her? Or is she enraged that they fled? Does she even realise their connection via Rhea? Because that would maybe get the attention of the Kindly Ones, depending on how they look upon unknowing familicide...

"Also, any information you have about 'Sparta' would be appreciated."

Hyperion shakes his head. "What? She's just another demigod from Karrakan."
Suuuure. And you're a short-tempered lothario. Let's try to focus on facts, not just stereotypes...

I look away from him, staring at Crius and then Coeus. Coeus meets my eyes for a moment, then nods.

"Sparta was -is- one of our mother's natural granddaughters. When the wars started, she attempted to stop them, first by diplomacy and later by force. But in the process she became deranged. I don't know if it was the bloodshed or the failure that broke her." He shrugs. "By the end she was berserk, attacking any who did not bow to her authority."
See, that's useful information. How accurate it is, I'm not sure.

I suppose there's no need to ask how she feels about them. Assuming that I accept their timeline, there probably wasn't anything they could have done to prevent rampaging demigod-led armies from fighting. I mean, in theory there were things they could have done, but it would be unreasonable to expect newly created gods to have any idea what those things were.

"So why did you think she was dead?"
And how much damage did her supposed death inflict on Karrakan, since she seems pretty cheesed off about the whole affair.

"She wasn't the only one with a fleet. When I piloted New Cronus away she tried attacking us. I fired and crippled her ships. They crashed onto the planet's surface, and at that point the planet was locked in an eternal winter. They should have had neither food nor the machinery to rebuild." He shakes his head. "I have no idea how she managed it."
Sounds like someone happened upon the ruins and decided to make use of that anger...

"Was Karrakan thaumically active?"

"Barely. Far less than Minosyss."
Well, I can see why they came here, then. More magic, and no-one apparently using it... Never mind the subtly appropriate name. (Athyns and Sparta, I could see being names handed down by Rhea...)

"What exactly are her abilities?"

Coeus looks around at his siblings, but none of them say anything.
...Did none of you take the time to find out anything about her? Good grief, they really are children playing at godhood...

"I don't know. As I said, she was already delusional by the time we were in a position to speak with her."

That sounds like an issue I should try to hear the other side about.
Yes, yes you should. The trick will be learning that without her trying to turn you inside out.

Or… It isn't, is it? These gods want something from me. They've got the right attitude to improve this world, even if they don't have the skills yet. I can help them, we get our sun eaters back, the people get a thaumological revolution that they were unlikely to get any other way and the gods get a purpose. Even if they did muck up something on the last world they orbited, how would backing someone else -or even investigating their story- actually help anyone? It would be a different matter if they were here purely due to ego-fulfilment, but that isn't the case.
Still, best to find out all you can about the new lodgers, especially if the factory can't easily be extracted.

I would still like to hear the other side, but… Mostly due to personal curiosity and bargaining fodder. I don't really think anything there would change my view of the situation.

But where did the boom tube..? Of course, post hoc ergo propter hoc. Just because someone stole Phoebe's seed, that doesn't mean they have anything to do with someone who apparently already hated them.
The two things might not be related, but best to plan as if they are. Still, no need to go borrowing trouble when you don't have to. Because the idea that two separate groups may want the Titan's heads (or Seeds) raises the question of what happens if they find out about each other?

"But if we could return to the matter of your fleet..?"

"Small ships. Shuttles and assault boats. New Cronus itself is our main naval asset."
Thought so. After all, if your main vessel has teleportation capabilities and a crewmember who can unleash solar flares, why bother with an escort fleet? Pity it's such a big basket for all those eggs...


"Easily enough to destroy those ships, unless they've had a substantial refit."
You assume they're going to give you the chance to take those shots...

"Could they target the planet?"

"Not meaningfully, not at that distance. Energy weapons would dissipate and…" Coeus looks at Iapatus and Tethys.
And if they decide to lob a few asteroids your way? It's safe to assume they don't know about OL's delegation... They might think they have supremacy outside of New Cronus' range.

They share a glance, and Tethys nods.

"We can create a storm of such power that it will shield the planet. Not instantly, and it would cause much harm on its own, but it can be done."
Yes, the problem comes down to this 'harm' it might cause. Your prospective congregation might not enjoy having the mother of all thunderstorms swirling overhead...

A planet-scale plasma shield created from storms and dust. Now that is beautiful.

