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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Though it might be Paul who's the monster.
No, he's treating Am-heh perfectly nicely.
So I wonder is Mammon Paul fully deced out in Goa'uld tech?

Like hand devices, shields, Healing devices, naquadah in blood to power those?
He now has those devices, but he has a particular look at using power rings is almost always better anyway.
He mentioned having armor so did he remodel some jaffa armor to be vaccum secure and be powered?
No. He has no real need for it at present. It would be easier to design something from scratch than modify existing jaffa armour.
Do his jaffa bear Mark of Mammon/Orange Light on their foreheads?
He doesn't have jaffa.
When in reality the Americans in the film are the ones who invaded his territory, stole from him and pretended to be him and to have the right to act with his authority. That might get you shot on Earth.

Invading North Korea would get you shot too. But that's because North Korea has a lot of men with guns. Invading a Mafia den might get you shot too; the same applies.

Ra doesn't own "his" territory. He holds the territory by force, which isn't the same thing. The people own the territory and they are happy with him being gone.
Invading North Korea would get you shot too. But that's because North Korea has a lot of men with guns. Invading a Mafia den might get you shot too; the same applies.

Ra doesn't own "his" territory. He holds the territory by force, which isn't the same thing. The people own the territory and they are happy with him being gone.
Apart from all the ones who are dead because Heru'ur and Apophis are having a war there.

If only they'd realised that they could vote them away.
Invading North Korea would get you shot too. But that's because North Korea has a lot of men with guns. Invading a Mafia den might get you shot too; the same applies.

Ra doesn't own "his" territory. He holds the territory by force, which isn't the same thing. The people own the territory and they are happy with him being gone.

I mean, don't most countries hold their territory by force? Most didn't get those territories given to them, did they? Also I'm pretty sure it's still illegal to enter most countries without permission and stealing; not sure on how illegal impersonating a head of state is, though.

And that a government is authoritarian doesn't necessarily make it illegitimate does it? From what I understand, Ra was the legitimate ruler and had been for longer than even the USA has existed, no?

I'm not saying they did the wrong thing by removing Ra, but from the other perspective they might as well have been terrorists that assassinated the leader of a government.
And that a government is authoritarian doesn't necessarily make it illegitimate does it? From what I understand, Ra was the legitimate ruler and had been for longer than even the USA has existed, no?

Ra was 24,000+ years old and had been Supreme System Lord for 10,000~. He's older than any country on Earth.

Trying to tell Ra he didn't own all the planets/systems in his domain seems like a good way to die or be sealed in a stasis jar.

(Seems like a ridiculous long time, but I dot recall if Goa'uld die of old age. Yu was the oldest but wasn't it implied the Sarcophagus healing his Host was what drove him senile? Or maybe Ra had a better Sarcophagus that didn't have the regular models defects.)
(Seems like a ridiculous long time, but I dot recall if Goa'uld die of old age. Yu was the oldest but wasn't it implied the Sarcophagus healing his Host was what drove him senile? Or maybe Ra had a better Sarcophagus that didn't have the regular models defects.

Not sure if it was a defect of the sarcophagus.

I think that it just had limits on how much it could heal the brain and Yu exceeded those limits.
I worry that we may very likely get another evil, or at least very morally ambiguous and dangerously pragmatic Paul. But he is still trying to do a good job and be a sufficiently good ruler for his people.
He's going to wind up with Bastet isn't he?
I have said it before but with this Paul as Mammon God of Trade, The Renegade as Grayven God of Conquest and a future Paul as God of Ambition... I have to wonder, are there any chances of another Paul that is a member of a pantheon of genuine gods and are there any other Godly Pauls that I forgot
I worry that we may very likely get another evil, or at least very morally ambiguous and dangerously pragmatic Paul. But he is still trying to do a good job and be a sufficiently good ruler for his people.
He's going to wind up with Bastet isn't he?
I have said it before but with this Paul as Mammon God of Trade, The Renegade as Grayven God of Conquest and a future Paul as God of Ambition... I have to wonder, are there any chances of another Paul that is a member of a pantheon of genuine gods and are there any other Godly Pauls that I forgot
Zoat already confirmed that doing what he just did would have the normal result for the human.

So unless Zoat changes his mind, yes, we will soon have another evil Paul on our hands.
Starring (part 10)
Two seasons later

Bastet smiles down at the bowing underlord, the jaffa warriors behind him with a lotus blossom tattoo on their foreheads kneeling with their foreheads pressed to the ground.

"Be welcome, Lord Nefertum. The doors of Tell Basta are open to your and your warriors."

Nefertum straightens up, though his jaffa stay where they are. He flashes both myself and Lady Heset a mildly curious look but doesn't comment. Historically, this is the time when new underlords would be introduced to the others. He might not recognise me by sight, but the only odd thing is that we're standing up here with Bastet rather than that there are other goa'uld around.

"I thank you for your hospitality, and look forward to our discussions."

As far as I know, Nefertum's thing is medicine and perfume. If you've got a disease ravaging your workforce or your jaffa have come down with something that their prim'ta can't cope with, he's your man. Physicians from his world are often attached to the fleets of other underlords and even Bastet's fleet uses some. He's also the source of most of the floral displays that decorate Bastet's palace.

Bastet makes a gesture of polite dismissal, and-

"Jaffa, KREE."

-Nefertum's jaffa rise to their feet as he walks calmly in the direction of one of Bastet's functionaries, who will escort him to his quarters.


Oh dear.

"You have a concern, Lord Mammon?"

Because you don't remain a major goa'uld for thousands of years without being aware of the people around you.

"Yes, Lady Bastet. Though I think it would perhaps be best raised in private?"

Bastet looks around at the ceremonial greeting area, the notables of Bubastis filing out now that the last greeting ceremony is completed. A handful are subordinate goa'uld, administrators of individual cities on Bubastis or technologists, but most are human priests, functionaries or merchants. Around us are her jaffa bodyguard, their leader with Bastet's cat emblem embedded in her forehead as a piece of solid silver. Bastet's First Prime is above us with the home fleet to ensure that no one can use this opportunity to make a decapitation attack. Heset's First Prime is also with us, a nervous man clearly unused to having a boss who isn't a psycho.

Or perhaps he's heard the rumour that I'm the one who removed his former god. That would explain the sidelong glances.

"If Lady Heset did not have my full confidence then I would not have appointed her."

I give her a shallow bow, moving my eyes to Heset to indicate that I am including her in the apology. "As you will."

An orange barrier appears around the three of us, though I'm careful that it's not obviously being projected by the ring. Heset looks around, noting its exact dimensions and the fact that her bodyguard just got cut off. Bastet only looks at the part of the barrier closest to her, and seems… Pleased about it?


"When I met Lord Am-heh, I could not help but wonder what the cause of his anomalous behaviour was. Upon closer examination I observed notable lesions on certain parts of his brain." And with his knowledge of biology to draw upon, I know exactly what that meant. "The parts damaged relate to self-perception and mood regulation. Damage would most likely cause megalomania and paranoia. Gods usually have a high opinion of themselves and their abilities, but paranoia is a little more obvious."

"I hardly see how that concerns us now."

"Since I do not know what caused his condition, I thought to see if any of your other underlords have similar characteristics. If one was being poisoned, for example, if would be worth knowing in advance of the symptoms appearing."

"And Lord Nefertum has those signs?"

"With the exception of Lady Heset, we all do." That gets me a slightly slow blink of shock. "The moment I.. realised, I corrected it in myself, but… Yes. No one is overtly symptomatic as yet… But since I don't know the cause, I can't say why that is or how or if the condition progresses. I can fix it in every case, but that would involve me gaining permission to alter the sufferer's brain. And their host's brain. Which won't help with the paranoia."

Bastet considers the issue.

"You have proof?"

"I have my scans of Lord Am-heh and the scans I took of everyone else. Those scans can be confirmed by anyone with a kara kesh. Interpreting them would require a high degree of familiarity with both goa'uld and human physiology, but I am hardly the only one with that familiarity."

She nods. "And you believe that it is caused by poison?"

"I.. considered it, but I doubt that anyone could poison all of us. Since Lady Heset in unaffected, it may be that there is something that all goa'uld in this region are exposed to sporadically which she has not been. My next step would be a careful investigation of all stargates and farmlands, but consulting Lord Nefertum first would be most sensible. His expertise far outstrips mine."

"The sarcophagus." Heset looks slightly surprised as Bastet and I both look at her. "I.. observed that those gods who use it frequently begin exhibiting such symptoms. I had been suspicious for a while, and limited my own usage."

The sarcophagus is a remarkable medical device, capable of repairing most physical injuries. Even death, as long as the head is mostly intact. Goa'uld tend to keep them to themselves and their most favoured servants. I don't actually own one because I couldn't understand how it worked. Still can't, actually.