"Good to know. So what's your plan?"
...Unless they can't maintain control of it. There's always a chance, OL...

Coeus pulls up a hologram.

"Wait until they get closer to Minosyss then close the distance, board their command ship while our weapons cripple their other ships and take back Phoebe's seed. Then Lord Hyperion can burn as many of them as he likes."
...Well, it's a plan. Is it a good one? Couldn't tell you without more information...

"Sounds like a plan. Unless you need me right here, I'd like to get outside. I need to find out what new restrictions my rings are working under."

He waves his right hand in dismissal.

"I look forward to fighting beside you."
Let's hope it doesn't come to that, and this can still be settled by talking... Alas, I fear neither party will care to listen.

Melinoë follows me as I leave, motioning for Gaudia and Aporia to stay put. Gaudia nods, while it looks like Aporia didn't notice us leaving. I'm not sure that I'm seeing her at her best. Melinoë waits for the door to the bridge to close and for us to pass the guards before covertly handing off an anti-eavesdropping charm.

"The plan does not-."
Yeah, she can see how young and foolish they are, can't she? The joy of being considerably more mature.

"Doesn't account for whatever it was they used to kill Phoebe that quickly. Sure, drop an armed warrior goddess on her with no notice and I'd expect her to lose, but that was fast. She didn't even call for help. Which means that if they confront Sparta and she's the one who did it, they'll probably end up in the same state."

"And if she were rational enough to carry out an attack and then leave, then she is clearly not a madwoman."
Unless she sent an agent to do it. But that raises the question of how.

"Or it could be someone else, but whoever it was, they've got good enough intelligence on the interior of New Cronus to boom tube in right next to Phoebe-. Or worse, they could boom tube into New Cronus and walk around until they found her."

...How many other karrakanians besides Athyns are aboard? Yes, definitely something worth checking.

"Possible. Please, track Phoebe's movements as best you can, and those of her attacker too. If we're at least reasonably lucky, whatever they use to disable her only works on those seeds."

"And if not?"
Is that armour for show, then, dear Nightmare? Or do you not trust your skill with those arms?

"Melinoë, you're armed and armoured and have thousands of years of experience and can cause people to have horrifying waking nightmares by looking at them. I have every confidence that you'll come out ahead."

"Of course I will. I just wanted to make sure that you noticed."
"...Not that I care whether you notice or not." Sure, Melinoë. Say, have you had a chance to check out any Japanese culture lately? They've got some lovely terms for things... ;)

"I noticed that you've been studying thaumaturgy. You could stick around here for a while if you wanted to."

"I will consider it. It would be… Pleasant, if my family could reconcile without familicide."
And again, less likely to attract the attention of certain powers that look coldly upon such things.

She stops at an intersection just before the closest landing platform.

"Good fortune, Orange Lantern."

"You too."
Ah, the hard shell breaks a little...

I accelerate as she turns back, flying out across the now-deserted landing field and out into space. As I pass the edge of New Cronus's atmosphere envelope I check my environmental field, but it still appears to be working. My armour can rejuvenate the available air for a very long time, but it never tastes right.

I fly 'up' the orbital plane, 'over' the planet until I can a direct line of sight to the invading fleet. Scans… Yes, I can get a 'fuzzy' scan of them, though I can't even identify their primary armament, just their class. They don't seem to be moving all that fast, so I can only assume-.
So, basic systems still barely functional in life-support and sensors. Communications out... What about actual constructs?


I accelerate away as the ships charge through the boom tube beneath me and open fire on New Cronus!
Well, shit. The question is, is it part of Sparta's fleet, or our possible second party?

And the excrement is flying towards the fan. With OL right in the path. And he's really likely to get splattered with something here... Let's hope he's got some measure of construct functionality, or it's going to get reaaal messy in here. This is turning into a right fustercluck of a mission. Hinon and Dox are going to need the extra-strength headache meds when they hear about this...
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The two things might not be related, but best to plan as if they are. Still, no need to go borrowing trouble when you don't have to. Because the idea that two separate groups may want the Titan's heads (or Seeds) raises the question of what happens if they find out about each other?

I think the two groups do know about each other.

This is turning into a right fustercluck of a mission. Hinon and Dox are going to need the extra-strength headache meds when they hear about this...

They may have those already.

After dealing with Paul those are a requirement.

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