Bastet looks at me. "Is that possible?"

"Possible? Certainly. The sarcophagus might well have some sort of defective scanner which causes cumulative neural damage." I shrug. "I'm afraid that my knowledge of the technology is not good enough to say for certain."

She weighs me up for a moment, then turns to Heset. "Use your kara kesh to examine my brain."

"Yes, my lady."

Heset raises her right hand, the jewel on her palm glowing as a pale orange beam briefly links it to Bastet's head. Curious how much Bastet trusts her. I haven't seen her around the palace before, but it's not as if I know all of Bastet's subordinates. After a few seconds Heset lowers her right hand and raises her left, a green holographic image appearing in the air over her signet ring. An image of Bastet's central nervous system appears, human host and goa'uld. It them zooms in, displaying the same minute lesions which I detected.

Bastet inhales sharply.

"Someone is acting against us."

Or that could be the paranoia, but I just nod as she turns to me.

"Remove the damage at once."

I raise my right hand, a construct kara kesh appearing and radiating orange light over her face. Honestly, it's an easy fix, because psychotic System Lords are how worlds burn and that's a bad thing. Once done, I lower my hand and dismiss the construct.

Bastet frowns. "I feel no different."

I nod. "That's to be expected. In your case the lesions were small. You may note a few minor changes in your behaviour in the coming days, but I mostly wanted to prevent the changes from worsening. What would you like me to do about the others?"

"Could you mend them covertly?"

"With a little difficulty..?" I nod cautiously. "Yes."

"Do so. Now return us all to my palace. We have more to discuss."
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Hmm. Is it the Sarcophagus? Paul mentioned that he had the marks himself, despite not owning or using one.
On the other hand, he might have been lying about having to cure himself.

It could simply be a side-effect of having naquhdah in your bloodstream, because you have an alien-parasite in your brain.
Sadly that shouldn't actually fix the problem.

Because it's the soul damage caused by frequent use that's the problem, not anything else.
soul is the software and body is the hardware

one problem is manageable but 2 problem will slorp together into a bigger one
Hmm. Is it the Sarcophagus? Paul mentioned that he had the marks himself, despite not owning or using one.
On the other hand, he might have been lying about having to cure himself.

It could simply be a side-effect of having naquhdah in your bloodstream, because you have an alien-parasite in your brain.
Sarcophagi are indeed the reason why Goa'uld are evil beyond regular tyrants.
Two seasons later

Bastet smiles down at the bowing underlord, the jaffa warriors behind him with a lotus blossom tattoo on their foreheads kneeling with their foreheads pressed to the ground.

"Be welcome, Lord Nefertum. The doors of Tell Basta are open to your and your warriors."
Ah, the meeting arrives quickly, and Mammon gets to meet other colleagues under Bastet. No doubt he's been leveraging his 'secret Ancient device' to improve his standing under her. And no doubt she's been trying to find out more about it...

Nefertum straightens up, though his jaffa stay where they are. He flashes both myself and Lady Heset a mildly curious look but doesn't comment. Historically, this is the time when new underlords would be introduced to the others. He might not recognise me by sight, but the only odd thing is that we're standing up here with Bastet rather than that there are other goa'uld around.

"I thank you for your hospitality, and look forward to our discussions."
A clear indicator of their favour with the System Lord, perhaps, or just representative of their newcomer status. Not letting them far from her sight, you dig?

As far as I know, Nefertum's thing is medicine and perfume. If you've got a disease ravaging your workforce or your jaffa have come down with something that their prim'ta can't cope with, he's your man. Physicians from his world are often attached to the fleets of other underlords and even Bastet's fleet uses some. He's also the source of most of the floral displays that decorate Bastet's palace.

Bastet makes a gesture of polite dismissal, and-
An interesting alignment of proficiencies. But not unsurprising given that they were often associated in ancient cultures. After all, the processes of making perfume and the work of crafting early medicines were not all that different, I bet...

"Jaffa, KREE."

-Nefertum's jaffa rise to their feet as he walks calmly in the direction of one of Bastet's functionaries, who will escort him to his quarters.
Interesting. Would he be dismissing his guards, and putting himself in the hands of the host's? Quite a sign of trust. Though they probably won't go far.


Oh dear.

"You have a concern, Lord Mammon?"
Ah, she's noticed his eyes glow when he used his 'device', then.

Because you don't remain a major goa'uld for thousands of years without being aware of the people around you.

"Yes, Lady Bastet. Though I think it would perhaps be best raised in private?"
As in, with no-one around at all. Because this place is hardly private.

Bastet looks around at the ceremonial greeting area, the notables of Bubastis filing out now that the last greeting ceremony is completed. A handful are subordinate goa'uld, administrators of individual cities on Bubastis or technologists, but most are human priests, functionaries or merchants. Around us are her jaffa bodyguard, their leader with Bastet's cat emblem embedded in her forehead as a piece of solid silver. Bastet's First Prime is above us with the home fleet to ensure that no one can use this opportunity to make a decapitation attack. Heset's First Prime is also with us, a nervous man clearly unused to having a boss who isn't a psycho.
Just a small courtly gathering.

Or perhaps he's heard the rumour that I'm the one who removed his former god. That would explain the sidelong glances.

"If Lady Heset did not have my full confidence then I would not have appointed her."
In other words, she's fully cowed into submission, and thus unlikely to consider rebellion anytime soon.

I give her a shallow bow, moving my eyes to Heset to indicate that I am including her in the apology. "As you will."

An orange barrier appears around the three of us, though I'm careful that it's not obviously being projected by the ring. Heset looks around, noting its exact dimensions and the fact that her bodyguard just got cut off. Bastet only looks at the part of the barrier closest to her, and seems… Pleased about it?
Good to see he's managed to get his head around filament use and discreet projection points. Probably emerging from the soles of his feet.


"When I met Lord Am-heh, I could not help but wonder what the cause of his anomalous behaviour was. Upon closer examination I observed notable lesions on certain parts of his brain." And with his knowledge of biology to draw upon, I know exactly what that meant. "The parts damaged relate to self-perception and mood regulation. Damage would most likely cause megalomania and paranoia. Gods usually have a high opinion of themselves and their abilities, but paranoia is a little more obvious."
Heh. Yes, I can see him being concerned about whether his little passenger Construct Lantern could cause the same sort of behaviour in him...

"I hardly see how that concerns us now."

"Since I do not know what caused his condition, I thought to see if any of your other underlords have similar characteristics. If one was being poisoned, for example, if would be worth knowing in advance of the symptoms appearing."
Though managing to poison one without his kind of advantages would be risky in the extreme. Never mind affecting multiple.

"And Lord Nefertum has those signs?"

"With the exception of Lady Heset, we all do." That gets me a slightly slow blink of shock. "The moment I.. realised, I corrected it in myself, but… Yes. No one is overtly symptomatic as yet… But since I don't know the cause, I can't say why that is or how or if the condition progresses. I can fix it in every case, but that would involve me gaining permission to alter the sufferer's brain. And their host's brain. Which won't help with the paranoia."
And that only because Heset's new to her posting, I bet. And thus relatively newly joined?

Bastet considers the issue.

"You have proof?"
Very sensible of her, asking for more information. Even if his 'Ancient Device' is highly effective, she's no doubt worried about what poking about in her head might do to her.

"I have my scans of Lord Am-heh and the scans I took of everyone else. Those scans can be confirmed by anyone with a kara kesh. Interpreting them would require a high degree of familiarity with both goa'uld and human physiology, but I am hardly the only one with that familiarity."

She nods. "And you believe that it is caused by poison?"
Of a sort... Of a sort...

"I.. considered it, but I doubt that anyone could poison all of us. Since Lady Heset in unaffected, it may be that there is something that all goa'uld in this region are exposed to sporadically which she has not been. My next step would be a careful investigation of all stargates and farmlands, but consulting Lord Nefertum first would be most sensible. His expertise far outstrips mine."

"The sarcophagus." Heset looks slightly surprised as Bastet and I both look at her. "I.. observed that those gods who use it frequently begin exhibiting such symptoms. I had been suspicious for a while, and limited my own usage."
Ah, well done, young lady... Well, I assume young, but due to the nature of the Sarcophagus use...

The sarcophagus is a remarkable medical device, capable of repairing most physical injuries. Even death, as long as the head is mostly intact. Goa'uld tend to keep them to themselves and their most favoured servants. I don't actually own one because I couldn't understand how it worked. Still can't, actually.

Bastet looks at me. "Is that possible?"
And Mammon has a far better device to keep him young and healthy, after all. Whereas many Goa'uld are too vain and foolish to not refrain from regular uses to maintain youth and vitality...

"Possible? Certainly. The sarcophagus might well have some sort of defective scanner which causes cumulative neural damage." I shrug. "I'm afraid that my knowledge of the technology is not good enough to say for certain."

She weighs me up for a moment, then turns to Heset. "Use your kara kesh to examine my brain."

"Yes, my lady."
Ah, she's not so far gone that she can see how it would go eventually for her. A wise woman.

Heset raises her right hand, the jewel on her palm glowing as a pale orange beam briefly linking it to Bastet's head. Curious how much Bastet trusts her. I haven't seen her around the palace before, but it's not as if I know all of Bastet's subordinates. After a few seconds Heset lowers her right hand and raises her left, a green holographic image appearing in the air over her signet ring. An image of Bastet's central nervous system appears, human host and goa'uld. It them zooms in, displaying the same minute lesions which I detected.
I bet the two hosts are related by blood. Or the symbiotes. They've got to have a bond that sidesteps the usual Goa'uld arrogance and paranoia. ...Or, as suggested, she's a spy. :sneaky: Guess we'll see later?

Bastet inhales sharply.

"Someone is acting against us."
No, you're just using technology not really designed for what you're using it for...

Or that could be the paranoia, but I just nod as she turns to me.

"Remove the damage at once."
And that shows impressive trust on her part, though the logic of the situation is pretty clear. If she comes down with a case of the Dead while Mammon is there, he's going to be a significant suspect. And he can't deal with the heat that would bring on his world.

I raise my right hand, a construct kara kesh appearing and radiating orange light over her face. Honestly, it's an easy fix, because psychotic System Lords are how worlds burn and that's a bad thing. Once done, I lower my hand and dismiss the construct.

Bastet frowns. "I feel no different."
Of course, now he's going to be stuck doing it for everyone she wants him to, unless their medical experts can suggest another treatment, other than the obvious 'stop using the Sarcophagus'.

I nod. "That's to be expected. In your case the lesions were small. You may note a few minor changes in your behaviour in the coming days, but I mostly wanted to prevent the changes from worsening. What would you like me to do about the others?"

"Could you mend them covertly?"
Ah... So that they don't even realise they were affected by anything, hmm? Bastet keeping some secrets up her sleeve for later, no doubt.

"With a little difficulty..?" I nod cautiously. "Yes."

"Do so. Now return us all to my palace. We have more to discuss."
Caught me by surprise, but really, why would she let so many underlings with potential for foolishness into her palace proper? So this place is more of a gathering hall, a place for visitors to gather... A hotel, basically. :D

Funny how a Doylist reason for the Sarcophagus to not be a fix-all for dead or mortally wounded characters is looking to become such a big Watsonian issue for Mammon and those he's allied with. It'll be interesting to see if Bastet keeps this discovery under her Nemes, letting the rest of the System Lords descend into paranoid self-destruction, or if she'd share it with select allies to gain power...
Hmm. Is it the Sarcophagus? Paul mentioned that he had the marks himself, despite not owning or using one.
On the other hand, he might have been lying about having to cure himself.

It could simply be a side-effect of having naquhdah in your bloodstream, because you have an alien-parasite in your brain.

According to Star Gate canon it really is the sarcophagus.

Though the show portayed it as "the sarcophagus makes you evil over time", they never bothered to explain how or why.
Paul mentioned that he had the marks himself, despite not owning or using one.
On the other hand, he might have been lying about having to cure himself.

Pretty sure he was just lying. He has a whole schtick to adhere to anytime he's around other Goa'uld and, at this point, he might already be accustomed to behave as if he's one of them or something.

Paulmon's whole impersonation and infiltration of Goa'uld high society is such a fascinating story, but I'm also curious in how his dealings with Earth are going. In one of the recent segments we got confirmation that Bastet has an eye on his world or is at least somewhat aware of what's going on there, but would those dealings be noticed or cause any issue? At this point Mammon is rising high in her esteem in a relatively short time.
soul is the software and body is the hardware

one problem is manageable but 2 problem will slorp together into a bigger one
It doesn't damage the brain at all.

So this should be two separate problems that he mistakenly thinks is connected.

Mind, this may be Zoat rewriting how everything works again. So I am only speaking about how it canonically works.
According to Star Gate canon it really is the sarcophagus.

Though the show portayed it as "the sarcophagus makes you evil over time", they never bothered to explain how or why.
Because the damn thing isn't properly calibrated for either humans or Goa'uld, Goa'uld are simply more resistant to the downsides.

The sarcophagus is a half-assed monkey model copy of an Ancient Healing Device, something that was both a lot more powerful than a sarcophagus but also keyed to the physiology of the Ancients, driving regular humans insane with just hours of exposure(and when reviving the dead, resurrecting them in a zombified state similar to the "Cauldron-Born" Jaffa of the rpg).

The inventor of the sarcophagus, a Goa'uld named Telchak, had the device in his possession but like most Goa'uld didn't really understand how the device functioned. He was able to replicate its power in a lower energy form(the sarcophagus) that wasn't so harmful, but he didn't understand enough about the device to change its settings and remove the negative side-effects.
Hmm. Is it the Sarcophagus? Paul mentioned that he had the marks himself, despite not owning or using one.
Yes, he was lying, because Mammon would have those marks.
It could simply be a side-effect of having naquhdah in your bloodstream, because you have an alien-parasite in your brain.
No, sarcophaguses messing up your brain is canon. SG1 end up having to hunt down the ancient device they're based on in order to fix it.
How likely it is that Heset is Tokra spy?
110%, with a 10% margin for error.
Paulmon's whole impersonation and infiltration of Goa'uld high society is such a fascinating story, but I'm also curious in how his dealings with Earth are going. In one of the recent segments we got confirmation that Bastet has an eye on his world or is at least somewhat aware of what's going on there, but would those dealings be noticed or cause any issue? At this point Mammon is rising high in her esteem in a relatively short time.
Bastet kind of half-assumes that during his 'dead time'' his priesthood got serious about education and when he got up again he just went with it. She knows that he also has teachers who know another language, but a lot of different languages are spoken across gou'ald space so that's not that weird.
How far has Paul gotten with the understanding the technology floating around his head now?
He was looking for ships and ways to make his own so is he going the copy/paste route or understanding/upgrading what he has scanned…..
it's not all The sarcophagus though. their genetic memory is definitely a big part of it all.
by no means is anyone trying to say the Goa'uld aren't evil / brutal tyrants by default. It's that the worst of the Goa'uld usually comes from then going crazy or becoming mentally unstable from repeated use of the sarcophagus damaging their ability to self control.

Limiting Goa'uld to normal amounts of crazy or evil is a net good to the universe. For Paulmon and the Tok'ra.

Sure, they'll be smarter from not being stupid evil / insane, but considering how many lives that'll save over the long run it seems worth.
No, sarcophaguses messing up your brain is canon. SG1 end up having to hunt down the ancient device they're based on in order to fix it.

The method by which a Sarcophagus messes with a person is never named, though it's highly suggested to be soul based by Ascended Danial Jackson's statement that prolonged use will prevent even assisted Ascension.

And the reason they hunted down the original device, was to create a weapon to dissipate the Sarcophagus's residual energy, which was being used to animate the Kull Warriors.
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How far has Paul gotten with the understanding the technology floating around his head now?
He was looking for ships and ways to make his own so is he going the copy/paste route or understanding/upgrading what he has scanned…..
That's a done deal. He understands it as well as Am-heh and all of his ancestors. He doesn't understand how sarcophaguses work for the reasons stated above, but anything else? No problem.
It doesn't damage the brain at all.

So this should be two separate problems that he mistakenly thinks is connected.

Mind, this may be Zoat rewriting how everything works again. So I am only speaking about how it canonically works.
Not really, when it was explained to SG-1 that the sarcophagus damages the soul, it was a metaphor or simplification in casual conversation. Iirc it was a quick justification for why the Tok'Ra don't use them. Soul could have been substituted with personality to the same result.

The Tok'Ra aren't experts in souls and there's no reason to believe that they were being literal.

TLDR sarcophagus' don't effect souls, just bodies.
Not really, when it was explained to SG-1 that the sarcophagus damages the soul, it was a metaphor or simplification in casual conversation. Iirc it was a quick justification for why the Tok'Ra don't use them. Soul could have been substituted with personality to the same result.

The Tok'Ra aren't experts in souls and there's no reason to believe that they were being literal.

TLDR sarcophagus' don't effect souls, just bodies.
Stargate Season 6 Episode 6.

How many times has it been already? It can regenerate your body, make you strong enough to go through that all over again, but all the time, it's destroying who you are. And once that happens, you won't be able to ascend no matter how much you want to.
Right now, I can't imagine doing or being anything other than what I am. I see things, I understand things, in a way I never could have before. But I chose this. Even when Jacob was trying to heal me, I chose this. But you in the place you're at right now, you don't have any other choices. This is not your life we're talking about, Jack! This is your soul!

Tok'ra aren't experts true, but the Ascended are.
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